• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,266 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...


[Ponyville, 9:00 P.M., Friendship School]

The group of Gallus, Silverstream, Smolder, Ocellus, Sandbar, and Yona were walking through the halls, heading to Twilight's office. Ocellus was looking around nervously as if she was afraid they were going to be spotted or something. "Is this really a good idea? I mean what if we get in trouble?"

Gallus shrugged a bit as they turned left at the end of the hall. "Relax Ocellus. It's not that big of a deal. I heard Headmare Twilight mention she packed one of those new Walkie Talkie mirror things in Gine's pack before she left. All we're going to do is sneak into headmare Twilight's office, have a quick peak on what Gine is doing out there, and leave it be. Simple."

Sandbar then raised an eyebrow. "And if Ocellus is right and we get caught?"

Smolder then flew past Gallus to get in front of the group. "Then we just say we got eager and wanted to see what awesome stuff we're going to learn from her ahead of time. Even Twilight wouldn't be mad about us being "excited" to see what we're going to learn."

Silverstream, as usual, was overly excited. "Oh man. I can't wait to see what we'll get to learn. I mean being able to shoot blasts, move really fast, and not to mention from someone who was able to go one on one against Princess Celestia."

"Yona can't wait either. Ms. Gine even stronger than yak and she can show how Yona can get that strong."

Ocellus could tell she was outvoted and sighed. "Well. Let's get moving."

They soon came to the door of Twilight's office and slowly cracked the door open, peeking inside for anyone before Gallus pushed it completely open. "The coast is clear."

The group all entered the office with Smolder flying up to one of the shelves. "Spread out and look. It's gotta be here somewhere."

All of the students began looking all over the office. They looked in every box, drawer, folder, and under every paper, they could find. However, they were unable to locate the mirror they desired. Ocellus still appeared nervous over what they were doing. "Come on. We couldn't find it. Let's get out of here before we get in trouble."

However, her words fell on deaf ears as her friends were still thinking of places to look. Yona scratched her head as she tried to come up with a place to look. "Maybe she hide it under rug?"

Smolder looked to her with an answering look, "Then we would've stepped on it Yona. Come on, there's gotta be a spot we haven't checked."

"Looking for something?"

The group jumped a bit before turning around to find Twilight standing in the doorway with a mirror in her hands and a smile on her face. "Maybe something like this?"

Gallus sighed as he said, "Busted."

Ocellus let herself become even more worried, "Headmare Twilight. We're really sorry. We just wanted to-."

Twilight raised her hand to calm the young changeling. "It's okay Ocellus. I know what's going on?"

"You do?" Silverstream shot up with surprise.

"Of course. I had a feeling you all would be looking forward to Gine teaching you all after she finishes her own."

The students all let out sighs of relief before Silverstream asked, "Does that mean we can have a peak?"

"Unfortunately," Twilight then gained a look of sympathy, "I can't allow that."

"Why not? We just want to see a bit of what she's gonna show us ahead of time."

"Because Gallus, Gine told me that learning how to use ki takes preparation because it can be both tricky and difficult. And I don't want to take the risk of one of you attempting to try and do what you see her do before she can teach you how to do it properly and result in someone getting hurt."

While disappointed, none of the students could come up with a compromise for Twilight's logic. They all gave up trying with Smolder speaking for all of them with, "Fine. We'll keep waiting."

"Good." Twilight placed the mirror on her desk before smiling at the group. "I know you're all excited to learn from her but look at the bright side. The less you know ahead, the more you'll have to look forward to when she's done. Now head on back to your rooms and get ready for your next classes."

All of the students nodded and left her office while Twilight couldn't help but feel amused. "Wow. I haven't seen them that eager to learn something new since the school reopened. Gine's gonna have an interesting lesson with them."

[Everfree Forest, 9:00]

Gine was just leaving Zecora's hut with a smile as she spoke, "I can't thank you enough Zecora. I hope it wasn't too much trouble replicating it. And you don't mind holding on to the rest of it?"

