• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

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Special: Mirror Magic PT2

Sunset had taken her new friends to the mall, the trio now starting to get the hang of their new bodies. "Okay..." Heart commented as he held an ice cream cone in his hands, "I'll admit having fingers in pretty awesome." Starlight and Soul, both with their own triple scoop ice cream, happily nodded in agreement, "If I still had my wings and my fire powers, I'd totally wanna live here."

"Yeah," Soul added, "This place is pretty cool. I'd love to have one of those phone things everypony...body's got. That way I could talk to Diamond and Spoon from my room at nights. It'd be awesome."

"I'd love to check out what video games they have here," Heart chuckled, "I bet Button and Rumble would be so jealous."

Starlight laughed at this, her mouth completely covered in her ice cream. But as she turned to Sunset, she saw a huge frown on her face as she stared at her phone. "Something wrong?"

The girl sighed, "I can't get in touch with my friends. Six cell phones, all straight to voicemail."

"I'm sure they're around," Starlight replied while waving a hand, "What's the worst that could have happened?" She did another lick of her ice cream, only for Sunset to come to a stop, Starlight also stopping so fast that it dropped the top scoop of her ice cream.

"Magic is on the loose here now, and it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria! Any number of terrible things could have happened!" Sunset cried, "And lately, I spend eighty percent of my time thinking about them! I can't stop!" She turned to the three, "I know my friends are probably fine and maybe I'm overreacting but..." She glanced down at her phone, "But what if I'm wrong?! What if they're in trouble?!"

"Whoa..." Heart responded, "You seriously need to chill out."

Sunset turned to glare at him, only for Starlight to pat her shoulder, "Sunset...this is the problem you wanted to talk to Princess Twilight about, right?" Sunset slowly shifted to her as Starlight added, "You know, you can still talk it over with us if you want..." Sunset responded by taking out her new journal and writing in it. "Or you could just journal with Princess Twilight about it. Whatever works."

Sunset grumbled at this before shutting the book, "Sorry. It's just...I know my friends and I have been given special powers for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is gonna be thrown at us. I guess knowing that is making me feel like I can never relax and let my guard down, so I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head."

"Hmm," Starlight nodded. "That is a toughie."

"I know how you feel," Soul added before taping her head. "When I first became an alicorn, I didn't know what reason it was for. Even after I discovered why and fulfilled my task, I was still an alicorn and had no idea what I was gonna do with the new power I was given. Not being able to control it didn't help either."

"But you did learn to control it," Heart chuckled as he nudged her in the side. "And you discovered something you were able to use your new magic for."

"They're right." Starlight finished as she gave Sunset a big smile, "My advice would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening." As she said that, she accidently tipped her ice cream and caused the second layer to fall onto the floor. "NO!"

Sunset laughed at this, "Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now?"

"Yup," Starlight nodded. "Like that." She licked the last scoop of her ice cream as Sunset laughed again, pulling her close and snatching the cone from her hand.

"Come on. Let's go take a look around the theater. I'm sure they're fine." The pair walked off, the twins following.

Flash let out a moan, his head now feeling like he had spent an hour riding a non-stop roller-coaster with a ton of loops. And when he opened his eyes, everything was out of focus...making him blink until he went wide-eyed. As his eyes recovered, he saw he was in a white void. "Oh no...I got a bad feeling about this."

He slowly got up at this, only to see his friends were all there, Rarity getting up first, "Um...any clue where we are or what just happened?!" Nobody answered, "Anyone?"

"Pinkie Pie's on the case!" He heard his puffy haired friend say before the sound of creaking filled the air. He turned to see her walk away, "Nope, no wall over here." She began to run off, calling out for a wall that was nowhere to be seen.

"Pinkie!" He yelled, "Don't just wander off!" But she ignored him, the girl continuing to run away...only to become a blip that quickly vanished. "Pinkie!"

"I don't get this place!" He suddenly heard behind him, making him spin around to see Pinkie. She then spun around and walked away in the opposite direction and appeared behind him again, "There's no walls in here anywhere!"

"There's gotta be a way outta-WHOA!" Flash yelped as a purple light suddenly appeared above them. The seven looked up at what appeared to be a giant round window...that showed the real world.

