• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,637 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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Sky High Bakugan Brawl

The Bakugan Battle Tournament was reaching its final matches, with only five teams remaining. The two lead teams were still the BakuFighters and the Rainbooms, each having only two Brawlers left whilst the rest of the teams were down to just one.

In the forest field, Flash and Leonidas had just entered the battlefield again and were in search of the last remaining opponents. "You okay?" Leo asked Flash, who seemed on edge.

"With everything that's happened, I'm expecting Twilight or Rainbow to leap out at me any minute."

"I doubt that'll happen," the Bakugan told him. "Those two were all the way over in the Canyon Field. There's no way they'll be able to get from there to here in such a short amount of time."

Flash let that info sink in and nodded, "I guess you're right. But still, this place is starting to give me the creeps." He continued through the forest and as he did, he remembered the brawl he had just witnessed. Heath and Bonnie had given everything against Twilight and Rainbow, but in the end they were still defeated. That Phantom Gate Card Twilight used was a dangerous one indeed. And as far as Flash could see, there was no way of stopping it once it was activated. "Winning this tournament and getting the girls back to normal might not be as easy as we'd hoped."

At the same time, Soarin and Garuda were still making their way through the Ocean Field.

As they did, they finally spotted the edge of the battlefield. "Finally!" He cried whilst leaping onto the ring of land that surrounded the battlefield, then walked forward towards the force-field that separated the two battlefields.

As they did, they were greeted to a rather humbling sight. Heath and Bonnie, both death marching through the force-field with their heads hung low. "Guys!" He rushed over to them, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," Heath nodded. "We didn't lose our Bakugan, so there's that at least."

"I just wish we could have freed Twilight and Rainbow," Bonnie sighed as Gaia leapt onto her shoulder.

"Now now, no need to be down. You might have lost but you were both able to free Applejack and Fluttershy."

"Yeah!" Wukong leapt onto Heath's shoulder, "and you gave Soarin and Flash the heads up to watch out for those Phantom cards. Now they know what they're up against!" Heath and Bonnie turned to Soarin, who nodded with a smirk. This made them both smile back and nod as well, Soarin stepped forward.

"Leave the rest to me and Flash," he told them. "We'll save the girls and finally put an end to this." They nodded against before Soarin rushed passed and leapt through the force-field. As soon as they were in the Canyon Field, Soarin burst out into a full on sprint. "Rainbow!" He called out, "Twilight!" They looked around and saw no sign of either girl, "where are you? Show yourselves!"

He continued running for another five minutes until, finally, his BakuColar beeped. Skidding to a stop, he looked down and smirked when he saw the name.

Soarin: 100%
Rainbow: 100%

"About time you showed up." He turned towards one of the rocks, as Rainbow calmly stepped out from behind it. "I was hoping I'd get to be the one to take you down."

"That's not gonna happen," Soarin told her as he and Garuda prepared themselves. "I'm taking you down and then I'm turning you back to normal."

"Normal?" Rainbow asked, "I am normal. Phantom just showed me how much more powerful I can be if I didn't care about silly things like friendship, good gamesmanship and all that other lame stuff."

"No," Soarin told her, "this isn't you. And I know you're not like this through your own choices. And if it's the last thing I do, I'm bringing you back to our side."

Terraspin leapt onto Rainbow's shoulder, "then what are we waiting for? Time to finally put this rivalry down for good."

"LET'S BRAWL!" They both yelled.

"And once again the BakuFighters and Rainbooms square off. I'm not even surprised this time. But how will this match play out? Will Soarin get revenge for his fallen teammates, or will Rainbow be adding another name to the list of BakuFighter's she's taken down."

"Come on Soarin," Lyra prayed as the others watched hopefully.

Derpy was also praying. "If Soarin can beat Rainbow, maybe he and Flash can work together and take Twilight down."

"We can only hope," Applejack nodded as the brawl began.

"Gate Card...SET!" Rainbow threw the card as it hit the ground, exploding into light whilst the two teens grabbed their Bakugan and started running.

Soarin was the first to find a cluster and after leaping off some rocks, he threw his partner. "Bakugan, BRAWL!" Garuda shot towards the cluster and hit several of the power-ups before landing, "Bakugan...STAND!" Garuda exploded into the battlefield as Rainbow leapt off another rock.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw Terraspin and hit the remaining power-ups. And as Garuda appeared from his tornado, he hit the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" Another tornado appeared and from it, the giant tortoise appeared and quickly spun his fins around to take flight.

"Bring it!" Garuda squawked as he shot into the air, both Bakugan glowing from the power-ups as their G power increased.

Garuda: 600Gs
Terraspin: 580Gs

As Rainbow landed, she quickly took out a card and held it up. "Ability, Activate!" It glowed as Terraspin pointed the bottom of his chest towards Garuda, "Shell Tornado!"

