• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,266 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

A Royal Offer And A Clash of Titans

Author's Note:

And here's the new chapter everyone. And just so you know, I looked up the name for the Kanassan, and every time I look up that name with dbs with it, it comes out with same guy just so you know.

A few hours had passed since Gine, to everyone's amazement, took down the Hydra, not only with her bare hands but also without killing it. As a way to thank her, the girls and Spike had taken Gine out to the local Hay Burger to treat her to dinner. However, unlike Twilight, Starlight, and Spike, the girls were shocked by another quality of Gine besides her strength, flying, and speed... And that was her appetite.

The rest of the group had just finished their meals consisting of hay burgers, salads, and hay fries. However, Gine had eaten about forty-nine salads and was now starting on her fiftieth one. Seeing how she scarfed down food earlier, Starlight looked to Rarity and the girls with a joking look. "Now you see why we asked if you all had plenty of money on you?"

Gine had just finished another salad before placing the plate down on the table and letting out a satisfied sigh. "So? Who's up for dessert?"

The group could've sworn their jaws hit the table once Gine mentioned that before she laughed. "I'm joking. I've had my fill."

"How can you eat so much Gine? I mean even me and the Wonderbolts don't eat that much with how often we work."

Spike decided to share what he had learned earlier. "Let me go ahead and give you the short explanation Rainbow Dash. Turns out Gine's kind, the Saiyans, have to eat a lot more because they burn off a lot of energy from all of the fights they get into."

"That would've been a great warning earlier y'all."

Starlight then spoke, "I doubt that it would've made much of a difference."

"That would've still been good to know."

They all then watched as the waiter came to them. "Alright. Here's your bill. And have a good day."

The minute Twilight picked up the bill she gained a sheepish smile before showing the group the bill and the amount almost made even Rainbow Dash faint. "How about we all make this easier and split it between the seven of us with money?"


After splitting up their bits to pay the bill, the group left with Gine having a sincere smile on her face. "Sorry for costing so much on dinner girls. I'll do whatever I can to make up for it."

"It's... No trouble at all darling. After all, it's the least we could do since you saved our town and especially for saving my little sister from being caught under that hydra's foot."

"It was no trouble Rarity. I couldn't just let that thing crush her."

Rainbow then flew up beside Gine with a curious expression. "By the way Gine, how did you do all of that awesome stuff you did to stop the hydra?"

"What awesome stuff?"

"Like how you flew without wings, how you fired that cool looking attack at the hydra, or better yet, how you managed to lift something that big into the air without breaking a sweat?"

"Oh. Those. My strength and my attacks were from my ki."

Gine then noticed that the group were looking at her with confused looks. After a moment, Spike was the one to ask the question that was on everyone's minds. "Gine? What's ki?"

Gine smiled a bit and spoke, "Well... It's kind of what you call magic on your world. Some call life force, some call it chi, some aura. But while it's not the same as magic, it is something that resides in all living things. And once a being learns how to tap into it, they can learn to use it in ways a lot of others know, while also developing their own techniques with it. A common trick with ki is this right here."

Gine raised her hands up and began forming a small pink orb of ki in her hands, amazing her new friends. She then made it float out of her hands and to the middle of the group, causing some of them to back away from it a bit. "It's okay. It won't harm any of you."

The orb moved around a little, due to Gine's control until it stopped in front of Spike. After a moment of hesitation, Spike reached his hand out and held the orb in his hand, surprising the drake due to the fact that the orb didn't appear to hurt or burn him. "Wow. This is kinda cool."

"Like I said, that's just one of the basics when it comes to ki. It won't really do much harm."

Gine then watched as Twilight made her notepad and quill appear in front of her and instantly began writing down notes. "This is incredible! You're saying no matter what race, all living things throughout the universe possess ki and with it, can even learn to use it the same way we ponies use magic?"

Gine scratched the back of her head a bit. "Well, I guess that's the simple way to put it."

Spike then spoke up. "So can anyone learn how to tap into to their ki?"

"Well, that depends?"

"Depends on what," Fluttershy asked. "... If you don't mind me asking that is."

