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My Theories. · 11:11pm Jan 29th, 2013

Massive Spoilers in this post. Don't read if you don't want the following spoiled:

The plot of the season finale.
Information on the coming 66 minute DVD.
Lines that may or may not have been leaked from John De Lancie, future lines for Discord.
The destiny spoken of in commercials for the show.
Pretty much anything that might happen beyond the finale, because there's a slim chance I might be right with at least one of my guesses.

Here, have a picture from eqd to keep the spoilers out of view.

Right, so if you scrolled this far, you're actually curious about what I think. How odd. So yes, Spoilers from here on, last chance to stop reading. Okay, so Twilight's gonna be an alicorn princess. That's gone from unlikely rumor to confirmed fact. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I trust the writers. Apparently in Equestria, Princesshood is earned, not born into. The first guess is pretty obvious from that fact, I think Discord will be needed in the spell to make her ascend to alicornness.

Going from there, we have to wonder how Cadence became an alicorn if Discord was locked away. If he had nothing to do with it, why is he needed now? The simplest answer is that Celestia needs him freed for something unrelated, or for extenuating circumstances that weren't present in Cadence's case. Because of some theories I'll cover later, I don't think that's the case. One of the ponies, referring to Cadance, says, "The Crystal Princess has returned!" I think it's possible that Cadence was locked away with the Crystal Empire, but managed to get free some 20 years earlier, possibly with no memories of what happened. She ascended to alicornhood with the same whatever that Twilight will.

"But wait, even if that was the case, why would Discord help her become an Alicorn? He was evil 1000 years ago!"

Ah yes, excellent question, faceless reader stand in. (More spoilers) There is a theory that Discord is actually Starswirl the Bearded.

".....That's retarded. I'm out of here."

Now, just bear with me for a moment. You see, there were some lines of dialog a while ago that point to this, though it's unconfirmed whether or not they're legitimate. If they're real, they imply the starswirl/discord connection quit heavily. Also, by the sound of the lines, it seems likely Discord and Twilight are looking at past events, similar to one of the spells he uses in his debut.

"Being a pony again wasn't exactly what I had in mind, I would hardly call this a better alternative than being turned to stone." -Self explanatory, he was once a pony.

"I couldn't decide so I just chose a bit of everything, and wasn't it just beautiful? *sigh* Oh don't give me that look, like you've never gotten carried away with a little magic miss Twilight Sparkle." -Another indication that he was once a pony, and actually created his current form.

"For goodness sake, it's OMNI-omorphic, not AMNI-omorphic! Forgive me if I expected somepony who lives in a library to know the difference between A and O." -Starswirl was the "father of the amniomorphic spell". If it's actually an omniomorphic spell, that would imply a spell that can change anything into anything, pretty much what Discord does.

"On the contrary, I used to be quite stolid, then I got the beard." -Starswirl the Bearded

"Personally I think it's flattering that you like to dress like me." -Twilight's Nightmare Night Costume was Starswirl

So, Starswirl uses the omniomorphic spell to omniomorph Cadence into an alicorn. She then gets vanished with the Crystal Empire and eventually comes back to babysit Twilight. Twilight proves herself worthy of princesshood, so Celestia frees the creator of the omniomorphic spell for another round of ascend-a-pony.

But wait! There's more!

Clover the Clever was the assistant of Starswirl the Bearded, and was around during the discovery of Equestria. They were around when there were no princesses to raise the sun, and unicorns did it. Yes, you see where I'm going with this!

"You can't be serious."


"You're a moron, and I'm out of here."

Report ezra09 · 660 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

i believe you so much right now i want to die. starswirl the bearded of discord.

That actually sounds reasonable . I hope its true :ajsmug:

Reasonable thought process.

Doesn't mean I have to like it though, the biggest reason I've stuck with the fandom is the fiction, and a lot of it will die with this season.

My friend is deciding to make it into a fanfic, and we came up with some wild mass guessing:

me: He already did it while testing the spell, and Clover the Clever went Darth Alicorn
her: Darth Alicorn
her: XD
me: Imagine Unicorn Celestia and Luna going against an evil Alicorn
her: That sounds...
her: really badass.
me: An evil Clover the Clever would also explain why Starswirl never taught anyone the omniomorphic spell
me: and regret could drive him to becoming Discord


Harmonics got jossed with the return of Discord. I'm gonna keep it going. I don't have the exact quote, but the writers see this as a way of exploring and expanding the lore. If anything, we may have more to work with.

This could also explain why Discord kept Celestia from interfering with his game of keep away in the labyrinth. He turned her into an Alicorn, he has power over her power.


