• Published 16th Mar 2018
  • 7,266 Views, 696 Comments

Surviving Saiyan in Equestria - bcmorgan96

Goku's mother, Gine, lands on Equestria and will have to learn about the world she is now on. What will happen? Who knows.

  • ...

Gine's First Day in Equestria

The light of the sun shone through the window of Princess Twilight's room, causing the alicorn to awaken with a groan and pull the blanket over her head. "Mmmm... Come on. Just five more minutes."

Just as Twilight was about to relax and sleep a little longer, she heard a knocking on the door. "Hey, Twilight. It's time to wake up. We may have a small problem."

"Uh... Spike. Can't it wait until later? Let me have five more minutes of sleep while you get breakfast started and we'll talk about whatever's wrong there."

Then a second voice, the voice of Starlight, joined in on the conversation. "Actually Twilight, the problem is... Well... We're out of food."

That statement caused Twilight to throw her blanket off and shoot up to a sitting up position with wide eyes, "What!?" She then used her magic to throw her door open to show Spike and Starlight still standing there. "What do you mean we're out of food? We just restocked the kitchen yesterday? Wait... Spike, you didn't have another one of your sleepwalking and eating episodes did you?"

"Of course not Twilight. I got over that months ago."

"Then how could we have run out of food again already?"

Starlight and Spike looked at each other for a moment with puzzled looks before Starlight spoke up, "Well... You probably wouldn't believe us if we told you so you may want to see for yourself."

Twilight was confused at her pupil's statement before standing from her bed. "Okay. Just let me brush my mane and change real quick."

Twilight quickly shut the door, and after hearing a bit of magic use from the other side of the door, Spike and Starlight watched as the door opened to show Twilight with her mane combed and her attire on. "Alright. Show me what happened."

"Alright, Twilight. Just be warned. What you see might be unbelievable."

And Spike was indeed right. The dragon and unicorn lead Twilight to the kitchen where the princess had gone wide-eyed once again at what she saw.

In the kitchen were many dirty dishes in multiple stacks, but that wasn't what shocked Twilight. What really shocked the alicorn princess was that it appeared Gine was the cause of all of the dirty dishes. She spotted the Saiyan chowing down on a plate of scrambled eggs at a rapid speed. She soon finished the eggs and picked up a stack of toast and ate it quickly as well before picking up a jug of water and drank it down instantly. She then took a stack of pancakes and ate them quickly before putting the plate down and letting out a satisfied sigh. "Now that was a great meal. Fit for a Saiyan."


Gine turned to see Twilight looking at her with the shocked look she still held. "Oh, good morning Twilight. How are you this morning?"

"You... All... That..."

"Huh? What are you trying to say?"

Gine looked at Twilight in confusion before noticing she was pointing at the many used dishes piled around her and Gine then realized what made Twilight so shocked. "Okay. I think I see what's wrong."

"Gine? Not to sound rude but... HOW COULD YOU EAT ALL OF OUR FOOD?!"

Twilight covered her mouth at the outburst before looking to Gine, who looked at her sheepishly. Spike and Starlight soon walked back to Twilight's sides as Spike spoke, "No offense Gine. But you ate enough to put even Pinkie Pie to shame."

"Even I'm curious as to how one person could eat so much."

Gine waited for a moment before figuring out how to phrase her explanation. "Well... Do you remember how I said Saiyans were strong fighters?"

The three nodded before Gine continued, "Well because of how much we pushed ourselves and kept fighting, we burned our energy and calories at a much faster rate than other life forms. Because of that, we have to consume as much food to replenish what we burned off from fights."

Gine then watched as Twilight made a notepad and pen appear in front of her and began writing down on it with her magic. "Fascinating."

Spike cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "While I'd say that is good to know for while Gine is here, we're still left with a problem. We have no food for breakfast."

"Well, Spike. If you don't mind running out to get us more food, Starlight and I will stay and clean these dishes up."

"Do I have to?"

"I'll throw some extra gems into pancakes for you."

Spike went wide-eyed with a smile. "You got it Twilight."

Twilight smiled a bit as she made a list and bag of bits appear in Spike's hands before he took off out of the castle. Gine then watched as all of the dishes she had used as she ate being levitated up into the air and to the sink by Starlight and Twilight's magic. "Would you like some help before I head out?"

The statement from the Saiyan brought confusion to the two mares with Starlight asking, "Head out? What do you mean? Are you going to go get your ship?"

