• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,114 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

  • ...

Friendships and Romance PT2

Silence filled the car as the four teens drove through the town, all barely even glancing at each other as they continued. That is, till the silence was broken by the sound of Twilight's backpack unzipping, making them turn to her to see her pull out a pair of trainers. She then took off her high-heels, letting out a sigh of relief, "So much better. I don't know how Cadance expected me to wear those all night..."

"Why did you let her put them on then?" Iron asked as Flash laughed.

"You don't know Cadance like we do. If it's something romantic, she'll go overboard and do whatever she thinks will help make the situation better."

Twilight let out a moan, "She's like Rarity when it comes to these things....except worse." She put her trainers on, "Now, what's the plan tonight?"

She got an answer when her stomach let out a gargling sound. "How about we hit the snack car when we get there?" Flash chimed in, Twilight blushing and looking away as he continued, "We can look around while eating and decide what to do next."

The others seemed to agree with this idea, Iron turning onto the main road before switching on the radio to hear the traffic report. To their luck, there was very little traffic, then listening to several songs on the radio, everyone singing along, Iron just whispering one or two.

And as they arrived at the waterfront several minutes after the sun set, they snagged one of the last remaining parking spots. Getting out at this, the sounds of joy rang out as they walked in, getting into a long line. About ten minutes later, they got to the front, Flash paying for Iron's ticket like he promised, and the four were inside.

"So what do you guys wanna get?" Flash asked as they walked up to a nearby line of food trucks.

"I don't know about you all, but I'm getting a burger and fries." Iron replied as Flutershy followed him.

"I'll have a burger too," she added, both almost instantly leaving Flash and Twilight on their own. Flash's eyes shrunk at this, now noticing what this meant. But as he glanced over to Twilight, Heather's words rang out in his head, the thoughts now making him realize what he needed to do. He knew Twilight, and he knew what she was likely craving.

"Hey," he pointed at a guy who just moved away from one of the stands, "That guy's got beer-battered hush puppies." Twilight's eyes went wide before running over to the stand, Flash joining her as they got in line. When they got to the front, Twilight ordered the hush puppies and Flash went with two turkey legs and a soft pretzel. The pair began to happily move through the fairground, eating their food as they saw several roller-coasters, multiple games and other rides that looked like they were gonna be fun.

"So what should we do first?" Twilight asked as she finished the last hush puppy while Flash shoved the last of his pretzel into his mouth.

He tried to reply, only to hold up a finger before swallowing. Wiping his mouth, he muttered out, "Its uh...its up to you. What do you wanna do first?"

Twilight smiled and pointed at one of the nearby roller-coasters. "Alright, let's start the night off with some excitement." She grabbed Flash's hand, making him blush before she pulled him over to the line.


Iron and Fluttershy had finished their burgers, the two slowly walking around as Iron saw an exciting ride called a Double Shot. The sight made him shine a big grin, only for his brain to catch up, remembering who he was with. He then glanced to the side, now seeing a teacups ride, the sight making him sigh as he was about to point to it before-

"Let's go on that one," Fluttershy pointed to the very ride he had been interested in.

Iron slowly turned to her with a raised eyebrow, "Uh...you sure? No offense, but I didn't think you'd want to go on that thing."

"Normally..." she muttered out, her face slightly red now, "I wouldn't want to go on it...but I promised myself that by the end of the night I'd go on at least one ride I'd usually be scared of."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Fluttershy nodded before walking over to the ride, Iron following her. He stared at the girl, blinking as he thought back to what he knew about her. He knew she could be pretty awesome when she was with the others, only to assume she wasn't on her own.

"I might have misjudged you." He whispered.

"What?" Fluttershy turned to him, Iron quickly glancing away.


Fluttershy blinked at him before turning back to the large ride, hiding a small gulp going down her throat.

Twilight and Flash had now reached the front of the line, managing to get the cart at the very front. And as they waited for the others to get seated, Flash turned to Twilight, "You sure your glasses will stay on during this? This ride's gonna go pretty fast."

