• Published 16th Mar 2018
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Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

Trip To Canterlot

After a few hours of checking to make sure everypony was okay after the Ursa Major was gone, along with making sure the damages would be simple to fix, the night began to fall as Gine along, with the girls, Spike, the Young Six, and the princesses were all heading to Canterlot via carriage. There were two carriages, one held the Young Six and Spike while the other held the girls, Gine, and the princesses. And with no surprise to Gine, the girls began asking her about what happened during the Ursa Major attack.

"What was that big ball you shot into the sky?"

"How did you make it look like a moon?"

"Why did you turn into a giant ape?"

Gine chuckled a bit and held her hands up. "Okay. Okay. I'll answer your questions. Just calm down a bit."

Twilight looked with glee in her eyes. "Sorry, Gine. It's just seeing even more of what you can do just brings more questions."

"I understand. Just give me a moment to think of how to explain it." Gine took a moment to think before speaking again, "Okay. Do you remember how I mentioned that there was once a war between Tuffles and Saiyans?"

The mares nodded. "Well during that time, the Tuffles seemed to have the edge over us Saiyans. They had more technology, more weaponry, and more intelligence than we did at the time. We Saiyans began to realize we needed to come up with an edge of our own. And then after a bit more time fighting, we soon discovered something about our own bodies and how to make them stronger to overwhelm the Tuffles. And there was a key piece to that power... The moon."

"The moon?" Luna asked with high curiosity.

"Yes. You see we discovered that when a Saiyan looked to the full moon when light reflected off of it from the sun, the wavelength of the light is shifted, creating what we Saiyans called Blutz Waves."

"Blutz Waves?"

"Yes. And when the moon was full, the intensity of the waves was over seventeen million Xenos. Then the Xenos were absorbed by a Saiyans' body which would then cause a biochemical reaction within the tail. That then leads to what you saw, the Great Ape transformation. I'm sure you all now understand why I asked Twilight to give me a room away from seeing the moon."

Gine looked to see most of the mares were looking at her in confusion before smiling to Twilight. "Twilight? Would you mind giving them simple terms."

Twilight nodded before looking at the others. "Basically what Gine is saying is that the giant ape that Saiyans turn into are caused by their tails when they look to a full moon while sunlight is reflecting off of it. Kind of like a werepony in horror stories."

"Ohhhhh." Everypony seemed to understand until Rainbow Dash brought up another question. "So wait. If you can only turn into a giant ape-."

"Great Ape."

"Whatever. If you only turn into it when looking at a full moon, how did you do it during the day?"

"Well, Rainbow Dash, that's thanks to a technique Bardock taught me," said Gine. "We used the transformation during assignments that Frieza gave our squads. During some of those assignments, we knew we'd be sent to some worlds that had no moons. So in order to have the transformation available to us, some Saiyan soldiers and scientists, including Bardock, managed to develop a technique that produced a satellite that was similar to a moon. Like what you saw earlier. And like a full moon, it produced Blutz Waves that triggered the transformation."

This left everypony amazed at hearing once again how powerful and how resourceful Saiyans could be with Rarity speaking, "Incredible darling. I must say we were lucky you had that technique at hand."

"You have Bardock to thank for that," Gine said humbly. "He made me learn the technique just in case I ever needed it for real."

Luna decided to also speak up, "It also seems to give more clarity on why this Frieza began to fear your kind. With how powerful your kind was as Great Apes and a whole planet of Saiyans capable of such a transformation... It certainly sounded like a force to be reckoned with."

"You have no idea. " Gine muttered.

Before anyone else could speak, they heard one of the guards who was pulling the carriage beginning alerting them. "We're coming in on Canterlot Princess Celestia."

Everyone looked out of the carriage to see the large city come into view. To Gine, the sight was astounding. "It's all... so beautiful. Even capital cities of Planet Vegeta didn't look like this."

The group was pleased by Gine's words, especially Celestia and Luna with the former speaking, "We're glad you like it Gine. And if you'd like, maybe sometime we could show you around here."

