• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2012
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A nerd who thought it would be cool to, with the help of a few equally insane buddies adapt the entire Marvel Universe (with some DC Comics thrown in for kicks) with My Little Pony...wish me luck

More Blog Posts1733

  • 140 weeks
    2021 movie

    I arise from the grave exclusively to say that the 2021 MLP movie was lit. I’m hyped for G5

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  • 185 weeks
    Opening Commissions

    I know it probably looks weird, considering my inactivity, but I figured I'd at least try to motivate myself into writing again by sprinkling in commission work. Also, I'm in a bit of a money pit, and will be moving relatively soon, so I figured I should try to supplement my income.

    There's gold in them thar smut, after all.

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  • 256 weeks
    Area Man Not Dead, Just a Lazy Bastard

    Okay, I feel I should say that no, I am in fact, not dead.

    Sorry to disappointed.

    Life has been busy, chaotic, and generally messy, but the good news is that since MLP is about to enter its final series of episodes, I figure I should just sit it out, and let the series end, before beginning my attempts to reboot any of my projects.

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  • 362 weeks
    Perhaps I should undergo a reincarnation

    Its been tugging at me, but I've been seriously considering of reinventing my account.

    Basically, I'd create a new account, and then focus on that revised version of Harmony's Warriors I mentioned in my last blog post, and post it to that new account.

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  • 371 weeks
    Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    First things first, I'm not dead.

    I've just been working on other things, and generally trying to collect my thoughts regarding Harmony's Warriors, since I've hit a horrific dry-spell.

    After much thought, and talk with the venerable and honorable nightcrawler-fan, I've decided it's best to do what's basically a low-key reboot/refurbishing of the Universe.

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That blog post you all knew was coming: If I were to rewrite Flutterhulk and what would I change · 8:17pm Feb 4th, 2014

Okay, before you all start forming mobs in the street, burning an effigy of me and chanting for no more rewrites, hear me out:

For one thing, I'd probably only rewrite portions of the story, since, luckily for me, most of what happens to Fluttershy in the story would happen if she were a scientist anyways, regardless of any other changes. So here's the major good news:

The opening parts, focusing on her childhood, would remain untouched, since they work perfectly well. The sequences with her mother, which take up most of the last half of the story, also work perfectly well if she's a scientist or not, since really, she's without resources, and on her last ropes.

The only real, major changes would be the following:

Hoofcuff would probably be deleted from the story, and moved to the position of Maria Hill, which works better for her, and she didn't really influence anything in the story beyond serving the purpose to give a 'reason you suck speech' to Iron Will....so yeah, she'd probably be cut out. That's it really.

Also, that little flashback-subplot would probably be either changed, or deleted, since really, it just provides padding and poor Posey simply vanishes from the story, with her relationship being unresolved. If anything, I'd just make Posey Fluttershy's full blown, actual biological mother, which helps patch up that little black hole of a plot and helps resolve their issues.

Lastly, overall, I'd probably just have it follow the plot of the 2008 film much more closely, since it worked just fine (yes, that means cutting the sequence where's she's imprisioned, since it only serves to make the story longer then it should be).

Now, here comes the core question. Will any of these rewrites drastically effect the basic point of Flutterhulk/references in other stories? No, it will not, since, really, I was going to have Fluttershy start studying science regardless of plot changes, since she'd want to find a way to fix her problem. This meant that, come Harmony's Warriors Assembled, she'd actually have some science knowledge.

However, if I just come clean and make her a scientist, I can help save myself tons of time, and generally help patch up the obvious question of "Why is Fluttershy on the helicarrier in the first place?"

And most importantly, you won't be forced to re-read the story at all, since the basic events stay the same, it's just the details that change.

So how does that sound?

Comments ( 48 )

Well, you know my thoughts on that. You don't have to change it if you don't want to. But if you feel it will serve your future stories better to make some changes then more power to you. But don't do it because a fat guy in his parent's basement gave you one bad review. (BTW, the fat guy is me, if you didn't gather that already).

