• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,126 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

  • ...

Let's Rev It Up

It was a cheery Saturday in the city of Canterlot as Flash found himself being driven through the city inside his pseudo-brother's car. He and Shining Armor were on their way out of town to find a new part for his car. Flash had been roped into helping him because he had nothing better to do while Twilight and the rest of his female friends were spending the day practising some new songs. His own band had decided to spend the day doing some off-roading in their personal vehicles, and Flash didn't have his own set of wheels, instead being stuck as a passenger and out of the action.

"Where are we going again?" Flash asked as they left the town's border, now seeing they were on the same route he had taken to get to Camp Everfree. "What's so great about this parts shop that we have to go there instead of the hundreds of stores in town?"

"We're not going to a parts shop," Shining replied as Flash raised an eyebrow, only to see them turn off the main road, heading down a dirt path with a sign on the side.

Rusty's Junk

"A junkyard?" Flash asked as they reached the front gate, "Why are you getting your new part here?"

"Do you know how expensive some car parts are?" Shining responded as they pulled to a stop next to a portable office, "It'll be cheaper here. Besides, you never know what treasures you might find in a place like this."

"Right..." Flash muttered as he stared at the towers of old and busted up vehicles. Getting out of the car, the office door opened and someone walked out, a middle-aged man with a white beard and wearing a white shirt and brown pants with suspenders. The man was walking very slowly, holding his back as he did.

"Rusty!" Shining smirked as the man moved over, "You okay man?"

"Shining..." he replied, "Long time, no see. And to answer your question-" He let out a moan of pain, "No, I'm not. I threw out my back trying to disassemble some new drop offs." He then turned to Flash, "Who's the kid?"

"This is Flash." He gestured to the teen, "And this is Rusty Wreckage, owner of this junkyard."

Flash nodded, "Nice place you got here."

"It's a pile of junk," Rusty laughed, "And that's how I like it." He began to cackle, only to then wince when he twinged his back. He then turned to Shining, "So what can I do for yah?" He gestured to the car, "Planning to get rid of this beauty? Doesn't look like it's the girl's time."

"Definitely not," Shining replied. "But I've had to recharge the battery three times in the last six months."

"Sounds like you need a new alternator," Rusty responded as they walked up and opened the hood. The trio looked inside, Rusty shaking his head, "Yup. This thing's busted."

"Do you have any for this model?" Shining asked as Rusty let out a small moan.

"I think I've got one," he started giving Shining the directions and the man nodded. "Sure you don't need any help?"

"No," Shining shook his head before nudging Flash in the shoulder, "That's why I brought this punk." Flash rolled his eyes at this, "Besides, you clearly need some rest. Don't push yourself too much."

"If you're sure," Rusty nodded before heading back into the office.

Once he was gone, Flash turned to Shining. "Well he's a character." Shining laughed back before spinning around, Flash now following him, "How'd you meet that guy anyway?"

"I helped him deal with some punks that were causing problems on his land. Anyways, let's get to work. The part's not gonna find itself."

The pair then made their way through the canyon of vehicles, chatting with each other as they climbed over a few cars. And as they did this, between a gap of two cars, a pair of bright red eyes stared at them before vanishing.

Flash and Shining continued through the junkyard, soon getting to a small pile of rubbish. "See anything?" Shining asked Flash, who shook his head. But as they glanced around, Flash then saw a car that looked like an older version or Shining's, the teen pointing it out. They looked over the car and quickly opened the hood, Shining smirking at the sight. After a few minutes, they got the alternator out of the vehicle. "Nice," Flash chimed in as they looked it over, "It's in pretty good condition."

"And it'll fit in my car," Shining confirmed. "Perfect." He held it up, letting the light of the sun shine off it. "Hopefully Rusty won't charge too much for this beauty." But as he said that, a blue blur suddenly shot between the pair and the car part vanished. "Huh?"

"What the-where'd it go?" Flash asked before glancing around, only to spot the cause of the alternator's disappearance. It was a dog, a small one with a black and blue coat, with the black parts being its back legs after its knees, chest, its floppy ears and around the eyes while the rest was blue. Its eyes were bright red and in its mouth was the alternator. "There it is!"

The pup let out a bark around the part before running off, the two chasing it. But as they did this, the dog leapt up onto a car's bonnet before bouncing onto a higher car.