"Not yet. What I mean is since it looks like I may be on your world for a while, I decided to maybe take a look around today and see what your town is like. But I can help out first if you'd like. Just to make up for scarfing down all of your food."

"That's okay Gine. We'll handle it here. You go on and see what's around. Like you said, you may be here for a while. And don't worry about the food. It's like what Fluttershy told us yesterday. You do what your instincts tell you to do. But for now, just go ahead and explore."

Gine smiled before heading out of the kitchen and out of the front door of the castle. Gine took a deep breath before sighing. "Fresh air in the morning never felt so good. Now to have a look around."

Gine began walking to wherever she would come across first. However, during her walk she noticed many ponies look to her with strange looks, but she brushed them off knowing they had never seen a Saiyan before. Gine simply kept walking until...

"Hey, Gine!"

Gine turned to see Apple Bloom running to her with her family canine, Winona, running beside her. Before Gine could react, Winona jumped and tackled her to the ground and began licking her face rapidly. "Wow. Wow. Easy girl. Hahahahah. Okay. I'm glad to meet you too."

Apple Bloom moved Winona off Gine a bit while laughing a bit from the display. "Sorry about that Gine. Winona gets a little excited when it comes to meeting new friends."

Gine quickly stood back up and smiled. "It's okay Apple Bloom. Good to see you have quite a friendly pet. What are you up to anyway?"

"Just headin' back to the farm. Had to run to the market to pick up some stuff for our chores. What are you up to?"

"Just thought I'd have a look around your little town."

"Well, in that case, you wanna come back to the farm with us and see what it's like."

Gine gave it some thought before nodding. "Sure. I think that'd be a good start."

"Great. Just follow us."

Gine smiled and began following the young filly and her dog to Sweet Apple Acres, where they found Applejack and Big Macintosh had just finished bucking apples along with Granny Smith and Grand Pear carrying some of the apples and pears, from newly grown pear trees, to their home and barn. "Hey, Y'all. We're back. And we brought a friend with us."

Applejack was the first one to happily greet the Saiyan, "Well howdy Gine. Welcome to our family farm. Let me introduce the rest of my family to you. Hey Y'all. This is Gine. Gine this here's Big Macintosh, mine and Apple Bloom's older brother. Though you can just call him Big Mac."

Gine saw Applejack was referring to the red furred stallion that was obviously taller than her and his sister who looked at her with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Big Mac."


"And these two here are our grandparents, Granny Smith and Grand Pear."

Gine was then approached by the two elder ponies with Granny Smith speaking first, "Gine? Are you the same young lady who saved our granddaughter and her friends from them no good varmint Timberwolves?"

Gine was a little surprised with how straightforward the elder mare seemed. "Ummm well yes, ma'am. I did. I couldn't just leave them to those things."

Gine watched as the two continued to look her with serious looks before, to her surprise, they pulled her into
a hug before pulling back with Grand Pear speaking next, "We can't thank you enough for saving our granddaughter young lady."

Gine was surprised but grateful they weren't suspicious of her. "It was no trouble at all. I'm just glad I reached them before it was too late."

Applejack took her stetson off to wipe some sweat real quick. "Well anyways Gine what brings you here?"

"Just taking a look around. See what your home has to offer and what it's like."

"Well, we're about to take a break after one last chore we gotta handle."

"Mind if I help out a bit? I wouldn't mind getting a little bit of morning exercise."

"You sure sugar cube? It may take a lot of time if you're trying to see most of Ponyville today."

"I'm sure Applejack."

"Well, alright. Follow us."

Gine followed the Apple Family to a remote part of the fields and once there, Gine was met with a sight she found incredibly beautiful. There were two trees that had grown around each other, with apples and pears both growing from it. "Wow. It's beautiful."

Grand Pear smiled from Gine's compliment. "Thank you very much, Gine. You should know this tree was made from planting two seeds side by side by my daughter, Pear Butter, and Granny Smith's son, Bright Macintosh, when they fell in love. Back then, the Pears and Apples couldn't stand each other. But thanks to them, we managed to get past that feud and become a good family."

"Sounds to me they both loved each other like no other."

"Like you wouldn't believe Gine. Our parents loved each other and we're grateful to have had them."

"I know for a fact they'd be proud of you, your brother, and sister, Applejack."

"Thank ya Gine. Now then let's get to work picking these. Normally we'd buck a tree to get the fruit, but since this tree is special we don't risk doing any damage."

