• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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  • 2 weeks
    All Things Seem Possible in Paul Rudd

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are back open for the month of May! YEE HAW! Bring your family and dogs all down to The Big Sticky and get a free complementary breadstick basket! And don't worry, it was only made of Gluten. And no, we don't provide Gluten Free, get out. And if you're the one of ten thousands sending us emails demanding Gluten Free, we have the

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  • 6 weeks
    Paul Rudd Showers Bring Paul Rudd Flowers

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are closed. That's right there y'all, we're closed for the season. Don't come here! WE'RE NOT HERE! We've got plenty of illegals though cleaning inside. ITS THE MONTHLY BIG STICKY SPRING CLEANING! So if you come on down here.... just don't. No.....
    or else....

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  • 11 weeks

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY FOR UNIVERSAL MAGIC! HAPPY 11TH!!!! IT'S THE 21ST!!!!....


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  • 15 weeks
    You Take My Paul Rudd Away Baby

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a hootin' and tooin' Valentine's Day! Now it seems like we're late to the hoedown, but over here at the Big Sticky House, WE CELEBRATE VALENTINE'S ALL MONTH LONG! We have fun for everyone for all ages! For the kids, we have Make your own Heart activity, where the younglings take out a human beating out

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  • 15 weeks
    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

    Ok.... so I reached the 100K character limit again.... so here we go.... again....

    SEASON 30 PART 2

    Back to Plans

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I Love The Smell of Paul Rudd In The Morning · 1:39pm Sep 21st, 2023

Yee Haw! You missed me? You thought I ran off and joined the circus didn't you? Well, you would be right, because welcome to the Big Sticky Circus, home of the Big Sticky Show. It's a show where you will see the most amazing things that your eyes will ever see! We have a clown juggling two balls, a spider that can jump, a guy who can say the Alphabet backwards, and a cat who can stare at you into your deepest parts of your soul and seeing all the darkest secrets you keep in it. And by the time he's done with you, you'll be screaming to be let out, but it will never let you leave.... ALONG WITH MANT MORE AMAZING PERFORMANCES! SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, COME ON DOWN AND GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY! HOWDY Y'ALL, THIS IS THE 21ST OF THE MONTH SPEAKING!....

Hey Ho! It's me, time for a monthly update. But I'll keep it short.

Because of the... bad luck I had last month... I had to pretty much spend this past month catching up. Things are getting better, but rather slowly, but pretty much there. So all I managed to do was some writing for Chapter 5 in ARMLPFFS3. But I'll try to speed things up if I can. Like I said, I don't want to rush. If I rushed, you wouldn't be getting the best from me. And I want to do my best and push it when I can. So hopefully you're not disappointed. I am sometimes with myself, but that's a different story.

Besides from that, I don't think I discussed my plans for what I'll do after ARMLPFFS3, in which case short explanation is I'll do more UAL in ALT, Ghost Short: Ghosty Needs a Home (I've been sitting on the lyrics for a some time now...), and then deciding to either focus on Re-Edits (because I should) or Episode 23-3 (I've been sitting on the outline for 5 years now and would like to make it a reality...) Plus there's a lot of other stuff for the Outline I still need to do; I have a lot on my plate, it's just a matter of picking and choosing which to focus on and sticking with it.

Aside from that, if you check out this month's Plan / Outline update, you will notice I use a date system now. Not guarantee to stick with it, trying to get into the groove of it, but this way it's easier to spot which details are the new updates and to pretty much time stamp it for archival purposes. Why didn't I do this before? Because I am lazy sometimes, I won't lie.

That's about it for the update I guess.

Anyways, here's what I updated in the Plans / Outline, have yourself a good one. See you all next month. And remember, we are never promised tomorrow...


The Outline / Plans

- Added some new, updated details on the Ghost Saga Explanation and is currently up to date on everything that has happened thus far in TGS, in Season 3, ACT I, link at the very end.

- Added dates to the details and plans so it’s easier to find what was updated and when it was updated… no guarantees I’ll keep it up though…

- Added some stuff to Random in Stuff for Later in Mane 2 like more Jokes, dreams, and some In-Universe stuff…

- Added details to Windows Saga 3 in Universal Magic Forever, ACT VI

- Added details to Universe XXX in Universal Magic Forever, ACT VI

- Added a slight detail to Universe XX in Universal Magic Forever, ACT VI

- Added two new shorts to Shorts including The Spoopy Theatre and Mini Golf Fun Night

- Added a new Short Ultimate Battle in Short: Rag Tag vs The Mercinaries of Future City, however I am unsure as of this time if it is something to do as a one shot in Alternate or just keep it short. So for simplicity sake I put it in Shorts for now…

- Added some slight detail to Episode 144: the End to End All Ends Part 2, Season 6, The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga in Alternate

- Added some slight detail to Episode 90: Breaking a Bundle of Sticks, Season 4, The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga in Alternate

- Added some detail to Season 5 in The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga in Alternate

- Added a slight detail to the Election Day Special in The Specials Universe in Alternate

- Added some slight detail to The Martin Luther King Jr. Day Special in The Specials Universe in Alternate

- Added some slight to Episode 542: SlenderFetus Returns, Season 22, ACT III

- Added IMPORTANT detail to Episode 238: The Lost Fetus, Season 10, the second half of it, ACT II. Trust me, I put some thought into it…

- Added a slight ending update to Episode 445: A Fallout Equestria, Season 18, ACT III

- Added a slight update to the motivation in Equestria Boys 5 in Equestria Boys

- Added some slight detail to Episode 123: The Return of Protection Part 2, Season 6, ACT I

- Added some slight detail to Episode 146: Family Despise Day, Season 7, ACT I….

- Added a slight detail to Episode 58: Time Loop, Season 3, ACT I

- Added some detail to Episode 462: The Sombra Trilogy: The Connection

- Added a slight detail to Episode 380: The Windows Saga: The Next Gen Team, Season 16, ACT III

- Added some detail to Episode 172: A Hangover Adventure III, Season 8, ACT I

- Added some slight ending detail to Episode 268: TF Returns Part 3, Season 11, ACT I

- Added a slight change in detail for Troll War 4 in Specials

- Added some slight detail for Round 5 in Universe X Saga in Season 30, Part 1

- Added some slight detail to Duality episode in Season 30, Part 2

- Added some villain detail in The Mech Race in Season 30, Part 2

- Added two new episodes to Season 30, Part 2: Untitled Mercenary Episode and Mercenary Heaven.

- I looked at the names for the Episodes that I have yet to implement and some of them I notice I got the names wrong or need to change the name I think? I don’t know, I would try to double check it, but as of this writing I am tired and just low on time. Maybe next time…

- Also stuff I didn’t get in here, details for an episode about where you go to sleep, then wake up in another universe… that premise… I know I have it somewhere be truth be told I can’t seem to find it. Either I will find it under some weird name or I am remembering something completely different, but I will just have to add another episode… won’t I? Plus I’ll just go ahead and probably make that second EoD episode a thing… next time… Plus I wrote down some slight detail for an episode I think already scrapped so… huh… I’ll commit a murder and put it in the graveyard then I guess whenever, still working on that by the way… just busy…

- Also I wanted to go into depth on the creative process for The Lost Episodes Chronicles Saga, but I need more time to write that portion out. Why write it? Might be an interesting idea for notes and something to take away from…I guess…

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