• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 13,082 Views, 282 Comments

the gods known as "humans"? - A lost anonymous

a creature (human) returns to the world his supposed "predecessors" created

  • ...

ch12: Put a changeling in a blender, and you'll get a dark coffee smoothie

Author's Note:

A fair bit of warning
The following scenarios within this chapter happened between simultaneously to a few minutes between them. keep this in mind as you read this chapter.

either way, Enjoy

Marelin, Germaneigh

In the middle of a beautiful city park, a snow white earth pony mare with a golden mane is focusing on the canvas on an easel in front of her. Filling in some trees on the side, slowly brightening the sky, overall trying to immortalize the picture in front of her.


A ring of a gong can be faintly heard in the distance but the mare is too engrossed in her work that she paid it no mind.

and the ripple appearing on her water bucket was ignored as well.

Then a slow, gentle puff of wind made her stop and look around her.

Out of the blue, she suddenly dropped her ink palette and paintbrush and galloped away from her prized equipment.

they're here!!! THEY'RE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!! The little pony screamed in her mind as she galloped across the park. Startling anyone who passed her.

They don't matter to her. Not yet anyway because for now, she must prepare.


somewhere in the mild west

A carriage pulled by a flock of ostriches is rolling on a leisurely pace across the open desert.

at the reins, two zebra soldiers are bored out of their minds as they gaze ahead of the carriage.

"I spy somethiiiiiingg....... yellow."



"I spy something........ blue"



"I spy somethiiiiiiiiiinnnggg...... Golden dust."



"I spy something--"


"Hey! i haven't sp-"

"It counts."

"but i haven't eve-"

"It. Counts."

"alright, alright...... Sand..."

"uuugghhhh can something please happen!!!!!!" one of the zebra guards yelled at nowhere as they moved along the empty desert.

He doesn't have to wait long when one of their passengers suddenly popped its head from the carriage window.

"Our driver!!! Our driver!! Make haste!! The location of our Albashar has been traced!!" a relatively young zebra priest shouted at the two guards as he clambered on to the top of their carriage with his head turning in random directions.

"But sir Zeacult, we've been on the move for three days now and the ostriches are in need of rest! so maybe we shoul--" one of the Zebra soldiers tries to protest but he was cut short when the zebra zealot held his face in close proximity to the guard. almost making their lips contact.

"Young guard did i stutter? or you left your eardrums in the capital's gutter?" the zebra priest's low growl was more than enough to spur the other guard to force the ostriches to full gallop.

"Do you have to jinx it?" The guard whispered to his companion after the latter was dropped back to his seat by the young priest.

"why does it have to be this jihadist anyway?" the other zebra whispered back as they pick up the speed with the priest still on top of their carriage.


Bad Wolf Bay

High above e volcanic sands of the continent's southern coast, a serpent with an inconceivable length soars above.

Even without a pair of wings, the great white snake flies with the grace of the clouds.

Unbeknown to the onlookers below, a medium sized carriage is strapped at the nape of the Leviathan drake.

Contained comfortably within it, is a rather small dragon barely taller than the equestrian alicorns.

Its cyan scales polished to perfection, is complimented by the brass armour covering its upper torso.

And the regal aura blowing out from its meditating form completes the proof that this drake belongs to the higher side of the dragon hierarchy.

"Dii kulaas. mu los tu'um faal land se keyye" a booming yet, hushed voice spoke through the mind of the little drake as it meditates within its chamber.

"Thank you Quetzalcoatl" the cyan drake replied openly with a feminine voice.

"Hmmm... Lady Ember? May I ask why are you speaking in Equish?" the voice asked through the drake's head.

"Just refreshing my languages Lucoa. Since our quarry is well within the land of the ponies" the little drake named Ember explained to her escort.

"Of course your majesty." Was all the giant serpent replied as they push on towards their destination.


somewhere on the northeast

"Of all the time this train could be delayed, why does it have to be now??" A light brown she-griffon yelled in frustration as she lie on one of the long passenger seats of the wagon

"Could you behave yourself just for once Gilda? *You have seem to have forgotten who we are escorting here*" a Navy blue male Griffon wearing clothes that fit a noble scolds the female griffon.

