• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,654 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

Parting of the Ways

All over the world, people were watching the battle that would decide the fate of their universe.

At first, it seemed like the one causing all this pain and fear was unstoppable. As whenever they were hit with an attack by th opposing Bakugan, the creature would simply regenerate themselves. All hope seemed lost, until one of the Bakugan did something they didn't quite understand and summoned a rainbow of light that caused it to transform.

And whilst this transformation seemed to put it on even ground with the other dragon powerwise, there still didn't seem to be a way to actually harm the creature. At least until the dragon started attacking the sphere the larger one was carrying.

That seemed to terrify the dragon, leading it to creating a bunch of knight-like Bakugan that had turned the tables on the dragon that was their only hope of stopping this catastrophe. "FLASH!" Misty cried, seeing Leonidas fall whilst her son was knocked to the ground.

She watched in horror as things turned sour, the six knights floating over the downed dragon. She wanted to cry, but knew she couldn't. She was done sitting back as her children were put in danger, Trail thinking the same thing.

"Where are you going?" Shining asked, as he and the rest of the teen's families saw the pair rushing towards the machines that brought them to Cloudsdale.

"We might not be able to fight," Trail announced. "But we can still be there to support our kids." Misty nodded and the pair began to work on the machine, tapping into it and setting the transport function to Canterlot. The other members of the BakuFighters and Rainboom's families all looked towards one another and nodded before rushing in to help. They weren't just going to sit around as their children fought to save the world.

In Canterlot, everyone had their attention divided between the floating piece of land and their screens as they watched the battle taking place.

Flash and Leonidas were down, Flash still conscious and trying to get his partner to wake up. "Oh," Fluttershy quivered, "this is awful. I wish there was something we could do."

"Well there isn't," Soarin told her. "You saw what happened to that drone when it got too close. Lucifer doesn't want any of us interfering with this fight."

"I bet we could get through that field," Garuda squawked. "If only there wasn't a bunch of Doom Dimension Energy surrounding them." Everyone frowned at this, as they looked up towards the crack in the sky. It continued to pump out the energy and whilst Leo's earlier blast of positive energy had dispelled it all, more was streaming in and making the place completely unsurvivable for all the ordinary Bakugan.

"Flash," Twilight whispered in worry.

Up on the plot of land, Flash crawled towards Leonidas. The dragon looked unconscious, but Flash knew they had to keep fighting. They were the only chance their planet had.

"Leo!" He cried, reaching his head and tapping his fist against him. "Come on, bud! This is no time to take a nap! LEO!" Flash hit his head as hard as he could, this jolt seeming to wake Leonidas up.

"What?" He tried to pick himself up, but flinched at the pair in his body. "Augh! What happened?" But then he remembered where they were and got serious. "Oh, that's right." He pushed through the pair and stood himself up before turning to Lucifer, as his Royal Knights were staring back at him.

"Leo!" Flash cried, "You okay?"

"I'll live," Leonidas assured him. 'But I'm not sure for how much longer if I take another beating like that.' He spread his wings and leapt into the air, Flash gasping as he watched his partner fly up and let out a roar. He launched a laser at one of the knights, but the red armored figured held up their shield and blocked the attack.

As it blocked the attack, the Ventus, Aquos and Subterra knights charged and straightened out their metal ribbons into swords. As they got closer to Leo, they swung the blades around. Leo barely managed to avoid this attack and fired his Hydro Bomber at the trio, but their blades returned to ribbons that they swung around them to deflect the raindrops.

The Haos and Darkus Knight then appeared behind them and crossed their blades over their shields, pulling them back as energy formed around them that took the shape of crossbows. When the three got rid of the last raindrop, they jumped out of the way as the pair fired the energy arrows towards him.

Leo gasped and used his Terra Guardian Ability, barely managing to block the attacks. As he did, the Pyrus Knight flew up in front of Lucifer.

The reason it did was because the elemental dragon was charging up a fire blast, which it shot from its mouth as the knight charged. The flames slammed into the knight's back and propelled it forward, increasing its speed as it flew towards Leonidas and morphed into a fiery meteor.

"What?" Leo gasped as his Terra Guardian vanished, allowing the knight to slam into him before he could get out of the way. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" He was pushed flying backwards and slammed into one of the few remaining building on the plot of land, making Flash and all his friends gasp.

"LEO!" Flash rushed towards him, but before he could get close Lucifer turned his attention on him. The Ultimate Bakugan unleashed a blast of lightning towards Flash, terrifying all those that saw it. Flash saw it just in time and leapt back as the lightning slammed into the ground and exploded. "AUGH!"

"FLASH!" His friends screamed, fearing the worst as the teen hit the ground. As he did, Leonidas also fell out of the remains of the building whilst the knights all floated above them.

"Leo," he groaned, "there's too many of them."

"I know," Leonidas nodded as he tried to push himself to his feet with little success. "I can't do this on my own."

