• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,627 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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Canterlot in Chaos

Over in Cloudsdale, many of the people who had evacuated from Canterlot were now taking refuge inside the Cloudsdale Colosseum.

This included the parents of the BakuFighters and Rainbooms, who were watching the televisions that focused on showing the massive battle currently taking place back in their home. Misty and Trail had both been watching whenever Leonidas or Struthion appeared on screen, feeling great pride whenever they saw their children defeat a Bakugan.

But then Garuda had been defeated by Lucifer and his power had been stolen, which had resulted in Flash and Leonidas flying in to try and stop the ones responsible. Now they had been trapped within a dark sphere, which quickly expanded out to form a dome. "Flash," Misty whispered in terror. Her son was all alone in there, with nothing but his Bakugan partner to keep him safe as they were attacked.

Trail growled at the sight, feeling like a coward for leaving whilst his children fought against this evil. "Come on son," he sighed. "You have to get out of there." The families of Flash's friends all looked towards them in pity, many of them knowing just how terrifying it was to see their children trapped within that dome.

They saw several other Bakugan moving towards the dome and firing at it, hopefully going to blast their way through it. Hopefully.

"Come on Spike!" Twilight cried as her Bakugan launched blasts of green fire towards the dome, whilst the others were also blasting it.

Nimue and Wukong were hitting the same spot with their staffs, Fenroar, Cleopal and Gummy were slashing at it, Lepusinge was kicking it and Gaia was punching it as hard as she could. "Death Spiral!" Ragnaroid roared as he thrust his drill into the dome. But nothing seemed to have any effect on it. "Damn it!"

"We can't stop!" Derpy cried, "Flash is in there and he needs our help." As she said that, Trixie's Trickstar was knocked backwards and crashed into a building behind them. They spun around and saw the army of Bakugan still descending upon them. "Ragnaroid!"

"Doom Vision!" Ragnaroid spun around and unleashed a light upon as many of the invading Bakugan as possible, freezing them so that their allies could take them down without any issue.

"Dark Spike!" Spikenoid cried as he stabbed one of his glowing spines into the dome, hoping maybe this would weaken it enough to allow them to break through. But all this did was cause him to hiss as he was zapped and staggered back. "Sorry Twilight. I just can't get through."

Twilight hated hearing this and looked up at the top of the dome, where Flash and Leonidas had been when the thing formed. "Please," she whispered, "please be okay."

Inside the orb, Leonidas was flying towards Lucifer whilst roaring as he prepared to fire his laser.

But before he could fire, Lucifer vanished is a burst of wind. Leonidas was struck by this wind and thrown backwards, Flash crying out as he barely held on. Lucifer then reappeared behind the building Sombra was on, the Bakugan reverting back to ball form as he did so.

Leonidas barely managed to keep himself from slamming into a building, Flash leaping off the dragon and landing on the roof. A moment later, Leo returned to ball form and flew over to Flash. As he did, Sombra opened a channel between their BakuColars.

"Don't be a fool boy. Just hand over the Attribute Energy and you won't get hurt."

"And let you two enslave the rest of the world?" Flash asked, glaring at the building with Sombra on it. "Not a chance. You might have five Attributes, but you can only use one of them. We're taking you down and taking them back!" Sombra sighed at this.

"I tried to give you a fair chance, but it seems you've left me no other choice. Very well. Don't say I never showed you any mercy." He took out a Gate Card and threw it towards the ground, then grabbed Lucifer. Flash did the same with Leo and they both threw them forward. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" As the Gate Card formed on the ground, the Bakugan sailed through the air. "Bakugan...STAND!" Both popped open and in a burst of golden light and dark shadows, the two Bakugan appeared in the air.

"Let's do this, Haos Supreme Leonidas!" The dragon exploded out of the tornado, letting out a mighty roar as he did so.

"Arise, Darkus Lucifer!" The shadows were sucked into Lucifer's hand and the Bakugan crushed it and absorbed the power, a smirk on his face as the two stared one another down.

Lucifer: 800Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

"Gate Card!" Sombra yelled before Flash could say anything, "OPEN!" The field began to glow before chains shot out or the light, the lot slithering along the ground in every direction. "Enemy Lockout!" Flash frowned as the chains slithered around and started merging with the ground and buildings. "Now you can't send out any other Bakugan," Sombra laughed.

