• Member Since 6th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 5th, 2014


Hi, I'm British, and you're reading a bunch of stuff you don't really care about! Yay! Go easy on me, I'm still finding my way around.

More Blog Posts67

  • 522 weeks
    The Walking Dead; Or, My Plans

    The planets have aligned, hype has been gathered, and I'm now back. The logical step now is to outline in somewhat more detail what I'm going to be doing, so far as I've actually planned that in advance.

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    4 comments · 832 views
  • 522 weeks
    I'm back

    Kindly get hype.

    12 comments · 677 views
  • 573 weeks
    The TVH1 Drinking Game

    While reading any of my writing,
    - Take a sip every time there's a spelling or grammar error
    - Take a sip every time the story is in present tense for no apparent reason.
    - Take a sip every time I self-parody or self-depreciate either in the story or the comments for that chapter.

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    5 comments · 648 views
  • 574 weeks
    Yet another new story

    Yup, it happened again. I've been flitting between stories recently, and ended up not making progress on most of them for a while. In the end, I started a new one, since I felt it was about time. It's a sequel to Music, picking up roughly where the first left off. My current plan is for it to have Vinyl as more of a viewpoint character, in contrast to the first where most of the narration was

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    4 comments · 608 views
  • 577 weeks
    Why Fear takes ages: a Primer

    I updated Fear a few days ago, and I let it sit for a little bit so the people who read it would have chance to do so. Now, I usually do a blog post accompanying chapter updates for Fear, but I didn't do it straight away this time. And the reason for this is, believe it or not, the same reason I update so slowly on the main story. Here it is:

    Fear is bloody exhausting.

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    6 comments · 603 views

Happier bloggage · 8:19pm Feb 25th, 2013

Well, Music's done. Thankfully, since the last blog post I happened to remember that I'm British, and therefore don't actually have emotions, so I'm not sad anymore. However, I still sort've...can't be bothered to write Fear? I don't know what it is. Maybe I need to do more planning, rejig the events a little. That usually works.

Since Three Mares In A Boat is a story I wrote, I guess I should do my usual thing and say stuff about it. But honestly, what is there to even say? I was feeling mopey after Music finished, so I wrote a very silly, pointless story to cheer myself up. Admittedly, it was started long prior to now; it was, in fact, one of the oneshots I dug up at christmas and decided could be made into something better. It only had 900 words then, but those 900 words were funny enough to earn it a spot on my 'do not bin' pile. Other than that, it is as it appears; a brief comedy oneshot, and not much more.

So, plans! I would be remiss to not talk about plans, seeing as I do that in approximately every blog post ever. I was planning to do a Twilestia oneshot, but have pretty much canned it in the wake of the Twilicorn thing. To be clear, I don't really feel very strongly on Twilicorn one way or the other, but the concept of the oneshot was an exhaustive and detailed look at the relationship, romantic or not, between Twilight and Celestia. It was a relationship I felt was complex, and therefore interesting. Naturally, Twilicorn will change the dynamics of that relationship, and it'd feel like copping out to just do it with pre-alicorn Twilight, so I'm going to give it a bit more time deciding whether I want to keep looking at that idea.

I am, in the background, working on a oneshot involving Flutterdash of all things, but for various reasons I'm taking my sweet time with it. I want it to be nice and polished when (or, indeed, if) I decide to post it. It's somewhat more 'feels' based than most of what I do, so yeah. (I don't do feely stuff very often. I prefer the funnies, and when the funnies are not available, practising character development by doing slice of life-y things.) I'm keeping details spare in case I decide not to post, but it's going on.

I'd also like to do some drabbles when I can grab a little time. I'm a lot more used to writing at length nowadays (heck, even the later chapters of Music got to 3000 words, and that was a series where I kept things deliberately short), but I think I've lost the concision and poetry of writing in shortform. I've not really sat down and had a good, long drabble session since I joined the site, and that just isn't cricket. I know a lot of people don't especially like the shortness that drabbles involve, but I enjoy them as a form of practice and entertainment. I might do some 500 word set pieces, since that length gives me a little more time to expand but is still short enough to require concision. I could possibly do something a little more experimentalish by trying to write a coherent plotline in 500 word chunks, but meh. Decisions, decisions.

And, yeah. That's pretty much all I had to say on the matter. In other news, I started rewatching season 1 of GITS: SAC recently. Man, I really like the show, but it's so easy to get lost. The reason I'm rewatching is because last time I got to about episode seven, had to stop watching for a few days and then had no idea what was going on anymore. Still, I really dig the whole cyberpunk setting that's established, as well as how in-depth some of the sociological stuff is. (Plus, music by Yoko Kanno = love.) I'd also love to go back and rewatch Baccano!, if only because I adore Isaac and Miria so hard it's not even funny. They're just so loveably derp. The setting there is pretty great, too, but I just love the characters in that series. Especially poor old Jacuzzi.

Report TheVulpineHero1 · 260 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I heartily approve on your choice in anime. Not that you have a reason to particularly care, but you have excellent taste... Also , the stories you mentioned seem like exciting prospects.

Brits totally have emotion... There's pissed, toshed, and sloshed. Right?

Well, what I mentioned in the blog is sort've an unrepresentative sample. Most of the anime I own is actually giant mecha flavoured, although I do have a few slice of lifey things like The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Kiki's Delivery Service tucked away. Other than that, I'm a sucker for stuff like Summer Wars and the Eureka Seven movie, which just have lovely animations (someone on the Eureka 7 movie had a huuuuuge hard on for rainbow lasers, seriously). I think the one thing I own that I'm not overly keen on is Darker Than Black, and that's just because I find it...apathetic, somehow? I just don't care enough about the characters after ten episodes or so to bother watching more. I actually like the format of it, though, since you spend an episode or so really getting to know the oneshot characters. That I appreciate.

No, silly! Those are not emotions. They are ways of life.

871965 ...and every anime you mentioned, yet again, has landed solidly on my feel-good or watch later lists...

And this is why I am an American... I assume I know about your culture and the emotions or lack thereof that come with it because I dance Morris on a side that contains a total of two authentic Brits. Shows what I know.

I'm very much a city kid, so I know a sum total of nothing about Morris dancing. At least because you have access to authentic Brits, you can enjoy the hilarity of every single time an American on television attempts to do an British accent. Well, insofar as a British accent really exists. The one TV tends to use is ye olde Recieved Pronunciation, which was pretty much invented to be used on television (and which I, somehow and against all logic, speak in most of the time unless I'm swearing, at which point I default to being some sort of hodge podge accent. Accents are weird.)

Still, the one thing that always makes me giggle is how Americans tend to say the word literature. It's so cute how you guys pronounce the whole thing. I used to know some folks from Texas and they always had fun listening to me say it, too (since with me it's less lit-er-a-ture and more lit-rat-chure.) Good times!

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