Gine watched as the family approached the tree when an idea came to her mind that would save them the trouble and time. "Hold on a minute. I may have a way to get them down quickly and carefully."

The Apple Family members stopped and seemed a bit hesitant with Applejack speaking, "Ah don't know Gine. It's not that I don't trust you as a friend it's just, this tree is really special to our family."


Gine understood and to help ease her friends' concern, she lifted her hand up. "Applejack, I promise I will not harm this tree in any way."

Hearing the honesty in Gine's voice, Applejack decided to take a chance. "Alright. I guess we ain't got nothing to lose."

Gine smiled and took a few steps towards the tree while the others stepped back. Gine took a deep breath and took a stance.

Then in a split second, everyone watched in shock as she seemed to have disappeared. And not long after, they saw many of fruits disappearing in set groups before Gine reappeared in front of the tree once again, only this time holding all of the picked fruit in her arms and with a sincere smile on her face. "Told you I wouldn't hurt the tree."

They all remained shocked at what they knew Gine did, but without knowing entirely how. Apple Bloom decided to be the one to ask the question everyone was thinking about. "G-Gine... How did you-?"

"Remember how I said Saiyans trained to be warriors? Well being a good warrior also means having good speed as well as strength."

Applejack tipped her stetson a bit as she looked to Gine in admiration. "Well thank ya for helpin' us out Gine. Don't suppose you'd wanna stay for lunch while we take a break."

Gine had finished handing Big Macintosh the gathered fruit. "Well I would Applejack, but I actually just had breakfast and I really haven't done anything much today, so I'm good for now."

Applejack gave Gine a small pat on the back. "Well if ya ever wanna come and visit, feel free to stop by. You're always welcome here."

Gine smiled at the mare's offer. "I'll keep that in mind. But for now, see ya around."

With that, the Apple Family waved bye as Gine left the orchard. As she kept walking she soon heard a voice calling out to her. "Hey, Gine!"

Gine turned only, and even with her Saiyan skills, barely dodged being accidentally hit by an incoming Rainbow Dash, who appeared to have a mailbag on her. "Good reflexes."

"Thanks. What are you doing anyway?"

Rainbow brushed herself off a bit before gripping the mailbag she had. "Just helping out a friend with getting some work done. What are you up to?"

"Just having a look around this town of yours. I just left Applejack's home so now I'm just going to where I end up next."

"Oh really? Well if I wasn't busy I would show you Cloudsdale but if you want I could tell you where to find the others at."

"That sounds great."

Rainbow pointed out towards an all too famous place in Ponyville. "That's SugarCube Corner. You'll find Pinkie Pie there. She works and lives there making all kinds of baked goods that only she could really think of." Rainbow then pointed out towards another famous store for Ponyville. "That's Rarity's home and store, the Carousel Boutique." The pegasus then pointed out to the end of the town, "And that is Fluttershy's cottage."

Gine looked to all of the places Rainbow pointed to before smiling and nodding to her. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash."

"No problem. And next time I'm not so busy, I'll try and show you Cloudsdale, my hometown. But for now, I gotta get moving again."

Rainbow then took off flying again while Gine waved to her. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash. See ya around."

After Rainbow flew off, Gine looked between the three directions she pointed to. "Let's see... I think I'll pay Rarity a visit first." Gine then began walking to the Carousel Boutique. She soon came to a stop at the front door and walked in, noticing that there was a bell to signal when someone had arrived.

"Just one moment."

Gine looked to see an opening to a hall and soon Rarity walked into the room, "Welcome to- oh Gine. Welcome, darling. I was hoping you'd visit."

"You were? What for?"

Gine soon found Rarity leading her into another room by her arm. "Just follow me, darling."

A few minutes later, Gine found herself standing with her arms out while Rarity was taking measurements around her. "Ummm Rarity? If you don't mind me asking, why are you taking all of these measurements on me?"

"Why to make you some clothes darling. If you're going to be staying in Ponyville for a while, I'm going to at least make sure you have plenty to wear."

"Well that's kind of you Rarity, but I don't have any money to pay for them."

Rarity waved her hand a bit as she used her magic to continue taking measurements. "Oh think nothing of it, darling. You saving my little sister from those dreadful Timberwolves is payment enough."

"Well then thank you Rar-."

"Plus the sooner I get you some new clothes the sooner we can get you out of that horrible armor."

