• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 13,054 Views, 282 Comments

the gods known as "humans"? - A lost anonymous

a creature (human) returns to the world his supposed "predecessors" created

  • ...

Ch8: NANI???

two unicorns: a lilac filly and an orange colt are standing at the center of a bridge
"...Ah... umm... hey," the filly opened her mouth falteringly.

But try as she might, the words would not come out beyond that point. No, she no longer even knew what she was going to say. In her heart was the perhaps unreasonable but compulsive feeling that if she did not say something here, she would regret it, and nothing else.


—As she stood paralyzed like that, the colt turned a troubled expression towards the filly.

she certainly hadn't wanted to make the boy troubled like that. It was true that she had spoken selfishly to him more than once, but that was because she knew the colt would accept it to the bitter end. she hadn't wanted to make him look like that... as if he didn't know what to do.

—And yet... she didn't know what she should do either, and...

Even though it must have been the same for the orange colt... No. Rather, even though it must have been far harder on him than it was on her, she only made him troubled, and could do nothing. The moment that tears seemed about to come to her eyes at her own wretchedness, his hoof gently brushed her head.

"It's alright."

Even she could tell that he was putting on a brave face.

since the colt, named Sunburst was an exemplary unicorn from the start, it is not surprising that when he earned his cutie mark, which he gained after saving his friend from a accident, he received and invitation to study at Celestia's school of gifted unicorns.

Which also means he will have to leave his home for the capital of equestria: Canterlot.
All while leaving his friend: Starlight Glimmer back at their town.

"...I'm sorry."

"You've got nothing to apologize for, Starlight. And besides, I'm sure my parents had their reason too."

—Sunburst smiled at Starlight reassuringly.

His parents only briefly explained him of their sudden departure. and must also have been uneasy about his only friend (and so is her.) in a new world, but he was still concerned for her.
She felt grateful to him, but on the other hoof, she felt a strong pain in her chest. A feeling of powerlessness was slowly but steadily coiling itself around her heart, so that she wanted to bawl. She's sure it must have been because faint tears were coming to the colt's eyes.
Sunburst respect his parents more than Starlight did. There is Norway he could go against their wishes to get him a future over leaving his friend. He was the same age as her and it must've been impossible for him to say no to their parents.

—If she had power, she would make sure he never had to make a face like this, but...

Sunburst had always protected Starlight. No matter when, he had been standing in front of her and leading her onward. It was the first time he had shown the filly such a pained expression. He looked worn-out, somehow. She wanted to show him her appreciation, but she had nothing to give. The influence to make his parents reverse their decision; the power to make his cutie mark disappear, the magic to heal his heart... She possessed none of these.

"Besides... a happy face suits you better than looking like you're about to cry Starry."


Those words finally released the waterworks.

So far she had desperately avoided crying, but now her eyes grew moist, and tears fell from them in large drops. She wiped more than once at the corners of her eyes in an attempt to restrain them, but the tears flowing down her cheeks absolutely refused to stop. Sunburst saw the tears which would not stop although starlight scolded herself that he was the one who should be crying, and quietly conjured a handkerchief with his magic.

"Honestly... You're such a crybaby, Starry."


"And anyway, it's not as though we'll never be able to see each other again."

"You're... probably right,... but..."

a call from a mare from the other side of the bridge interrupted the foals final moments signalling Sunburst's departure.

"Well... until next time... okay?"


As the two children exchanged these brief words, the colt was already walking off to where his parents were. While he allowed his steps to falter and looked as if he were about to turn back several times, he did not stop. she continued to watch his back, wanting him to turn back... wanting him to stop.

—Sunburst, who had been waiting before the gate just like that, merged...

his parents, noticing the filly, bowed their heads in respect. But she was the one who needed to do that. she was the one who needed to make a heartfelt apology to that family, who had to leave their town for their son to reach his true potential. As if charmed by those feelings, the filly bowed her head very deeply.

—By the time starlight raised her head, sunburst and his parents had already gone out the gate.

The family's backs slowly receded as they walked down the road paved so that carriages could pass easily along it. Even if she had tried to pursue them, the iron grill of the gate marking the border of their little town would have prevented her. she felt as though her heart would be crushed by that gate, which seemed to insist that they would live in different worlds from now on. But the pony who would have protected her from that feeling was no longer at her side. Sunburst, who had guided and protected her was... no longer at her side.

—The moment she thought that, something warm spilled from her eyes.

"... Huh...? How strange..."

she muttered at the tears brimming from her eyes in large drops. But... it should be fine. After all, he had told her they would be able to meet again. she could rely on that promise.

—Still... in spite of that... for some reason...

"They won't stop. Now that Sunny's gone... the tears... the tears... won't stop..."


"... I can't sleep..."

—That murmur echoed futilely in the moonlit corridor.