"Of course not my friend. Though tricky it was, I figured out the formula in the end. And as for holding on to the rest that I made, I believed having more is good should it be needed for future aid."

Gine placed the vial of the healing formula in her pack before hovering up a bit. "I guess you're right. Well, I'll see you around. I gotta get back to work."

Gine flew off while Zecora waved off.

'Well, time to keep training. And not a moment too soon. Getting used to 20x normal gravity was a bit of a challenge so higher levels will only require more aid to keep me on my feet.'

'And since you have reinforced your strength, I believe it is time for me to begin my part in teaching you.'

Gine soon landed at a small area where a dead fire pile sat along with some eaten fruit sitting around, indication that the spot was Gine's campsite. "Yeah. I've been wondering, what do you have in mind for me to learn?"

'I believe there are a few techniques that you need to know for your training.'

Gine sat down and threw some wood on the dead fire pile and used her ki to ignite it. "I'm all ears Toolo."

'To begin with, you spoke of new attacks did you not?'

"I did. Why? Do you have one in mind?"

'It is an attack known as the Trident Cannon.'

"Trident Cannon? Sounds interesting. Is it powerful?"

'It was one of the most advanced Kanassan attacks. It is quite powerful depending on the user. And given how your kind was able to surpass us, I believe it will be even more powerful as your technique.'

Gine stood up and did a couple of stretches before putting on a determined look. "Alright then. How does it work?"

'It is a powerful beam attack that requires focused energy to aid in magnifying its power. To begin, focus two energy orbs into your hands.'

Gine extended her hands out to the sides and opened her palms. She then began focusing her energy until two energy orbs formed. "Okay. Now what?"

'Now focus on extending more of your energy in front of you. As you do so, focus on using it to form three energy lenses. They will be the key to magnifying the attack's power.'

Gine then flared up her aura and focused harder. Soon, three lenses of ki appeared in front of her in a row. However, they appeared to be shaking, a sign of Gine struggling to hold them together. But even when struggling, she pressed on. "Next step Toolo. Quickly."

'Bring the two orbs together and focus them into one before firing the energy as a beam through the lenses.'

Gine, still struggling to keep the lenses together, brought her hands and ki orbs together, forcing them into one orb before moving her hands behind her.

"Trident Cannon!"

She shot her hands forward and fired the beam. However, she was unable to hold the lenses together any longer, causing them to disappear before the beam could reach the first one. And due to the struggle, Gine's beam wasn't able to last long either and began to dissipate before it could hit anything. Gine fell to one knee, trying to catch her breath as she slammed her fist into the ground. "Damn it!"

'Calm yourself, my friend. It was only your first try.'

Gine sat down for a moment as she simply stared off to the forest area in front of her. "I guess you're right. It's just... It took so much just to barely keep it together."

'And that is why you must keep practicing with it. As soon as you've mastered it, we will be able to move on.'

Gine got back to her feet as she continued to look ahead. "Well then. I better get to work."

[One week later]

Gine stood by her campsite as she took her stance. "Alright. This time for sure."

Gine spiked her aura into a flare before she extended her arms out with her hands open. She soon focused two energy orbs into both hands before she looked forward and began focusing more of her energy to where three ki lenses appeared right in front of her in a row, only this time they remained stable and intact. She then brought the two orbs together and forced them into one and moved her hand behind her before looking straight to the lenses.


Gine then shot her hands forward and fired the beam. As it passed through each lens, it grew in both size and power. It shot a great distance until it collided with a mountain, miles away and engulfed it in a flash of light. When the light faded, where the mountain once was, now all that remained was dust and rubble. Gine began to pant and sweat a bit before a smirk came across her face. "Finally. I think... I think I finally got the hang of the Trident Cannon."

'You have done extremely well Gine. It would take months for the average Kanassan to master the Trident Cannon yet you've managed to do so in only a week.'