"It's alright Ulfric. She had all the right to complain. Other than that, you really think the equestrians already knew about the hu-err i mean the *package*?" a silver, female griffon asked while reading a map she held on her talons.

"With the time, the moon, and the location where it pointed, i'm more than sure the equines are already tracking the *package*. Aja forbids that they already have it in their possession" the only male griffon in the group explained.

"We apologize for the current delay. Please have patience for our train will return to our schedule in....." Mare wearing a stewardess outfit is trying to address their wagon, but her voice is was drowned out by the complaints of the different races in the wagon.


A loud, ear shattering ring of a bell caused the whole wagon to fall into a muted silence as its passengers held their ringing ears.

"HOLY FLOCK!!! WHAT WAS THAT????" Gilda yelled in an attempt to hear herself as she held her ears with her talons.

"I don't know... But i bet my bear coat that probably have something do with our *package*" Ulfric said as he helps their youngest companion get up. Who is relatively unharmed, but dizzy from the sudden noise.


Canterlot: outskirts

A changeling, wearing silver armor and helmet hides under the shade of the forest a few dozen meters away from the white walls of the equestrian capital.

with its above average size, emerald locks, and snake like eyes, it is apparent that this changeling belongs to the upper hive of their society.

General Thorax sir, attempts to regain communication on captain Pharynx has failed, and the signal from our queen is late. should we be worried? a voice spoke through the changeling's head as it gaze at the purple bubble enveloping the city.

"Don't worry Jubilee. our great Queen Chrysalis won't be caught so easily, and even is she was, she'll be able to handle herself well against both the celestial sisters, and the elements. Besides, we have a sizeable group of infiltraitors already with her so she'll have more than enough firepower to deal with them. " the changeling noble named Thorax spoke with confidence as they await the signal of their queen to storm the castle and takeover Equestria for the good of the hive.

However: the changeling general had a lingering feeling that something went horribly wrong.

From the start, Thorax was completely against their queen's plan to conquer Equestria and subdue the ponies in order to gain a quote-unquote 'limitless' amount of love energy from them.

And to some lings like him, that seems too good to be true. For one: they can't force the ponies to make love energy by simply telling them to. And second: ruling the ponies with an iron fist will surely not make the local population happy thus, not gonna make any love energy. Or even any form of energy a changeling can consume for that matter.

But alas, with the way exposed changelings are persecuted, and how the other races in general look at his kind, a diplomatic approach is more or less a pipe dream for changeling kind.

And with the current food rationing his hive has to undergo just to survive, the changeling general is already aware of their situation.

They're more or less out of options at this point. And so, taking over another and forcing another species to submit for the sake of their survival is pretty much their last, desperate option.

At least, that's what the loyalist lings are saying.

As Thorax wanders in his own thoughts, A shock wave suddenly burst forth from the shield bubble. sending a force so powerful, it sent the changeling general off his pockmarked hooves and onto his back before he even realised it.

With his head still spinning, and ears ringing, the commander of the changeling invasion army shakily regained his footing and assessed what just happened.

His vision is still blurry but, he was able to make out a gaping white crack on the shield. As he followed the gash moving up to nearly the top of the dome, Thorax was able to see the origin of the huge, web like cracks that is now slowly enveloping the shield protecting the city.

At the epicentre, The changeling general's now clear eyes couldn't fathom what they are currently seeing: the huge insect wings, bent like a piece of glass art, hangs limply on the back of the black barrel which itself thankfully suffered less than the former, but was embedded flat on the shield along with the side of her face.

All in all, the changeling Queen looked like a splattered bug on a train's windshield.

After a few tense seconds, the almighty queen of the changelings slowly peeled off of her untimely plastering like a piece of old duct tape and fell back into the city.

For what seems like an eternity, the changeling commander finally recollected his wits and quickly barked orders.

"ALL LINGS!!!!! FORGET THE SIGNAL! THE SHIELD IS FAILING!! ALL UNITS CHARGE INTO THE GAPS AND FOLLOW YOUR OBJECTIVES!! CHARGE INTO THE CITY!!!!!!! ONE SQUAD ON ME!!!! SECURE OUR QUEEN!!!" Thorax roared within the hive mind as the dome starts to disintegrate which was followed by the ear deafening buzz of a million insect wings swarming into the capital.



something's whispering within a cave but it is barely audible.


