• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

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It was another beautiful day as Flash Sentry woke up and walked into the kitchen with Springer. Night Light and Velvet were already there as he called out to them, "Morning. Where's Twilight?"

"She went to school early," Night replied, "Remember? She wanted to show her robotics project to the rest of her club."

"Oh yeah," Flash nodded, "Guess I'll be riding to school alone today." He then noticed that Velvet hadn't made a big breakfast like she normally did, which meant only one thing. "Early appointment?" She nodded as she finished her drink.

"My editor wants to discuss a few changes to my next book. May take a while to iron out the details." She got up at this, "You okay making your own breakfast?"

"Sure," Flash responded, "I'm not completely useless." They all smiled at this and Velvet headed out, Night going with her as Flash poured himself some cereal. But as he went to the coffee maker to get himself a good cup of joe, his geode suddenly started glowing and the energy sparked out. It flew through his body and out of his finger, going straight into the machine and causing it to short-circuit.

"WHOA!" He yelped, leaping back as the device blew up. Springer dashed under the table to avoid the glass that flew around the room, Flash luckily not getting hit. "What the heck?!" He hissed as he stared at his hands that were still sparking with energy. "I didn't summon that...why is it-" He closed his eyes and the energy vanished with a quick thought. "Phew." He looked at the smoking coffee maker and let out a sigh, "Great." He leaned against the counter, only for the energy to flow around him again before shooting into the toaster. "GYAH!" He yelped as the device exploded as well, "AAAAH! What's going on?!"

The energy continued to surge around him, the teen quickly going for the door, only stopping to grab his bag, and leapt outside as the power continued to flow through him. "Just stop!" he yelled as he kept charging. He then ran for his car, onlyl for the thought of his hot-rod overloading appearing in his mind. Instead, he simply ran toward the school and the power flowing through him zipped him into Rainbow levels of speed.

"WHOA!" He screamed as people all across the city found themselves getting blown over by a powerful gust of wind that shot past them in the blink of an eye. As for the teen, he found himself reaching the school's street a good ten minutes earlier then he would if he had driven. And as the building came into view, he started to slow down, the power flowing through him decreasing as he managed to pull himself to a stop in front of the school.

"What...the heck just happened to me?!" He gasped before taking a deep breath. Glancing down at his body to make sure he wasn't gonna unleash a massive thunderbolt, he headed for the front door. As he did, he noticed Sunset walking up while wearing headphones. "Sunset!" He called out, but she didn't hear him. "Sunset!" Sighing at this, he went up and grabbed her headphones. "Sunset!"

"YAAAH!" She leapt away and got into a karate stance, only to tense up, "Flash?! What are you-don't do that!"

"Sorry!" He told her, holding up the headphones. "Not like you can wear these when you get to school."

She quickly swiped them from his hands, "They're the only way to cancel out the voices."


"I don't know what's going on. Suddenly I can hear the thoughts of anyone within five feet of me." Flash raised an eyebrow, "Probably nothing." She put her headphones back on, "I'M PROBABLY JUST GETTING MORE IN TUNE WITH MY GEODE!" With that, she turned to walk inside, leaving Flash to just stare at the fleeing girl.

"Why do I get the feeling this day is gonna be trouble?" He groaned as he walked into the school.

The rest of the day was like normal, with a few exceptions. Applejack accidently ripped her locker door off its hinges and at lunch, Pinkie accidently made her apple explode. Other than that, the day seemed pretty normal for Flash and his friends...until final period.

Flash was in history, the one period he didn't have with any of the Rainbooms since they all had gym right now. He was half listening to the teacher as he drowned on about something that happened in world war two, only for his fingers to start sparking again. His eyes went wide and put them under his desk, only for more sparks to zap out.

'That's not good. I gotta get out of here.' he thought before carefully raising his other hand that wasn't sparking, "Sir? I really need the bathroom." The teacher sighed, but nodded as Flash ran off before he could change his mind. As soon as he was outside, he zipped into the bathroom as the lightning surged around the rest of his body. He shut the bathroom door, only to see his body sparking more and more.

"Aw come on!" He yelped as he felt the energy surge through him. "Come on...there's got to be a way to burn this off-that's it!" He got down on the ground and began doing supercharged push-ups on the ground. Moving at a blur, he went up and down so many times he lost count. He did this for about twenty minutes without feeling tired, and when he hit the twenty-minute mark, he felt the energy begin to weaken.

"Finally," he sighed as the last of the lightning faded. But when it did, all the exhaustion it had stopped Flash from feeling washed over him like a wave. "Ahh!" He yelped as he fell, soon rolling onto his back and looking up at the ceiling. He lay there for another five minutes, groaning until he began to re-energize. He sighed before pushing himself up and after making sure he wasn't gonna explode again, he headed back to class.

The class stared at him when he returned, most likely wondering what he had been doing the last half hour. The teacher didn't look impressed and told Flash to stay behind afterwards, Flash groaning as he sat down. "Dude," Sandalwood asked from behind him, "What did you eat to spend so long on the can?"