I know, but there are a lot of writers out there who don't have the will to keep going like you do, I've seen a fair few great ideas given up in the wake of those episodes, and more authors claim rage at having their fics invalidated by the introduction of, say, Shining Armour.

There's another thing I don't get, and not because of your theory, but just how Discord has been portrayed canonically so far. How did Celestia come up with a spell that would 'stop him from taking the Elements'? He got through her vault that only Luna or herself could open, stopped her from interfering and various other things. She's been shown to have no power against him, to the point that both she and Luna combined couldn't stop him and needed the Elements of Harmony. Where the hell did that spell come from?

"You're a moron, and I'm out of here."

But seriously that was a fun bit of guessing. I actually hope it's true! Where did you get those Discord lines though? I don't see any cited sources.

Thoughtful theories on this rumor. I guess people who watch the show are going to be, uhm opinionated about this? Explains why a bonanza of blogs lit up on this site.


I can't find an original source, which is why this is all just speculation. I heard about them from a comment on the Keep Calm and Flutter On episode and googled them just to find a bunch of "a guy who knows a guy" stuff.

The source of the "leaked lines" was a guy on /mlp/. If you watch xXHomer SimpsonXx's Pony Thread Simulator 0.20 (go to 08:39 for the start of the story) then you should see the thread with those lines in it. The guy worked at a recording studio or something like that, and after one of his bosses found out he was a brony, they gave him a sneak peek at some recorded lines. He told /mlp/ about it, and it spread like wildfire.

The beautiful thing is, this could've been a simple trolling that escalated quickly. Or that the Alicorn Twilight being canon is just a very misguided fanservice attempt based on all the fics with the premise "Princess Celestia is dead! Is Twilight Sparkle a bad enough dude to become an alicorn and take her place?". :trollestia::facehoof:

I'm hoping that this Alicorn Twilight thing is temporary or altogether false, because I have a feeling that if it becomes permanent (i.e. it lasts more than a few episodes) it could be "The Derpy Incident" all over again, if not worse.

I really hope all those theories you posited are disproven, not for the sake of you being wrong, but just because I feel like it might screw up MLP if you were right. Also, if Discord is Star-Swirl the Bearded, then we'll never get the episode where Discord and Star-Swirl meet, and Star-Swirl is voiced by Patrick Stewart.

Very interesting... I don't have much to offer than that. My DA account was flooded with this news, and still trying to clean up.

Still, even if your theory is crazy, it is fun to consider! ;p After all, we all write/enjoy fanfics, do we not?

772495 Who's writing the fanfic? They don't have an account here yet.



My head-canon for my explanation of alicorns: There are two kinds of alicorns, lower and higher alicorns. Celestia, Luna, and Nightmare Moon are examples of higher alicorns and Cadence is an example of a lower alicorn. There are only two higher alicorns in existence, the two princesses. They have near-unlimited magical power, incredible flight abilities twice as awesome( fast and agile) as Rainbow Dash, along with more strength and endurance than even the strongest Earth pony, like Applejack. Lower alicorns have capabilities of each race- earth, pegasus, and unicorn- but usually like to specialize in one thing while mostly ignoring the other two. For example, Cadence specializes in her unicorn magic, mainly love magic like changelings (but that's a whole other subject entirely), but has average strength of an earth pony and average flight ability as a pegasus. There are about 100 lower alicorns born every generation, most becoming politicians, nobles, or something of that sort. Lower alicorns can be born from two alicorns having babies, but lower alicorns can only reproduce every 15 years. This is important because it helps keep the alicorn population very low so alicorns are kept very rare, therefore making it special to be an alicorn. Lower alicorns live for about 100- 150 years. It is impossible for two ponies of different races to have lower alicorn children because , hypothetically, the child would only be able to have two of the three pony types, while alicorns must have all three types. Higher alicorns can live for about 10,000 years. When they finally die, they die like a phoenix and come back from the ashes as the opposite gender. Both higher alicorns are reborn 5,000 years apart from each other. Due to magic (it's magic, i ain't gotta explain shit), whichever gender the current Prince/Princesses are, the new pony babies are more likely to be that gender.
Ex. Princess/ Princess- 75% female 25% male
Prince/ Princess- 50% female 50% male
Prince/ Prince- 25% female 75% male
This is also my head-canon reason why the mare/stallion ratio in Equestria is so skewed.
TL;DR: There are high and low alicorns
High: Two princesses, amazing magic, flight, and strength, only ever two
Low: about 100, nobleponies, average magic, flight, strength/endurance/whatever earth ponies have with specialization in one, infertile for 15 years after reproduction to keep rare

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