"Whoa!" Shining gasped as they watched it climb to the top of a junk tower, only to disappear over the top, making him sigh. "Dang it! We can't chase it up there."

"Not giving up just yet," Flash replied before reaching into his shirt and pulling his geode necklace out. The orange gem glowed as the blue lightning sparked around Flash, the teen running up before leaping. He got a good ten feet and grabbed part of a car, pulling himself upward before flying over the pile.

Shining just stared at the sight, shaking his head, "Magic. Never gonna get used to it." He then around the pile, hoping Flash could catch the pup.

As for the teen, he now leapt from one scrap pile to another, seeing the dog right ahead of him. And as he the dog leapt off one pile, Flash used his strength to clear three piles in a single leap and reached the dog in midair. "GOTCHA!" He yelled as he wrapped his arms around the pup, only to see that they were about to crash into a tower of junk. "Uh-oh." He flinched and gathered as much energy around him as possible, which shielded the pair as they crashed through a car pile before pushing right through it. They began to spin in the air, only for Flash to land with his feet down, skidding just as the tower began to collapse behind them.

"Phew," Flash gasped before looking down at the dog, "That was close." The dog nodded and the two stared at one another for a moment...only for Flash to remember what he was supposed to be doing. "Give me that!" He grabbed the alternator and managed to free it from the dog's mouth, the dog letting out a yip before leaping out of his arms. He stared at the dog as it panted with its tongue out, Flash having learned from his years with Spike that the pup wanted to play.

"So that's it," he shook his head, "You just want some attention, don't ya?" The dog continued to stare at him, now wagging its tail. Flash chuckled at the sight, turning to see if there was a stick or something he could throw. But as he looked around, he saw something that made him freeze up.

Sitting in front of him was a car that looked only two or three years old, but it definitely belonged in a junkyard. The car was an absolute wreck, busted windows, a missing wing mirror and had a roof that had been bent down. Its green paintwork had been destroyed, and the front wheels were pointing in two different directions. It was a complete disaster...but to Flash it looked beautiful.

"Wow," he whispered while moving over to it.

"Flash?!" He heard Shining call out, making him turn around as the dog decided to run off. "You there?!"

"Over here!" Flash called back, not looking away from the car. A minute later, Shining and Rusty showed up.

"There you are." Shining commented, only to see the alternator in his possession. "Got it back. Nice." Flash nodded and handed it to Shining while still staring at the car.

"Ah. Got an eye for the racing wonder I see." Rusty chuckled as he walked up to the teen.

"Where'd you get it?" Flash asked as Rusty moved over to pat the car.

"It belonged to a hotshot street racer that decided winning a race was more important than his own life. He used it pretty well, but one day he took a turn too sharply and well...the family didn't want to keep the car since it reminded them of it."

Shining rolled his eyes at this, "Kids today. Why haven't you taken it apart? There must be some parts that are in good shape."

"I've tried," Rusty sighed, "But every time I try, I get this overwhelming sensation. Like the car's screaming at me that it's not ready to be scrapped yet." Shining raised an eyebrow at this while Flash moved over to touch the dented bonnet. "It's something you have to just...feel. It can't be explained."

Flash didn't need an explanation. He could feel it himself. As he wiped his hand over the metal, the image of this car in its prime shot through his mind. He could feel it. It would be a crime to just leave it like this.

"How much?" Rusty and Shining glanced back at him, only to see a look of pure seriousness on the teen's face.

Shining gave him a 'get real' look, "Flash, why do you want a destroyed car?"

"I can fix it," he replied, "I know my way around an engine."

Shining rolled his eyes, "Even so, the parts you'd need to get this thing road worthy aren't gonna be cheap. By the time you've made enough to fix this thing, the rest of the world will have hover cars or something."

But as he said this, Flash's face didn't change. Rusty stared at him, seeing Flash's expression, only to shine a small smile. "Alright." The two turned to the old man, "Come with me and we'll make a deal." He began to slowly walk off, Flash and Shining following him after the teen gave the car one final fleeting look.

They returned to the entrance, where Rusty pointed to a pair of cars located behind his office. They were old but still in one piece, ready to be taken apart and stripped of all usable parts. "Here's the deal kid. I can't take these things apart with my back a mess. But if you agree to help me, I'll give you the car. Once these two are taken apart, you can start work on fixing the thing."