Twilight grimaced at this as she reached to take off her glasses, but the blurriness that came made her put them back on. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I can't see a thing without these."

"Would you like some goggles?" they turned to see a man holding up a pair of clear goggles. Twilight took them and put it over her glasses.

"How do I look?" Flash smirked at the sight.

"Like you usually do whenever you're working on something in your lab." Twilight raised an eyebrow, about to smack his shoulder before Flash added, "You look great."

"Good." She replied as the bar for the coaster came down, the one running it now doing the whole safety speech. And as he finished, the train began to move. They slowly moved along the track until they reached the first climb, Twilight gulping as the train began to push itself upward. And as they got higher, the pair glanced around to see the rest of the fair.

"Hey," Flash chimed in, "I think I see Fluttershy and Iron."

"Where?" Twilight asked, Flash gesturing to one of the larger rides, Twilight squinting her eyes, "Uh-oh. I hope Iron hasn't pulled her into doing something she doesn't want to do."

"I'm sure they're fine. Iron wouldn't do that unless Fluttershy asked him." As he said that, he saw they had got to the edge, "Here we go!"

Twilight turned back to the ride, the bespectacled girl gulping as her hand shot over to Flash's and clutched it tightly. Flash noticed this with just enough time to squeeze it back, only for the cart to reach the end. And as it went flying down, the pair smiled before they started to scream, wind blasting into them as excitement began to overwhelm them.

And as the ride truly began, two giant grins were on their faces as they were shot through the ride at breakneck speed.

At the same time...

Fluttershy and Iron were now at the front of the line for the Double Shot. As they drew closer, Fluttershy's entire body began to shake, Iron asking, "You okay?" Fluttershy turned to him and nodded, Iron adding, "If you're scared, we don't have to do this."

"No," Fluttershy shook her head, "I wanna try. No matter what, I'm going on one big ride before this night is over."

"Atta girl," Iron patted her on the shoulder. "Just remember, this thing is completely safe. The chances of something going wrong are a million to one."

Fluttershy gulped at this, watching the ride. It was a tower with a ring of seats on it, the seats going up and down at random rates. The sight made her almost freeze up as the ride finished, people getting off it now. And as the ones ahead of them got onto the ride, Iron walked up with her, the two being the last to sit down in the ride's seats.

As this happened, a worker walked up to check the harnesses. "Quick question," she asked as he checked hers. "How many times have you done this ride without a problem?"

"Loads," they replied, "Probably a million." That number made Fluttershy's eyes go wide, Iron letting out a sigh. "Never had a problem once."

"But this might be that once," Fluttershy gulped, her whole body shivering like a leaf. Iron groaned as he held out a hand, Fluttershy seeing this and slowly taking it. "Thank you."

"No problem." He replied as the controller gave the usual announcement before activating the machine.

And thus, the Double Shot began to lift up and Fluttershy's eyes closed. Iron saw this and couldn't help chuckling, only to hear Fluttershy speak up, "Is it over yet?"

"It just started," he chuckled, "Open your eyes. If you don't, you won't have really rode the ride." Fluttershy let out a whine before slowly cracking her eyes open, only to see the fair now below. And as they moved higher and higher, her eyes began to grow as Iron added, "See? Looks good, doesn't it?"

Fluttershy nodded, only for the ride to the reach the top...and then it dropped. "AAAAAHHHHH!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, as the ride falling several feet before coming to a stop and started climbing up again. And when it reached the top again, it dropped down as Fluttershy screamed again.

"Are we done?" She asked as it stopped again, opening her eyes as she found the ride picking itself up again. It reached the top, making her flinch...only for nothing to happen. "Oh no..." she whimpered after ten seconds passed. "It's gotten STUUUUCK!" The ride dropped again, going down to the half way point before picking itself up again. But when it was a three quarters of the way up, it dropped again.

This kept happening over and over, the ride going up and dropping at random moments while those riding it screamed. And as it kept happening, Fluttershy found she could keep her eyes open, her screams soon being replaced with laughs and cheers. The sight made Iron laugh, now seeing how fun she was having along with him.

'Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all...' he thought as the ride went back up one last time.

By the time the roller-coaster came to a stop, having taken three laps of the circuit, Flash and Twilight laughing their heads off as it finished. They then got off, Twilight returning the goggles as they began to walk around the fair.

"So...is this what we're supposed to do on a date?" Twilight asked Flash, the girl now holding onto his hand. "Just go on ride after ride?"

"I think they're supposed to be more to it than that," Flash chuckled, "Remember those romantic comedies Cadance used to make us watch?"

They both stuck their tongues out at this, Twilight commenting, "Seriously?! You wanna do something like that?!"

"Well..." Flash glanced away for a second, "I mean, those movies show the first date is when they get to know one another better...and I guess we could do that with the rides or find someplace quiet to talk."

"That sounds boring...and we've known each other for like...years." Twilight deadpanned, "Heck, I bet we already know each other better than most married couples." She blushed at her words, "Wait-I don't mean it like-"

"I know." Flash interrupted, "I get what you meant." Flash then shined a big grin, "Besides, I bet I know more about you than you know about me."

This made Twilight's blush go a bit redder as she glared at him, "Oh really?" She put her hands on her hips, "You wanna claim you know more than me about something?! Me, an A star history student, and you, a C and rarely B grade history student?!"

Flash chuckled as he leaned down to eye level with Twilight. "You might know about a bunch of facts and stuff you read in a book, but when it comes to learning others, you're a C grade student."

The pair glared at one another, lightning sparking between their eyes before Twilight spoke, "Alright, let's test that, shall we? Let's ask questions about ourselves and if the other can't answer, they lose?"

"Deal," Flash smirked, "And the winner gets to pick the next ride we go on." Twilight nodded back as he asked the first question, "What is...my favorite color?"

Twilight instantly responded, "Blue..." Flash opened his mouth, only for her continue, "Is what you would have said a few years ago. But recently you seem to alternate between red and orange. Am I right?"

Flash's mouth closed as he growled, "You're right..."

Twilight smiled as they continued walking again, "My turn. What's my favorite color?"

"Ha," Flash laughed, "Easy. Purple." He turned to her, "Either you got brainwashed by your skin tone, or the universe knew you'd like it and blessed you with it." Twilight couldn't help but laugh at this as Flash added, "Say, what's my favorite food?"

Twilight put a hand to her chin, "Hmm...I know you really like potato based products, especially fries and chips. But I think if someone put a gun to your head and asked that...you'd say mash."

"You're right again." Flash replied.

"Alright. Something different this time. What's my...least favorite-"

"Quesadilla," Flash said before she could finish, making her glare at him as he shrugged, "Come on Twilight, anyone who knows you knows that." She glanced away at this, slowly looking back as she saw a evil smirk appear on his face.


He leaned down at this, "Here's one I know you'll never get. What was the first song I learned to play the whole way through on the guitar?"

"Oh, I know this one." Twilight chuckled, "You couldn't help showing it off after spending weeks practicing. Brown Eyed Girl."

"Wah waaaaah," Flash stuck his thumb down. "Totally wrong."

"What?!" Twilight yelped, "It has to be that one." Flash shook his head, "But...but that can't be! What song was it?!" Flash tapped his nose, indicating that he wasn't saying. "Flash...if you don't tell me, I won't admit defeat."

"Nope. You lost, which means I get to pick the next ride." He then turned and smiled at a sight just a bit away, "And I know exactly what I wanna go on." With that, he grabbed her arm and pulled her along, Twilight yelling at him about the song.

Fluttershy was gasping as she got off the ride, Iron helping her as she clutched her chest. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as her legs wobbled, Iron chuckling at the sight as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "You should be proud. It took a lot of guts to do something that absolutely terrified you." Fluttershy did a small nod back as he added, "Why don't we do something a little calmer and maybe tackle another scary ride later?"