A consciousness slowly appears, yet fades so quickly.


"GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" A lavender mare screams as she was abruptly pulled back to the waking world.

"oh thank Faust you're alright!!" a small purple dragon exclaimed as he hugged the recently awake unicorn.

"Huh? Spike? whu? Whe?" Twilight's rattled brain tried to recap her own multiple near death experience for the past 24 hours.

And like some dark revelation of her mind, her vision travelled a few moments back in time:


DM surge passive effect (terror aura lvl 1) is now in effect.

"Hey queen bug horse!! Ever heard of the skyrim space program?" The human's two toned voice asked the changeling queen from the other end of the throne room
But before she could even digest the question, nearly all ponies within the room went into full panic as they scrambled to leave the the throne room and put some distance between them, the black magic wrapped, and seem-to-be demented, angry divine being, and the exposed princess impostor.

"I care not for your ramblings you false god!" Queen Chrysalis answered with a smug grin.

"That you may creature. But Your whatever you're planning, it won't succeed," Chrysalis heard a stern voice approach, turning in time to press her horn to Princess Celestia's. "but now that you have been revealed by this human....I can protect my subjects...from you!"

Alert!! Alert!!: DM corruption detected at: Central Processor.

Processor nodes: Cognizance #2, Morality #3 contaminated.

Default mental stabilization protocols engaged.

Isolating affected nodes.

With a flap of her wings, princess Celestia took off to the air, and unleashed a bright beam of golden magic from her horn. Chrysalis countered with an emerald beam of her own, gritting her teeth in concentration. As the elements and the real Cadence watched in awe and fear..

At the corner of her eye, Twilight noticed the human's head and arms suddenly going limp but yet, he remained standing. But she was too engrossed to the ongoing clash of magic to even pay adequate attention to the human.

But to everyone's surprise, Chrysalis began to gain the upper hand, her beam overpowering Celestia's and approaching her. Then the green beam slammed into her, blasting the Princess out of her elevation, and to one of the throne room walls, her crown flying off her head, before dropping back to the floor. Chrysalis looked at herself in amusement and pride.

Node isolation successful.

"Shining Armour's love is even stronger than I thought,"she said smugly. " Devouring it has made me even stronger than an alicorn!"

Conditions met for divine title: #Unhinged#: 2/5

"Princess Celestia!!" Twilight's friends shouted, galloping to their fallen leader. Completely forgetting the other growing threat in the room

"Now as for you-"
"DINGALINGALINGALIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR TIME TO ANSWER IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Chrysalis tried to address the other main threat in the room.

But she should have dealt with him first.

As the stone end of the human's hammer bid her head good day is slams itself on to her snout. followed by a powerful magic explosion. sending twilight and her friends flying out to the throne room walls. Her vision blacking out before she hit the floor.


After the brief flashback, Twilight regained her vision back to the present, and was now able to view her surroundings.

The throne room is completely thrashed as lunar guards ponies are running in and out of the area following the orders barked by a lilac unicorn.

The giant stained glass window that was behind the royal throne was completely obliterated along with the throne itself. leaving a giant hole overlooking the now defenceless city due to the caster of the shield protecting it is out of action as an inconceivable number of black dots swarm in like locusts on a wheat farm.

And near where the changelings meet the city, an explosion erupted sending a hundred black dots into the air.

As the chaos ensues on the capital of Equestria, her heroes are in their own form of shock after tasting the enraged power of the one they thought to not exist. (at least to some of them)

Cadence is on the ceiling with some Batponies as they desperately try to pull out the hanging Shining Armour who's only recognisable by his white flanks and shield cutie mark due to his front part being buried deep into the ceiling.

Fluttershy and Rarity are huddled together weeping as they held their five beaded rosaries and an accompanying grey book as they whispered prayers at each other.

Rainbow Dash is sitting in a corner, hugging herself, while rocking back and forth as she looked down at herself while whimpering something about some things she had done, while Applejack is shaking her. Trying to snap the Pegasus out of it.

And Pinkie is sitting on a theatre couch, wearing 3D glasses, and eating from an assortment of snacks surrounding her as she looks out of the gaping hole.

"Where's the human???" Twilight asked spike with her barely contained panic as her dragon assistant tends to her wounds.

