• Member Since 9th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen March 28th


I don't read your stories because I'm crazy. I'm crazy because I read your stories!

More Blog Posts343

  • 280 weeks
    Lost Marbles!? What Happened To You?

    Howdy, y’all.

    I’ve been silent on FimFic for a very long time, and this blog post has been a long time coming.

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    7 comments · 583 views
  • 333 weeks
    What an incredibly bizarre feeling...

    I just binged the entirety of DEVILMAN Crybaby, and while the somber tones of the ending where still settling in my brain, I turned on the first episode of Cyborg 009 VS Devilman.

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    0 comments · 452 views
  • 336 weeks
    Medieval Coroner Reports

    On Saturday, August 9th, 1298, a candle on the wall in a small shop in Oxford fell onto the floor and ignited the straw flooring. John and Alice Trivaler, the husband and wife operators of the shop, that was also their home, rushed out of the burning building; however, no sooner than when they reached safety, to Alice's utter horror, she remembered her infant son of only four weeks was

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  • 339 weeks
    Huh... I was there...

    I slipped and twisted my ankle during this storm and spent three depressing days snowed in a hospital. And that was when I discovered Fimfic.

    Never knew it was a part of meme history.

    0 comments · 477 views
  • 339 weeks
    NaNoWriMo's over... so what now? What have I learned?

    NaNoWriMo is over. I didn't meet the written goal, but it's not a failure.

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    2 comments · 513 views

I've got 4 followers. Gotta do something or else they may get suspicious (50 questions, fewer answers) · 1:04pm Apr 12th, 2014

1. What is your first name:
No answer

2. How old are you:
I'm older than I feel and I look older than I am. Mid-20's

3. What country are you from:

4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable:
I've been told I look like Jim Carrey. Twice

5. What do you wish you looked like:
Maybe less like a guy who talks out of his ass (literally)

6. How did you come across My Little Pony:
I just decided to watch it some day.

7. What is your favorite ship in My Little Pony and why:
That helicopter in "Testing, Testing, 1 2 3". Helicopters are airships, right?
Srsly, I don't care but I do think Big Mac and Cheerilee are cute together.

8. What is your least favorite ship and why:
Don't care too much on ships.

9. Have you admitted to anyone outside of Fimfiction that you love MLP:
No, but I wouldn't lie if I was asked. I know it is not a perfect show but I get a good amount of entertainment from it and it is nothing to be ashamed of.

10. Were they a family member:
See previous answer

11. Favorite MLP Episode:
Gosh, I guess "Pinkie Pride" would be my favorite, but my guilty pleasure episode is "Hearts and Hooves Day" because Cherilee and Big Mac's baby talk and the CMC's disgust crack me up every time.

12. Who is your favorite superhero:
Batman, before he got super emo.

13. Who is your favorite anti-hero:
Is Wolverine anti-hero? I didn't grow up with comic books.

14. Favorite supervillain:
The Joker

15. Favorite anti-villain?
What's that?

16. What was the last book you read:
Fiction: The Hobbit (They're turning that into a trilogy? Seriously?)
Nonfiction: 特定の人としかうまく付き合えないのは、結局、あなたの心がさめているからだ。(Try saying that three times fast).
Fun Fact: I've read more than 20 books this year already (I keep count). Not counting the tons of Fimfiction I've already gobbled up.

17. Last movie you watched:
Ben-Hur. Best Jesus movie isn't about Jesus.

18. What is your favorite song at the moment:

19. What song do you always come back to:

20. What is your current job:
I hate it and my last day is in 2 1/2 months

21. If this is not your final job what job do you want in the future:
Self-employed, traveling, multi-lingual, translating, cartoonist/writer
But for now, I will settle with something that lets me develop my language, translating skills or lets me travel.

22. What is your dream job:
Self-employed, traveling, multi-lingual, translating, cartoonist/writer

23. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest achievement:
I taught myself a second language and tested out of advance classes in college. Got to study abroad entirely on scholarship as well, too.

24. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest failure:
There are several things in my life that I have done because of inexperience and I didn't know better. Got me fired from one of my jobs.

25. Do you have any pets:
I used to have a lot, but now they are all getting old and dying.

26. What is your dream pet:
A dog. Medium sized. Wears a Bandana. Named Bandit. He would be fucking awesome.

27. Do you own any weapons:
Nope. I improvise.

28. Is there a gun you really want:
I would love a gun that would freeze people in time and space.

29. What Religion are you:
None, but I do my best to respect those of others.

30. If you could hang out with one person in all of history who would it be:
Benjamin Franklin. His Autobiography was amazing.

31. If you could bring back one person from the dead for one day who would it be:
Martin Luther King Jr. I would seriously like to hear what he would have to say about BET and what not. Ever seen the show "Boondocks"?

32. Are you political:

33. Are you married:
No, and sorry to let you down, but I don't plan on marrying anytime soon.

34. Do you have a special somepony:
Somepony? No.
Somebody? Also a no.

35. Have a crush on anyone:
I do.

36. Care to explain:
I'm not making a move because I will be moving back to 'Murica soon and I don't believe in long distance relationships.

37. Do you consider yourself attractive:
I've been told if I took slightly better care of myself, lost a few pounds and upgraded my wardrobe I would be very attractive. But everyone's mom says that.

38. If you could spend one day with someone still alive who would it be:
Les Brown. Motivational speaker. A day with him would really help me out. Him or somebody else that would make a great inspirational role model. Could use more of those.

39. Who is your favorite pony:

40. Any embarrassing secrets you would like to share:
I was a bad student in school. I had overconfident incompetence in college. But now that I am out of the system, I love to learn. I'm almost like Twilight.

41. If you have done any stories/art what is your favorite piece(s):
I used to draw a lot in high-school and now I am getting back into it. I have no favorites.

42. Are you a virgin:

43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have no regrets about:
Getting into MLP. Oh, and that one time I did that one thing in Okinawa. That was crazy.

44. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have regrets about:
See question 24.

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind:
Not going to answer

46. Do you regret saying this fetish:
Not going to answer

47. What are some of your favorite FIM stories:
My favorite is The Temporal Manipulations of a Victorious Timekeeper and I can't wait for this to be updated again.
I loved The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and most of its complementary works. The Dead-Derpy-verse/alternate history will tear your heart out.
Of Lillies and Chestnuts was also cute, but I really loved University Days so much that I read it twice. I also greatly enjoyed Trixies Gettin' Back on her Hooves.

The first fanfic I have read that really got me hooked (which was my second one) was Shipping and Handling.

In all honesty, I just answered these questions so I could share my love of these stories.

48. Favorite Quote:
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world" -Anne Frank

49. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings just to hurt them:
I use to be very insecure and teased people. I never got to be a big bully, but I took pot shots when I could I regret doing that now. I used to make fun of Bronies, now look at me.

50. Did you answer these questions honestly:
The ones I answered in detail are pretty honest.

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