• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,628 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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The Heat is On

The war between Lucifer's forces and the Bakugan who has sided with humanity was in full swing.

All over the country, Bakugan were battling against one another. The ones under Lucifer's mental control were attacking on instinct, whilst those partnered up with humans were able to win thanks to partial or sometimes complete return of their consciousness mixed with their human partners leading them.

This didn't mean that the battles were always in the human's favour, as in Minnesota where a Serpenoid was thrown against a building by an Atmos. The Serpenoid's human ran over to where the Bakugan had fallen, returning to ball form, whilst a Clawser and Rattleoid protected them.

In Canterlot, the families of those who had gone to fight in this war watched in fear.

Flash's parents were antsy as the scene had changed to show the battle in St Louis, where Gaia was firing her shoulder cannons at the feathered snake. "You think they can win?" Misty asked Trail, who wasn't sure.

"Those girl were able to beat that mud creature," he told her. "So hopefully, the rest of them can beat these things as well." As he said that, Quetzal fired a laser from its tail that struck Gaia in the chest. She staggered backwards and crashed into a building, causing pieces of it to fall towards the girls on the ground.

"Bonnie!" They heard a woman scream, as Fenroar rushed in and slashed the debris away. This revealed the girls were safe, the pair giving the wolf a thumbs up before returning their focus to Quetzal. The woman fell to her knees, looking like she had just had a heart attack as she clutched her chest.

Flash and Twilight's parents moved over to her. "Is that you daughter?" Misty asked, the woman named Candy nodded.

"Why is she doing this? She shouldn't be fighting against those monsters." She looked back up at the screen, which switched right after Bonnie activated an Ability to show Heath and Fluttershy battling. "I never should have let her play this game. I knew it would put her in danger."

"I know it's hard," Velvet told her. "Our children are out fighting as well. But if they don't fight, nobody else will be able to stop what's happening."

Cadance nodded. "Flash said he and his friends were chosen to end this crisis. We have to trust in them to get it done. And hopefully, they can without getting hurt." But as she said that, someone gasped and they looked back to the TV screen.

Moments after Heath and Fluttershy's Bakugan had defeated the one attacking Keystone, a Bakugan they all recognised the face of appeared and took Lepusinge out. "It's Lucifer!" Scootaloo cried, as the demonic angel snapped his fingers and caused a dome to appear around him, Wukong and their brawlers. "Oh no."

"What's he doing?" Shining asked, everyone else wondering the same thing.

At the same time, Leonidas and Spikenoid continued to do battle against Skulpion in New York. "Poisonous Tear!" He swung his claws forward and unleashed the X-shaped poison blast.

"Spectral Barricade!" Leonidas roared as the energy formed around him, shielding him from the Hybrid Ability. As he did, Spike charged forward as his spines began to glow.

"Dark Spike!" As Skulpion was recharging from his last attack, the wingless dragonoid thrust his spiked arm into its skeletal body. He cried at this, feeling half his power being drained away. At the same time, Leonidas prepared to fire another Ultra Destroyer.

As this was happening, Flash and Twilight smiled before a beeping sound caught their attention. The pair looked down at their BakuColars, seeing Fluttershy had sent a group message to them. "Guys!" She cried as they answered, "we've got a big problem."

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked her.

"It's Heath!" Fluttershy cried as she watched the pair begin their battle. "Sombra and Lucifer showed up. They trapped him and Wukong in a weird dome thing. They're brawling."

"That's not good," Lyra whispered as Gummy fired a blast of water towards Gigant.

"What do we do?" Rainbow asked, Terraspin avoiding Roaster's Pyro Claw and blasting him towards Garuda.

"There's nothing we can do," Soarin groaned as Garuda slashed at Roaster with a lightning sword. "Not until we've dealt with this guy." Roaster blocked the lightning sword with and Spiral Shredder and jumped away, launching fireballs towards them.

"Ahhh," Bonnie growled in frustration. She looked up at Quetzal, who dodged another of Gaia's cannon blasts. "This is so annoying."

"Guess we'll have ta trust in Heath to hold out," Applejack told her. Fenroar rushed forward on all fours and leapt up, as Quetzal flew low and he tried to slash at her.

"Leave it to us," Derpy's voice called out through the BakuColar.

"We've managed to beat Muddion." Derpy turned to Ragnaroid, who nodded. He was eager to settle the score with the one who stole his Darkus Energy.

"We should be able to teleport there the same way we got here," Rarity announced as Cleopal returned to ball form. The pair climbed onto Ragnaroid, as he took to the air and flew towards the stadium they had arrived in the city from.

"Please hurry," Fluttershy begged them. "I don't know if Heath will be able to hold on for long."

"Don't count Heath out yet," Flash told her. "Don't forget, he's one of if not the most powerful Pyrus Brawler in the world. It'll take more than an overgrown prettyboy to take him down." Fluttershy wanted to believe that. But given who is opponent was, she was worried Heath might be in over his head.