Down below, everyone watched as Leonidas continued to get his tail handed to him. Many of them had had enough.

"That's it!" Spike cried as he leapt off Twilight's shoulder, "I'm gonna go help him!" But as he flew through the air, he suddenly found his energy being drained. "Augh!" He fell to the ground and Twilight gasped, rushing over to pick him up and running back out of the field of Doom Dimension Energy.

"It's no use," Twilight told him. The lot of them were forced to step back to keep out of the expanding field. "You can't help him whilst that tear is giving off the energy."

"Dang it!" Soarin cried, "Lucifer knew what he was doing when he opened that thing. If only there was a way to close it." But none of them were sure there was. Lucifer had opened it with the Attribute Energy's power and even if Leonidas' power equalled that, he probably still couldn't do the same thing.

Leonidas growled as he looked up at the crack, spelling out more and more Doom Dimension Energy. If only that tear wasn't there, then he could get some help.

"Wait," his eyes went wide as an idea formed in his head, "that's it!" Using all his strength, he pushed himself back to his feet and roared as he summoned as much energy as he could. Flash and the others were surprised by this sudden turn of events, as the symbols on Leo's wings glowed.

"Leo!" Flash cried, "what are you doing?" Leonidas didn't respond, as the light shot off the symbols and into his mouth.

"If Lucifer could open a portal, then so can I!" He cried as the energy formed a sphere of rainbow colours. "RAAAAAAH!" The sphere exploded into a beam of light, which shot into the sky and hit the crack above them. This surprised everyone, who hoped he was attempting to close it. But it didn't. Instead, it changed colour. Instead of being a blackish grey, it changed to a rainbow of different colours.

"Leo," Flash cried, "what did you just do?"

"I couldn't fix the tear," Leonidas smirked. "But I was able to change its location. Now, instead of connecting our world to the Doom Dimension, that crack is leading straight to the dimensional space Vestroia once occupied. And that means, the Doom Dimension Energy will be gone."

Everyone's eyes went wide at this, as Leonidas summoned more energy and beat his wings. This sent out a wave that flowed out in every direction, removing the Doom Dimension Energy completely and allowing his friends to enter the battle. But as he did, the knights charged forward again.

Before Leo could respond, they swung their whip-like ribbons at him and lashed at his body. He cried out in pain as the knights then used their ribbons to tie him up, wrapping them around his arms, legs, wings, tail and neck. Leonidas tried to blast them, but one of the ribbons wrapped around his mouth.

They did this to allow Lucifer to launch a blast of lightning towards him, the lightning slamming into him and causing him to cry out through his shut mouth before he went limp. "Bring him to me," the worm inside the orb stated before the knights started pulling him towards Lucifer.

"LEO!" Flash cried, his friends all seeing this and knowing they had to help him.

Lyra looked down at Nimue, "you ready to get back in the game?"

"You have to ask?" Nimue asked, "it's time for this to finally end." With that, she slammed shut.

"You ready partner?" Heath smirked, "this is gonna get wild."

"Wukong, reporting for duty." Wukong shut himself and glowed warmer.

"Gaia," Bonnie smiled, "let's do this for everyone Lucifer's ever hurt."

"I couldn't agree more," Gaia nodded as she closed up.

"Ready Garuda?" Soarin asked, "this goal decides the whole game."

"Then we'd better not miss," Garuda closed up as well.

"Ragnaroid," Derpy whispered.

"Say no more," Ragnaroid nodded. "Together, we can do this." Derpy nodded before she turned towards Twilight and the others. They all wanted to help too, but knew that battlefield wasn't big enough to support all their Bakugan.

"We'll be cheering you on," Twilight assured them. "Go show Lucifer why you don't mess with earth." The BakuFighters nodded and turned towards the battlefield, all of them holding up their partners.

"BAKUGAN...BRAWL!" They all threw them and the five balls shot into the air, flying towards the battlefield and managing to flying through the barrier protecting it.

In said battlefield, Flash could only watch as Leonidas was dragged to his doom. "LEO!" Flash cried, fearing this might be the end. But as the knights got closer to Lucifer, they sensed something behind them and looked around just in time to see a blast of black fire shooting towards them.

They leapt away as the flames consumed their ribbon weapons, burning them away and freeing Leo. They and Lucifer then turned to where the blast came from and saw a Bakugan they all recognised. "Prepare yourselves," the former villainous Bakugan smirked as he pointed his claws at them. "For you now face the mighty Darkus Doom Ragnaroid!"

"Alright!" Flash cheered, as four more bursts of light signalled the arrival of the other BakuFighter Bakugan.

"What's up, Lucifer!" Wukong began to breakdance around as he got into a fighting stance, "Wukong's here to clean your clock!"

"Your evil ways end now!" Gaia cried as she got into a battle stance.

Nimue swung her staff around. "Prepare to face the wrath of Lady Numie!"