"On how strong a being is. In order to learn how to use their ki, even the basic techniques, a living being has to have a strong body, both physically and mentally. The body needs to be able to handle the strain that ki can sometimes put on it, along with also being mentally strong enough to focus and hold it. Without either one, someone could hurt themselves or worse due to inexperience with it even if they could learn to access their ki."

Rainbow then landed down after simply staying in one spot with her wings flapping throughout most of the conversation. "So your attacks, how strong you are, and how you fly without wings? That all comes from using your ki?"

"Pretty much. Once a being learns how to tap into their ki, the possibilities are endless."

Applejack did a small whistle and put her hands on her hips. "Hoowee. No wonder you move so fast. With how you beat that hydra varmint like it was nothin', you sure do have some strength on ya."

Gine smiled a bit more and actually blushed a bit from the compliments she was getting before Pinkie spoke, "Oh. What else can you do? Can you do more than what we saw you use to stop the hydra? Since you're an alien, can ki help you breathe in space too?"

Gine crossed her arms. "Well no. We rely on oxygen like your-."

Gine was cut off when everyone noticed Spike began clenching his stomach and his cheeks began to puff out a bit. "Spike? Are you okay?"

To Gine's confusion, the moment Spike opened his mouth, pits of ashes held in a group by magic came out of his mouth and soon formed into a scroll that landed into his claws. "What's that?"

Twilight then looked at Gine with a smile of her own. "Well, Gine. It looks like we have something for you to learn this time. Spike here can actually send letters back and forth between himself and my old mentors and fellow princesses. The Princess of the Day: Celestia, the Princess of the Night: Luna. And the Princess of Love: Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance as we prefer calling her."

"What do they do? And also, I never thought to ask this, but what exactly do you do as well as the Princess of Friendship?"

"My duty as Princess of Friendship is to spread the knowledge of friendship and what it can do for others to many creatures, both those who live inside and outside of Equestria. Like the school you saw when we met you yesterday."

"I was wondering what that school was for. And what about the other three?"

Twilight then continued, " Well Cadance, being the Princess of Love, helps spread love and happiness to others. She's able to use her magic to help solve any obstacle that is presented against love. Whether it be an issue among friends, family members, or even those who are in a relationship, Cadance can always be the one to fix the issue between love. Celestia and Luna have a bigger responsibility than either Cadance or myself. Along with ruling all of Equestria, their responsibilities are to raise and lower the sun and moon for all of us."

"HUH?!" The girls found Gine looking to them with a dumbfounded look. "You mean Celestia and Luna are actually able to move celestial objects of the stars with their magic? They're that strong?"

Rainbow Dash decided to be the one to answer this time, "Yeah. Didn't you have someone to do that for your world back when it was still around?"


Rainbow looked to see Applejack looking at her with a serious look. "What?"

"Don't ya think that might be a sensitive issue for her to talk about right now?"

Rainbow instantly realized that the orange southern mare was right before facing Gine with an apologetic look. "Sorry about that Gine. I forgot about-."

"It's... It's okay Rainbow Dash. But to answer your question, no. My world had a sun in the center of our solar system and Planet Vegeta spun and revolved around the sun on its axis. Same for the moon and our planet itself. The moon orbited our world like a satellite."

The group was amazed to hear how different Gine's world was from their own. "Our sun's size is about the size of yours."

"What about your moon? How big was it darling?"

Gine scratched her cheek a bit. "Well to be honest, unless we had trouble coming to our world, Saiyans tried to mainly avoid looking to the moon at night."

"But Gine, why wouldn't you want to see something so beautiful? Even though your people were a strong race, surely even they can appreciate something like a full moon."

"We did appreciate the full moon Rarity. However, for our planet, a full moon only occurred once every hundred years. And for our living, it was a bit of a benefit?"

Applejack tipped her hat a bit. "Why's that?"

"Well. When a Saiyan happens to spot a full moon, they-."

"Ummm Twilight," Spike gained everyone's attention as it appeared he finished reading the scroll. "You might wanna read this for yourself."

Twilight looked at Spike with curiosity before levitating the scroll into her hands with her magic before opening it and reading it out loud.

