• Published 16th Mar 2018
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Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...


After spending a couple of days in Canterlot, Gine and the others had returned to Ponyville along with the students. They had returned so Gine could begin preparing for her training before she was able to teach the students what she knew. Gine was currently in her guest room, packing some stuff. Thankfully Rarity had provided her with some more clothing to wear and Twilight, being herself, managed to study her armor just enough to be able to use her magic along with Celestia and Luna's to make the clothing strong enough to handle her power, that way she didn't have to risk her armor unless absolutely necessary.

After she finished packing, Gine sat down on her bed and began thinking. 'Okay. I need to figure out how I can really improve my physical strength. And along with that, maybe a way of improving what I can do. I mean my Goddess Blast and Maiden Lancer are okay, but I feel I need something more powerful.'

Gine just continued laying on her bed as she looked up at the ceiling. "I need to make a new attack. But what? Maybe something similar to King Vegeta's Galick Gun. But that move may be a little too tricky for me to learn. I could try developing a new attack during my training but what?"

'You appear to be thinking too much.'

Gine sighed as she continued looking up at the ceiling. "I guess you could say that Toolo."

'Your mind seems scattered. Tell me what bothers you my Saiyan friend.'

"We're friends?"

'As I said, you aren't like what most Saiyans were. Because of that, you have my respect and friendship. So tell me what bothers you.'

Gine sighed as she rubbed her head a bit as she said, "It's just... If I'm gonna train myself and those kids afterward then I need to find a way to improve myself and them both mentally and physically. I know you can show me how to train them mentally. But physically is what I'm trying to figure out. I mean normal stuff won't be quite enough to get myself and them to the point where their bodies will be strong enough so I have no idea what to do."

There was silence for a moment. "Toolo? You still there?"

'Be patient Gine.'


'If you seek wisdom then you need more focus. And patience yields focus. Be patient and a solution will present itself.'

Gine let Toolo's words sink in before sighing. "Well... I guess that's the only thing I can really do. Thanks, Toolo."

'As I said, I am here to aid you. And if I may make a suggestion, you should leave your head device behind while you train on your own.'

This caught Gine's attention before she looked to the spot where her armor and scouter sat, focusing her eyes on the latter. "Head device? You mean my scouter? Why?"

'Because it will hold you back on what I have for you to learn.'

Gine seemed a bit hesitant but knew that all Toolo was trying to do was help her. So she let his words sink in once again and responded, "Alright. I trust you Toolo. If you think I should leave my scouter with Twilight and the others. I'll do it."

'Trust me Gine. With what I have for you to learn, you will find you won't regret it. But for now, get your rest. You will need it for what is to come.'

"Yeah. Well, goodnight." Gine laid back on her bed and allowed sleep to overtake her.

The Next Morning

The sun shined through the window of Twilight's room causing the princess to groan as she moved the blanket off of her to sit up and stretch. After rubbing her eyes, Twilight said, "Alright. Time to get a breakfast ready for Gine."

Twilight soon stood up from her bed and walked to her bathroom. After a quick shower, getting fresh clothes on, and brushing her teeth and mane, she began walking out of her room to the kitchen. However to her shock, when she entered the dining area, she found the expected pile of dishes, but what surprised her was that there was a plate of food waiting for her and Spike and Starlight were chowing down on plates of their own. She approached the table and saw that Gine was nowhere in sight. Spike was the first to notice Twilight coming and smiled at her. "Morning Twilight. Hope you're hungry."

Twilight looked down at the plate for her before asking, "Did one of you cook this?"

Starlight wiped her mouth before smiling. "Nope. You have Gine to thank for that. She cooked for all of us and herself."

This statement caught Twilight by surprise. "Gine made this?"

Spike was chewing on some pancakes with a bowl of gems nearby. "She even made sure to have some gems with mine."

Twilight sat down at the table and picked up her knife and fork. She cut into one of the pancakes and took a bite and her eyes lite up as she smiled at her plate. "Wow. Gine can cook."

Spike was eating his quickly as well. "I'll admit it. She makes my cooking skills look like that of an amateur's."

Twilight, while she was enjoying her breakfast, looked around once more to see if she could see the Saiyan around but to no avail. "Speaking of which, where is Gine?"

Starlight had sipped her juice before saying, "She said she was heading off to get something before she left for her training later today."

"Did she say what she was going to get?"

"Nah. Just said she'd be back in no time."

Twilight was a little confused. She knew Gine was preparing to train on her own for a while, but she didn't know exactly what she was taking with her. However, she chose not to think about it and simply enjoyed the breakfast the Saiyan prepared for her. She knew Gine could cook for herself, but she didn't expect it to be this good. "You know guys. With how Saiyans eat, I think I'm starting to figure out how Gine might've won Bardock over."