Gine sat down and took out a canteen of water Applejack gave her before she left and took a large sip from it. "Thanks for the boost of confidence Toolo. So? What's next on the training resume?"

'What I have next for you will require more mental strength rather than physical.'

"I don't think I fully understand what you mean," Gine said with confusion, "Are you going to teach me some kind of attack that I use with my mind or something?"

'Not exactly. Do you recall how I asked you to leave your scouter behind when you left?'

"Yeah. But what about it?"

'Unlike you Saiyans, Kanassans were able to sense the level of power others possessed without a device.'

This actually caught Gine by surprise. "You mean it's possible to sense power levels without a scouter?"

'Indeed. And it is what I shall teach you next. For relying on that device of yours, should the wrong opponent show themselves, will make it difficult to know how truly powerful they are.'

Gine gave it some thought. Toolo did make some fair points. While Saiyans had often relied on scouters, they were still gadgets. And like any other gadget, some could find ways to work around it, making it a disadvantage relying on its readings. "Alright, Toolo. I'm game."

'Excellent. But for now, rest and regain your strength. While not physical, learning to sense ki will require being at full strength. Let your strength return, then we shall continue.'

Gine sighed and laid back on the ground with her hands behind her head. "I won't argue with you there Toolo."

Gine moved back to her camping spot and laid down on the ground, getting comfortable. "Alright, Toolo. I'll talk to you when I wake up."

Gine then let sleep overtake her and entered a nap.

[A few hours later]

Gine sat in front of one of the Everfree Forest's rivers staring forward into the water in front of her. She sat with her knees under her and her hands on her lap. "Okay, Toolo. What's the first thing I need to do?"

'To begin, you must first clear your mind. Drown out any distractions you may have around you.'

Gine took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Around her, she could hear the water in the river streaming down its path, the sound of the small waterfall at the start of it, the wind blowing freely, and some leaves and tree rustling from it. She focused on concentrating, drowning out the noises while also trying to use them as a white noise to aid in focusing.

'Now. Feel your energy flow through you while also retaining it and preventing it from releasing.'

Gine charged her ki a bit as it slowly began to spread it throughout most of herself. At one point, she had a small aura beginning to barely appear from her before it began to fade as a sign of her holding it in and retaining it.

'Now use your ki as a source to understand how the ki of other beings feels as you search for it.'

Gine began to concentrate harder than before and tried to feel out more ki besides her own. She sat for almost an hour, repeating the processes, trying to lock onto something. However, despite her effort, she was unable to sense anything and eventually let out a breath. "I can't sense anything? What am I doing wrong?"

'You're trying too hard Gine. You must let yourself remain calm and patient. As I told you before. Patience yields focus. You must control your ki while also letting it flow completely to first learn how to sense any ki apart from your own. You must control your ki and allow it to spread throughout your being.'

"Wait. I surrender to my ki in order to use it to sense other ki? That doesn't make sense."

'Not everything does. Not everything has to. Just trust me about this Gine. I do not intend to mislead you.'

"Alright," said Gine as she sighed before focusing again, "I'll give it another go."

Gine repeated the same steps as she did the first time and did as Toolo suggested. She once again brought her ki up and made sure to prevent it from leaking out from her, but at the same time, allowing it to spread through her entire being once again. Using it as a reference source, Gine then began to calmly and patiently focus on her surroundings as she tried to sense other living things in the area. This time, after a few minutes, she began to sense more ki signatures. And as she continued focusing, she soon began to pick up on even more ki and found out they were going on for miles into the forest. "I... I sense them. Even more ki signatures from almost everything within range."

Gine soon stopped and took a break. Though not physical, the act did drain her a little mentally. "Toolo? Did I do it right?"

'Indeed Gine. Though you must keep practicing with it. The more you do, the more used to it you shall become and the less effort you will need. At one point it will become as natural to you as breathing itself.'

