• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,655 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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The Legends of Vestroia

Night had come and the city of Canterlot was still a bustling metropolis, though certain areas weren't so loud.

One such place was the suburbs of the city, which was peaceful and calm with only the lights of the streetlamps causing it to glow. This was where Flash's house was, on the far side of the suburbs, whilst Derpy's house was in the middle of it. And on the other side of the suburbs, closest to the city, was Heath's house.

In said house, the young skater dude laid in bed with his skateboard on the floor. And on the windowsill, Pyrus Wukong was curled up in ball form. Like his partner, the Bakugan was fast asleep. And as he slept, he spoke in his sleep. "W-what's...happening?" He mumbled, causing him to roll slightly to the left. "The ground. G-guardians. Why are?" He rolled in the opposite direction, "what are you doing?"

The sleep-talking and rolling on the windowsill made just enough noise to cause Heath to wake up, the teen opening his eyes before rubbing them. "Wukong?" He asked, sitting up and seeing his partner rolling around until he was to the very edge of the windowsill. And then-

"Stop!" He cried, causing him to shoot open. Doing this, however, caused him to tip over the edge and he fell off the windowsill. "WOW!" He fell, but Heath was able to reach out and grab him before he fell to far. "Ahh, thanks bud."

"Are you okay me?" Heath asked, "you sound like you were having a nightmare."

"It wasn't a nightmare," Wukong told him. "It was...wait..." Wukong looked away, Heath having the feeling he was thinking about something. "What I just saw. Those were..." He suddenly gasped as he looked up, a look of shock probably appearing on his face if his ball form could change it. "I remember. I remember everything." He jumped up and down, sounding like someone who had just figured out a riddle they had been stuck on forever. "Heath!"

"What?" He asked the monkey Bakugan.

"We have to contact the others. I need to talk to Nimue, Gaia and Leo." He jumped out of Heath's hand and landed on the bed, then rolled to the end and leapt onto the floor. "Come on, what are you waiting for. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Kong," Heath frowned, "we can't go now."

"Why not?"

"It's the middle of the night," he told him. "We can't go out at this time. It's dangerous. Besides, Flash and the others are all gonna be asleep. I doubt the lot of them are gonna be willing to meet up right now. We'll have to wait until morning."

"Ahh!" Wukong cried before jumping back onto the bed, "fine. But you need to send them all a message as soon as you wake up again tomorrow."

"Alright," Heath nodded before Wukong leapt up onto the windowsill and stared at the sky. "Gotta say, it's kinda weird seeing you act so serious. You're usually so chill. What do you need to talk to the others about that's so important?"

Wukong continued to stare up at the sky, his gaze locked on the moon. "I remembered."

"Remembered what?"

"I remembered...what happened to Vestroia."

The next day.

With it being Saturday, the Bakugan Battle Stadium was in for a full day of Brawling since many of its competitors were free to spend the entire day there. This included Flash, who had a day off and had intended to use it to brawl and improve his game. But before he could, he had to meet up with Heath.

His teammate had sent him a message that morning, calling a team meeting at the battle stadium.

He rolled down the street as the stadium came into view. "What do you think Heath wants to talk about?" Leonidas asked from his jacket pocket.

"I don't know," Flash replied. "Maybe he met someone with another talking Bakugan."

Leonidas laughed at this. "If that's the case, I definitely want to face off against them."

"Well we're about to get an answer," Flash told him as they reached the stadium and pulled up to the bicycle stands. As he chained it up, he noticed Lyra and Bonnie walking towards him. "Hey!" He waved them over, "any idea what Heath called us here for?"

The girls shook their heads before Lyra spoke up, "his message sounded urgent."

"I hope it's not something bad," Bonnie frowned before her eyes went wide. "You think Phantom showed up. Maybe he took Heath by surprise and took Wukong." The others began to worry that that might have happened, but luckily Nimue and Gaia were there to keep them calm.

"Relax," Nimue stated, "let's not get ourselves out of sorts."

"She's right," Gaia agreed. "We don't know why Heath called us here, so let's not jump to conclusions." The others nodded and turned towards the stadium, the three humans and their Bakugan heading inside. They first spotted Derpy over by the counter and she pointed at one of the tables, the lot of them seeing Heath sitting there. They relaxed seeing Wukong and headed over.

"Heath," Flash was the first to speak, "what's the big emergency?" They sat down and their Bakugan jumped down onto the table, Leonidas accidently rolling onto his front.

"Your massage sounded urgent," Lyra told him as Flash righted his Bakugan. "What's so important."

"You should ask Wukong," Heath explained. "It's not you guys he needed to talk to. It's your Bakugan."

"Wukong?" Nimue turned to the ape, "what's going on?"

"I remembered something." This statement caught everyone's attention, "I remember what happened to Vestroia. I know why we were sent this world and who it was that did that." Now they were all completely under his thrall, Derpy seeing this and moving over to join them.

"Alright Wukong," Nimue moved closer. "Just stay calm and tell us exactly what you remember."

"I was there," the ape Bakugan explained. "I saw them."

"Saw who?" Gaia asked, a little impatiently.