Gine continued looking in awe at what was being seen. "I'd like that. It seems so nice down there. I wonder how the ponies of this city are."

Rainbow Dash scoffed a bit at the statement. "I wouldn't get your hopes up Gine."

Applejack gave Rainbow a quick elbow while Gine looked to them with confusion. "What do you mean?"

Rarity gave Rainbow a small aggravated look before looking at Gine with a small nervous look. "Well, darling. To be honest, the ponies of Canterlot aren't quite like the ponies of Ponyville. Some are quite kind and generous, but others are..."

"Oh. Judgemental snobs, who think they're better than everypony else?" Pinkie asked with her usual giddy manner.

"Pinkie!" Twilight snapped her at the pink pony before looking at Gine with nervousness but the Saiyan remained neutral.

"Oh? Is that it? That's no problem."

This caught the mares a bit off-guard. "Huh?"

Gine simply smiled. "Trust me. Back on my world, we had plenty of Saiyans who were the same way. Full of themselves, judgemental, way too headstrong, and plenty who looked down on those who weren't as strong. I'm used to those who are judgemental, no matter what world I'm on."

The group was surprised but relieved that Gine was used to those who were rich and acted better than others. They all soon felt a small jolt from the carriage before it stopped. The door to the carriage soon opened with guards standing by as the lead one spoke, "We've arrived Princess."

They all exited the carriage and found themselves in front of the castle where Gine looked in even more astonishment at the look of the castle from the outside. "Wow... It's beautiful."

"We're glad you think so Gine," Celestia said. "And I hope you're all ready. The other kingdom rulers will be here tomorrow. So allow Luna and I to show you all to the dining hall."

The group nodded to the princesses and as they all began walking to the castle's entrance, Gine was soon greeted by Silverstream who looked her with giddiness. "Hey. Is it true you're an alien? By the way, I'm Silverstream. I was a Seapony, now I'm a Hippogriff long story short. Anyways, I can't believe I'm talking to an actual alien!"

Gine stood puzzled as the young Hippogriff looked to her with focus and excitement. "Uh..."

"Don't freak her out already Silverstream." Gine then noticed the rest of the Young Six: Smolder, Sandbar, Yona, Gallas, and Ocellus come up to her with Smolder being the one who had spoken. "Name's Smolder. The rest of us are Gallas."

"What's up?"


"Hey hey."


"Yona like how strong new lady is. She as strong as yaks."

"And Ocellus."

Gine noticed the young Changeling seemed a little nervous towards her. "H... Hello."

Despite how shy she seemed, Gine smiled to Ocellus. "Nice to meet you all."

Gallus then flew up with a bit of a smug grin. "So like Silverstream asked, are you really an alien?"

Gine smiled sheepishly. "Well yes. I am. Though I believe 'alien' is a relative term."

"So is it true?" Sandbar asked walking up beside a confused Gine.

"Is what true?"

Sandbar said, "That you'll become one of our teachers? I heard Princess Twilight mention it to you the yesterday."

Gine seemed a bit hesitant before speaking, "Well it's possible I might be. But it all depends on what the rulers of the kingdoms your friends are from. If they approve, then yes, I will become a new teacher for you. After I teach myself a bit."

Silverstream let out a joyful yelp. "Ah! I can't wait. Learning to do all of what you can do. It'll be so cool!"

Gine smiled a bit before looking to Gallus. "Is she always this excited about new things?"

Gallus grinned while rolling his eyes a bit and speaking, "Like you wouldn't believe."

They all began to approach the entrance when a guard soon approached Celestia. "You're highness. We have some news to share with you."

"Yes? What is it?"

The guard removed his helmet out of respect. "While you were away to gather Princess Twilight and her respected friends, Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs, her daughter, Princess Skystar, and her guard and brother-in-law, Sky Beak have arrived a day earlier than the other kingdom rulers. They're currently awaiting you all inside the gathering chamber."

This statement caught everyone by surprise a bit. Celestia shook off the surprise a bit before responding to the guard, "Thank you for letting us know. We'll be meeting them soon."