Gine looked to the running water in the river as she let Toolo's words sink in. "Yeah. So? What's next on the agenda?"

'Next I shall teach you a powerful Kanassan technique. However, your body isn't quite physically strong enough to handle it yet. You must first increase your physical strength before you will be ready.'

"How strong do I need to be for this technique of yours?"

'I will inform you when you are ready. For now, you should begin preparing.'

"If you say so."

Gine stood up and walked to her pack and pulled out the device that Discord gave to her. She examined the device while thinking of what to set it to for her first try with it. "Let's see. This world is 10x less than Vegeta's gravity. So I guess the best starting point would be... 20x gravity. And let's just limit it to my camping area for now."

Gine placed the device on the ground and began adjusting the range to only around her camping area before she turned the other knob up to 20x. Not long after, Gine felt the effects begin. She soon felt herself becoming heavier and had to crouch down to stand. She slowly and barely began walking forward, trying to keep herself from falling over. "Yep. This should be a good start for now."

Gine kept walking as much as she could, soon reaching her pack where she pulled out a set of dumbbells that appeared to be around 70 lbs each. "Gotta remember to thank Rainbow Dash for letting me borrow these when I get back. Let's get started. One... T-Two... T-t-three..."

Gine kept lifting the weights with as much effort as she had. She was determined to become as strong as she could before she starts training the students.

'You are doing well Gine. You must continue making progress for what I have to teach.'

Gine continued lifting the dumbbells while also trying to keep a steady breath. "It's a good thing Saiyans love a challenge."

For hours, Gine continued lifting the dumbbells. She was sweating very heavily, her face was a little red, her arms looked to have gained more muscle, and her legs looked like they were ready to give out. "9,995... 9,996... 9,997... 9... 9,998... 9,000... 999... 10... 10... 10,000!!!"

Gine let out a huff as she dropped the dumbbells to the ground and fell down herself, trying to catch her breath. "Wow... That... Was... Far from easy. Now I know what the elites felt like."

She stood up and noticed that unlike when she first turned on the device, she was having an easier time moving around. She still felt wobbly and a little pressure from the gravity, but was at least able to stand up straight. "Upper strength done. Now to work on lower strength." Gine pulled some rope out of her pack and walked over to a couple of large boulders near her site and tied it around them before tying the middle of it around her waist. She then began trying to run, but as she had hoped, the boulders were preventing her from moving too quickly. She kept pulling until eventually, they began to slide a bit. She continued dragging the boulders with all of her might as her feet dug into the ground and the boulders left groves. "With this kind of workout, I should be able to get strong enough in only a couple of weeks."

[2 weeks later]

Gine was pulling the same two boulders behind her only this time there were two differences. Instead of walking with them, she was pulling them behind her as she swam laps around one of the Everfree forest ponds. And along with that, she had the gravity device set to 50x normal gravity. She continued stroking through the water as the gravity and water itself added more and more force to the boulders. After about 50 laps, she swam back to the shore edge and managed to stand on the ground and pulled the boulders to shore as well. She wiped some water and sweat from her forehead as she through the rope she used to strap the boulders to her onto the ground. Gine took a deep breath as she walked to the gravity device and began reducing it back down to normal levels. "So Toolo? Am I strong enough to learn that new technique you had planned?"

'Indeed you are. Once we return to your campsite, I will explain everything to you.'

Gine picked up the water she had brought with and took a massive gulp before heading down the path to her campsite. "I honestly can't wait. If it takes mastering 50x normal gravity to learn this technique, it must be something powerful."

Gine soon arrived back at her camp and placed the rope from the boulders by her bag. After about an hour to regain her steady breathing and strength, Gine stood back up and did a few stretches. "Alright, Toolo. Let's get started."

'Enthusiastic I see. Very well. The technique I'm about to teach you is called the Spirit Charge.'

"The Spirit Charge?"