Dear Twilight,

My sister and I wanted to remind you, though we're sure you haven't forgotten, about our meeting with some of the other kingdom and land leaders on the day after tomorrow. And to help out, we'll both be coming to pick you, your friends, and the students from the lands up tomorrow and bring you to Canterlot with rooms prepared for you all.

Your Fellow Princesses,

Celestia and Luna

After finishing the letter, Twilight felt her eyes go wide as the others looked at her with some concern. "Twilight. Everythin' okay? I mean they're just comin' to get us for a meetin' with the students' land leaders. Doesn't sound like that big of a deal to me."

"It's not that Applejack. It's just that I haven't thought to write a letter to them telling them about Gine yet. I just don't want them to think she's an enemy or a threat to all of us. You know?"

After hearing that statement, the rest of group understood Twilight's concern. Since they didn't even know about Gine, Celestia and Luna had no knowledge of what she was capable of given she was not even of their world. But despite all of the concern, Gine smiled and placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder, causing the alicorn to at look to her. "Calm down a bit Twilight. I'm not worried at all myself."

The minute Gine said that the others were very surprised to see how calm Gine really was with Fluttershy speaking for the group, "Y-you're not? But... How why aren't you? I mean not that you are, but what if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna don't trust you like we do and see you as an enemy rather than a friend? W-what if they try to have you locked up in one of the dungeons in Canterlot Castle?"

"Because I have all of you to support me. Twilight's the Princess of Friendship and since the letter said she bringing all of you and not just her to whatever's going on, that tells me she trusts every single one of you and your word. So if I have you all to back up the claim of me being a friend and not a foe, what is there to worry about?"

After letting her words sink in, the girls and Spike realized Gine was right. Surely if they vouch for her having a good heart, the princesses wouldn't think she's a threat. "You know. You make a good point Gine. We don't have anything to worry about."

"That's what I like to hear. Now it's starting to get late, why don't we all head home for the night and we'll meet at the castle tomorrow before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna show up?"

"That's a good idea Gine. I think I could use some shut eye for tomorrow. Night y'all."

With that, the group all split up and headed to their respective homes with Twilight, Gine, Starlight, and Spike heading to the castle. While Starlight and Spike walked up ahead, Twilight hanged back a bit to speak with Gine. "Hey, Gine? Could I ask you something?"

"Sure Twilight. What's up?"

"Well since you're staying at the castle, maybe I could offer you a job to help you earn some bits while you're on our world."

Gine was a bit surprised but understood what Twilight was saying. Gine knew she could be on Equis for a while and it probably wouldn't hurt to have a way of earning some money of her own that way she can earn her fair share since Twilight is already letting her stay at the castle for free. "That sounds like a good idea. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe you could be a teacher for our Friendship School?"

"A teacher?"

"Hear me out for a moment. You being here has finally answered one of the biggest questions that have been asked from Equestria and beyond. Are we alone in the universe? And now that you're here, maybe you can also answer another question, what can we learn from life outside of our planet? And to answer that, I was thinking... Maybe you could teach some of our students how to tap into and use ki like you do?"

This suggestion came as a surprise to Gine. She understood why Twilight would make this suggestion, it was only natural to want her students to possibly learn from someone who came from another world. But Gine knew she had no experience from having to teach anyone about ki before. Back on Vegeta, she only learned from her deceased husband Bardock and the rest of his crew on how to improve herself and her power, but she's never had to pass that knowledge to anyone before. Gine found herself in a mental conflict as she was trying to decide on whether to accept this offer. "Well... To be honest Twilight. I don't know. I mean I'm not saying no. It's just I've never had to pass on how to tap into ki and use it. I'm just not completely sure if I'd be able to be a teacher."

Twilight was a little nervous about where Gine was going with this but could understand her nervousness. Afterall she was just as nervous when she first became the Princess of Friendship and even more so when she made the first Friendship Festival before and after the Storm King attacked Equestria. "Well, Gine... You don't have to decide right now if you don't want to. Just know it's an offer that's here if you want it."

"I... I just need a little time to think about it. I'll let you know as soon as I decide."