"And the electric strikes of Storm Garuda!" The birdman squawked as he flew through the air.

Flash laughed at this. "Nice timing, guys!" As he said that, his BakuColar beeped and he answered it to see all his friends on the line. "I knew I could count on you."

"Of course," Lyra told him. "What kind of team would we be if we didn't help you when you really need it? Now go show that loser who the best is." The others all cheered for him as well.

"You got this Flash!" Twilight cried, "we believe in you."

"Make Lucifer pay for all the pain he's caused," Rainbow cheered.

"Get justice for the Bakugan who lost their lives in his insane quest for power!" Rarity screamed.

"FLASH!" Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy cried.

"FLASH!" The rest of the BakuFighters and other brawlers cheered out, making Flash smile as he looked over to see Nimue and Wukong helping Leonidas to his feet.

"Sorry for being later," Nimue told him.

"Better late than never," Leonidas assured him before they focused on the knights and Lucifer. "Now, let's end this once and for all." As he said that, Flash took out a Gate Card and threw it.

"Gate Card, OPEN!" The card glowed and all the BakuFighter Bakugan began to glow, "Super Unification!" The energy flowed through them all, combining their powers together.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs
Royal Knights X6: 1800Gs

Leonidas could feel his strength returning, as the Royal Knights charged towards them. Nimue stepped up first. "Don't make us laugh." She summoned a ball of water and blasted it towards the knights, "Overflow!" The water exploded into a wave, which shot towards the knights and slammed into them before they could escape.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs
Royal Knights X6: 900Gs

The knights all hit the ground and before any of them could recover, the BakuFighters charged. As they did, their partners cheered for them. "You go get em!" Lyra cheered as Nimue attacked the Aquos knight and slammed her staff into it, knocking it backwards with enough force that it exploded into water and disappeared.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs
Royal Knights X5: 750Gs

"Ruyi Bang!" Wukong cried as he summoned his staff and used it to knock the Pyrus knight's shield away.

"Awesome!" Heath cried, "you show them what you're made of Wukong!" The fire ape then used his staff to propel himself forward and slam his foot into the knight, knocking it backwards until exploded into flames and vanished.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs
Royal Knights X4: 600Gs

"Gaia Spirit!" The giant woman cried as she summoned all the power of the earth into herself.

"That's my Gaia!" Bonnie looked like she was about to cry with joy, as the Subterra Bakugan swung her first towards the knight that shared her Attribute. The knight tried to escape, but Gaia managed to punch it out of the sky so hard it exploded into a bunch of dirt and fell to the ground.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs
Royal Knights X3: 450Gs

"Sky Spark Surge!" Garude cried as his body was surrounded by a veil of lightning.

Soarin smirked. "You the man, Garuda!" The birdman shot forward as he formed a pair of lightning blades in his hands, whilst the Ventus knight tried to slash at him with his ribbon blades. But Garuda swung his blades at it and melted through the metal weapons before slashing an X through its chest. The knight was knocked back and exploded into a gust of wind.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs
Royal Knights X2: 300Gs

Finally, Ragnaroid opened his chest and unleashed the light from his eye. "Doom Vision!" This light hit not only the Darkus knight, but the Haos one as well and froze them in place.

Derpy smiled, "go Ragnaroid!" The light allowed the Bakugan to swing his long tail around and grab them both, squeezing them so tightly they both exploded into yellow and purple mist. The knights were all gone, leaving only Lucifer to stand against them.

Lucifer: 750Gs
BakuFighters: 4100Gs

"And then there was one!" Leonidas roared as the six of them charged forward But as they did, Lucifer seemed to be getting desperate. He suddenly launched all his Abilities at them, firing blast of fire, waves of water, bolts of lightning and gusts of wind as he fell to the ground and created an explosive fissure that flew towards them.

Wukong and Nimue quickly launched a wall of water and fire from their staffs, blocking the attacks and protecting the others. This allowed Garuda, Ragnaroid and Gaia to launch an Aero Bomber, Apocalyptic Fire and Gaia Cannon that slammed into the main body and blasted parts of it into nothingness.

They knew this wouldn't actually hurt Lucifer, but it was distract him long enough for Leonidas to do what was needed. "It's time, Flash." His partner nodded as he took out a card and held it up.

"Super Fusion Ability...ACTIVATE!" The card glowed as Leonidas' six attribute symbols began to glow. "Divine Judgement!" The light shot off the symbols and swirled together into a rainbow sphere in front of Leonidas, growing larger and larger as the power built.

Lucifer's body began to reform, but the others launched their long range attacks again and again to blast it away so Lucifer couldn't unleash a counter attack. And eventually, Leo's attack was fully charged and so large, it seemed to warp space around it.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Leonidas roared as he beat his wings, sending the sphere flying forwards. It moved too fast for Lucifer to escape, as the main body barely finished reforming before it connected with the dark orb contain the worm within it.