But Flash didn't look worried. "Not that I'll need to send out any more, but you're wrong." He held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Leo's mouth glowed as he breathed in, "Ultra Destroyer!" He fired the laser and struck the ground, causing the chains to break and shatter as his power rose.

Lucifer: 800Gs
Leonidas: 1200Gs

Leo then swung his head around as the laser moved towards Lucifer, who crossed his arms and braced himself as the beam slammed into him. He flinched as he was pushed backwards, the force of the attack burning him but he refused to let it overtake him.

"You think this is enough to take me down. Don't be absurd!" As he said this, Sombra took out two cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Lucifer swung his arms around and manage to push the laser back for a few seconds, allowing him to fly out of its range before shooting forward. "Deadly Strike!"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1200Gs

Leo suddenly found Lucifer appear right in front of him, the demonic angel smirking before swinging around and slamming a foot into his chest. He flinched, but was able to withstand the attack before Lucifer disappeared.

"Plus, Unending Punishment!" Leonidas suddenly felt himself getting punched in the back, crying out as he was thrown forwards a few feet before Lucifer appeared in front of him. He threw another punch, then another and another. With every strike, Leo's power dropped. Lucifer threw as many punches and kicks as he could, eventually knocking Leonidas's power down to his base level.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

As Lucifer went for another punch, Leo's eyes shot open and he shot straight up. The punch missed him as Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas glowed, "Turbo Overdrive!"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1050Gs

Leonidas began moving at super speed, faster than Lucifer could react. In a flash of light, he shot passed Lucifer and slashed at him. "Augh!" Leonidas shot passed and slashed him again, "gyah!" He was thrown towards the ground but before he slammed into it, Leo appeared beneath him and swung around. "GAAAAH!" The star on his tail slammed into him and Lucifer was knocked straight up.

But he managed to regain control and as he did, Sombra held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" As Leonidas shot towards him, the symbol on his chest glowed. "Vanishing Doom!" The light exploded off the symbol and struck Leonidas, who flinched as he felt himself growing heavier.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

Despite being slower, Leonidas was still flying up towards Lucifer. This caused the Darkus Bakugan to smirk as he shot down and managed to throw a punch into Leo's face. "Augh!" He was thrown towards the ground, falling straight towards the building Flash was on.

"LEO!" Flash cried, the dragon opening his eyes and seeing where he was about to fall. Using all his strength, he pushed his wings open and stopped himself before he could crash into the building. He floated just above it, Flash rushing up to the edge and leaping off.

Leo flew down and caught him, Flash now riding on the back of his neck. "You holding on?"

"Yeah!" Flash nodded, "let's end this!" Leonidas shot towards Lucifer as Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' claws glowed, "Mega Claw!"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1100Gs

As soon as he reached Lucifer, Leo stared slashing at him in rapid succession. Again and again he sliced into him and did damage to the armor the demonic Bakugan was wearing. With every hit, Lucifer hissed in pain. But eventually, as Leo slashed at him again, Lucifer grabbed him by the wrist.

"I don't think so," he smirked as Leonidas growled. The dragon slashed at him again and Lucifer caught his other wrist, now holding him in place as Sombra held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Lucifer's hands glowed and the light spread to Leonidas, "Cursed Light!" Leo groaned as he felt his energy being drained away.

Lucifer: 1200Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

Leo kept trying to pull himself free, but Lucifer kept him held tight. But then, he released Leonidas' wrists before throwing a punch right into his chest. Leo roared in pain and he was knocked backwards, Flash holding on tightly as Leo crashed into a building. Luckily, his head and neck were above said building so his partner didn't get hurt.

"LEO!" Flash cried, as the dragon flinched and dug his claws into the building's side.

Lucifer chuckled at this and cracked his knuckles. He would end this right now.

Back outside, more and more of the invading Bakugan were being blasted down and returned to ball forms.

However, things weren't going so easily for those defending themselves. Despite the invading Bakugan being weaker due to not being in their right minds, the sheer number of them was proving to be an issue. Whenever a Bakugan was taken down, one that had been waiting behind it stepped up to continue the battle.

Many of the Bakugan protecting the city were starting to feel tired. "Hold on Scarboid," Pipsqueak told his Aquos Bakugan. "I know you're tired, but we can't stop now."

Several of the BakuFighter and Rainboom Bakugans had stopped their assault on the dome and was once again focusing on trying to take down the army of invaders. "Ahhh!" Wukong cried as he whacked away a Bee Striker, then used his staff to keep himself upright. "We can't keep this up forever."