Garuda: 600Gs
Terraspin: 780Gs

The spiral of wind exploded out of him and shot towards the bird, who was slammed by it and flinched. "Augh!" It took all his strength to not get blown back to the ground, as Soarin held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Garuda's wings sparked with lightning, "Thunder Gale!" He beat them quickly and unleashed a blast of lightning, which caused the tornado to explode as it struck Terraspin

Garuda: 600Gs
Terraspin: 630Gs

"Plus, Lightning Wing!" Garuda quickly shot forward before Terraspin could react and smashed an electrified wing into him, the tortoise crying out as he was knocked down towards the ground.

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 630Gs

As Terraspin fell, Rainbow began running as fast as she could. The tortoise barely managed to recover and spin his rotors in time to avoid splatting into the ground, Rainbow leaping up onto the back of his shell as he flew across the ground.

"Rainbow Dash has taken to riding her Bakugan. It's not against the rules, but she will have to be careful in case a stray attack should knock her flying."

"Hey!" Soarin cried as Garuda flew down, "get back here." Soarin jumped onto Garuda's foot as the bird took off, flying after the tortoise as Rainbow looked back at him.

"Sucker!" She laughed before holding up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Terraspin suddenly spun around in the air, Rainbow holding on tight, and shot towards Garuda. "Shell Saw, plus Shell Spin!" Garuda saw this coming and quickly planted his feet onto the ground, allowing Soarin to leap off as he raised and crossed his wings. Seconds later, Terraspin slammed into him and started grinding his fins against him as he squawked in pain.

Garuda: 650Gs
Terraspin: 730Gs

"Soarin," he groaned as he felt himself slide backwards, "I could use a hand here."

"You got it!" Soarin took out a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's beak began to spark, "Blitz Bolt!" He let out a squawk and fired a bolt of lightning, which struck Terraspin and forced Rainbow to leap off in order to avoid getting zapped.

Garuda: 800Gs
Terraspin: 730Gs

"Augh!" Terraspin cried as he felt his entire body suddenly began to go numb, his fins slowing down until Garuda was able to throw him off.

"Finally!" Garuda leapt into the air, as Terraspin fell onto his chest and still couldn't move.

"Rainbow, what's happening?"

"Blitz Bolt's stopping you from moving," Rainbow told him as Garuda got high enough. "And I can't activate any abilities."

"But I can," Soarin held up another card. "Ability, Activate!" The Ventus Bakugan suddenly began to dive down towards Terraspin, a slipstream appearing around him as he did. "Sky Burst!"

Garuda: 950Gs
Terraspin: 730Gs

Terraspin tried to move, but his body refused to follow his command. Rainbow growled at this, then got an idea. "Gate Card!" She cried as the field began to glow, "OPEN!" The light from the field shot into the air and struck Garuda, "Enemy Down!"

Garuda: 650Gs
Terraspin: 730Gs

"What?" Soarin asked when he saw how much Garuda's points had dropped, the slipstream vanishing around him as he slammed into Terraspin only to feel himself get hurt.

"Augh!" He cried as he bounced off the shell and hit the ground, Rainbow laughing at this as Garuda moaned.

"Soarin almost had this round down, but some quick thinking from Rainbow has him now being the one on the back foot in the battle."

Soarin could see the sparks around Terraspin slowly beginning to fade, whilst he started twitching and weakly moving. "I gotta end this match before she can fight back." He held up a card, "Fusion Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Garuda shot into the air, "Lightning Vortex!"

"RAAAAH!" He dived down and began to spin, the wind spiralling around his body to form a green tornado that sparked with lightning.

Garuda: 1000Gs
Terraspin: 730Gs

Rainbow saw this and gasped, looking down at her BakuColar but seeing she still couldn't activate her abilities. She tried to find a Surprise Card, but there wasn't any in sight. "Terraspin!" She yelled, "you gotta move!" Terraspin groaned as he started rocking back and forth on his shell, hoping to roll out of the way in order to survive.

"You're not dodging this!" Garuda yelled as the drill slammed into him, Terraspin crying out as he was burrowed into and electrocuted. Eventually, his body gave out and he cried as his body reverted back to ball form and he was thrown away by the wind as Rainbow's life gauge dropped.

Soarin: 100%
Rainbow: 46%

"Wow!" The announcer cried, "Rainbow was practically a sitting duck during that battle. Soarin managed to overcome her powerful gate card and now has over double the amount of life points as Rainbow.

Soarin smirked as Garuda returned to him, "nice work."

"Thanks. You did good as well. Using Blitz Bolt when you did really helped us out." Soarin nodded, but then felt an intense anger and looked over at Rainbow as she picked Terraspin up. She slowly turned to them, showing a look that would make milk curdle.

"Enjoy your lead whilst you have it," she told him. "Cause next round, I'm not letting you go until I take all your life points and your precious Garuda."

Soarin frowned, but was ready for whatever she intended to throw at them. "Not gonna happen."

In their bunker, the BakuFighters and Rainbooms continued to watch.

"Way to go Soarin!" Pinkie cheered. "I hate seeing my friend lose a match, but I'll take it if it means getting the real Rainbow back!" As she said that, the Bunker door opened before Heart and Bonnie stepped inside.

"Did we miss anything?" Heath asked, the others pointing at the TV and showing them Rainbow's lowered life gauge. "Okay," they sat down, "Soarin's got this."