"Like you wouldn't believe." Twilight jumped a little when she saw Gine walking in with a smile on her face. Rather than sporting her usual Saiyan armor, Gine was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a brown belt, a pair of brown boots, and a short sleeve red t-shirt. Her tail was unraveled and just hanging around. "While Bardock was strong, like any other man, the way to his heart was through his stomach. Plus along with being the appointed medic of our old squad, I was always the one who cooked for everyone."

"I can see why. You can really cook Gine."

"Well thank you Starlight."

Twilight was still enjoying her food very much and smiled at the Saiyan. "You may have to give Spike a few cooking lessons. He may be good but nowhere close to this good."

Spike smirked at Twilight's comment. "I'll remember that next time you want me to make you some muffins Twilight."

They all laughed a little bit at the joke before Starlight turned to Gine again and asked, "So where were you? You said you were going out to get something for your training, but you never said what exactly."

Gine smiled as she walked over to the sink area and began loading dishes into the sink. She figured she made the mess of her breakfast before she made theirs so she decided to clean up her own mess. "I'll show you guys once you're done. Go ahead and finish your food and then you can see what I brought to help me out."

The three looked to each other before shrugging and continued eating. After a few more minutes, they all finished their breakfast and took the dishes to her and helped her wash them.

Not long after helping her finish with the dishes, Gine lead all of them out to the back of the castle where they were astonished at what they saw. Twilight stuttered, "I-Is that?"

"Yep. That's what got me here."

In the middle of the area was Gine's Saiyan battle pod ship. It looked to have some damage due to the crash, but it did seem to be standing okay. Twilight couldn't help but use a speed that could rival even Rainbow Dash as she approached it with stars in her eyes. "This is so incredible. A real alien ship!"

Twilight continued looking over the ship like crazy while the other three couldn't help but chuckle as Starlight looked to Gine. "I think you made one of Twilight's biggest dreams come true."

Gine grinned as she watched the purple alicorn look over all of the ship. Every lense, every angle, and every part was checked out by Twilight. "Yeah. It seems I have."

Spike, however, couldn't help but bring up one question. "Ummm... Gine?"

"Yes, Spike?"

"Not that it's not really cool to see, but what exactly does your ship have to do with your training?"

"Well, you see-."

"Hey, guys."

Everyone turned to see the other girls approaching them and they all stopped to look in astonishment at what Twilight was still looking at with admiration. Pinkie Pie asked, "Is that the ship you came in Gine?"

"As I answered Twilight. Yes, it is."

Rainbow flew a little closer to the ship and while she was a little interested in seeing it, she couldn't help but say what was on her mind, "You know Gine. Your ship is kind of cool. But it looks like it's gone through a major storm caused by Discord."

Gine looked to the pegasus a little confused, "Who's Discord?"

"Did someone say my name?"

Suddenly, in a small flash of light, a familiar face to everyone except Gine appeared before them all. "Hello everypony. Happy to see me?"

"Like a rotten apple Discord."

Discord made himself melt into a pile of wax as he looked to Applejack. "Why Applejack? Why so negative? I am reformed remember?"

Discord then turned his eyes to Gine and made himself solid again before looking at her with fascination. "Oh, a new face? And who might you be miss?"

Gine looked at Discord with confusion before looking at the girls with the same look. "Girls? What or who is this?"

Fluttershy stepped forward to say, "Gine? This is Discord. He's a spirit of Chaos in Equestria. And also our friend. Discord? This is Gine. Our new friend."

Discord shifted to in front of Gine and held his paw out. "Pleasure to meet Gine."

Gine awkwardly shook Discord's paw only for it to pop off of his arm, causing Gine to drop it. She then watched as it began crawling around on the ground on its fingers and climbed back up Discord to reattach, causing the draconequus to laugh. "Hahahahaha! That never gets old."

"Uh... What exactly do you mean he's a spirit of chaos?"

Before anyone could say a word, Discord made a TV appear out of nowhere with the words "Spirit of Chaos" in all capital letters on the screen. "It means I can control and do anything out of ordinary laws of reality. Such as this." Discord snapped his fingers and suddenly shackles appeared on Gine's wrists. "Looks like you are now a prisoner."

Then to Discord's surprise, Gine simply yanked her hands apart and shattered the chains in an instant. "Whoa?"

The girls and Spike laughed a little when Twilight said, "Discord. You should know that Gine's a lot stronger than she looks."

Discord crossed his arms and looked with a skeptical look as he said, "Oh really? How strong?"

Pinkie Pie reached into her mane and pulled out multiple photos taken. "Strong enough to be able to fight a Hydra, an Ursa Major, and even go head to head with Princess Celestia."

This caught Discord's attention and made him snap his fingers, causing the photos to float in front of him. While he was looking over the photos, Starlight looked at Pinkie Pie with a curious expression as she asked, "When did you take photos?"

"I was taking photos the whole time silly."

