• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 13,054 Views, 282 Comments

the gods known as "humans"? - A lost anonymous

a creature (human) returns to the world his supposed "predecessors" created

  • ...

Ch 11: Ravioli! Ravioli! Don't forget the pickled pony

somewhere within the crystal caverns....

"I GAVE YOU LOT A SINGLE JOB, AND EVEN THAT YOU CAN'T DO?????" a furious roar echoed throughout the spacious chamber within the crystal cave.

"like i said general Pharynx. the two other ponies who were with the element of magic are surely dead. but we lost contact to the pursuers before we could confirm the status of the princess's protégé. the othe po-urrrgggghhhh...." the drone being questioned failed to finish its statement when the changeling noble liftied it off the floor by the neck with his magic.

"in other words: YOU IMBECILES FAILED TO FINISH THE JOB!!! GET BACK IN THERE KILL THAT WHORSE FOR GOOD!!!!" the changeling stallion roared as he threw the drone back to one of the cave's branches. and was quickly followed by its brethren.

"this is why i asked the queen for more officer changelings.... no matter. as soon as the job here is finished, i'll start my own hive and leave that old hag. with my future herd here." the ripped male changeling said under his breath as he gaze around the shackled Mares lining the walls before ogling the pink alicorn trapped inside a cocoon. he couldn't help himself but to fantasize about what he would and could do to the princess of love that, he ended up humping the cocoon itself with his drool sprinkling its walls.


what could this mysterious biped think when it’s looking at her, shivering and staring at it to the point of forgetting her pain in her shoulder.

Without a moment of hesitation, it walked to the front of the lavender mare and put one knee to the cave floor.

Shocked, Twilight gasped as her body shuddered. and for the first time, she is thankful for the ring on her horn. For if her connection to the ambient mana is not muted, surely at this distance, the pure black energy billowing out of the biped would've surely drove her into madness.

Even though the strange stalked lamp strapped on top its shoulder was providing light, she couldn't see anything behind the tinted glass visor of its helm.

The creature spoke something with a low, masculine voice to Twilight which she couldn't understand and reached out to her horn, but she quickly recoiled out of its reach

Even with her panicked, and tired mind, her knowledge on the workings of a horn nullifying ring is still clear to her: including that any attempt to forcefully remove the ring with magic would cause it to explode. amputating the horn along with it.

and the creature's claws are wrapped in so much raw Mana that, before it even made contact with the ring, Twilight felt the intense heat of the ring as it nearly blew up.

"No!! Don't!!"

her outburst made it clear to the biped as it flinched and held its position.

But the lavender mare's actions sent pain through her shoulder reminding her of her injury

The creature seemed to notice her discomfort as it pulled a few items from the saddlebag strapped behind it and placed it in front of Twilight in a neat line: a roll of bandages and rubber film, a tin can, and a bottle of potion.

Twilight was never given a chance to question the biped as it conjured its own type of magic circle under each item

And each item floated up and towards the Mare. the can came first as it opened itself showing its contents to be salve, a hoof sized blob detached itself to its container and spread itself across the lavender unicorn's burned shoulder.

Twilight nearly screamed in pain before a sizable chunk of stalagmite suddenly found itself lodged horizontally in her mouth ( courtesy of the biped ) which she quickly bit down as to endure the pain.

It didn't take long for the salve to finish spreading on her shoulder before the film and bandage unraveled itself and wrapped the mare's shoulder and limb securely on her with a sling.

All that is left now is for her to drink the potion.

But Twilight's gaze wandered between the small bottle and Silver Spell. It is clear to her who needed it more.

"About that.. can you give it to her instead?" Twilight asked as she gestured towards her last remaining comrade.

when the biped followed her gaze toward the pony in her arm, the fallen grey unicorn, it looked back at her and slowly shook it's armored head sideways.

Twilight couldn't understand why the biped would ignore the mare who need it more than she did until the creature put one of the digits of its claw on the Silver Spell's throat while looking back at the former.

She finally realized that her last guard's belly was no longer moving.

