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  • 487 weeks
    Yeah, I'm still around.

    Just letting you guys know I haven't stopped writing. Been working two jobs, so when I'm not sleeping I'm usually working. Anyway enough excuses, updates are still coming and thanks for being patient. Haven't heard from my co-writer in weeks. Getting back into the swing of things, now that I have some time off.

    Thanks for being patient.

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  • 508 weeks
    I'm not dead folks, just a series of really unfortunate events.

    Hey to all my watchers , thanks to a lot of unfortunate events all happening at once, I had to take a break from writing, but I'm back.

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    The Next Chapter of There's Something About Nightmarity and The MLP comics.

    Yeah, so the latest chapter of There's Something About Nightmarity is is up and with that being said, I'd like to address something rarely brought up in fan fiction and that is the IDW comics. The comics are a great source of fan fiction material, with new characters like Nightmarity,

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  • 531 weeks
    Top 35 Animated Films List

    While I'm working on my fics, I figured I'd put a list out since the others have done so well, so why not share my top picks for animated films. Even with a cap of 35 I found this list hard to cut down.

    *Now this a list may not necessarily all good movies, but rather entertaining films.

    35. Interstella 5555

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    I'm Back...

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Top 15 Meh Animated Series · 5:29am Jan 4th, 2013

I recently covered my top 25 animated series and in following that tradition of great to god awful. I am taking the next logical step and presenting The Top 15 Meh Animated Shows. Now, meh for the sake of this list means either mediocre or boring or forgettable. The cartoons that don’t leave much of an impact or impression on you, kinda like eating dry toast and scrambled eggs after a nasty night of drinking. I mean yeah you might vaguely remember them, but you don’t really have any deep feelings of hatred or overwhelming praise. Again, the only rule is one entry per franchise. So, let the mediocrity begin…

Runner Up: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

This gets special mention as it was only show I ever got up during to fold laundry. As amazing as it looked and as smooth as the animation was, this show didn't have a lot of steam and the ending was bad . After the first few episodes, I had to struggle to stay interested in the series. I'm giving it a free pass if the second season is better.

15. My Life as a Teenage Robot
This one had a lot of promise to it, then it came, left, and no one really cared. The show was about a robot named Jenny like the like title suggests is a teenage robot meaning she’s whiny, self absorbed and shallow. She then fights stuff ranging from monsters to other robots. Really the only problem the show had was being placed on the wrong network at the wrong time. Nickelodeon was starting to crank out a lot of crap all at the same time and it got lost in the shuffle. It’s a shame too because had the show been a little better it would have escaped this list.

14. Robot Jones
Now, from one series about a teenage robot to another; however, this time with more forgettable animation and even less memorable characters. No one but a handful of people remembers this show, and I tell you why. The show’s animation was reminiscent of School House Rock at best; the show played its scenario straight and there were better shows on the air like Code Name the Kids Next Door and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. The best way to describe it was dull and inoffensive.

13. Planet Sheen
This is a great example of taking the most popular character from one show, giving them their own series and creating meh. They took Sheen the popular character off of Jimmy Neutron and jettisoned our favorite crazed fanboy on to a different planet and good god is it boring. I never thought I’d say I miss the old show till this one came out. Some may argue that this show is too young to be forgettable yet and to that I say that why it’s higher on the list.

12. Chalk Zone
This one had a cool premise about kid that visits the world of chalk doodles that have been erased, but when it came down to the only memorable parts of the show were the pilot episodes on Oh Yeah Cartoons and the music videos at the end of each episode. That’s all I recall, without the use of Wikipedia.

11. Biker Mice from Mars
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had three categories of rip off. There was the good ones like Samurai Pizza Cats (American dub), the bad ones like Street Sharks and the mediocre ones and that my friends is what where looking at today. Outside from an awesome opening theme, I don’t remember a damn thing even though as a kid I had all the toys. Come on, I dare anyone to say something about this show that they didn’t look up. This show was a more forgettable thing then fucking pogs.

10. Project Geeker
It was about a group of resistance fighters with their shape shifting companion named Geeker who had a haircut and face like Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb and had an obsession with eating chocolate frozen bananas. Is any of this right? I don’t care because I usually watched this to kill time before Beakman’s World as a kid.

09. Pepper Ann
It was on ABC on Saturday mornings, now I could probably fill this entire list with cartoons from their lineup, but I won’t. The show from memory was about Pepper Ann a ??? school student who often got in funny situations, but most likely they probably weren’t funny. Hey, at least the theme song was slightly memorable, if not a little repetitive.

08. Spider-Man Unlimited

There’s a reason this show had 13 episodes, it’s because watching grass grow is more entertaining. Now the ironic thing is that the show actually had a good premise. The future Spider-Man has to save J Joanna Jameson’s son from a planet were humans are treated like crap by animal human hybrids for a lack of a better word, Furries. No I’m not kidding, this has planet populated by anthropomorphic talking animals. The funny thing for such a short lived show, it had a lot of filler.