"We don't know. After princess Celestia woke me up, the human was gone. Some lunar guards came in and helped patch us up."

"Where's princess Celestial?"

"She left for the tower to recover the elements" a midnight blue alicorn answered behind twilight.

"Princess Luna!!-ouch.." The lavender mare tried to show her respect to the princess of the night, but the pain on her shoulder reminded her of her injury.

"You may not need to bow bearer of magic. And we thank you for finding the human in time" Princess Luna spoke as pieces of armour made of meteorite steel are being pieced together on her body by a yellow aura coming from the peanut butter coloured unicorn beside her.

"wait... you KNEW about the human?? -*smack!!* BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!! Twilight asked stressed as Applejack gave the cyan pegasus a hard slap on the cheek and an explosion occurred somewhere in the city.

"we confess yes. the human was found at our kingdom's south coast the day before yesterday after the storm. he was supposed to be transferred to a secure place but alas. it seems that he was brought here by these creatures. And for reasons we yet to know," the lunar co ruler explained to twilight as the leather straps on her armour are being adjusted.

"okay! so a mythical creature actually exists, it's pretty mad, and now it's currently on the loose here in Canterlot, and we're gonna use the Elements of harmony against it along with the changelings yes?" Twilight asked with hope to the midnight alicorn.

"Are you barking mad Twilight?? You are going to use the very tool the children of Faust made for us against them??" Rarity protested in their conversation.

Rares!! Fer Pete's sake don't go spewin' that "hooman makah" hullabaloo now!!! In case ya Lost yer memory from ya hitting' the wall, that thang jus' came up n' nleash' a big ol' blast dat nearly killed us!!!" Applejack shot at the white unicorn from her position

"He may have accidentally harmed us. But that only happened because we were caught in the crossfire when he saved us along with princess Celestia from that mean black pony" Fluttershy said with a little louder than her usual whispered voice.

"WOOOO!!! that must have hurt!!" Pinkie cheered from her seat as she watches the ongoing chaos in the city.

"ENOUGH!!!!!!" the princess of the night roared with her royal Canterlot voice to the bickering element bearers effectively gaining their attention.

"aren't you all ashamed of yourselves right now? you are the elements of harmony yet look at you all! fighting amongst yourselves due to some petty difference over what deity you believe in, while the kingdom you have sworn to protect is in danger!!!" the princess of the night scolded the six mares.

"Princess Luna's right!! we shouldn't be fighting right now when there's a bad guy wreaking havoc on Canterlot" the rainbow maned Pegasus said after recovering some of her lost bravado.

"B-but this could be Faust's way of sending help to us!! We shouldn't interfere with her son's work lest we'll be rejecting her herself!!" the element of generosity protested.

"Generosity... we have met the human ourselves.. we can assure you he is not a son of Faust.. and if he is, then it is all the more reason we should aid him in banishing this threat on our land. And it should be fine for the human for as child of the great mother, he will be immune to the effects of the elements is he not?". 'at least we think' *pop* *crash* SHINING!!!" princess Luna explained to Rarity as the chaos ensues on the city and Shining Armor is finally freed from his untimely use as a nail and unceremoniously dropped back to the floor.

"Lu-err... your majesty. i didn't mean to interrupt, but i think we're gonna have some more company" the unnamed lilac unicorn spoke as she looked down on the castle gardens with the clear view of changelings popping out of the gutters and drainage like rats on a flood.

*xxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........* "Tsuki! this is harvest Moon! we're in a bit of a pickle here on the 5th floor on the way to the vault! there's bugs crawling all over the upper floors! chances are they're also on their way to your position over!" a disembodied, female voice can be heard amidst the static coming from a floating rune materializing near the Lunar Di-arch.

"As expected......... Tell Taiyō to take the backup route. Our team will try to slow them down from here. Out. And Element bearers, stay put until our further orders." the Princess of the night spoke to the floating rune, then to the mane six.

"Already got the folks on the barricades, with a fresh shield spell set up around the perimeter" the lilac unicorn said as they walk out of the throne room leaving the element bearer in the care of the medic ponies.

"And one other thing Luna: i thought you were gonna help that human in the fight?" Starlight asked the lunar diarch as they leave the hearing distance of the occupants of the throne room.