The lavender unicorn held her breath as her arm carrying her fellow unicorn tightened.

the biped appraised the corpse of the grey unicorn while it pulled out a piece of the dagger that broke between the gap of the armor on its own shoulder.

On the blade, some black, sticky and ominous substance could be seen.

It only took a second for Twilight to realize it was poison. just from the pungent smell animating from the broken obsidian. and piecing the two together, she realized that her actions may had been futile from the start.

Twilight hugged the corpse of her fellow unicorn as she cried out in anguish.


She couldn’t do any further. there was no way to save the Silver Spell.

After all, even if she did knew the blade has poison, she know next to nothing of any detoxification incantations.

neither drinking the healing potion nor standing up, all Twilight could do is weep as she sit frozen in place.

Amidst her mourning, she noticed the creature using one claw to close her fallen comrade's eyes, and the other conjuring up an image of a red cross and a drawing of a some sort of cart in front of her.

The biped then used its now free claw to point in a direction where more of the same symbols popped out of each crystal spire littering the cave walls.

It took Twilight a few seconds to conclude that the biped is showing her a way to a safe place in the cave. or maybe the very train station she and her group was looking for.

while her gaze followed the metaphorical bread crumbs the creature laid out for her, she noticed the biped returning to its full height while looking back at the dark side of the cave where she came from.

Then she remembered her other companion Umbra and the fact that she may still be alive.

But the very station they were looking for is maybe the very place this monster came from. and that is also not very promising.

But this creature saved her life! then maybe the path it is guiding is TRULY a safe place after all, she might even find help.

And the same creature is also letting off a litteral aura of black magic which is setting off alarms in her head.

Another issue that cropped up is the princess of love. After seeing what the changelings can do, the worry for her foalsitter only grew.

After contemplating her choices, and the biped now walking the path she escaped from, Twilight hugged the the now cold body of her fellow unicorn before laying it down on the cave floor.

"I'm sorry.."

"Wait!!! I-I’m coming…with you!"

No matter if it was going to the direction the biped pointed, staying put, saving Cadence, or Umbra alone, Twilight couldn’t accept any. Following him (by the voice) was her best option.

The biped looked back at the mare, and pointed at the potion he left for her.

Between her breaths, Twilight gulped down the solution in the bottle. It kind of reminds her of Applejack's cider.

The pain on her shoulder slowly faded away.

Twilight's mind recalled the ingredients for a potion thanks to her sessions with Zecora, Although it didn’t have the miraculous effect of healing wounds, it was enough to be used as a painkiller.

She instinctively sighed in relief after emptying the bottle and savoring its soothing effect on her wound.

"I’m done." she answered to the biped, as it stepped into the barely lit corridor of the cave. Its lamp's bright white beam showing the way.

Walking with firm steps, he didn’t even turn to look at the Mare.

Before leaving, She made a quick turn back at Silver Spell for the last time.

Biting her lower lip, she nuzzled the corpse.

In order to stay close, Twilight galloped towards the mysterious biped with the best of her three remaining limbs could do.

I promise i'll come back for you. she whispered as she looked back at Silver Spell before resuming her chase


New skill unlocked: elementary first aid.
synchronization to user: 45%
LM/DM ratio: 0 to 7 warning warning. Stability at risk. Please re-adjust
Vann's POV:

Great!! Now i have a limping pony to worry about.

And why the hell is she whinnying at me? her mouth's been on the ON and OFF switch since she began following me.

Well too bad Missy. My translator magic has pretty much worn off. (maybe) so your words are back to horseshit.

Speaking of horses, For some unknown reason, we didn’t meet any bughorses since we walked on this route in the cave

Instead, what greeted us was what is assumed to be pony innards scattered everywhere.

With the rancid, revolting smell of blood and viscera filling the cave.

Upon setting her eyes on the remains of a fellow pony, my crippled companion couldn’t hold it and started regurgitating on the ground.

'Well, at least he brought a couple of the bastards with him...' i said to myself as i noticed the some black bug corpses around the main puddle of blood.

