• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2017


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  • 546 weeks

    I need all the confidence I can get to finish this, and that means knowing all of you won't make it a waste of my time and talents. So here is a sneak peek! let me know if I should keep going or not. Feel free to add any feedback in the comments too, I could always use some.

    7 comments · 744 views
  • 547 weeks
    Here's the Deal

    As cute as Daring Don't was, Im not gonna consider it cannon in my upcoming story. Ive been working on it too long to have it all go out the window now.

    So... hope you all like it anyway, even if it isnt shipping Daring and Dash.

    I do like how they basically used the personality I developee for her. Though mine is more deep rooted and hindering than the quick fix of the show.

    0 comments · 451 views
  • 548 weeks

    Coleridge was a drug addict. Poe was an alcoholic. Marlowe was killed by a man whom he was treacherously trying to stab. Pope took money to keep a woman's name out of a satire then wrote a piece so that she could still be recognized anyhow. Chatterton killed himself. Byron was accused of incest. Do you still want to a writer - and if so, why?

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    2 comments · 508 views
  • 548 weeks
    The Sacrifices of Passion and Pursuit

    You ever freverently sought a goal so passionately that you become self obsessed? You turn into a raving loon and soon all your friends dump you. It happened to Poe and even Hemmingway.

    Unlike them, however, my passion hasnt paid off. I invested too much and sacrificed too much. The price was greater than the payoff and now I have nothing to show on both ends.

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    31 comments · 580 views
  • 548 weeks
    The Sacrifices of Passion and Pursuit

    You ever freverently soughtba goal so passionately that you become self obsessed? Yoy turn into a raving loon and soon all your friends dump you. It happened to Poe and even Hemmingway.

    Unlike them, however, my passion hasnt paid off. I invested too much and sacrificed too much. The price was greater than the payoff and now I have nothing to show on both ends.

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    0 comments · 399 views

For Whom The Bell Tolls · 9:32pm May 9th, 2012

I have cleaned out my closet. There are no stories to my name, and probably won't be for a while. I'm at a loss of what to do and seeing that horrible creation of mine "The Back Room" keep getting favorites and watches only piles on more unwanted expectations.

I don't know if I'll ever be back. But it's been fun while I was here.

Report Ponyman · 300 views ·
Comments ( 38 )

it's been fun having you here:twilightsmile:

Well, its a shame, I was actually looking forward to to you finishing that story, but if you're out of ideas then theres not really a point. It was a good run and thanks for writing some great stories, I hope things continue to go well for you in whatever you decide to do next. :moustache:

*Long slow blink*


:raritydespair: I didn't download ANY of your stories! Why, for Faust sakes, WHY didn't you leave everything up for archival purposes?!?

That story wasn't horrible, and it's sad to see you go. But it was nice while you were here! Hope things go well for you from now on! :pinkiesmile:

It's not like they were worth reading

I'm not leaving forever, I just need to rejuvenate.

... I was studying The Back Room for tips about writing clop... Now I am sad. It was fun while it lasted...

Go study Romance Reports for tips of writing clop. Stay away from me

107427 Oh! Okay good. Well then, I hope you have a good break.

107447 :ajbemused: .... :ajsleepy: ... I give up. A waiter can't refill your glass if he's pushed away, you know? Same with me and my failed attempts at giving you a refill of self-esteem and confidence. Great. I think I dropped my proverbial Pitcher. Dammit, 61480 >>iloveportalz0r! All my pitchers are broken! :fluttercry:

I'll be back once I've restocked.

107521 "Super Big Mac replied to your comment on For Whom The Bell Tolls"
LIES! I DID NOT POST A COMMENT HERE! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_RageFace.png

107532 MWAHAHAHA! That is revenge for letting Discord drink my pitcher!

I don't get you, I truly don't get you...

Anyway, a final advice from me: stop that fucking retarded thirsts for EqD fame, you wont get anywhere by keeping it up.

What's not to get? I'm bitter and angry?


No, the fact than a few harsh critiques are enough for you to throw everything away. And not only that, but too than if a fic of your doesn't make it to EqD, that immediately tells you it sucks balls, and that you should just give up and delete it.

Well, the only comfort that I get from this whole ordeal is that I did have fun being your "pseudo-prereader". Heck, that on itself made me get a bit closer of writing that idea of mine...

Well don't let me stop you from achieving your goals.

It's more than just EqD

Why did you have to go and delete something people liked :l
You said "it's been fun" after you take away what we had fun with :L
Why couldn't you just simply make this post WITHOUT causing drama.

