• Member Since 24th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2019


More Blog Posts87

  • 459 weeks
    I'm Not Dead, But I HAVE Released A Book

    Hi guys. As always I'm really sorry about how long it's been since I posted here. I mostly used this blog as a place to talk about ponies and to be completely honest I'm still yet to see any of season five. Horrific I know. I'm waiting until I can watch it with the girlfriend and she's been too busy to do so. It sounds like I'm missing some pretty good stuff though.

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  • 494 weeks
    Merry Christmas Everypony!

    Merry Christmas everypony. I hope you get something nice you really want, or give somepony else something they really want. I'd give you a Christmas update but it's a bit too grim for a day that's supposed to be happy. Christmas also marks the day I joined Fimfiction. Well, Christmas Eve does. I missed it though so here's a happy whatever we call the anniversary of our joining here.

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  • 525 weeks
    A Video I Did

    I'm afraid I'm here with more shameless self promotion. I wish I could offer you more but unfortunately there's not much to offer you at this point. I'm trying to take some steps to improve my life positively and take things in a better direction. To that end I recorded myself doing a recording of one of my stories, Tulips. I'm not asking you to buy anything this time. I'm just asking that you

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  • 528 weeks
    I Have New Short Stories Out

    Non-horse ones I'm afraid. I don't know how many of you are interested in non-horse stories from me but this is pretty much the place where I have the most people listening to what I say :twilightsmile: If you're interested in horse stories from me then I'm afraid you're going to have to wait as I'm still focusing on non-horse fiction at the minute. Life keeps getting in the way of that too. At

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  • 532 weeks
    I'm A Published Author, Again!

    I know we've been waiting for this for a while but the time has finally come. I have been published, properly. Still through Amazon, but that's okay. I can live with that. I don't know if I even told you the story of this story, so I'll tell it you know. I wrote a poem called The Beast. I then got the idea to extend it into an actual story...that I also called The Beast. After reading through the

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I Finished A Story · 3:51pm Nov 13th, 2013

Prepare for a copypaste dump! This is what I wrote for the final author's notes on my story Working Towards The Future. I posted the last chapter of it today. Just now actually.

This is it then. This is the end of the longest project I have ever worked on. In terms of length, not how long I was working on it. When I was writing this I had to stop writing my novel, which I'd been working on for a year and was only forty something thousand words long. Not like this insane beast of a story that is now the length of not one, not two, but THREE good size novels. In seven months! What the heck? How did I do that? I'll tell you how; it's thanks to you fine people. My eternal gratitude goes out to Frankie2 especially. Frankie sort of became my unofficial prereader and helped keep me in check and even sparked a few ideas in my grey matter. I'd like to thank the rest of you for sticking with me too and for enjoying the story.
The response to this story has been overwhelmingly positive and it just blows my mind. I've never had something be this well received. If I ever feel like a bad writer I can just load this story up and think to myself "I made this, and look how people reacted to it." I can't really explain or even describe how much this story has affected even me. It's given me something to do and to keep myself occupied with. It's something I've really, really enjoyed doing and it's even gotten me laid. Well, not quite laid but over the course of this story I have come to meet the most wonderful woman. Almost three months ago today she went and made me pretty damn happy when she agreed to go out with me. We actually met through the first part of this story, "I'm Tired of All This". So, yes, thank you MLP for bringing me something incredible. Not just friends, but also loved ones. How many people can say that? In case you're wondering, that's one of the main reasons things got a little shippy between Rainbow Dash and Star Shine. She associates herself a lot with Rainbow Dash and Star Shine is basically me. I wasn't shipping myself and Rainbow Dash, I was shipping myself and my girlfriend. So my apologies for any shipping that may occur as it's just a subconscious reflection of my own, real life relationship with an actual girl.
There is of course going to be a sequel as I've said. I'm not sure how long it'll be, but it won't be anywhere near as long as this. When I originally started writing this I told myself (and I think you guys) that it would be about 10-20k words. Then it just kept growing and growing and bloody GROWING. This time I do mean it when I say that the sequel will only be about that long. It's less of a sequel and more a kind of extended cut or directors cut. It's just a little bit extra that had nothing to do with Diamond Tiara and so I felt it deserved it's own little story. It'll answer the questions of "Will she learn to fly on her own?" and "Where the heck's her dad. Wait, was he told she was dead? Oh snap how's he going to react to her being alive?" Questions that I'm sure nopony asked. But I'm going to answer them anyway because that's what I do.
I write, I read, and then I write some more. Thank you, and goodbye for now. The sequel should be up some time next week. Possibly Monday. I'm going to try and stick to the schedule I used for this story, but I'm not sure how long each chapter is going to be. I could actually probably make it about three chapters long. I think I'm going to try and have the entire thing written out by Monday and then decide how to split it up.
Damn this was long. This is what you get when you don't let me write afterwords! Lousy bucking new rules.

End author's notes.

It's kind of amazing really to think that I've ended such a long project. It's very very surreal to think that I will never write another word in that story. It's just finished. The world keeps on turning though. So does that world, as I do have sequels planned. Once I've finished that sequel though it is unfortunately back to being a novel writer for me as I plan to finally finish my second book. That would be the book I put on hold to write fanfiction. Do I regret that decision? Certainly not.

Plus hey, I now have a new audience to shill my works upon! Maybe this book will be more successful than my first book, which you can find here; http://goo.gl/gGQ6Uc. I'd apologise for the shameless plug but when you're in my situation you have to take any chance you can get to plug your own work. It's something I'm really coming to terms with.

Anyway, until next time, stay excellent to eachother.

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