Staring at it made them all remember what had just happened, Applejack commenting, "So...did that just happen? Like, that dang Juniper somehow sucked us all inside of that mirror of hers?"

"Or into some kind of limbo behind it," Twilight added.

"I think I might be freaking out a little bit," Fluttershy squeaked as she began to play with her hair.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "You call that a freak-out?"

"It's sort of a deep-down-inside freak-out," she whispered before screaming as Pinkie spoke up.

"On the upside, there's popcorn in here!" She held up a handful of the treat and threw it into the air, catching some of it in her mouth. "Mmm...sticky."

"How could this happen on the evening of my very first movie premiere? Of all the nights!" Rarity moaned, about to go into mellow dramatic mode, "Curse you, cruel fate!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes at this, "Not our number-one problem right now, Rarity."

"Hmm..." Rarity hummed, "True. But perhaps we can agree it's in the top five."

"That's it!" Flash grabbed his geode and powered up, "I'm getting out of here and smashing that mirror!" He leapt up and tackled the mirror, only to bounce off it and fell back to the ground. But he quickly rolled as he landed before leaping up and grabbing the top of the mirror. He slammed his feet into the glass as hard as he could, but it just shook...and didn't show even a scratch, "Oh, come on!"

The girls all frowned at this, Applejack turning to the others, "Um...should we stop him?"

"Gyah!" Flash suddenly yelped before falling, Twilight barely managing to catch him in her magic. They then found themselves getting pelted with something as it fell through the mirror.

"Oh, my heavens!" Rarity put up a magical shield to protect herself, "What's that?" Rainbow used her super speed to grab one out of the air, only to raise an eyebrow.

"Chocolate-covered...almonds?" Twilight dropped Flash and used her magic to stop the almonds, the sweet treats now hovering while Pinkie jumped up to the candy.

"Dibs!" She cheered before she started sucking the almonds down her gullet in a way that Flash could practically hear the arcade music. He quickly pushed himself up and dusted off his pants.

"Does somebody wanna explain why the heck we were almost concussed by a bunch of chocolate covered nuts?"

Twilight blinked at his question, only to look up and see no more almonds were coming out of the mirror. "Best guess, Juniper's sending them into the mirror." They all turned to her, "Remember what she said about working at the theater as little as possible?"

"Yah think she's usin' it to get out of cleanin stuff up?" Applejack asked, Twilight nodding back.

"I wouldn't put it past her," Rarity sighed, "Ooh, I hope we get out of here soon." She flicked an almond that was floating next to her away, "Spending the rest of my life surviving off of dropped movie snacks is not something I ever hoped for."

"Sunset," Flash whispered, "I hope you're finished in Equestria because we could really use some help..."

Sunset, Starlight, Heart and Soul had now arrived at the movie theater, the four laughing at a joke Heart had just said. But Sunset's laughter vanished when she spotted who was behind the counter, making her gasp before she pushed the four behind a claw machine.

"What's wrong?" Heart asked first.

"It's Juniper Montage!" Sunset replied, Starlight letting out a gasp.

"No!" She exclaimed, only to blink, "Wait...who's that?"

"She's trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Soul asked next.

"Yeah!" Heart added, "On a scale of Snips and Snails to Malafear and Shadow Corrupter, where's she at?"

Sunset was about to reply, only to glance back and see something Juniper was wearing on her shirt. "That's...Fluttershy's barrette." She then gave her bag to Starlight. "Wait here for me."

"Wait! What if she pulls something?" Heart asked, Sunset not answering as she quickly ran up to the counter. As she did this, she noticed Juniper was staring into a mirror. She was so transfixed with it that it was only when Sunset was reflected in it that she noticed she was there.

"Sunset Shimmer," she slowly turned around, "I was wondering if you'd show up."

Sunset took a deep breath, "I'm uh...looking for my friends." She wrapped her fingers around her geode, "I don't suppose you've seen them?" Juniper's only response was a mischivous giggle, Sunset frowning at her. "Where are they?"

"I'll never tell," she giggled while stroking Fluttershy's barrette.

But then, Sunset smirked. "You don't have to," everyone watched as Sunset grabbed Juniper's arm. Her eyes went wide and her friends could see them glow, Sunset gasping as Juniper pulled her arm away.