This has to be something you want. And if you really want to and you think you can improve the quality of your stories with this, more power to you.

1795951 No it is.

Mostly because, a key aspect of Bruce's character is that he can do many wonderful things to help the world using his mind, but is cursed with being unable to due to the Hulk.


Be sure to remove the confusing last name thing between Flutters and her dad. Also as a consideration for a slight change to your Soar story, have RD named Bifrost

Are you gonna be cutting some of the useless scenes?


a slight change to your Soar story, have RD named Bifrost


And in regards to Flutterhulk's wonky last name, yes I'll fix that.

1795979 And rename Celestia "Sol" and Luna "Mani" the gods of the sun and moon in Norse mythology

1795975 yeah.

Basically every scene with Hoofcuff sadly.


Seriously dude, unless you're giving legit input, don't do that.:ajbemused:

It's really annoying.

1795999 I'm actually being serious :trixieshiftleft:



1796039 Rainbow Dash is her Donald Blake :applejackunsure: Calm down man :rainbowderp:


I'm not even having her have a Donald Blake identity here. It's pointless. She doesn't need one.

If anything, I saved myself tons and tons of time by cutting that idea out.

Closer to the movie? I'm disappointed in you. I was hoping this would be about adding more original elements to the plot, not making the story in a cheap knock off where you just replace Bruce Banner's name with Fluttershy's.

I hate stories like that.

1796063 No.

Then why would I even go through the work of making her rainbow Dash? What's the point? If I wanted to name her Bifrost, I'd make her an original character, and have Rainbow Dash play a different role. Not have her be named something else and then only use the name 'Rainbow Dash' as an alias.

Seriously that's an incredibly ill thought out idea bro.

Has your constant rage against 20th Century Fox and their decisions for X-Men just rotted your brain or something?


1796073 I've read a few chapters and........................... I couldn't get into it

1796067 Well, no, i'm obviously not doing that either.

I hate that too.

I'm just saying that the whole Hoofcuff thing could have been cut.:applejackunsure:

1796082 Then try again.

Because Harmony's Warriors Assembled will make exactly zero-percent sense if you haven't read Soar.

1796083 Just saying. Closer to the movie isn't always a good thing. Glad we're on the same page.

1796104 yeah....

Actually, the main thing tht bugged me is that Fluttershy didn't know jack squat about science, yet, in later stories, this'll obviously be an issue.

If anything, I'll add a scene with her in a home made lab, trying to craft a serium or something, and thats how the government found her, since the lab was reported and Iron Will looked into it.

Beyond that, thankfully, nothing else will change.

Feel me?

1796082 read it. It is good and, because more people went into writing it than the other stories, has more TLC put into it.

I'd probably just have it follow the plot of the 2008 film much more closely, since it worked just fine

I supose it's your choice, even though most of the stories problems were circumstancial rather than the core plot, and just with some polishing and a bit of--

(yes, that means cutting the sequence where's she's imprisioned)

Oh, come on.
I really enjoyed those parts, but if you think the story can benefit from shortening that part, or getting rid of it all together, well, it's your call.
I'm not entirely against making Fluttershy a full blown scientist, but I liked the way you portrayed her.
You once said that you wanted to show her being interested in sciences, particularly biology, so it surprised me that you never really showed it.
I think I even told you once in the comments that you could have done that while they were in Cheerilee's house/lab
But if you were to change her?
Well, I guess could picture her as being a promising science student whose future was truncated by the whole Flutterhulk debacle, and only retaking her studies with N.E.I.G.H.S.
But hey, it's just an idea.

1796126 yeah if anything thats the most radical change. Highlit that fact (i.e. Cheerilee mentions her idea and Flutterhulk balks on scientific grounds instead of just being shy), and everything else in the story becomes small beans

1796111 Yeah. I do. That said, I should probably get off my butt, read your stories, then go work on mine some time soon.

But I like Hoofcuff.