'Yes. It is a technique that requires a being of a strong body and mind to fully master it because it was the most powerful but also most difficult technique of our race. We Kanassans used it to greatly amplify our power when facing powerful threats. Though what little it did against the Saiyans when they attacked.'

"Please don't remind me. I feel bad enough that my mate and my former squad took your lives, especially with you helping me to prepare in protecting this world."

'Apologies. I did not mean to make you feel guilty. I hold no blame towards you Gine. You showed me not all Saiyans are ruthless.'

"I appreciate it Toolo. Now how do I start using this Spirit Charge?"

'To begin with. Clear your mind. Drown out all distractions.'

Gine stood straight, closed her eyes, and began to focus. She kept her breathing steady and remained in a calm state. She soon had a small aura began to generate from her body. She kept focusing as her aura remained sustained.

'Now picture your power level increasing greatly. This is where your mental strength is crucial. You must have all focus on your power level.'

Gine followed Toolo's instructions and focused on her power and the image that he asked her to picture. She saw herself with her aura increasing in size. Her mental endurance was then focused on her power as it spread throughout her body. And as she continued picturing it, the aura around her soon began growing in size slowly.

'Combine your mind and body as though they were one thing. Both are required to fully master the Spirit Charge.'

Gine felt her power increase to the point where she felt a small bit of tension. Along with that, she also felt her senses become sharper. She could hear, smell, and feel almost everything around her. Gine clenched her fists as she prepared for the next step.

'Now. Use the Spirit Charge Level 1!'

Gine's eyes shot open as she retracted all of the aura before she yelled out, "Spirit Charge! Level 1!" She shot her arms out to the side and the aura she had retracted returned, only in greater size and this time, the aura had changed from a basic white color to a aqua blue with white highlights at the end. And along with that, Gine felt a great change in herself. "Wow. This power... It's incredible. Why didn't you teach me this sooner Toolo?"

'Because you weren't ready until now.'

This statement seemed to confuse Gine a bit. "What do you mean?"

'While the Spirit Charge is a powerful technique, there is a drawback. The higher the level of power a user does, the more stress it will put on the body and the higher the level of exhaustion it will inflict. Meaning if you were to use a level that you're not ready for, then your power will rise to a point where your body cannot keep up with it. That is why I had you train under gravity first before I told you about it.'

After his explanation, Gine soon understood why he had waited. "So if I go too high with it, I could end up damaging my body?"

'Indeed. The Spirit Charge is a powerful but also strategical technique for those who use it.'

Gine soon dissipated her aura and returned to her normal power level. "So at the moment, how high of the Spirit Charge am I at right now?"

'For now. The highest you are able to handle is Spirit Charge Level 5. As you continue to progress, you will be able to use the higher levels.'

"I understand. Thank you Toolo."

'You are most welcome Gine. Now there are just two more things I have left to teach you. And they should be a bit easier for you.'

"Why is that?"

"Because they both focus on something unique to Saiyans. Your Great Ape transformation."



The Young Six were following Zecora through the Everfree Forest with Yona carrying a case. They were delivering something to Gine for Twilight and the others, and the students managed to convince Twilight to allow them to make the delivery, mainly because they still wanted to see what Gine might possibly teach them, with the condition they let Zecora escort them through the forest. However, they were to only deliver the case to her and then leave her be so she may continue her training.

"Oh, I can't wait to get a sneak at what all we'll be learning. I'm so excited."

Silverstream's usual giddy personality would've normally been overlooked, but with where they were Gallus couldn't help but speak up, "Silverstream. You might want to keep it a little down since we're in an area full of wild animals."

"Oh... Hehe. Right. Sorry."

Smolder was flying beside Yona while she just looked around. "For once, I know what you mean Silverstream. I'm actually pretty excited myself. After seeing how tough Gine is and the really cool stuff she can do, I can't wait to be that awesome."