Inside the dome, Heath glared at Sombra after the man had just thrown a Gate Card down.

Despite being up against one of the most evil Bakugan that ever lived, he believed in Wukong and in himself. And even if he couldn't win, he would learn everything he could about Lucifer and what he could do.

"Bakugan," he leapt up and threw Wukong, "BRAWL!" Sombra did the same, the two Bakugan flying towards one another. They then slammed into one another, spinning against each other before bouncing back and hitting the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" The two Bakugan shot open and both unleashed a tornado of flames and shadow.

"Go, Pyrus King Wukong!" The ape-man exploded out of the tornado, spinning around and breakdancing as the flames flew away from him.

"Rise, Darkus Lucifer!" The shadow tornado stopped spinning before the energy was sucked into the hand of the Bakugan revealed, the now demonic angel staring down at Wukong with a smirk on this face.

Lucifer: 800Gs
Wukong: 650Gs

"Gate Card," Sombra pointed to the ground, "OPEN!" The field began to glow and from that light, chains shot out and started slithering along the ground in every direction. "Enemy Lockout!" The chains finished connecting from one side of the dome to the other, wrapping around building and other things as it did so. The chains then merged with the surfaces, looking like someone had painted them onto the ground and buildings. "This Gate Card prevent us from throwing any new Bakugan into the field. It's just Lucifer and your Bakugan now."

Heath and Wukong growled at this, Heath having hoped to throw in some more Bakugan to help him take Lucifer down. "He's dividing us," he told his Bakugan.

"We might be divided," Wukong smirked. "But we won't be conquered!" He charged towards the Darkus Bakugan, Lucifer having floated down as Heath took out a card. But Sombra was quickly.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed and Lucifer suddenly vanished, "Deadly Strike!"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 650Gs

Wukong slid to a stop, "where'd he go?"

"Behind you!" He spun around in time to see Lucifer behind him, the former white one throwing a fist right into his stomach. He cried out as the force slammed into him and knocked the wind right out of him. Lucifer then kept pushing and extended his arm completely, throwing Wukong off of him and into the air.

"GYAH!" He cried as he spiralled through the air, his stomach still killing him as he reached the top of his arch near the very top of the dome. He then started falling, seriously picking up speed as he did so. Luckily, Heath was ready and held up two cards.

"Double Ability Activate!" Wukong fought through the pain in his gut and created a flame that he extended, "Ruyi Bang!" He pulled a staff from the flames and started spinning it around, creating a cloud of smoke. "Plus, Flaming Nimbus!"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 1050Gs

He landed on the cloud and managed to pull up seconds before he hit the ground, flying into the air as Lucifer did the same. "Can't beat me that easily!" He swung his staff at the villain and Lucifer blocked it with his arm, the pair glaring at one another before Wukong started rapidly jabbing at him with the flaming staff tip.

But Lucifer was able to block and avoid each and every one of the attacks. "Pathetic!" He cried, as Sombra held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Lucifer shot backwards and brought his hands together, forming a sphere of dark energy. "Phantom Dread!" He then crushed the sphere and doing so caused the energy to explode outwards, the wave hitting Wukong.

"Ahhhh!" He cried as a horrible shiver went through his entire body, his staff vanishing as he clutched his arms. "What's...happening?"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 850Gs

He opened his eyes and in doing so, saw Lucifer. But for some unknown reason, the demonic Bakugan looked completely terrifying. Even more so than Wukong thought before. Absolute dread and fear filled every portion of Wukong's body, Lucifer smirking as he flew forward and got right into his face. "Boo!"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Wukong jumped back and fell off his cloud, causing him to fall a hundred feet or so and crash into the ground.

"WUKONG!" Heath ran to his side as Wukong moaned, Lucifer smirking as he flew back over to Sombra. "Wukong. You okay?" But as Wukong opened his eyes, the fear he felt still overwhelmed him.

"AAARRRHHH!" He pushed himself backwards along the ground, wanting to get as far away from Lucifer as he could. Heath realised they were in serious trouble. If he couldn't figure out a way to overcome this, they were gonna lose.

"Heat Blaster!" Gigant roared as he unleashed the blast of super hot air from his hand, which struck the Whirlpool Trap Nimue had sent his way.

"Ahh!" Nimue cried as the water evaporated and filled the air with steam, the lady of the lake quickly beginning to strum her harp. "Geyser Burst!" The harp glowed and she slammed it into the ground, causing it to start shaking as she did so.

A moment later, the ground beneath Gigant exploded and water slammed into him. "Augh!" He staggered back as as he did, Gummy ran forward.

