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Wanderer D

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    Sorry guys

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Octavia's canon sister... · 1:39am Dec 26th, 2012

I think some bronies are calling her Fiddlesticks (for some inane reason)

So, I was reading Alex's fine follow-up to the "Apple Family Reunion" and I took a closer look at this "Fiddlestick" pony... and did you notice... that she's 'Tavi's TWIN SISTER?! Look:

Down to the cutie mark! Now, I don't know about you, but I'm making it official. Somehow. And it's awesome and that's how it's going to be in The Sweetie Chronicles, TER-follow-ups, Three Sisters and everything else in my head canon. In fact, she might turn up in— well, that'd be spoilers.

Anyway. Thoughts?! Let's make her a bio! How is her relationship with Tavi? Why is she into country music? Will she sing "Wagon Wheel" for me? What else can we do around this character and how "official" can we make it in Brony-dom? Also, can we think of a better name? Because "Fiddlesticks" is just moronic.

Report Wanderer D · 2,488 views ·
Comments ( 77 )

Meheh, Fiddlestick.


she first showed up in the nightmare night episode, she was wearing scarecrowesque clothes, so she got the name fiddlesticks.

what if that actually IS octavia in her NATURAL colors?:pinkiecrazy:

In before a running gag where she pokes her head in to ask what they want whenever a pony says 'oh fiddlesticks' in disappointment.


If she is related to the apples and Octavia...

Those who have a headcannon that Octavia is Pinkie's sister have Pinkie and Applejack related.


I prefer to think of them as (distant) cousins, but maybe that's just me.

I would have called her Apple Fiddler, but meh.

All this confirmed for me was that Octy wasn't in Ponyville on Nightmare Night.

Could be some relation, but if we start classifying all recolours as relatives...


That's quite a lot of relatives

Not worth the trouble... Simply some recycling of models.

Oh. I called her Applestrings. XD

I thought her fanon name was Viola :rainbowhuh: She showed up in Luna Eclipse

Octavia is secretly a member of the Apple family. She dyes her coat and mane to fit in with the Canterlot upper crust.

i though Fiddlestick was a Nightmare Night dressed-up Octaiva.

I prefer the theory that's she's the coincidental mirror image.

It'll be awesome when they meet eachother.

I saw a much better name for her in a review here, let me see if I can find it.

What silly nonsense Wanderer_D, surely you must realized she's from Applejack's side of the family not Octavia. Since the pony in question arrives for the Apple Reunion in the pointed episode and besides.....she wont be the first one in the Apply family to play an instrument.

Its silly to make assumptions, after all its like pointing the similarities with Pinkie Pies Cutie Mark with one of her family members in the Rock farm, to which there is none since her cutie mark has no relations to the rock farm. Thus proving that having similar cutie marks doesn't necessary mean that any 2 given characters are related

Relationship with Octavia:They love each other very much but don't get to talk much due to Fiddlesticks playing in places like Ponyville,Appleoosa,etc and Octavia playing in places like Canterlot well thats how I think they're relationship would be like
As for name hmmm Hay Note like as a high note?

She's also a member of the Apple Family, so yeah.

Bon-Bon and Cloudchaser are apples
Proof here

649439 Or dressing up for the song? Applejack might have paid her with Apple family cider! Or she is secretly an apple! :pinkiegasp:

I noticed this too, but only when I saw the loop you put here on Equestria Daily.

649512 There we go, that's the one I was trying to find, Greensleeves.

Carrot Top is an apple too, cousin most likely:ajsmug:

that she's actually one of the apple family was my point exactly, what if she didn't want to be linked with farmers for the sake of her career and therefore dyed EVERYTHING in another color!:pinkiegasp:

I bet my apples is that BonBon is the girlfriend of Big Mac. As for Couldkicker...Braeburn maybe?

New headcanon:

Tavi and Fiddle are twins but don't know it, because they were separated at birth.

Dun dun duun

>How is her relationship with Tavi?
They are in lesbians :moustache:

I thought Octavia was related to Pinkie considering her sister has the same color scheme as Inkie Pie. And if that's true then by association Pinkie must be related to AJ in a distant manner.

Now, dun' go chalkin' this up ta' bias, jus' cus Ah geek Appalachian Murder Ballads; but Appalachia Greensleeves is an ok fandom name by me.