"As much as we desire to aid our ally in battling these invaders, what Tempest and told us about what she saw, we believe it is best that we won't interfere with his battle" Princess Luna said. Not noticing the Eclipse agent stopping behind her.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Starlight asked the midnight alicorn prompting stopping the latter on her tracks.


Canterlot: Downtown

Chrysalis landed hard on the roof of small shop, smashing through it's fragile tiles, landing on the shop's stairs, creating a crater of wood and truss as she lands, and unleashing a tide of dust. Her battered carapace still held enough to protect her even after its absorption of the impact, but she was still left dizzy at the sensation.

When the dust settled, a middle aged stallion slowly peeked down of the crater the changeling queen made for herself.

"Thanos is coming......." was all the stallion murmured before galloping away from the crater and out of the shop. slamming the door shut behind him

The noise roused Chrysalis to her senses, shaking her head to stop her pupils from spinning. She stood up and looked to Canterlot Castle from the shop window, her body is still smoking, with a few creaks and cracks adorning her once pristine chitin.

'Thank the hive mother i collected this much love energy from that stallion.. or that shield would have failed ' The changeling queen thought to herself as she prepare a self healing spell on her body.

If not for the sudden spike of pain worming its way up her horn like a bolt of lightning. making her grind her teeth in pain.

"MY QUEEN!!!" Chrysalis heard a voice from the hole she made on the roof. looking up, she saw one of her trusted generals: Thorax looking at her from the hole in the roof with an assortment of changeling drones with him.

scanning user data bank... blueprints available for: 20-lber licorne (modified)

"Thorax, what took you so long?" asked Chrysalis as the drones descended to her along with the general.

scanning area for crafting materials... materials collected.

"We squeezed through the shield as soon as it started to crack, after your impact" replied Thorax as the drones began their work in healing their sovereign, noticing his queens slightly on edge tone. "What happened, my Queen?"

"The human has somehow escaped Pharynx's army. and it's now going nuts here on the surface." explained Chrysalis, trying to ignore the pain radiating from her bruises and the cracks on her horn and carapace as they were mended by the drones. "The Intel we gathered left so much to be desired: he wasn't supposed to be this powerful, nor he's able to control his power to a degree such as this..

re-acquiring target.... standby...

"WHAT? HOW??" the changeling general asked, his voice full of shock. "But her majesty has been feeding..."

"I DON'T KNOW HOW, WHAT, OR WHY!!," screamed Chrysalis in frustration. "Thorax. don't bother with that..... thing............Go to the castle, and deal with the element bearers and their blasted necklaces before our problems get any bigger... And call Pharynx up here so we could at least contain that bipedal monster "

"Your majesty... We lost all contact with general Pharynx an hour before the start of the wedding... Along with the best troops we had..." the changeling general confessed to Chrysalis. Prompting the changeling queen to slowly look at him. Disbelief clearly showing on her features.

target located.

Before one could even speak, the Feelers of every changeling in the room felt a strong congregation of magic.


A very STRONG congregation of magic.

And it suddenly bolted towards the house they are currently in at an alarming speed.

Out of instinct, the changeling queen quickly fired up a teleportation spell for her and her group just before a glowing red orb the size of a shot put ball punched through the shop's wall, then detonating with enough force to obliterate the two story building like a potato in an oven.

While the ex-occupants of said building looked at the debris shower of what was left of the building

"Awww dammit!! missed!!!" A two toned voice was heard from the roof of the building the changeling group are hiding beside in..

"Go to the castle.. now..." Chrysalis ordered her general through the hive mind

'B-but my queen...' general Thorax tried to complain

'THAT'S AN ORDER!!!' The changeling queen barked as she dashed out to the back of the building, and took off. The back of the human standing on the rooftop was wide open and unaware of her presence.

'I'll send my guards and Jubilee's army to aid you' thorax said in the hive as he dashed to the castle along with his small contingent.

Taking the initiative, Chrysalis fired a powerful spell normally used to kill dragons invading their hive at the human at near point blank range. the love energy she had in store doubling the lethality of her spell with the bright green blob of flame, being a clear sign of it.

