• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 13,080 Views, 282 Comments

the gods known as "humans"? - A lost anonymous

a creature (human) returns to the world his supposed "predecessors" created

  • ...

Ch9: all you had to do was stop the damn train!!!

one wagon in front of the train's caboose: a few hours ago..

Vann's POV.

"So what does a 'development engineer' do o gracious man?" A batpony asked me as i pull out some of my baby's plug boots.

'I could never get a hang of these mini-horses calling me this way' i thought to myself as i unscrewed the spark plug for any sign of bad burns in the fuel mixture. (Carburetors require re-adjustments every 4k kilometers or six months at the minimum. Specially if you're running on a raised needle and a re-jet at least 10k kms or annually)

"Well.... We're more or less the inventors of products which the company sells for profit"

"a maker of atronacs and forger of souls" one white pony clarified (at least he think so)

"oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the rest said in unison.


I screamed like a death metal vocalist.

In my head.

Cause i could only give these ponies my best imitation of a smile of a man named harold.

"A little more simple than that." Was all i could reply.
We've been at this for at least an hour after the train left the small town.
Even though i wanted to sternly correct the ponies who at first, stayed away from me (I.e. hiding behind crates or peeking through the door attempting to catch a glimpse of me), their pleading, teary eyes as they looked at me from afar is powerful enough to melt even hearts of steel beams.(I had a niece..... And yes I'm pretty gullible to cute things)
So I coaxed them to come closer. (And I am now regretting it)

But hey! At least I got more info out of them about their world and their country's history.

but their history is somewhat a bit overcomplicated for me (I can at least compare their history to that of Poland's or Israel's).

"all right ya little runts!! back to work and stop bothering the human!! Go on git!!!" a big (as big as a st. bernard dog) unicorn stallion roared as he entered the wagon.

with a collective 'aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' from my audiences, they all stood up and filed into the one exit. as soon as everyone in the wagon except the the Sarge is left, he suddenly looked left and right, and up and down. before briskly running towards me till he's a few feet away.

"can you sign my horn?" the stallion said in a straight face while blushing.

'Oh god just why???' My mental agony persisted as I looked at the overly-manly stallion looking at me like a fangirl.

"Maybe some other time" I said as I went to the next plug.

The power abusing, semi-macro horse trotted away with his head hung low. Leaving me alone with my baby and is finish up her daily check-ups.

As soon as he closed the door, a constant thud like someone hitting ones head to a wall can be faintliy heard if one presses their ear to the wall.

'If this is what you have to deal with everyday Jenna, I'm really sorry for my teams' lunacy' I thought to myself as I lie face down on the floor. Thinking back about the things me and my team did to get our project through. And more or less stepping on some of the H.R. & P.R.s toes.

Speaking of things, I opened up my bag (which is thankfully intact despite my crash and early burial) and check the items I brought with me from earth

This is what I got:
- My old laptop and hard drive: still works
- a book about mechanics (dunno why I got this)
- lucky wrench
- flashlight
- a jar of nutella (never went to work without a full jar)
-some pens and papers (used and unused)
-a jar filled with fresh leaves of cannabis (was with a crazy project with a friend...I swear I don't smoke these things)
-my old phone and tablet
-receipt from my last fill up
- my swiss knife.

as I lay down the contents of my bag in front of me, a muffled sneeze reached my ears.

I swivel my head around and crop up my ears to make sure I'm not imagining things like a muffled sneeze.

ah----ACHOO. yep. Not imagining it.

I quietly put my things back in my bag and stood up. Looked around to find the source of the noise, and I quickly noticed a yellow sack squirming slightly.

I slowly tip-toed my way to the sack, slowly creeped up a the opening end, and open the flap.

staring at a spring green back with caramel hair and tail shaking violently was not on my list of expectations.




kinda reminds me of that dog in a banana sack

as the head slowly turns to look at me, i realised it was the green mini-mare that i first met at the beach.

"ummmm hi-WHOAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" was all i could say when my first encountered alien lunged straight to my face. giving me a full face of green belly fur.


i don't know what she said, but i'm having a time of my life eating iced tea flavoured fur.

i'm being sarcastic here.....

when my O2 sensor began calling in for a resupply, i tapped my fuzzy facehugger somewhere on her body.

a gasp and an increase of her body temperature ain't a good sign.

but yet, i gripped her on the very spot where i tapped her, put my other hand on the opposite side, and pried her off my face.