"I hope so," Fluttershy nodded. But as she said that, the screen suddenly beeped an alert. Another member of their team had just entered a brawl.

"Flash must be battling," Lyra realised

"But who's he up against?" Rarity asked, Derpy switching the channel to side-by-side with Soarin's match. "There can't be many more teams left in the match." They all suddenly began to worry, fearing Twilight might have found him. But when the screen solidified, it showed Flash wasn't facing Twilight.

One minute earlier, Flash was still wandering around the forest field.

But as he did, he suddenly heard a beeping noise and looked down at his BakuColar. He expected to see Twilight's name, but was amazed to see three names besides his that weren't her's. "Who?" He asked, not recognising the voice.

"Right here!" He looked up and spotted three individuals appearing out of nowhere, two boys and a girl. "Flash Sentry. We heard your Leonidas is a Bakugan like no other."

"That means you're the guy to beat," the girl smirked.

"Good thing we all showed up together," the other boy nodded.

"Wow. We have a four way battle royale between four of the remaining teams. If Flash can win this battle, it'll just be the BakuFighters and Rainbooms battling it out of the first place trophy."

"So you guys are all from different teams?" Flash asked, the three nodding as Leonidas spoke up.

"And I'm guessing you plan on ganging up on us to take us down."

"Hey," the first guy said, "we know the drill. You guys are strong, so there's no way we could beat you on our own."

"But if we all team up," the girl smiled. "That's a different story."

"We'll beat you, then battle each other to see who takes on the winner of your teammate's battle."

"None of you are gonna take them on," Flash held up a Gate Card. "Because you're gonna lose to me. Gate Card!" He threw it to the ground, "SET!" As the card exploded, Flash grabbed Leonidas. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw the Bakugan towards the ground, hitting several power-ups along the way. "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of light, Leonidas appeared.

"Raaaaah!" He roared, taking to the skies and looking down at his three opponents. "Alright, show us what you've got!"

"Alright!" The first teen took out a Ventus Bakugan and threw it, "Bakugan...Brawl!" The Bakugan exploded into a tornado and from it, a giant hornet creature appeared. "Ventus Bee Striker!"

"Bakugan!" The girl threw a Subterra Bakugan, "Brawl!" In a flash, a giant plant creature appeared with vine-like tentacles. "Subterra Rafflesian!"

"Bakugan!" The other boy threw a Darkus Bakugan, "Brawl!" In a burst of dark light, a giant sphere with wings, clawed arms and a mouth appeared. The mouth opened to show a giant eyeball. "Darkus Goblin Ball!" The three Bakugan glared Leonidas down, Leo and Flash both knowing this was gonna be tricky. And sure enough, the Darkus teen took out a card and held it up. "Ability, Activate!" Goblin Ball unleashed a bright light that struck the ground, "Spy-Sight!" The ground suddenly glowed and revealed the card that Flash had thrown, including its name.

"What the?" Flash asked.

"Spy-Sight," the teen told him. "Lets me see what Gate Card you threw. Now we know it's Haos Reactor."

"Which means I can do this!" The girl held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Rafflesian raised its tentacles and slammed them into the ground, "Earth Shatter. This Ability gives me the chance to guess what your Gate Card is and if I'm right, it's destroyed and Rafflesian gets a two hundred G power up." Flash's eyes went wide at this, "and I'm guessing it's Haos Reactor!" And sure enough, the card Goblin Ball had revealed shattered with the pieces being absorbed into it through its tentacles.

"Ah man!" Flash cried, as Bee Striker flew forward and its Brawler took out a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Bee Striker's stinger glowed, "Twin Needle!" It then fired a pair of air darts, which shot towards Leonidas. The dragon barely having enough time to hold his arms up in defence, as the darts pierced them.

"Ahhhh!" He cried, but fought through the pain. He wasn't gonna let this stop him, "you're gonna have to do better than that if you wanna win!" He swung his arms apart dispel the darts and then flew forward, ready to deal some serious hurt to these three.

"Gate Card!" Soarin threw the card towards the ground, "SET!" As it exploded, the two teens rushed off in search of power-ups.

It wasn't until they were near the edge of the battlefield, the city field's border coming up, that they spotted a cluster and both rushed up a giant rock before leaping off the top. "BAKUGAN...BRAWL!" Garuda and Terraspin shot through the air and both struck the cluster, Terraspin hitting multiple power-ups whilst Garuda only hit one. The pair hit the ground and started rolling, "BAKUGAN...STAND!" They popped open and unleashed a pair of tornado, the Ventus Bakugan exploding out of them and glaring one another down as their G Power increased.

Garuda: 500Gs
Terraspin: 780Gs

"This time, it appears that Rainbow's Bakugan has the upperhand instead of Soarin's. How will this change the battle as it takes place?"

"Gate Card!" Soarin instantly yelled, "OPEN!" The field began to glow and the light shot into Terraspin, surprising Rainbow as Soarin called out the card's name. "Icarus!"

"Augh!" Terraspin cried as he suddenly felt his energy drain out of him.

