• Member Since 29th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen March 29th

Jet Howitzer

If you close your eyes, it's like nothing's ever changed.

More Blog Posts190

  • 510 weeks
    Spam be Damned

    I said I was gonna do it, and I did it. Not my best run, but I have had worse attempts.

    Sursum Aeternum!
    -Jet Howitzer

    5 comments · 592 views
  • 510 weeks
    I am the make Movie-Film

    First, I am making some progress in regards to writing. Fireflies is more than likely next to get an update, and then some of my other works.

    In other news, I'm going to start doing some recordings of myself playing some games I like, along with commentary. Because I can. And I think that it's fun.

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    3 comments · 606 views
  • 512 weeks
    Democracy: Probably a Dictatorship

    Well, dear readers, I've reached a smidgen of a snag when it comes to Fireflies. Not anything too dramatic, it's still going to be written, and things of that nature. So, don't worry about me abandoning it, or something like that. I'm not that much of a tosser... Most of the time.


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    20 comments · 609 views
  • 518 weeks
    I am now 23

    The title says it all, people.
    As of today, July 4, 2014 I am 23 years of age.

    Please, hold your applause, and just throw money. Can't buy shit with applause.

    Sursum Aeternum!
    -Jet Howitzer

    15 comments · 706 views
  • 519 weeks
    A Tale of Two Stories

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
    There are two tales that I would like to shamelessly endorse, now, and here they are:

    Distant Memories

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    1 comments · 499 views

Your Opinion Counts! · 4:34am Apr 30th, 2012

Readers, followers, and anyone else who reads this:
Please, tell me what your favorite story of mine is, and why? What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? How can I work to make that story better, and what can I do to improve my writing in general? What would you like to see more of? And what do you want to see less of? Do you have any ideas for events in any of my stories, or just ideas that you would like me to write?

I'm interested in getting some feedback on more than just each chapter as it comes out. Tell me what you think of one, or more, of my stories, and why you like/dislike it. I want to work on improving, so I'm interested in what you all think. And, as I said, feel free to list some ideas for things you would like to see. I'm always willing to entertain some new ideas. Good ones may even be turned into a story, written by me!

And, on an old note, ART! I would like to see some more! brokemaniac has offered his services for a picture from Rising Sun, but I'm always willing to see more work. So, whether you are a major artist, or just an amateur, I'd like to see what you can do.


Report Jet Howitzer · 585 views ·
Comments ( 30 )

I like In Tenebrae Invenit, because Luna. :trollestia: But Rising Sun isn't that bad, either. As far as things go, though, your writing is pretty solid. I know some people here on FiMFiction have some sort of vendetta against 2nd-person stories, but I say to the moon with them, yours are all good.

When it comes to ideas or art, though, I'm afraid I'm at a loss. :derpyderp2:

I like In Tenebrae Invenit becuz luna and dat plot dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Luna_lolface.png

Rising Sun love the idea!

My favorite has to be Rising Sun. I like how it's going and how well of a job you've done on it. Also I just like 2nd person stories. But I am curious. When it comes down to the time for Storm to choose one of the Mane Six, are you going to just decide yourself, have optional chapter choices, or something else entirely? If you don't want to spoil it I'm fine with that. :moustache:

And as for the artwork, how do you think a picture of Storm playing the piano would be like? I'm not saying I could draw it, but I'm sure somebody could make a rather nice picture of that.

To be honest I like all your stories. I can never choose a favorite one.

Tenebrae Invenit easily, contains Luna and the face you're re writing it to make it longer.

i like them all, but my fav has to be Rising Sun.
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Rising sun and Tenebrae Invenit (bet we all copied that name didn't we?) are my favourite two pieces, simply because rising sun is a great story and Luna is one of my favourites from the show, but the same applies to Tenebrae Invenit. I wasn't really keen on Returning home. But your two new ones do have allot of potential. As for ideas? I'm not very imaginative and past the whole implosion thing we discussed, I have nothing on the top of my head :pinkiecrazy:

I'd have to go with Tenebrae Invent. Hard core Luna fan is eating up dat delicious storyness.
You're doing very well with it so far, and I'd love to see you keep it up. Although the Likelihood of this happening is very low considering how much you've done my only concern with extending that was the fall coming too quickly, but you seem to be taking it really well.