And now I'm staring at a wide-eyed, beet red mini horse as she sits on my palms like a plushie, which means I'm currently holding her a few feet of the floor by her butt.

Me unconsciously kneading said butt that made her 'eep' only made things more awkward as she looked away from me with a tomato face.

'Seriously brain? I know we're backed up as it is butt-PWEH!! BUT come on!! She's a HORSE!!!' I mentally screamed at myself as i put her on the floor with an awkawrd silence between us..

"So ummm..... How did you get onboard?" I asked the mare after a few minutes

"I heard your conversation with the princess milord. And heard they were planning to wipe our memories of you from our minds. I can't accept that! Stableside... MY stableside is the first pony settlement to see the return of humanity to Equis and the princesses will just sweep us under the rug? No! Nor-bucking-way we're taking that lying down! We were chosen as the new disciples of humanity aren't we? We were the first ponies to lay eyes upon the sacred bipeds since time immemorial and we are not to spread the word if it?? No... If the citizens of ponyville were able to take pride in harboring the elements of harmony, we ponies of stable side will proudly hold the title as the first town to receive the hand of the gods!!!"

My green pony monologued on top of some boxes as I sat cross legged below and in front of her

I had to blink twice to remove my illusion of a flag of the USA waving behind her.

Seriously why the US flag?? i'm not even a yank.

"Your zeal is impressive miss...."

"Bountiful harvest milord" the mare said with a bow from the top of the crates.

"Bountiful harvest yes.. I'm terribly sorry....... But I'm not a god...

" what?? That's impossible!!!"

"Whoa there miss hear me out for a few minutes: You see, the humans you and your kind talking about, and the humans that I hail from, are clearly from two different races. While the humans you believe are basically the creators of your world, the human race i am born to doesn't have such powers. Granted, when i landed here i gained powers i'm not supposed to have in the first place but, that doesn't count that i belong to same human race your religion has thought you about. If you count authors of books or fanfiction novels world makers, then maybe we do but, not in the level you and any other races living here are thinking about."

"But.... You have given me the gift of knowledge when we first met!!!"

"I don't know how it happened that way.. I just touched your nose didn't I?"

"And you are immune even to the most powerful magic spells!!"

"Maybe that happened because i'm from a world DEVOID of magic?"

"No..... No.... I refuse to believe this!! Humans, humans are our makers yes? and you are a human right?? Touch me... Touch me again!! You'll see!! Your kind are our makers!!" She exclaimed as we locked eyes at each other...

"Listen miss harvest i-" *knock knock* a few knocks on the wagon's door broke our eye contact.

The green unicorn quickly dove back into her hiding spot as I turned my attention to the door.

"Who is it?"

"shaaaaaa-shraaaaa hissssss"

"Dafuq?" it sounds like something is trying to cough while shoving an inhaler down on its mouth

"Lord Vann what are you on about? those are just the lunar guards right" Bounty asked me from her hiding spot as she saw my perplexed face

"what are YOU talking about? all i hear are clicks and hisses. the guards i met before weren't crickets."

and then i realized: we weren't discreet as we should've, and bountiful harvest wasn't supposed to be on board.

the door being blasted down by the ones behind it was my confirmation.

when i saw my visitors well.....

the first thing it made me think is someone decided to try and make a ponified xenomorph with a mix of fallout, and retain the pony size but failed miserably on all counts...

and the legs have holes on them.

a lot of holes.

too many holes.

waaay too many holes.





Brain: oh i forgot!! we have trypophobia!!!! initiate panic mode!!!!!!!

with my brain finally getting back to speed, i planted my whole body back up to the wall as far away from the weird looking creatures as possible.

"what is that? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?????"


back to the present:

so that's how i got my unwanted first apostle of the new human faith....

but back to what i was doing...

what was it again?..


ah! yes..

"GET OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!"( click/tap for sound)

I roared as i threw my holy plunger (modified) to a bug pony's arse end as it tries to escape through the window and with the chain attached, yanked him back to me. my unnatural strength, and the bughorse's desperation brought a part of the wall with him back to me.

not when i spun him like an Olympic hammer thrower and mowed down the surrounding bugs with him, and the wall he's clinging on to, before releasing the bug to the hole we made.

if there is one thing that ANYONE shouldn't do when i'm around is tarnishing MY BABY GIRL!!!!!