After that, the filly had stood before the gate and cried herself out for a long time, until her mother brought her back inside. her mother, who at first had been angry at her daughter for slipping out on her own, had perhaps been beaten down by the filly's persistent crying, and had given her the day to rest. Thanks to that, she had cried her heart out in my room until she tired herself out and fell asleep...

As self-derision rose in her heart, it remained a fact that she wasn't getting sleepy at all. And she hadn't even had dinner, so her stomach was empty. Continuing to endure the hunger until morning seemed impossible, so perhaps she should go down to the kitchens and pilfer some bread. So thinking, she walked along the nighttime corridors.

There was not a single light in the usually candlelit corridors. The moon's pale light shone from the furnished windows, so it wasn't really dark, but she could not deny that there was a peculiar atmosphere, almost as if a ghost would jump out the moment she turned the corner.

—... Oo... Thinking about that sort of thing frightened her more than it should...

as she shakily trudged along the moonlit corridors of her family's home, she could see the light of a fire illuminating an area of the adjacent wall. When she turned my gaze in its direction, a very slightly open door entered her view. A light was still burning her father's study; that meant her father was probably still working.

like a moth to a flame, the little filly trotted to the light like it's her safe haven from the darkness of the house, she approached the door. The moment she stretched out her hoof to reach that light, which seemed to illuminate her own cowardice (and apparent loneliness), conversing voices reached her ears.

"You certainly seem to be in a good mood."

"well of course. After all, my daughter was touched by the lady herself to give Sunburst his destined cutie mark."

—... Touched?

Her father's voice sounded as if he were in a better mood than the lilac filly had ever heard him in. When, intrigued by that, she quietly peered through the gap in the door, the figure of her father seated on a couch met her eyes. Reclining and emptying the glass in his magic, his massive figure was more slovenly than she had ever seen it. the stallion that she looked up to other than her Sunny, wasn't there, drowned by the seductive pleasure of liquor—and what her father would call a traitor was there in his place.

"lady Faust... you say? isn't that a bit of an overstatement on your part?."

"What's that you say? Surely it is only natural for the goddess to pick us true unicorns to enact her will upon ponykind? On the contrary, that tainted mudblooded couple should want to thank me for the favor of my daughter helping their child gain his cutie mark today."

"As you say."

A nervousness ran along the filly's spine at her father's cold words. Judging from the contents of their conversation... the "mudblooded" her father spoke of must be Sunburst's parents. But... she couldn't possibly acknowledge those words. After all... Sunburst's parents were such kind, gentle ponies. If the two of them and her friend hadn't been there, she probably wouldn't be who she was now.

—But... there was no way she could ever assert that...

As she was, she could do no more than peep in. To put it more plainly and comprehensibly, she was a "bad child." Even at the best of times, if she barged in there and told her father what she thought, she still couldn't believe that she'd be able to make him agree.

—... Why must I... still be a "child"...? the filly thought to herself..

The sense of powerlessness she had felt at doing nothing but watch her best friend go revived within her heart. She averted her eyes from the figure of the father she had respected drowning in wine. When she turned her gaze to the stallion her father was still talking to like that... there was a face that even a child like her knew well.

—the priest of the church of humanity'.......

The magnificent, bearded face belonged to a stallion who had given her magic lessons on several occasions. There was no mistaking that he held one of the highest ranks, even within the church of humanity. A stallion such as that was chatting cordially her father, not even rebuking him for his horrible words. That fact caused the filly's small mind to shake violently.

—'How...? Why...? monks were supposed to be more...'

They were supposed to be noble and magnificent, weren't they? At least... didn't the teachings of humanity, the clearest symbol of the goddess Faust's authority, have to be ponies that everypony ought to respect? And yet... she could see no trace of that ideal in the stallion, who was as slovenly as father, his collar open and pouring wine into his mouth.

"But it seems that i gave them a little too much for their service. since i even gave them a home in canterlot's middle district. "

"getting their son to bond with a noble's daughter ... was it? Quite a smart thing to do, for commoners."


—At the broadly grinning stallion's words, the filly almost raised her voice in spite of herself.

It wasn't as if she had made any particular secret of it. Most of the ponies on the estate knew that she and Sunburst always played in Starlight's free time, and for the several days since her return from playing, she had always been talking about him. But the priest wasn't a resident of the estate; he shouldn't have known about that. Still... the stallion was speaking as if he already knew all about it...—

—What could it... mean...?

Judging from the circumstances, the reason he knew was that her father had told him. But why would her father have needed to tell him that? The answer was already lodged in the base of her throat, but it wouldn't come out, almost as if her heart was refusing to acknowledge it. A frustration as if she were on the verge of completing a puzzle, but a single piece short, was causing her breathing to become ragged.

—'No... I can't stay here...!'