"The Legendary Guardians!" The two Bakugan went silent hearing this. "They were the ones that did this to us. I saw them do it."

"But why?" Gaia asked. "The Legendary Guardians have always been our protectors. Why would they transport us to some unknown planet?"

"Excuse me," they turned to Flash. "Does somebody mind explaining who the heck the Legendary Guardians are supposed to be?"

"I'm curious about them as well," Lyra pointed out whilst Heath, Bonnie and Derpy nodded in agreement. The Bakugan all turned to one another, minus Leonidas, then looked back at the humans. Then, Nimue spoke up.

"Maybe it would be better if I told you the whole history of Vestroia." Everyone made sure to get comfy, wanting to hear this. "It started long ago, with the creation of Vestroia. Before it, there existed two mighty orbs of positive and negative energy. These were known as the Silent and Infinity Cores." They all nodded, as Gaia continued on with the story.

"It is unknown where they came from, but they existed in an unsteady balance. But then, that balance was knocked off by an unknown force and risked great universal destruction. But then, the day was saved."

"By who?" Derpy asked.

"Bakugan known simply as the Perfect Dragonoid," Nimue went on. "That Bakugan united the two counter existent orbs to form a single Perfect Core. And with it, Vestroia was built and the Bakugan race lived in harmony."

"Lived?" Bonnie asked, "not born?"

"Were Bakugan around before Vestroia's creation?" Lyra asked.

"Possibly," Gaia stated. "That part of our history is...unclear. All we know is that the Bakugan made Vestroia their home and lived in relative peace."

Nimue nodded before continuing. "Despite the occasional issue, life in Vestroia was good. Until one day, a disaster occurred. It is unknown what happened, but almost all Bakugan were wiped out. Only a select few survived and from them, new Bakugan were born over the years."

The humans all shared a confused look, wondering what kind of calamity could have happened that could wipe out almost an entire race. "But that's when things got bad," Wukong jumped in. "With a new generation of Bakugan, new problems popped up. One of which were the Lucifer Wars"

"Lucifer Wars?" Flash asked.

"Named after the Bakugan that stopped them," Nimue explained. "Over the thousands of years it took for us to return to our former numbers, the six factions of each Bakugan Attribute slowly began to turn against one another. Every day, multiple battles for dominance over the land were raged and almost destroyed the world. Each one believed their faction was the superior race and were willing to fight to prove it. The battles were harsh and apparently, never-ending. But that was when he appeared. Lucifer the White."

"The white?" Heath repeated.

"He was a white one," Gaia explained. "A Bakugan without attribute. He descended upon Vestroia and helped the Bakugan resolve their differences, putting an end to the war. Peace returned to our world, but it didn't last. For Lucifer, fearing his own demise, went mad with a hunger for power."

"Why?" Flash asked, fearing what she might say.

Nimue let out a sigh, the words she said next sounding sorry for the one she was talking about. "The white ones are a race of Bakugan that shouldn't exist, born when a mutation occurs through the process of evolution. They have no power of their own and eventually, they would simple vanish into nothingness." Everyone frowned hearing this, not liking the sound of it.

Gaia went on. "Lucifer's eventual end drove him to seek out power, attacking other Bakugan and stealing their Attribute energy to use for himself. But the more he took, the greater his hunger grew. If he wasn't stopped, he would continued attacking Bakugan until the entire race was wiped out."

"Or worse," Wukong stated. "I heard that if he gathered to much power, he would have likely reached a point where he couldn't hold all of it and explode. If that had happened, the shockwave might have ripped Vestroia apart and caused the Bakugan to be wiped out as well. Good thing the Legendary Guardians were there."

"Who are the Legendary Guardians?" Lyra asked, "you still haven't explained them."

Nimue turned to her. "The Legendary Guardians were six Bakugan, one of each Attribute, who came together to save their home. Each of them trained and managed to get themselves to evolve into their ultimate forms, which allowed them to safely fight against Lucifer."

"Evolved?" Flash asked, only for Leonidas to speak up.

"Bakugan grow stronger by battling," they all turned to the dragonoid. "Eventually, a Bakugan will grow so strong that their bodies become unable to withstand the power. In that moment they have but two options. Let the power overcome and destroy them from within, or evolve and transform into entirely new forms. That is the goal of many Bakugan who do battle. Evolve and increase their power."

"That's right," Nimue nodded. "And those six Bakugan worked to undergo that evolution, each managing to do so and reach a state of power that allowed them to stand against Lucifer. And so they battled with the fight being, as you humans call, epic. And, eventually, they managed to defeat Lucifer and strip him of all the power he had stolen."

"What happened after that?" Lyra asked, Nimue chuckling at how into it they were.

"Without his power, he wasn't much of a threat. But the Legendary Guardians knew he might try and obtain it again. And so, to keep Vestroia safe, they sealed him within the Perfect Core. And peace was believed to be restored. But that did not last."

"What do you mean?" Heath asked, "with the war over and Lucifer powerless, what other threat could exist."

"Lucifer didn't lose all his power," Wukong stepped in. "He still had a tiny speck of Darkus Energy left."