"M'lord look out!!!" Bountiful harvest shouted a safe distance from me.

after finishing off the previous wave of the vandals, another suddenly burst out of the boxes and swiftly dog piled me.

well... this is less comfortable than the pony pile.

and with a swift shake, the changelings came flying off me in multiple directions. Hitting random objects and their brethren as they were thrown off their bucking homo sapiens.

I heard a loud hiss and saw a female looking bughorse pointing her holey (don't look and their fucking legs dammit!!!!) Hoof at me like she's barking orders towards her fellow bugs.

'So she's the leader of this swarm....'

Not a microsecond later, the remaining bugs simultaneously fired their horns at me encasing me in some sort of green glass box. Then encased in another box, then another, and another.. Overall trapping me under 4 layers of this glass box..

A boxception huh?

well hello there lady. I suppose you don't mind having to exchange a few words with you.. Namely about your entourage destroying someone else's work..." I said while trying to hide my boiling rage to the black mare.

And the only reply I got from her was another hiss and a triumphant smirk from her.

"So this is how you wanna play it huh?" I said as I put my hands behind my back and look around: I found miss harvest trapped in a green box like me, the circle of these bug horses glaring at me with horns alight with magic, and the she-bug gloating at me and the green mare.

"I know you can understand me lady so I'll make this quick: you either set me and my companion free, and talk to us diplomatically or, I'll just wring an apology out of your throat." The alpha bug's change of expression confirms that she CAN understand me but, she only put her victory smile back on and gave me another hiss..

"I'll count on five" I warned as I remember my first time being put inside a magic shield.

"Five" the female bug's smile faltered.

"Four" the surrounding bugs grit their teeth in concentration as they double up the shield's intensity.

"Three" I saw miss harvest covering her eyes and ears while encased in her box.

"Two" the alpha glared at me and lit her own horn while I put both of my hands on either side of my cage.

"One" and with a flick of my fingers (and a little knowledge on fluid dynamics), my cube confine blew out with a loud bang, the bug's horns cracked as their owners yowled in pain, while others exploded and fell where they stood, and the alpha bug was blown a few meters away from me. Her curved horn showing a sizable crack in the middle.

As the bug recovered from her dazed state, she looked around and saw the carnage as her brethren lie dead or dying around her, and me cracking my neck and looked back at her. She only scrambled to the door leading to the next wagon.

"still not giving up? Fine by me. " I said as turned my attention to miss harvest. She's a little dazed, and her captor's horn is split open like a banana peel.

"You Alright?" I asked miss harvest.

"I'm alright m'lord don't worry about me. we should get to the next car. That bug-mare may have more of her minions in store for us"


"Pardon me m'lord but, does that- *ahem* she mean that much to you? Your machine that is"

When she asked me that question, memories of my constant overtime to get a raise, long nights in my garage as I put her together piece by piece, hours and hours of searching junkyards and on the net and flinging in the money just to get some of the parts that she needs, (she's a rare beauty and finding any spare parts for her were a daunting task) and shedding tears of joy as she sputters to life for the very first time...

"yes... She is my greatest creation....." I accidentally said that one with a low tone. Which made my companion to slightly backpedal away from me

And how did that came out like it was said by some eldritch cyber lich?

when we reached the door, i signalled my companion to stay at the side while i kick down the door.

obliterating it instead.

Aaand I'm getting peppered by green laser beams.

And did i saw those bugs getting massacered like they're in the Somme?

As I peer through the bright green beams hitting my face, I saw a some sort of of defensive barricade. With a pair of bughorses wearing some sort of armor crouched behind it with their horn firing laser beams at me like a machine gun.

Not seeing the lady with the pair, i slowly walked forward with one arm covering my face and the bugs replied by intensifying their barrage on me.

As soon as I reached the barricade, the two stopped firing and looked up at my face. Shock and fear clearly etched on their insect faces. I gave them a flat look before swinging my plunger sideways. Wrecking their wall, blasting another hole on the wagon, and sending the two defenders flying off the train.

"Miss harvest the coast is clear" I called to my companion as she peered at the opening.

"M'lord, please refrain from damaging the train any further... We might hit something important."

"I'll keep that in mind" I said as I opened the door to the next wagon.

then someone decided to throw a flashbang bomb straight into my face temporary blinding me.

When I regained my vision, I have no time to avoid the lady bughorse diving on me with a fireman's ax.

The ax hit my cheek, slid down my face, and lodged itself between the in-built neck brace of my jacket, and my actual neck.