"Sure Gine. Now let's get home and get some sleep. Gotta be ready for when the princesses arrive and I'm sure we both want you to be awake to make a good first impression. Though I doubt that'll be an issue."

Gine smiled at Twilight's joke before nodding as they all continued heading for the castle.

Later that night

Gine was sitting in her room, once again borrowing some clothes from Starlight until Rarity finished with hers the next day, sitting on her knees, thinking about Twilight's offer from earlier. 'It wouldn't be that bad of an idea. I could earn some money of my own and not have to make Twilight provide for me completely on her own. But still, am I even able to teach some of their students how to use ki? And if so, could I teach them the right way to do it?'

"You must have faith in yourself Gine."

Gine was startled by the voice but instantly recognized it. "Kanassan? Is that you?"

"My name is Toolo. I forgot to reveal that the last time we spoke. And yes. It is me."

"So you know what I'm thinking about? Well then, what do you think I should do? Should I try and teach them about ki? I mean you did mention there's still a bit I have to learn myself. So even if I was sure I wanted to, what if my lack of knowledge ends up getting one of them hurt or worse... Killed?"

"Every mentor teaches with the risk of failure Gine. Even on Kanassa, we had to teach every generation with the risk of failing. However, no matter how big or small, the gratitude and rewards we received for our actions far outweighed that risk. And do you also remember how I said you will be needed to protect this world from a threat to come?"

"Yes. But what about it?"

"The threat to come is still unknown to me completely, but I do know that when it does come, you may not be able to face it completely alone. You will have to strengthen yourself while you are on this world, but at the same time you will need to have allies who can aid you in protecting their home."

Gine realized Toolo made a good point. She remembered that during her time as a member of Bardock's squad, before she became a butcher, that despite how strong they were when fighting individually, there were times they faced threats that they couldn't face alone. Having each other against some threats was what allowed them to survive so many missions.

"I will not tell you what choice to make Gine? However be sure of it yourself when you make it. And if you ever need someone to aid you in matters such as this, just focus on our connection."

"... I will. Thank you Toolo."

With that, like last time, Gine felt Toolo's voice leave her mind once again. She stayed where she was for a moment before standing up and her hands clenched in determination. "I know what I'm going to do now. I'll be sure to tell Twilight tomorrow. But for now, I should get some sleep."

Gine then rose to her feet, walked over, and climbed into bed before allowing sleep to overcome her.

The next morning

After Twilight had learned of Gine's appetite, she had been sure to get up early enough to prepare a feast for the Saiyan before the others arrived. Just as she had finished, Gine had walked in once again dressed in her armor. "Good morning Twilight."

"Morning Gine. I hope you're hungry. I made sure to have plenty ready for you this time."

Twilight's preparation was appreciated by the Saiyan as she smiled. "Thank you Twilight. But before I eat, I'd like to talk to you."

Twilight had just moved the last dish to the table with her magic before looking at Gine. "Sure. What do you wanna talk about?"

"I thought it over last night, and after enough thinking... I've decided to take up your offer and teach some of your students about ki."

Hearing Gine speak those words made Twilight let out a happy yell like a foal on Hearths Warming Eve. "Oh, Gine thank you. I can't wait to-."


Twilight stopped when Gine started to speak again, "I do have a couple of conditions. And if you agree with them I will become an instructor for your school."

The alicorn wasn't expected Gine to have conditions. But she thought she should hear Gine out. Since she's willing to teach at her school at all, she could compromise a bit. "Alright. Name them."

"First off, while I will agree to teach some of your students, I can't do it right away. You see while I do know a bit about ki, there's still quite a bit I have to learn about it myself. And the more I learn myself, the more I'll be able to teach your students at your school. So I will need to take some time to train myself a bit more before I move on to training others."

Twilight saw that condition was reasonable and Gine made a good point, the more she knows, the more her students will have to experience. "Okay. What's the other?"

"The other is fairly simple. If I'm to teach ki to others, I need to make sure I have the approval from your friends, fellow princesses, and the rulers of the lands the students come from along with your own approval. The reason is that the best way I know how to train someone is how I was trained. And the training I went through was far from easy. And if I'm going to put young ones through it to learn ki, then I feel I should have the approval of those who are rulers of their lands. And since you mentioned you a had a meeting with them, maybe I could come along with you all and hear what their answer is if you ask them there?"