That statement seemed to have hit a small nerve to Gine as she stiffened up a bit. And this did not go unnoticed by Rarity. "Gine? Is something wrong?"

"Well, Rarity? While I would like some new clothes for while I'm on your planet, I have no intentions of getting rid of my armor."

"But why not darling? Why do you want to hold on to something that looks so dreadful?"

Gine looked a little grim at the question. "Because along with being something to help me remember my lost homeworld, it also has a greater sentimental value because it was given to me by Bardock when he and I fell in love. And right now, it's the main thing I have left to remember him and keep him in my heart."

After hearing this statement from Gine, Rarity instantly regrets what she had said earlier. "Oh dear, darling. I'm so sorry. I should never have even suggested-."

"It's okay Rarity. You didn't know."

"While I do love a good look, I believe there's nothing more beautiful then holding on to what's close to your heart."

Soon Rarity had finished and Gine was preparing to leave as Rarity was seeing her out. "Thank you again Rarity. So I should come by again tomorrow?"

"Yes, darling. I should have some new clothes properly prepared for you by tomorrow. I also suppose you're lucky us ponies have tails like you so making an adjustment for your tail won't be an issue."

The two girls chuckled as they approached the exit door. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow Rarity."

"Have a good day Gine."

Gine then heard a very light rumbling noise before looking down at her stomach. "Looks like I could use a really small snack. Just to settle me until later. All of that walking did make me a little hungry. Especially that little energy I burned from picking that fruit. Didn't Rainbow say that Pinkie Pie worked and lived at a bakery? Where was it again?"

Gine began looking around until she spotted one of the other buildings that Rainbow pointed at earlier, SugarCube Corner. "There it is. Now let's see if I can find a quick snack real quick."

"Oh, I think you will." Gine flinched at hearing a voice suddenly coming out of nowhere behind her. She turned to see Pinkie Pie standing and smiling at her. "Pinkie? Where did you come from? And how did you just show up out of nowhere?"

Pinkie Pie just kept smiling at her with her usual big smile. "Well, I'm always good at telling when someone is ready for something sweet. That and the author thought it was my turn to meet up with you."

'What is she-? Wait, Gine. Remember what Twilight said. Don't try to figure her out if I value my sanity.' Gine then gave the pink mare a smile while responding, "Well, that's good. I was actually on my way to your bakery to get a small snack."

"Great!" Gine soon found herself being yanked by the arm by Pinkie to where she was soon sitting at the service counter at SugarCube Corner, where a cupcake was slid in front of her. "There you go, Ginny."

"Ummm thanks, Pinkie but I don't have any money on me to pay for this."

"Don't worry Gine. It's on the house."

Gine seemed a bit hesitant but shrugged it off before picking up the cupcake. "Well... If you say so." Gine took a small bite of the cupcake before smiling a bit. "Wow Pinkie. This is great. Did you make this?"

"You betcha. But I did have a little younger help."

Gine was confused at what Pinkie was mentioning until she felt something tap against her foot. She looked down to see a ball had tapped her foot and then she noticed the two young twins, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, walk up to her. They stared at her with curious expressions before laughing a bit and rising into the air, Pound with his wings and Pumpkin using her magic. Gine watched as the two rose up into the air before they landed on her shoulders, laughing, which brought a bigger smile to the Saiyan's face. "Well aren't you two friendly."

Pinkie Pie chuckled a bit at the display. "Those two are Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake. They're my employers and landlords', Cupcake and Carrot Cake's kids. And they love to meet new friends."

Pound and Pumpkin continued playfully resting on Gine's shoulders until the two girls noticed the twins yawning a bit. "Well, it looks like it's time for their nap."

Gine carefully handed the two twins to Pinkie Pie before finishing her snack and standing from her seat. "Well, Pinkie thanks for the snack. I'll see ya later."

"Okie Doki Loki."

Gine then walked out of the building and held a face of satisfaction. "Well, that little snack should last me until I really work up an appetite later. Now just for one more stop." Gine then turned in the direction of where Fluttershy's cottage was. On the way, once again many ponies were giving her odd looks once again. 'Maybe I should talk to Twilight about this. Just so none them think they have anything to worry about from me.'

Gine continued walking in the direction Rainbow Dash had given her earlier until she came to a stop in front of a small cottage with multiple structures, small fences, and handmade homes with her believing they must have all been made for animals. She approached the door and gave a couple of small knocks. "Fluttershy? Are you home?"

