• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 13,079 Views, 282 Comments

the gods known as "humans"? - A lost anonymous

a creature (human) returns to the world his supposed "predecessors" created

  • ...

ch 2: a rider, gearhead, and an OP human landed.

"Damn H.R. Pillocks... Seriously they can't even get that putting a lawyer in tech department won't do us any good" a 23 year old man grumbles to himself as he walk across the office parking lot as he lugs his bag with a frown.

While the job as a mechanical engineer in a Singapore based motor company is a dream come true for any 3rd world-er like him, it is not without flaws.

The grumbling gearhead drone on till he reached his destination.....

"Hello honeybuns" he coos as he reached his mount: a small 400cc touring bike. While it may be a second-hand, labor intensive ride, it's his pride and joy since he only bought it for 3000 Singaporean dollars and built it himself with an extra 500.

"Okay now time to go home, while riding in a middle of a downpour..... Oh yes!"

While it may not make any sense to those in four wheels, riding in the rain is both fun and relaxing to most riders since it cools them down and gives them a bit of an extra challenge to ride on wet roads..

With a suit up on waterproof gear, masked up under the helmet, and a push on the starter, the young salary worker rides off the enclosed parking lot and into the hard downpour through the city at night.

As lightning struck the clouds above, and droplets the size of grapes soak the rubber jacket, the rider pushes on amidst of it all. Eager to reach his small apartment..

'whoo boy.. It's getting harder to see' he thought as he rode through the expressway, trying to keep up with the other vehicles 'gotta stay at the lane to be safe'

What he is not expecting is a car from the other lane to suddenly swerve to his path. With a quick jerk, he narrowly avoided hitting the dumb driver. Only to end up riding through an empty car carrier truck...

sending a man and his bike flying off to the road, on the way to the nearby ocean

As time slows to crawl, the Man's mind is surprisingly calm as he held on to the bike for dear life

"Welp, there goes my 5 year accident-free stay... And bet those boys are gonna have a laugh at this when i got out of the hospital. And i wonder how much i'm gonna pay for it?"

Those were the last things Vann had in his mind till he crashed into the sea......

1st pov: Vann

I don't know where i was.. When i came to, it was pitch black and i can't move, the last thing i remember was flying off the M.C.E expressway into the sea. It feels like i'm buried under something sandy

Thank god i have my helmet on or else I'd have a ton of sand in my mouth. I tried to move my left arm, in seems to be stuck, i tried my legs, feels heavy....

But my right feels free, provided that i can feel through my gloves, at first i try to move it..
Good it works! Now.. To try and pull my self off.....

I try to grab on to something, i felt a grip, and carefully pull myself up...

I got my head off, good. My left arm up and supporting, good it's still there. Got my upper torso up, great nothing's broken. Get my legs moving, strange. I should at least feel sore from that crash since i fell at least 20 feet into the ocean or something..

When i cleared my visor, i found myself in a beach. And nowhere near the south wharves....

I looked around, and i'm nowhere near civilization. Just a beach with a ton of garbage around me, and a plain filled with grass in front of me..

I looked down to see what i held on my right hand....

And see a huge pair of eyes staring back at me...

:error 404 brain not found:

'okay... I'm holding a tiny horse...on it's horn?'
'a horned tiny horse?'
'a unicorn? It's too small for a horse... It's barely bigger than a dog......'

The tiny horse started to nicker while staring at me.
"Oh sorry" i told the horse as i let it go which quickly sat on it's haunches. Shock clearly showing on it's cartoonish features.

Then it neighs at me then suddenly lifted it's rump in the air while putting up a failed ostrich imitation.

'okay. Maybe it's scared due to my helmet' i thought to myself. So i knelt down, unbuckled my chin strap, put up the front guard, then remove my helmet, then the mask.

And i gave it the most innocent smile i could muster.....

The tiny horse reacted by looking at me then started drooling like she saw a freshly cooked Bacon sandwiched by 2 pancakes with mozzarella cheese in between.

It stood up and slowly approached me like it's in a trance, and i stood up and backtracked away from it

"Whoa there horsey! I don't know what you really are, i don't know whether you eat meat or not, but i'm not gonna test that." i said as the mini-horse slowly continues to approach me.

I remove my right glove and held up a palm to it in an attempt to signal it to stop moving. Which it didn't and in fact, my bare hand made it move faster to me with half-lidded eyes and watering mouth.......

"Stopstopstopstopstop" trying to emphasize my hand signal, and hoping it won't bite my fingers off, i booped the horse's nose....

If there is a competition for the best new year fountain firecracker, this tiny horse's horn would surely be a winner.

As soon as my hand touched the mini-horse's nose/snout, it's eyes suddenly turned white, it whinnies hard, stood on it's hind legs, and the horn on it's head erupts in a cacophony of lights and sparks as if i unplugged a nuclear-powered outlet..

I could only stand back and watch the show till the horse collapsed in a heap.

A couple of seconds of waiting for the horse to move, i picked up a nearby stick an tried to poke it from afar....

*poke poke* no response..... Chest part's still moving so it's still breathing.......

'okay.. Don't panic. Don't panic. You just grabbed a horned alien horse by the... Well "Horn" when you show it your face, it suddenly turned semi-feral, and when you touched it, it basically blew up.... None of it was your fault clearly' i calmly thought to myself.

Thinking about it, i'm surprised that i'm not yet panicking despite all this.

Emphasizing on my current state of mind, i began to survey my surroundings again to at least know where i am...

Let's see... Garbage on my right, open fields in front of me, my bike under a boulder on my left, sea behind me, and a fainted tiny horse below me.....


"MY BAAAAABYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

My brain finally panicked as i saw my only girlfriend being crushed by a disrespecting giant piece of granite..
I rushed to her side and lifted the boulder as big as a house and threw it to the side and pulled her off the crater.
I quickly check every nook and cranny of my sweet darling for any damage, and thank god there is none..

"Thank goodness your okay" i said to my bike as i dusted her off then i suddenly realized.......

Did i just lifted off a boulder the size of a house?

I looked at the boulder where i threw it.. And sure enough, it's bigger than my apartment and it looks solid. I knocked on it a few times and it sounds solid as well......

'alright..... Either i'm in a movie set being pranked by some media outlet, or that monster energy drink i took before ain't normal' my mind could only explain to me..

A soft cooing interrupted my train of thought as i looked at the fainted tiny horse behind me. I don't know where i am right now, and surely a midget horse won't be useful in giving me directions...

'yeah, let's take it with us and find civilization. Maybe i could sell this horse to a local merchant in exchange for directions..'
with my mind made up, i opened up my bike's glove box, pulled out a pair of straps, put the fainted horse at the backseat, and strap her on...

i put my helmet and gloves back on, started up my steed (thank god i topped the tank off before taking the highway) her purr is always a beautiful song to my ears, put up in gear and drive off the beach. and thank god once again i bought dual sport tires for her

i quickly come across a brick road not far from my starting point. and with my sense of direction, and my cellphone's compass, i head north. hoping against hope that i would reach civilization quickly......

Author's Note:

hello everyone
o read in the comments that my other chapters are too short so i tried to stretch it a bit...
and also others said i need an editor...
too bad i don't know anyone so if any of you are willing to volunteer, leave a comment below and leave me a message
thank you...