Ocellus was trying to keep a watchful eye out just to be safe before speaking, "Not to mention learning from someone from another world. I mean I always wondered if there was life out in space and now we actually get to learn about what they can teach us."

"Gine also strong enough to take on best guard in YakYakistan. She may even be stronger than Rockhoof. Yona wants to get stronger and really show how good yaks are."

"Yeah. I wouldn't mind being a cooler griffon with all kinds of new stuff to do."

"Yeah, dude. I'm looking forward to being the first Earth Pony who can fly like a pegasus. I always wondered what it was like to do like some of you guys do, and now Gine'll be able to show me how."

Zecora was walking in the lead of them all, looking to a map given to her by Twilight. Ocellus walked up beside Zecora. "Ms. Zecora? How much farther?"

"According to the map, from what I know, only one more mile of walking is how much further we have left to go."

This was exciting to the students until they saw something bright up ahead. "What that? Yona can't tell because it too bright."

The group then watched as the source of light then went straight into the air, giving them an easier time seeing what it was. Gallus was the first to speak up, "Wait. Isn't that the same thing Gine shot into the sky when she fought that Ursa Major?"

[Back with Gine (happening at the same time)]

Gine was a little surprised at what Toolo had next for her. "Wait. What does my Great Ape form have to do with my training?"

'There are two things I believe we must work on with it.'

"And those are?"

'To start with. I'm going to help you in learning to fully control it. From the battle you had with what the natives call the Ursa Major, I could tell you were struggling quite a lot in keeping control of your instincts. You were just barely able to hold onto yourself long enough to both stop the Ursa and destroy the artificial moon you created. Had it been any longer, you wouldn't have been able to prevent your form from taking over and starting off where the Ursa left off. Only if that had happened, I doubt your friends would've been able to stop you.'

After taking in his words, Gine realized Toolo was right. It took every ounce of her mind to control her Great Ape form long enough to protect Ponyville and then destroy the moon she created before she lost control. If that had happened, she doubted that even with Celestia and Luna's aid, her friends would not have been able to stop her in an out of control state of mind. "Okay. That I can understand. But what else is there besides that?"

'I'm also going to help you control it to where you decide if you transform under a full moon or not.'

This confused Gine a bit. "I don't think I understand."

'While your Great Ape form is powerful, there is a drawback to its transformation process. Once it begins, the process takes time to fully take effect. And during that moment, you're left open for a foe to attack you. By learning how to control it to where you can choose if you transform under a full moon or not will allow you to defend yourself better and not give a foe that kind of opening. Also, I'm sure you wouldn't want to risk an accidental transformation when your friends are nearby as well. Or when you begin training your students as well.'

Gine took in what Toolo and realized he made fair points. "Okay. I'm in on it. What do I need to do first?"

'To begin, you must first start the process. Create an artificial moon.'

Gine nodded before focusing her energy into her hand. Soon a sphere of ki began to form before she shot it into the air. She then raised her hand and clenched it once the sphere was high enough. "Burst open and mix!"

The sphere soon flashed before Gine's artificial moon appeared. She stared straight at it and soon after, her transformation began. But right as it did.

"Ms. Gine?"

Gine turned to see the group being lead by Zecora approaching her with Silverstream asking, "What are you doing?"

"Oh no. Everyone get back!"

This confused the group until Zecora noticed Gine's reaction to the transformation beginning to happen before looking up to see the artificial moon above them. It was then she remembered what it meant from when Gine fought the Ursa Major. "Children! We must get clear! I believe Gine is about to become what an Ursa Major fears!"

It took the students a moment to understand until they saw Gine's size begin to grow along with her eyes becoming pupiless. They then began to run for cover until Gine soon fully transformed into a Great Ape. After that, they stopped to look with Gallus saying, "That giant ape look of hers is awesome, but a bit terrifying too. Good thing she's on our side."

Ocellus then noticed Gine wasn't acting in her usual calm state. Instead, she appeared to be acting like an animal that was preparing to become aggressive. "Um, guys? I think we better run."

