• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.

More Blog Posts692

  • Tuesday
    New Midnight Rising chapter off to prereaders...

    At long last. This is the redo of the chapter I was forced to scrap in April and then about 80% rewrite. I saved a few select bits and pieces from the original version, but the rest went by the wayside.

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  • 1 week
    Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts...

    The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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    4 comments · 145 views
  • 2 weeks
    Still working on Midnight Rising...

    At the rate of about 800-1000 words a day. That’s my key to getting stuff done that’s causing you issues; just be sure you put at least a little time in on it this day to have some forward momentum. The two chapters are now up to 24,100 words. I’ll work on it more this weekend, at least around continuing work around the maps and battle graphics I’m making for Feathered Hearts.

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  • 2 weeks
    Did two things this past weekend...

    First, I ran 10k for the first time in two months after laying off that long to let my ankle bursitis subside, trying to allow the area to generally heal up. It appears that it worked. To my delight, there was no ankle pain after and I hadn’t even lost much stamina thanks to hitting an elliptical machine twice a week for an hour instead of jogging. My upper legs are another matter, though.

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  • 3 weeks
    C&C chapter 40 entering prereads tonight + teaser

    Much as I didn’t want to, I made the decision to break it up since the full length of the War Council meeting had exceeded 20,000 words and will probably approach 25k for the now-two chapters before all is said and done. The breakpoint itself will be between learning about the general war situation both Aricia and the Griffon Kingdom face, and then discussing what in all the Crows they’re going

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Eros and Personal Update... · 3:33pm Jun 12th, 2023

Haven’t given an update on Eros in a while. The short of it is that I did resume work on the new chapter over the past few days to the tune of getting it up to nearly 4,000 words, but was only able to write it in fits and starts given I’m still recovering from this illness.

Which brings me to the personal part. To my online friends, I apologize for not being around the last few days, but I was in no mood for conversation or really much of anything. My bronchitis-caused coughing was constant and not that productive unless I took a steady stream of various cough syrups and drops, leaving me unable to sleep at night without the NyQuil severe cold and flu formula. My ceaseless and very ugly-sounding hacking tore up my throat so badly it was to the point I could barely talk a couple days ago. In the meantime, I couldn’t really exercise or workout beyond a walk or two, and even then I had to watch myself. Accompanying it was a low-grade fever that wouldn’t go away.

It’s getting better at long last, if more slowly than I would like. The coughing subsided significantly (but didn’t disappear) two nights ago and last night was the first night since this illness started that I went without NyQuil, resulting in very poor sleep—not from coughing but because you get somewhat dependent on the stuff to sleep the longer you take it. I’m back at work today and plan to chance some light weightlifting tonight for the first time in two weeks. My coughing is finally fading out, though I still do so occasionally. At least it’s productive now.

The irony is, I’m pretty sure I didn’t pick this up in Vegas given I felt it coming on starting the day after I arrived. That means I had to have picked it up before, maybe when I was visiting my family. My mom got a cold, but her symptoms weren’t anywhere near as bad. So your guess is as good as mine.

As for the trip itself, it feels like it was incomplete. Unable to be properly enjoyed and that I leave unfinished business behind. I was running hot, both in terms of my temperature and poker play, so I do regret not being able to continue it and see what else might have happened. Luck comes in streaks—take it from me, it does—so it’s perfectly possible that mine would have continued.

If I had stayed, I would have set $1000 of my then-$1800 in winnings aside and continued wagering with the remaining $800 at the rate of one tournament per day. That would have locked in a decent profit while still giving me money to play with. But staying would have been foolish, as I would have been playing ill—a very bad idea for being neither mentally nor physically sharp, never mind the chance of giving this shit to others.

Will I return? Eventually. But not in the near future. I have other priorities for my money right now, not the least of which is paying off my place, which I want to do within the next year. That means I can’t be wasting too much money on fun stuff. So I’ll be satisfied this time by getting a cheap holiday and knowing that I did well.