If the filly stayed any longer, she would end up admitting something she didn't want to admit. If that happened... she didn't feel confident that she could remain who she had been until now. At least, there was an instinct screaming that inside her. And yet she showed no sign of moving, as if her hooves had been sewn to the floor. her gaze was flitting back and forth between the two of them again, and it seemed she had no intention of turning back.

"It's not a laughing matter. I've heard that my Starlight didn't even appear to be annoyed by it... I feel terrified just thinking about what could have happened if I had been any later in taking steps."

"Ha ha ha. Girls around that age want a little adventure. They soon realize that it was a youthful indiscretion."

"I should hope so... After all, if she doesn't, there would have been no use making such investments just to ship them out of here."

"huh? you're not gonna let them return here?"

"of course not! I'll have to make certain that my Starlight is surrounded on all sides by those befitting the Glimmer family."

—No! ...Noo!!

her heart wailed, not wanting to admit the truth in front of her eyes. an pouring all of her remaining strength to her limbs, she galloped away from that door....

out of the corridor....

out of the front door.....

to the front gate.....

to the moonlit streets........


with ragged breaths, the filly slowed down, and sat to the cold, hard ground at the town's central plaza...

crying, weeping and in denial of what she had witnessed in that room.

"was it.... my fault?" the filly sobbed as she looked down to her hooves as her heart aches as if it is being ripped apart by her confusion and refusal to accept the things her father just said.

till she looked up to the fountain.

and saw the statue of a human woman holding a bowl.

'Surely it is only natural for the goddess to pick us true unicorns to enact her will upon ponykind?'
'my daughter was touched by the lady herself to give Sunburst his destined cutie mark.'

her father's voice echoed in her mind.

she stared deeper to the statue at the center of the fountain. its eyes looking down on her as if appraising the filly, its smile like it is mocking her of her weakness, and the bowl its carrying as if to prove a point that it owns her world.

"No...... it was your fault..." the filly whispered in anger as she stared at the statue.

"it was all YOUR fault" she said louder lightening her horn as her anger grew while gazing up to the statue. not noticing her glowing flank.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!" she yelled as she unleashed all of her stored mana and fired a crude, but powerful kinetic spell to the statue atop a fountain.

"I DIDN'T DROVE SUNNY AWAY!!! YOU MADE ME DO IT!!!! YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!!!! YOU TOOK AWAY MY SUNNY!!!!!!" the filly yelled as she cast spell after spell to the statue. turning it into rubble.

"hey... hey... Starlight... you awake?" a voice spurned the eclipse agent to the waking world.

when she opened her eyes, she saw a dark orchid colored face with opal eyes, right adorned with a scar, and a rose mane cut to a mohawk.

"hey tempest..... yaaawwwnnnn.... whaat thyme is it?" the lilac mare questioned the invader of her bunk as she craned her neck upwards to get her horn to reach her back to scratch the root of her tail.

"2000H to be exact. you were asleep the whole day" the unicorn with a broken horn replied as she descend down the ladder from the upper bunk of the cabin where Starlight slept.

"you were thrashing about.... had a nightmare?"

"naaahh.. just a bad dream.."

"what's the difference?"

"a nightmare shows what you fear, a bad dream shows your bad memories."

"huh.. never heard that one before..... where did you get that?"


"where are we right now?" starlight asked her fellow eclipse agent as she gaze outside the window as they exit one of the sleeper cabins in the accommodation wagon of the war train

"we just went past Hoofington a few hours ago we're on our way to the neighkong delta station to refuel"

".................................. i see. any news on our cargo?"

"he's tinkering with his bike right now.. odd human i say... you think he's an angel of the Omnissah?"

"i heard he's some sort of 'development' engineer... so maybe that's not far off. if so, we may have to fight off some folks from the machine cult" starlight said as she lags behind tempest"

"huh? you? the all true hater of humans and the faiths surrounding them, acclaiming such a thing as believing a human is actually- AAGH!!! the orchid mare failed to finish her sentence when the lilac mare tackled her to the wall

"it never told us what is that contraption it loaded on called either.... and the neighkong station was closed down days ago..."

"even tempest shadow: our #4 best pathfinder, would now that but you don't. and we're already in canter valley.. the hills were a giveaway" Starlight said as she conjured a psychic blade and pushed it against her captive's throat

"so.. 'tempest' care to tell me why are we going to canterlot?"

"Cough* cough* what the Buck are you talki-ghlrgghlrg..." The accused doppelganger never finished her sentence when another rose colored hoof suddenly jabbed the side of her neck. the hidden blade under the bracer puncturing a hole through her artery.

Starlight had to look away when the fake tempest was engulfed in green flames and revealed an odd looking creature..

It appears to be a pony/insect hybrid of some sorts

"Geez pisspot..... Took you that long to realise that?" Another Tempest shadow: this one adorned with armor and an axe strapped to her back, said as she withdrew her hoof. Dropping the now dead bugpony with a thud after starlight let go.