"We don't have too," Heath told him. "Just long enough for Flash to beat Lucifer. If he can." He said that last part quiet enough so that nobody could hear him, not wanting anyone to feel any more worried than they already were. Luckily, they no longer had to worry about the hybrids.

The six double attribute Bakugan were all laid out on the floor, having fallen to the BakuFighters and no longer able to move. Hopefully, they would remain like that until Lucifer was defeated.

Alas, the universe seemed to want to make them earn their victory. For in that moment, each of the hybrids started moving. One by one, they started rolling along the ground until they reached another defeated Bakugan. Once the two ball forms were touching, each of the hybrids began sucking the energy out of them. Once the Bakugan was out of energy, they rolled over to another and then another.

The heroes didn't know that they were supplying their enemies with a bunch of batteries to recharge themselves with. And eventually, each one managed to get enough power. "Don't worry, master." Rampager rolled towards the battle, "we won't let you face the enemy alone." As soon as he was close enough, he popped open and transformed.

To say the heroes were shocked when Rampager suddenly appeared was an understatement. "What?" Rainbow cried, seeing the Bakugan Soarin worked so hard to defeat appear again.

"No way," Soarin gasped as Rampager grabbed one of the opposing Bakugan near him and started punching it. Several more flashes made them look around and see the other hybrids appear. "No."

"You gotta be kidding me," Heath groaned when Gigant appeared besides him. "What do we have to do in order to get rid of you guys?" He didn't get an answer, Gigant instead launching a blast of fire in his direction.

"WOW!" Wukong barely managed to avoid the fireball, which struck a building behind him instead and caused it to explode. "That was way too close." Gigant charged at him, but Wukong threw his staff towards his feet. The stick grew as it flew between two buildings and was stuck in place, making the perfect tripwire for the hybrid as he fell over.

All the other BakuFighters and Rainbooms started battling against the hybrids as well. All except Garuda, leaving Terraspin to launch a tornado at Rampager. "I have to get in there!" The birdman cried as the hybrid jumped behind a building to protect himself.

"No," Soarin told him. "You're in no fit shape to fight against him." But Rampager leapt out from behind the building and used his cape attack to send a cauldron of bats flying towards them. "WOW!" He and Rainbow barely managed to hold onto the shell as the bats flew around them, Garuda leaping out of Soarin's grasp. "GARUDA!"

The ball closed before opening again, a burst of wind exploding out of him as he took his true form. When the wind faded, the still tired Garuda reached Rampager and slashed at him. This knocked Rampager back, forcing the bats to move back towards him.

"You again!" He roared, as Garuda landed and panted. "You won't be beating me so easily this time. Now that my master's de-powered you."

"I don't need the Attribute Energy to beat you!" Garuda roared as he charged forward, whilst the others dealt with the rest of the hybrids. All the while, Twilight was staring at the dome.

"Hurry Flash. We can't hold on much longer."

Back in the dome, Lucifer shot down towards the weakened dragon. "Leo!" Flash yelled, "hurry, he's coming!" Leonidas took a deep breath and as Lucifer got in close, his eyes shot open.

The next thing Lucifer knew, he was throwing a punch forward only to find himself slamming it into the damaged building. "What?" He asked, trying to spot Leonidas. But then he sensed a presence around him and looked up, where he saw Leonidas glaring down at him from above.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Flash held up two cards as Lucifer began to glow, the light flying off of him and into Leo. "Co-Side, plus Supreme Cannon!" Leonidas opened his mouth, as the energy formed a sphere within it that grew larger and larger.

Lucifer: 1200Gs
Leonidas: 1200Gs

"RAAAAAH!" He roared as the sphere shot straight down towards Lucifer, her raised his hands to grabbed the attack. The force of the impact pushed him downwards and as he reached the ground, the orb exploded.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" He cried, as the smoke consumed him.

Flash and Leo smirked, hoping that had been enough to take him out. Though they knew that since their powers were even, it wasn't likely. And sure enough, the smoke faded away and Lucifer was still floating above the ground. He looked a little battered a bruised, the explosion having caused parts of his already damaged armor to break apart. But he looked up and glared at them.

"Is that really the best you can do?" He asked, shooting straight up into the air.