Flash's eyes went wide at hearing this, "Seriously?"

"Yah said yah knew yer way around an engine. Prove it and the car's yours." Flash remained surprised for a moment, then smirked and nodded.

"You're on." He moved over to a tool box and grabbed it, looking inside as the older men headed inside the office to do the paperwork needed for the purchase of the alternator.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Shining asked as he signed the documents, "Flash isn't one to give up when things get hard. He's gonna keep trying to finish work on that car if he gets his hands on it. I don't want him to bankrupt himself fixing it."

"Yah gotta have more faith in the lad," Rusty replied, "I can see it in his eyes. That boy's something special." Shining wanted to tell him he had no idea, but kept his mouth shut and finished the last of the paperwork before moving onto actually purchasing the part.

A half hour soon passed, Rusty then saying, "Alright, with that our business is done." Shining nodded and the pair headed back outside to see how far Flash had gotten.

"Hey Rusty!" They heard Flash call out, the two walking around the office, only to both freeze at the sight in front of them. Flash was leaning against one of two completely dissembled cars, spinning a spanner around in his hand. The car parts were all neatly stacked together into different piles, ready to be added to the rest of the parts that would be sold off later. "So," the teen smirked, "When can I get started working on my new car?"

Rusty's jaw hit the floor, the older man beginning to rub his eyes to make sure they weren't playing tricks on him. "How...how...just...HOW?!" Shining watched Flash push his geode back into his shirt, now knowing how he managed this miracle.

"I'm...quick when it comes to these things."

Rusty just stared at him, only to shake his head and show a small smile, "Kid, let's make a deal. I'll let yah keep the car here and work on it whenever yah want. Heck, I'll even let yah use whatever parts yah can find to rebuild it. But in return, yah help me out whenever I ask for it."

Flash nodded back, "You've got a deal." The two spit into their hands and shook, Shining chuckling at the sight.

"Maybe fixing that car won't take so long after all."

The next day...

As soon as Flash woke up the next day, he left the house and rode to the junkyard on his bike as quickly as possible. When he got there, he headed for a garage that Rusty had moved the car into to keep it safe while he worked on it. He opened up the garage and looked the vehicle over, getting the same feeling he had felt the previous day. But before he could get started, a barking sound made him spin around and see the dog from yesterday.

"Oh," he smirked before kneeling down, "Hello again." The dog moved over as he held out his hand, sniffing it before letting out a happy yip as Flash started to scratch him behind the ear.

As he did this, Rusty arrived. "Ah, Flash. I see you've met my yard's recent squatter."

Flash looked up at him, "Is he your dog?"

Rusty shook his head, "No. He just showed up one day and started hanging around the place. He didn't appear dangerous, so I let him stay and give him something to eat whenever I see him." The dog barked and ran over to rub against his leg. "He's a bouncy little guy, I'll tell you." Flash nodded before glancing back at the car. "So you're really gonna try and fix this thing?"

"Not try," Flash replied, "I will fix it."

Rusty chuckled at this, "Well good luck, and remember our deal." Flash nodded before Rusty left. And as he saw the old man was out of sight, he began taking the car apart at magically enhanced speed and strength, the puppy watching as he did so. The dog could barely keep up with him as Flash removed the bonnet, doors and trunk lid, then removed the wheels and took out the suspension. And when he did this, he revealed the first problem he would need to fix.

"Great," he sighed as he removed the fourth suspension block and took out the damaged spring. "That makes four dead springs." He threw it over to the other three, all either cracked, broken or twisted. The dog moved over and gave them a sniff, Flash seeing this, "Don't suppose you know where I can get four springs exactly like those ones, do you?"

The dog stared at him for a moment, Flash swearing it looked like it could actually understand him, then turned and ran off. Flash watched it leave and just shrugged before getting back to taking apart the car. And as luck would have it, almost everything under the hood was completely fine. There were a few parts that would need replacing, but the engine was in tip top shape.

But as Flash began to hoist the car up to check the underside, a sound filled the air. A loud whine of pain, sounding rather canine to his ear. Flash's attention instantly fell away from the car, now running off into the yard. Rusty was also there, having heard the sound as well. But before he could ask Flash what it was, the teen ran into the valley of junk and as soon as he was out of Rusty's sight, he harnessed his magic and raced away.