"That's right," Nimue nodded. "And he nurtured that speck over many generations, eventually allowing it to take form as a new Bakugan. This Bakugan could escape the prison holding Lucifer and enter Vestroia, where it began to hunt down any Bakugan it could."

"This is the same Bakugan you told us about before?" Lyra asked, with Nimue nodding back. "The one that sent others to the Doom Dimension to steal their power."

"And caused Vestroia to fall apart," Bonnie went on.

"Indeed," Gaia spoke up. "Back in Vestroia, I used to tend to a large forest that housed many Bakugan. But eventually, the trees began to wither and the soil grew polluted. The last thing I remember before meeting Bonnie was an earthquake, which rattled my entire forest apart." The others frowned, Bonnie tapping Gaia on the head to try and cheer her up, each of them hating that one Bakugan could cause so much pain.

"It was a tough time for us all," Nimue stated. "Though like I said before, I'm not fully sure how that happened."

"I am." They turned to Wukong, surprised by this information. "I was there. It's what I remembered last night."

"You were there when Vestroia fell apart?" Flash asked.

"Well...not exactly. I was close by. I heard that a battle was talking place and decided to go and see if I could get in on the action. But before I got there, the battle was over. All I saw was a brilliant beam of light explode into the air before curving down and slamming into the ground. That was when the place began goong to heck."

"A beam of light?" Leonidas asked.

Wukong nodded. "I managed to get close to the battlefield and when I did, I spotted the guardians."

Wukong had arrived at the source of the beam of light and found the place was a mess, the ground upturned and multiple trees knocked over.

He looked around and then up into the air, where he spotted six figures floating in the sky. They were too far for him to make out their appearances, but he could just make out what they were saying.

"Curses!" A male voice yelled, the source being a Bakugan that glowed red, "what did he do?"

A Bakugan that was glowing purple replied in a male voice. "It appears that before we could strip him of his power, he managed to unleash it. But where did it go?"

"Underground," a green glowing Bakugan replied with a female voice. "It's clear where he sent it."

"The Perfect Core," a blue glowing Bakugan stated with a hiss in its male voice. "To him."

"This is bad," an orange glowing Bakugan stated with a male voice. "The power is beginning to de-stabilise the Perfect Core."

The final Bakugan, which glowed yellow, spoke in a female voice. "If that happens, then Vestroia will be no more. And the Bakugan will suffer utter annihilation." Wukong panicked hearing this, but then the six flew up. "We have no other choice. The Bakugan must abandon Vestroia until we can find a way to restore it." With that, the six glowed and the light shot towards the point between them. And slowly, two strange looking objects appeared.

These objects suddenly unleashed a burst of light that blinded Wukong, as everything around him went blank.

"The next thing I knew, I was being picked up by Heath." The others let this information sink in, unable to believe it.

"So that's it," Nimue sounded worried. "Lucifer was given the power and it allowed him to break free of the Perfect Core, but doing so caused Vestroia to be destroyed."

Gaia nodded. "The Perfect Core was the planet's soul. The binding force that allowed the six Attribute Energy that made up the world to live in piece. Without it, it's no wonder the planet fell apart."

"So the Guardians had no other choice," Lyra realised. "They only had minutes to come up with a way to save their entire race. I guess there were worse ideas to come up with then sending them to another world."

"But then how did Dark Industries get a hold of them?" Bonnie asked. "If they wanted to protect the Bakugan, I doubt letting thousands of stranger buy them would be a good idea."

"We may never know," Nimue stated. "The last thing I remember on Vestroia was trying to protect a group of Aquos Wontu. The poor things were terrified out of their minds, unable to move. Seconds before we were hit with the light, a piece of overhanging cliff broke apart. If I had been a second slower in destroying it, the Wontu would have all been crushed."

Gaia nodded. "Like I said before, my forest was completely destroyed. But now that I know the entire planet's gone, one little forest doesn't seem all that important."

"It was important to you," Bonnie assured her. "That make's it extra important." Gaia turned to smile at her before the lot of them turned to Leonidas.

"What?" The dragon asked.

"What about you?" Flash asked, "what were you doing right before Vestroia was lost."

"I...I can't remember," Leonidas turned away.

"Oh come on," Wukong told him. "An event like that, you gotta remember."

"You didn't," Leonidas replied. "Besides, it doesn't matter anyway. Probably boring, so drop it."

"Well what's the last thing you-"

"I said drop it!" Wukong leapt back in surprise, the others looking just as shocked at the outburst.

"Alright," Flash assured him, "we'll drop it. You can tell us when you're ready." Leonidas nodded before Flash turned to the others, "so what now? We know how the Bakugan got here, but what are we supposed to do about it?"

"What can we do about it?" Lyra asked, "it's not like we know how to recreate a destroyed planet."

Bonnie nodded. "And even if we could, how are we supposed to get there?" It was then that she had a thought, which made her look down at the Bakugan. "What if...Vestroia wasn't even in our universe?" The others looked confused until she explained. "If the Bakugan are from another universe, it would explain why they take on these forms on earth. Different universe, different physical laws." This made the others click, realising she was right.

"That makes sense," Heath nodded. "But if that's the case, how are they able to go back to normal in the battlefield?" Again, they clicked as they realised there must be a reason.