I noticed a gladius sword that may have belonged to the dead pony among the litter, put it back to its sheath nearby, and strapped it between my back the my bag.

I feel like a witcher. even if i'm not trained to wield a sword.

I also collected more of these black knives littering the floor which surely belonged to these dead bugs.

My lavender companion wiped her mouth as she looked at me with eyes of reproach, but i don't care. Not like anyone else would be using this anyway.

And i have an inkling feeling that ring on her horn is doing something to her head. Cause other than me being human, there's no need for her to follow me. She should have just followed that path I showed her and be done with this.. Maybe there is something lost in our translation?

The purple pony began swiveling her head around as she's looking for something, then looking back at me while neighing and whinnying.

Guess she knows the pony who died here.. and maybe she had another friend here?

I aimed my headlight down to the ground and noticed something.

There were some fresh hoofprints, blood stains, dirt and signs of something being dragged across.

It seems that her other friend was moved to the deeper parts of the cave, though i'm not certain if he or she is still alive.

I found a few strands of forcefully pulled out long dark blue hair which made me conclude that there's one more pony in this Mare's group.

And noticed the said mare looking at me with pleading eyes. As if she's asking me to help her..

With the language barrier not helping us, i aimed my light at the path ahead.

Best guess is that these bugs can see clearly even if it’s pitch black. Better double down the light and pay attention to any sounds.

Using my new powers as a bonus, i mentally recited the inner workings of a mic as i whip up a magic circle in front of me,

and listened carefully.....

In the deeper parts of the cave where my light couldn’t reach, sounds of approaching steps and buzzing could be heard.

bug horses.....

They probably heard the ruckus i made back there and knew something is up so they came to deal with the intruder.

This is bad.....

For them...

What weapon would you use when your stuck in an enclosed environment with only two directions to go?

With my companion hiding behind a boulder, i magnetized a few pebbles around me, collected them to a pair of medium sized circles on my sides on a neat line like a belt, and pointed a finger like a gun, lit up a magic circle at the tip, and took aim at the oncoming roach intrusion.

As soon as the first blue insect eyes reflected the light of my girlfriend's head, his/her face contorted to like that of a deer in the headlights.

"Say hello to my little friends.." i whispered with glee before pulling the trigger and sending the coin sized pebbles to greet the bugs in front of us at Mach speed which was complimented by the serenade of my magical Gatling shotgun accompanied by the screeching of the bugs.

skill upgraded: basic, to adept marksmanship. new technique acquired: spray and pray.
synchronization to user: 60%

As soon as i finished off all of my ammo, i was rewarded by a morbidly beautiful picture of a long cave corridor surrounded by a green ooze that came from the basically minced bug innards reflecting my beam and the glow of the crystals in the cave creating a green hue like someone cracked open a glowstick and splattered it on the cave walls.

I'm pretty sure I just made Bob Ross proud...

The purple mare peeked out from her hiding spot then looked at me with eyes as small as pinpricks with her mouth agape...

"don't know how that worked either..." i said to her like she could understand my human tongue.

After i marveled myself enough with my obra meastra, i continued on my merry way. With my purple pony tailing behind me with a visible green tint on her cheeks.

"What are your abilities? cause i'm pretty sure that horn of yours means your a magical pony yes?" i said with a complement of my attempt in sign language.

She raised her head, and paused for a few seconds... Well at least i tried...

But as luck would have it, something may have gone through the language barrier as she pointed her own horn with a hoof and looked at me questioningly. I gave her a nod which she replied by lighting up her horn.

and it's barely even noticable. maybe she's a weak one? maybe that's why she's here? as a sacrifice for these things? Dunno.. i'm overthinking this.


After a few more minutes of following the trail of blood and hair (poor pony..), we came across a wider and more spacious part of the cave along with a huge assortment of green glowing sacs hanged at the ceiling of the cave. and each sac is showing a pony contained within them.

