• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
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Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?

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March to mid-April 2023 Update: Signal Boost, Among Other Things · 2:37pm Apr 16th, 2023

First things first, there's at least one more signal boost here, and that is for SilverNotes' loved one and dog needing money for dental work/surgery. Two ways on how to help out: a GoFundMe drive and commissioning SilverNotes for stories and specifying that this is for the surgeries.

Any help that can be spared will be much appreciated.

I have been a bit busy, both somewhat with life in general and with the beginning stages of writing. Part of it is an overhaul of what stories would be up next, in that I could arrange my projects/stories from, well, easy to hard, so I can get a groove going. As much as the Stellar Flare-focused [SCYTALE] is something I want to get out first for the sake of some internal reading order, it's also something with... let's say, several moving parts and also in a genre I myself am not too experienced in compared to others, so I'd rather put that to the side.

So, on the docket for now will be two short stories, one that will definitely be published within the month, and one that probably will not make it before April's end but hopefully will be out before the first half of May is over.

The second one, code-named [ALBERTI], will be focused on Screwball and another character, set in the Victorious Discord Timeline from the Season 5 finale.

The first one, though? I can't really tell you, other than that it's a short story, and why I can't tell you will hopefully be made clear within the next 48 hours, as (if God wills it), I will be releasing it in that time frame.

That would be all for now, though. I hope that things shall go well or be better for you by God's grace.

"Prancing in Chocolate Rain " by PlushTrapez

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