Twilight thought for a moment before nodding. "Alright. I'll see what Celestia and Luna say and we'll go from there. That sound okay?"

"That sounds good to me. Now l think I could use something to eat."

Later that day, the others had arrived and while waiting for the princesses to arrive. As they were doing so, Twilight was relieved but unsurprised when they all agreed. "So you all agree?"

"Sure thing Twilight. Ah think it'd be a great idea."

"Indeed darling."

"Yes indeedy."


"I'm in. But I have a small request for it."

The others looked at Rainbow Dash and noticed she seemed to have quite a serious look. "What do you mean Rainbow Dash?"

"Well... Do you guys remember that time I took Scootaloo to the Cloudsdale Medical Center the other day to have her wings looked at so we could find out if her wings would grow to where they should?"

The girls nodded and watched as Rainbow Dash gained a bit of a sorrowful look on her face. "Well... We just received a letter from them in the mail today. And unfortunately... They mentioned that her wings are likely to not develop enough in order for her to fly."

The group instantly felt sympathy for Rainbow. "She cried for hours last night. And I felt so bad because she'll never be able to fly. And I feel even worse because I won't be able to fly with my little sister."

Rainbow then looked to Gine. "But while I know I can't help her, Gine, maybe you can?"


"Yeah. You showed us yesterday that there's another way to fly without wings. And it got me thinking, if I can't help Scootaloo fly with wings, maybe there's a chance you can help her fly with ki."

Gine seemed a bit hesitant, "I don't know."

"Please Gine. Scootaloo's a pegasus like any other and she doesn't deserve to be grounded. Even if it's without her wings, she deserves to fly somehow. Her not being able to fly would be like you Saiyans not being able to fight anymore. It's devastating to her right now and I'd give anything to see somepony give her the chance to do what she was made to do. Even if that somepony isn't me."

Gine knew Rainbow Dash made a good point. A pegasus who is told they would never fly helped her imagine what her old teammate Fasha would be like if she was told she could never fight again for the rest of her life. And that allowed Gine to come to a decision. "Alright Rainbow Dash. I should warn you though, what I put her through will be extremely difficult. But if you and she are both willing to accept that like we hope the land-rulers do, then yes. I'll teach her how to fly using ki."

Rainbow smiled to Gine sincerely. "Thank you so much, Gine. I know Scootaloo will be far from depressed when I tell her there's a chance she'll still be able to fly."

Everyone smiled at Rainbow's happiness when they all heard the doors open to the room to show Celestia and Luna had arrived. "Twilight? Luna and I have arrived. I hope you and your friends are ready. We were also wondering, did something happen to the town? We saw a little damage on the way he-."

Celestia stopped speaking the moment she and Luna both spotted Gine. The Saiyan simply smiled and bowed to the two out of respect. "You two must be Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Twilight noticed that despite Gine's act of respect to the two, Celestia and Luna still looked to Gine with shocked expressions causing the purple alicorn to chuckle nervously. "Guess I have some things I need to tell you both about."

After a quick explanation, Celestia and Luna looked at Gine in amazement and in sympathy at her story. "So you're the last survivor of your race and your homeworld was destroyed?"


Luna then spoke, "And you were the one who saved this town from a hydra all by yourself?"

"Yes. So I only ask you both to allow me to continue living with Twilight and her friends and I promise I will be your ally for as long as I'm here."

Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight and the others before looking at each other. They then smiled and looked back to Gine. "You saved many of our people and if Twilight and her friends trust you then we have no reason to doubt you. In fact, why not come with us back to Canterlot, our capital of Equestria? Let us show you more of what Equestria has to offer."

Gine smiled at the offer presented to her. "I'd be happy to come along Princess Celestia."

"Well then. Let's all get going shall-?"


Everyone turned to see two familiar unicorns, except to Gine, burst into the castle. One was a short aqua colored unicorn with a light brown tail and mane, brown eyebrows, and scissors for a cutie mark. The other was a tall golden-furred unicorn with a green mane and tail along with a snail Cutie Mark. They were known as Snips and Snails.