"I'm trying to get some info shitbag" Starlight shot back as she looked at her partner.

"You look like hammered shit... Any news?"

"Tried to reach our cargo as soon as I realized we were hijacked.. All rear cars are swarming wit these things. Fought my way back here to grab some backup. Turns out we're the ones left in the car. Either the guards are fighting these things, or they're all gone.

" Buck..... We'll have to get to stop this thing before they take us to the capital.... Any luck in cutting the couplers?"

"They glued it shut. Not even magic could scratch it."

"So we'll just kill the engine then."

"Yep. And fighting more of these things"

"Isn't that nice?" Starlight said as she opened up one of the wagon's weapon cache and put on a pair of braced mantis blades on both of her forearms.

With a few flicks, the blades sprung out of its stowed position from the side of her arms to the front of her hoof, another flick, and it's stowed back in
satisfying its user that it's in perfect working order

"Never was the armor type huh" the rose colored unicorn chirps

" nah.. Got one for both of us right here" starlight said smugly as she pointed out her horn.

As soon as they kicked open the door to the next forward wagon, they were greeted by a dozen blue bug eyes. Each clearly casting a murderous glare to the duo.

"You're saying?" Tempest said jokingly as she draw her weapon.

While to some onlookers, the mares are outnumbered and outgunned 'Surely they won't survive on this one' some may think.

But for the two best friends-slash-rivals-slash one of Eclipse's best agents.. This is just Tuesday.

Amidst the cacophony of metal and magic clashes, two distinct battle cries can be heard.


Changeling drone #2547 is just a other changeling drone.

Unlike its warrior or noble brethren, it doesn't have a will of its own. It simply follows orders from those of higher ranks within the hive mind.

Its orders are just as simple: get to the rear wagon, capture the biped, and bring it to captain pharynx.

Disguised as a lunar guard, the group of changelings knocked on the last wagon where the human is staying.

"Who is it?" The biped asked behind the door.

"Sir Vann this is guard Deadeye. We received orders from agent Glimmer to take you to the forward wagon for debriefing." The changeling said in its mimic voice.

"Dafuq" the human said as a reply.

" we repeat: We received orders from agent Glimmer to take you to the forward wagon for debriefing." The changeling tried again to persuade the human into opening the door.

"Lord Vann what are you on about? those are just the lunar guards right"

"what are YOU talking about? all i hear are clicks and hisses. the guards i met before weren't crickets."

with a clear sign of somepony that isn't their own is with their target, the fake lunar guards blew open the door. typical of how guards are supposed to act.

when they saw what's inside the wagon, they saw a green unicorn on top of some boxes, the two wheeled machine they were told about, and the human.......

looking like he's seeing an abomination...

"what is that? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??"

the human yelled as he stood away from the changelings.

can he see through their disguises? one thought and looked around it and its companions and they're still looking like lunar guards yet... the human is acting like any other creature that saw a changeling.


till their captain spoke through the hive mind.

"the spies are on the move. hurry up and capture the human" the multi-toned voice said through the hive intercom.

with their disguises clearly not working on the human, they dropped it and showed their true forms. scaring the green unicorn to bury itself into the contents of the box it's standing on

"s-s-s-s-s-ss-stay back" the human yelled as he draw a toilet plunger (why is there a toilet plunger in a cargo wagon is not an issue for the drones) and hold it down menacingly....

at least trying to.

"you see this? huh? th-this is a... plunger?.... a HOLY plunger!!! i can use this to smite you to hell you xenomorphs you hear me?? you wanna get s-s-smote?? Smitten?? smate?? what's the bloody word...." the human looked down as he searches the right word...

which the changelings saw as an opening.

one changeling quickly rushed ahead and tried to subdue the human by implanting their paralyzing venom by biting him..

not noticing a piece of rope on the floor.

as one of its brethren planted its face to the floor, the rope it tripped on was pulled.

pulling down a rake on the left.

the rake pulled a wire from the ceiling.

the wire pulling up a crate from the back of the wagon.

the crate dropping a ball on to a gutter inside the wagon.

the ball rolled down the gutter.

hitting a leaning ax by the wall.

the ax guillotining the two wheeled contraption's headlight off its bracket.

sending the now removed headlight rolling down and resting glass side up to the human's feet.

the wagon's air suddenly turned cold as the changelings saw the human's hand balled into a fist, and black and red miasma began steaming out from the floor and circling the human.

and with a low, menacing growl he said:




it was this moment that drone #2547 knew....

he fucked up...

Author's Note:

awwwww yisss.....

our hero is now finally gonna use his godly powers for the first time..

let's just hope the changelings had lube with them..

cous something's gonna be shoved up their asses.....

see you guys next month (maybe)

P.S. this took longer than i expected, and i updated the ratings a bit.