Leo barely managed to pull back in time to avoid getting hit, Lucifer shooting passed him before glaring down at them both. "Get ready, Leo. He's about to throw something big at us." And sure enough, Sombra took out a card and held it up.

"Ability, Activate!" Lucifer began to form a sphere of dark energy, "Phantom Dread!" Their eyes went wide at this and Flash took out his Spectral Barricade card, but then stopped as Lucifer crushed the orb and unleashed the wave of energy.

"Leo!" He told his partner, "listen to me. You gotta remember not to believe what you see." The wave got closer, "what you see won't be real. You're stronger than it!" With that, the wave slammed into him and Leonidas roared as the energy flowed into him.

Lucifer: 1200Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He clutched his head, as he felt fear flowing into his mind and infect every corner of it. All the while, Flash held onto him and kept calling his name. Leo could barely hear him as he was trying to drown out the fear he felt, all the while Lucifer smirked.

He then shot down and threw a fist into Leo's face, making him roar and knocking him flying. Flash cried out as they fell towards the ground, holding onto Leo by his fingertips until they crashed into the ground. That was when Flash was thrown off, the teen crashing onto the pavement and rolling along it for several seconds before finally coming to a stop.

"Ow," he groaned as Leonidas continued to feel absolute terror. "Leo."

The dragon shook his head, still trying to rid himself of the fear. "I'm...not afraid." He clutched his head, "I won't let you beat me." He dug deep and as he did, his body began to glow yellow. Flash was picking himself up when he saw this, gasping as he saw the light of what he knew had to be the Attribute Energy. Leonidas continued to focus and as the light grew brighter, he could feel the fear he felt beginning to fade. "I won't lose. I can't."

"That's it Leo," Flash stood up and clutched his arm. "Show him you're not gonna let him scare you."

Leonidas could feel more of his fear fading, the dragon looking up. "You've caused so much pain and destruction. It's time somebody made you pay." He light grew brighter. "I will defeat you. I will reclaim the Attribute Energies and when I do, I'll find a way to rebuild Vestroia."

"Why?" Lucifer asked. "It was a failure of a planet. Constantly in a state of strife and chaos. If you rebuild it again, all you'll do is cause more pain. Only I can remake it into a perfect world."

"What makes you so special that you think you can do no wrong?" Leo growled. "I might not have ever seen Vestroia, but I know it was definitely better than anything you could possible create. And I'm gonna remake it so my friends can return to their home." The Attribute Energy was glowing brighter than ever now. "YOUR MADNESS ENDS NOW!"

"Fusion Ability, ACTIVATE!" Flash held up a card and threw it towards Leonidas. When it struck his back, the Attribute Energy's light flew into his mouth. Leonidas then took to the air, as more and more light filled his mouth and built up the energy.

Lucifer: 1200Gs
Leonidas: 1200Gs

Lucifer growled at this sight before closing his eyes. "You dare claim you could do a better job rebuilding that ruin of a world than me." As he said that, a purple aura began to form around his body. Those that saw it realised it was the Darkus Energy, which he was now beginning to tap into. "I am a god, you pitterful mortal. And I will not allow you to get in the way of my destiny."

"Your destiny is to lose!" Leonidas growled. "Right here, right now. You're going down." The energy reached its peak, "ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!" The laser exploded out of him and it was so bright, even those outside the dome could see it. The laser shot towards Lucifer and before it could make contact, Lucifer thrust his hands out and unleashed his Attribute Energy.

The beams made contact and whilst the Fusion Ability was stopped for a moment, it managed to push the Darkus Energy backwards. It was a slow process, but with every second it drew closer and closer to Lucifer.

The demonic angel Bakugan groaned as he felt it approaching, all the while the Darkus and Haos Attribute fueling these beams began to mingle together. And when it finally reached Lucifer, the beam completely consumed him. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" He roared as the energy surrounded him, forming a cocoon of some kind.

Lucifer: 600Gs
Leonidas: 1200Gs

Flash and Leo smirked, hoping this was the end of the battle. But too their shock, something happened to the cocoon that they didn't expect.

Purple lightning, likely from the Darkus Energy, began sparking around the cocoon. It started mixing with the laser feeding it and Leonidas could feel his energy becoming destabilized, the dragon cutting power to his attack as more and more of the purple energy built up around the orb.