"NO!" The beast within the sphere screamed as the rainbow orb expanded and completely encased the sphere and his puppet, who unleashed multiple attacks but couldn't escape from within it. The sphere then began to shrink and crushed the creature within, destroying the puppet before crushing the orb containing him. Then, it exploded as Lucifer screamed out. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

The explosion blinded them all for a moment, along with all those watching from the ground and across the world. But then, the light began to die down and Flash opened his eyes. "Did we win?" They weren't sure, the Bakugan all looking up at the giant smoke cloud.

And as the cloud slowly began to fade, it revealed something hidden within it. "No way!" Wukong cried, when they saw Lucifer floating there. It was only his worm form, but he was still alive if a little battered and burned.

"I..." Lucifer forced out, "I won't let it end like this." He started glowing, summoning the Attribute Energy within him. "I'll destroy everything if I have to. This world and the space that once held Vestroia. They will both be destroyed and you will all suffer for fighting against me." Everyone who saw this realised what he was doing.

"He's gonna blow!" Flash cried, fearing the worm might destroy their world in spite.

"I don't think so!" Leonidas roared as he and the other Bakugan shot into the air. As they did, they all started glowing their respective colours. "We won't let you destroy anything, ever again!" They gathered round Lucifer, forming the Attribute circle as they did. "Flash!"

In that moment, a light appeared in front of Flash and he grabbed it. Doing so caused the light to form a card, Flash looking it over in amazement. "Wow." He smirked before holding the card up, "Final Ability...ACTIVATE!" The card unleashed a bright light that split into six and each hit one of the BakuFighter Bakugan.

The rainbow energy swirled around them all before flying to their right and connecting to the Bakugan next to them, forming a hexagon of light that grew brighter and brighter by the moment. All the while, Lucifer was powering himself up. "I refused to be defeated!" He hissed, "I was destined for greatness and I won't let you take it away from me. I...am the most powerful Bakugan."

"No," Leo stated, "you're nothing but a sickness. And it's time to administer the cure." With that, the light surrounding them exploded inwards as they all yelled in unison. "HARMONIC FORCE!" The light surrounded Lucifer as he attempted to expel the Attribute Energy and destroy everything, but the Harmonic Force formed a perfect sphere around him before he could.

The energy blasted outwards, but the sphere held and the explosion was completely trapped. "No!" Lucifer roared as the energy exploded out of him and did nothing. "This can't be happening. I cannot be defeated by weaklings like you." But that was exactly what was happening. And as the explosion completely consumed him, he screamed out in pain and terror.

The light from the Harmonic Force and the explosion blinded everyone for a moment, but it slowly began to fade as the explosion died out within the sphere. When it did, something was revealed inside the sphere. Six differently coloured lights, all swirling around one another in a single cloud.

"The Attribute Energies," Gaia gasped. "They survived."

"Of course," Nimue nodded. "It'll take more than Lucifer attempting to destroy the world to get rid of them. But what do we do with them now?"

Leonidas had an idea. But before he could do it, a voice spoke up in his ear. "Leonidas. You know what'll have to happen if you chose to do this." It was Dragonia, warning him of his fate should he decide to walk this path. But he had to do it.

"Leonidas?" Garuda cried out as the dragon flew forward and into the sphere, "where are you doing?" As soon as he was inside, the six Attribute Energies began to fly into him.

He groaned at the sudden influx of energy, but managed to contain it. "Leo!" Flash cried, "what are you doing?"

"Something has to contain them," Leonidas announced. "If I don't do this, they might disappear forever. I'm the best one to do this." He could feel his body feeling like it was being ripped apart, but he managed to keep it together as the last of the energy was absorbed. As he did, he shot a beam into the air that caused the field Lucifer had created to start vanishing.

Down below, everyone on the ground watched as the sky returned to normal. The Bakugan could no longer feel themselves able to return to their true forms and as the light faded, the floating island began to slowly fall towards the ground. It fell perfectly into place where it had been pulled out of, creating a massive dust cloud that flew out in every direction.

They all coughed and shielded their eyes from this, wondering what the heck was going on. The cloud slowly faded, but they were still completely in the dark about the situation. However, from out of the dust, something started running towards them. Flash.

"Hey!" He cheered, looking like every holiday had come around at once. "Did you see that. We did it!" As he ran, the Bakugan that had just saved the world appeared form out of the dust and flew towards their partners.

"Nimue!" Lyra cried, "I can't believe you won."

"We won," Nimue told her. "This battle never would have been won without you and your friends helping us along the way."

"You the man, Wukong!" Heath held up a fist and Wukong pumped it.

"No, you the man."

"Gaia," Bonnie smiled, "I'm so glad your safe."

"And I'm glad you're safe too," Gaia nodded.

"Ragnaroid," Derpy hugged her Bakugan, "I'm so proud of you."