"Hey!" Juniper yelled as she started to backpedal, "What was that for?!"

Sunset closed her eyes for a second, only to glare at the girl, "Juniper...I know you want people to like you, but trust me, the magic in that mirror is only gonna make things worse for you."

Juniper went wide-eyed at this, "How did you-" She glanced down at the mirror before hugging it like a newborn baby. "Wait...you're just saying that because you want the mirror for yourself!"

"What I want is my friends back," Sunset replied, "I know you put them in that mirror."

"How did you..."

"Please, Juniper." Sunset interrupted, "You wished them into that mirror, so maybe there's a way you can wish them out."

But as she said this, Juniper blinked at her before growling, "I don't think so! This is mine!" She then pointed the mirror at Sunset, its energy beginning to build and wrap around Juniper's arm before entering her eyes. "I wish you'd join them!" And before Sunset could react, the mirror unleashed an energy burst that wrapped around her. Sunset cried out as she was surrounded by the energy, then sucked into the mirror.

"SUN-!" Heart and Soul cried before Starlight covered their mouths, pulling them back behind the machine as Juniper glanced over at their direction, only to look back at her mirror.

"That's...not good." Starlight sighed as she let the two go.

"What do we do?" Heart asked.

"I...don't know," She replied before they looked back at Juniper. "I just hope everyone's okay inside that...mirror. Whatever it is."

Sunset let out a yelp as she flew through a magical tunnel of energy, feeling just like she did whenever she passed through the portal. It was here that the portal spit her out, only to smack the ground and roll along the ground.

"Ow..." she groaned.

"Sunset!" She heard Twilight call out as her eyes rolled in their sockets. She turned onto her back and looked up to see Applejack and Rarity holding out their hands.

"Oh..." She moaned as they helped her up, Pinkie then leaping over to hug her.

"Hooray! We're all together again!"

"But wait," Twilight went wide-eyed, "If we're all together, then nobody out there knows where we are!" As she said that, her geode began to glow. All the magical geodes began to light up next, with the only ones to notice being Flash and Fluttershy,

"Um, girls..." Fluttershy tried to say before Sunset spoke up.

"Starlight, Heart and Soul do."

The girls all raised an eyebrow at this, only for Flash to chime in, "Before we have a go at Sunset for what's probably gonna be a life saving decision," they turned to him as he pointed at his glowing orange geode. They all then looked down at theirs, now seeing them do the same thing.

"Cool," Rainbow commented.

"Odd. They've never done something like this before," Twilight added, "What do you think this means?" And as she asked this, the white void around them began to glow, soon shifting to the eight colors their geodes were glowing. "Something's changed. This wasn't happening before."

"Maybe it's because all eight of us are together now?" Sunset guessed as Applejack pointed to her green geode.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" She got her answer when her geode suddenly fired a blast of magic to the mirror, the other seven doing the same. The light hit the glass and spiraled around one another, the light from their geodes stopping as the eight swirling colors flew to the edge of the mirror and started linking up to form a rainbow around it. The mirror then shifted and turned a dangerous shade of dark green.

"I'm going with not a good thing!" Rarity whimpered.

"What do we do?" Flash asked, "We can't just sit here and let Juniper run wild with our magic!" The others grimaced, unable to respond. Seeing this, Flash remembered what Sunset had said as he stared at the mirror, "If this Heart kid was picked by that other me to be his apprentice, he must have something in him that'll help stop her. I just hope he can do it in time."


Heart was now glaring at Juniper, "Alright...if I rush her, I can get that mirror and free the others before she has a chance to whoosh me away."

"No," Soul pulled him back, "You saw what happened. You won't even get within five feet of her before she attacks."

Heart was about to push her back, only for Juniper to let out a yelp, "Huh?" They all turned to her and saw her mirror start unleashing a rainbow of magic. She gasped at this, only to see the energy flow through her. The three pony turned humans watched as Juniper began to grow taller, soon roughly twice her normal height, the magic washing over her and replacing her theater uniform with a black, green and purple dress. She wore green furry gloves and ankle cuffs above black platform shoes, and had purple eye shadow and her hair in a wavy style that was curled at the end.

"No way..." Heart whispered as Juniper looked herself over in a nearby drinks machine.