"Why Ocellus say that? Ms. Gine won't hurt us."

They all then watched as Gine let out a loud roar before firing a ki beam from her mouth, destroying a nearby hill. The group then began running to avoid harm while Gine continued on in rampage. As they ran, Smolder asked, "What's going on? Why is she going all crazy?"

"Has she just been pretending to protect us all of this time?"

"Of course not Silverstream!" Sandbar said as he saw Gine swing her fists, sending trees in all kinds of directions. "If she had been lying all this time, Professor Applejack would've known it. There must be something else going on."

After stopping to do nothing but watch while the saiyan's rampage continued. As they watched, Ocellus soon thought of something, "Maybe... Maybe Ms. Gine can't control it."

This caught everyone's attention with Smolder asking, "What do you mean?"

"Do you guys remember that history lesson Professors Fluttershy and Applejack told us about the Kirin?"

They all looked to her in confusion. As with most classes, Ocellus was the only one who listened completely. "The Kirin had a problem too. When they got angry, they transformed into Nirik and couldn't stop it until they learned to control their anger."

"What that have to do with any of this?"

"What if Gine is having a similar problem? What if she can't control her Great Ape form yet and is trying to do so?"

The group then understood what Ocellus was saying. They then watched as Gine soon looked in their direction. "Run children! We must hurry to avoid Gine's out of control furry!"

They all then walked off just before Gine fired a beam that hit where they once were, narrowly missing them. They then watched as Gine jumped over a great distance and landed right in front of them.

"Ms. Gine! Please stop! It's us!"

Ocellus's words were unheard by Gine as she began reaching down for them all. However, the group jumped out of the way just in time. Gallus then said, "Let's get out of here before she makes another grab for us."

Sandbar then noticed the group was one short. "Wait. Where's Ocellus?"


They all looked up to see Ocellus was unable to escape Gine's grip in time. "Ocellus!"

Ocellus watched in horror as Gine brought her closer to her face. The young changeling once again tried to reason with the giant saiyan, "Ms. Gine! Please! It's me Ocellus! Don't hurt me! I'm your friend!"

The pleading words Ocellus spoke still had no effect on Gine as she soon lifted Ocellus higher while opening her mouth wide. She then began lowered Ocellus to her mouth, the young girl unable to do anything but scream while her friends could do nothing but watch. Gine was about to shut her mouth on Ocellus until...


Gine soon froze right before she completely ate Ocellus, with said changeling opening her eyes to see she was still okay. She soon felt Gine pull her away from her mouth and noticed the saiyan then appeared to be in deep thought.

'Gine. Focus! Remember the beast inside of you doesn't control you! You are in command of it! Concentrate! You have a strong will! Use it to tame your instincts in this form!'

Ocellus then watched as Gine began to groan and growl while also clenching her head with her free hand. "Gine?"

The Great Ape Saiyan continued groaning and clenching her head tighter. She soon let out a loud roar causing most of the group still on the ground to cover their ears. The roar soon stopped and Gine unclenched her head before she soon turned her sights back on Ocellus. Only this time, the young changeling could see not the eyes of an angry animal, but the eyes of a gentle and controlled creature. Then in a very deep voice, Gine began to speak, "O-Ocellus?"

Ocellus then felt Gine's grip on her begin to loosen until she was sitting in Gine's open palm. Ocellus then held on as Gine slowly lowered her to the ground before placing her down by the rest of the group who all looked up at her in surprise. Sandbar then asked the obvious question, "Gine? Are you back with us?"

Gine remained motionless before showing a friendly smile. "Yes, Sandbar. I'm okay now."

This caused the group to return her smile before Toolo spoke to Gine again, 'Well done Gine. You have gained full control of your Great Ape form.'

'Thank you Toolo. Now tell me how you want me to change back even with my fake moon still up.'

