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Equestria Vanishing · 5:53pm Dec 9th, 2011

As no one knows of my existence here except for the magnificent author of "School Daze" who may remember answering my comment, this blog post is more to help me think.

So the story I'm finally about to get started writing is actually sort of a crossover fic, but only technically. One of my stranger story lines, Earth Vanishing, is its genesis.

Earth Vanishing is based off of the games I used to invent for myself as a kid. I was smart, and I was bored- so I imagined as many children do that the cracks in the floor were dangerous or that the carpet was lava, and I would avoid it. I would only step on the white or only on the colord tiles in elementary school, knowing full well that they were totally safe and that it was all a game. But the terrible power of imagination for the first time in my life reared it's head, rose up from the dark mire of the subconcious: barely making the jump from one colored tile to another would elicit a tiny thrill of fear. As a child, I would think that I could feel the heat of the carpet/lava or that (I was a trekkie) if I touched it, it would end up being a portal to another dimension or planet and I would fall through it and into lava.

I think it had to do with my fears then that one day reality would just blink and it would be different and no one would know me, or that the reality I knew was fake. But I couldn't articuate it then, so I played gamed. I think they helped me deal with it in a constructive way.

I love fanfiction because it has a different character than real, tangible, paperback fiction. It's so fascinatingly exultant[/i ]in its treatment of, well, everything. These people are continuing this story because they LOVED the real story, and you can feel that earnest love in even the most terrible of fanfics, and I can't help but appreciate it.

But as a writer, I love that it's such a fun excercise in consistency. As a writer of fantasy, breaking the rules of nature are my forte. But eveyr fantasy writer who knows his trade also knows that like all other fiction, he cannot break his own rules. He is inconsistent at his own peril.With fanfiction, you have an instant fanbase who knows when you're inconsistent immeadiately. You have the characters and the setting and the tone of the original work, and you get to practice in a relatively safe way.

So I took the stories of EV and tried to fit them into Equestria. The cause of the original tale's catastrophe was just not going to fly in Equestria. For one, the magic which is essentially everywhere in such a land would make the old premise slightly harder to believe. So the same event had to happen, but for an almost completely different reason. I'm glad for Discord, he's making this possible. I also had to think hard about how the Event effected life on Earth, and what would crossover to Equestria. The famine of Post-Event Earth wouldn't fly, as ponies, as far as we can tell, have no reason to ever go hungry with grass and such. The Cthonic and Morl' cults wouldn't be able to crossover as Equestira has a single "religion" which includes a benevolent goddess who visiably raises the sun and that many of the denizens of Equestria seem to have seen in person at least once. (As well as that the ponies seem to simply be better than Fallen Man, and thus there just doesn't seem like much of an appeal to them in the whole Death/Cataclysm Cults.)

When I can get some people reading, and actually get writing, I think I'll use this blog to reflect on some specifics on what I change/adapt. :D

Report Cynewulf · 386 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I think it's assinine and silly, to be honest. :P

Fall of Man Oh gag me with a rusty spoon

You made a few typos.


3124523 only a few? :3

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