As the spell finally made contact with the biped, Chrysalis's hope for a beautiful obliteration of the the human never came instead, the spell dissipates into a shower of fine emerald dust. Wrapping the unfazed human like it was being thrown a party in its honour by the element of Laughter.

As Chrysalis lands on a nearby roof of another building, the human simply ran one of its claws on its back and the bone club strapped on it before suddenly facing the changeling queen. Giving her a clear view of the strange object it is carrying.

it looks vaguely similar to the pink pony's party cannon yet, if it was set vertically, it would almost exceed the biped's height, it is naked bronze instead of coloured blue, with strange ornaments adorning the entire tube and it sits on a some sort of frame/rig with handles on some places for the human to hold on to instead of having wheels.

Chrysalis ran out of time to peruse the weapon as the muzzle of the cannon spewed out another red glowing orb heading towards her, crimson lightning arcing out of said orb and hitting any random objects unfortunate enough to be close to it.

It was easy enough for the changeling queen to jump onto the nearby roof of another building to get out of the orb's way and let it hit the building she was previously standing on top on. Obliterating it in a similar fashion as its previous victim,

The follow-up shot aimed at her was what she was expecting to follow.

But not a multitude of them at once.

With their speed increased two-fold.

Not wanting to be vaporised, Chrysalis jumped off the roof where she stood and made a beeline away from the human as she felt one of the orbs got close enough to burn a few strands of her tail.

"Now where do you think you're goin??" She heard the human call out. With a quick glance behind her, Chrysalis felt her green blood slightly ran cold as she saw the human jumping between buildings on hot pursuit of her. its cannon firing relentlessly at her.

"Could you at least stand still?"

But they are a little ways off their target (her) which is nice.

'so he can't hit a barn door from a few paces, this'll make things a bit easier for me...'

As soon as the biped landed on the next roof, the changeling queen fire a kinetic spell to the building. Sending the human down to earth along with the collapsing shop. Kicking up a fountain of rubble as it collapses.

"well... that went better than expected.. a little too well if may say so." the changeling queen said to herself as she landed a few meters away from the settling dust of the building where the human was buried in.

'My queen. This is Jubilee. we got a visual on you and are approaching you from behind now' a familiar voice resonated within the hive mind as the buzzing of a thousand inset wings can heard slowly closing in on the changeling queen.

'Good.. we'll seal this bastard here, and we'll move on to the castle' Chrysalis answered as she took a few steps closer to the cloud of dust.

But she stopped when she saw an unmistakable silhouette of a biped standing within the cloud.

"Of course you'll survive that... it'll take more than a stomp to kill a parasite anyway" Chrysalis said as if to mock the human who is currently trying to Egress from the ruins and dust of what seems to be a metal shop.

"listen here 'human'... Why are you even fighting us? This doesn't even concern you is it? So why bother? How about we make a deal: you leave this city, and the ponies, and we'll guarantee you safe passage out of the country, and you won't have to bother yourself with any of this." the changeling queen negotiated with the biped as the dust finally settled.

But the biped is preoccupied with dusting himself off, and shaking his ranged weapon of debris that got into the barrel.

"I'm sorry what were you sayi-oof! ouch! whoa.." the human asked whilst tripping and staggering on some limestone and I-beams as he clumsily exited the ruined building.

With one eye twitching, Chrysalis spread her four insectoid wings wide in an attempt to strike fear to this creature who dared disrespect the rightful sovereign of the changeling hive.


While the human gave her a flat look while covering his ears with one of his digits on each hand.

"If you are really this dense? then maybe they will drive my point through" Chrysalis spoke with oozing arrogance as the deafening buzz of her backup's wings heralds their arrival. and all are giving the lone biped their best attempt of intimidation by hisses and clicks.

'Come onn..... take the bait... JUST RUN FOR KYTINN'S SAKE!!!' the changeling queen mentally screamed with her breath held as her facade of confidence strains as she eyes the human for any reaction.

The human looked at her, then her army, then back at her, then at its ranged weapon.

20-lber licorne status: damaged. repairs are currently unavailable.

The human decided to holster its cannon on its back and draw out its hammer.

And started walking towards the changeling queen

And Chrysalis's eyes were already betraying her still smiling face.

'Okay.. Calm down. I can still deal with him without confronting him... hopefully...' she mentally reassured herself while giving a hearty laugh at the human.