Parkouring over towers of destroyed cars, Flash followed the sounds of the canine screaming until he arrived at where the sound was coming from. A circle of cars and trucks, stacked one on top of the other, the dog now in a corner as he was whimpering in front of something else: A black fox with a tuff of red on its head and its paws. The fox was slightly larger than the pup, growling at him before it tried to bite the dog. The pup screamed again as he jumped away, only to find himself trapped against a wall of metal. The fox unleashed its claws, ready to strike at the dog, only for a bolt of blue lightning to shoot down and strike the ground in front of it.

The fox howled in shock as it leapt back, then looked up at Flash as the teen sparked with lightning. The teen glared at it before leaping up, doing several flips before landing down between the animals with enough force that a gust of wind flew out, carrying several stray sparks. Flash continued to glare at the fox, who's eyes shrunk at the sight of the super-powered teen. Flash then held up his hand and snapped his fingers, firing a burst of energy that loudly popped, frightening the fox before letting out a yelp and shooting off through the scrap.

Now gone, Flash dispelled his magic and turned to the dog before kneeling down. "You okay?" The dog stared at him for a moment, only to run up and lick his face, "Okay, okay....I'm glad you're alright." The dog pulled away and Flash stroked his head. "But what are you doing here?"

The dog blinked at him before hopping out of his arms, walking off to another pile of junk. A moment later, he came back dragging something in his mouth, Flash going wide-eyed as he saw it was a spring. The dog dropped it and ran back between the cars, Flash staring at the part and seeing it was the exact spring he needed before the pup pulled out another spring, followed by another and another.

The four springs were all identical and all in perfect condition, just what his car needed. Flash stared at them, then turned to the dog, "You...you knew what I needed and where I could find it." The dog sat down and wagged his tail, his tongue happily out. "Wow. You're one smart pooch." The dog barked and Flash pulled him in for a hug, then smiled. "Listen," he focused on the dog, "I'm still gonna need a lot more parts to get my car working. Think you can help me out?" The dog barked again, Flash getting the feeling it was saying 'sure'. He chuckled at this and gave the mutt a ruffle on the head before the pair returned to the garage.

Both shared a glance at this, having a feeling this was gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Cue the music.

Flash and the dog walked into the garage, now smiling at the car, ready to get to work. The pair shared a glance, then charged into the place.

Flash pulls out several wires from under the car's hood and threw them over his shoulder without looking, too focused on the work in front of him.

At the same time, the dog was now dragging new wiring in from outside.

Flash was under the hoisted up car on a creeper seat, using a spanner on something. He then rolled out from under the car and dropped the spanner, holding his hand out as the dog picked up another spanner and gave it to him. He rolled back under the car and got to work, the dog picking up the dropped spanner and placing it back in the toolbox.

Rain was pouring down on Flash, as he worked to dissemble another car Rusty had asked him to do while off to the side, Rusty and the dog were watching from under an umbrella.

The pair were both drinking out of cups, Rusty a mug of coffee while the dog was drinking water.

The sun shined as Flash and the dog made their way through the junkyard, bringing a set of new tires to the car.

Flash was using his magical strength to carry three of them at once while the dog was actually standing atop the fourth and rolling it forward without any issue.

Flash was with Twilight in her personal lab, the teens going over images Flash had taken on his phone of the car's engine. Twilight marveled at the sight of the engine, amazed by the modifications the previous owner had made. Together, the pair determined how it worked, and what Flash needed to do to prepare it back to peak condition.

As they did this, Flash's eyes went wide and a smirk appeared on his lips. Twilight noticed this and wondered what he was planning, Flash whispering his idea into her ear that made her go wide-eyed.

Using a pulley system, Flash managed to remove the engine from the car and lifted it into the air.

He then moved it over to a nearby table, slowly putting it down before removing the straps and smiling at the engine as the dog pushed the toolbox over to him.

Flash removed the dented hood and placed it on a blanket, using a plunger to get the smaller dents out while needing a mallet to undo the larger ones.

As he did this, the dog arrived back at the garage pulling a cart full of car parts.

Flash and the puppy were in the car, working on the wiring. The pair unsure in which wire to connect to another, having a choice of red to blue, blue to green or green to red. The two share a glance before shrugging as Flash grabbed the red and blue wires and put them together.

Rusty was walking past the garage when a bright flash of light exploded out the building, the man running up, only to come to a stop as the Flash and the dog marched out. Both were smoking, their hair sticking on end, making Rusty laugh as they growled back at him.