"So this is what it feels like to fight on the side of good," Ragnaroid chuckled. "Gotta admit, it's not so bad."

"Guess this means everything's back to normal, right?" Soarin asked, but Garuda didn't look so sure.

"I don't know. I've never experienced anything like this before. I've no idea what we're supposed to do now." He might not know, but Leonidas did.

"We need to put things back as they were." Everyone turned to him, curious by what he meant. "Look at the sky." They did so and even though the field Lucifer had created was now gone, something remained and it looked like it was getting bigger.

"The dimensional crack that Lucifer opened!" Twilight cried, "it's still there."

"But why?" Pinkie asked.

"We beat Lucifer," Rainbow pointed out. "So shouldn't all the damage he did be undone?"

"Lucifer may have damaged the dimensional wall of this world," Leonidas explained. "But I was the one who took control of it. Now I must be the one to repair it. But I can only do that from the other side." This statement shocked them, Flash looking down at his partner.

"Other side? But why. If you close the Dimensional Wall...then you'll be trapped over there." Leonidas nodded, "Leo!"

"It's okay," Leonidas told him. "I won't be trapped. Because there is another mission I must complete alongside repairing the wall. The restoration of Vestroia and the return of the Bakugan too it." Everyone gasped at this.

"What do you mean?" Nimue asked, "you're going to restore Vestroia. How?"

"The Six Attribute Energies that now reside within me are what remain of our world. Those along with the sparks of power given to me by all the Bakugan in existence has made my body the perfect representation of Vestroia, both in body and spirit. For that reason, I will rebuild Vestroia using my own body as the materials."

"WHAT!?" They all screamed, Flash grabbing his partner. "Are you insane? You can't do that. Then...then you'll..."

"I...will become the new Vestroia." This statement made Flash begin to tear up, all the joy he had before now gone as he let the overwhelming feeling of sorrow wash over him.

"No...you can't."

"I must," Leonidas nodded.

"Why not just leave the crack open?" Heath asked. "It's not hurting anyone."

"He can't," Wukong sighed.

Ragnaroid nodded. "The crack is stable now, but that won't last forever. Eventually, the stability of the dimension wall will break down even further. And when that happens, both universes will collide with one another and shatter."

"But it's not fair!" Flash cried. "We finally beat Lucifer and now you're telling me it means saying goodbye to you all."

Leonidas looked down, clearly unhappy that he had to hurt his friend this way. "I'm sorry, Flash. But this is what must happen."

"WELL IT BITES!" Flash screamed.

"He's right," Lyra cried. "Flash needs Leonidas." She looked towards her partner, "just like I need...my Nimue!" Tears broke out of her eyes.

"Lyra," Nimue sighed.

"Lyra's right," Bonnie held her partner. "I need Gaia. She's the best friend I've ever had." She hugged her tightly and Gaia seemed just as upset that she was leaving.

"Bonnie, you don't need me anymore. You have grown so much since we met and I'm proud of the young woman you've become." Bonnie continued to hug her and cry, whilst Heath and Soarin stared at their partners.

"Please," Heath sniffed, "don't go. There's still so many awesome things we never got to do together."

"I wish I could," Wukong sound like he was about to cry. "But...that's life sometimes. You don't always get the things you wanted." He was really starting to sob now.

"Don't be sad," Garuda told Soarin. "I know it's hard, but this is the way things have to be."

Soarin's whole body was shaking, "I don't want it to end yet. Haven't we had so much fun?"

"We have," Garuda nodded. "And I'll treasure those memories for the rest of my life. But Vestroia is where I belong. Even if Leonidas can rebuild it exactly the same, the world will still be in chaos. We have to make sure things get settled so everything we fought for wasn't for nothing."

The Rainbooms and all the other Brawlers were also crying about the loss of their partners, but none more so then Flash. "Please, Leo. Don't do this. If you turn your body into Vestroia, what'll happen to you?"

"I don't know," Leonidas sighed. "It's not like I have a frame of reference for this kind of thing. I like to think I'll still be alive, but watching over the world I've created."

"But you don't know that," Flash told him. "You could die."

"I know," Leonidas nodded. "But I have to do this. Vestroia must be restored in order for the Bakugan race to survive and thrive. I think...this was the reason I was born and found by Dragonia. Why I was brought to earth and met you. So I could become the Bakugan that could revive Vestroia."

"Leo," was all Flash could say in return.

"Flash." The teen looked up and spun around, spotting his parents a ways off. They were with the rest of his friend's families, all looking relieved they were all okay but all seeing how upset they were. Misty stepped forward, "it's gonna be okay."

"No!" Flash cried, "it's not. I'm losing the best friend I've ever had. How can...how can that be okay?" Misty and Trail moved over to him and pulled their son into a hug, Scootaloo rushing over to hug them as well.