Gine waited a couple of seconds before she heard the doorknob turn and the door opened to reveal the yellow, pink maned pegasus. "Oh. Hello Gine. What brings you by? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"Just having a look around Ponyville. Just trying to get used to it since I may be here for a while. I've visited all of the other girls and thought I'd come by and see your home before I head back to Twilight's castle."

Fluttershy fully opened the door with a smile as she moved aside. "Well, please come on in."

Gine smiled and walked inside and was surprised to see many animals of all kinds either walking, running, flying, hopping, slithering, or crawling all around the cottage. Fluttershy noticed the surprised look on Gine's face. "S-Something wrong?"

"No. Twilight mentioned you loved animals. I just didn't expect you to have so many."

"What can I say? I do love animals. A lot of ponies come to me when they have problems with animals or pets."

The two then noticed a small squirrel approaching them with a small bowl in its hand. "Oh, I'm sorry little one. I'll get you some acorns right now."

Fluttershy walked off to her kitchen while the squirrel looked to Gine. The Saiyan bent down and held out her hand to the little animal. "Come on little guy. I won't hurt you."

The squirrel hesitated for a moment before slowly moving onto Gine's hand and allowing her to lift it off of the ground. Gine smiled and began to gently pet the animal. "See? You can trust me."

The squirrel smiled at Gine's gentleness before Fluttershy soon came back in with the bowl the squirrel gave her, filled with acorns. Gine let the squirrel back down as it ran to where Fluttershy placed its food down and began to dig in. As they watched the squirrel eat happily, Fluttershy decided to speak, "You seem to be an animal lover yourself Gine."

"Well I may be a Saiyan, but I can be gentle when I want or need to be. And while I do eat like an omnivore, even I have limits on what I'll eat for meat from time to time."

Fluttershy smiled at Gine's statement and was about to say something again when...


The two heard a loud noise and a small quake. Gine looked to Fluttershy with a bit of concern. "What was that?"

Before the startled and frightened Fluttershy could answer, her eyes went wide at the next sound they heard.


"Oh no."

Gine watched as Fluttershy ran out the door and followed behind her only to be met with a sight she didn't expect. From the cottage, the two could spot a creature with brown scales, a long tail, and four long-necked heads with red scales on its foreheads. While the creature remained unknown to her, Gine could tell from the look on Fluttershy's face that the mare knew what it was. "What is that thing Fluttershy?"

"It's... It's a hydra. It's attacking Ponyville."

"But for what reason? Why would it just randomly attack the town?"

"I don't know. But we have to do something."

It wasn't long before Gine decided what her plan would be. "Fluttershy? Get into town, find our friends, and get as many clear of that hydra as you all can."

Gine began running as Fluttershy looked at her in concern. "Wait. What are you going to do?"

Gine stopped to look at her again. "I'm gonna try and stop that thing."

"But Gine, what can you-?" Fluttershy didn't get to finish as she was shocked by Gine shooting off into the air. "Did she just fly?"

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, many of the civilians were running as the large animal continued stomping around in the town. It let out a loud roar from its four heads as many ponies began running. Among those ponies were Rarity and Sweetie Belle who were running as fast as they could. They were struggling to keep their balance from the quakes of the stomping from the hydra. However, one stomp was enough to cause a quake that made Sweetie Belle trip and fall. She looked up to see the hydra's next step would be right on top of her as she let out a scream. "AAAHHH!"

Rarity turned in response to scream and looked in horror. "SWEETIE BELLE! NO!"

Sweetie Belle shut her eyes as the hydra's foot began coming down. However, instead of being crushed, she instead heard a grunt and groan. Sweetie Belle slowly opened her eyes and was beyond amazed at what she saw. "Gine?"

Gine was indeed right between Sweetie Belle and hydra's foot, holding back with her arms up. She gritted her teeth as she continued holding the beast's foot up. "It's not gonna get any safer Sweetie Belle. You might wanna get moving."

After getting over how incredible and amazing the sight was, Sweetie Belle quickly got to her feet and ran to the embrace her sister had waiting for her before the two took off running.

Gine was struggling before using her Saiyan might and soon lifted the hydra completely off of her with a mighty yell. "RAAAAHHH!"

The hydra soon found itself falling onto its back before Gine stood up straight and looked at the beast as it looked back at her before letting out another loud roar from all four of its heads. Gine glared back at it as it stood back up while also crack her knuckles a bit. "You wanna play? Alright then. Let's play."

