• Member Since 7th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I've always said one thing about who I am as a person. "Eternally in pursuit of the goodness in the heart." It's what called me to the show. It's why I'm here now. And it's what I love to write about.

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An Update on where I am and what I'm doing · 8:26pm Dec 6th, 2022

To those who have enjoyed my stories, I come bearing news. Some good, some bad. Depends on who you ask.

The bad news first:

My incomplete stories are going into haitus for an indefinite period of time. If you caught some of my early blog posts about my real-life status, you probably understand why. Since returning to this site, I have since gotten a more demanding day-job that takes up almost every single one of my days. Full-time with nearly guaranteed overtime.

The time I do spend free, I use it to work on my audio chapters for A Kindled Beginning as well as making music for it. I'm also making an audiobook for a friend too at the moment! And also considering (barring I've finished those) making some audiobooks for some peers of mine too, if they'll accept my style of reading anyhow. I was thinking of doing A Sword in Equestria by Joe Toon next, since I really enjoy his story. Apart from that, I'm still coordinating multiple illustrations for Beginning still, and for something else so you'll likely see those pieces in my blog in the future.

The good news:

Well, I've already talked about how I'm still making art and audio chapters, but I'm also going to be working on one story that I'll release sometime soon maybe. With less time on my hands to do the things I want, I'm gonna use the little time afforded to me to work on the story I most want to write. Which is why I haitus'd my incomplete stories for now (which is only two at the moment, sorry Poke fans). So look forward to that new one coming soon! I know I am. I even have a new illustrator on board for it too...

Comments ( 2 )

Make sure you save some time for relaxation every now and then!

Well just make sure you take a break from working now and then and not the kind bosses like where your work is your life and your breaks are there. You need to take a day off now and then and stop and smell the roses.

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