The guard nodded and walked back into the castle. Before anyone could react, Silverstream then took off into the castle faster than the others, resulting in everyone quickly following behind her and into the castle as well. They were soon met with the sight of Silverstream hugging the queen of all of the Hippogriffs, Queen Novo, her cousin, Princess Skystar, and her father and guard, Sky Beak. "Aunt Novo! Cousin Skystar! Dad!"

Queen Novo humbly hugged her niece before Skystar hugged her excitedly afterward. Then Sky Beak hugged his daughter with happiness, "Oh, it's so great to see you again Silverstream."

Silverstream pulled away from her three family members and began speaking in her usual excited pace. "Oh my gosh this is so great. Hey, are Mom and Terramar here too?"

"Afraid not cousin. Just us this time."

Silverstream was a bit down by the news but Novo's claw on her shoulder brightened her up a bit from what she said, "But they did want us to tell you that they are proud of you and send you their best regards."

"Queen Novo."

The four Hippogriffs looked to see everyone else approaching with Princess Celestia sharing a quick greeting hug with the queen. "It's good to see you again Novo."

"Indeed. It's good to see you too Celestia." Novo then looked to Luna, "You as well Luna."

Luna smiled and nodded to the queen. Novo continued looking among the others until her eyes spotted Twilight, and her smile turned into a stern expression. "Princess Twilight."

Gine then noticed Twilight's face fell a bit at how Queen Novo spoke her name. From how it was spoken, she could tell that there seemed to be a bit of tension between Queen Novo and Twilight, with most coming from the former and this was supported by how timid Twilight sounded when she responded, "Queen Novo."

Gine continued looking at Twilight with concern until...

"Excuse me?"

Gine looked to see Skystar approach her with curiosity. "Hello. I'm Princess Skystar."

Gine smiled at the young princess as Queen Novo put her sights on her as well. "A new face I see. And pardon my forwardness, a new creature as well. I am Queen Novo of the Hippogriff race. This is my daughter Skystar and my brother-in-law Sky Beak. What pray tell are you Ms...?"

"Gine." Gine bowed to the queen of the hippogriffs in respect. "And as for what I am, well you might find it a bit hard to believe."

Novo and Skystar looked at her in confusion before Celestia spoke a bit, "We have a bit to explain Queen Novo. Please join us in the dining hall for some tea."

Later in the dining hall, Novo and Skystar were astonished to learn about Gine's kind along with how and why she ended up in Equestria. They felt great sympathy for the Saiyan after learning of what she had gone through. Queen Novo said, "My dear, I can't imagine how you feel after going through that but our sympathies are with you."

"No doubt. I mean seeing all of your kind wiped out in an instant. That's just awful."


Skystar noticed Novo looking at her with a bit of disapproval before the princess looked to see the Saiyan looking down at her cup before the Hippogriff realized what she had said. "Oh. Sorry, Ms. Gine. I didn't mean-."

"It's quite alright Princess Skystar. I've grown to accept it a bit better now. I actually consider myself a bit lucky at least some of the Saiyan race still lives on in me."

Skystar was a bit amazed at how Gine spoke. "Wow. That's kind of deep."

Everyone giggled and chuckled a bit at Skystar's statement until they all head Gine's stomach growl. "Whoops. Guess I got a little hungry."

Celestia smiled as she raised from her seat. "I'm sure we all could use some good use food after all of the excitement and trips we've had today. Come and let us all enjoy a good meal."

Queen Novo stood up as well. "I'll agree to that. My daughter's shenanigans around Mount Aries does help a queen work up an appetite."

Rainbow Dash laughed a bit as she flew up to Luna's side. "I hope you have enough prepared."

Luna looked confused while Rainbow went back to her friends but simply shrugged it off before they all watched kitchen worker making their way to the dining hall.