"Snips? Snails? What's wrong?"

Snips and Snails looked to them all with nervous expressions. "Well ummmmm... Do you remember the time we all first met Trixie?"

That question and the two's nervousness made Twilight's eyes go wide. "Did you two wake the Ursa Minor again?!"

"No. No. No. No. No. Of course not."

"*sigh* Oh thank goodness."


"We might have actually done something a little bit worse."


Everyone ran out to see what had let out that loud roar. The minute it came in sight, Twilight glared at Snips and Snails. "You both didn't wake an Ursa Minor... YOU WOKE UP AN ACTUAL URSA MAJOR!"

It was indeed the creature Twilight spoke up. The creature appeared to be made of transparent, purple, cosmic magic with a blue star-like symbol on its forehead, red wild eyes, long sharp teeth, and was around fifty feet tall, towering over most of the town.

Celestia stepped forward to the front of the group as she watched the creature begin its rampage. "Fluttershy? Applejack? Starlight? Rarity? Begin getting ponies clear. The rest of us will try and drive it away from Ponyville."

Everyone then began running or flying towards Ponyville.

In said town, many were running in panic as the Ursa began stomping around. They all then heard what sounded like the air being cut a bit as most spotted the most famous flyers in all of Equestria flying towards the beast, the Wonderbolts. The team consisted of Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin with Spitfire in the lead. "Evasive formation you two!"

The two nodded and they all three began to fly rapidly around the Ursa trying to draw its attention to them and away from the town. However, the giant soon managed to swing its right paw and swatted Fleetfoot away. However, the Wonderbolt was quickly caught by Rainbow Dash. "Need a hand?"

Soon Twilight, Celestia, and Luna came up and began firing their magic at the major causing it to lift up its paws to try and block it.

Back at the ground, the rest of the Mane 6 were getting ponies clear.

"Come on y'all. Keep getting clear."

They then spotted Gine had just moved Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon away from falling debris. "Get moving you two." The two fillies nodded and ran along with the other ponies trying to escape the Ursa's rampage. Gine then looked up to see the princesses and Wonderbolts were still trying to draw the Ursa's attention. "Alright. I've seen this thing once and I've already had enough of it." Gine then charged up her power and shot off right to the Ursa like a missile. She delivered a strong swing with both her fists to the giant's face, then repeated the attack with two more, sending it down on to its back.

Gine then began charging her power as her ki formed into her hands. "Goddess Blast!" Gine then fired a powerful ki blast against the Ursa trying to drive it away.

At first, it seemed to be driving the downed creature away for a bit but it managed to swipe one of its paws and knocked Gine down towards the ground, where she struck a stack of crates and crushed them before rolling over onto her back with Twilight watching in worry. "Gine!"

Twilight then broke off from firing at the Ursa to fly down and check on the Saiyan as she got back to her feet. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Just a bit of ringing in my head."

The two then looked up as the Ursa let out another roar while trying to swat away the princesses and Wonderbolts with Twilight looking in worry. "We need a plan. Even with me, Celestia, and Luna all together, our magic isn't strong enough to stop something of that size."

Gine then shot up with her eyes wide. "Size? That's it!"

Twilight looked to Gine in confusion. "What's it?"

"Twilight. I have a plan. I think I have just the thing that can drive away the Ursa Major. But in order to do it, I need you to get the others clear of it."

"What? Gine are you sure you can-?"

"Twilight! I don't have time to explain! Right now, I'm asking you as your friend to trust me."

Twilight seemed a bit hesitant before nodding. She then flew up to her friends who continued fighting the Ursa. "Everypony get clear! Gine says she has an idea!"

A bit hesitant at first, everypony began running or flying away from the Ursa with Rainbow Dash pulling up to Twilight's side. "What's Gine gonna do Twilight?"

"I don't know. We'll just have to trust her."

After everyone had put some distance between themselves and the Ursa, Gine then took to the air and looked straight at the beast. 'Bardock. I never thought I'd be so grateful that you made me learn this technique.'