"We're nearing the boss room. get ready." i said to my purple companion as we stood in front of a pretty big door made of the same resin as the one these bugs used to glue the train.

With an assortment of potions and weapons lining up the sides. Yep! Definitely the boss room.

"So, should we enter quietly?" i asked my little crippled companion as she eyes the door with her body vibrating like a phone on silent mode but nodded yes.

I gave her a thumbs up before i slowly opened the two doors with the help of my untrained yet, overpowered arms.

And peeked behind the door.

Only to see a giant green fireball coming right at us from behind the door.

Time slowed to a crawl as i ran back to my purple pony and shielded her with my body as the doors were blown away by the emerald inferno.

Engulfing my back as the Mare in my arms screams.


'huh?' While i was expecting myself to have an honorable death protecting a maiden, i was instead greeted by a tunnel of green fire in front of me and the heat i'm expecting wasn't even there as my back feels like its being splashed with lukewarm water.

'That's it...'

WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS???? I WANNA HAVE A WORD WITH THE DEVS!!!' my brain roared as both lobes finally gave up on trying to comprehend everything that happened to us from the last 48 hours.

As soon as the flames died out, i put my companion down but she stayed in her sitting position while looking back at the now slagged walls of the cave in a shocked stupor. (thankfully, the flames didn't reach the ceiling where the cocooned ponies are hanged.)

As i turn my head back to the now non-existent door, i saw what seems to be a male version of the female bug-horse i met at the train. His ripped quadriplegic body, long muzzle, and nice locks of green hair is a pretty clear indication, standing on top of a huge spherical cocoon. Its size almost dwarfing me, And inside, a silhouette of a pony with wings and a horn can be seen within the glowing liquid.

When i surveyed the main room with my eyes and nose, There's a dozen or two Female ponies lying on the ground like puppets with their strings cut, And more of them shackled on the walls and ceiling, the pungent smell of a wank sock permeating the hall, And a few puddles of greenish white slime originating from the scattered Mares, Suffice to say, i'm more than sure they have gone through a lot of cruel treatment from this bug.

'Okay.... this prince charming bug-horse version is gonna loose his balls' i said to myself as i gaze at the Beet red bug-horse like i just opened the door to his bedroom while he is in mid-fap

synchronization to user: 80%
Unlocked: M auto routing
LM/DM ratio: 0 to 8. warning warning.. stability at risk.
Routing excess DM to: offense skill tree.
New skills unlocked:
Combat kinesis
Wall run
teleportal: support type
Accelerator rune
Reflex support
Auto targeting
Active protection
LM/DM ratio a 0 to 8. Rerouting ineffective. Please readjust.


"Cadence!!!!!" Twilight shouted after recovering from her shock and looking back at the origin of the flames.

Captain Pharynx meanwhile standing in front of the cocooned princess of love, is trying to find an explanation to how the human was able to reach this part of the cave.

'No... It can't be...... How did it got here??? It's supposed to be trapped in the station along with the Eclipse agents!!' the Male changeling asked himself as his attention was completely on the biped.

Hoping to use the Intel he gathered concerning the human, the changeling noble put up a confident façade as he stared at the human.
And said human is cracking its neck and knuckles along with black smoke seeping out from what seems to be a neck brace built in to the armor.

"So you think getting yourself a new friend will help you save your precious princess? Ha!! You fool!!" The changeling said with a mask of confidence on his muzzle while planning his next move.

"What did you do to her?? Where's Umbra??" Twilight interrogated the captain. Her fear all but gone and replaced by concern for her friends.

"Oh?, that Therstal Mare? well too bad little pony.. it felt good making her scream though." the changeling answered with a smile as the Lavender Mare found her lunar guard among the violated mares littering the floor of the cave.

With stains of tears and lifeless eyes adorning her once proud face, and a beaten body like a ragdoll made the lavender Mare lose her composure.

But before she could vent out her growing anger towards the changeling in front of her, another loud crack pierced the tense atmosphere and a black knife nearly hit the changeling in the head if it wasn't for his reflex. Passing to his right and nicking off the tuft of fur on the tip of his ear.