She smiled at her reflection. "Now everyone will recognize I'm a real star!" With that, she turned to walk out of the theater, swaying her hips the way she had seen movie stars do. Starlight, Heart and Soul watched her leave, the three turning to one another and nodding before chasing after her. And as Juniper walked out of the theater, which was difficult given her new height, everyone around her gasped at the sight of the almost twelve foot woman appear in the mall. Screams followed this, everyone running away as she continued to strut through the place.

"Any ideas?" Soul asked as the three followed after her.

Starlight's eyes narrowed as she stared at the giant, "First things first, we need to get that mirror away from her."

"Got it," Heart nodded before running up to her. The girls called out to him, but he wasn't listening. "Get ready to feel the heat!" He leapt up, attempting to spread his wings while unleashing a blast of fire...only to fall like a rock, hitting and rolling across the floor before stopping behind Juniper. "Oh...right. Human."

Luckily, Juniper didn't notice him as she stared at the people screaming at her. However, thanks to the mirror's magic, she was seeing them not as terrified teens, but as fans and paparazzi who weren't able to stop looking at her out of sheer admiration. She then saw a woman and her son standing close by, both staring up at her in joy. "Want Mommy to take our picture together?" But the illusion was lost on her, the boy dropping and crying before his mother pulled him away and ran past Starlight and the twins.

"I have an idea," Soul told them, "Heart and I will distract her and when she's not paying attention, Starlight can grab the mirror." They nodded, Heart and Soul running up to her, "Wow!" she shouted at Juniper, "Are you who I think you are?"

"Huh?" The transformed girl asked.

"It is you," Heart added, "Wow! I can't believe I'm actually talking to the Juniper Montage!" He gestured to himself and Soul, "We're big fans!"

"Huge fans!" Soul nodded.

"Colossal fans!" Heart continued. "And now, here you are. This is a dream come true!"

Juniper's magically drunk mind made her see them as kids wearing shirts were her face on them, the sight making her stand up straight and correct her hair with a smirk. "Well, it's about time somebody realized how amazing I am!"

As she did this, Starlight snuck around behind her. And as the twins kept her talking, she ran up and grabbed the mirror. However, Juniper's grip on it was too strong, Starlight unable to yank it away. Feeling this, Juniper turned to her and flicked Starlight back, but Starlight kept hold of the mirror. And when Juniper grabbed the girl, Starlight raised her legs up and kicked the mirror with all her might. Juniper gasped as the mirror went flying, Heart and Soul running over to grab it. But they couldn't reach it before it hit the floor, the magical glass cracking upon impact.

Inside the mirror, Flash and the Rainbooms went wide-eyed as they saw the portal began to break apart. And as it did this, the void around them quickly began to follow suit.

"The mirror is breaking!" Sunset gasped as a crack appeared next to Twilight.

"Whoa!" She cried as Flash and Rainbow pulled her away. "If those three don't find a way to get us out of here soon, I don't know what's gonna happen!" More and more cracks appeared on the mirror's surface at this, the eight all shivering at this.

"Starlight..." Sunset quivered. "I hope you know what you're doing."

"What do we do?!" Soul asked as she picked up the cracked mirror.

"I have no idea!" Starlight yelped before Juniper descended on them as her nails turned into almost claw-like blades.

"Give that back!" She screeched, the girls quickly leaping away from the Juniper's slashing nails. Soul then glanced back and saw Heart run behind Juniper and wave his arms around, Soul nodding before throwing it.

"Keep away!" Juniper tried to grab it, only for the mirror to fly over her and land into Heart's hands. He quickly cut into a sprint, Juniper chasing him with her longer legs.

"Get back here!" But before she could get him, Heart glanced back and saw Starlight staring at him behind Juniper.

"Go long!" He yelled before throwing the mirror under Juniper, the item sliding along the floor and under Juniper's feet. This went directly to Starlight, picking it and leaping behind a potted plant.

"I said give it back!" She screamed, Starlight squirming behind the plant as she avoided Juniper's nails.

"No!" She barked back, "This mirror is nothing but trouble! You have to realize that!"

Juniper let out a hiss, "What I realize is that you're just like those other girls!" She picked up the plant, revealing Starlight. "I wish you'd join them!" Starlight's eyes went wide as she held the mirror away from her...only for it do nothing.