"Glacial Fang!" Pinkie cried, as Gummy leapt into the air and bit down on Gigant's shoulder. With his fire extinguished, he couldn't stop the ice from spreading to cover his entire body. Within seconds, he was a giant ice sculpture and Gummy leapt away to land next to Nimue.

"Did we do it?" Nimue asked, staring at the statue. They waited to see if Gigant would fall like they heard Muddion and Rampager do. But then, something happened.

Gigant started pulsing with light, making the Aquos Bakugan and their partners worry. Then, the ice around Gigant started steaming up. "He's heating himself up again!" Lyra cried, Nimue charging forward. "Hurry!"

"I'll hit him with Overflow the second he breaks out of there!" But as she prepared to do just that, the ice shattered off of Gigant along with a wave of heat. Nimue gasped before an ice chunk slammed into her, knocking her backwards and causing her to lose her staff. The heat then struck her and she could feel her skin start to blister, Gummy quickly jumping up onto one of the buildings to try and avoid the heat wave.

Gigant stood there with his fire completely restored, the hybrid roaring as he slammed both his fists into the ground. "Double Ability, Activate!" The ground ripped apart, as lava spewed out his shoulders. "Fissure, plus Magma Flow!" The lava seemed into the cracks in the ground and the fissure stopped spreading.

Everyone thought maybe his attack had failed, but then a crack appeared beneath Nimue. "LOOK OUT!" Lyra cried, Nimue looking down and seeing the crack before leaping back. Seconds later, lava exploded out of the crack and into the air, forming a wave that headed towards Nimue.

"Hydro Sphere!" She screamed, the orb or water forming around her seconds before the lava crashed down upon her.

"NIMUE!" Lyra screamed, as the lava instantly cooled down to form an orb of obsidian that trapped the Bakugan inside. "Oh no," she looked ready to start crying as Gummy charged towards Gigant.

"Leaf Cyclone!" The Subterra giantess screamed as she created a tornado that sent the leaves off her head, flying towards Quetzal.

"Feather Storm!" She spun around and created her own tornado, sending feathers flying off of her in order to counter the Leaf Cyclone. The two tornado's slammed into one another and the projectiles they were carrying slammed into one another, the leaves cutting some of the feathers to pieces whilst the feather tips impaled some leaves.

Quetzal was so busy focusing on Gaia's attack, she didn't noticed Fenroar had climbed up the side of a building and leapt off it. "Wolf Claw Strike!" He howled, slashing at the hybrid's back.

The feathered snake hissed as she stopped spinning and fell towards the ground, as Bonnie held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Gaia's wooden fists began to break apart, "Bark Barrage!"

"Raaaaah!" She roared as she thrust her fists forward, right as Fenroar kicked off of Quetzal to avoid what was coming. The wood exploded off her fists and hundreds of wooden shards shot towards Quetzal, slamming into her again and again making her cry out with every scratch and slash.

"Enough!" She eventually cried, raising her rail as the orb unleashed a burst of light. This blinded the Bakugan, making them both stagger back as Quetzal slid away. When the light faded, they opened their eyes and found that she was gone.

"You're not getting away that easy!" Fenroar howled as he stuck his nose to the ground, sniffing until he managed to pick up her scent. "There you are." He rushed down the street and Gaia followed him, their partners bringing up the rear at a safe distance.

They followed the scent around a building onto another street, then turned right around a building. They turned right again and circled another building before heading down the street and turning left to circle another one, Applejack eventually realising something. "We're going in circles."

"More like a figure eight," Bonnie stated. "But where did she-" She stopped and looked up, "There!" They all looked up and saw Quetzal right above them, her wings spread as she glared down at them.

"HEAVENLY CANNON!" She fired the laser and made it as strong as she could, the beam shooting down and slamming into the ground between the Subterra Bakugan.

Both of them and their partners cried out as they were knocked backwards, Gaia landing where the girls had been standing before the blast knocked them flying. They all groaned as they recovered and Quetzal flew over them. "Everyone okay?" Gaia asked, "girls?"

"We're fine," Bonnie assured her. "Though my head's pounding a bit."

"Rotten snake," Applejack growled as Quetzal laughed. "We'll make ya'h pay fur that! Just ya'h watch!" The others nodded, promising the same thing. They were gonna take this hybrid down if it was the last thing they did.

Back in Vegas, Roaster continued to charge down the stip setting everything on fire.

He had found an interesting strategy to taking his opponents down. Set enough of the place on fire and they would focus on keeping it from burning down more than on him. "Wildfire Cyclone!" He squawked as he created another fire tornado, which got close to burning down another hotel.

Garuda quickly flew over to it. "Aero Bomber!" He cried, throwing the sphere of air into the tornado and causing it to explode as the flames were blown out. As he did this, Terraspin charged at Roaster.

"Shell Saw!" He ground his fins into Roaster and made him squawk out as he was pushed backwards. Garuda then charged with his claws sparking.