Makes sense to me, especially giving Fluttershy some science skills. I will miss Hoofcuff's role, but I get the sense I'll be the only one.:applejackunsure:

I'll say do what you think feels best for the story and your series; you want to rewrite it? Go ahead and rewrite it, just don't let a few reviews dictate how your story is written.

Also, I agree with you in regards to names; that's just a bit silly and will confuse first time readers

1796393 yeah, in the end, All I'm adding is a quick scene of her being a science geek, and then maybe hoofcuff looking through the lab after they found it.

Hoofcuff would probably be deleted from the story, and moved to the position of Maria Hill, which works better for her, and she didn't really influence anything in the story beyond serving the purpose to give a 'reason you suck speech' to Iron Will....so yeah, she'd probably be cut out. That's it really.

Stahp betrayin' yo OC's man!:raritydespair:

first Sparkplug, and now poor Hoofcuff.:fluttershbad:

As you can see i am firmly against cutting out Hoofcuff, tho i am all for her becoming Maria Hill at a later point.:trixieshiftright:

Making Posey Fluttershy's Mom would be cute, and all you'd really need is to change Treeflower's Name... but that just makes Treeflower ANOTHER OC your betrayin.:twilightangry2:

That being said, i Support Posey being Fluttershy's earth Pony mom, who could pass as her twin... dat family resemblance is Uncanny!:pinkiecrazy:

1796535 i'm not betraying Hoofcuff...I'd just be moving her to a place she'd fit in better, just like Spark Plug

1796777 It stays.

In the end, I decided to just add a sequence with her in a home built lab before she goes to work, and then a sequence of Hoofcuff investigating the lab, and then some mentioning of science at the end of the story.

That way, the idea of Fluttershy actually knowing something about science makes a little more sense.

Why not just make Hoofcuff a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent and be done with it. I mean you just cannot get rid of a good original character like that. :fluttershysad:

Please don't get rid of Hoofcuff.

As for Fluttershy's mother being a scientist along with her father, I think it could work and tie-into the Avengers storyline, with a twist being Fluttershy being the Hulk and her mother is the scientist. So go for that twist. :yay:

Flashback/origins....interesting to show the character's back story.

1796931 No I fully support Fluttershyintist, I mor worried about the two or three scenes that really did nothing but extend the story and add nothing to the story.

1797063 Oh yeah I coulda just done that.


Why didn't I make Hoofcuff a SHIELD agent? That would explain so much:facehoof:

But yeah I just think it works that Fluttershy is the scientist, so that way, she can mature eventually a character, and not always rely on help from someone else.



I really cannot see that coming at all, especially given the character timid nature on the show. :ajbemused:

1797584 Well, just because she has some scientific knowledge, that doesn't mean she suddenly changes her entire character.

She'd still be the same shy, incredibly paranoid mare we know and love.


If her mother will still play a role or two in this, then I may think it over. :trixieshiftleft:

1798078 Oh don't worry I'm keeping her.

In fact, basically, I'm just going to add maybe one scene with her tinkering in a home made lab, then have her mention some science stuff when talking with Cheerilee...

that's it.

Everything else will be the same.


Well then, lets see what you can do. :twilightsmile:

Why not just make Hoofcuff Maria Hill from the beginning?

1800952 That's what I was thinking...

Maybe she got sent undercover?

Shining Armor is suspicious about Iron Wills...well, sanity... and wants someone to check on him.
And he doesn't ask Twilight because, c'mon, there are other agents in NEIGH.
Pretty simple, and you keep your O.C'S

OC loyalty is serious business.:ajbemused:

1801038 No that makes sense.

Again, all I have to add is a line about her being from NEIGHS, and Iron Will being all "I don't want them meddling but fine, as long as she doesn't get in my hair"

1801048 Is there anyway to get Hoofcuff in without Iron Will knowing? It would make more sense for an undercover operative to check up on someone without them knowing.

1801079 Well, it could just be chalked up to her position as Marshall being her cover.....

Or just have Iron Will say "I don't want to hire you, but your boss has leaned on me long enough, so here you are."

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