• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

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Room to Grow

The Rainbooms and Royal Knights had all ran over to the boutique and hair salon that Rarity part-timed at, having received an urgent message from Twilight. "We're here!" Heather exclaimed as they arrived, spotting Twilight, Spike, Springer and Applejack sitting in front of a large screen. It had two silhouettes behind it, one looking like Rarity while the other was sat down so they couldn't tell who it was. "What's the emergency?"

Twilight flinched at the question, "Well uh...I um...I...destroyed Flash's hair." Everyone grimaced at this, knowing that if there was one thing you didn't do, it was mess with Flash Sentry's hair.

"What happened?" Rainbow asked, only for Flash's voice to call out from behind the screen.

"I'll tell you what happened. I was walking Springer, enjoying the first day of my week off from school when..."

Two hours ago...

Flash and Springer were jogging down the street, doing their best to keep a simple but brisk pace as they arrived on the street that Principal Celestia lived on. He had chosen to come see how well Twilight was doing since she had offered to take care of Celestia's garden during their week off.

But as he drew closer to the address Celestia had sent them, he saw someone coming down the other end of the street. "Applejack?" He asked as the girl ran up with a frown on her face, "What's wrong?"

"Ah don't know," Applejack replied, "Twi sent me a bunch of texts ah've got no idea about." Flash raised an eyebrow at this, only to hear something coming from the backyard: Music.

They ran over and saw a large greenhouse that the music was coming from, the pair looking through the window and seeing a bunch of moving shapes. "Oh, this can't be good." They rushed inside, only to be greeted by the sight of multiple giant plants that were moving around like they were alive.

"Whoa!" Applejack yelped, "What the hay is goin' on here?!"

"Looks like the veggie section at the grocery store hit a growth spurt and took up the performing arts!" Flash added as he ran inside, helping Twilight as she tried to get her watering can away from a large vine that was holding it. In that moment, he really wished he hadn't left his geode at home.

"I don't know what happened!" Twilight screamed, "I was just watering them, and...and-

"It's that waterin' can, that's what!" Applejack pointed at the device and the two glanced up, "It's got magic all over it!"

"That's not good." Flash yanked the can now covered in a magical aura, ripping it from the plant's leafy grasp beofre leaping away, "How do we de-magic it?" The girls tried to reply, only for one of the plants behind him to grow a mouth and bite down on his head. It didn't have any teeth, but it was like a giant suction cup. "HEY!" He yelped, accidently dropping the watering can and allowing another plant to grab it. That and he began to feel something slimy cover his hair, "Aw gross!"

Springer barked at the plant and leapt at the stem, biting through it. This caused the suction to vanish, letting Flash to pull it off. But when he did, he found his hair was almost completely covered in green slime.

"Okay, now it's personal!"

"What do we do?!" Twilight asked as she tried to grab the watering can, only for the plant to smack her away. "Aah!"

"Twilight!" Spike yelled, only to be grabbed by another plant, the flowers all still singing to be watered more. And as they did this, Applejack spotted a lever that controlled the overhead sprinklers.

"Quick!" She grabbed the lever and pulled it, "Try this!" The water started raining down, becoming a blinding downpour that Applejack quickly shut off. When the last of the water fell, the entire greenhouse was now back to normal, Spike hovering in the air for a second before falling, Applejack catching him as she and Twilight sighed in relief.

But as they stared at the disaster that had just happened, they turned to see Flash's hair still covered in the green slime, which had mostly been washed away by the water, but there were still large clumps that had embedded itself. And before he could say anything, Celestia appeared at the door.

"Oh, and Twilight?" They turned to her, "Just be careful not to over-water the plants." She then went wide-eyed at the sight of Flash, grimacing as she added, "Oooh, you might wanna rethink that Flash. Green doesn't seem to suit you." Flash glared at her as she left, the girls backpedalling in case he exploded with rage.

"Luckily, he didn't and we came straight here." Applejack turned back to the screen, "How's it going in there Rare?"

"I'm almost done," she sighed, "Just a few more snips and...done." She grabbed a brush off to the side and swept it around Flash's neck, Applejack moving the screen as she spun him around. "Ta-dah!" They found themselves looking at a much shorter haired Flash, his new style lacking the rocker boy aspect he had been pulling off before. Now his hair was more...sensible. "What do you think?"

"It looks good," Pinkie smiled.

"Really good," Sunset added.

First adjusted his glasses and squinted his eyes, "He kind of reminds me of his pony counterpart in a way."

"You noticed?" Rarity giggled as she clapped her hands together. "That does look so good on him that I thought I'd replicate it the best I could. I'm glad it came out so well."

"Maybe a little too well," Iron chuckled, "If the other Flash ever comes over, we're gonna have a hard time telling them apart." They nodded as Flash turned his chair back around, staring at himself in the mirror.

"I gotta admit," he twisted his head to get a better look at it from different angles. "I do pull off this look pretty well..." He let out a sigh and turned back to them, "I just hope pony me doesn't decide to pay a visit any time soon. He might think I'm trying to copy him or something."

"I don't see that as much of an issue," Rarity added "He's probably been copied a little over there, given he is a big time celebrity in his world who is dating a princess. Most people would kill to be like that."

"I guess," Flash sighed as he stood up, staring at the mirror for one final look before turning back to them. "Be honest. It looks okay?"

"You look fine," Applejack waved her hand, "Actually, ah think this look suits yah better. Less kid tryin' ta be cool and more..."

"Young adult who knows that having properly styled hair is the mature thing to do," Heather finished.

Flash glared at them, only to sigh as he turned to Twilight. The girl was still grimacing, feeling a bit guilty about being the cause of his hair's destruction. "What do you think?"

Twilight stared at it for a moment, blinking as she replied, "I liked your old hair." Flash sighed again at hearing this, "But I like this style too. Heather's right. You do look more mature like this. The old style was good when you were younger, but you're a year or so away from college. If you had still had that style before leaving to go there, I think mom and dad would have tied you to a chair and cut it themselves." Everyone laughed at this, Flash smirking at that thought as well.

Flash then looked down at the dogs, Spike giving him a 'thumbs up' while Springer gave his happy smile and tongue wag at the sight of him. Flash turned back to the mirror, nodding at the sight. As much as he loved his old do, maybe it was time for a change.

"Alright," he spun back around to Twilight. "But the next time you decide to work in a garden, do us all a favor and check to make sure you're not using a magical trowel or something."

The others laughed at this, the only one not doing so being Sunset as she crossed her arms, "First the mirror, then the watering can. All these items getting magic isn't a good sign. We need to start being careful. Who knows what the next magical threat could be or where it could come from." The others nodded at this, not seeing a green haired, green skinned girl who had just walked past the boutique. She then took off her backpack and looked inside as a light escaped from the backpack. A magical light

Author's Note:

A small one, but still a fun one that gets Flash into his newer hair style. Hope you enjoyed.