"You're approaching us? Instead of running away, you come to us?" the now internally panicking changeling queen taunted the biped.

The grinding noise of the human's hammer on the cobblestone road was the only reply she received.

"this is not about whatever you're planning to do with these creatures bug.. the human said while it slowly closed the distance between him and the changeling.

within just a confused blink from Chrysalis, the human was already in front of her.

Hammer poised for an overhead vertical swing.

"This is about avenging my love..." the biped whispered.

Before hitting the cobblestone road in front of the changeling queen.



The next thing that came to the changeling queen's mind is to question her life choices

While looking down on the city of canterlot high into the air..

And her wings feel numb for some reason.


User passive status: partly unstable
User active status: unknown.
Alert! Alert! DM surge penalties are in effect: #madness# #blind rage#
Hull intergrity: 100%
Maker tier skills active:
Master transfusion
M deity
Divine title Achieved: Obliterator

Comments ( 69 )

Damn the matrix has gotten a lot more colorful since the last time we've seen it :rainbowlaugh:

Yay a new chapter.



She's about to not feel so good.

"Thanos is coming......." was all the stallion murmured before galloping away from the crater and out of the shop. slamming the door shut behind him

Wait......... what?

Lady Bike wishes for vengeance.

Wow I'm impressed but why is thanos coming to the mlp verse ?

You are the 200th comment!!!!!

A war god unleashed.

Dis gun be fun.

Honestly I don't think all these Cliffhangers would bother me as much if the updates weren't months apart. It's almost to the point you have to go back and reread previous chapters to know what's going on.

Yeah sorry...
As you can see on your end, the year went in with a vengeance...

Let's just say my new year resolution/life plan was thrown out the window. In turn, life sucks for me right now..

I'll try to stay positve and publish the next chapter as soon as i could.

Don't get me wrong I understand life does what it does and you update when you can, but the amount of cliffhangers you write can get frustrating as a reader.

"You're approaching us? Instead of running away, you come to us?" the now internally panicking changeling queen taunted the biped.

Now why is everyone doing this so much recently? Them Jojo references are starting to flood the site!:pinkiecrazy:

I find it ironic a traditional family like AJ isnt as religious as Rarity

You have to think who gave AJ's Family their Farm land.

why can i only like ones. take my likes 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

You don't mess with a man's ride.

I hate to be that guy but.... Update?

1k words
Imaging the battle between bug and man
Harder than it sounds.

"You're approaching us? Instead of running away, you come to us?" the now internally panicking changeling queen taunted the biped.

Looks like team Chrysalis is blasting off again

I just started reading this story and I fricken looooove it. I've seen premises for stories like this before, where a displaced gets godlike abilities, but this story manages to make the plot interesting and humorous in spite of the fact that the main protagonist has GOD PLZ NERF ME POWERS. lol. Thanks A-L-A for this chapter, and I wish you luck on the next one. As always, good luck and have fun writing.

"You're approaching us? Instead of running away, you come to us?" the now internally panicking changeling queen taunted the biped.

He cant beat the shit out of them without getting closer

Oh yes please continue

All of this seems rushed? Good story but seems like im missing something.

Yeah... I noticed
Which is why it's taking me this long to set up the next chapter....

Comment posted by mickal9090 deleted Dec 29th, 2020
Comment posted by Astump199 deleted Jan 26th, 2021

How goes the next update?

Idk what the hell happened to Vann but I'm guessing that his anger from seeing his girlfriend bike get destroyed caused dark magic to swirl and fuse him with his bike, turning him into a cyborg. Hence the electronic dialogues.

Desti #43 · Apr 5th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Rares!! Fer Pete's sake don't go spewin' that "hooman makah" hullabaloo now!!! In case ya Lost yer memory from ya hitting' the wall, that thang jus' came up n' nleash' a big ol' blast dat nearly killed us!!!" Applejack shot at the white unicorn from her position

You're going a little too ham on the accent man, that's almost unreadable.

Man I hope the story is not dead

Man this is a good story please don't let it die ;-;

can i ask when the next chapter coming out?

I really hope that this story will continue

If you need good inspiration for what a fight between a bug and a man would be, One Punch Man could do the trick.

Or hunter x hunter

I hope this story continue’s

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