• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
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I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.

More Blog Posts693

  • Monday
    Feathered Hearts C&C chapter 40 will launch tonight

    I apologize for the long delay. The chapter draft was submitted to prereaders a month ago and well-received, but the graphics have taken me a while and several false starts. The main reason is I tried multiple methods to include unit icons in the maps of Aresia, but the end result always seems more cluttered than anything else. Here's an example:

    Without unit icons:

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    6 comments · 87 views
  • 2 weeks
    New Midnight Rising chapter off to prereaders...

    At long last. This is the redo of the chapter I was forced to scrap in April and then about 80% rewrite. I saved a few select bits and pieces from the original version, but the rest went by the wayside.

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    2 comments · 75 views
  • 2 weeks
    Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts...

    The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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    4 comments · 161 views
  • 3 weeks
    Still working on Midnight Rising...

    At the rate of about 800-1000 words a day. That’s my key to getting stuff done that’s causing you issues; just be sure you put at least a little time in on it this day to have some forward momentum. The two chapters are now up to 24,100 words. I’ll work on it more this weekend, at least around continuing work around the maps and battle graphics I’m making for Feathered Hearts.

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  • 4 weeks
    Did two things this past weekend...

    First, I ran 10k for the first time in two months after laying off that long to let my ankle bursitis subside, trying to allow the area to generally heal up. It appears that it worked. To my delight, there was no ankle pain after and I hadn’t even lost much stamina thanks to hitting an elliptical machine twice a week for an hour instead of jogging. My upper legs are another matter, though.

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Ending the month on an ill note... · 6:15pm Jan 29th, 2023

Because I’m ill. :pinkiesick: I started getting sick last Monday and by Wednesday I was down hard with a severe cold. Not COVID, and not the flu, but maybe it was that RSV thing that’s been going around. I’ve only been slowly getting better, taking two and a half sick days off from work, but sleeping has been an apnea-filled adventure at times with my nose so stopped up, and my energy has been very low. As a result, despite all the time off, I haven’t been writing much.

Still, I’ve managed about 4100 words on the new C&C chapter over the past week. In fairness, part of the reason it’s coming slowly is that although I knew how the Battle of Lake Languid would end, I didn’t have its aftermath as well-mapped out in my head. So I’m feeling my way as I go. The highlight of the chapter will be the confrontation between Gilda and Cipio over his orders to dangle the humans like raw meat before the ravenous Cloven, but even before that, we’ll see the arrival at Aricia and the first steps of getting settled, as well as a few more things regarding the Changelings.

I’m envisioning this chapter to be shorter than the last few, as we’re now resetting the narration for the next story arc, which I’ll call the Defense of Aricia Arc for lack of anything better. It’s more of a prelude/transition chapter than anything else, so nothing earth-shaking is going to happen here, either on the battlefield or in the bedroom—the decimated Cloven can’t launch any new attacks quickly for the former, and it’s just not the time for it on the latter. Doesn’t mean I can’t start setting up both for later, though.

I intend for this next story arc to contain a lot of the action seen in the final ten chapters of the original Feathered Heart: licking wounds, training, additional love interests (for those unaware, Marco had no less than two other eaglesses potentially interested in him in the original story—namely, Nydia and the eagless he later dueled!), and an exchange of raids with the Cloven.

I don’t honestly know what DEL’s original plans for Feathered Heart were post-chapter 20 except for one thing he shared with me over Skype. So aside from being sure to incorporate that one thing later, I think I’m pretty much free to do whatever I wish regarding where the story goes. There will very definitely be another climactic battle to this arc—probably for the entire city as the Cloven mount a massive assault in an attempt to crush the salient into their territory Aricia forms and replenish their losses from its populace—and that’s the point you can expect some old friends to appear. Namely, Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer, both arriving with a vanguard force of ponies to assist the Kingdom. With emphasis on vanguard...

Other than that, my writing plan remains the same as before: do one chapter of C&C and then switch over to Midnight Rising. Hopefully by the time I do so, I’ll be fully free of this fucking cold and at full testosterone charge, ready and eager to write clop again. I’m sure the latter is building now, but it’s a little hard to feel it when I’m sick. :pinkiesick:

I’ll try to give one more update on the chapter when I’m further along with it, including a possible teaser and release date. Until then, over and out.