"Huh?" She blinked at the mirror before sighing in relief, then ran away as Juniper tried to break the plant pot over her head. "Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror!" But then Juniper threw the plant pot at her, knocking Starlight over. The mirror fell to the floor, cracking it more.

The unicorn turned human quickly got back up and grabbed the mirror, not noticing the continued cracks now breaking the dimensional space holding the others to break apart more and more. Inside, those trapped within all cried out as they did their best to avoid falling into the cracks.

It was here that Starlight ducked behind the sunglasses kiosk, then held up the mirror. "I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!"

But the mirror did nothing, only for Juniper to let out a chuckle, "Looks like you can't use it, either!" She started chasing Starlight around the kiosk, Heart and Soul running up to them. Heart quickly leapt onto the giant's back, making her cry out as she spun around to try and remove him.

"What do we do?" Soul asked, Starlight showing her the cracked mirror.

"I don't know!"

"GYAH!" Heart yelped as Juniper yanked him off her back and throwing him into a store window, crashing into a pile of clothes.

"Give it back to me!" Juniper hissed as she turned back to the two girls.

"No! My friends are trapped in there!" Starlight screamed, Juniper about to reply until the TVs behind her switched on and started playing the Dance Magic video.

Hearing this made Juniper scream, "Your friends stole my one chance at being famous!" She let out a screech and turned to smash the TVs, Starlight and Soul then leaping into the kiosk.

Back inside the void, the floor beneath them began to crumble apart and fall into the darkness of nothing. Twilight and Applejack now found themselves on their own little islands while the rest remained huddled together and watching their friends slowly drift away. "Jump!" Flash yelled, Applejack taking his advice and running toward the edge of her island.

She leapt as hard as she could and cleared the distance, only to fall back until Pinkie and Rainbow grabbed her. Twilight looked ready to do the same, but Flash knew she couldn't make the distance. Steeling his nerves, he activated his geode and leapt over to her. He cleared the distance and landed beside Twilight, not letting his momentum vanish as he grabbed her and leapt back off the island. They flew through the air and it looked like they were gonna make it, until the section they were gonna land on crumbled away.

Everyone gasped and Flash then threw Twilight into the other's arms before he fell into nothingness. "FLASH!" Twilight screamed as he disappeared...only to float up while encased in one of Rarity's shield spheres.

"Thanks Rarity..." Flash muttered out.

"No problem darling." Rarity replied, only to see another crack happen around them, "Though I have feeling it isn't going to be enough..."

Once Juniper had finished destroying the TVs, she turned back to the kiosk and saw Starlight and Soul trying to hide inside. It was here that Starlight saw Soul show her a huge frown, not knowing what to do. The sight made Starlight glance back at Juniper, seeing the rage on her face...and it reminded her something: Herself, back when Twilight had defeated her back in their final confrontation.

Taking a deep breath, she glared up at Juniper and asked, "Hey! Is fame really what you're after or are you looking for something else?!"

"Like what?!" Juniper replied while ripping the roof off the kiosk. "What else could I be looking for then fame?!"

Starlight hid Soul behind her as she added, "Well...what about a friend?"

This statement made Juniper pause, only to let out a hiss, "Who would want to be my friend?!"

"I would," Starlight responded.

"You?! Why?!"

Starlight didn't even need to think about this. She already knew they answer before she finished the question. "Because I understand you, Juniper."

"Understand me?! Who are you to understand me?! You don't even know me!"

"No...but I know you think getting revenge is going to make you feel better." Starlight took a deep breath at this, "But I know it's not! I've done it and it...it goes nowhere. It doesn't help you at all!"

Juniper had the roof in her nails, about to smash them...only to come to a stop. The giant leaned down to the pony turned teenager, narrowing her eyes, "Oh yeah? Then what am I supposed to do?! Those girls stole everything from me! What else am I supposed to do then get revenge on them?!"

"Because..." Starlight closed her eyes for a second, only to feel herself tear up, "You'll make a mistake...one that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life."

Juniper blinked back at her, only for a small tear to appear in her eyes, "No. I've already made too many mistakes. What I've done is...is..." She threw the roof behind her at this, "Unforgivable."

"No Juniper." Starlight shook her head, only to walk up, "I know they'll forgive you. But first," she held out the mirror. "You have to set them free!"