Flash and the dog were busy measuring multiple cars that had windows in them, only to find one that was the perfect size and shape to fit his car.

Twenty minutes later, Flash was carrying the window to the garage, the dog going on ahead since Flash was being super careful to not break it. Luckily for him, he didn't end up living that sheet of glass trope he had seen on TV and managed to get it to his car without issue.

Flash had the engine hooked up to a battery along with a pair of wires. He picked up the wires and took a deep breath, now channeling his magic. The energy flowed into the wires and through the battery, then into the engine. Flash and the dog smiled as the device revved up, glowing with blue energy as it worked perfectly.

Flash's grin kept growing, only for it to vanish when the battery suddenly exploded. Bits of it went everywhere, Flash's face now black and burnt as he breathed out a ring of smoke, blinking as he glanced down at the now burnt out battery.

At school, everyone was listening to Mr. Doodle as he went over a long and drawn out equation. Everyone except Flash.

He was at his desk, head down with a sketchpad in hand. The teen had multiple versions of the same drawing on the paper, showing the vehicle from multiple different angles, though each one had a different set of paint work.

He scratched his head as he stared at the orange version of his car, black lightning bolts down the sides and along the top. Once he was finished, he pulled back and gave it a good stare before sighing and flipping the page over to start again.

He had been doing this during every class that day, only to growl as he knew he still couldn't think of the right color scheme. But as Mr. Doodle's class came to a close, Flash finished a new design, all black with yellow lightning bolts on the side. He smiled at this, only to tell himself something was missing. And as the bell rang, he began to pack everything up, only to glance down at the image on his shirt, only to smirk as an idea formed in his head.

Flash and Twilight were in her lab, Twilight showing him a new battery she had designed.

They both grabbed some safety goggles before Flash channeled his energy into the battery, which glowed blue for a moment and appeared to be working....only to explode, blasting the pair off their seats.

Flash and the dog were sitting on the roof of a scrapped minivan, Flash having a lunchbox in front of him.

He took out a sandwich he had packed and ripped a third of it off, giving it to the dog. The canine happily accepted and the two began chowing down, sitting in a comfortable silence while enjoying one another's company.

Flash was working underneath a car Rusty wanted dissembled, the teen attempting to remove the vehicle's exhaust.

He put the screwdriver he had been using down, feeling around for the next size up since he didn't want to lose sight of the screw he was trying to undo. But the screwdriver was just out of reach, only to be rolled into his hand by the dog.

Flash smiled when his noticed this and gave the dog a pat before taking the screwdriver.

Rusty was locking up for the night when he spotted a light in the garage, moving over to turn it off. When he did, he found Flash laying on the ground, asleep with the dog laying beside him. Its head was on his stomach, Flash's arm holding it tightly.

The old junk-master smiled at the pair, wishing he had a camera he could use to immortalize this moment.

Flash and Twilight were back in her lab, Twilight showing him another battery.

The pair hid behind a barricade of items as Flash grabbed the extra long wires, channeling his energy into them. They slowly looked up at this, the wires sending the power in as the battery began to light up. Flash was ready to cut the power any second...only for nothing to happen. Instead, the battery remained stable, holding his energy perfectly.

The two cheered and high-fived, only for Twilight to get a static shock from him, making the pair laugh.

Flash was dressed in a white suit with a gas mask and goggles over his eyes, the teen circling the car holding a paint sprayer.

The paint struck the car and it started turning yellow while the dog stayed outside, patiently waiting to see the finished product. Flash painted the entire left and right side of the car yellow, then stopped and left it to dry before switching to blue paint and sprayed the entire bonnet, also leaving it to dry. As it did this, he got some sticky paper and cut it into a pair of lightning bolt shapes and a large shield shape meant to represent his emblem.

And when the paint dried, he placed the three pieces along the side of the car and the bonnet. After that, he switched to black paint and started spraying it atop the uncovered sections of the car. Soon enough, the entire thing was painted black, and when the paint dried, he removed the sticky paper to reveal the yellow lightning bolt shapes running along the side and the blue shield on the hood. He then cut another lightning bolt out of the paper and placed it over the hood, using the last of the yellow paint to spray the finishing touch to the hood.

Flash hooked the new battery up before returning the engine to its rightful position.