"I'd...like that." She gasped as they began to walk into fairground again. Silence took them over as they did this, both unable to think of anything to say.

That is, till Iron glanced at her, "So...any idea what you wanna do after high school?"

"Oh," Fluttershy blushed as she twiddled her fingers, "I...wanna become a vet. Or do some kind of work helping animals."

"Huh," Iron stared at her for a moment before scratching the back of his head, "Guess that was a dumb question. Of course you'd wanna do something like that." Fluttershy frowned at this, only for Iron to say, "That is good though. Kind people like you are in short supply."

She went wide-eyed at this, thinking he was going to mock her before he said that. Her mouth mumbled for a second before she asked, "Well...what about you?" Iron turned to her, "I mean...I know you want to join the police force after school. Everyone knows that. But...why?" Iron stared at her for a second, a frown half showing on his face.

"I'm sorry. If you don't want to tell me-"

"I don't," Iron interrupted as he glanced away, "Let's just leave it at that."


"Its fine." he sighed, Fluttershy trying to walk with him as they both continued through the fair. But as they did this, Iron slowly spoke up, "Let's just say...I wanna follow in my father's footsteps."

"You mean Skybreaker?" Fluttershy asked, getting a nod from Iron. "I remember hearing about him. He was one of the original Royal Knights, right?"

"Yeah. He's still on the force, but'll probably be retiring soon. Although I doubt he'll enjoy retirement a lot. He likes his work too much." Fluttershy nodded as another question came into mind, only to stop herself before Iron added, "Come on. Let's go find something to do. Maybe we can find a game..."

"Okay." Fluttershy added as they took a turn, now going down a street filled with booths.

It turned out that the ride Flash decided a haunted house ride. Both he and Twilight were currently sitting in a cart that was moving through a dimly lit tunnel, full of smoke and arriving at a plastic door designed to look wooden and old. As the cart approached, the doors opened, now seeing the inside was designed like a mine-shaft.

It had plastic support beams painted green and orange, and when the door closed behind them, they were dropped into total darkness. "Not exactly terrifying," Twilight sighed, Flash nodding in agreement. After a few moments, they left the mine-shaft and arrived at a tunnel that was spinning. The walls, floor and ceiling were rotating counter-clockwise, the sides painted in a series of different colors that were spinning.

As they drew through the tunnel, they heard the sound of laughter and looked ahead to see someone sitting beside the track further down out of the rotating tunnel. When they exited, they saw the man was actually a dummy. It wore a hoodie and pants, its face was painted like a clown while the laughter sound was being played by something near it.

The pair shared a glance as Flash commented, "Still not as scary as what Spike usually leaves us to pick up." Twilight laughed at this, then turned back to the ride, which was now going to a cemetery...with cardboard gravestones. Both raised an eyebrow as they looked up and saw a skeleton hanging from a noose above one of the gravestones.

Flash was on the verge of yawning, but then the cart stopped in place and suddenly rotated ninety degrees. A moment later, a light filled the room and illuminated a lab-like scene. Before either could react, a scream filled the air, making them jump. But as they reacted, they then saw a scene where a dummy was getting 'cut' in half by a saw.

They both sighed as the cart turned back, now going down the tunnel before taking a corner, another scream suddenly ringing out as several plastics heads suspended by their hair and rope fell down in front of him. The pair jumped again, but no screams came from their mouths.

The heads then retracted and the cart rolled up to a section with the walls painted to look like they were in a forest. Multiple animals noises could be heard, such as wolves and snakes as glowing eyes could be seen in bushes. A bunch of snakes came out of a hole next, both almost getting to the cart, making both flinch in the cart.

And when the snakes went back, the cart kept moving as Flash added, "Darn. I was hoping this would be a bit more scary."

"I agree." Twilight replied before they came to a set of doors, a sign on top of it.

Abandoned Lab
Warning, Zombies Within

"Really?" Twilight groaned, "They're doing the whole abandoned lab and zombie apocalypse thing?" Flash just shrugged as the doors opened, now seeing a science-fiction laboratory with a bunch of wires lining the wall, a large locker in the corner, and tables full of beakers.