A bit later, the royal sisters, Young Six, and hippogriffs watched in shock, while the others watched in slight amusement as Gine began eating dish after dish of Italian made pasta dishes. She munched on a huge pizza before she started eating spaghetti. She began just slurping up noodles while Twilight leaned over to Celestia and began speaking, "Guess we should've mentioned what kind of an appetite she has when she gets done fighting."

Celestia looked at Gine a bit longer before looking to her former student turned princess. "Ya think?"

Everyone laughed a bit at Twilight bit of humor, however, Gine noticed that Novo wasn't laughing and no one else noticed that it seemed to make Twilight a bit nervous as the laughing died down.

With curiosity and concern, Gine turned to Applejack, who was sitting beside her and whispered, "Hey Applejack?"

"Yeah Gine?"

"Why does Queen Novo seem to have anger towards Twilight?"

That question made Applejack put down her fork and knife and let out a small sigh before she continued their whispering conversation, "Well... Let me start from where a problem started for all of Equestria."

Gine gave the orange-furred mare her full attention as she began whispering on. "About a couple of months before you crash landed here, an evil varmint called the Storm King came to Equestria with the intention of stealing the magic from Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. He planned to use their magic to control storms and magic to rule everywhere. During the time of his invasion, the girls and I managed to escape and were heading out of Equestria to find help. We met a lot of new creatures who later became friends. A some of those friends included Skystar. Our mission was to find the Hippogriffs to get help, but when we got there, we found out they had abandoned Mount Aries and hid underwater to keep away from the Storm King themselves."

The seemed to make Gine more fascinated. "Hid underwater? How?"

"Turns out they had a magical pearl that could turn any creature into another kind of creature. For example, Queen Novo used it on herself and her people to become sea ponies when the Storm King showed up and drove them off of Mount Aries. And Twilight thought the pearl would be the best way to stop the Storm King and save all of Equestria."

"I see. But I must ask. Given how I don't see a mad ruler with Twilight and the other princesses magic, what happened to the Storm King?"

"Luckily for us, with all of the friends we made on our little adventure to get to Mount Aries, we managed to get back into Canterlot and together we were able to stop the Storm King and give the princesses their magic back. And with him gone, the Hippogriffs were allowed to return to Mount Aries."

Gine began to understand the story but was still confused about one thing. "But by stopping the Storm King, you all helped the Hippogriffs return to their original home. So why does Queen Novo still seem so ill towards Twilight?"

Applejack pulled her stetson off and continued whispering the story to the Saiyan. "Well, unfortunately for all of us, Twilight was actually starting to lose faith it what our friendship was capable of. Even to the point where she had us distract the Seaponies while she tried to steal Queen Novo's magical pearl."

Hearing this made Gine beyond shocked. During her time before sleeping at night, Gine had decided to read a bit about Equestria's history. And during most events that she had read about, Twilight and her friends had always been recorded as winning most battles with the strength of their friendship. And now, to hear that she actually resorted to trying to use her friends as a distraction while attempting to steal Novo's most powerful source of magic seemed almost unbelievable.

"You're serious?"

"Fraid so. We all forgave Twilight for doing what she did along with Skystar and most of the Hippogriffs since we all managed to defeat the Storm King. But even after Twilight had agreed that those of us in Equestria would begin helping them rebuild their home, Ah think Queen Novo still doesn't think Twilight deserves to be fully forgiven."

Gine began to go into the thought of what Applejack had said and began to feel sorry for Twilight. Sure she knew what the princess had done was wrong, but she understood what it was like to see all of her kind taken away from her and couldn't blame Twilight for taking what she thought was the only chance to save Equestria.

Before another thought could cross the Saiyan's mind, Celestia stood from her seat. "Now then why don't we all get to our rooms and rest for the night so we can meet with the other kingdom rulers tomorrow?"

Everyone nodded while the kitchen staff began wheeling carts to get everyone's plates(or fifty plates in Gine's case). Luna approached the Saiyan with a smile. "Please follow me Gine. I'll show you to your room while my sister shows Novo and Skystar to theirs."

"Yes. Of course." Gine said as she began following the princess. Along the way, Gine took one more quick glance between Twilight and Queen Novo with a bit of a determined expression.