Garuda: 500Gs
Terraspin: 250Gs

"What?" Rainbow cried as Soarin smirked.

"Why'd you think I let you hit so many power ups. Icarus is a special Gate Card that affects the Bakugan with the highest G power when activated and cuts it down so that it's half the power of the weakest."

"You little..." Rainbow growled before taking out a pair of cards, "Double Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed as Terraspin broke away from the power draining him and unleashed the twister, "Shell Tornado, plus Shell Spin!"

Garuda: 500Gs
Terraspin: 550Gs

The tornado struck Garuda and slammed him down towards the ground, whilst Terraspin dived and ducked into his shell as it spun around. "Ability!" Soarin held up a card, "Activate!" Garuda suddenly morphed into a bolt of lightning and shot out of the way, allowing Terraspin to slam into the ground instead of him. "Spark Streak!"

Garuda: 600Gs
Terraspin: 550Gs

Terraspin cried out as he slammed into the ground, rolling several times until he pulled himself free of his shell and slid to a stop. Rainbow growled at this, as the speeding thunderbolt zigzagged around the place before appearing right about Terraspin. As he did, Soarin held up another card.

"Ability, Activate!" Garuda breathed in, "Blitz Bolt!" He then squawked as he shot a lightning bolt towards Terraspin, ready to paralyse him once again.

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 550Gs

"Not this time!" Rainbow held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Terraspin's shell glowed, "Shell Guard!" The lightning bolt struck it, but the sparks simply bounced off leaving no damage to him.

Garuda: 600Gs
Terraspin: 650Gs

"That's right!" Terraspin quickly shot into the air and smashed himself into Garuda, who squawked in pain as he was knocked away. "How'd you like that!?"

"I don't think so!" Soarin took out a card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed and Garuda's wings sparked, "Lightning Wing!"

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 650Gs

Garuda leapt towards Terraspin, but Rainbow was ready and took out her own card. "Ability, Activate!" The light around Terraspin's shell suddenly exploded off of him, the tortoise Bakugan shooting out of the way before Garuda could hit him. "Shell Smash!"

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 950Gs

Soarin growled, "that won't be enough to take us down!" They watched as Garuda flew after Terraspin, attempting to slash at him with his wings only for the terrapin to avoid every attack. "That thing's fast, but Garuda can be faster."

"You sure about that?" Rainbow asked before taking out a card. But there was something different about this one. It was glowing with a dark aura. One that gave Soarin the creeps. "Time to show you just how pathetic you really are. Phantom Ability...ACTIVATE!" The card exploded into multiple dark light fragments, which shot up towards Garuda as they took the shape of arrows. "Draining Arrows!"

Soarin's eyes went wide. "GARUDA, LOOK OUT!" The bird saw the arrows shooting towards him, Garuda attempting to dodge them but they were like homing missiles.

"GYAH!" He squawked as they slammed into his back, exploding to morph into a dark aura that wrapped around him. "Raaaaah!" He felt like something was slicing apart every cell in his body, Soarin only able to watch in absolute horror as his partner was hurt.

Then, the light flew off of him and shot into Terraspin. The tortoise looked like he too was in pain, but he endured as his light flew into him. Soarin checked his BakuColar and was shocked by what he saw.

Garuda: 550Gs
Terraspin: 1150Gs

"No way," Soarin whispered as Garuda fell to the ground. "GARUDA!" He took out an ability card, but Rainbow spoke up.

"No use!" She told him. "Draining Arrows steals two hundred Gs from your Bakugan and prevents you from using any of his Abilities for the rest of the round." As she said that, Terraspin spun his rotor fins and unleashed a burst of win that struck Garuda and sent him flying backwards.

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He cried as he shot towards the border of the field and flew right through it, Soarin running after him as Rainbow leapt onto Terraspin.

"Things are looking bad for Garuda. If Soarin can't figure out how to save him, he'll be losing both the Brawl and his Bakugan."

"This isn't fair!" Pinkie cried, "why are those Phantom Abilities even legal?"

"What's Dark Industries thinking?" Lyra agreed. "Cards like that just break the game." The others agreed, wanting to know why Dark Industries wasn't putting a stop to these cards.

"Could Phantom have them under control as well?" Bonnie asked, catching the other's attention. "If he can control Twilight and the others, maybe Mr Sombra and the other higher ups are being manipulated as well." They didn't like that idea, especially since it meant that Phantom pretty much had control over the entire Bakugan gaming industry.

Rainbow smirked as she and Terraspin flew into the city field, spotting Garuda laying on the ground. "Finish him off!" She cried as she leapt off his back and onto a nearby building, Terraspin diving down to slam into him.

But as he got close, Garuda opened his eyes and pushed off the ground. "Haaahhh!" He cried as Terraspin barely missed him and he pushed himself into the air, Terraspin hitting the ground but not looking hurt at all. Garuda, meanwhile, looked ready to drop at any moment. "Gotta...keep fighting. Can't let it end like this!"