Then, before anyone could think to do anything else, the cocoon exploded and launched out a wave of the two mixed energies. It blasted Sombra backwards and Leonidas quickly flew down to shield his partner, his Attribute Energy glowing brighter as he did. When the wave struck them, the Darkus and Haos Energies mixed once again and the pair felt everything around them change.

Eventually, the energy felt like it was dying down. Leo unfurled himself and they looked around, only to realise they were no longer in the city they had been fighting in. "Wow," Flash looked around, "what's going on?" They were in a place Flash had only been in a few times. The portable Bakugan battlefield.

It looked just like the place and as they looked around, they spotted something off in the distance. Bakugan.

Moving over to them, they saw that the Bakugan were all standing on large cards. There was a Darkus Laserman on one card, a Ventus Monarus on another and two Bakugan on the last. One of these Bakugan looked like the Mock Dragonoid from Flash's battle against Dragonia, only it was definitely a Pyrus variant and had a large horn on its head.

But the other was one he had never seen before. It was a Darkus Bakugan, which looked like a large skeleton with metal wings carrying a large scythe. "Who are these guys?" Flash asked, but Leonidas had no idea.

Then, a sudden purple light caught their attention as a new Bakugan appeared on the card with the two they didn't recognise. It looked like a Darkus version of a Fangoid, though it was much more draconic in appearance.

The Pyrus Dragon launched a fireball at the newcomer, but the flames slammed into the Bakugan and did nothing to it. "Wow," Flash whispered, "that thing's tough." The Darkus dragon charged to attack, but before it could the Monarus moved.

She unleashed a powerful whirlwind, which caused the dragon to fly into the air and land on the card she was on. She then flew forward and tried to kick it, but the dragon easily deflected the attack and used its tail to knock Monarus away. The butterfly woman fell to the ground and reverted to ball form, whilst the dragon also return to ball form and disappeared somewhere.

"What just happened?" Leonidas asked, only to see the other dragon Bakugan moving towards the skeleton. "Look out!" But it was too late. The Darkus Bakugan stabbed its tail into the other's gut, making it cry out as a part of the field began to open up.

They watched as the skeleton begged someone not to do this, but whoever he was talking too clearly wasn't listening. The next moment, he vanished into the crack. As he did, everything turned dark and the pair cried out. It was only dark for a moment, though, as the world soon illuminated itself again. And when it did, they wished it hadn't.

"This is..." Flash couldn't finish his statement, as he looked around the dead landscape.

"The Doom Dimension," Leo growled at the sight of his birthplace. They looked around and as they did, they spotted a crack appear in the sky. "What's that?" They saw something fall out of the sky. The same skeleton Bakugan, crying as he fell through the air and eventually crashed into the ground.

"Hey!" Flash rushed over to him, "are you okay?" But the Bakugan didn't answer, instead picking himself up. "Hey, can you hear me?" He reached out to touch him, but his hand simply phased through him. "Wow!" He pulled back, "freaky."

"I don't think he can hear you," Leonidas told him. "I don't think any of this is real." As he said that, the Bakugan looked around. Seeing the many terrible things around him, he began to shake.

"No," he whispered before falling to his knees, "no...NOOOOOO!"

Flash felt sorry for this Bakugan, but wondered why they were seeing this. He could only watch as time seemed to suddenly start going at ten times speed, he and Leo watching as the Bakugan turned to leave and started wandering the place aimlessly. As he did, his body started changing. Parts of his body started breaking away and he started growing thinner as his wings grew more tattered. They couldn't tell if this occurred because of something that happened that they didn't get to see, or just because of the nature of the Doom Dimension.

Eventually, another portal opened up in the sky and something fell out of it. The Bakugan flew over to it and they followed, arriving as the one that fell out of the portal seemed to come around.

It was another Pyrus Dragonoid, but this one looked different from before and a lot stronger.

"How could this have happened to me?" The dragon asked, only for the skeleton to start laughing and make him look up and see him.

"Welcome to my world, Drago."


"My goodness," Reaper chuckled. "I never expected to see you here, friend." He jumped up and flew away. "But now that you've arrived, don't expect any special treatment." With that, he vanished for a moment whilst Flash and Leo were suddenly pulled through the air until they were a good mile or so away from where they had been.

"Now what?" Leo asked, as they saw Reaper reappear behind a large rock. Once he did, he fell to his knees and panted. They wondered what was wrong with him, but then they saw his feet beginning to turn to stone.

