• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 2nd

Movie Reel

Nah, stranger. I'm just a man. A man with a deep love of friendship, stories... and ponies. Movies too, but this site's for ponies.

More Blog Posts34

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Pinkie Pie's Families Followup · 2:57am Oct 29th, 2013

Hey! I wrote a story.

Yeah college classes has really taken up my time that I would much rather spend working on my stories, even though it doesn't stop me from READING other stories but I digress.

Pinkie Pie's Families came to me from reading Egophiliac's Slice of Life tumblr. I originally thought it to be an origin story for the tumblr but then she just had to make one for herself. Some people can be so inconsiderate. So I decided to pursue and make the story anyway.

Like all the stories I (currently) have planned, they all start with a premise; this being the Cake Twins wanting to hear the story of how their Auntie Pinkie Pie came to live with Mom and Dad. However, I wanted to tell the story itself as if Pinkie Pie was telling the story. Basing the groundwork from the SoL tumblr, the finer details started to come to mind as I began writing and became even clearer when I received help from my now faithful editor and friend Neiha.

Characterization was relatively easy. What I usually do is sort of base off the characters I'm writing with characters or even people I'm familiar with. For the Cakes themselves (Mr and Mrs) I based from canon while borrowing from Slice of Life. Both are kind and doting parents but Mr Cake seems a touch neurotic while Mrs Cake is almost motherly in nature.
The twins I had a lot of fun writing. Instead of using Slice of Life as a base, I instead took my favorite set of twins ever (besides me and my twin) Dipper and Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls. These two I thought would fit the Cake Twins almost perfectly. Mabel is very reminiscent of Pinkie Pie in a lot of ways. Both seem to exist in their own bizarre, funny world and almost nothing seems to bring them down.
Pumpkin, having grown up with a Pinkie Pie, would more than likely have had a bit of Pinkie rubbed off on her. Pound I loved writing for because Dipper Pines is a character that's much easier for me to write; a straight man to Pumpkins insanity who tries to keep his own sanity while he enjoying the insanity surrounding him. It just felt like a great mix.

The Pinkie Pie narrative was hands down the most difficult to write, which sucks because this was the most important part. I feel I did a decent job at finding a good sense of her sporadic personality, her losing focus from the story once in a while or just being very hyper and excited about everything in her life. That's what I loved about Pinkie Pie, a very bright and cheerful person in a modern cynical society. I do think that the scene with her coming off the train crying from being kicked off the kumquat farm for being.... Pinkie Pie was a little shoehorned, but I managed to shoehorn in a lesson for the twins and that ain't nothing.

What I wanted to come out of this story was simply something that was very much like Pinkie herself. Funny, but the heart is in the right place. I had a blast writing this and I hope your readers enjoy this story.

Now then, I noticed that S4 is coming in a few weeks and I have not written anything new for that Princess Twilight story. Or that other Twilight story I promised Cold in Gardez. Oh look, I have two days out of the week free now.

Time to fix some shit.

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