Back to business, then. To my friends, I will try to be more social going forward and to my readers, I will work on Eros as able. As for the new chapter, I find myself wanting to cut loose on it again, with the only question being how far to take Gilda’s submission. I’ve written two separate versions of one particular part to show less and more of it, and I’m currently waffling over which one to use—which ones makes more sense for this particular moment and going forward.

Of course, the centerpiece continues to be the showing of the movie Midway, showing the Doolittle raid on Tokyo and how it directly led to Battle of Midway itself. So expect the usual amount of military analysis and explanations between M-rated scenes as our enamored griffies continue to be enthralled by what they see. There will be one final chapter after this one for the climactic battle (and accompanying sex scene!), and I’m sure you can guess its effect on the griffies in general and Gilda in particular to see the Japanese carriers struck down in spectacular fashion from the air.

That chapter will also be the final chapter of the “Night to Remember” storyline, but not the end of Eros as there are plenty more one-shots and possibly other story arcs to be written based on other events and future action. What other story arcs may be written? In a word: Changelings.

Release schedule of the new Eros chapter remains uncertain, but I’ll aim to publish it the weekend after this one. And after that, it’s finally back to Unleash the Magic. Midnight Rising has been languishing, and I want to get it done by summer’s end so I can work on Nightmare Night again in the leadup to Halloween.

Continuation and Chronicles will not be worked on much in the meantime, for which I apologize. But I gave you plenty of chapters this spring, folks. For the record, the next chapter will be the 50th one published (if you count both the M-rated and T-rated versions of various chapters), so that calls for something special. Given what the next chapter will entail, I’m thinking of doing an Eros-style entry for the main story. Don’t worry, non-clop readers, I promise you’ll still get your T-rated version with a far more sanitized and possibly altered account of events.

Comments ( 5 )

Awesome to know it will come, I am quite giddy about it. Gilda riding Fortrakt will be fun as well the girl on girl action. I still threat over the first ever recorded high 'triple A' education video about group fornication.
We need a text book based on it one day , for Griffon and Pony kind♡ and the slutfolk humans.

Hope you get better soon.

Sorry to hear you've been sick but damn! Your hottest win streak in Vegas yet! You nearly paid for the entire trip with your winnings! So is it almost worth being sick to kick that much ass? :ajsmug:

Been making my own plays with money. I became an investor at age 40 buying a 5000-dollar CD at 5.2% interest. A modest start to what promises to be a growing financial empire, I'm sure.

Look forward to prereading for you after you get fully better! :pinkiehappy:

5% on up is good if I recall

I can't wait to see the Eros chapter on the final battle in Midway. Sounds like the Hiryu isn't the only thing about to blow😏

Catching up on old blog comments...


Awesome to know it will come, I am quite giddy about it. Gilda riding Fortrakt will be fun as well the girl on girl action. I still threat over the first ever recorded high 'triple A' education video about group fornication.
We need a text book based on it one day , for Griffon and Pony kind♡ and the slutfolk humans.

Gilda riding Fortrakt will come later, don’t worry. And probably later in the story when they end up repeatedly saving each other.

Hope you get better soon.

I finally did, but it took a while. :pinkiesick:


Sorry to hear you've been sick but damn! Your hottest win streak in Vegas yet! You nearly paid for the entire trip with your winnings! So is it almost worth being sick to kick that much ass? :ajsmug:

Almost. :ajsmug: Part of me wishes I could have stayed to see if the hot streak would have continued, but that would have been a recipe for losing my winnings if I was ill and getting worse.

Been making my own plays with money. I became an investor at age 40 buying a 5000-dollar CD at 5.2% interest. A modest start to what promises to be a growing financial empire, I'm sure.

Why worry? I’m sure you can always get a loan at a good rate from the Batican Bank of Thestralslovakia. :moustache:

Look forward to prereading for you after you get fully better! :pinkiehappy:

Took a while to get it to you, but I finally did! And don’t worry, another entry is coming... no pun intended, at least not this time. :coolphoto:


I can't wait to see the Eros chapter on the final battle in Midway. Sounds like the Hiryu isn't the only thing about to blow😏

Not by a long shot! :rainbowwild: Next chapter will be out this coming Thursday. Hope you like!

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