"So, this is how it ends." He chuckled, "at least I got the satisfaction of knowing Drago will soon follow." He laid back and looked like he was willing to accept what was coming. But before he could, something happened.

A light suddenly appeared in the sky. This light was small, but it was bright enough for them all to notice. Reaper looked confused as he stared at it, the light slowly falling towards him. "What's this?"

"Reaper," a voice spoke up, "are you content to let this happen?"

"What?" He asked, "of course not. But it's not like I can do anything about it. The Doom Dimension is the end of everything."

"Maybe not. If you allow me to have your soul, I can give you new life. Your body will die, but you can be reborn."

"And why would you do this for me?" He asked, Flash and Leonidas wondering the same thing.

"I may have need of you someday. Though it will take many centuries for you to regain a physical form, I would assume anyone would chose that other simply fading away. So what do you say?"

Reaper stared at him for a moment, then looked down to see half his body had turned to stone. If he didn't choose soon, his life would fade before he could. "Very well." He put his scythe down and reached out with his hand, "I accept your offer. Give me new life."

"Excellent. And a new life needs a new name." The light moved and touched his hand. "Welcome to my service...Lucifer" Their eyes went wide as they heard this, the pair quickly realising who they had been watching the misfortune of.

But before they could do anything, the light began sucking a dark energy out of Reaper's body. As it did, he turned entirely to stone before shattering apart. The light then flew up towards the sky and as it did, it glowed brighter.

It was so bright that it blinded the pair, making them cry out as they shielded their eyes. When it died down, the pair opened their eyes and saw they were back when they were before the vision. They were a little perplexed, wondering what the heck they had just seen.

But before they could ask any question, movement above them made the pair look up and see Lucifer still floating there. "No way," Flash whispered as the Bakugan looked like a mess. But he was still up and as he slowly raised his head, they saw that he was still willing to fight.

Sombra had also stood himself back up and looked down on the street, seeing Leonidas looking exhausted and taking out a card. "Let's finally end this!" He told Lucifer, the card beginning to glow. "Ability, Activate!" The card exploded and the two lights it formed flew into his hands. "Paradise Lost!"

"Oh no," Leonidas growled as the orbs formed and Lucifer prepared to throw them. But Flash had been expecting this.

"Ability, Activate!" He held up his card, as Lucifer threw the white orb. "Spectral Barricade!" As the white orb shot towards Leonidas, the dragon's body glowed and it shot out to form the force-field at the very last minute.

Lucifer: 600Gs
Leonidas: 1300Gs

The white orb struck the golden one and quickly engulfed it, Leonidas being trapped within a pair of orbs. Lucifer then threw the black one and his twin spheres merged, Leonidas going this would be enough to survive. And sure enough, the mixed orbs unleashed the energy that struck his Spectral Barricade but didn't hit him.

He smirked, but saw the barrier slowly begin to crack as the lightning struck it. It wouldn't last, but maybe it would hold up long enough.

Lucifer saw this and growled, "impossible." The energy continued to rain down on the shield, Leonidas holding his arms out hoping to reinforce it long enough to survive. He then closed his eyes and dug deep, calling upon his Attribute Energy and attempting the channel that into his shield.

Much to Lucifer's horror, the energy appeared and began to do just that. The energy reaffirming the shield and sealing the cracks as the lightning continued to pound away at it, but it did more than just that.

Once all the cracks were sealed, the shield began to expand. It grew larger and larger until, finally, it began to push against Lucifer's orb. The lightning vanished as the two orbs began to violently push against one another, Leo's attempting to break Lucifer's apart whilst Lucifer's did its best to stay strong. But eventually, one had to give out and that one...was the Paradise Lost.

"NO!" Lucifer cried as the black and white orb shattered, Leonidas letting out a mighty roar as his shield exploded into a wave of energy. The wave struck Lucifer and pushed him backwards a few feet, but he managed to get control of himself just in time to brace himself as Leonidas shot forward.

"Raaaah!" He slashed at Lucifer and the angel was knocked backwards, Lucifer spinning through the air until he gained control of himself. Leonidas then fired an Ultra Destroyer at Lucifer, who barely managed to fire his own energy beam out to block it. The explosion that occurred still pushed him back.