"Huh," Flash commented, "At least it looks right."

"Its tacky," Twilight chimed in, "If any scientist really worked here, they'd be shut down for multiple health code violations." She looked around and raised an eyebrow, "But wasn't there supposed to be a zombie-"


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Twilight screamed as something exploded out of the locker and launched at her, making her jump and grab onto Flash. The teen was about to activate his magic, only to see that the attacker was a guy dressed up like a scientist and given makeup to appear as a zombie.

Twilight panted as she continued to hug Flash, the zombie moaning as it got closer, only for a chain to yank it back. The cart then started moving again, leaving the lab area...only to show a bright light ahead of them. What followed was the exit, the cart coming back to the entrance.

"Hope you enjoyed the ride," the controller said as he pressed a button, making the bar move off of them. The two got up and Flash turned to Twilight, who was still clutching his arm.

"You okay?"

"Do you think one of these games give out clean underwear?" Flash laughed and placed his arm around her.

"Come on. Let's go see what else this fair has to offer."

"Okay..." Twilight replied as they walked away. And as they did this, Twilight reflexively placed her head on his shoulder, holding him tightly. Both were blushing as they slowly walked through the fairground, trying to get their heart rates back under control. But as they kept going, the two found they couldn't look at each as they continued.

At the same time...

Iron and Fluttershy were now at the game booths, Iron glaring at the game before them. Fluttershy watched him clutch a ball, seeing a long glare on his face, knowing he was like that because of her earlier question. He then shot the ball flying, hitting the cans off the table in an instant.

"Winner!" The carny exclaimed before taking a pink bunny rabbit toy down and handing it to Iron.

He took it, his face scrunching up before giving it to Fluttershy. "Here." Fluttershy blinked at this before taking it, thanking him. But as she said this, he let out a long huff and walked off.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond to him, only to find no words. Instead, she just followed him as he walked through the place, only to soon get to the edge of a nearby pier. He stared out at the ocean, Fluttershy tiptoeing up to her, "Its...very pretty."

"I guess so," Iron huffed, Fluttershy then placing most of her face into the head of her rabbit. All that was visible was her eyes, now staring out at the sea, swearing she could see some dolphins in the distance.

Her eyes drifted back to Iron as she muttered out, "Um...Iron?" He slowly turned to her, "I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know what I said before that upset you, but I'm sorry."

Iron blinked at her, only to sigh, "Right...sorry." He glanced back at the ocean, "Sorry, that question just made me...yeah. Sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you." His eyes went down at this, "I haven't been very good company, huh?" Fluttershy remained quiet, seeing Iron let out another sigh, "You asked before why I wanna be a cop. Well...it's because I don't want people to go through what I went through."

"What you went through?"

He closed his eyes at this, "When I was ten, my parents were killed. They went into a convenience store to pick up a few things and...some lunatic ran in and started shooting up the place for the stuff in the register." Fluttershy's eyes went wide at this, only for Iron to add, "Skybreaker was near the place when he got the call. He ran in and took down the shooter, but he wasn't fast enough to save them."

"Iron..." Fluttershy muttered out, "I'm...I'm so sorry."

Iron nodded back, "Skybreaker took me in after that. I think he felt guilty for not being able to save them. But despite that, the pain I felt was horrible. Every night I couldn't help but cry into my pillow. It wasn't until a year later that I was able to start putting it behind me. But even now, sometimes the pain shows up again."


"That's why I wanna be a cop. So that no kid can ever feel the pain I felt." Iron looked back down at the water, staring at his own reflection. And as he did this, Fluttershy's reflection appeared beside him as she wrapped her arm around his arm and placed her head on his.

"That must have been really hard on you," she told him. "But you've been able to turn that pain into strength." Iron raised an eyebrow at this as she continued, "I'm not saying you might have never chosen to become a policeman, but it's given you the desire to stride towards that future. And because of that, you'll be stronger when that time comes."