"Sky Spark Surge!" But as he got in close, but Roaster leapt into the air and spread his wings.

"Spiral Shredding!" He spun, morphing into a tornado that slammed into Garuda and started drilling into him with a bunch of sharp claws. Garuda flinched at this, as Terraspin landed next to him.

"Hold on!" He cried as Rainbow and Soarin ran closer.

"Ability," Rainbow held up a card, "Activate!" Terraspin flew into the air and charged towards Roaster, pulling his head and fins in. "Shell Spin!" The shell began to rotate and smashed into the tornado, knocked it away from Garuda and causing Roaster to break out of it.

He squawked and glided towards the as Garuda recovered, his beak sparking as he prepared to launch another Blitz Bolt. But before he could fire, Roaster's claws ignited as he hit the ground. He ground them against the floor, this coupled with the flames causing smoke to flow into the air.

Garuda and Terraspin found themselves blinded by this smoke, Terraspin unleashing a burst of wind that blew the smoke away. But as he was doing this, Roaster launched himself from the smoke and slashed at him. "Augh!" He cried as he was knocked backwards and crashed into a building, causing debris to fall towards Soarin and Rainbow.

"Watch out!" Soarin cried as he tackled Rainbow out of the way of some, the pair rolling away but not far enough to escape all the debris. But before they could be crushed, Garuda leapt up above them.

"Augh!" He cried as several sharp pieces of rubble bounced off him, whilst Roaster laughed and launched several fireball towards them. "RAAAAAH!" Garuda cried as he launched an Aero Bomber at the fireballs, deflecting them as Soarin and Rainbow got up. Terraspin pulled himself out of the building and they all glared at Roaster, having had enough of this overgrown chicken.

"Ultra Destroyer!" Leonidas roared as he fired another laser, which Skulpion tried to block using an Ocean Eater attack.

The laser slammed into the skull-shaped blast of water, blowing it up and evaporating the water before continuing to charge towards the hybrid. But Skulpion managed to leap away as the laser struck the ground, causing it to explode and send debris everywhere.

But as he landed, he heard Spike cry out. "Spiking Strike!" He spun around to see several energy spikes shooting towards him, the skeletal scorpion launching his Shadows Slashers towards them. They slammed into each other and caused an explosion, which filled the entire street with smoke that blocked their view.

"I can't see!" Twilight cried, covering her eyes as Flash looked up to his partner.

"Leo, try and fan this stuff away!" Leonidas nodded before he started beating his wings, creating a gust that blew the smoke away. As it faded, Skulpion was revealed to have vanished. "Where'd he go?"

"He ran off?" Spike growled, as Leonidas flew higher to try and spot him. But the large buildings were creating a lot of shadows that the part Darkus Bakugan was using to shield himself.

"You can't hide forever," he growled as he flew between two tall buildings.

"I don't need too!" Leo's eyes went wide as he looked around, seeing Skulpion clutching to the side of a building. Before the dragon could react, the hybrid leapt off the building and tackled him.

"Augh!" He cried as he fell to the ground and crashed into the street beflow, whilst Skulpion wrapped his bladed lags around him and stuck the tip of his tail into a gap in Leondas' armor. "RAAAAH!" He roared in pain, whilst Spike and the humans ran around a building to see Leo in trouble.

"Hang on!" Flash cried, pulling out a card. "Ability, Activate!" But with Leo in such a state, he was unable to activate the card. "Come on!"

"Spike!" Twilight cried, as Spikenoid rushed forward and Twilight held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" His claws glowed and he slashed at Skulpion, "Tearing Claw!" The struck Skulpion's back, making the beast roar and loosen his grip on Leonidas.

The dragon reached around and grabbed the tail, pulling the stinger out of him and throwing Skulpion off of him. The hybrid crashed into the side of a building and fell to the floor, as Leonidas picked himself up. "You okay?" Flash asked, the Bakugan shaking his whole body to get rid of the goosebumps.

"I'll live. But that hurt." They turned to glare as Skulpion, who picked himself up and smiled. "You are so gonna pay for that."

"Bring it on," he snapped his claws. "But the longer you and your friends fight us, the more time my master has ripping your monkey friend apart." They knew he was right, they and everyone had to beat these Hybrids now before it was too late.

"Wukong!" Heath cried, "you've gotta snap out of it!" His Bakugan continued shaking in absolute terror, as Lucifer and Sombra simply stood floated there enjoying his fright. "Please, get up."

"I can't," Wukong shivered. "I...I'm too scared."

"I know you're scared," Heath told him. "But you can't let this fear beat you. Lucifer wants you to be scared, because he knows he can't beat you if you're not. He's not gonna wait around forever. If you don't do something, he's gonna start attacking you."

"Too right!" Heath spun around as saw Lucifer approaching, the brawler glaring at him before jumping between him and Wukong.

