• Member Since 27th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2019


Well, I'm one of the few bronies that hail from Singapore. Still, I'm here to put my writing skills to the test, so leave feedback if you enjoyed one of my stories! Peace out! ^^

More Blog Posts58

  • 500 weeks
    So, I'm back.

    Well, that was certainly fun. Over a month of no internet in the new apartment building I moved into, leaving me with only campus internet to work off, and seeing that uni assignments have been keeping me pretty busy, I haven't had much opportunity to check out what's been going on this site.

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  • 517 weeks
    Holy crap, an update!

    Yeah, I know, surprised me too. Here I am half-anticipating the moment when I realize that I've finally run out of steam for Equestrian Joe, and I actually manage to churn out another chapter.

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    3 comments · 464 views
  • 534 weeks
    Need pre-readers, stat: Equestrian Joe in danger of being dropped

    This is it, guys. This is the turning point. I'm steadily starting to lose steam and passion in this fandom, mostly for the reason that there are other things occupying my attention, and there's not a lot of people with which I can discuss the progress of EqJ with, which makes planning and preparing future chapters rather hard when there's nobody to vet my writing and make sure that what I'm

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  • 550 weeks
    Potential New Chapter to the Elements of Gaming

    SO the main reason why I haven't been writing anything for the Elements of Gaming lately was because I hadn't been getting any decent co-op experiences lately with any video games - that, and all my co-authors who happened to be my gaming buddies as well dropped out of the writing team, which leave solely me to hold up the entire thing by myself.

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Latest Inspirations · 4:59pm Apr 12th, 2012

Dunno if any of you guys have played Asura's Wrath yet, but if you haven't, it's more of an interactive anime than an actual game. Still, I enjoyed its presentation, and its Holy-Shit-Quotient is OFF. THE. CHARTS. It's balls-out shit-awesome with the scale of everything that's happening despite having a cliched-as-hell script.

Anyway enough about that mini-review, the point of this is that while watching the cutscenes of Asura's Wrath, something struck me.

Between the two characters you controlled, Asura and Yasha, the game system of beating on the enemies until you built up a certain "Burst Meter" of sorts made it somewhat analogous to them building up momentum and strength before releasing one giant burst of power all at once to finish off the enemy. But it got me thinking - what fueled their powers?

For the berserker Asura, it was simple enough - his rage fueled his power, pure and simple. The more he fights and the greater momentum he builds up, his rage and fury mounts until it reaches a boiling crescendo, and then he releases it all at once in single, huge burst of power. But Yasha couldn't be more different from Asura in his demeanor and the way he does battle.

Asura is a berserker who uses brute force and pure strength. Yasha favored finesse and blinding speed over that, and he was always calm, collected and refined in contrast to the brash and hot-headed Asura. So while I was playing as Yasha, as I was whaling on the enemies to build up my Burst Meter, I wondered - just WHAT emotion fueled Yasha's powers, if Asura's were fueled by his rage?

Seeing Yasha fight with pure precision and focus led me to conclude that the more Yasha fought, the more he builds a state of centering and zen, his focus and reflexes becoming stretched taut as his mind and body moves in unison - and once they were wire-thin and razor-sharp, he strikes a single, precise killing blow while simultaneously releasing all the tension that had been built so far.

In conclusion: Asura's power is fueled by fury and rage, Yasha's power is fueled by zen and focus.

This got me thinking about applying something similar to our six heroines in the Order of Koaxia - having powers that respond to their emotions. Though the tricky part is, finding the appropriate emotion to tag onto the respective power.

So far, I got this:

Lightning - Unknown
Ice - Focus, Zen, Balance
Darkness - Fear, Despair
Poison - Willpower, Determination
Fire - Rage, Fury, Wrath
Light - Hope, Desire, Life

Yeah... the only one I have trouble with coming up with an appropriate emotion to fuel the power of Lightning. Anybody got any suggestions?

Report HellRyden · 308 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

For lighting
speed and power

68443 On the right track there - what emotions get triggered while in a state of high speed and power is coursing through your entire body?

I'm thinking... Excitement. Thrills. Enjoyment.

adrenalin is another one
for me personal terror man was not meant to go faster than 40mph

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