Lyra spoke up, "somehow...Dark Industries is able to mimic the environment of Vestroia. At least enough so the Bakugan to temporarily return to their natural forms."

"But how?" Flash asked. "If they're able to mimic Vestroia's atmosphere then they must know it exists. And if they know Vestroia exists..."

"They know the Bakugan are living things," Derpy finished. Everyone shared a look, then stared around the battle stadium. No doubt the Bakugan business had earned them a lot of profit, but would they really be willing to subjugate an entire race just to earn a profit. Or was there more going on that they didn't know about.

"Geez," Flash sighed, "talk about insane. It's a shame Twilight isn't here. She would have loved to hear all this." He looked around, not seeing her or any of her teammates. "Where is she anyway?" The others shrugged, clearly not knowing.

"I haven't seen them all day," Derpy told them. "Guess they all had somewhere else to be today."

Twilight, along with Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack, had chosen to spend the day at another stadium. One in an entirely other city named Cloudsdale.

There, the four of them were watching a brawl between four girls, with two of them being the final two members of their team. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, both facing off against girls named Cloud Chaser and Flitter.

Currently, Rainbow had a Ventus Atmos out whilst Cloud Chaser had a Haos Sylvee. Fluttershy had a Pyrus Monarus whilst Flitter had a Ventus Falconeer. The four were in an arena known as the spiral canyon, which was a rocky area full of spiral staircases they could run up to get to the power-ups.

Rainbow stood atop one such staircase. "Ability, Activate!" She held up a card that began to glow, as the giant bird began to beat its wings. "Typhoon Chase!" A powerful wind swept towards Falconeer and struck it, pushing it to the ground.

Atmos: 450Gs
Sylvee: 310Gs
Monarus: 330Gs
Falconeer: 340Gs

"Ability," Flitter held up a card, "activate!" Sylvee flew towards Atmos, whilst curling its long tail around to point at the bird. "Light Stinger!" The end of its tail exploded with light, hitting Atmos and making it cry out in pain.

Atmos: 350Gs
Sylvee: 310Gs
Monarus: 330Gs
Falconeer: 340Gs

At the same time, Falconeer had recovered from its earlier attack and leapt into the air with its claws prepared to slash at Atmos. But before it could reach it, Monarus appeared. "Ability," Fluttershy calmly held up a card, "Activate!" The butterfly woman began to beat her wings, causing red dust to fly off and hit Falconeer. "Blazing Powder." Falconeer began to get lethargic, making it difficult for the Bakugan to fly.

Atmos: 350Gs
Sylvee: 310Gs
Monarus: 330Gs
Falconeer: 240Gs

"Nice one!" Rainbow smiled whilst Cloud held up her own card.

"Ability, Activate!" A tornado exploded around Falconeer, "Wind Barrier!" The wind cleared the powder off of it.

Atmos: 350Gs
Sylvee: 310Gs
Monarus: 330Gs
Falconeer: 340Gs

"Nice sis," Flitter told her as Atmos charged at Sylvee. "Now, Gate Card OPEN!" The ground suddenly exploded with light, almost blinding the people looking at it. "Haos Reactor!" The light flew into Sylvee, powering the mechanical dragonfly up.

Atmos: 350Gs
Sylvee: 510Gs
Monarus: 330Gs
Falconeer: 340Gs

Sylvee hovered its ground as Atmos slammed into it, the robotic Bakugan pushing the bird away. As that was happening, Falconeer flew towards Monarus, claws and talons primed to slash at it. Fluttershy, luckily, managed to hod up a card before it could reach her. "Ability, Activate!" Monarus' wings began to glow as if flew up, absorbing the light of the sun that was streaming in from skylight. "Protective Sunlight!" The light then flew off its wings and formed a barrier, protecting the butterfly from Falconeer's attacks.

Atmos: 350Gs
Sylvee: 510Gs
Monarus: 430Gs
Falconeer: 340Gs

"Ha!" Cloud smirked, "not good enough. Because my sister and I have one advantage you two don't have." She held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" It glowed along with Falconeer and Sylvee, "Diagonal Correlation!" The light flew off Sylvee and into Falconeer, powering it up.

Atmos: 350Gs
Sylvee: 510Gs
Monarus: 430Gs
Falconeer: 540Gs

Fluttershy gasped as Falconeer slashed at her Bakugan's force-field, shattering it before flying forward and slashing at Monarus. The butterfly woman let out a cry of pain as it was knocked backwards, reverting back to ball form and falling to the ground. "Oh NO!" She cried as her life gauge dropped.

Flitter: 26%
Cloud: 18%
Rainbow: 84%
Fluttershy: 12%

"Not good," Rainbow gulped, realising she was now facing off against two Bakugan all on her own. "Ah, who cares." She took out a pair of cards, "I'll wipe you both out. Double Ability, Activate!" Atmos flew straight up and began to spin, forming a tornado around it that arched around and shot towards the two opposing Bakugan. "Tornado Burst, plus Wing Blade!" Atmos explode out of the tornado, flying forward at high speed whilst its wings glowed.