"I know it's hard," Misty assured him. "But this is what your friend wants to do. You shouldn't try and stop him. You should support him, because he's doing this for the right reasons." Flash continued to cry as the rest of the families comforted the heroes of the day.

Twilight was hugging her brother and turned to Spike, "I'm gonna miss you."

"And I'll miss you," Spike told her. "But who knows, maybe we'll meet again somehow. I never thought I'd meet a human before, so who's to say it'll never happen again." Twilight smiled at this, hoping the same thing.

"Hey," Cadance then took out her phone, "why don't I take a picture of you two so you'll always have something to remember him by." Twilight nodded, liking that idea. Everyone else heard this and also liked that idea, all of them taking photos of them and their Bakugan. Strangely enough, this made many of the Brawlers feel better about never getting to see their partners again. At least this way, they would never forget what they look like.

Once all the pictures were taken and goodbyes were made, Flash and the BakuFighters all headed up to one of the last remaining building in the area.

Standing atop it, the six teens stared at the crack in the sky as Leonidas floated up to it. "This is it. The time for Vestroia to be reborn." He turned back to Flash, seeing he was still upset but keeping strong. "I know you're sad, but you should be proud. You've helped me save not just one world, but two."

"I know," Flash sighed. "But I'm still gonna miss you."

"And I you," Leo nodded. "I'm glad Dragonia chose to entrust you with me. I can't think of anyone who would have done a better job." Flash smiled at this and tapped Leonidas on the head, the others saying goodbye to their friends.

"Please stay safe out there," Lyra begged Nimue. "If something, anything happens and you need our help, don't hesitate and try to find a way back here."

"I'll...try," Nimue was chuckling. "But I think Vestroia's earned a bit of peace." Lyra smiled.

"You were the best friend a guy could ask for," Heath told Wukong.

"You too," Wukong nodded. "Don't go having too much fun without me." Heath nodded.

"Oh Gaia," Bonnie pulled her into a hug. "Please don't forget about me."

"How could I ever forget about you?" Gaia asked. "I promise I won't so long as you don't forget about me."


Soarin and Garuda smiled at one another. "It's been a heck of a time."

"Yes," Garuda nodded, "these last few months have certainly been interesting. I think we've both grown a great deal thanks to each other." Soarin nodded, whilst Derpy held Ragnaroid.

"I wish we could have had more time together," Derpy told him. "Even though we've been through so much together, it feels like we've only really just met each other."

Ragnaroid nodded. "Thank you, Derpy. Thanks to you, I feel like I've grown into an entirely new Bakugan." Derpy smiled again, the felt a breeze and spun around. When she did, she gasped seeing the ghostly form of Phantom standing on the other side of the building.

The figure turned to her and smiled, showing how proud he was of her before vanishing. Derpy sighed as this, the BakuFighters all looking towards one another.

"Alright guys," Flash stepped forward and looking towards the portal to Vestroia. "Let's send our friends off with a bang." The others all cheered as they held their arms back. "Bakugan..."

"BRAWL!" They all screamed as they threw the Bakugan towards the portal. The six Bakugan transformed into streams of their respective colours, as the shot across the sky and into the crack. They all watched and felt a final wave of sadness wash over them at the final sight of their friends.

"Bye guys," Flash whispered. "Leonidas...good luck."

When they reached the other side of the dimensional tear, the Bakugan all transformed into their original forms. "Is this it?" Leonidas asked, hoping he didn't make a mistake.

"Indeed," Nimue nodded. "This is the space Vestroia once existed in. I can feel it." The others nodded as Leo flew forwards and turned to them. "Thank you, Leonidas. I know this is a big sacrifice you're making for us."

"The Bakugan race owes you a great debt," Gaia told him. "One that, I fear will never be repaid."

"Live your lives," Leonidas stated. "Do that and you will be repaying me."

The others nodded and Wukong looked upset. "I guess this is it. The last big hurrah." Garuda placed a hand on his shoulder, assuring him that everything would be alright.

"This is the end of our adventure. But the start of a new one. Who knows what the future holds for any of us. All I can say is, I'm glad I got to experience this one with all of you."

Leonidas turned to Ragnaroid, the pair who had started as hated enemies now turned partners and, though neither would admit it, friends. "Keep an eye on things for me. Don't go letting Vestroia get messed up after I just managed to fix it."

Ragnaroid chuckled, "don't worry. I'll keep things in check. No Bakugan is gonna cause any issues whilst I'm around." Leonidas nodded back before turning away.

"This is it. Farewell, my friends." With that, he started flying towards the area of space where Vestroia had once been. As he did, he dug deep and called upon the Attribute Energies that now flowed throughout his body. "I might not have ever seen Vestroia, but through my friends and the Bakugan who lived there, I will remake it exactly how it once was. And Flash...I hope you continue to have a good life. You certainly deserve it."