"Get back!" He cried, "I'm not gonna let you near him!"

"You won't let me?" Lucifer asked before giving him a laugh, "don't be foolish. What could you possibly do to stop me?" Before Heath could answer, Lucifer reached forward and grabbed him. He cried out as the bony fingers squeezed him, everything but his head and right arm being trapped by them. "You humans are pathetic. Needing weapons and technology to mimic even a fraction of the power we Bakugan naturally possess. You are nothing." He squeezed tighter.

Wukong heard Heath's cries and slowly opened his eyes, seeing his partner and best friend in danger. This image sparked something within him. A new fear, which seemed to chase away the old one.

"Augh!" Heath cried as he felt himself moment away from having a bone broken or crushed. But that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"NOOOOO!" Lucifer looked up to see Wukong flying at him, creating his staff and slamming the tip into Lucifer's hand. This knocked it open and sent Heath flying, Wukong spinning the staff around and thrusting it into his chest. As Lucifer was knocked back, Wukong jumped up and caught his partner. "You okay?"

Heath looked up and smiled. "I am now that you're back to normal." Wukong smirked as he landed, then turned to Lucifer and no longer felt any fear.

"How?" He asked, holding his hand. "How did you overcome my fear?"

"Simple," Wukong smirked, "I realised there was something I feared even more than you." He placed Heath on the ground, "losing my friends." He held his staff forward, "that's why I'll fight and beat you. No matter how terrifying you are, you'll never be more terrifying than living my life without the friends I've made in this world. Heath, Leonidas, Nimue and everyone else. You can try and scare me, but nothing will scare me more than that. That's why I'll fight, so that won't happen."

Lucifer growled, "we'll see. I'll show you just how terrifying I can be." He rushed forward, flying at him with his claws ready to slash at him. But Wukong quickly leapt up using his pole and jumped above him.

"Ability, Activate!" Heath cried as Wukong's body burst into flames, Lucifer looking up as the fire exploded off of him. "Blazing Trickster!" Wukong landed on his fire cloud, as four more or him appeared and did the same.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 1150Gs

The five Wukong flew around him, Lucifer growling as they all charged from different directions. Each one swung their staff at him, but Lucifer used all of his arms and legs, and even a wing, to block the attacks as Sombra held up a pair of cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" The Darkus symbol on his chest began to glow as he pushed the staffs away, then flew straight up. "Vanishing Doom!" The symbol's light exploded off of him and struck the five Wukong, causing the four fakes to vanish.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 850Gs

"He nullified my Ability!" Wukong cried, as the second Ability activated and Lucifer shot down towards him.

"Plus, Unending Punishment!" With that, Lucifer threw a fist into Wukong's chest. He cried out as he felt some of his power vanish.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 800Gs

Lucifer then slammed a foot into his side, taking away more power.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 750Gs

An all out barrage then exploded, Lucifer moving his limbs faster than the eye could see. He was nothing but a blur as he constantly slammed his fists and feet into the ape-man. "Ahhhhh!" Wukong cried with the attacks, eventually pulling his cloud back away from Lucifer as his G power dropped.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 350Gs

"Wukong!" Heath cried, seeing they were in serious trouble. Lucifer then shot forward, clearly intending to continue. But Heath had a plan. "Ability, Activate!" Wukong's staff lit on fire and he swung it around, the flames exploding off in all directions. "Backfire!"

Lucifer slammed into the flames and in doing so, hissed as he felt his Unending Punishment's power vanishing. The flames then flew back into Wukong, the fiery aura surrounding him and reversing the power lose he had suffered.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Wukong: 1350Gs

"Impossible!" Sombra cired as Wukong flew forward and slammed his blazing staff into Lucifer.

"Augh!" He cried, but grabbed the staff. "You think you are worthy of the power you hold. The Pyrus Attribute Energy is too important to allow a fool like you to use it. That's why I'll take it for myself, the only one who deserves it."

"Ability Activate!" Sombra cried as Lucifer's hands began to glow an ominous glow. "Cursed Light!" The light spread down Wukong's staff and into the ape, making him cry out as he felt his energy being drained away.

"That's right," Lucifer smirked. "Give me your power. And soon, you will give me your Attribute Energy!"

Lucifer: 1200Gs
Wukong: 1150Gs

"Never," Wukong growled, "I won't let you have it. This is all that's left of the world you destroyed. And when we've beaten you, it'll be used to recreate it!"

"Fool!" Lucifer threw the staff upwards before slamming his palm into Wukong's chest, "Vestroia was a useless planet. It has known nothing except war and turmoil. If it were to come back, that same turmoil would also return. So why bother!?" He unleashed a pulse of power from his hand, which pushed Wukong backwards.

The ape was blasted off his cloud and fell backwards until he crashed into a building, "AUGH!"

