• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012
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Movie Reel

Nah, stranger. I'm just a man. A man with a deep love of friendship, stories... and ponies. Movies too, but this site's for ponies.

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Fly Buddies Deleted Scene · 9:20pm Apr 29th, 2013

So I was typing up the next chapter to A True, True Friend; I SWEAR I'M ALMOST DONE WITH IT! IT WILL BE OUT SOON! or forget it. I'm hyping it up too much.

Anyway I was typing up the chapter, and I had a thought.

"This is a bit much."

I'm creating a slice of life story that does have an over arching resolve for Twilicorn, but I though the chapter was already seemingly too long and the dream sequence wasn't really relevant to the rest of the chapter. So for you anxious viewers out there, here is a deleted scene.

Princess Celestia's sun was shining warmly over Ponyville Square. For all the occasional events that happened every so often, or as Rainbow graciously called them "weird stuff", the town always went back to its usual slower days. A day were the biggest events are discussed between gossip. A day were the sun shone, birds sang, and the clouds were cleared out of the sky by the trusty weather team. A day were ponies took a breath and enjoyed life in Equestria. A day like today.

The market place had stands with sellers and hagglers arguing about overpriced cabbage; that was one bit too much according to Carrot Top. The parks had friends relaxing and foals playing with each other on their teacher work day or Cheerilee's Fun Fridays (Girls Night with Lyra and BonBon). And at an outdoor table by a cafe; Twilight Sparkle sat with her five nearest and friends. The waiter, Horte Cuisine, politely set a tray of drinks on the table and left the group.

"And I said 'Pumpkin Cake, what?!'" said Pinkie finishing her joke, earning laughter from the rest of the girls.

"Oh it sure was nice of you to invite us to brunch Twilight." complimented Rarity, wiping a laugh induced tear from her eye

"Sure was." said Applejack "Truth be told its nice to eat something besides apples every once in a while."

"Really?" spoke Rarity in that tone of voice that meant she was onto something juicy "Did I just hear an Apple say she doesn't like the taste of apples anymore?"

The table erupted with a resounding "Oooh!"

"N-NO! Its just that as much as 'ah love apples; and by the apples on my flank 'ah love apples," she paused to display her cutie marked rump "ya' can't eat only one kind of food your whole life."

"I don't know AJ, it has been scientifically proven that you can have a limited diet and still live healthy."

"You believe anything your egghead science tells you don't you Twilight?" jeered Rainbow

"Mmhmm. I always trust science. But then I met Pinkie." Twilight sighed, her ears drooping at the last sentence

"And things were never the same again." Pinkie finished in a mock sinister tone, earning a chuckle from the unicorn

"Um.. Twilight... if you don't mind me asking.." murmured Fluttershy "Why did you invite us all?"

"Well I was at home reading-"

"No way!" deadpanned Rainbow

"Anyway" continued Twilight, despite the giggling Dash, Pinkie, and Rarity " I decided to eat out for lunch and then I thought we don't usually hang out around this time. So, ya know, here we are"  Twilight trailed off as she sipped her sparkly soda

"You say that like we don't hang out enough." said Rainbow

*SPPPPPTTTT!!!* "WE'RE NOT HANGING OUT ENOUGH?!" cried Pinkie, spit taking her mouthful of strawberry juice into a horror shocked Rarity

"No! No! I just thought we don't usually eat together that often." Twilight reassured



*There was a pause as Pinkie pondered what to say next.*


*It took a while*


"Okie-dokie-lokie then!"

As Fluttershy took to both drying off and comforting the fashionista; Horte returned with their lunches balanced perfectly on his back. "Here you are, madams" he announced Frenchly. "Enjoy."

The small talk died out as they each took to munching on their meals. For as often as you bond over doing amazing feats from avoiding international acts of terrorism (twice now) to imprisoning and "befriending" a demigod that got turned on by chaotic mind rape; Twilight found that it was really the slower days that were more sentimental to her.

The times when they would just sit down and talk about animals, or apples, or a one sided talk about how Ynop (the mentor to Star Swirl the Bearded) inspired his habit of wearing bells on his cloaks. When the biggest threat to her day was reconcilable differences. With that thought, the purple unicorn looked over her friends with a wistful smile.

"So, do you girls have any plans today?" she asked hoping to begin a new conversation

"Well," began Rarity, having recovered her fabulosity a bit "I did have a few gowns to do. I got a request from Lyra Heartstrings for a nice breezy dress. She's performing in Canterlot."

"The usual." AJ said through a mouthful of hay fries before modestly swallowing "Got apple trees. Just bucking 'em."

"I'm gonna be hanging with my number one wingpony. Teaching her to fly and how to be awesome." Rainbow would have continued if she hadn't slowly vanished mid sentence.

Twilight did a spit-take her own, gaping at were the pegasus once sat, trying to form words. "Rainbow Dash!"

"I still got my animals to take care of, but I'm helping Pinkie Pie later." spoke Fluttershy, as if nothing had happen. The rest of them continued the conversation all the same. As if Rainbow didn't just evaporate into thin air.

"Ah'd like to help you with baking another time Pinkie. Maybe even teach you'n the cakes to add some more to your sweets than just-" but Applejack couldn't get another word out before disappearing just like Rainbow.

Twilight couldn't even speak. Her jaw and wings limply hanging, useless. She stared as her friends disappeared one by one. Rarity laughed at some joke Pinkie must have made before fragmenting into dust particles. Fluttershy was next, becoming one with the wind in a mere moment. At seeing her disintegrate, water filled Twilight's eyes

"Don't leave me" she pleaded, tears rolling down her face.

"And I thought 'Why keep it to just us? Everypony can join the secret slumber party!" said Pinkie, describing what she called 'Super Happy Fun Sexy Time", until she literally poofed out of existence.


Twilight's screams went unanswered. The table, the cafe, and the world around her faded around her. There was nothing left but her and the darkness that went on for what seemed like an eternity. Loud tapping was heard throughout the abyss of blackness. TAP-TAP-TAP-TAP almost taunting her with its rhythm. Tears streamed down Twilight's muzzle as she cried in hiccuping sobs. Instinctively she curled into herself, like the little foal she felt was.

The useless, lonely, alicorn foal.



Twilight finally opened her eyes. The dull light above illuminated the alicorn in a somewhat comforting embrace. She looked up as the voice spoke again.

"Everything is going to be just fine Twilight."

"Yeah right."

So that's what USED to be the start of the next chapter. I thought it was good idea, but I felt it made the chapter too long for my liking. I will be using another dream sequence involving Luna and Discord later in the story, but you gotta wait for it.

By the way; turns out if you start a story with the intent of catching up and/or finishing it; literally 7 stories will update! Surprising isn't it?

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