"Garuda!" Soarin cried as he arrived at the field, seeing the bad situation his partner was in. "I gotta do something, but what?" He looked around hastily, as Terraspin took to the air once again and shot towards Terraspin. "Come on...come on!" Garuda barely managed to avoid Terraspin's attack, but the tortoise quickly spun around and dived towards him once again.

Then, Soarin spotted something coming out of a nearby trash can. A glow, which Soarin realised could only be one thing. "A Surprise Card!" With nothing to lose, he rushed towards the bin as Garuda dodged another attack.

"FINISH HIM!" Rainbow cried, as Terraspin flew up once again and dived down. Garuda could feel his wings about to give in, there being no way for him to escape this. But as Terraspin got in close, Soarin thrust his hand into the trash and grasped the card.

As soon as he did, the card exploded and shot towards Terraspin. The light struck the tortoise seconds before he hit Garuda, Soarin fearing he might have powered him up. But then.

"GYAH!" He cried as he was suddenly wrecked with immense pain.

Garuda: 550Gs
Terraspin: 950Gs

Seconds later, he slammed into Garuda and the bird squawked as he was knocked towards Soarin. "WOW!" The teen cried as he ran away, Garuda slamming into the area he had just been standing and causing an earthquake and shockwave that knocked Soarin off his feet as his partner returned to ball form. "GYAH!" He crashed into the ground and rolled to a stop, Garuda rolling up besides him as his life points dropped.

Soarin: 20%
Rainbow: 46%

The audience all gasped as they watched Soarin laid out on the ground. In their bunker, his teammates and the other Rainbooms all watched in horror. "Is he okay?" Bonnie asked, but he wasn't moving.

"Come on man!" Heath yelled, "get up!"

"Soarin," Flash frowned as he was distracted from his battle for a moment.

"FLASH!" Leo cried, getting his attention back as Rafflesian unleashed his tendrils and wrapped them around the dragon. "Can we please focus on the task at hand...ahh!"

"Right!" Flash nodded as he took out a card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Leo's mouth sparked with energy, "Alpha Blaster!" Leonidas roared and unleashed the laser, hitting Rafflesian and causing it to slacken its grip enough for him to escape as the plant Bakugan was blasted backwards.

Leonidas: 850Gs
Rafflesian: 800Gs
Goblin Ball: 750Gs
Bee Striker: 800Gs

As Leonidas flew up, Bee Striker and Goblin Ball flew up with him as their brawlers held up cards. "Ability, Activate!" They both cried as Goblin Ball unleashed a beam of purple energy, which struck Leonidas and made him freeze in place. "Freezing Sight!"

Leonidas: 750Gs
Rafflesian: 800Gs
Goblin Ball: 750Gs
Bee Striker: 800Gs

"Can't...move," Leonidas groaned as Bee Striker flew in closer.

"Super Stinger!" Bee Striker's stinger glowed as it flew forward, Leo trying to escape but being unable too. All he could do was float there as Bee Striker stabbed him.

Leonidas: 750Gs
Rafflesian: 800Gs
Goblin Ball: 750Gs
Bee Striker: 900Gs

"Ahhhh!" Leonidas cried as he reverted back to ball form and fell to the ground, Flash catching him as his life gauge went down.

"You okay?" Flash asked, the other Bakugan returning to their brawlers.

"I think so. But these guys are tough!"

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "But we can't give up. We've gotta keep fighting, no matter what."

As Terraspin returned to Rainbow, the girl slowly made her way over to a building just above him. "Come on," she told him. "That can't be all you've got. I was expecting more from you." He remained silent and she sighed, looking away expecting the Brawl to be terminated. But then...

"And I was...expecting a fair fight." Rainbow turned to see him slowly move his arm over and grab Garuda, then push himself to his knees. "I was really looking forward...to settling our score properly. Not having you cheat."

"Cheat?" Rainbow asked, "what are you talking about? If that Phantom Ability was against the rules, I'd already be eliminated."

"The ability might be legal, but it's still not right. And the real Rainbow would know this!" He pushed himself to his feet, standing shakily but solidifying his balance as he glared at her. "The real Rainbow, someone I came to respect as a brawler. Someone who hated to win if it was through dirty and underhanded tactics. Where's the skill in what you just did?"

"Oh please," Rainbow told him. "How's it any different from when you used Blitz Bolt!"

"My ability might have stopped you from using your abilities, but it had a time limit. How is that Phantom Ability, with no time limit, allowed to be used?"

"Who cares about what you need to do to win," Rainbow flicked her Bakugan up and grabbed him. "All that matters is to win. You hear me!" Soarin glared at her, hating the person she had become.

"Soarin." He looked down at Garuda, the Ventus Bakugan opening up. "It's no use. There's only one way to get through to her and that's the beat her."

"Yeah," Soarin nodded. "But...are you up for it? That last match put you through a lot."

"I'll be fine," he assured him. "We can win this. Together." Soarin nodded as Garuda closed up and Soarin turned to Rainbow.

"I'll win this match," he told her. "I'll win this and save you!"