Srsly, I respect you as an author and individual, but when you (authors in general) do shit like this, fuck you (authors in general)


It's not deleted. It's still there if you follow the URL. I just got tired of association with it

:v well i'm a complete jackass; still, if you deleted it that's how i'd feel.

I still love your work :3


Oh no, its not you, it is only that the whole concept of my pseudo-fic is an extremely huge hypocrisy on my opinions about other fics, so it is more of an internal struggle.

Then what...?

A multitude of things. I can't come up with ideas. All my ideas I do have suck. The usual

You're a good author. That's why I followed you.

But you're also a drama queen, apparently. That's why I'm now unfollowing you. e.e;

Seriously, chill out and stop being so pointlessly bitter about nothing. There's no excuse for throwing silly tantrums like this, deleting stories others obviously enjoyed reading, just because what a few other people say about it.

Yeah, leave me. They all do. Sorry I'm too much of a "drama queen" for you to understand my issues.

Well, your reasons are your own, but if it is because of hate from particular sources then I completely understand. I would, however, like to offer a quote from a certain Mr. W. Churchill:

"If you're going through hell, keep going."

Hope that helps. If it doesn't, well, I tried and the rest of your fans'll keep trying.

So much bawww in one place. Srsly get over yourself. No matter how much positive encouragement you get or how many people obviously enjoy your work, even the cloppy stuff, once you get any sort of criticism you jump on your soap box and push the DELETED EVERYTHING BUTTON. Bawww nobody like my writing, baww I'm not good enough, bawww one critic didn't like what they saw so obviously its no good.

I'm sure you're just going to reply with some stupid snappy comment like you always do so COME AT ME BRO.

108024 I know this is frustrating. Trust me, I've been talking to him personally for like six months. But really, do you think getting angry at him and saying crap like that is going to actually help him?


Heh, don't worry about it. We argue like this all the time, its pretty normal. It seems harsh but it really isn't under our usual standards. LOL

not long ago you asked for feedback, a few of us give you our 2 cents about you'r situation, and i dont know if you read it so anyway good luck with you'r future projects

any one able to get me a link for "The Back Room" story.
i dont get why you deleted all your work if you are not happy with it use it to make your self better dont just dump it and leave.

Sorry to hear that. I thought you had a quite unique style at least.
And keep in mind there's always those hating on stuff since it's not their cup of tea. Heck, lot of mine get hated on for various reason, some of which being "not enough aimed towards males." or etc.

i think i said this somewhere else but EQD is shit shit shit when it comes to fanfiction

all it does is suck up your soul when you get denied

stop looking at it as author approval centre and look at it as a checkpoint for extra views
i mean what kind of shitty ass website denies a fanfic with great wording, great descriptions and great themes just because there are too many wh40k stories?

shitty ass website

You know, I can kinda relate because right now, I'm getting my ass kicked by the real writing world as my original short stories are constantly being rejected, and I don't have that much in terms of ideas right now, but I try not to let it get me down. Being rejected is part of being a writer (wasn't Harry Potter originally rejected by every publisher in the UK or something?), so it's nothing to get worked up about (heck, I've been rejected from EqD too).

I also thought It's All in Your Head and Shattered Prism were pretty cool, so it's a shame you took them down. If you're upset about them not being as popular as The Back Room, don't be.

And really, keep in mind we are writing stories about a kiddie cartoon with talking ponies here. Getting all over the top about it is just silly.

After I read "The Back Room" I have been addicted to your stories, they were all very good in my opinion and i want you to know that you, sir, inspired me to begin writing. :pinkiehappy:
I can't understand why you don't believe in yourself or your stories but know this, I will be awaiting the day you come back, in the meantime you will be missed dearly. :twilightsmile:
I love you, in a totally hetero way. :heart:

Back room isn't the the only story you have done is it?
As it was not that story that alerted me to this blog.

I recommend going three days without pony. It's good for regenerating your thoughts.

Watch Movies
Recommendations: James Bond: Casino Royale
The Avengers (Saw it today, it was bad ass.)
Clash of the Titans (Both old and new versions are good)
Love Guru
Band of Brothers (Favorite)
Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Maybe enjoy a nice day at a local park?


I agree with you completely, here. I recently found out a favorite author of mine dropped the fandom I started reading her works for. I'm cool with people moving on to different fandoms, but she took down more than twenty completed stories that had hundreds of reviews and favorites each when she did so. No reason. She just took them down. I've never written a more politely scathing Private Message in my life, and I'm really good at being politely scathing.

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