"Lucifer!" Sombra cried, realising he was out of Ability Cards and they were at a serious disadvantage. He watched as Lucifer ended up on the receiving end of multiple lasers, slashes and energy balls. He had to think of some way to help him, "but how?" It was then he remembered the device on his back, an idea forming. "That could work." He went to his gauntlet and opened a port, revealing several buttons. "Just hold on."

Lucifer flew at Leonidas and tried to punch him, but Leo used his arm guards to block and knock his fist away before thrusting his foot claws at him. Lucifer gasped and barely managed to avoid it, only for Leonidas to then launch a laser towards him. "Augh!" The beam slammed into him and he was pushed backwards, eventually slamming into a building and getting pinned to it. "No," he groaned, "I won't...let it end like this. He promised me...I'd be invincible."

"Come on Leo!" Flash cried, "end this. Before he can pull something and turn it around." Leonidas nodded and he continued to feed power into his laser.

Lucifer continued to groan as he fought to stay in his true form, but any moment he would revert back to ball form. He would lose.

"LUCIFER!" Everyone turned to see Sombra atop the building, the man holding up his gauntlet. "Catch!" With that, the metal glove fired a beam that was a mixture of blue, red, green and orange. Everyone who saw this instantly realised what it was.

"The Attribute Energies!" Flash cried, as Lucifer held out his hand. The beam struck it and Lucifer laughed as he felt new power flowing through him.

"Yes!" He cried, as his G power rose. With every second, he could feel his strength increasing. As it did, he was able to use his other hand and pushed the laser back.

"No way!" Flash gasped as the other four Attribute Energies merged with the Darkus Energy within Lucifer.

Lucifer: 1800Gs
Leonidas: 1300Gs

As he started glowing five colours, the energy finally depleted out of the gauntlet and was completely absorbed by Lucifer. He then thrust both his hands forward and the energy exploded outwards, pushing Leonidas' attack back towards him. "LEO!" Flash cried before the beam struck the dragon and exploded, causing a giant smoke cloud along with a shockwave that almost knocked Flash off his feet.

When the smoke faded, Leo was floating in midair and looked pretty bad. Lucifer continued glowing and before Leonidas could recover, the demon flew up to him. Flash called out, but it was too late.

"AUGH!" Leonidas cried as Lucifer wrapped his hands around his neck, causing him to start choking as Lucifer smiled into his eyes.

"You were a fool for facing me. Now, accept your punishment." With that, he started breathing in. As he did, the Haos Energy was pulled off of Leo and sucked into Lucifer's mouth.

"NOOOOO!" Flash screamed, as Leo tried to fight against him. But he just didn't have the strength. With every passing second, he lost more and more power. "LEO!"

Leonidas' body finally gave out and he stopped struggling, his arms and wings going limp. "I'm sorry everyone." The last of the Attribute Energy was finally ripped out of him and once it was, Lucifer let him go. Leo fell towards the ground and right before hitting it, he reverted back to ball form.

"LEONIDAS!" Flash rushed towards the ball and leapt forward, managing to grab him before he could hit the ground and hurt himself. "Leo!" He knelt up and looked down at the Bakugan, who appeared unconscious. "No."

Outside the dome, the battles continued.

The hybrids were all struggling against the number of opponents, but they refused to give up until they had proven their worth to their master. But the battles suddenly came to a stop when the dome they were battling around suddenly began to dissolve. Every Bakugan stopped fighting and watched as the black energy disappeared.

Everyone hoped Leonidas would be the first one they saw, but they were sadly mistaken. "Master!" Rampager cheered, seeing Lucifer floating above them all. And when they saw him glowing all six Attribute colours, everyone realised what must have happened.

"No," Twilight whispered before looking down at the ground. But she couldn't see Flash wherever he was.

All over the country, everyone watching this event were beginning to worry. The sight of the demonic creature glowing did not sit well with any of them. It sat even worse with those that actually knew what Lucifer was after, Misty and Trail both looking at one another in absolute fear.

Lucifer smiled as he stared down at the many fools that now had no choice by to obey him. "You were all given the chance to accept me as your rightful ruler. Now you must all suffer for your ignorance." He watched as the hybrids broke away from their battles and moved towards him. "Ah, my faithful servants. Despite your many failures, you continued loyalty to me will not go unrewarded."

The hybrids smiled at this as Sombra moved to the very edge of the building, expecting Lucifer to promise him the same reward.