I must also confess though to becoming a massive Rising Sun fan. Despite wanting to harm your person on occasion I can't help but really fall for your fantastic depictions of the characters, particularly Pinkie in the recent ones. You have a descriptive mastery I can only shadow.

Ok, ideas? Well, Invent you could go with a public appearance. Perhaps at an astronomy convention or something else night related. The Gala from 1000 years ago perhaps. It could go well, or it could go badly depending how you want to depict the fall.

Ideas for Riseing Sun? Sweep Pinkie off her hooves and carry her into a sunset of sweets and laughter to enjoy a poofy maned eternity........ah sorry you wanted story ideas not my life's aspirations.... Well unless I'm mistaken, I think you're going to be spending the next few 'weeks' (in story) getting to know each of the remaining mares in the expectation that you would pick one to formally go to the gala with. If you feel up to it, you could do a multiple choice option where there's a chapter where you take each of them, but that's setting you up to write at least six chapters. If you choose not to do that, I promise not to hurt you for not picking Pinke, unless you make her or Fluttershy cry, then you'd better hide your loved ones. :pinkiehappy:

I like The Long Road, because you (I) am dating Twilight (SQUEEEEEEEEE):pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

92337 I understand the Luna fixation. I must admit to being fond of her myself, hence writing the story. And those people who don't like second person stories are all just haters. And I find it funny that even with all the supposed hate towards second person stories, I'm doing surprisingly well.

92338 Because Luna is as good a reason as any. And dat plot is still going strong. I have quite a bit of time between when Nightmare Moon is going to show up, and where I am now. Plenty of room for even more plot.

92340 As do I. My first story, and my favorite as well. It'd be nice if it got more views, but I suppose 600+ is okay for now.

92345 I'd rather not think of how I'm going to choose. Every time I think I know, I realize why I like one of the other ponies, and suddenly I am not sure... I suppose I could do optional chapters, and see it through like that. Although that would be a metric shit-ton of writing, to do the gala six different ways. But I have time, still, so the decision can be delayed! Huzzah for procrastination!

92351 I understand. I also like all my stories. Although I am less proud of some, I intend to do re-writes for most of them.

92366 It's not really a re-write, in the most specific definition. It's more that I'm taking the time to really make the story complete. As it was it was easy to miss major parts of the story, but with the new fleshed out version you will be able to see everything that happens. And it may even open up room for branching off stories, such as what happens to Moonbeam after the incident.

92396 Rising Sun is my best work, in my opinion. It really shows how I have changed as a writer, since it was my first work. In the beginning chapters it is easy to see my flaws in writing, but as you continue through the story you can see the writing evolve.

92425 As I've said repeatedly in this whole reply, Rising Sun is my best work. In Tenebrae Invenit (Not copied!) is my second best. It's more of an experiment, though. I am trying to do more description in it, but I can't really tell if it is working. I just write what comes to me, and hope that it pleases the crowd. Returning Home was originally just a test to see if I could do emotionally charged single pieces. I don't know if that really came across, but I have been asked to elaborate on the war, so I will do that eventually.

92523 Luna is an interesting character to write, but my only concern is getting the change in character right. As she turns to Nightmare Moon over time, I need to have her personality change over time. That's where I'm afraid I'm going to mess it all up. If I go too fast it'll seem unnatural, but if I wait too long it'll seem too abrupt. God damn me, and my aspirations for good writing! As for the actual fall, and all that jazz; it's still a ways off, and a public appearance is actually a really good idea. It'll give me a chance to put her in a new situation where personality changes can be more easily executed. Forcing interaction between Luna and other ponies will be a good catalyst for her changes. As for Rising Sun? Well, I can't help how the chapters turn out, really. I have 'most' (By most I mean vague ideas) of the story already plotted out, and I'm just writing it as it comes. And I don't really think I'm being that descriptive, am I? I just write the characters as I feel they would be in any given situation. Although I must admit that I've already made Pinkie cry quite a bit... Oops. And you're right, the gala is still quite a ways off, both in story, and out. I have no idea how many chapters will be between now, and the gala, so you're guess is as good as mine. I still have four ponies to go through before I can have Storm even start to choose. And multiple chapters would be a BITCH! But, perhaps a necessity. Ultimately I know who Storm is going to pick, but that's in the end of the whole thing, the Gala is still undecided. And the Fluttershy chapters will likely include crying as well, so I will be sure to hide my loved ones.