"Instead, I shall take the Attribute Energies myself and use them to rebuild this world into a true utopia. One where all who live and die will live under my rule. Those who break my rules will not live to regret that mistake, so crime and violence shall be a thing of only memories."

"Doesn't sound like a utopia to me," Heath told him as Wukong picked himself up. "Sounds more like a dictatorship. A world like that isn't one worth living in. All people will do is constantly be terrified of doing something that'll make you angry, they'll never be willing to do anything."

"I know," Lucifer smirked. "Won't it be glorious."

"No," Wukong growled, "it doesn't. It sounds like a nightmare to me. If there's one thing I love more then my friends, it's free will. So what if some people chose to make the wrong choices. It's their choice to make." He summoned his staff again as Lucifer flew down. "Free will is the most important thing that needs to be protected." As he said this, his fiery aura returned. Heath saw this and smirked, realising he was tapping into the Pyrus Energy. "More important than justice, or even life itself. And you trying to take that away is not cool!"

"And that's why we're gonna beat you!" Heath cried as he held up two cards. "let's do this, Wukong. Double Ability...ACTIVATE!" Wukong charged as his flaming hair exploded and wrapped around his entire body. "Wildfire Burst, plus Fusion Ability, Monkey King Inferno!"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Wukong screamed as he started spinning around, the flames exploding off of him and shooting towards Lucifer.

"Gyah!" He cried as his power was burned away, whilst Wukong's rose up and grew more and more powerful.

Lucifer: 1050Gs
Wukong: 1600Gs

"YES!" Heath cheered, believing they had actually won. Sombra didn't use another card, making Heath believe he was out of them. And even if he had another, there was no way he could make up the difference in their points...right?

"Fall!" Wukong cried as he kept spinning, sending more and more super hot flames crashing into Lucifer. The demonic angel was soon completely enveloped by the flames and a giant fireball formed around him, constantly slamming fire into him. Wukong reached the limit of the flames he could produce for the moment and stopped spinning, the ape-man panting from exhaustion. "That had to beat him...right?"

The miniature sun continued to burn away, frying Lucifer within it. And then, the flames began to slowly vanish. But they weren't extinguished naturally.

Instead, they were being sucked towards a single spot within the orb. That spot soon revealed to have Lucifer's hand behind it, Heath, Wukong and everyone watching going wide-eyed in horror at the sight.

When the last of the flames were absorbed into his hand, it formed an orb that Lucifer held. He then smirked before throwing the orb up into the air, eventually hitting the top of the dome and causing a large explosion that caused every glass window within the dome to shatter.

"No way," Wukong whispered as Lucifer smirked and flew up above him.

"Although your pathetic struggles amuse me, you can never defeat me. Shall I show you the reason why?" Wukong glared at him and held his staff up defensively. "Sombra...do it."

"Ability," Sombra held up a card, "Activate!" The card exploded into two beams of light, one white and one black, which flew up towards Lucifer as he held up his arms. The white light formed a sphere in his right hand, whilst the black light formed a sphere is his left.

"Behold. Positive and Negative. The two energies of the universe, constantly at war with one another. Very few have the power to unify them. And I am one of those few." With that, he threw the white orb towards Wukong.

"Get out of there!" Heath cried, knowing this Ability was something big. But as Wukong summoned his cloud, the orb sped up and hit him in the back. But instead of exploding, the light orb expanded and completely enveloped him.

"What?" He asked as his staff and cloud vanished. "What's going on?"

"My Ultimate Ability," Lucifer explained. "One which leaves nothing in its wake." He held the dark up above his head. "Paradise," he then threw it straight at Wukong, "Lost." Wukong tried to escape, but the orb refused to give way.

"WUKONG!" Heath cried as the dark orb slammed into the white one and expanded, the two orbs merging to become a sphere of black and white squared that spun in opposite directions.

"Augh!" Wukong tried to punch his way through it, but couldn't get through it. And as he did, the orbs fired black and white energy into the centre and struck him. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" His entire body shook as he felt pain like never before, flowing through his body and causing his G Power to drop.

Heath couldn't even speak seeing this, whilst Fluttershy covered her mouth in horror. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Sombra smiled as the man prepared the device he was carrying. And eventually, Wukong's power stopped dropping.

Lucifer: 1050Gs
Wukong: 0Gs

The orbs suddenly exploded, leaving Wukong floating in the air. The aura of the Pyrus Energy continued to flow through him and he looked ready to return to ball form any second. But before he could, Sombra's glove fired a beam that struck him.

"What are you doing?" Heath cried, running forward and getting ready to slug him. But before he could, Lucifer thrust his palm forward and sent out a wave that knocked him flying backwards.

"I'm taking what we've won," Sombra smirked as the Attribute Energy was sucked through the beam and into the glove. The Energy was then stored into the backpack, a light in the middle of it activating and glowing red. At the same time, Wukong returned to ball form and fell to the ground.