"Um...thanks," Iron replied, a smile trying to form on his face, "You know, I've...never told anyone about any of this."

"Well, I'm happy you trusted me to tell me this. And I promise I won't tell anyone if you don't want me too." Iron nodded back, his smile now fully appearing, "Say, there's still about an hour or so before the fireworks display. Do you...wanna go on another ride? Or play a game?"

Iron pushed away from the fence, "What do you wanna do?" Fluttershy smiled before looking back at the fair, soon pointing to a ride before the two walked away.

Fifty minutes later...

Flash and Twilight had the biggest grins on their faces. They had gone on two more coasters, cheering before going to the game booths...and Flash losing three games in a row while Twilight won the rest. And when the fireworks display was only minutes away, the pair had chosen to get some ice cream. Flash had gotten bubblegum with strawberry, a flack and sprinkles, but Twilight was having trouble deciding.

"Um..." Her eyes glanced around at the menu before growling, "Augh! I can't decide!"

Flash chuckled at the sight, only to see a certain flavor on the menu. "Give her a moose track," he told the vendor. Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, the vendor making the cone as Flash turned to her. "Trust me."

Twilight's eyes narrowed at this, only to accept a cone a second later. She stared at the food, only to give it a lick...and go wide-eyed. "Wow!" She began to eat it now, Flash smirking as they began to make their way to the pier. And as they kept going, she turned to Flash, "How'd you know I would like this?"

"Because you enjoyed it the last time you had it," Flash instantly replied.

"What? I've never had this."

"Yeah you have." Flash took another lick of his ice cream before saying, "About a year after I started living with you guys, we went on vacation to a beach and on the last day, we got ice cream and you decided to try that flavor. When you did, you absolutely loved it and for about a month afterwards, you'd always try to find it...but we never could."

Twilight blinked at this, only for the memory to flash back into her head. "Oh...oh yeah. I can't believe you remember that."

Flash shrugged as they reached a bench at the end of the pier, the teen sitting down. "I remember constantly being on the look out for it, so I guess it just kinda stuck."

"Huh." Twilight sat down beside him, more memories going through her head. And as she began to eat more ice cream, she thought about the earlier game...and realized a certain fact: She couldn't think of a thing she really knew about Flash. He had always been there, watching her and taking into account certain things about her and remembering them.

As for her, her mind told her one thing: She had only ever treated Flash like a piece of furniture. Always assuming he was there, never taking the time to really ask why he did what he did, and what he felt about anything. Despite saying that she knew him, she knew she didn't. She could feel a tear appear in her eyes, only to blink it away.

"I'm sorry," Twilight whispered out.

Flash raised an eyebrow at this, glancing back to her, "What?"

"I'm...sorry. I've been treating you so badly."

"What are you-why are you saying that?" Flash asked, "You haven't been-"

"I have," she interrupted, Flash opening his mouth before seeing the giant frown on her face. He found himself unable to respond as she continued, "I...I've been going around saying your my best friend, but..." She glanced down at this, "Now that I really think about it...I barely know anything about you. I know that you like red and orange, but I never asked why you like those colors...but you asked that about me. And when I think about it...I realized I don't really know anything about you."


She could feel another tear form as she continued, "You like me because you know so much about me, but I hardly know anything about you beyond what anyone else knows about you...and I just realized that." She looked back up at him, "Do...do I even have the right to call you my best friend? I mean, I'm so horrible that I-"

"Twilight," he interrupted now, "Stop it." He put his hand on her shoulder, "You are my best friend. That'll never change. And I don't care if you don't know a lot about me. That just means...there's much more to learn about me. And I hope I get to learn more about you as well."

"You...you're too forgiving, you know that?"

Flash chuckled as he felt his face heat up, "Yeah...I am kind of awesome like that."

He took his hand off her, Twilight giggling as she shook her head before placing her head on his shoulder. "Thank you Flash."

"No problem."

She began licking her ice cream again at this before saying, "Flash?"


"I do wanna learn more about you. So can you answer my next question truthfully please?"

