• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023


the wankstain formerly known as Chromosome

More Blog Posts68


Newstravaganza · 11:44am Jun 20th, 2013

Well, it's been almost two weeks since I've done anything news-wise, so I guess it's finally time to start catching up on that. Because man, has some cool stuff gone down. The most depressing time of the year, con season, has finally come around, so it's best to keep our minds off things while all the cool kids run off and have fun.

So if that's of any comfort, remember that ol' Chromosome will always be here to commiserate with you.


Before we get started on anything, a pal of mine is having his special day today! No, not that special day, you dirty-minded rapscallion. The other special day. You know, the one where you get presents and stuff. So do me a solid and go wish Gremlin Grenade a happy birthday! He's a good pal of mine, and we worked on things a ways back before this whole writing thing really took off. I'd right 'preciate it!

Pinkie Pie is Resting

Those of you who've been keeping up to date with my latest literary shenanigan are aware that it's finally come to a close. I... mostly managed to keep to my deadlines except for that one time that wasn't entirely my fault. I've sent it off to Equestria Daily, so hopefully I can slip it through when no one's looking they'll let it through soon enough. If you've been waiting around for something for me to complete, then I think I've got your cup of tea. I had a tone of fun writing the story, and I think Sideways has made himself out to be my favorite character to date.

Now that PPID is all wrapped up, I'm turning my attention to yet another Pre-Reader Battle, where I've been randomly assigned a prompt written by an unnamed pre-reader. That's to get done within a week, so I'll get to add another one-shot to my repertoire. As per my last one, expect something along the lines of a dark comedy yet again, only this time hopefully far more polished. Along that note, I'm also planning on getting to writing an epilogue for Air, because I've found myself agreeing with those who found it to lack a certain closure. I get that, and I tend on rectifying it. Of course, there's always my super secret epic that I'm still working on, but that's hush-hush!


So against my better judgement, and bowing to the harassment of my fellow pre-readers, I've decided to open up art commissions. I've gotten a lot more comfortable with the way I draw, and making a little money on the side is never a bad thing. I'm trying to stay cheap, because let's face it: there are WAY better artists out there more deserving of your hard-earned cash. But if you'd like a lil' somethin-something for you or a friend, then consider meandering over to my tumblr to view my wares and this page here to see my prices!

MBS Interview

Man, I love having headers. No need for any of that pesky fluidity or all that segue junk! Anyways, I was interviewed a while back by the Malaysian Brony Show, a podcast organized by bronies in... well, Malaysia! I've taken the liberty of embedding that here. I talk a lot about how I got into the fandom, my preferences, and a whole ton of stuff about what I'm writing, how I write, and the inner mechanics of how Equestria Daily's pre-reading department is run. If you're curious, definitely check it out!

The Meet-Up That Finally Happened

Some of you older followers may remember this journal right here. Don't remember it? Go skim real quick. I'll be here when you come back.

Ok, I think they're gone. Man, what a bunch of schmucks. I like you older followers a lot more. But shh, don't tell them tha–

Oh! You're back. I... didn't see you there.


Anyways, it turns out that BlackGryph0n was coming back to Singapore. For what was going to be the last time! I won't lie, it snuck up on me, too. I got a message of "Dude, are you coming?" when I was in the middle of a jog. One terrified dash across Singapore later, I finally got to meet the man and the legend, BlackGryph0n.

He's shorter than I thought he would be. But that's neither here nor there.

Getting to chat with BlackGryph0n was an incredible experience. The man is talented, ladies and germs. He can dance, he can sing, he can draw, he can animate...

Whaaaaaat? Me? Jealous? Pffffft.

Either way, it gave me a chance to talk with someone who's been deeply involved with the fandom since the start. As a result, I got some great perspective on what happens behind the scenes when it comes to working with show staff. That was really cool. And for what it's worth, I've got it on the man's word that season four is going to be a good one, and I'm hanging on that. I've got high hopes for what's coming. Season three was the embarrassing teenage phase, where you listened to bands you'll never again admit to liking and thought your life was uniquely complicated and you did stupid things like watch shows about pastel ponies.

Uh. Scratch that last bit maybe.

He's a swell guy, and it's great to have gotten a chance to speak with him one on one. Next time I might run into him might be at a crowded convention center, so getting some personal conversation was–


Journal's over. Go away.

Report chrumsum · 561 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Oh, okay. Fine.

Just rub it in, why don't you.

Also, >implying I'm not a rugger and I really even need a good reason to beat some motherfuckers in the name of honor/my super-hetero Internet lover

How romantic.:ajsmug:

Author Interviewer

You are the shy boy who always follows the rules and has never been in trouble before! The one with easily breakable glasses! You've never had to stand up for a woman's honor before, and the prospect is both frightening... and a little exciting.

waht? When did Sethlocity go out of fashion? D:

We always need more gay tripshipping.

Although I have no idea who the other guy is.

I'm laughing for real right now.


Along that note, I'm also planning on getting to writing an epilogue for Air, because I've found myself agreeing with those who found it to lack a certain closure. I get that, and I tend on rectifying it.

Looking forward to it. I'm one of those who was fine with it as-is, but I have no problem at all with there being an epilogue.:twilightsmile:

Don't worry, you're not alone. Just about all of my friends are anime fangirls and I'm pretty sure they have irl shipping charts.

Man, I'm really hungry for cookies now.

BlackGryph0n is somebody you need to check out, then!

I'm so jealous of you right now, Chromosome… getting shipped with BG.

Oh. Okay, I know this guy.

Hahahaha! The pre-readers really are a merciless lot, aren't they? Still, glad you shared it!

You're back?
Since when did I miss this event?
No matter...

If you are curious, I did a live reading of that "other" chapter of the White Box.
Do you wish to listen to a sound recording?

1164651 Alright.
Let me find the audio file, and I will have it emailed...
Going to have to sort through the mess that is Audacity though...

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