The left middle head made a lung for Gine only for her to dodge it and throw a hard punch at it, causing it to ricochet back a bit. It then made another lung only for Gine to jump up and kick at the top of the head to the ground before taking to the air while Gine charged up energy into her hand. "MAIDEN LANCER!" Gine then fired a powerful, pink energy beam that struck the hydra in the chest which also pushed it back into a nearby building, but the impact of the beast hitting the building caused some of its structure to give out and start falling towards a mare and her young filly.

However, luckily for them, Gine quickly made her way to them, grabbed them, and got them out of the way. "Get to safety you two." The mare and filly nodded and ran off. After making sure they were clear, Gine looked back to the hydra as it once again got back to its feet. "This is getting dangerous. I gotta get this thing away from all of these ponies."

Gine quickly shot towards the hydra and dodged its lunging heads again and stopped right behind it and took a hold of its tail. She then kept her grip on it while she took to the air, amazing everypony watching from safety, including the Mane 6.

"Hey? Am I the only one seeing this?"

"No Dashie. We're all seeing Gine lift that giant hydra by its tail after hitting with some kind of special power."

"It was a rhetorical question Pinkie."

Back in the air, Gine had just lifted the hydra high enough to see the outskirts of the town. "Alright big fella, let's get you of town." Gine then began spinning the hydra around about three times before throwing it far enough to where it landed right outside of Ponyville. Gine then watched as the hydra stood up once again and was about to let annoyed sigh when she heard it roar, only this time, Gine noticed its roar sounded different than before. "It sounds like... It's in pain. But why- wait. Is that...? Oh my gosh. It all makes sense. Well, this is gonna be tricky. It's a good thing Bardock taught me just the right move for me to get to it quick enough and precise enough to end this."

From the ground, the girls were watching as some kind of energy unknown to them began to form around Gine. However, Fluttershy was the first to get the idea of what Gine was about to do and it made her gasp in terror. "Gine no! Don't do it!"


Gine then shot at the hydra, like a missile, and covered the beast in a cloud of dust. Wanting to see what the end result was, the girls all ran out to the end of Ponyville and found the Hydra down on the ground and Gine standing before it with a proud smile on her face. However, unlike how it seemed to be to her, the end result didn't seem that good to the girls with Twilight speaking first for the group. "Gine! I get you were just trying to stop it from tearing up Ponyville but did you really have to go to extreme measures like that?"

Gine, however, looked to the group with confusion. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"She's saying that you could've done something else to stop it besides kill-!" Rainbow stopped speaking when they all noticed the Hydra began moving and soon opened all of its eyes and stood back up, only this time without aggression.

Confused along with the rest of her friends, Fluttershy questioned Gine first, "You...? You didn't kill it?"

"What? Kill it over having a splinter?" Gine moved her left hand up to show she was holding a sharp ended stick with a tiny bit of dried blood on its end. "Turns out it wasn't attacking out of rage or instinct. It was just in pain from having this stuck between its two middle heads."

The girls continued to watch in shock as the Hydra lowered one of its heads to nudge Gine a bit. "Oh. No problem big fella. I was happy to help out."

The girls then watched as the Hydra began walking off while Gine walked back to the girls, who continued looking at her with amazement. "What? I may have been a strong fighter in the past but there were still times I could be gentle."

After shaking off their shock, Twilight was the first to speak, "Gine. I just gotta say, you are just full of surprises."

Gine chuckled until they all heard a rumbling noise before they all realized it was Gine's stomach. "Whoops. Looks like stopping that thing helped me work up a bit of an appetite."

"Well, darling. For saving our home, allow us to treat you to dinner."

Gine smiled at the offer while Twilight, Starlight, and Spike began to sweat a bit. "Ummm... Rarity? You all do have plenty of money right?"

The white unicorn looked to the drake in confusion. "Of course Spike. Why do you ask?"

Starlight chuckled nervously a bit as she rubbed the back of her mane. "Let's just say we're gonna need it."

Author's Note:

Here's another chapter. Sorry if it seems a little short, but I'm terrible with fights. If anyone would like to give me some advice on how to make my fight scenes longer, please let me know.

Also keep in mind the girls, including Starlight, are wearing the same clothes that are worn by the EQG. Except Twilight is dressed in the clothes she wore when crossing over and not what Sci Twilight wears.