Juniper and Soul went wide-eyed at this, seeing Starlight give the mirror to Juniper. And as this happened, those inside the mirror continued to cry out for help. Flash had been lifted onto the floating island and clumped together with the others, Twilight hugging him tightly as their last bit of remaining footing crumbled away.

Juniper swiped the mirror away and walked off, stopping several feet from the kiosk and staring at her beautiful reflection. If she did this, it would all go away. "I..." She stopped and looked back at Starlight, the girl smiling at her along with Soul. I wish I could make up for my mistakes."

With that, the mirror unleashed a brilliant blue light. Inside the mirror, Flash and Applejack were holding the girls up to conserve stable footing. But that didn't last long as the platform crumbled to nothing beneath their feet. And just as they began to fall into the emptiness, there was a flash of light.

The next thing they all knew, they landed in a heap on the floor of the mall. They all gasped as they as realized where they were, smiling and cheering in joy for being out of the mirror. Sunset let out a groan as she picked herself up, then saw the girls in the kiosk. "Starlight, Soul," she ran up and pulled them into a hug, "You did it!"

They smiled as Flash turned to a broken window. Walking up to it, he saw a boy trying to get out of a pile of clothes and stretched out his hand. Heart glanced up and saw the human version of his mentor. "Need a hand?" Flash chuckled as Heart grabbed the hand and was helped up, the pair then turning to the others as everyone who had seen the exchange began to crowd around them.

"So much for laying low," Starlight blushed.

Sunset smirked, "I think even Princess Twilight would understand."

As this happened, Juniper was staring at her now completely normal mirror. The magic had all disappeared, leaving it as nothing more then a hand mirror with only a single shard of glass inside it. She slowly lowered it and looked up at the others, who were giving her different looks. Some still looked angry, others looked upset and others looked sad, "I'm so sorry," was all she could say in return. She then flinched, expecting yells...only for nothing.

"It's okay," Sunset put a hand on her shoulder, "We've all been there."

"Really?" She asked, glanced back up as Starlight lifted a hand.

"Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special."

Twilight chuckled and continued, "Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process."

Sunset smirked and finished, "Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world."

Juniper's eyes went wide as she registered this information, being able to do nothing but blink while Pinkie spoke up. "Wow!" She giggled, "We are a really forgiving group!" This just got a round of laughter from everyone, the absurdity of the situation now sinking in.

A little later...

After the insane events that had occurred at the mall, they group and their new friends decided it was best to leave for a while to avoid any unwanted questions. They soon arrived back at school and decided to just hang out there until it was time for Heart, Soul and Starlight to head back to Equestria. Currently, Rarity and Pinkie were sitting with Juniper to try and cheer her up while Soul was petting some of Fluttershy's animal friends. Flash and Heart were off to the side, Flash trying to show Heart how to play guitar with his newly acquired fingers.

Over by the portal, Starlight let out a sigh despite smiling. "I'm so sad to leave. I haven't really had the chance to get to know any of you." As she said that, Sunset heard a ringing sound coming from her bag and pulled out her new journal.

"Maybe you don't have to leave just yet." Starlight raised an eyebrow as Sunset began to read, "Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight, Heart and Soul should stay for a few more days. Enjoy the premiere!"

This statement got a round of cheers from the others, Starlight nudging Sunset, "Well...think you can focus on the positive?"

Sunset put her book back and crossed her arms with a smirk. "Whatever happens is gonna happen." She gave Starlight a light punch to the shoulder, "I've just gotta live in the moment, right?"

"Right!" Starlight nodded before the two pulled an arm around one another and started giggling. But before they could break into full on laughter, Sunset's journal rung again.

She took it out and laughed when she read it, turning to Flash. "I think this is for you." She threw the book and he effortlessly caught it, reading it over and laughing before reading it aloud.

"Hey other me, make sure my apprentice doesn't slack off too much. Every morning, get him to run five miles before breakfast and have him do at least a hundred different exercises of your choice after."

Heart groaned and fell back, the others laughing at his plight. The day had been a crazy and terrifying one, but one they would all remember. With the next few days looking to be ones they could enjoy, mostly, the future was looking bright. But what kind of magical fiasco would rear its ugly head next? Only time would tell.