92614 Can't help but say that I saw that coming from you. The Long Road does need some major editing, though, so I don't know when the next update there will be.

Hooray for responding to every comment! Now, Rising Sun will be the next story to get an update, so be on the lookout for an update in the next few days. Or, maybe, if I feel like staying up late (Again) there may be a new chapter tonight. We'll see how things go!

92971 Yay! Go Howitzer! woo! :pinkiehappy:

And I will never let you hurt my Fluttershy! NEVER!

92976 If the plot proceeds in such a way as to cause her to cry I won't change it. I won't allow feelings, even yours, to stop me from writing what must be written. And trust me, these last few chapters were hard to write for the simple reason that I like Pinkie quite a bit. Making her so sad was hard, but a necessity for plot development. I hope that you understand that I don't relish writing sad characters and plot, but when it is needed, I write it.

92977 I'm kidding, heh. Jeeze. Really, write what you write best, as you want to write it. I hate it when they cry, sure, but at the same time I love the way you make their hearts heal stronger than ever. It all ends up heart-warming in the end, even if I am holding sharp objects some of the time, and that's why I love the way you write. It's a beautiful if heart wrenching tale.

92985 I know you're kidding, but sometimes I actually have to stop myself from going too far with my writing. And you should put those sharp objects down. You wouldn't want to pop any balloons. That would make Pinkie sad. And I just made her happy, so don't you dare!

92988 True enough, poor Fluttershy over on my bed doesn't like it much when the sharp things come out.

92971 What are you? ARE YOU A SPIE!!?!/!!!!!?!!!!!?!?!?!?!:rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:


93022 No, but I know that you like Twilight, so I am not surprised that you like that story the most.

93115:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: okay. (don't forget LuLu)

92976 Yeah, about that update last night... I wrote some, but I never got enough to publish. Today, then, I will get up a new chapter.

94092 Le sigh, I guess I'll just have to spend the time I would be reading your story writing my own! Ah the pains of writing! Heheheheeheh
I look forward to it, whenever it comes, just so long as they never stop coming. Too many of my fave look forward to stories have finished in the last few days.

94110 Same here. And, if I continue to have people like you who enjoy my works, than you won't have to worry about Rising Sun ending any time soon. And, for the In Tenebrae Invenit lovers, there will be a couple of spin-offs written. Moonbeam is going to be the main character in the first spin-off.

94390 Moonbeam spinoff?? Huzzah!

My favourite is Dragon's Heart. I love the idea in it

94398 Verily. It'll cover a good portion of her life, and even establish some connections between In Tenebrae Invenit, and Rising Sun. Because I can just connect my stories like that.

95500 Most intriguing. I look forward to more forrays into....the wonderful world of Howitzer's mind
*twilight zone music*

95504 It's an entire universe, but I'll forgive you this time.

Huh. 548 days is a little late for the link to still be active, don't you think?

All I can say is hurry up with the rest of the chapters, get back to Fonder words, In Tenebrae Invenit, Tears Of An Angel, and Faux Pas Of The Heart. Ten we need a Flutters and Pinkie Nameless Romance story.

And more Fireflies and Faster Than Light. But the others first!

I think that there should be more dates with the Mane 6 or something like that. Maybe a picnic or going camping with the Crusaders to help them with their cutie marks. There's too much drama, something to ease off a bit would be nice. :twilightblush:

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