As soon as it lodged itself to my neck, the bug tried to withdraw the ax from me.

It didn't budge

She tried again

It's stuck (namely because I'm keeping it lodged with my neck)

I gave the wannabe barbarian my best death stare which froze her in terror mid flight and Let go of the still stuck ax.

She fell on her rump, looked back at me in fear, and began crawling away from me

Like the fabulous Jason Voorhees, I slowly walked after the bug, pulled out the ax by its head from my neck, and held it one handed with the head scratching the floor which only adds up to the bug horse's terror.

She tried to fly, but i quickly threw my toilet plunger straight to spread bug wings. Warping one and cracking the other before she could escape.

the bug, now with no other means of escaping, crawled further. And me being pissed off as I was, drove her back to a corner, raised the ax over my head,

where did that lightning came from?

And dropped it straight down on the screaming female bughorse below me.

Impaling the head between her legs, dividing her tail hair equally between sides.

What? You think I'd hit a woman (wo-bug? She-bug? Buggette? Dunno.) Sorry but momma didn't raise no savage. And besides it got the desired effect anyway: the bug's pretty much out of the count. If white eyes and bubbling mouth is not proof enough.

"Ummm milord?"


"Well....... We could've interrogated her for information"

"Oh... Well shit" I said as I looked down at the fainted bug pony (and trying my best to ignore the legs..)

As we survey the wagon, (which seems to be filled with parts of a train locomotive.) a faint thumping and a gurgled screaming grabbed our attention to one of the large wooden crates.

Me and my companion took position on either side of the lid and with a nod to each other, i slowly pulled the lid open...

Well.... That's a 7 on the disgust meter...

It seems that a pony was shoved into some sort of greenizh birth sac filled with some glowing yellow liquid (kind of like the ones that you get when you break open a glow stick) and the smell.... It's like someone left a seafood sandwich out of the fridge for weeks...

My companion's regurgitation snapped me out of my perusing and saw that the pony within the sac is trying in vain to rip open his slimy confine.

I pulled out my swiss knife, flicked the blade out, and gashed open the sac. Spilling out the contents and doubling down the smell..

And miss harvest ran to a corner and evacuated her lunch on the wrong end of her anatomy.

"*cough* *cough* *wheeeze* FAUST DAMM PLOTHOLE BITCHES!!!! THEY AIN'T GETTING AWAY WITH THIS SHIT!!" The rescued pony (stallion) screamed in an afro-american English (sounds like one of those gangsta rappers in Hollywood movies)

"It's alright now. It's alright. Take a deep breath, relax now okay" I tried calming the horse..

He's a chocolate brown stallion with a charcoal black tail and he's wearing a white tank shirt, blue jeans, and a black bandana wrapped around his head.

"Yeah... Thanks dude. Ya saved my- HOLY SHIT YOU'RE THE HUMAN!!!!" he screamed as he prostrate in front of me.

"Hey now.. No need to be so formal young stallion(?) Anyway what is your name?" I asked the horse

"Coal Joint your lordship. stoker of this here war train: the knight one" the stallion replied

"okay Coal Joint.. can you explain to me what happened to the train? and please don't call me lord.."

"thanks lord-i mean, sir err- master.... We were supposed to make a turn on chariot hill when all of a sudden my cap't all suddenly burned green and began blasting everypony in the engine. Me and the mechanic tried to get away but more of'em bug things came outta nowhere and bagged me and my buddy fore we could put up a fight. Shoved me in here sac and left me."

"okay... you know where this train is going now?"

"if my math is right, and those mountians... aww hellll naaaaaaaaawwwww"

"what is it?"

"them bugs are taking us to canterlot"


"the capital of equestria milord" bounty explained to me after finishing her business.

"don't tell me... someone in your government wants to publicize my existence to topple the sisters and obtain power themselves? or these bugs just invaded your entire country because of me?"

"Whatever they plannin, we gotta stop this bandwagon fore they get to the city! We can't let every pony know you exist yet!!"

"Cause it'll cause an uproar I know. Anyway with this much infestation going in on the train, you think we have time to stop this?" i asked my two companions

"I may still be an apprentice yet, but yes we can. We may still have a few more minutes fore we reach the bridge."

"If those bugs are already swarming this train, I doubt we will reach the engine in time" miss harvest commented as she looks out the window counting the wagons that we have to go through.