After walking for a bit, the two finally came across a guest room. "Have a good night Gine. Perhaps I'll see what you Saiyans dream of tonight."

This left Gine confused for a moment before Luna began explaining, "You see, as Princess of the Night, I have the magic to enter the dreams of those who sleep in Equestria. I aid them in resolving nightmares."

Hearing this amazed Gine even more. "Wow. So you really have the power to enter dreams?"

Luna smiled proudly as she spoke, "Indeed. And I take my duty as Princess of the Night with great pride."

Gine chuckled a bit before. "Well if there's one thing Saiyans understood. It was pride."

Luna also chuckled before she said, "Yes. Now then enjoy your night. Pleasent dreams."

Luna then began walking off but was once again stopped by Gine. "Wait. Princess Luna. Could I ask you one more question?"

"Yes? What is it?"

Gine seemed hesitant before speaking with determination, "Could you tell me which room Queen Novo will be in?"

Later that night

Queen Novo sat in silence, to her relief. While she did love her daughter, it could be difficult to sleep with how giddy Skystar's nature was. So she was relieved that Celestia had given her a separate room from her. "Ah. Peace and quiet before getting some rest. Feels good to be away from the kingdom every once in a while."

The silence, however, was interrupted by a knocking from her door, causing her to let out a sigh. "Oh for Faust's sake. Skystar. Get some rest. We'll have to be up early tomorrow."

"It's not your daughter Queen Novo."

Queen Novo was a bit surprised when her door cracked open a bit to reveal Gine. "Oh. Gine. What brings you here so late?"

"I was hoping to talk to you about something real quick before we both get some sleep. If you don't mind that is."

Novo felt a little surprised by Gine's request but nodded after a moment. "Sure. Come in."

Gine walked through the door and shut it behind before taking a seat in the chair across from the one that Novo sat in.

"So? What is it you'd like to talk about?"

Gine took a moment to get her thoughts together before speaking, "It's about... Princess Twilight."

The moment that name was mentioned, a small frown spread across Novo's face as she spoke, "Oh. I see. Let me guess... You want to talk to me about why I should forgive her right?"

From how Novo sounded, Gine knows now she wasn't the first one to talk to her about this. "Yes. I-."

"Look. I've had plenty of others try to talk to me about this, including my daughter, but I just can't forgive her yet for what she had done. I can understand she wanted our help, but her trying to take what was most important to our people was just unforgivable."

Gine could understand why Novo was upset. From how Applejack spoke, the girls had earned Novo's trust for a moment, but that trust was instantly broken by Twilight's actions.

However, Gine kept on speaking, "Queen Novo. If I may. With all due respect... can you honestly blame her for what she tried to do?"

This question made Novo look at the Saiyan with a shock and a little anger. "What?!"

"Just, please... Hear me out for a moment."

Novo was about to ask Gine to leave, but trying to at least show some respect for her, she leaned back and nodded her head, indicating the Saiyan to continue speaking, "Yes. I know. What Twilight did wasn't right. But see it from Twilight's point of view. She was desperate. All of her kind, her family, her mentors all captured and her having to run and not be able to help. In times of desperation, anyone is willing to do something they never do or would be proud of."

Novo still held a stern expression. "I understand that but-."

"Let me ask you something real quick. What if you were in her spot?" This made Novo pause for a moment.

"All of your people. Your niece and her family. Even your daughter all taken as slaves or turned to stone by the one you all called the Storm King. What would you have done? Wouldn't you have done the same as Twilight if you were that desperate?"

Novo continued to remain silent as she looked at the ground.