But Lucifer either forgot about him or simply had more important things to focus on, for he turned his attention to the many Bakugan that had stood against him. "Now, it is time for you all to suffer for your crimes." He pointed at them. "Go my generals. Make them-" He stopped his order as he suddenly felt something occur within him. "Huh?"

The hybrids turned back to him. "Master?" Quetzal asked.

Lucifer felt strange. He clutched his chest as he felt a pulsing within it, each pulse causing him pain. It started weakly at first, but with every beat the pain increased. "Augh!" He curled up in the air, the hybrids looking worried whilst everyone else looked confused.

"What's happening to him?" Lyra asked.

"I don't like this," Bonnie gulped as she turned to Gaia. "What's going on?"

"I'm...I'm not sure," the subterra Bakugan replied. Nimue also looked confused, but she had a theory.

"The Attribute Energies," she realised. "He's absorbed them all and he's not able to handle all that power. It's just like when he absorbed the Darkus Energy. His body needs time to synchronise with them. But this time, he has five Attribute Energies he's out of tune with."

"So what's gonna happen?" Soarin asked, Garuda not liking what he was thinking.

"I don't know. Best guess, he'll explode. And if all that energy is suddenly released...it could be the end of this world." Everyone's eyes went wide, as Lucifer screamed out in pain. Looking back up at him, they saw his body starting to inflate. His hands and legs blew up like a balloon, the same with his face. All the while, the six energies grew brighter and brighter.

"Master!" Rampager screamed as the hybrids rushed in closer.

"No!" Wukong cried, "stay away!" But it was too late. Lucifer's entire body exploded and unleashed a burst of rainbow light, which struck the hybrids as they ran into it. The six of them all screamed as the light enveloped them, each of them being reduced to atoms.

Everyone else feared that same thing would happen to them, but the light didn't reach them. Instead of flying outwards, the light stopped where it was before being sucked into the spot in exploded out of. This confused them, as the light condensed in on itself and formed a multiple coloured orb.

The lights mixed together and slowly, turned completely black. The sphere was about the size of a standard Bakugan, which started pulsing like a heart.

Everyone could only watch, wondering what the heck was going on. But they got their answer when two streams of mist began to escape from out of the orb, flowing upwards for several meters before beginning to curve towards one another and merging into one. The combined streams then spread upwards and grew larger and larger, slowly beginning to take a strange yet terrifying shape. Everyone could only watch in horror as the streams coming out of the orb shifted to look like a pair of clawed hands, which began clutching the orb.

When the shape, which had grown so large Gaia could fit inside it twice over, finished forming, the mist began to vanish. And when it did, the horror that awaited inside was revealed.

It was a giant dragon, made up of all six Bakugan elements. Its main body was made up of a purple metal, which looked almost like armor covered in six rings that each had an Attribute Symbol within. Its back legs were also made of rock, with moss and other plants growing out of them. On its back were three pairs of wings, one pair was made up of white feathers, another were a pair of bat wings and the third were made of green feathers. It had a pair of front claws that were made entirely out of fire, which was holding the orb, and a long tail that was made out of swirling water. Its purple neck was almost as long as a house and its head was a hideous dragonic shape that was purple on the lower jaw. The rest of its head was covered in a black mask, with a hole for each of its six eyes. Each eye glowed one of the six Bakugan colours, red at the top with green and orange on either side, with a blue and yellow one beneath them and purple at the bottom to complete the circle.

Everyone was in absolute horror at the sight of this monstrosity, which opened its mouth and unleashed a roar so loud that it caused every building around it to shake themselves to rubble.

"What is that thing?" Thunderlane cried, the others unable to really answer.

"I...I think that's Lucifer," Nimue whispered.

"How the heck did an angel turn into a freaking dragon?" Heath cried, as the beast spread its giant wings and beat them once. But that was all it took to unleash a gale so massive, it sent every Bakugan flying. They all screamed out as they flew backwards, many of the mindless Bakugan that had been under Lucifer's control reverting back to ball form.

The other Bakugan all managed to keep themselves up, but the giant Bakugan let out another roar that shook the city apart. "What do we do?" Pinkie cried, everyone looking for the person that had led them into this fight. But Flash and Leonidas were nowhere to be seen. And if they didn't think of something quick, their entire world would fall to this monster.

Author's Note:

Well that certainly didn't go as planned. Can Flash and his friends find a way to save the world now that Lucifer has become truly monstrous. Bet the backstory for Lucifer surprised you as well, huh?

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