I looked around the wagon and seeing the parts littered around me, something clicked in my head.

"Excuse me Mr. Joint, how good are you ponies in handling heavy Gs?"

"What are you on about M'lord?" Bountiful harvest asked me.

I only gave her a smile.


A gasp and a crash can be heard.

And a lilac blur hitting a wall can be seen.

As starlight stood up after being thrown to a far wall by a giant bug pony, another emerald lightning bolt struck her back. Wounding the already bleeding unicorn.

"Is this the best of what Luna's guards can do? You can't even beat a bruiser!!!" A masculine voice proclaimed as he stood beside a giant version of his kin.

And said kin is currently pinning down and slowly crushing a caughing tempest shadow on the chest under its hoof.

"Do you actually think that you can defeat ME with such tactics? HAH!! You ponies really don't know what we are do you?" The stallion mocked as he towered over the fallen agent.

"Let me do your little group a favor and replace you and your team with better versions of you.." The male bug said as he fired up his to finally put badly wounded mare out of her misery.

"Goodbye little pony. Don't worry though, I'll make sure your replacement won't fail 'equestria' this time" the bug said with a sadistic smile as he prepares his spell.






Time slows to a crawl while starlight watch as a train side rod carrying a shrieking stallion blasts its way through the wall, yellow and brown streaks trailing behind him, impaling her opponent on his barrel, impaling the giant bughorse in the chest creating an insect kebab, before failing to pentrate the far side of the wall. its alive and dead passengers aloft by a few meters.

As she stood back up and peer through the hole her apparent savior made, she saw the human, with the mayor of stable side looking back at her a few wagons away.

A bug limb dropping in front of the lilac unicorn made her scan the wagons the stallion punched through: remains of their insectoid invaders splattered across each and every wagon between her and the human kept her from asking any questions.

"Hi Ms. Glimmer! And who's your friend?" The human asked like nothing happened.

after a brief introduction, and a few questions, the herd of ponies with a human finally rid the train's cab of the hijackers.

with only a few minutes left to spare as they just entered the tunnel under the capital city.

"dammit they even glued the throttle!!" the stoker yelled in frustration as he tries to seize control of what is about to be a runaway train wreck both figuratively and literally.

While starlight and bountiful is trying to douse the flames with the trains' water in the tender with their magic, tempest and the human are shoveling the coal out of the firebox.

The human looks at the brown stallion trying in vain to pull the throttle lever back.

"So you just need to pull that back right?"

"Yeah, them bugs warped nearly all of the controls including the throttle"

"Excuse me" the human said as he used an iron bar to keep the door open and stood up while starlight and Tempest looked at the human.

Held the lever with one hand.

And pulled back hard.

Snapping the steel beam like a twig.

And increased the train's already dangerous speed.

"Whoops......" the human could only say as he looked at the lever while the ponies looked at his handiwork with shrunken eyes.

"YOU DUMBPLOT!!!!!!!" starlight barely managed to scream before a violent lurch ran through the entire train. A thunderous crash drowned out the rest of Starlight's rambling. The sudden jolt sent the last awake passengers flying high up into the air, and through th cab roof thanks to the human's back. The survivors managed to get one last good look at the train as it flew off a tight curve in the tracks, propelled by sheer speed, wheels spinning wildly on air as it sailed towards what seems to be an underground train junction.


As the ponies in the great castle of canterlot are makng their final preperations for the upcoming wedding, a glass of water on the table made a small ripple. And a white alicorn suddenly clutched her chest wit her hoof before Collapsing near a mirror.

"Your majesty!" A equally white unicorn exclaimed as she rushed to her mistress's aid.

*sigh* "I'm alright Raven don't worry about me." The princess of he sun replied as she shakily stood back up.

"Don't lie to me Celestia.. Are you alright? What's wrong?" Her secretary: Raven inkwell questioned. And Princess Celestia knows that when her secretary used her name without the honorifics, she's being serious.

"I felt a great disturbance in harmony. As if a dozen voices cried out in terror, and was suddenly silenced.. I feel something terrible has happened.... Call my sister at once.." The solar princess ordered as she tries to pinpoint where the disturbance originated with her magic.

"Should we postpone the wedding tomorrow? This sounds too serious." Raven inkwell suggested.

"No... This wedding is too important to the kingdom.. And to my niece. We'll just double the security and put the elements on standby.."