Once they were in place, he channeled some of his power into the vehicle, now watching the whole thing begin to glow blue around the gaps in the bodywork.

Flash and the dog stared at the completed product of their hard work, smiling at the results they had achieved.

The pair turned to one another and smirked, Flash holding up his fist before the dog as it jumped up and bumped it. They had finished the hard part, now it was time to see what their creation could do.

Cut the music.

In a large open field, the Rainbooms and the Royal Knights were waiting there. They had all been messaged by Flash and asked to meet him at the field, who also suggested bringing their vehicles with them. They were Iron's muscle car, Rainbow's bike and Applejack's old truck along with First Aid's old white SUV with red stripes and Heather's green off-road moped.

They were all sitting around talking, Iron grumbling at the sight, "Geez, what is taking him so long?"

"He has kept us waiting a while," Rarity added from the back of Applejack's truck. "What on earth could be so important that we need to come to this filthy field?"

"I have an idea," Twilight chuckled, "But I don't wanna ruin the surprise."

"A surprise?!" Pinkie gasped, her form perking up at the word. "What surprise?!" Twilight just smiled back, only for Pinkie to now shake, looking like she was about to explode. But before she could, a sound caught everyone's attention. It was the sound of an engine, which was fast approaching.

Everyone turned to the source, only to see a certain figure in the distance as it got louder. They all went wide-eyed as they saw an amazing looking sports car roll up, jet black with yellow lightning bolts on the side and a familiar lightning shield insignia. The car looked fresh off the line, surprising all those who knew where the owner had gotten it from.

The car pulled up next to them, and they saw the two passengers sitting in the seats. Flash cut the engine and stepped out of the vehicle, rolling down the other window so the dog could stick its head out. He walked around the car and leaned against it, crossing his arms with a smirk. "So...what do you think?"

They all gathered around the car, Rarity being the only one to not get closer since it meant getting off the truck. They stared at the vehicle from every angle, unable to believe what they were seeing.

"This is that wreck you showed use on your phone?" Iron asked, Flash nodding.

"it looks brand new," Heather gasped, "You really managed to fix it this well?"

"Well," Flash smirked as he turned to Twilight, "I had a little help with some of the more technical stuff, but the bodywork, tires, suspension and under-works were all me." They then heard a loud bark, making them turn to the dog. "With the help of my assistant."

The others smiled as Iron opened the hood and stared at the engine, whistling at the sight. "Now this looks good. What's the horse power?"

"Over five hundred," Flash replied, "The upgrades it already had gave it an extra fifty and I...pumped it up a little more. Zero to sixty in four point three seconds." Iron whistled again as they others couldn't believe what they were hearing. Flash had never sounded like a complete idiot, but the way he was talking made him sound almost Twilight level smart.

"This is awesome!" Rainbow cheered, the others nodding in agreement, "You wanna test her out against my ride?"

"Why'd you think I asked you all here?" Flash chuckled, "I really wanna see what this baby can do without needing to worry about speed limits."

The others smiled at this and all those with a vehicle agreed to a race, the rest watching from the finish line. The line would be a long line of trees located halfway through the field, which had large gaps in them that were large enough for the cars to fit through. They all headed over to the trees, Twilight needing to use her magic to lift Rarity over the ground and placing her in the branch of a tree while the others got into their vehicles.

"You ready?" Flash asked his furry friend, the pup letting out a bark as they started the engine. The others did the same and when they reached the trees, Sunset calling them all into a group communication to start it.

"Alright," she said to them through the phone. "You guys ready?"

"Ha!" Rainbow cheered, "Don't be too upset when you all lose."

"Funny," Flash laughed, "I was just about to say the same thing."

First Aid sighed and shook his head, "Let us all just try and be safe. I would hate to see your new car be wrecked so easily."

"Well it's his own fault for thinking he could beat my beast!" Iron growled as he revved his engine.

"Let's do this!" Heather exclaimed as Applejack let out a yee-haw.

With that, Twilight began the countdown and everyone put their foot on the pedals. They were all gonna give this their all. "Three...two...one...GOOOOO!" With that, the six vehicles exploded off the starting line and began to fly across the field. Rainbow, Flash and Iron's rides quickly proving to be the fastest and pulling away from the others, leaving them in the dust but managing to stay relatively equal in pace.