"But you... Okay. Okay. Whatever you say Pinkie."

Discord looked over many of the photos before spotting a set that showed Gine turning into what looked like a giant ape and then began fighting off an Ursa Major. This really got Discord's attention as he looked between the photos and Gine a few times before grinning and saying, "I must say Gine. You seem to have quite a few tricks up your sleeves."

Discord then made a miniature Ursa Major making it roar a bit. He then made a slightly larger Great Ape Gine appear and looked down at the Ursa Major and let out a loud roar. This caused the mini Ursa Major to let out a dog like yelp before running off before the two disappeared. "I do wish I could've seen that myself."

Gine did find the little display a bit amusing before Spike cleared his throat to get her attention again. "Yes, Spike?"

"Like I asked before Discord showed up. What exactly do you need your ship for?"

"Well besides letting you all finally see it," Gine said before she walked up to the ship and reached inside, moving her hand over a compartment at the bottom of the seat and pulled out a clear bottle that held a glowing, light green liquid, "this is what I mainly need."

They all looked to the bottle with curious expressions with Rainbow asking, "So what exactly is this stuff Gine?"

"It's a type of liquid that heals any wound. It's how we Saiyans recovered from missions that were very extreme."

Pinkie Pie then asked, "You mean that little bottle can heal you guys completely after a tough mission."

Gine held the bottle with both hands as she said, "Actually no. When it came to missions that caused some very serious injuries, they had been placed in tanks with oxygen support while the tanks filled up with this liquid. Basically, the worse the injury was, the more liquid we needed."

Starlight used her magic to hold the bottle in front of her for a moment as she took a closer look at it and asked, "So why do you only have a bottle of this stuff?"

"Well, we always carried at least a small bottle in case of just minor injuries. And they also help in keeping some serious injuries stalled in case you have to make a long trip back to Planet Vegeta."

Right after Gine said that she then gained a look that showed she realized something last minute. The group couldn't help but catch it with Fluttershy asking, "Is something wrong Gine?"

"Actually there might be. I realized that this bottle may not be enough for my training. Not to mention I'd like to have some more just in case for when I start teaching the students."

"Why don't you just make more darling?"

"Well, that's just it Rarity. I don't know how to replicate it exactly. And I'd rather not risk losing it all in an attempt to try."

The girls could understand why Gine was a bit concerned. However, the minute Gine said that one name came to mind with Twilight speaking, "Maybe our friend Zecora can help you Gine."


Spike said, "Zecora's a friend of ours who lives in the Everfree Forest. She's actually the best when it comes to potions. So we know for a fact that if anypony can help you with making more of your stuff, then it's definitely her."

Gine remained silent for a moment before sighing and saying, "Well... I guess we could give it a try. I don't have anything to lose."

Discord held a bored expression as he just floated around. "Well not that all of this doesn't seem interesting but I believe I'll be on my way."

However, right before Discord made his exit, he was suddenly stopped by, surprisingly, Gine. "Wait. Discord is it?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"You're a spirit of chaos right? So you can mess with anything and break any laws of reality right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

Gine put her hands together, a bit hesitant before asking, "So do your abilities also apply to... Gravity?"

This caught everyone's attention as Discord asked, "Gravity? Hmmm... Let me see."

Discord snapped his finger and made a bag appear in front of him before reaching in. He pulled out all kinds of random things such as a rubber chicken, a TV, a flashlight, a jar of Zap Apple jam, a stuffed manticore, and continued pulling things out and throwing them all aside. "Come on. I know it's in here somewhere."

While Discord kept being... Discord, Rainbow flew up beside Gine and asked, "Gine? Why do you want something that can mess with gravity? Isn't that dangerous?"

"Well, you see back on Vegeta, besides our unique way of "adapting" to opponents, another way Saiyans trained themselves was using gravity chambers. A means of pushing ourselves by getting our bodies to where we could move as easily in normal gravity in more intense levels of it. Basically, it's like lifting weights without the weights themselves. As a matter a fact, here on your world I feel as light as a feather because Vegeta's gravity was ten times as much as it is here."

This left the group amazed. Sure they knew she was strong, but to hear the world she was born and raised on had ten times more than normal gravity her whole life so far made them even more shocked. They now understood how she became so strong.

"Ah. Here it is." Everyone turned to see Discord pull out a small purple square shaped object with a couple of numbered dials on them. "Here you are Gine."

Discord passed Gine the device and she looked at it with confusion. "This is it?"


Gine looked over the device and still held her confusion. "Ummm... How does it work?"

Discord looked down at the device as he spoke, "It's simple. The dial on the right is how much of a gravity increase you want. The left one increases the range of how far you want it to reach."

Gine continued looking over the device while Applejack looked at Discord with a skeptical look and asked, "What did you have that for exactly Discord?"

"Oh, nothing really."