"Look. I know I wasn't here at the time of the event, but even so, I know how Twilight would have felt during that time. You heard where I came from and why I ended up here on your planet. I am the last of my kind because of Frieza. And if I was given an opportunity to save my kind and still be home with my youngest son in my arms, I would've taken it without a second thought. Even if it was something I wouldn't do or be proud of, I would still have taken it knowing I could've saved my husband, family, and my entire planet. But here's the biggest difference between my situation and Twilight's. I don't have the chance to redeem what I and my people had done to so many others. But given how your land and Equestria seem to have proper negotiations, Twilight has been doing everything she can to make up for her actions including allowing your niece to partake at her school. She has a lot of guilt in her heart and she wants to make up for it with her actions. Don't you think she's earned forgiveness by now?"

Novo remained silent as Gine waited a few moments. "I can't tell you to forgive her Queen Novo. But all I'm saying is to take that into consideration a bit."

Gine then stood from her chair and made her way to the door. "Goodnight Queen Novo." Gine then took her leave and left the Hippogriff queen to her thoughts.

The Next Morning

Gine began making her way to the dining hall of the castle and soon spotted her friends waiting for her. However, to their confusion, Gine seemed to look a bit exhausted. She was walking a bit groggily and had a few bags under her eyes, which she was rubbing from time to time. She approached the group with Rarity asking, "Darling? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I just had a bit of a tough time sleeping last night. Just a small nightmare."

Twilight got curious enough to ask, "What kind of nightmare?"

Gine rubbed her eyes a couple of more times before she said, "I'll tell you in a bit. Let me wake up with some coffee and food first that way I'm focused on the details I give you."

"Ummm... Sure." The girls all began walking to the dining room when...

"Excuse me, girls?"

They all turned to see Queen Novo along with her daughter and niece approaching. Twilight nervously spoke, "Good... Morning Queen Novo. How are you doing this morning?"

Novo looked to Twilight before shifting her gaze to Gine then shifted it to it to Skystar and Silverstream. "Girls. Please go with the others to the dining hall."

This left the two young Hippogriffs confused while Skystar asked, "What for mom?"

"I'd like to have a quick word with Princess Twilight. I shouldn't be too long." Novo said as she looked the Princess of Friendship, who flinched a little.

Her friends looked at her worried but Gine tried to ease their nerves by smiling a bit and stepping forward. "It's okay girls. I have a feeling things will be alright."

The girls continued looking at Twilight with worry and concern before the young alicorn nodded to her friends, signaling that she wanted her to head to the dining hall. With a little reluctance, the group left the hall and left the young alicorn with the Hippogriff queen.

"Princess Twilight?"

Twilight was still a bit nervous as she began speaking, "Y... Yes, Queen Novo?"

"You attempted to steal my pearl back during the time of the Storm King crisis even after I had offered you refuge in our home of Seaquestria and shared with you the gift of living as a seapony and for that action I must say." Novo paused for a moment as Twilight prepared herself for whatever was about to be said. "I'm sorry."

"Huhhhh?" Twilight was beyond surprised at this. Hearing that was something Twilight never expected.

"It's true. I'm sorry for how I've treated you. Yes, you did try to steal the pearl, but now I realize you didn't do it out of disrespect, but out of desperation to save the ones you love. I will not deny that if I was in your place, I likely would've done the same if my daughter had been captured. And now thanks to you, we Hippogriffs have not only been able to return to Mount Aries but also allowed us to reestablish our connection with Equestria and have more support should we ever face a threat similar to that of the Storm King. What you have done for us more than makes up for what you tried to do with the pearl. I've just been too stubborn and proud to admit that. So now I ask," Novo bowed to Twilight, "will you accept my apology?"

Twilight was astonished by Queen Novo's words and her sincerity. After a few moments of taking in Novo's words, Twilight smiled as she bowed in return. "Yes, Queen Novo. I do accept your apology. You've allowed your niece to attend my school so I'd say that makes us even. Though I must ask. What made you finally accept letting bygones be bygones?"

Queen Novo chuckled a bit while she said, "Let's just say your new friend Gine is as wise as she is strong. At least from how you and your fellow princesses speak of her."

The two royals smiled to one another before Novo continued, "Now then. Why don't we both get to the dining hall? Knowing Gine, there may not be enough food left if we don't hurry."

The two laughed a bit and began walking to the dining hall.