Atmos: 600Gs
Sylvee: 510Gs
Falconeer: 540Gs

Atmos moved so fast, Sylvee barely managed to move in time to avoid the attacks, though it did get a scratch that ran down its back. And as Atmos circled back around, Flitter held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Its eyes glowed and the light flew off, forming a barrier in front of it. "Spectral Shield!" Atmos slammed its wings into it, but wasn't able to push through it.

Atmos: 500Gs
Sylvee: 510Gs
Falconeer: 540Gs

As Atmos was pushed back, Falconeer flew up and appeared behind it. "Ability, Activate!" Cloud held up a card that glowed as Falconeer pulled its wings back, "Feather Shot!" It beat its wings and unleashed a barrage of feathers, with the points sticking into Atmos's back. It squawked in pain.

Atmos: 400Gs
Sylvee: 510Gs
Falconeer: 540Gs

"Now sis!" Cloud cried as Flitter nodded and held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Both Sylvee and Falconeer glowed, "Diagonal Correlation!" The light flew off Falconeer and entered Sylvee, causing it to glow and increase its power.

Atmos: 400Gs
Sylvee: 710Gs
Falconeer: 540Gs

"GO!" Flitter cried as Sylvee shot forward and slammed its body into Atmos, making it squawk in pain as it was sent hurtling towards the ground. Seconds before it made impact, it reverted back to ball form.

Flitter: 26%
Cloud: 18%
Rainbow: 22%
Fluttershy: 12%

"Ow!" The announcer cried, "that was a big hit for Rainbow Dash. Can she and Fluttershy turn things around, or will the twins be the ones to take the win today?"

"As if," Cloud smirked as she and Flitter retrieved their Bakugan. "Now that we've pulled out all the stops, there's no way those two can beat us."

"You said it sister," Flitter flicked her Bakugan up and caught it. She then turned to Fluttershy, who moved over to Rainbow as she picked up Atmos. "No offence, but you don't really seem to be the type that makes a good Brawler. I mean, all you do is use defensive abilities and try to weaken our Bakugan without even hurting them. Not exactly a winning strategy."

Fluttershy looked upset by this, the girl playing with her hair. "That's not very nice."

"Don't listen to them," Rainbow told her. "You Brawl the way you like to. Hasn't failed you yet." Fluttershy smiled at her, the pair then hearing their other friends.

"Fluttershy!" They looked up as Pinkie smiled at her, "show those two who's boss."

"You can do it deary," Rarity cried.

"We believe in you," Twilight stated whilst Applejack nodded.

"Ya'h got this!"

Fluttershy's smile grew tenfold, but then it changed to a sly smirk as she looked back at the two. "If those two want me to act more like a brawler, then fine. I just hope they don't complain when they lose." Rainbow saw the look she had and knew what she was planning.

"Shy...you really gonna use that one?" Fluttershy nodded. "Alright then," Rainbow smirked. "Then I'll go all out too." They both turned towards the twins as Rainbow held up a Gate Card, then threw it towards the ground. "Gate Card...SET!" It exploded with green light as the four girls rushed off.

Flitter and Cloud Chaser were the first to reach some stairs and ran right up them, reaching the top and spotting some power-ups. "BAKUGAN!" They threw the balls, "BRAWL!" They hit the power-ups before landing on the ground, rolling for several seconds. "BAKUGAN...STAND!" The two popped open before transforming in a burst of wind and purple light, "Falconeer/Sylvee!"

Sylvee: 310Gs
Falconeer: 340Gs

The two flew straight up as they glowed, their powers increasing.

Sylvee: 460Gs
Falconeer: 590Gs

Rainbow and Fluttershy reached their own stair spirals and raced up them, getting to the top in seconds. "BAKUGAN!" They threw their Bakugan, "BRAWL!" They both shot through the air, hit several power-ups on the way, then landed on the ground. "BAKUGAN, STAND!" They popped open and were consumed by a tornado of fire and wind.

"Ventus Terraspin!" One was a large green Bakugan that looked like a giant turtle shell, with long flipper arms coming out the sides and thick elephant legs coming out the bottom. The shell had nine holes on the bottom, eight being vent-like appendages whilst the top one had a turtle face pocking out of it. The top and bottom of the shell appeared disconnected, creating a gap that allowed the arms and legs to spin freely.

"Pyrus Lepusinge!" The other was a humanoid rabbit with ears so long they flopped down halfway. Its head, neck, chest, stomach and arms were white whilst its waist and upper legs were red. Its knees were surrounded by flame patterned fur and the legs after that were dark blue. Its ears were white at the base but turned yellow just after the fold, whilst the tips of its hands had the same flame patterned balls of fur on the end. A yellow V ran around the front of its head, with the tip connected to its nose, and ran up its head like eyebrows whilst the fur on its forehead was red. Its bunny tail was white.

Sylvee: 510Gs
Terraspin: 430Gs
Falconeer: 590Gs
Lepusinge: 440Gs

The two Bakugan began to move, Terraspin swinging its arms around whilst Lepusinge jumped on the spot. All the while, they both glowed as their powers rose.