Discord noticed his response made the mares and Spike look at him with looks that obviously said they didn't believe him with Fluttershy saying, "Discord."

"Oh fine. I was planning a prank on Rainbow Dash with it."

Gine finished looking over the device, making sure it didn't have any tricks before putting it into her pocket. "Everything looks okay on it. So thanks Discord."

"My... Semi pleasure. Anyway, I should be off. I'm playing chess with myself in a moment and I do plan on winning." Discord then snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Gine looked on with a bit of amusement before looking to the group and saying, "He's um... Different."

"You have no idea," Rainbow said as she facepalmed. "Anyways, where are you going to train?"

Gine flew up to her room and soon came back down with her packed backpack in her hands. "I'm going to spend about a month or two in that area."

Gine pointed to a place all of the mares knew all too well, leading to them all gasping, confusing Gine in the process. "What?"

"Gine? That's the Everfree Forest. The place where our sisters were almost eaten by Timberwolves." Applejack said as she looked a little worried and continued with, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Girls? In case you forgot," Spike said as he stepped into the conversation, "Gine was the one who saved Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo from those Timberwolves, fought off that huge Hydra and Ursa Major, and also went toe to toe with Princess Celestia. If anyone can handle surviving out there, we know Gine can."

The group took a moment before realizing Spike was right. Gine was more than capable of surviving in the Everfree Forest. She had proven that from all that she had accomplished.

Starlight then made a map appear in front of her and handed it to Gine with her magic. "Well just to be safe, here's a map of the Everfree. Just to make sure you don't get too lost."

Gine smiled and placed the map in her pack before looking to the others. "Thanks, Starlight. And I guess I'll see you guys in about a month or two. Oh but before I go."

Gine pulled out her scouter and handed it to Twilight. "Keep an eye on this for me please."

Twilight was a bit confused as she asked, "But Gine? Don't you need this?"

"Let's just say part of the training I'm gonna be doing involves not using that. I'll tell you more when I return."

Twilight was still confused but shrugged it off. "If you say so Gine. Anyways, good luck and come back safe."

Gine nodded and with that, flew off while the others waved to her.

Gine soon found herself flying over the Everfree Forest, looking over the map. "Let's see. It should be... Ah here."

Gine soon descended through some of the trees and landed in front of a small hut. It appeared to be completely handmade from a tree and had some masks hanging from it. She approached the door and gave a couple of knocks. The door soon opened and Zecora stood with a surprised look on her face. "Oh, a new face I do not know. Tell me, newcomer, what brings you to my home?"

Gine was a little surprised by her rhyming but shook it off while she pulled out the bottle of healing liquid from her pack and held it out to Zecora. "Yes. Twilight said you could help me with this. I need to have this replicated if possible."

Zecora took the bottle and looked over the liquid inside with fascination before stepping aside and allowing the Saiyan entrance. "Please come into my home while I have a small look at this liquid that is unknown."

Gine followed the zebra inside and looked around the hut. She was amazed by all of the potions, masks, and the big pot in the middle of it all. "Wow. This all seems quite traditional. All of it's so unique compared to what I've seen. And I've seen quite a bit from many worlds."

"Ah. From Twilight and her friends, I have heard. Had I not seen you protect us from the Ursa Major, I would have thought it would be absurd."

Gine smiled before she watched as Zecora examined the liquid closely. The zebra then poured about half the bottle into a bowl and took it over to a table. "So can you do anything to help me?"

"Hmmm... For now, I do not know but I should be able to figure it out here in my home. For now, it is still new, so why don't you come back later while I see what I can do?"

Gine thought it over. She seemed a bit hesitant since that liquid was all she had and didn't want to waste it. However, from how Twilight and the others described her, Zecora may be her best chance of having more of it made. And she knew if she was going to train herself and the students on how to use ki, she'd need a lot more than a small bottle. So she decided she'd take a chance with Zecora. "Alright, Zecora. I'll trust you. I'll leave what I have with you. But when should I come back."

Zecora smiled as she placed the bottle on a nearby table and gave some thought. "Since it is still so new to me, I can only do what is as best can be. If I would have to guess the time, then maybe two days to make the supply of this prime."

Gine nodded and approached the door and looked back to the zebra one last time and said, "Well then Zecora, I'll see you in a couple of days."

Zecora nodded to the Saiyan before Gine shut the door and took off flying. 'Well let's see. I got something to help me train and get stronger and now I might have a way to get my medical supplies replenished. So far everything is working out for the better.

With that, Gine continued flying off, looking for a training spot to camp out and area for her training.

Author's Note:

I know it may seem a little rushed but I just wanted to get one more chapter in before classes started back. I won't have much free time due to having late classes, but I'll see what I can do when I have the time and drive. And if anyone spots any grammar issues, please inform me. And If some dislike how it seemed rushed, I'll try to do better with the next one.