Rainbow smirked at this, as she took out a Gate Card. "I don't think so. I'm winning this match once and for all!" She threw the card towards the ground, "Gate Card...SET!" As soon as the card exploded, the pair began to rush throughout the city in search of a cluster of power-ups. And soon enough, Rainbow spotted a bunch as Soarin used a fire escape to climb up to the top of a nearby building. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" She threw Terraspin and hit almost all the power-ups before landing on the ground, "Bakugan...STAND!"

Terraspin appeared in a mighty tornado, the power-ups kicking in and making him stronger.

Terraspin: 580Gs

Soarin saw this and frowned, knowing he would need a heck of a lot of power-ups if he wanted to have an edge. And as he ran along the rooftops, Rainbow leapt onto Terraspin and they both spotted a cluster in the streets a distance away.

"Can't let him get them!" She cried as Soarin got in close. "Terraspin, time to shake things up!" Terraspin nodded and as Soarin got close to the edge of a building with Garuda in hand, he stopped spinning his rotors and fell towards the ground.

"Almost in range!" Soarin cried. But as he did, Terraspin hit the ground and caused the entire battlefield to shake. "WOW!" He cried, the building rocking back and forth so badly that Soarin couldn't keep his balance.

"Soarin!" Garuda cried as Soarin fell over the side of the roof and fell towards the ground. Everyone in the audience and bunkers gasped as they fell, Garuda slipping from his grasp.

"Garuda!" Soarin yelled as he tried to grab him, but he was too far away. As Rainbow laughed, Soarin growled and pulled his leg back. "It's not...OVER!" He swung his leg around and struck Garuda like a tiny soccer ball, sending him shooting towards the cluster.

"No way!" Rainbow cried as Garuda hit a bunch of power-ups before hitting the ground, opening up and unleashing a powerful tornado. Everyone watched as that tornado suddenly curved around and grabbed Soarin before he hit the ground, lifting him back upwards as Garuda appeared.

"Wow!" Soarin landed on Garuda's back as they flew out of the tornado, Garuda's body glowing as the power-ups kicked in.

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 580Gs

"Wicked!" The announcer cried, "Soarin looked like he was about to go splat, but used it to give himself the advantage over Rainbow."

The girl growled at this, as Terraspin spun his fins and took to the air. "You'll wish you had gone splat when I'm done with you!" She took out a card, "Ability, Activate!" Terraspin shot up and unleashed the twist, "Shell Tornado!"

The twister shot towards the pair, but Soarin held up his on card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's wings sparked, "Lightning Wing!"

Garuda: 900Gs
Terraspin: 780Gs

Garuda shot into the tornado and pushed through it, Soarin holding onto him as they broke through the other side. Once there, Garuda quickly slammed his wing into Terraspin's shell. "Gyah!" He and Rainbow cried as they were both zapped, Terraspin eventually pulling away and escaping as Garuda flew up higher.

After a few seconds, he managed to right himself as he and Rainbow shook off the electricity. They then shot up as Rainbow held up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Terraspin's shell started spinning as he got in close to Garuda, "Shell Spin!"

Garuda: 900Gs
Terraspin: 880Gs

Garuda used his talons to try and grab him, making him flinch as the fins ground into him. "Plus, Shell Saw!"

Garuda: 800Gs
Terraspin: 880Gs

Garuda struggled against the attack as he slowly felt his strength beginning to wean. As he did, Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda opened his mouth as his beak began to spark, "Blitz Bolt!"

"Not happening!" Rainbow held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" Terraspin's shell glowed, "Shell Guard!" Garuda fired the lightning bolt and just like before, it exploded off the shell and the sparks vanished.

Garuda: 800Gs
Terraspin: 980Gs

This added power was just what Terraspin needed to push through Garuda's strength and slam into him, Garuda squawking as he began to fall towards the ground. "Soarin!" He cried, "hold on!"

Soarin groaned as he held on for dear life, but then took out an Ability Card. "Ability, Activate!" He threw the card and it exploded into sparks, which wrapped around Garuda. "Thunder Gale!" Garuda beat his wings and unleashed a powerful burst of wind that flew towards the ground and then bounced back up to cushion their fall, allowing Garuda to glide above the city's street. He then spun around and beat his wings again, unleashing the lightning bolts that struck Terraspin.

"GYAH!" He and Rainbow cried, as his power dropped.

Garuda: 800Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"Enough of this!" Rainbow cried as Garuda came to a stop and hovered above the ground, the girl pointing towards the ground. "Phantom Gate Card...OPEN!" Soarin's eyes went wide as the ground beneath them began to glow a strange dark light, that light suddenly shooting into the sky and wrapping around Garuda's legs before he could escape.

"AUGH!" He cried as the energy tendril squeezed him tightly, then started pulling him towards the ground.

"Garuda!" Soarin yelled as he looked at his BakuColar.

Garuda: 770Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Garuda: 760Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Garuda: 740Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"Oh no," he gulped as Garuda landed on the ground and as he did, more tendrils began to fly up and wrap around his body. "Garuda!"

"Soarin!" Garuda groaned, "you have to get off!" Soarin didn't want to, but he saw no choice and leapt off the Ventus Bakugan as more and more tendrils wrapped around him.