Sylvee: 510Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 590Gs
Lepusinge: 640Gs

Cloud and Flitter stared at the new Bakugan in amazement, having never seen these ones before. In that moment, Fluttershy held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge dashed forward as its feet began to smoke, "Blaze Kick!" Before either of them could do anything, Lepusinge jumped up and was able to reach way further then any non-flying Bakugan could. At the same time, its feet exploded.

Sylvee: 510Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 590Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

Lepusinge swung its feet around and smashed it into Falconeer, the bird-man Bakugan squawking as it was blasted towards the ground and smashed into it with intense power. "Falconeer!" Cloud cried as Lepusinge landed on the ground, "no way."

"When did she get this aggressive?" Flitter asked, only to see movement with Terraspin. The giant turtle's head retracted into its shell as it jumped up, its legs merging to form a third flipper that gave it the look of a bi-plane. It then began spinning, allowing it to take off and fly into the air. "It flies?"

"Ha!" Rainbow held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Terraspin flew above Sylvee, as the vents on its shell began letting out air. "Shell Tornado!" The spinning of its flippers morphed the expelled wind into a tornado, which shot straight towards Sylvee.

Sylvee: 510Gs
Terraspin: 880Gs
Falconeer: 590Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

"Ahh!" Flitter held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Sylvee formed the force-field from its eyes, "Spectral Shield!" The tornado hit the shield and was still knocked back, but not as badly as it would have been.

Sylvee: 510Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 590Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

"This is nuts," Flitter whispered before taking out another card. "Sis, Ability, Activate!"

Cloud nodded and held up her card as Falconeer picked itself up, "Ability, Activate!" Both their Bakugan glowed as the twins spoke in unison. "Diagonal Correlation!" The light flew off one Bakugan and into the other, powering them up.

Sylvee: 710Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 790Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

Falconeer leapt into the air, staying clear out of Lepusinge's reach. At the same time, Sylvee charged at Terraspin and pointed its tail at it as Flitter held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The robotic dragonfly fired the laser and struck Terraspin, "Light Stinger!"

Sylvee: 710Gs
Terraspin: 580Gs
Falconeer: 790Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

"Get it!" She cried as Sylvee continued to fire the laser at Terraspin, making it cry out. But then, Rainbow held up a card as Terraspin spun around.

"Ability, Activate!" The shell glowed, the laser hitting it bouncing off without causing damage as the light spread to the rest of it. "Shell Guard. Negate the last ability used and add an extra hundred Gs."

Sylvee: 710Gs
Terraspin: 780Gs
Falconeer: 790Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

Flitter growled whilst Cloud held up her own card. "Ability, Activate!" Falconeer held its wings back, then beat them and launched the feathers at Lepusinge. "Feather Shot!" They shot towards the giant rabbit, but Fluttershy held up her card.

"Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Lepusinge jumped out of the way, the feathers hitting the ground harmlessly. "Bounce Deflection. Negates last Ability card and add one hundred Gs to Lepusinge."

Sylvee: 710Gs
Terraspin: 780Gs
Falconeer: 790Gs
Lepusinge: 940Gs

The twins both growled at this, with the two of them holding up a pair of cards each. "DOUBLE ABILITY, ACTIVATE!" They yelled together as their Bakugan performed their attacks.

"Hyper Whirlwind, plus Gale Slash!"

"Shining Rain, plus Burst Aura!"

Falconeer beat its wings and unleashed a powerful blast of wind that struck Lepusinge, whilst Sylvee pointed its tail and the sky and fired. The laser exploded and began raining smaller lasers down onto Terraspin, who was unable to avoid and deflect them. After that, Falconeer charged forward as wind swirled around its claws. Meanwhile, Sylvee opened its mouth and fired a blast of light that struck Terraspin at the same time Falconeer slashed at Lepusinge.

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

Rainbow and Fluttershy watched their Bakugan fall to the ground, flinching but far from beaten. Terraspin was still glowing and Lepusinge started break-dancing, managing to get back onto its feet as Fluttershy held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Lepusinge shot forward, its ears igniting. "Flaming Slap!" He reached Falconeer before it could fly back to safety and swung his ears around, smashing one of them into Falconeer.

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 940Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

He then spun around again and hit it with both ears.

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 840Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

It then spun around and smashed it one final time, knocking Falconeer soaring into the air.

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 680Gs
Falconeer: 790Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

"My turn!" Rainbow cried as she held up a card, "time for one of my favourites. Ability, Activate!" The light surrounding Terraspin exploded off it, allowing it to jump into the air and fly and incredible speed. "Shell Smash!"

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 980Gs
Falconeer: 790Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

"Three hundred Gs?" Flitter asked as Terraspin charged at Sylvee and smashed into it, knocking it flying. "No way!"

"It would have been half that if I hadn't used Shell Guard before," Rainbow explained. "Now watch as your Bakugan gets slapped around." Terraspin stopped spinning and returned to normal in the air, somehow able to glide by expelling the air from his chest. As it got close to Sylvee, he started slapping it with his flippers.

At the same time, Cloud held up a card and it glowed. "Ability, Activate!" A tornado appeared around Falconeer, cooling the areas that had been struck by Lepusinge's ears. "Wind Barrier."

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 980Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 840Gs

Falconeer then dived at Lepusinge, ready to claw at it. But Fluttershy smirked as she held up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge glowed and was able to leap to the side, moving at incredible speed. "Power Dash!"