In that moment, six lights appeared around him. Leonidas saw this and was surprised, as the ghostly armored forms of the Guardian appeared. Dragonia floated in front of him and though she didn't have a mouth, Flash knew she was smiling at him. "Well done, my son." Leonidas smiled. "Your story may end here, but the legend you have inspired will live on forever. The legend of the Bakugan, born from hatred but taught the power of love and friendship. Who used what he learned to save our world. You will never be forgotten."

Leonidas nodded as he reached his intended destination, the dragon taking a deep breath as the energies flowed around him and made him glow. "I'm ready." With that, the light exploded out of him and unleashed a brilliant rainbow burst. The light was so bright, it blinded the Bakugan who saw it for a moment as they were forced to look away. But then, the light began to dim and they looked back towards it and gasped at the sight before them.

Though none of them had ever seen Vestroia from this point, they knew Leonidas had created a perfect copy of it. Many parts of the landscape they recognised from their old home, but now something seemed different. Despite it looking like a perfect copy, the planet they were staring at looked...better. Like every tiny imperfection in the old Vestroia was gone.

Maybe it was just because their friend had made it, but they couldn't see a single thing wrong with it. "Gorgeous," Nimue whispered.

"Truly extraordinary," Gaia nodded.

"Yeah," Wukong gave it a cheeky grin, "looks awesome. Can't wait to go try it out."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ragnaroid asked, "let's go home."

Garuda nodded. "We have a lot of work to do to make it the perfect world Leonidas wanted it to be. Let's get to it." They agreed and in a flash of light, they morphed into fives streams of energy. These streams shot through the space towards the planet, whilst the light from the planet's creation flowed into the crack that Lucifer had made.

Back with the BakuFighters, they continued to watch as the light flooded out of the crack and spread as far as they could see.

In doing so, every bit of damage caused during Lucifer's invasion began to be repaired. Every destroyed building, every damaged landmark, every cut and bruise earned in the battles began to be undone. At the same time, the Bakugan scattered around the planet began to glow their respective colours.

That included those previously under Lucifer's command and the ones connected to the Brawlers.

Twilight frowned as Spike and the rest of her Bakugan started glowing before they hovered into the air, the others seeing theirs all doing the same. "Goodbye," she told him one final time before the ball shot into the air. Every Bakugan headed towards the crack, creating an aurora of light that was one of the most beautiful things any of them had ever seen. It truly was a sight to behold.

Slowly, the Bakugan flew through the tear as their humans yelled goodbye and wished them luck on their new world.

When the last of the Bakugan disappeared through the tear, the light coming out of it retracted and pulled the tear closed behind it. Everyone stared up at the sky, unable to believe their friends were all gone. Their worlds might have collided by accident, but not a single Brawler was upset that it happened. Because it allowed some of the best friendships they could ever ask for to appear. And now, a new future was going to come to pass.

Back in Vestroia, the planet had finished forming and was ready to receive its inhabitants. And receive them it did.

The Bakugan began raining down from the sky, carefully landing on the ground or in the water as they did so. Once they landed, the balls began to pop open and started taking their true forms. The Bakugans that had been under Lucifer's control cheered with joy, having been freed from the dark spell hanging over them. Those that had partners sighed, happy to be home but disappointed that they had to say goodbye.

Then there were the other Bakugans.

In a flash, an arc appeared in the sky and began to expel more Bakugan onto the planet. Spike was one of the Bakugan near it when this happened and was amazed, happy to see the rest of his kind returning him.

In a flash of light, a large Pyrus bird, an orange humanoid snake and a woman in strange robes appeared and all looked confused. "What just happened?" The bird squawked as he looked around, "I feel like we missed something."

"Oh, you missed something alright." They turned to Spike as he walked towards them, a smirk on his face. "Let me tell you a tale. A tale of a Bakugan named Leonidas. And how he saved our world from destruction."

Three months later.

The City of Canterlot was still recovering from the insanity that had occurred there all those many weeks ago. Though everything had been repaired with Leonidas' power, the effects of the situation could still be seen all throughout the city.

For one thing, Dark Industries had all but collapsed. The many people that worked there quickly found themselves unemployed, since the company had almost gone bust whilst the few higher up members of staff tried to find a way to get the company back on its feet. With the loss of their president and loss of their biggest money making property, they would need to find another way to earn a living.

But aside from that, everything else was going fine. The kids who had taken part in the battles were practically world famous now, since everyone had seen them fighting against the evil that had attempted to destroy their world.

One of those teens had just arrived home. "Hey!" Flash called out to his family, who were all in the living room watching TV. He rushed upstairs and quickly pulled his best shirt out of his closet, changing into it along with some dress pants. He finished his look off with a blazer before he rushed downstairs. "I'll be home late tonight!" He told his family before rushing out the door and grabbing his bike.

He quickly cycled down the road and laughed as he flew through the town towards his intended destination, all the while hoping he wasn't late.

