• Member Since 9th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday

Quill Scratch

Dubs Rewatcher once described me as "an intense literary analyst". I describe me as "a room of monkeys with typewriters."

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Starting Afresh · 8:53pm Mar 9th, 2014

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that some things never really change. It's often easy to dismiss something you love for being unproductive, or childish, and to spend long periods of time spurning them. I know I've spent the last three years avoiding writing fanfiction, despite the overwhelming number of ideas that pop into my head and circle around, never really leaving me alone, simply because I felt there were better uses of my time; I could be trying to write something to get published, and push my writing to be its best with the pressure of editors and publishers and the like. But I've realised today that my passion for fanfiction and telling stories doesn't seem to want to go away, and I think I'm finally coming to terms with the implications of that for me as a writer.

Last time I tried to write a fanfiction, I dived in at the deep end - without very much planning, I decided to write a novel-length epic despite having never written anything beyond 20,000 words at the time. Unsurprisingly, I never had the stamina nor the willpower to finish it and to this day it sits abandoned. Today I've started afresh, a new determination to succeed behind me as I decide once again to try and write a novel-length epic; although this time I have a 47,000 word unfinished novel to my name as a sign of my barely-improved writing stamina. Yes, there are some things that never really change, but I'm hoping that with your support and guidance, I can break a trend that has always bothered me - my inability to finish a fanfic.

Your faithful student,
Quill Scratch.

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