• Member Since 22nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2023

D101 Reviews

You may refer to me as D101, Darkest101, Darkestsideofme101 or The Anime Crossover Author. Whatever you call me, whether you're here for fiction or reviews, I bid you welcome.

More Blog Posts79

  • 376 weeks

    The Sound of some great ancient Eldritch abomination waking from the depths shakes the ground at you feet... but you remain filled with DETERMINATION

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  • 430 weeks
    *Experimental Knuckle Crack*

    Ow fuck, haven't had to do THAT in a while. Fuck's sake when did I last updaOKAY! Not looking there that is embarrassing. I mean holy fuck nuts. Uuuuuh, well sorry about that guys I've been working a lot on my Uni Course and my YouTube channel which is... still hovering around the 350 subscriber mark.... fucking hell.

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  • 439 weeks
    I Have Found the Perfect Analogy for Me and My Brother...

    Seriously if Papyrus were the older brother this would be the perfect comparison because THE SHITE PUNS I LIVE WITH!

    2 comments · 463 views
  • 447 weeks
    So MTV Apparently Threw Its hat into the Whole Digimon Vs. Pokemon Debate...

    I was just googling for more news on Digimon Adventure Tri when I saw this article which was titled: 'It’s Time To Finally Admit ‘Digimon’ Is Better Than ‘Pokémon"

    (Sighs) Sit down everyone I'm going off on one here.

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  • 458 weeks

    And now I have your attention XD

    No but seriously this one time my best bud just opened up a Facebook chat with this and I was like

    So yeah that was a thing :rainbowlaugh:

    I have the best friendships.

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    0 comments · 398 views

What's Wrong with The Sea of Monsters? · 2:26pm Aug 18th, 2013

I am a big fan of the Percy Jackson and the Olympian books. In fact I prefer them over the Harry Potter series (there's just so much angst in Harry Potter isn't there?). However when I went to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, I was severely disappointed. I sat there wondering 'Did these people even read the books!? Seriously I was pissed at the end of that movie. The actors didn't look like characters, they looked like kids trying to be Percy Jackson.

So maybe it's because I went into the cinema to watch the movie with such low expectations that I ended up enjoying it as much as I did. The plot followed more with that of the books and even the changes that were made I actually pleasantly enjoyed. I believed the people I saw on the screen were the characters I had met in the books I honestly did. Logan Lerman's performance as Percy Jackson went from adequate in the Lightning Thief to outstanding in Sea of Monsters.

And then I heard that the Lightning Thief was better received critically than Sea of Monsters.



I'm sorry are the critics on acid or something? This was clearly a superior movie by far! I am pressed to find fault with it actually...

Not really. There is one thing I have to critique this movie for. The climax.


WHAT THE SHITE DID YOU HAVE TO GO AND DO THAT FOR!? Honestly movie! A battle between Percy and Luke on the Andromada would have been fine but then you had to break the storyline and bring Chronos into this? What the hell?! Oh and then you had to actually go and make the Titan look like he was made of stained glass? Chronos in the books was a careful, subtle plotter, not some rampaging giant that ate people!!


POkay I'm done. What are your thoughts on the Sea of Monsters? What are your hopes for the Titan's Curse if they decide to make it?

Report D101 Reviews · 166 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

From what I saw in commercials, Sea of Monsters looked like it had nothing to do with the book.
If what you say is true, I might go watch it now.

1293279 It actually had a quite a bit to do with the book. You know how the Harry Potter movies changed stuff for the films? that's kind of what happened in Sea of Monsters.

I'm sorry are the critics on acid or something?

The critics are idiots. During KONY, they said that the movie Kick-Ass promotes child violence:facehoof:

Anyway, I vaguely remember reading one of those books a few years ago, though I actually remember little of what it was about.

Is it worth going down to the library and borrowing a copy of them?

1293382 Yes, they are so worth it!. Much, much better than Harry Potter in my opinion. People call it a Harry potter rip-off but the only thing that's similar to Harry Potter about is that they go to a magic camp.

I'll trek down to the library next time I go shopping then. Not much is better than a good book:yay:

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