"HAH!! you missed!! do you actuall-EEEK!!" Pharynx wasn't able to begin his monologue to belittle the false god when the knife that was thrown at him suddenly did a complete one-eighty back to the changeling noble.

Cutting off his tail with the dock, and a sizable chunk of his long green mane

And he just went to the salon for his mane and tail....

That cost him half of his annual salary....

The human on the other hoof, was able to both dodge the returning dagger, and catch it in mid-air.
While the Lavender mare stares at him with a bewildered look.

The biped inspected the blade that returned to him as he twirled and spun it around, before shrugging his shoulders and looking back at the now crew-cutted changeling.

Before Pharynx could even unleash his wrath on the two invaders, the human suddenly threw a dozen more daggers at him in speeds that wasn't even deemed possible.

The changeling was able to put up a pyramid shield on him and the cocooned princess of love below him just in time to deflect the incoming blades. Sending sparks flying across the room as the seem to be sentient daggers flew towards the changeling, be repelled by the emerald shield, only to suddenly flip its direction back to Pharynx. Never even losing its momentum.

As pharynx is focusing on maintaining his shield to sustain the relentless assault, he saw the biped charging at him like a bull with both arms steched forward and claws balled to a fist aimed at him.

Not a second past, the changeling noble teleport-ed out of the human's way, as the biped failed to correct his course sending him towards a cave wall. Colliding to it and sending a cloud of dust.

Not wasting the opportunity, the changeling noble shot a powerful explosion spell of the ceiling above where the human collided, sending the sharp stalactites and stone down onto the recovering human, Burying him under the rubble.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! SO MUCH FOR BEING A 'SUPERIOR BEING'!!! I HAVE FOUGHT PONIES BETTER THAN YOU!!!" the changeling noble proclaimed as he mentally praised himself for defeating the human so easily.

"Now where is that purple unicorn..." Pharynx asked himself with a dark mirth on his muzzle while scanning his surroundings for the solar Diarch's student.

Not noticing a rock the size of a bowling ball flying towards him, hitting the side of his face, knocking off a few teeth, ruining his chiseled face, and sending him flying to the mouth of the cave where the door once stood.

Dazed, the changeling noble shakily stood up and looked back to where the rock came from,

Only to see the human standing unscathed, and carrying overhead a boulder whose size should not be possible to lifted physically, and charging towards him once more.

Panic overcoming his senses, General Pharynx grasped the nearest object his magic could get a hold of, and threw it straight to the human.

Lucky for him, he threw a barrel of flamable slime his kind use to forge metals. Hitting the biped on his legs.

As soon as the barrel's contents doused the the human and the floor, Pharynx quickly followed it with a flame spell. Engulfing the human in red flames as it slips on the slime, throwing the boulder, overshooting the changeling, and falling face first on the cave floor.

'Is it dead?' the changeling asked to himself as he slowly closed in on the burning biped.

Only to feel his green blood run cold as the human slowly stood up once again all while the flames are still clinging on to his armor. And his face of pure terror reflected on the human's visor amidst the licking of the flames.

Terrified, Pharynx let his legs move on its own as he tried to put some distance between him and the human. only to find his hooves to be glued on the cave floor by a cyan hue.

Only then did the changeling general realized that the lavender mare he was looking or had slipped past his guard, and was able to free the princess of love using a sword she commandeered.

And now one of the Mares is looking at him with hostility in her eyes while the other has both eyes closed.

Thinking fast, the changeling conjured a long range teleportation rune in an attempt to escape to the safer parts of the cave and regroup his forces.

But his actions were too slow.

As a burning fist collided with his muzzle.

synchronization to user: 90%
unlocked: basic appraisal
LM/DM ratio: 0 to 9 warning warning: stability compromised! Isolating affected files. default control/containment protocols initiated.

"Is it over?" Cadence with her eyes glued shut asked Twilight as she tries to open her eyes to no avail.