"As you say... I'll send a messenger to your sister." The unicorn answered as the return to making the final adjustments on the solar diarch's dress.


"will you stop pacing around Sigil? what has gotten in to thee?" Princess Luna asked as she chooses between two necklaces held aloft with her magic as her maids held more around her.

"starlight and tempest were supposed to send us a dragon mail a few hours ago... they haven't reported yet." the peanut butter unicorn explained as he look out to the balcony peering down to the moonlit city.

"they will be alright my little pony.. those two are one of the best pathfinders Equestria ever had.. second only to Daring Do. we are sure they can handle anything fate put up against them." the lunar diarch reassured the Eclipse seeker agent.

"I could only hope i'm as confident as you..." Sigil Tome said inder his breath as he fixed his tie for the hundredth time.


"what do you mean you lost them!!!??" 'Cadence' shouted in her mind as the report from her minions regarding their mission came.

we're terribly sorry your majesty but,the train crashed when it reached the station. and we can't reach it due to the cave in from the crash. We also couldn't contact Stictus and Milano for reasons not yet known. a voice in her head replied fearfully.

'i don't need your excuses!! Give me results!!!' the pink alicorn screamed internally before slamming the connection shut.

'No... This is not the time to panic... No one is aware of my plans yet, and I got that lavender unicorn and her guards trapped in that cave. I still have this under control.' The princess of love thought to herself as she paces in her room.

"All you alright darling? You seem to be agitated. A little too excited for the wedding?" An accented voice rung across the room as a sapphire unicorn mare with a dark purple mane entered the room from the bathroom.

"Oh!! Sorry Rarity.. Maybe a bit yes..." The princess of love replied to her bridesmaid.

"Don't worry everything will be fine. Twilight maybe a bit jumpy as of late but that's only because of the security I'm sure of it. You know how she tends to over think things" the bearer of generosity reassured the soon-to-be bride.

"Thank you" 'cadence' replied.


"*cough* *cough* whew.. that was a crazy ride.." was the first words that came out from the orchid unicorn mare as she returns to the waking world after getting thrown off the train.

as she looked around her surroundings, she quickly noticed that she is currently buried under the debris of the train she just been forcibly evacuated from an unknown time past.

luckily, the debris that buried her came with a top opening door which she quickly went to and pushed open. and with more luck on her side, brought her to the now ruined underground secret train station of the capital.

keeping the door open and further inspecting her surroundings allowed the eclipse agent to find their valuable cargo. currently standing in front of another pile of train wreckage looking at something on his hand.

before she could even call out to the human, the fur on her nape stood on edge as the mana in the cave began to converge towards the human.

she was only able to make out what the human was holding: some sort of a black metal tabloid filled with some sort of language she couldn't read from her distance

but before she could peruse any further, the cave began to shake as the mana around the human starts to swirl around him like a tornado.

and shifting from a colorless miasma, to a ebony color.

the color of black magic..

the unicorn with a broken horn never got the chance to stop the human for the door she is holding aloft with one hoof received a sizable boulder from the cave ceiling.

punching through its thin wall and conking the orchid mare on the head.


as the cave shook, a lavender unicorn lost her balance while traversing the its dark confines.

"whoa there" a gamboge colored pegasus stallion said as he caught the the made with his side.

"Thank you flash sentry" the unicorn replied as she regain her balance.

"No worries twilight. Any idea what was that?"

"Probably just the subway rolling past.. Means we're getting close to the station" a therstal Mare answered as she leads the small herd through the cave complex with her superior night vision.

"Oh thank Celestia!! We can finally get out of here" a grey unicorn Mare exclaimed as she look around her surroundings for any signs of their objective.

"But.. We haven't found Princess cadence yet!" Twilight refute while looking back at the path they took.

"Don't worry miss sparkle.. As soon as we reach the station, we'll call for reinforcements and look for her." The therstal reassured the bearer of magic as the latter trails behind the herd..

As twilight gaze at the little group of guards that got caught by the impostor along with her, she touched her horn or mostly, the ring on it that stops her from using her magic.

'She's right. We can't handle this ourselves... Not with our group like this.. But why do I feel like something's wrong?' The lavender made said to herself as she looks behind them one last time before galloping back to keep up with the group..

Author's Note:

sorry this one went behind schedule..
House lost internet, and a huge project at work kept me from getting any open time besides lunch to put in some words in this chapter...

Anyway, the next chapters will be shorter than this to get back on schedule
Thank you.