• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.

More Blog Posts239

  • Saturday

    > USER "5345564E"
    > USER "5345564E" HAS OPENED A CHAT

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    9 comments · 369 views
  • 3 weeks
    Ending and Moving Forward

    It's been a long time coming, but we're coming up on the end of Diaries of the Anonymous Filly. There is one comparatively short chapter left (pending edit), and then the epilogue, however long it ends up. I considered dragging out the final story arc a bit longer, but honestly, I've come to a point where I'm comfortable leaving Anon's story.

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  • 16 weeks
    Something Neat I Found

    So, like any normal author who writes fanfiction about a pony named Anon, I often browse the oc:filly anon tag on Derpibooru. Well, today while taking a look in there, I found something that really, really made me smile. Sure, these aren't my bug, Anonymous Flicker, but it's great to finally see some changeling queen Anon arts out there. I still positively squeed when I saw them.

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  • 28 weeks
    Events to come and User Input

    So now that Make Your Mark has reached its apparent conclusion, I have a vague outline for the path that Vlogs of an Ancient Insect may take. That said, I'm looking at concluding things at Roots of All Evil - Part 2 before going into an epilogue. Before I go too far with things, I thought I'd shake some things up with some community input on canon events.

    Chime in after the break.

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  • 30 weeks
    Our Queen of Mischief and Magic

    Little surprise for you all tonight!
    Your—hopefully—favourite changeling queen, Anonymous Flicker has now been given form in the style of Tell Your Tale.

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Displaced - Chapter 12 Author's Notes & Comments · 5:10pm May 17th, 2012

Howdy folks. Seven is here with another chapter of Displaced for you. This chapter was a lot of fun to write, even if I found it a tad difficult to write the parts of the Princesses. They've had barely enough screen time for me to find a decent way to portray them. As a result, I ended up portraying Celestia as the more serious of the two. Then again, with all things considered, she would be wary of a creature she's had no direct contact with before; she would have reason to be stiff and cautious, so perhaps it's justified? I dunno for sure. As for Luna, I decided to have her as the more energetic and playful of the two. I went with this decision because everyone knows that Luna is the younger sister, and in stereotypical fashion, the younger sibling is always the more playful and curious of the two.

I also touched on something that a few users commented on. Of course I am talking about Warren's choice to use the flower petals instead of the stems in making cloth for his clothing. Many noted that stems would make the better choice for a material to make cloth out of as they'd be more durable than petals. This was designed to impress that his thought-processes are still influenced by his being in a childlike state for the last two weeks. He doesn't think things completely through like an adult normally would, and he's still not completely emotionally stable, as signified by his quick shift into panic.

Finally, we're finally getting into the part of the story I've most wanted to write. The next chapter is in for some pretty interesting scenes. On top of that, there is more planned for exposition regarding Warren. Things should really start moving now, even if I am not necessarily churning out chapters.

I again need to extend thanks to DarkxRedemption, RLYoshi, frieD195, and of course BearCider. You guys do such a great job editing, especially BearCider. You're always knee-deep and not just skimming for errors, allowing for better insight into how others might read things.

Finally, I leave you guys all with a gift, a ponified version of one of my favorite songs.

Oh, and BearCider says "Kevlar is a recognized trademark of DuPony."

Report Seven Fates · 385 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Hear's hoping he becomes a colt again soon =D

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