Comments ( 14 )

I hope you will get better soon.

Hope you get better soon.
I strangely got more productive with over 30k+ words published since i had nothing better do to while getting better :rainbowderp:


Looking forward to your glorious chapter update on C&C main story and Eros.
While i manage in the humor department, is your stuff simply 'tripple A+' entertainment.
See you around in the comment section

Man, everyone just suddenly is getting sick with whatnot lately. Hope you have a quick recovery.

Hey, man
we sure would like to see new chapter, but in the end you don't own anybody nothing, so just focus on getting better :-)

Stay in bed, the stories can wait! Get better soon! :raritywink:


I hope you will get better soon.

Thanks. The biggest thing I’d like is to lose this fucking cough.


Hope you get better soon.
I strangely got more productive with over 30k+ words published since i had nothing better do to while getting better :rainbowderp:

Sometimes that works, but not so much when your mental energy is low along with your physical kind. :pinkiesick:

Looking forward to your glorious chapter update on C&C main story and Eros.
While i manage in the humor department, is your stuff simply 'tripple A+' entertainment.
See you around in the comment section

I will do my best to make it glorious, and I appreciate your comments very much! Thanks for the well-wishes. :heart:


Man, everyone just suddenly is getting sick with whatnot lately. Hope you have a quick recovery.

Thanks, Robo. Out of curiosity, are you caught up on Nightmare Night? I only ask because I thought you’d greatly enjoy Sunset pulling out all the stops to face down and defeat Eclipse. :twilightsmile:


Hey, man
we sure would like to see new chapter, but in the end you don't own anybody nothing, so just focus on getting better :-)

Appreciate the well-wishes! Unfortunately, I do owe the folks I work for some actual work, so it’s back to the office for me today. Don’t worry, I’m well enough, even I’m still coughing more than I’d like. But to hear the coughing around me, it doesn’t seem like I’m the only one who caught this thing.


Stay in bed, the stories can wait! Get better soon! :raritywink:

Thanks for the well-wishes! Oh, I’m well past the stay-in-bed stage, at least. It’s back to the office today, even if I’m still coughing more than I would like. Nothing a combination of cough drops and DayQuil can’t fix, or at least mitigate.

trust me - I know
I've had cold and cough for like 3 MONTHS, going to work with it because there was other people ill and we had nobody. Until I simply crashed for two weeks before the holidays. I got seriously scoleded by doctor, because I could have make it chronic. I am working as a train conductor, so still runing in and out of the train, day shifts, nightshifts, evenings,from warm train to cold outside in winter oposite at summer

Unfortunately, no. I'm pretty behind on a lot of stuff. Slowly trying to get through the backlog but it's a process and I mostly just pay attention to updates of stuff I'm already caught up on.

Also it's kinda difficult to catch up on longfrom clop because, well, you know...


Unfortunately, no. I'm pretty behind on a lot of stuff. Slowly trying to get through the backlog but it's a process and I mostly just pay attention to updates of stuff I'm already caught up on.

Yeah, I hear ya. I’m not one to talk about backlogs, believe me. Still, I do ask that you come back to this eventually, if only because I know how much you like Sunset. I really think you’ll like what I did with her in these last three chapters, as she pulls out all the stops in an attempt to take down Eclipse.

Also it's kinda difficult to catch up on longfrom clop because, well, you know...

Oh, yes. I know that well. :twilightoops:


trust me - I know
I've had cold and cough for like 3 MONTHS, going to work with it because there was other people ill and we had nobody. Until I simply crashed for two weeks before the holidays. I got seriously scoleded by doctor, because I could have make it chronic.

Yeah. I’ve learned the hard way that whether physically or mentally, you can only push yourself so far/so fast before you do damage that you might not be able to take back. My two surgically repaired knees are evidence enough of that, and I may have an elbow I have to fix as well due to excessive weightlifting.

I am working as a train conductor, so still runing in and out of the train, day shifts, nightshifts, evenings,from warm train to cold outside in winter oposite at summer

Yeah, that’s a ready-made recipe for illness right there. I’ve had my cold and cough for just over a week now, and it still sucks even as it gradually fades out. Just hope I’m not annoying my coworkers too badly with my slowing but still-present hacking.

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