The reason, my dear friends, is quite clear. They are of the Apples, but from a far different branch. One of those rare seeds that sprout in the City, due to one of the parents having been whisked away from the farm life by their beloved. Brought together by their love of music, Big Band (father) proposed to Jazz Apple (mother) and she accepted. Both lead a beautiful and rich career running the club and Jazz circuit, though they loved all forms of music since such things could bring much inspiration to their work. Even Jazz's upbringing on the farm gave her a unique southern spin on many of their works. Of course, this slice of heaven was marred by one little thing.
She never told her parents about getting married.
A year into their marriage, Jazz took Big Band back home to meet her family, to be met with open arms and smiling faces. They were glad to have their daughter back, and while Big Band knew next to nothing about farm work, he was no stranger to hard work and endeared himself to his in-laws. At the next Apple Family Reunion, Big Band and Jazz, along with a few friends, played musical accompaniment to the Apple Family Hoedown, amongst other things. And from then, it became both a Band-Apple family tradition AND obligation, to play musical accompaniment to the Family Get-Togethers if they were available.
Fast Forward a few years, when a couple of fillies were born to the Band-Apple family, and they tried to instill a general love for music in the fillies. They succeeded, but only to a point. Having become relatively well-off from their music career, Big Band bought his growing family a nice sized house in the city, complete with its own studio. Wanting the best for their children, they set them up at the local school and, due to being unable to reschedule some gigs, they had been unable to make it to the past few reunions. Sadly, before the next reunion, tragedy strikes. Big Band, sadly, suffered from the one thing magic couldn't heal as of that time (or even yet in the present). Cancer. Lung Cancer, specifically, having been exposed to heavy smoke from seedier bars that payed surprisingly well. He had been taking on extra gigs, in order to save up money so he and his family could spend time with the Apples at the next reunion, having felt guilty about being unable to introduce his little girls, Octavia and Greensleeves, to the rest of the clan. Jazz's parents, of course, loved the musical scamps and were able to drop by during the lighter parts of the season for important goings on, such as birthdays or the Twins' Cuteceañera, where they both came into remarkably similar Cutie Marks. Suffice it to say, the Band-Apple family missed that year's Reunion, but being unable to stand living in the home bought and built by and with her husband, Jazz went back home to the farm with the twins.
Octavia hated every moment of it. While Greensleeves took to country living like a fish in water, Octavia saw the entire thing as a glaring reminder that her Father was gone. She spent her waking ours throwing herself into playing the string bass her father bought for her. The music was her balm, the music was her everything. Her family didn't know what to do, and even her Twin Sister, her colorful mirror image, could do only so much. Seeing how much the Farm made her miserable, jazz did the only thing she could... she sent Octavia to live with the Oranges. What had hurt the most was the simple fact that, for the first time in their lives, the Twins did not wish to stay together. Greensleeves saw the glass half full and the passing of their Father made her simply relish the memories she had of him alive, thinking it an injustice to wallow in misery when he wanted them to LIVE. Octavia saw the glass half empty. for one of her beloved parents was dead and all she could remember was him slowly wasting away from the Cancer, and how weakened he had looked in the end. How Big Band could no longer play the brass instruments he loved, nor hold a note without coughing heavily. Life was going to end anyway, the only thing that made life beautiful was the contrast of the bright things against the dark. Thus, she allowed herself to step into a world of somber tones, wanting to bring this dark, morose beauty to light.
Both, in their own rights, became popular musicians, but despite Greensleeves' best efforts, she could not bring her sister to any more Apple Family Reunions. But then... she found herself being unable to step a hoof into Manehattan, the darker memories of the City threatening to drive the brighter twin to tears. As such, Jazz Apple did her best to visit both sisters regularly, spending half her time in Manehattan and the other on her family's farm. (Jazz Persephone Apple *snerks*)
While this would be the end of the story, Octavia had had two run ins with a famous cousin of hers and her friends that threatened to shatter her world of grays and shadows. Both times involved playing in Canterlot of all places... and while both times she felt quite upset at her performances being interrupted, she found the edges of her mouth twitching when she was reminded of what occured... and how much she found herself thinking of her sister when they did.
And I got carried away ^^ That's my two cents, hope you like it!

Comment posted by notMurphy deleted Dec 26th, 2012

Viola would go along with Octavia beautifully.

649440 You been watching to much Scrubs, she is not Hooch!

There is no denying the resemblance, though that hasn't made some other ponies related. But hey, whatever the fanon wants.

649686 This is a great idea. Maybe she is an Apple by adoption.

I can't stop imagining her as Fiddlesticks from League of Legends now... :facehoof:


What silly nonsense Wanderer_D, surely you must realized she's from Applejack's side of the family not Octavia. Since the pony in question arrives for the Apple Reunion in the pointed episode

Well, then, Octavia is clearly an Apple as well. It's the only logical resolution.

>>ruin applepie forever.
I disagree with this plan wholeheartedly.

649916 Don't worry, so far Pinkie's sisters are Inky and Blinky still, not Octavia. lol :derpytongue2:

Guise, guise, it was Octavia. She dyes her fur in dark colors for concerts, just like human performers wear black. :pinkiegasp: And, she is totally an Apple.

You all apparently have missed an important issue.

If this is Octavia's twin sister...

Is she the Good Twin? Or the Evil Twin?

Someone write that story!

Wanderer D

649439 What if it's really Chrysalis!?

649517 However it doesn't disprove it either, since ALL of the apple family has an apple in their flank! I would argue that you could interpret Pinky Pie's family's cutie mark as emotion cutie marks. The pick-axe as a representation of conformist emotions and the rocks on her mother's flank as a representation of boredom, while her own balloons are a representation of happiness.

649686 I like this idea. A lot.

649764 By :trollestia:'s solar-flaring :twilightblush:! That's a lot of text! Must read! ... Yes, I like it a lot! great background and leaves a lot of possibility!

What can I say? When it comes to ideas and backgrounds, I can do VERY well. It's the actual story writing I have problems with...

If this pony was related to Octavia, Octy would have been at the reunion too. It was a family reunion, after all, and residing in Canterlot would not be an obstacle (some of those relatives were from even further away.)

650118 Ah, but Octavia's more on the Pie side of the family. She didn't get as much Apple in her blood as her sister, and that's why her colors are more muted. I'd say she's a twin half-sister.

Like, their father was of the Pie family, but one mother was of one family, and the other was an Apple.

Wanderer D

650118 It is also implied that while there were a LOT of family members, they don't all often come together. Even if Apple Bloom said "everyone" it can be taken as an exaggeration.

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