Gine then began focusing power into her hand and soon formed a white energy orb into her hand before shooting it into the air. From a distance, the others wondered what was happening. "What's she doing?"

Gine threw her hand up and clenched it into a fist. "BURST OPEN AND MIX!"

Suddenly the white energy orb released a bright flash that covered the sky for a moment until it revealed a large energy sphere in the sky. The sight of it amazed all of the ponies watching with Luna speaking, "It looks almost like... A moon."

"Ummm, girls? Check out Gine."

Everyone turned and looked in Gine's direction and even from a distance they could tell something was happening. They all watched as Gine's eyes became pupil-less and she began to tremble a bit while letting out groan after groan. Her eyes soon began turning blood red, her mouth began to grow into a snout with sharp teeth, and she began to grow black fur all over. But what really surprised them all was the fact that Gine appeared to be growing in size. They watched as she continued growing and growing until she appeared to be the size of the Ursa itself. She soon stopped changing and when she did, she landed down on the ground, gaining the attention of the Ursa.

From their watching spot, the girls watched in astonishment as they had just witnessed what appeared to be Gine having turned into a giant ape dressed in Saiyan armor. Spike was watching with his mouth wide open. "She's... She's huge. She's as big as the Ursa Major"

Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight with questionable looks. "Twilight?"

"I'll explain once I figure out myself Princess Luna. To be honest, I had no idea Gine could do that."

"Well, darling. While I don't know what's Gine's done to herself. I should say we let Gine handle the Ursa Major like she said."

The Ursa glared at the Great Ape Gine as she glared right back. The Ursa let out a defiant roar before Gine beat her chest like that of a gorilla before roaring right back. The two continued glaring at one another before charging at each other. When they met Gine had grabbed the Ursa by the neck and began driving it back. Many ponies scattered as they watched the Ursa's hind paws drag into the ground and create groves as Gine kept pushing the creature back. It tried fighting back but Gine kept her grip tight as she continued pushing the beast out of Ponyville. Not long after they were closing in on the edge of the town, the Ursa managed to knock Gine's hand away and bit down on her arm causing Gine to let out a roar of pain. Gine then struck the Ursa with a strong right hook before grabbing it by its back with both hands and using her strength to throw the Ursa out towards the Everfree Forest. The Ursa landed with a giant quake.

The ponies watched in amazement as Rainbow Dash spoke first, "Are you seeing this? She's taking down the Ursa Major as easily as she did the hydra!"

They then watched that as the Ursa got back up, Gine jumped out towards it and slammed her fists down on it. She was about to throw another hit but the Ursa swung its claws and struck Gine in the face before tackling her to the ground. They all watched as Gine then managed to kick it off before the two got back up and stared each other down. Gine then reached out and yanked a tree out of the ground before moving her hand over it to clear the branches from it. She then watched as the Ursa charged at her before she swung the tree and struck the Ursa with it like a baseball bat, snapping the tree in two. After the Ursa took that hit, it then looked to see Gine appeared to be charging her energy up and taking a deep breath. The Ursa then charged at her, but right as it was about to strike her, Gine shot forward with her mouth wide open, firing a powerful beam from there, striking the Ursa and pushing it back. She stopped for a moment before letting out another blast once it tried to charge her again.

Eventually, the beam pushed the Ursa Major onto its back where it looked to Gine in fright. Gine let out a roar at the Ursa and caused it began moving and running away in defeat and fear. Everyone watched as Gine full scared off the Ursa and she let out a roar of triumph. "She... She did it."

They then watched as Gine began charging her power again. "What's she doing now?"

They then watched as Gine let out another blast, except this time it was to the sky, and right towards the fake moon she had made. Soon, the blast struck the fake moon and destroyed it. After it was gone, they then watched as Gine appeared to be changing back to her normal self. They all began flying and moving towards her as she soon returned to normal and slowly hovered down to the ground and fell to her knees, trying to catch her breath. Rainbow and Applejack supported her a bit while Twilight looked at her in amazement. "Gine? How did you do that?"

Gine smiled a bit before looking at her. "Let's just say I still have a bit more to tell you all about Saiyans."