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 980Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 940Gs

That glow was then replaced by a fiery aura, as Lepusinge turned to Falconeer. "Plus, Flare Jump!" The rabbit leapt into the air, flying super higher and shooting well above Falconeer.

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 980Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 1090Gs

He then spun around and smashed a foot into Falconeer's head, making it cry out and fall to the ground.

Meanwhile, Terraspin and Sylvee flew around one another as Flitter held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Sylvee's eyes glowed and started projecting hexagon shaped energy screens that formed a sphere around Terraspin. "Energy Vault!" Once the sphere was complete, the hexagons unleashed lightning that shocked the turtle.

Sylvee: 910Gs
Terraspin: 880Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 1090Gs

Rainbow growled, but then held up two card. "Double Ability, Activate!" Terraspin's fins spun faster then before, making it look like a buzzsaw more then anything. "Shell Saw!" The saw flew into the energy vault and shattered it before flying forward, hitting Sylvee and grinding against the machine.

Sylvee: 810Gs
Terraspin: 880Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 1090Gs

"Plus, Shell Spin!" Terraspin then flew straight up and retracted its appendages, so only its shell remained. It then shot down towards Sylvee and spun before slamming into the robot.

Sylvee: 810Gs
Terraspin: 980Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 1090Gs

Sylvee fell towards the ground as Falconeer was picking itself up, only to crash into the Ventus Bakugan and knock it back towards the ground. This made Rainbow and Fluttershy smirked as Flitter and Cloud looked worried, that worry increasing when they saw their opponents rush over to a staircase. "What are you doing?" Flitter asked, only to then see Lepusinge leap up into the air.

At that moment, Terraspin flew down and Lepusinge landed on the back of its shell. "We're just making sure we're not on the ground."

"What for?" Cloud asked, only to realise why.

"So we don't get shocked when we do this!" Rainbow held her arm up, "Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glowed before lightning exploded off of it, shocking not just the Bakugan but Flitter and Cloud. "Paralysing Earth!"

Cloud and Flitter groaned as they were zapped. It didn't hurt, but they couldn't move an inch. "What...is this?"

"Paralysing Earth!" Rainbow replied as she and Fluttershy reached the top of the stairs. "A Gate Card that paralysis any Bakugan on the ground, making them unable to move or use Abilities."

"No way," Cloud groaned as she tried to move.

Rainbow smirked before turning to Fluttershy, "let's end this." Fluttershy nodded back before the two of them held up their cards and spoke in unison. "FUSION ABILITY...ACTIVATE!" Both cards glowed as the Bakugan enacted their attacks.

Lepusinge's body glowed a fiery aura before it leapt off of Terraspin. "Blazing Hi-Jump Kick!" Lepusinge then fell down towards Falconeer, its foot exploding into flames.

At the same time, Terraspin spun its fins and unleashed a powerful blast of air. "Ultra Shell Tornado!" It created a powerful hurricane that shot towards Sylvee. It struck the robotic Bakugan and threw it into the air, Sylvee spinning around rapidly whilst Lepusinge struck Falconeer with its powerful kick.

Sylvee: 810Gs
Terraspin: 1280Gs
Falconeer: 990Gs
Lepusinge: 1440Gs

Both Falconeer and Sylvee cried out in pain, this attack too much for them, the two transforming back to ball form before falling towards the ground. Flitter and Cloud cried out as the zapping stopped, their life gauges dropping down.

Flitter: 0%
Cloud: 0%
Rainbow: 22%
Fluttershy: 12%

"That's it!" The announcer cried as the Bakugan returned to the girls, "the battle's over! Rainbow and Fluttershy have come out on top to claim victory." The crowd cheered as the battlefield began to dissolve, with Rainbow and Fluttershy moving over to the twins.

"So," Rainbow crossed her arms, "still think Fluttershy's not brawler material?"

Flitter looked up at Fluttershy, "where the heck was this girl at the start of the Brawl." Fluttershy blushed as she held up Lepusinge.

"I don't know why, but using this Bakugan just gets me all flared up. Also helps that he's so cute."

"Well we won't make the mistake of underestimating you two again," Cloud exclaimed before she and her sister turned to head towards the exit. Rainbow and Fluttershy did the same and headed for the other exit, stepping out into the hallway and Fluttershy sighed.

"That was...heart-racing." Rainbow playfully punched her in the arm.

"You totally killed it out there." Fluttershy smiled as they made their way down the hallway until they arrived back int he main foyer, where they spotted Twilight and the others.

"Rainbow, Fluttershy!" Twilight waved them over, "you were both amazing."

"Was there any doubt?" Rainbow smirked, "those two are just lucky we took it easy on them. If we hadn't held back, we'd be in the possession of two knew Bakugan."

"I'm sure you would have darling," Rarity nodded. "The pair of you have certainly improved recently."

Applejack nodded with a tip of her hat, "ya'h both gonna kill it at da'h tournament."

Pinkie Smiled, "you two must be the best Pyrus and Ventus brawlers in the city." It was then that Pinkie noticed Rainbow frown and cross her arms, making her think she had said the wrong thing. "Aren't you?"