'Like with the Spirit Charge. Focus your mind on your own self. Focus on what you feel when you change back the way you are used to. Concentrate on that feeling. Combine your heart, body, and mind as one. And then you will be able to control when you transform under a full moon for the future to come.'

Gine did as instructed, focusing her body, heart, and the power within her body. She continued to concentrate and after enough time, she soon felt the power of the Great Ape form leaving her. Everyone watched as Gine soon began to shrink while her fur disappeared and her eyes returned to normal. She soon stood by the group as they all looked in amazement. "Gine! That incredible! Yona didn't know you could be regular self until fake moon thingy!"

Gallus was also a bit surprised himself. "Yeah. From what headmare Twilight told us, she said you can't turn back until the fake moon is gone."

Gine smiled before looking to her fake moon again, focusing on the technique Toolo taught her as she did. She then turned back to the group with a smile. "Well. What you just saw was me learning I could do it for the first time myself."

They all remained silent for a moment before Gine asked, "Though I should ask, what are all of you doing out here?"

Zecora then held out the case Yona had been carrying and handed it to Gine. "Twilight had asked the students and me to bring you this. Though I am now curious to ask what it is?"

Gine put the case down before opening it to reveal what Twilight had sent her. She pulled out what appeared to be a new saiyan armor that looked almost identical to the only one Gine had. Only instead of black, it was pink. "Perfect."

This shocked the students. "Wait. I thought you only had one set of armor Gine. So where did that one come from?"

Gine stretched it a bit to test how elastic it was before replying, "Well Smolder. Before I left to train, I asked Rarity and Twilight if they could possibly make me more. Given how good Twilight and Starlight are with magic and Rarity with clothing, I thought they could get it done. And by how it feels, it may not be an exact copy of my armor, but it works just as well as the original."

Gine then pulled her black armor off, leaving nothing but the sleeveless jumpsuit underneath on before she pulled the pink one over it.

"But why do you need another armor? Doesn't the one you have work?"

"Yes, Silverstream. But let's just say I don't wanna risk this one unless I absolutely have to." Gine then put her original armor in the case and handed it to Zecora. "Thank you very much for bringing it to me."

"It was no problem at all. Though now I believe we should return until the forest becomes a nighttime hall."

"Aww. But Yona want to watch Gine train a little more."

"Don't worry Yona," Gine said putting her hand on Yona's shoulder. "You all will soon get to learn what I'm able to do. I promise."

This made Yona and the rest of the group smile before they all then went back the way they came to leave the Everfree Forest. Gine also took flight to head back to her camp area with a smile on her face as she was able to watch the moon begin to rise for the first time without having to worry about transforming.

"Thank you Toolo. I honestly don't know what I can do to repay you."

'Simply focus on your training for the rest of the time you have to do so and you'll repay me enough.'

However, Gine doesn't realize how much of help her finished training will be when she is done.

[A Few Miles From Ponyville]

There was a traveler with a cloak over them who held a map in a green magic aura and clenched fists. From where they stood, the sight of Ponyville soon came into view. "Almost there."

The traveler then pulled off their cloak to reveal a mature female changeling with a green dress on her, holes in her legs and arms, long green hair, a large multiple curved horn on her head, green insect like wings, and anger in her green eyes.

"Soon. Only a few more days and I will have revenge on Starlight and her friends for robbing me of my hive and my pride as a Changeling. She will rue the day she ever heard the name, Queen Chrysalis!"

Chrysalis then covered herself in her magic as a means to display how powerful it became.

"First her. Then I will finally take back my hive from Thorax and then make them all suffer."

Chrysalis then let out an evil laugh, imagining her plans unfolding.

Author's Note:

I know this seems a bit rushed. I know not many are fond of chapters that show time skips between training in these kinds of stories, but I couldn't really think of a whole lot to do since it's just Gine training by herself. However, I do promise when training in future chapters come up, they won't be done in just one chapter.