"..........Yes........." was all the lavender mare could say as she held her gut shut while trying to keep herself from throwing up once more in the sight of the recently blown-to-bits changeling noble in front of her.

And the biped violently rolling on the cave floor in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

"Cadence, I need you to so something for me.." Twilight asked he old foalsitter.

"As long as it doesn't need me to see, alright" the pink alicorn replied.

"It's alright... I just need you to pull something of me okay?"

"O.. Okay"

Twilight gently put Cadence's two hooves on her shackled horn.

"Can you feel the ring?"


"I need you to turn it"

"To the left, or to the right?"



Twilight had to grit her teeth in pain and it an attempt to muffle her screams as blood oozes out of her horn due to the spikes of the ring running across the spirals of her horn.

The sounds of roars and approaching buzzes from the room entrance did not help either.

Amidst her enduring the pain, she noticed the now standing biped making a gesture in her way with the short but chunky digit of his claw pointing upward, while the remaining four curled inward before he set a pair of his unique runes on each of his arms along with a collection of pebbles rolling and floating towards him.

"What was that??" The princess of love asked terrified as she heard the roar.

"Trouble. So please hurry up!!" Twilight urged Cadence as the familiar sound akin to a buzz-saw ripped across the room as the biped unleashed his signature attack on the approaching swarm of changelings once more.

With a scream, the ring was finally removed from her horn and not wasting any time, Twilight cast a healing and removal spell simultaneously on both of them. A skill that only a few unicorns could master.

"By Faust above! Where are we?" Cadence exclaimed as her reopened eyes scanned her prison.

"Not now!! We need to stop the wedding in the castle!! Help me with the teleportation spell!!!" Twilight screamed amidst the growing roar of the biped's magic which she took as a sign that the changelings are closing in.

"The wedding? MY WEDDING!!"

"YES!! Now help me with this spell!!!"

With time now against them, the two mares began constructing a long range, large scale teleportation spell for both them, The other mares in the room, and their roaring protector. Who is now slowly being overpowered by the growing swarm of changelings in front of him.

'Please just hold on a bit longer' the lavender mare prayed to their defender as she and the pink alicorn poured all their magic into the growing magic circle to cover as many ponies as they could.

teleport rune detected. Linking user to source.
CAUTION!!: containment protocols ineffective. prepare for DM surge in: 60 seconds.

After what seems like an eternity, the teleport rune is finally ready and with a final push, Twilight, Cadence, the ponies in the chamber, and biped all vanished in powerul flash of light. Blinding the attacking insectoids in the process.


Error: teleport D.Z. obstructed. Re-adjusting pos.
DM surge in: 50 seconds.

In the great throne room of the palace of canterlot, Spike the little dragon is mustering all the will and concentration he could muster within his little body as he walks along carrying the precious two rings on a pillow he is carrying.

'Keep calm keep calm keep calm... You got this spike. Rarity is watching you so you better put on the best show you could do. Even if twilight isn't here' the Drake thought to himself as he focuses on matching the rhrythm of the music with his approach to the bride and groom in front of the solar diarch.

As soon as he reached his designated position he knelt and offered the rings to the ponies in front and said his lines.

"Princess Cadence, Shining Armour it is my great pleasure to-WHAT THE!!!!!!" Spike exclaimed as the rings and pillow he is supposed to offer was replaced by a pair of ebony black flanks with a marehood in the center.

A flash and a sudden downpour of falling ponies in the throne room and the sudden appearance of Twilight sparkle and ANOTHER but frazzled princess Cadence shocked the guest.

And nopony noticed a black smoking body falling from a height greater than the falling ponies and landing like a sack of potatoes.

DM surge in: 40 seconds
With an ovoid shaped object rolling away from the completely black body.

"WE OBJECT TO THIS MARRIAGE!!!!!!!" Twilight and the other pink alicorn shouted in the middle of the tone room.

" TWILIGHT SPARKLE, " shouted Celestia from her place before the bride and groom. "What is the meaning of this. How did you even get in?"