"Fluttershy's definitely the best Pyrus brawler," Rainbow nodded. "But I'm still in competition." The others looked confused by this. "There's this one Ventus Brawler that I just can't get ahead of. The first time we brawled, I beat him. But the next time, he beat me."

Fluttershy nodded. "The two of them have been going back and forth with their wins. They've brawled ten times now and it's and even five to five."

"My my," Rarity whispered. "They must be quite the brawler to break even with you."

"What's his name?" Applejack asked, with Rainbow about to reply before seeing something.

"He's over there." The girls followed her gaze and turned towards a pillar, where they saw a light blue skinned boy with dark blue hair, wearing a black shirt under a dark blue open shirt and white ripped jeans. "That's Soarin Skies." The boy in question seemed to hear them and turned to smile at Rainbow.

"Hey Dash," he waved to her. "Just saw your last brawl. Pretty good, though you looked like you were cutting it close."

"I was just making sure Fluttershy got the chance to show off how awesome she is," Rainbow assured him. "Anyway, these are the rest of my friends." They all shared their hellos as Twilight spoke up.

"Rainbow said you two are in a dead-heat Brawl-wise," Soarin nodded. "That must mean you're really good."

"Pretty much," Soarin nodded. "But I wouldn't be half as good if I didn't have my partner helping out."

"Partner?" Rarity asked before they spotted movement, seeing something leaping onto Soarin's shoulder. That something was a Ventus Bakugan, who opened up and glanced around at the group.

"Hey," it spoke in a male voice, "you guys talking about me." The girls, minus Rainbow and Fluttershy, gasped at the sight of another talking Bakugan.

"Another one?" Twilight asked before turning to Soarin. "Let me guess, it appeared from the sky after a flash of light."

"Pretty much," Soarin nodded as he thought back to the day he and his Bakugan met.

Soarin was staring down at his school's sport's field, where the Cloudsdale Soccer Team were practising.

He was leaning against the fence of his school's roof, a soccer-ball in his hands. He looked down at it, then back to the field as he heard the coach's whistle before she screamed out for them to run faster. This made him pull away from the fence and throw his soccer-ball at the door of the roof, it bouncing back with him kicking it back towards the door.

Again and again it bounced off the door until Soarin finally used his foot to stop it and sighed, deciding this was no fun on his own. "There has to be something." He looked up at the sky, "something that'll be fun to do. Anything?" He pulled is foot back and was about to kick it, but before he could it happened.

The sky suddenly exploded with light, blinding him. He cried out and accidently placed his foot on the ball, causing it to roll out from under him and make him trip up. "Augh!" He cried, landing on his butt. He groaned as he looked towards the ground, wishing he knew what the heck this light was.

But then, he heard something. The sound of something hitting the roof and bouncing off it, then doing so again and again until a constant sound of something rolling could be heard. The cause of that sound soon came into view, revealing a green ball that stopped just between his legs.

Soarin stared at the ball as the light vanished, allowing him to see.

He heard the coach's whistle and scream, that light apparently not being noticed by her or the soccer players. He then reached down and picked up the ball, looking it over in confusion. "What is this thing?" It was then the ball popped open, shocking him as he saw a bird like head hidden beneath the plastic.

"Where am I?"

Soarin's eyes went wide hearing this, almost dropping the plastic object. "What...what are you?"

"I'm a Bakugan," it replied. "And my name...is Ventus Garuda."

"We've been together ever since," Soarin finished. "Garuda told me about Bakugan and I looked up what they were, the two of us learning all about Bakugan and what they are here. Then we came here and ran into Rainbow, who challenged me the second she saw Garuda."

"So you've only been a brawler as long as you've had Garuda?" Twilight asked, Soarin nodding and making her wonder. "Just like Flash. When did you get him?" Soarin thought about this for a moment, counting the days.

"I think it was about a month ago. Maybe a month and a half?" He reached down and looked through his BakuColar, seeing the date it was distributed to him and telling Twilight.

"Wait," her eyes went wide, "that's the same day Flash got Leonidas." The others were just as shocked to hear this whilst Soarin looked confused.


"They're friends of ours," Twilight explained. "Flash Sentry and his talking Bakugan, Haos Leonidas."

"Leonidas?" Garuda asked, "I've never heard of that Bakugan before. But he can talk?"

"We've actually met five other Bakugan that can talk," Twilight replied. "Four of them are friends of ours and they've formed a team they intend to enter the tournament with." She smirked, "I think you might enjoy meeting them."

"Maybe we will," Garuda nodded before turning to his partner. "What do you say?"

Soarin thought for a moment, but then smiled. "I say Flash Sentry better watch out, because I'm coming to get him."

Author's Note:

Whelp, that was an interesting chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. We learned a little about Vestroia, got to she Rainbow and Fluttershy brawl and met Soarin whilst also learning about his partner.

For Garuda, Lepusinge and Terraspin's ball form. Garuda is like Harpus but with a bird head instead, whilst Lepusinge may look like Tristar. Terraspin, I'm not sure. Maybe the front part flips open to show his flippers and the rest is hidden inside. Whatever you think works.

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