Lucifer remained in his true form as the dome around them vanished, Fluttershy running inside towards Heath as he picked Wukong up. "Are you guys okay!" She cried, Heath looking down at his partner.

"Wukong. Talk to me!" After a few moments, Wukong let out a groan as he flipped open.

"I'm sorry Heath. He was just too strong." Heath sighed, though glad his friend was unharmed. He then looked up to glare at Lucifer, who had just snapped his fingers to cause a bubble of light to form around Sombra and lift him into the air. As Sombra landed on his shoulder, he spun around and flew straight up.

As he did, flames shot towards where he had been floating and miss.

"Heath!" The teen looked up at the call of his name, seeing Ragnaroid flying towards him with Derpy on his head. Rarity and Cleopal quickly ran down the street, Cleopal firing a Blazing Light towards Lucifer.

"Nice try!" Lucifer swung his arm around and caused a screen of dark energy to appear and block the light, "but you fools are too late. I have what I came for." He flew up, "time for us to go."

"You're not getting away!" Ragnaroid cried, unleashing his Doom Vision towards Lucifer. But the dark screen was still up and blocked the light, allowing Lucifer to fly higher before snapping his fingers. His body unleashed a dark light that completely shrouded him before vanishing, revealing he was gone. "NO!" Ragnaroid growled.

"Where'd he go?" Derpy asked, though she feared she knew the answer. He now had two Attribute Energies and he wouldn't be satisfied until they were all his.

"Ocean Eater!" Skulpion roared as he launched the skull-shaped water blast, which struck Spikenoid and knocked him staggering backwards.

"You okay?" Leonidas asked, only to leap up to avoid a Shadow Slashers attack. "Supreme Cannon!" He fired the energy orb, but the hybrid scuttled around to avoid it. "Quit moving!" He roared before firing an Ultra Destroyer, but Skulpion dodged again and launched several Hydro Stingers. "Raaah!" He hissed when a stinger clipped his wing.

"This is getting seriously annoying," Flash told Twilight. She nodded in agreement, trying to think of a way to stop Skulpion.

"Twilight!" Spike cried, catching her attention. "We need to limit his movement!" Twilight knew that, but wasn't sure how to do it. But then it hit her, the girl smirking at Spike as he charged forward.

"Alright," she took out a card, "let's do it. Fusion Ability, Activate!" Spike's body spines burst into flames, as he slammed his fists into the ground close to Skulpion. "BLAZING SPIKES!" From out of the ground, a line of green spikes shot out of the ground that moved towards Skulpion.

The hybrid was about to blast them with his Ocean Eater, but before he could the spikes stopped moving towards him and started forming a circle around him. "What?" He cried, finding himself trapped as the spikes burst into flames. "Augh!"

"Now we've got you!" Leonidas cried, as Flash held up a card.

"Time to end this. Fusion Ability, ACTIVATE!" Leonidas took a deep breath, light and energy forming a sphere within his mouth. All the while, Skulpion was using his poison to try and put the flames out to escape.

"ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!" He roared, the sphere flying forward towards Skulpion. The hybrid started firing his many Abilities at the sphere, but none of them even slowed the attack down.

"NO!" Skulpion cried as the orb slammed into him, causing an explosion that obliterated the rocks surrounding him. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, as he was blasted along with part of the street. The light blinded the humans, but Leonidas was able to look through it enough to see Skulpion return to ball form and be sent flying.

When the light faded, everyone opened their eyes and saw that Skulpion was gone. "We did it!" Flash sighed in relief, Twilight falling to her knees. Leonidas flew down to where the hybrid had fallen.

"He's over here!" The dragon cried out, "hurry!" Flash nodded and was running to retrieve it. But before he could the orb began to glow a dark glow before it melted into th ground. "No!" Leonidas tried to grab it himself, but the ball vanished into the shadows and said shadows disappeared.

"Ahh!" Flash kicked a small piece of debris, "he got away!" He would have been angry at this, but before he could his BakuColar beepered alongside Twilight's. "What's up?" He asked, seeing it was Fluttershy.

"Flash," Heath's voice called out, "I'm sorry." Flash flinched, knowing what that must mean. "Lucifer. He got the Attribute Energy."

"Are you and Wukong okay?" Flash asked.

"Wukong's a little drained, but he'll recover. But listen. Lucifer's strong. His Abilities can't be taken lightly"

Derpy spoke up next. "We arrived too late. He left before we could stop him. He's going after another Attribute."

"But which one?" Twilight asked.

Back in LA, Gummy continued to blast Gigant with water. All the while, Lyra was staring at the orb of cooled lava that was trapping her Bakugan.

"Nimue!" She cried, wondering how long the Aquos Bakugan could last before all the air was used up. "Please, be okay." But as she said this, Gigant roared.