"Don't ask," Flash moaned. He spent the rest of the class drawing as little attention to himself that he could, the bell eventually ringing and allowing the other students to leave. Luckily, the teacher didn't intend to make him stay the full thirty minutes he had missed and told him to read three chapters on the subject of the class by tomorrow.

Accepting the extra homework, Flash headed out of the class.

"Stupid magic," he growled, "Sunset better have an idea what's going on with this." He then ran to the music room, turning a corner to see Sunset ahead of him with her earmuffs on. Before he could call out to her, she pushed her hands over her covered ears and started yelling "lalalalala" over and over again as she ran for the music room.

Flash followed after her, only to see her go into the room and yank the headphones off. "Well, the earmuffs don't work." She threw them to the side as Flash snuck past her. "I'm now hearing everything everyone's thinking without even touching them!" She stepped up to her friends, "Is anyone else experiencing a sudden...uh...surge in their powers today?"

The girls all grimaced at this, Flash about to speak up, only for Sunset's eyes to glow white. A moment later, they stopped and she glared at the group, "So you have!" She then sighed, "Sorry. I just heard all of your thoughts. Can't help it."

"Fascinating," Twilight commented while rubbing her chin, "I wonder what's causing it." They then got their answer when a blue blur shot into the room, revealing Rainbow looking rather excited as she started talking quickly.

"Hi guys! I just ran here from the soccer field in three seconds! Wait, hold on!" Before they could say anything, she zoomed off and then reappeared while holding her bag. "Forgot my backpack!" She reached inside and took out a sandwich, biting it before grimacing, "Yuck! This needs mustard." She threw the sandwich in the air, zipped off, then zipped back and grabbed the sandwich out of the air. "Super speed is where it's at, am I right?! It's like, I can't stop because I've been getting so much done!" She squirted the sauce she had just gotten onto the sandwich and took another bite, and as she did something happened.

All of their geodes started pulsing with light, even making a strange noise they had never made before. Flash felt his energy beginning to build again, the teen glancing down at his fingers as they started to spark. And before he could say anything, Twilight spoke up, "Okay, I may have a theory about what's going on with our magic."

"Well spill it brain box!" Flash yelped, "We need to figure this out before I destroy another piece of machinery." The girls all turned to him and saw the few sparks appearing on his fingertips. "Uh...sorry. Been having a lot of problems with this today."

"Its fine. Just...you know, be careful." Sunset replied as Twilight ran out of the room and came back a minute later with a blackboard covered in words and shapes most of them didn't understand.

She pointed to one part as she started explaining. "Our geodes are all connected, so the more each of us use our magic for everyday tasks, the more all of our powers become supercharged and go...haywire!"

They all exchanged glances, only for Sunset to sigh and say, "I get it. Since Rainbow was using her super speed for everything, all of us experienced an uncontrollable boost."

"Ohhhhh," the others nodded before turning to glare at the girl.

Rainbow let out a nervous chuckle, "Whoopsies."

Rarity turned back to Twilight, "Well, so long as we use it in moderation, our magic should stay under control?"

"And our geodes will go all glowy if it's about to get whack-a-doodle-doo?" Pinkie asked, Twilight nodding.

"It seems that way." She responded, "We just need to use it in moderation." They all then turned to a certain prism haired girl, Rainbow now gulping at their glares.

That is, till a certain voice called out, "Hey, Rainbows!" They turned to see Fluttershy's younger, but much taller, brother Zephyr step into the room. "There you are. Do you wanna go to the mall with-"

"Uh..." Rainbow stuttered out, "Hi Zephyr...I um...I forgot I have to be at a..." She turned to the others, who were all shaking their heads, "Uh...a thing." She slowly, by her standards, headed toward the door, only for Zephyr to get in front of her.

"Okay." Rainbow groaned as she pinned herself against the door, then scooted under his arm and out the room.

"O...kay," Zephyr stated as she disappeared. "That's cool. I don't...care anyway."

And as he stared at the fleeing girl, everyone except Fluttershy began to giggle as the girl hid her face in her hands.

Later that day...

Flash and Twilight were now heading home, Twilight pushing her bike along the ground. "I can't believe you spent twenty minutes doing push-ups in the bathroom," Twilight laughed as the teen rolled his eyes.

"Cut me some slack. It was the only way I could get rid of that energy." Twilight and Spike kept laughing, the puppy riding in her basket as they got onto their street. "Just be glad we figured out what was happening before I like...exploded or something."

"Yeah, true." Twilight nodded, "But how bad could your powers on overload be?"

Flash opened his mouth to answer, only for another voice to scream out, "FLASH SENTRY!" They turned to see Velvet standing at the front door, holding the remains of a destroyed toaster and coffee maker. "What...happened here?!"

Flash let out a long gulp, knowing the day was far from over

Author's Note:

One of my favourite shorts. Hope you enjoyed it.