"OH YEAH!" Rainbow cheered, "Come on baby!" The bike started pulling away from the others, Flash and Iron growling at the sight, Iron then putting his car into its highest gear, now getting in front of Flash.

Now Flash was stuck in third place, the dog sticking its head out the window to enjoy the feeling of the wind of his face. He then let out a bark, telling Flash to go faster. Flash did so and tried to close the gap as they reached the halfway point, but Iron and Rainbow kept ahead.

"Sorry Sentry!" Iron cackled through the phone, "But you're not winning this one."

"Yeah!" Rainbow cheered almost hysterically, "I am!"

Flash just smirked at this, knowing it was time to bust out the secret weapon. He whistled, a sign for the dog to pull his head back in. When he did, he closed the window and reached for the gear lever. "Don't count me out just yet. There's one feature of this bad boy that I haven't shown you yet."

"Oh yeah?" Iron asked, "And what's that?" Flash didn't respond, instead closing his eyes and summoning his magic. The energy sparked around him and was channeled into the lever, then pushing it all the way down to a section next to the image of his emblem. This caused the power he was channeling to shoot into the engine, causing it to glow blue before sending the energy to the rest of the car.

Everyone watched the vehicle light up, the underside, wheel-arcs and every other gap in the framework now unleashing a blue light. And before anyone could ask what was happening, the car suddenly accelerated like a bolt of lightning. Rainbow and Iron saw the oncoming light approaching in their mirrors, the pair gasping as the blue blur exploded past them, Rainbow almost knocked off her bike by the wind.

"What the heck?!" Iron yelped.

Inside the car, Flash and the dog were both being buffeted by the wind, knowing they were likely experiencing the same force astronauts felt upon takeoff, the pair now screaming in exhilaration. "YEAH!" Flash cheered as they got closer to the finish line, Flash using his magic to help his brain keep up with the speed.

And within seconds, the car shot past the trees as the others cheered, Flash then hitting the breaks and cut the magic, the car slowing down and spinning to an eventual stop. He stopped the engine at this, getting out and leaning against the car with a satisfied smirk as they stared at him, "Pretty awesome, right?" As he said that, Rainbow and Iron drove past the trees and Iron cut his engine before getting out.

"You cheated!" He barked, "How was that at all fair?"

"We never said no Equestrian magic," Flash smirked as Rainbow got off her bike.

"Rematch!" She yelled, "You in that and me running!" Flash gave her a look that stated he was thinking about it, but Rainbow knew he wasn't really. And in that moment, the others arrived, all just as shocked by Flash's sudden speed boost.

"How'd you do that?" Heather asked.

"It wasn't easy," Flash replied, "The engine could handle the power, but the battery kept bursting until Twilight managed to make one that could handle the power."

Iron and Rainbow glared at Twilight, who just smiled as the dog barked. Flash then let out his furry friend, the dog running around and sniffing all his friend's legs. "Aw..." Fluttershy giggled as she patted his head, "Hello little one. What's your name?"

"Springer," Flash responded as the pup ran over and jumped into his arms, "As you can see, I think it suits him."

"So he's your dog?" Sunset asked, getting a nod from Flash.

"Are mom and dad okay about this?" Twilight added with a raised eyebrow.

"I showed them a picture of him," Flash replied, "And I told them how well behaved he is." He held Springer up, "And look at him. How could you say no to that face?" The others stared at it and Springer gave them all puppy dog eyes that would put Spike's to shame. "Spike is your dog, Springer's mine." Springer turned and licked Flash's cheek, the girls all going aw at the sight.

Rainbow then demanded another race, Flash just saying he would think about it before he and the boys plus Twilight opened the hood while the others helped Rarity down out of the tree. For several hours, they continued to marvel at the car and all its amazing features. And as the sun went down, the group began to split up with Twilight putting her bike in Flash's trunk before she and Sunset got in his car.

Springer and Sunset were in the back seat while Twilight and Flash were up front, the group splitting up to their respective homes, all the while Flash and his passengers began to enjoy listening to some music through the sound system Flash had bought for his ride.

And as they rode and sang, Flash glanced back at Twilight, who helped him get his car to work before staring at Springer. He then smiled at the car around him, knowing it would serve him well in the journey to come.

Author's Note:

I know these are supposed to be shorts, but I just can't help making them so long. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and liked how I introduced Springer and Flash's car.