07. Karate Kid

This show has one of best openings ever!!! The funny thing is that this short series has nothing near as cool as what you see within that minute and a half. This I assume takes place after Karate Kid Two with Mr. Miyagi and Daniel and this Asian girl traveling around the world looking for mystical items for some reason. Every episode has Mr. Miyagi saving the other two and saying some kind of pseudo-philosophical BS. It’s on Netflix on demand if you want to check it out.

06. Afro Samurai

I really wished this was better, because it has everything I like. It has Samuel L. Jackson as a wondering ronin, who slices and dices in glorious violence in semi-feudal Japan. It oddly enough never held my interest; I’d often look around the room and stare at other and that when I realized that the pacing was fucked up. The show threw way too much on screen.

05. NASCAR Racers
I’ll admit I’m from the south and I love NASCAR. This show on the other hand not so much, I get what they were trying to do; they wanted to expand the fan base for the sport. It’s just that when they aren’t racing they’re talking and thus this why this show has been banished to the land of failed marketing ploys and will never be mentioned again.

04. SD Gundam

It took those awesome robots you like and turned them into midgets and removed the drama, the amazing characters and the blood. Many fans were turned off by the premise alone and didn’t watch it. When this happens you become forgotten and fall into obscurity. You’re lucky we didn’t get the Americanization known as Doozy Bots, which how kids here in the States woulda been introduced to Gundam.

03. Total Drama Island
This by no means is a horrible cartoon or high art. This show meets my definition of meh. It’s a tame cartoon version of the reality show, Survivor mixed with aspects of The Real World. There’s really no more to it than that.

02. Life with Louie
This show was a slightly lamer version of Bobby’s World…Kinda. This show was life story of this guy.

The only things that raised it from bad to mediocre/meh is that it was very relatable especially to those of us who were the husky kids growing up. There ain’t nothing wrong with a little slice of life, it’s just this guys life isn’t very memorable and I only vaguely remember this show at all.

01. Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain
This was a spinoff of a spinoff. Yeah, that’s something you rarely ever say. My guessing of the show came to be was that Tiny Toons was over and they wanted a crossover spin off to make it more marketable and thus bolted it on to a preexisting franchise. The result was just bland and lacked any of the charm of either show. Out of all the Kids WB shows this one is probably the one that received the most apathy. I don’t even need a description; it is whatever you think it is and by that I mean the same P & B formula, but with the animal sadist from Tiny Toons named Elmyra. No one remembers this and before you say you do, you’re probably thinking about just Pinky and The Brain.

Report thewaffler · 847 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Why wasn't Pinky and the Brain or Animaniacs on the last list? At first, I thought you were aiming for lesser known cartoons that were awesome, but then I remembered that there were some very well known cartoons on that list that I remember very well.


Yeah, I liked those shows, but if I put them on the list they'd eat up three top spots, I put Freakazoid there and it was part of that Tiny Toons, Pinky and The Brain and Animaniacs universe as there was some crossover between the three.

The shows on this list are shows that rest in the middle of everything as something is pushing them down or pulling them up into mediocrity.

My next list is gonna be the top 25 Worse Animated Series. Not a lot of anime on that list mainly because my friends don't recommend crap to me and the stuff I find on my own is usually passible .

677594 Oh, right. I forgot that Freakazoid was on that list. And I can't wait to see which ones suck crap.

The only two I have seen are Le Life As A Teenage Robot and Le Chalk Zone :moustache:

13. Planet Sheen
This is a great example of taking the most popular character from one show, giving them their own series and creating meh. They took Sheen the popular character off of Jimmy Neutron

This had made me say "WTF?", never knew that there there was yet another Jimmy Neutron cartoon. Ugh, I really didn't like SD Gundam as well, look liked decent CGI animation which is better then some Transformers Anime that had terrible CGI animation (I have forgotten which one), but the "chibi" format of the animation has really drawn me away if one were to compare this to Gundam Wing (to which is what introduced me to the series).

Spider-Man Unlimited... No comment really, in comparison to the 'Ultimate' Spider-man, I would rather watch this. Its a shame that the Amazing Spider-man was cancelled for that other show.


Gundam is at its best when it's a space war drama or a fighting tournament. The point is that it's never been about the Mobile Suits, it's about the people.

Mobile Suit Gundam The 08th MS Team: I really like this one. It's like The Vietnam War with Mobile Suit Gundam(the '79 series) fused with elements of Romeo and Juliet. The jungle setting is very unique.

Yoshiyuki Tomino - the guy who created Gundam is nicknamed Kill Em All Tomino. He has a habit of killing off all of his characters. He's also bat shit insane. I remember reading this quote a few days ago.

"By directing combat and war pieces, I could experience catharsis and successfully avoid committing a murder in real life. In this sense, I'm really grateful for that because I was conscious that I had such homicidal traits, to be honest."
— Yoshiyuki Tomino

:twilightoops: Yep.

Really inspiring quote right there indeed.:twilightoops:

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