" And what are you doing, you were supposed to.....?" 'Cadance' put a hoof to her mouth before she could draw attention to herself. *ahem* "...why are you ruining my wedding...why don't you want me to marry your brother?"

"Because her brother is meant to marry Me," growled the beaten Cadence staring forward with a look that could kill. "And I am the real princess Mi Amore Cadenza!!!!!"

DM surge in: 30 seconds.
Appraising target: changeling queen.

"I don't understand,"said Applejack among the gawking group of bridesmaids. "How are there two of them?".

" I don't know how you found her," 'Cadence' said with a scowl. " But its too......"

DM surge in: 20 seconds

She was interrupted when a loud crack was heard across the room and a short sword flying towards her with a black vapor trailing behind it originating from the other end of the throne room.

DM surge in: 19 seconds.

All attending screamed in terror, But Princess Celestia put up a golden spherical shield to protect the bride and groom.


While she was successful in blocking the physical object aimed at her niece, the black miasma enveloping the blade punched through her shield. Hitting the dressed pink alicorn within making her scream and writhe in pain as the miasma began to wrap itself on her body. All while
Shining Armour having not moved, his expression turning blank.


Twilight's friends and Princess Celestia watched the scene with opened mouthed shock, before tracking down the individual would do harm to a royal. Or even an alicorn.

What they saw made the ponies to go pale as a tall bipedal creature stood in front of the main entrance to the throne room


Then they notice the Cadance within the golden bubble voice change. It was now lower, and with a slight echoing quality. They looked just in time to see the image of Cadance melt away like butter in an oven, and in her place was something they never imagined. It was tall, like Princess Celestia, a shiny black carapace visible in now fading smoke that glazed over its gossamer wings, hole riddled hooves, fanged muzzle, and the crooked horn atop her green maned head.


Her eyes flew open, revealing slitted green pupils, her screams of pain vanishing behind an enraged snarl. Her horn glowed, as bright green flames surrounded her, fizzling away the remnants of the smoke.

Amidst all this, the biped took a rose's stem, a pebble, and a ribbon before using his magic to both enlarge, and putting these items together


" Wha...what is that thing?" Whimpered Fluttershy, cowering as her friends surrounding her put up defensive stances.

"A changeling," answered Twilight." A metamorphic creature that imitates loved ones and gets stronger by feeding on that love."


"BWAH AHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh how right you are, " laughed the abominable image, all the wedding guests minus the groom, the Princesses, the bridesmaids, Spike, and Twilight fleeing the room as her laughter snapped them out of their shock and induced panic. " And as...."


Her monolouge was cut short when she realized that nopony among the guests noticed a creature standing near the entrance looking at her with a frightening smile.

Translator app repaired.

And on its side, a long, strange, primitve looking weapon is resting on his shoulder.

While for most ponies, it means nothing, but to the dragons who have lived long before the alicorn sisters, this weapon is strikingly too similar to a mythical weapon they fear above all else.

synchronization to user: 100%
maker tier skills unlocked.

And with a lavish and almost insane smile adorning his now exposed face, images flashed before Twilight's eyes as her mind finally realized who and what saved her and her foalsitter.


"hey queen bug horse!! Ever heard of the skyrim space program?" the human asked the changeling queen

DM surge is now in effect. All M users please keep your distance.


Canterlot castle basement

A cellar was blasted open by a light blue blast of magic, followwd by a lilac unicorn suddenly popping out from the hole.

"COME ON!!! WE HAVE TO HURRY!!!" Starlight yelled at her companions as they rushed to reach the surface.

As soon as she and her group opened the secret door in the kitchen, she quickly looked out to the open window.

"Hey what's wrong? You found hi-" one of the stallions in her group asked the eclipse agent as he looked out the window to the city....

"So... Should we go back down?" the pony asked sheepishly.

Author's Note:

I more or less forced this thing out of my brain so this may not be within the quality you are all expecting so sorry.

And i'm making some pretty big decisions in my life right now so this fic may end up hiatus..
Fingers crossed and sorry for the delays