He eventually made it to his destination, the park, and rode his bike all the way to the meeting spot. Once there, he chained up his bike and headed over to the spot. He arrived at the park's fountain and when he got their, looking around the place on his own suddenly reminded him of a day long ago.

Stepping down the stairs, he sighed as he remembered that day. He stepped closer to the fountain and let all the memories of his time with his partner flow through his mind. Despite how much Flash missed him, he refused to let those memories make him sad.

"Flash?" He was pulled out of his thoughts and looked around to see someone walking towards. It was Twilight, the bespectacled girl wearing a fancy knee-length white dress with purple trim and a beret on her head. Flash couldn't stop staring at her, Twilight blushing as she moved some hair out of her face. She reached the bottom of the stairs and smiled, "how do I look?"

Flash smirked, "you look incredible." Twilight's blush deepened, the girl moving towards him and noticing a distant look in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?"

"No," he shook his head and looked down at the water. "It's just...this is where I met Leonidas." Twilight instantly understood what the problem was and she could understand. She missed Spike and all her other Bakugan friends just as much. But she knew she couldn't let that overwhelm her.

"Hey," she moved over and placed her hand in his, "Leonidas wouldn't want you to spend the rest of your life upset."

"I'm not," Flash assured her. "Just...remembering all the good times. That's all." Twilight nodded as they looked at one another and smiled, as Twilight turned away and blushed again.

"We should get going. The movie's...gonna be starting soon."

"Got it," Flash nodded and the pair walked away from the fountain. And as they did, a gentle gust of wind flew passed them. That wind swirled passed Flash's ear and laced within it was a voice he recognised.

"Thank you, Flash." This made Flash stop in his place, as he looked around to see if the one who spoke was actually there. He looked up and when he did, he noticed a white cloud above them that looked just like the upper body of his best friend. The cloud was looking down at him, the sun shining through holes where the eyes were and giving them a soft glow.

He stared at the light for a moment and smiled, as Twilight asked what was wrong. "Nothing," he ran forward and pulled Twilight along as they both laughed, "everything's perfect."

The world had been through a lot since the arrival of the Bakugan. In that time, friendships had been made, tested, broken, remade and forged anew and stronger than ever. The BakuFighters and Rainbooms had all been put through daunting trials since that time and come out stronger because of it.

There was no telling if Earth and Vestroia would ever once again connect, but many on both planet were hoping they would. And when that time came, those on the planets looked forward to meeting with their partners once again. Each Brawler couldn't wait for the day they could say two particular words with excitement again.


<<<The End>>>

Author's Note:

Well, this story has finally come to an end. It was fun, though I feel it might not have been as well received as my other stories given the amount of comments I got. I hope those reading who haven't commented will let me know what you thought of the series.

What was your favourite part, which of the original Bakugan was your favourite and what did you enjoy seeing the most. Let me know. And until the next time, so long my beautiful readers.

Comments ( 21 )

Very nice ending to the story. I think my favorite original Bakugan had to be Wukong.

This was a great story! I feel pretty sorry for anyone who skipped out on this, but it is their own loss.

Lucifer is finally gone. Good riddance to him. He was a traitor as Reaper, and he was a monster now. Quite a bittersweet ending, but even though the Bakugan had to return home to Vestroia, and Leo had to make possibly the ultimate sacrifice, the friendships everyone made remain. Plus, there is always the chance they could reunite some day, since it is clear nothing is impossible at this point.

Looks like Flash and Twilight are certainly getting along good.

I liked Wukong and Garuda the most out of the original Bakugan. I guess Leonidas might count too, though he did originate from a Video Game so I am not sure if he counts.

If you ever decide to do a sequel, I'll definitely support it.

@Darth Wrex

We just wait until he does a New Vestroia sequel

I wonder what’s next?

The fanfic is wonderful, I met you through this story, from there I read the other stories.
My favorite will always be leonidas, i just wish leonidas met drago

Sonic, we could see a New Vestroia sequel, or all the Bakugan seasons

Hey, I know you're new on the site, but if you want to reply directly to someone you need to click on the little arrow symbol on the top right their comment.

I will always be a fan of Leonidas. Plus I hope there's a sequel to the story because it is too good to let down

Hey Banshee, question, are some of the Bakugan mainly for the Brawlers and other EG characters, OCs

11536458 What do you mean?

Like some of the Bakugan you’ve listed, Struthion, Trickstar, Cameraclops, are those OC Bakugan

So is it okay we can borrow them for a project I’m working with friends, but we’ll credit you with the characters you’ve came up with

Really, we can borrow your OC Bakugans

11536669 Yes. If you plan on drawing them or something, I look forward to seeing them.

I think this story needs a TV tropes page.

Question 1, answered. Question 2, subquestions a-c, not so much, but I can accept that.

I wish there where some Bakugan stories where the reader joins :(

It's not a bad story, but I might not be familiar enough with the source material to truly enjoy it.

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