"I'd never lie to you Twilight." She glared at him, making him glance away, "Okay, I did about the Spike sugar incident...but nothing else."

"What was the first song you ever learned to play on the guitar?"

Flash turned back to her, the girl now seeing hesitation on his face. He let out a sigh before answering, "It was...a song I wrote."

"You wrote a song?"

"Yeah..." He replied, his face fully red as he added, "I wrote it...for you." Her eyes went wide at this as he continued, "It was meant to be a birthday present, but when the time came...I couldn't work up the nerve to play it for you."

"You...you wrote...a song for me?"

Flash slowly nodded, "Sometimes I wonder what might have happened if I hadn't been such a wimp and played it. Maybe...maybe you might have started liking me back then." He looked away again, "I think...I think that was when I knew I liked you but...I was a coward."


He let out a huff before glancing back at her, "But I don't wanna think like that. I love the life I have, and I wouldn't trade it for any chance to redo anything." Twilight smiled back before placing her head on his shoulder.

The pair began to stare out at the ocean, waiting for the fireworks to begin. As they did this, Twilight felt something in her heart starting to flicker. It was a simply ember of affection that would slowly grow into a raging flame of love. And it was born at that very moment.

Fluttershy and Iron were now high above the fairground. Wanting to completely conquer her fear of heights, especially since she had the power to grow wings now, Fluttershy had asked to go on the ferris wheel. And as they rotated up to highest part of the wheel, she felt a twinge of fear flow through her...only for Iron to place his hand on hers, showing he was there.

The teen took a deep breath at this, the pair looking out at the horizon. "Thank you," she told him. "I don't know why, but I feel...safe with you here with me. Like...nothing could ever hurt me as long as you're around."

"Happy to help." He replied, feeling a heat on his face as a thought appeared in his mind. "You know...if you wanna keep feeling safe...then maybe we could hang out more often."

He turned to her, expecting to see a blushing Fluttershy, only to see her just turn to him with a clear face and nod. "I'd love that." she replied just as the wheel came to a stop, both turning back to the view above the fair, now knowing the fireworks were about to begin.

Flash and Twilight continued to sit together, basking in one another's presence as they waited for the fireworks. However, an overhead speaker system rang out, projecting a voice over the fairground, "We apologize for the delay of the fireworks. We are suffering from technical difficulties that may cause the display to be cancelled. We are trying to correct these difficulties, but we apologize for the upset."

A large wave of moans filled the fair, Flash sighing as he turned to Twilight. "Great...sorry about this."

"It's alright," Twilight replied, "I still had fun, even without the fireworks." She adjusted herself on the bench at this, only for her foot to knock over her bag. In doing so, the jar of bugs Fluttershy had given her earlier opened up, the insects now flying out.

Twilight and Flash both heard the buzzing, looking down to see the bugs fly out from under the bench and surround them. The two were about to start freaking out...only for the insects to light up.

"Fireflies?" Flash asked, Twilight gasping as she now realized why Fluttershy gave them to her. The spectacle began to make them forget that they were surrounded before the insects dispersed and began to fly around the fairground.

The beautiful lights made everyone gasp, including Iron and Fluttershy on the ferris wheel. The sight was so amazing that when the fireworks display began, it was drowned out, but still a sight to behold. And as Twilight glanced back at Flash, her heart told her one thing: This date was the right decision. She saw the future in her eyes, staring at the teen as he kept looking up at the fireworks.

Then, Flash felt a pair of lips touch his cheek. He turned to her in shock, wide eyes before seeing a giant grin on Twilight's face. He felt the blush on his face, only to sling his arm around her and pulled her close, Twilight letting out an eep before they began to hold one another. They now knew this night would be a night neither of them would ever forget.

Author's Note:

Well, this two parter's done and I hope it satisfied everyone. You probably expected something disastrous to happen that forces Flash and save the day and win Twilight's heart. And whilst I did consider that, it didn't feel right. So I went with this instead. Hope you all liked it.