"ROCK CANNON!" He fired a pair of rocks from his arm cannons, which flew towards Gummy and smashed into him. Pinkie flinched at this, as the alligator staggered back. "How'd you like that?" He laughed, Pinkie frowning.

"You big bully!" She cried, "we'll teach you a lesson. Gummy, do it!" Gumigator leapt into the air as he glowed, "Attribute Change!" His skin turned from blue to orange, "Subterra!" She then held up two cards, "Double Ability, Activate!" Gigant glowed and the light shot off him and into Gummy. "Co-Side, plus Tail Swipe!" As Gummy felt his power raise, he charged forward before slamming his tail into Gigant.

The hybrid staggered backwards as Gummy landed, spotting Nimue's staff on the ground.

"Rock Cannon!" Gigant fired at Gummy, who grabbed the staff and leapt away. He kept dodging several times as he moved around the city, eventually reaching a certain spot. There he stopped, panting from exhaustion. "Now i've got you!" Gigant laughed as he brought his hands together and created one extra large rock.

"Move!" Pinkie cried, but Gummy remained still. Lyra thought he was too tired, but then she realised where Gummy was.

"FALL!" He roared before launching the rock towards Gummy. The alligator remained where he was, but then he smirked and leapt straight up. Doing so revealed he was standing in front of the obsidian orb, Gigant's eyes going wide. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" The boulder smashed into it and the two shattered, sending rocks flying everywhere.

Lyra gasped at this, as a certain Bakugan leapt out of the hole made. "Freedom!" Nimue cried, Lyra cheering seeing she was alright. They then noticed Gummy throw something at her and Nimue caught her staff, "thank you!" She turned towards Gigant, "LYRA!"

"Right!" Lyra held up a trio of cards, "Triple Ability...ACTIVATE!" Nimue and Gummy glowed, "Diagonal Correlation, plus Maiden's Fury, plus Fusion Ability, Maiden's Heart!" Nimue began playing her harp, as light and bubbled formed around her.

"Heat Blaster!" Gigant launched the heat at Nimue, but Gummy jumped in front of her and blocked the attack. His rock hard skin was protecting him from the attack, making Gigant growl. "Fine!" Gigant started glowing, "Volcanic Devastator!" His shoulders unleashed a bunch of magma, which began to spiral into the air. But before he could fire, Gummy charged forward.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Pinkie cried as Nimue and Gummy glowed. "Diagonal Correlation, plus Tectonic Fang!" Gumigator's power surged as rock spikes grew from his mouth. And just as Gigant was about to jump up and fire his Fusion Ability, Gummy launched the spikes from his mouth and they smashed into him.

"Augh!" He cried, his lava sphere vanishing, staggering back as Nimue finished casting her spell song.

"This ends...NOW!" She thrust her staff forward and the light and bubbles exploded off of her, shooting towards Gigant as he tried to pick himself up.

The bubbles slammed into him first, exploding against his body like tiny bombs and soaking him. He cried out as his body was extinguished, then was struck by the light. He screamed as the energy overtook him and he was knocked backwards, finally hitting his limit and reverting back to ball form.

"YES!" The girls cheered as the ball fell to the floor, the pair high-fiving as their Bakugan moved over to pick them up off the building. "Nimue," Lyra looked her over, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Nimue assured her. "Luckily, Gummy managed to get me out of there just as I was about to run out of air." Lyra sighed in relief, then turned to Pinkie and Gummy.

"Thanks Pinkie."

"No problem," Pinkie smiled. "I should thank you for coming to our rescue." Lyra smiled back and was about to tell Pinkie they should grab Gigant and return to Canterlot. But when they turned to where Gigant had fallen, they couldn't see the hybrid.

"Where'd he go!" Lyra asked, only to suddenly sense something fast moving towards them from behind. She spun around and gasped at what she saw, "MOVE!" But it was too late, as Lucifer suddenly appeared and slammed a foot into Gummy's gut.

The alligator Bakugan let out a cry of pain as the impact knocked him flying backwards, Pinkie screaming as she was forced to hold onto Gummy's shoulder until he crashed into the side of a building.

"PINKIE/GUMMY!" Lyra and Nimue screamed, both turning to glare at Lucifer as he smirked at them. He then snapped his fingers and a dark void appeared around them, the girls frowning before hearing laughter coming from a nearby building. And there they saw Sombra, who smirked up at them as Lucifer flew over to him.

"Hello Ms Heartstrings," Sombra told her as he took out a Gate Card. "I apologise about your friend, but she would have gotten in the way. Now, she we battle?" Lyra frowned, knowing she didn't have much of a choice. She had no way of escape so either she battled and won, or Lucifer would simply attack without mercy.

"Alright," she jumped onto another building, "you're on!"

Author's Note:

Well, Heath tried his best. But Lucifer was just too strong. How will things turn out next time? Stay tuned to find out.

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