Garuda: 670Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"Gotta do something!" Soarin cried as he held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body began to spark with lightning, "Spark Streak!"

Garuda: 760Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

But even with his added power, the energy tendrils refused to give out. Garuda continued to grow weaker and weaker by the second.

Garuda: 750Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Garuda: 740Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Garuda: 730Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"No, no, no, NO!" Lyra stood up, "do something Soarin!"

"Get out of there Garuda!" Nimue yelled from her place with the other Bakugan.

"He can't," Fenroar growled. "He's trapped and I don't think those tendrils are gonna let go." The others frowned, hating these Phantom cards more and more. If Soarin didn't do something quick, he was gonna lose everything.

Rainbow smirked as she watched Garuda become as weak as a newborn kitten. "We don't even have to do anything. We can just wait until your power level hits zero, then swoop in and take you out!"

Garuda: 490Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Soarin was done with simply standing their and letting his partner get hurt. Instead, he started looking around. His only hope right now was another Surprise Card, but what were the odds of finding two good ones in a row.

He ran atop the rooftops in search of the card, all the while Garuda fought against the bonds holding him.

Garuda: 410Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"We could take him down if he hit him now," Terraspin pointed out.

"No," Rainbow told him. "This time, we're coming out of this match with his Bakugan." She then frowned when she watched Soarin run across the rooftops. "But if he finds a Surprise Card...follow!" Terraspin nodded and flew after Soarin, who leapt from one rooftop to another as he kept running.

"Soarin Skies, searching for a card that could save him. I'm not confirming it's close by, but there is a Surprise Card left in the City Field that could get his Bakugan out of this situation. But can he find it?"

Those words pushed Soarin on and as he leapt over to another building, he spotted a section of the city that had a construction yard in it. And floating atop one of the girders...were two Surprise Cards. "There!" He ran forward and as he did, Rainbow flew passed him.

"Sorry!" She cried as they got close to the construction yard, but that Surprise Card is gonna be mine!" When Terraspin was close enough, she leapt off the tortoise and landed on a beam a ways off. Soarin reached the roof next to the construction yard and as Rainbow balanced along the beam, he leapt off and managed to grab one of the lower beams in his hands.

"Raaah!" He moaned as he pulled himself up, glancing at his BakuColar as he did so.

Garuda: 290Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"Hold on," he moaned as he balanced on the beam and then leapt up again to grab the higher beam that Rainbow was running along. As he did, she got in close to the cards.

"Brawlers can only hold one Surprise Card at a time. So will Rainbow be able to pick the right one?" As Soarin pulled himself up and balanced on the beam, Rainbow reached the cards.

"Sorry," she smirked back at him, "but this battle is mine!" She reached into the bubble and pulled out a card. But as as she did, the card glowed red and Rainbow suddenly felt herself getting the jolt of a lifetime. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" She screamed as her life guard dropped.

Soarin: 20%
Rainbow: 23%

"OH! Looks like Rainbow picked the wrong card and now, she's lost half her life points." That wasn't all that happened, as the shock had caused her to lost her balance. And to Soarin's shock, she fell off the beam.

"RAINBOW!" Without thinking, Soarin leapt forward and grabbed Rainbow's arm. "Hold on!" He cried as Rainbow flailed around.

"Rainbow!" Terraspin cried as he flew in close, only for his wind to cause the teens to cry out as they almost fell off the beam. "No!" Terraspin pulled away and as he did, Soarin started at his BakuColar.

Garuda: 170Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

Soarin looked passed Rainbow and saw a beam a short drop. "Alright!" He started swinging her, "get ready to grab that beam!" With that, he let go of her and Rainbow fell.

"Yah!" She cried, but managed to wrap her arms around the beam next to her and stop her descent. Soarin sighed in relief as Rainbow pulled herself up. And as she did, he looked at his BakuColar.

Garuda: 90Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"NO!" He pushed himself up and as Garuda's point got closer and closer to zero, he grabbed the remaining Surprise Card. As soon as he did, the card glowed green before exploding. The light shot into the air and as flew across the field, reaching Garuda as he fell to ten Gs.

It struck the Ventus Bakugan and he gasped as the light surrounded him, causing the energy tendrils to explode off of him as he felt his strength rise.

Garuda: 830Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"YES!" He cheered as he shot into the air, spinning as he did so before spreading his wings wide and spotting Terraspin. "Time to end this!" He shot forward, Spark Streak's speed boost still in effect. As Terraspin spotted his approach, he shortened the distance between the pair and tackled the tortoise.

"Augh!" He cried as he fell to the ground, Garuda taking to the air as Soarin leapt off the structure onto a nearby building.

"Oh yeah!" He cheered and took out a card as Garuda soared up, "try this on! Ability, Activate!" The Ventus Bakugan suddenly began to dive down towards Terraspin, a slipstream appearing around him as he did. "Sky Burst!"

Garuda: 980Gs
Terraspin: 830Gs

"Not gonna happen!" Rainbow yelled as she jumped down from the scaffolding and took out a card, "Ability, Activate!" Terraspin's shell glowed before it exploded off of him. "Shell Smash!"

Garuda: 980Gs
Terraspin: 1130Gs

Terraspin took to the sky and the two Bakugan smashed into one another, Terraspin overpowering Garuda and pushing him back. "Augh!" Garuda yelled as he was thrown away, but he wasn't giving up. "Not yet!" He cried, as Soarin held up a card.

"Time to end this and get the real Rainbow back!" He yelled, "Fusion Ability, Activate!" Garuda began to spin around and around, the green twister forming around him. "LIGHTNING VORTEX!" The tornado sparked with energy, as he shot through the air and barrelled towards Terraspin.

Garuda: 1330Gs
Terraspin: 1130Gs

The pair gasped as Terraspin braced himself, the dark aura appearing around him. And as Rainbow took out her own Fusion Ability, the tornado slammed into him. "GYAAAAAAAH!" He screamed as he was overwhelmed by the power and pushed backwards, slamming into the ground right in front of Rainbow.

"WOW!" She cried as the tortoise caused the ground around her to explode and knock her flying backwards, Terraspin returning to ball form as the dark energy exploded off of them both.

Soarin: 20% (Winner)
Rainbow: 0%

"With that, Soarin claims another victory for the BakuFighters. Now the Rainbooms are down to only one Brawler. But what's this!?" The announcer yelled this as the structure Rainbow had been standing next to began to break apart, having taken a lot of damage from Terraspin crashing into the ground next to it.

Soarin gasped at this as Garuda, instead of returning to ball form, dived down. "HANG ON!" He yelled as Garuda landed above Rainbow and covered her body with his as the structure collapsed atop him. "NOOOO!" Soarin quickly rushed to the fire escape and climbed down it, whilst the audience watched in worry as they waited to see if Rainbow was okay.

In the bunker, the BakuFighters and Rainbooms were all holding their breath. Fluttershy looked ready to start crying at any minute, as Soarin reached the wreck.

"Garuda!" He cried, climbing up the pile of beams and girders. "Rainbow!" He was about to start digging, when suddenly the pile shifted and Garuda pulled himself out of it.

"Ahhhh," he moaned as he turned to Soarin.

"Garuda!" He rushed over to him, seeing Garuda holding something in his wings. "Is that..." Garuda lowered his wings and Soarin saw both Rainbow and Terraspin with his grasp. "Rainbow!" Garuda put her down and as soon as he did, he reverted back to ball form and undignifiedly fell to the ground until Soarin caught him. "You okay?"

"Errr," Garuda opened up, "that battle really took a lot out of me." They then heard a moan and looked over at Rainbow, whose eyes opened up and appeared to no lack the malice they previously held.

"What happened?" She sat up and looked around, "where are we?" She then noticed her clothing attire, "and what's with the goth look?" Soarin sighed in relief, glad Rainbow was okay. "You wanna tell me what the heck is going on?"

"I'd like to know that too." They looked down at Terraspin, Rainbow's eyes going wide when she saw him move on his own and open up. "My head is spinning."

"You can talk?" Rainbow picked him up and looked at him in wonder. "That's awesome!"

"You know it," Terraspin nodded. "And you're awesome too Rainbow. I've wanted to tell you for the longest time how happy I am that you chose me as your Bakugan." Rainbow smiled at this and turned to Soarin.

"Did you do this?" She asked, "make Terraspin talk?"

"No," Soarin shook his head, "I'm actually not sure what made him talk. But it might have had something to do with your recent attitude adjustment."

"My what?"

Soarin was about to explain, but then his BakuColar beeped. "Oh, not now!" He looked down at the device to see who his opponent was and, to his shock, he saw the final member of the Rainboom's name.

Soarin: 100%
Twilight: 100%

They looked around, but saw no sign of the girl in question. "How disappointing." They turned to a building across the street from the construction site, with Twilight standing atop it looking upset. "I had hoped you could actually beat him," she told Rainbow as the girl she berated noticed how weirdly she was dressed.


"Looks like I'll have to deal with him myself," Twilight took out a Gate Card, Soarin and Garuda getting battle ready.

Flash and Leonidas panted, as they stared the three Bakugan down. He had managed to get the other brawler's life gauges down passed fifty percent, but he wasn't doing much better and Leonidas had had to fight like never before in order to do it.

"This...is a lot harder then I figured it would be," Leo groaned as Bee Striker shot forward. "But I'm not giving up!" Flash let out his own yell as he took out a card, the Haos team ready to fight to the very end until a victor was decided.

Down in the lab, Sombra and Lucifer watched the battle Flash was competing in. Both were interested to see whether or not Flash could pull off another victory like the one he had against Rarity.

"Come on Leonidas," Lucifer told the dragon. "Show me your real power. Show me what makes you so special." The Bakugan Battle Tournament was in its final stage. Should Flash and Soarin win, their team would take the victory. But things were never gonna be that easy. Only time would tell how things will work out.

Author's Note:

Soarin manages to defeat Rainbow and now, he'll be up against Twilight. Meanwhile, Flash faces a trifecta of strong opponents. How can he overcome them? Only time will tell.

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