• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,449 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

A Tricky Forecast

It was just another day at school, with several of our heroes in the library helping work on the school's news channel.

Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie and Lyra were behind the camera, watching as Flash and Rarity did their thing. Right now Flash was forecasting the weather, with his own little spin.

"Cloudy mornings will clear up in a flash," he said before grabbing his guitar and blasting a musical rift. He then sat on the desk he was standing infront of. "Giving us clear skies all week to jam out to this tune. And that's your weather, in a flash." He gave the camera a smile, before getting up off the desk and moving to the side.

"Thank you Flash," he heard Rarity tell him as she sat on the desk to do her segment.

"Great work Flash," Twilight said once he moved over to them.

"Thanks," Flash replied, "so what's up after after Rarity's trend section?"

Lyra checked her clipboard. "Looks like a report on next weeks cafeteria menu, then we're done."

"Great," Pinkie said, "what do you guys wanna-"


Everyone let out a loud groan, as they turned to see the Great and Powerful Trixie walk towards them. She was wearing her usual magicians hat and cape, as she strode over to them with her usual cocky attitude.

"Trixie!" Lyra told her. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you talking about?" Trixie said. "How do you expect to film something without having the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Trixie, this is a news program." Twilight told her.

"And you just ruined my segment," Rarity said with a raised eyebrow.

Trixie chuckled under her breath. "Your silly little trend segment is nothing compared to the Great and Powerful Trixie. Once the viewers see me on screen, your ratings will go through the roof."

"This isn't about ratings!" Lyra cried out. "Can't you go one day without trying to hog the spotlight?"

Trixie laughed. "The Great and Powerful Trixie does not hog the spotlight. The spotlight calls to her." With that she dropped a couple of small pellets on the ground, creating a large cloud of smoke that filled the room.

Everyone coughed as they fanned the smoke away from them.

"Trixie that's enough," Lyra said as she stepped forwards. "You are not part of this news team, so please take your ridicules act and go!"

Trixie looked offended at this, before turning on her heel and heading towards the exit.

The others all sighed in relief, glad that was over with. "Come on guys," Lyra told the news team. "Let's re-shoot Rarity's segment, then get the rest done before she decides to come back with fireworks or something."

Everyone agreed and started setting everything back up.

"Thank you darling," Rarity told Lyra as she sat back on the table.

"Don't mention it," Lyra replied as the filming resumed.

Soon the last piece of footage was filmed, handed to the editors and the equipment packed away. With that done, Flash, Lyra, Twilight, Pinkie Rainbow and Rarity headed out of the library.

"Seriously," Rainbow said as they made their way down the corridor, "that Trixie needs a serious ego stomp."

"Ironic coming from you," Flash said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Rainbow asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh nothing," Flash said, thought he and the others smirked.

"I agree though," Twilight said. "That Trixie is a serious showoff."

"She's always been that way," Lyra told her. "Ever since kindergarten. I remember walking into class and seeing everyone gathered around her, as she performed her magic tricks for them. I think the attention got to her and she became addicted to it, so when the magic stopped working she became desperate."

"That explains a lot," Pinkie said.

"That doesn't excuse her attitude," Flash said. The lot of them arrived outside and saw, Sweetie and Sunset walking towards them. "We really need to do something about her."

"About who?" Sunset asked as they joined them.

"Trixie," they all said in unison.

"Oh," the two girls replied, knowing exactly what they were talking about.

"She is starting to get out of hand," Sweetie said. "I've lived for almost a hundred years, and I've never met anyone more attention hungry."

"So what are we gonna do?" Pinkie asked.

Lyra just shrugged. "If I knew that, I'd have done it years ago."

"Well we have to do something," Rainbow said.

Before anyone else could say anything, their communicators went off.

"What's up?" Flash asked when he answered.

"Trouble down town," Celestia's voice replied. "Micro, Sandal and Soarin are on their way."

"And so are we," Lyra said before cutting the call. She, Flash, Sweetie and Sunset then rushed off.

Once again Canterlot was under attack by an army of Shades.

This time they were being lead by a new monster. This one was a tall skinny creature, with light green skin and a large round blue head with a large smile and two beady eyes. On top of his head was a silver ring shape that had symbols attached to it, that were all shaped like the ones you would see on a weather report.

"That's right!" The monster yelled as he laughed. "Run you puny humans. You're in for a cold snap." He reached up and grabbed the ring on his head, before spinning it until the symbol shaped like a snow cloud was on his forehead. The symbol then glowed and shot a beam of light into the sky, which then created a small cloud that started unleashing a flurry of snow. "This is sure to bring those Rangers out."

"Got that right!"

The monster spun around and saw seven Power Rangers leap into the fray. Once there, they looked at him and each had a confused look under their helmets.

"What is that thing?" Sandal asked.

"Looks like a weather map grew a pair of legs," Soarin replied.

"The names Forecast," the monster cried. "Remember it, because soon I'll be ruling the multiverse alongside Havoc."

"Yeah right," Flash said as the Rangers readied their weapons.

"Pigs will fly before then," Micro said.

"We'll see about that," Forecast said as he switched his head piece to show a rain cloud. "Take this!" He unleashed another beam, which struck the sky and created another cloud. This time a powerful downpour occurred, though the Rangers were not exactly in pain from it.

"Rain?" Lyra asked in confusion.

"He's attacking us with a light shower?" Flash asked.

"That's just lame," Sweetie said.

"Let's show him how a fight's suppose to go," Sunset said. The others nodded and prepared themselves.


"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

"Duel Morphin Blaster!"

The seven charged forwards, surprising Forecast by not being even bothered by the rain.

"What?" The monster asked in amazement. "S-Shades attack!"

The cloaked monsters pulled out their daggers and started charging forward, clashing with the Rangers but proving as useless as ever.

"Here's a weather report your gonna love," Flash cried as he smashed multiple Shades with his Dragon Breaker. "Chance of cloudy sky and possible weaklings raining down!" He struck one with such force, that it was sent flying.

"You'd be surprised what kind of terrible weather you get around here," Lyra said as she used her Serpent Staff to grab Shades and toss them into the air, smashing into the ones Flash had thrown up there.

"Fire!" Micro and Sunset yelled as they unleashed a flurry of laser fire at the flying monsters, destroying several of them while the others fell back to the ground.

Soarin and Sandal rushed towards those ones, their swords primed, and sliced at them all before they could even hit the ground.

Sweetie was using her shield to block some, before firing at them with her blaster.

Meanwhile Trixie was walking through the town, still miffed at what Lyra had said.

However, her attention soon turned to the sight of a large cloud hovering above the sky not to far off. This peaked the teens interest and she was quickly moving over to it, rushing around the corner of a building and seeing the seven Power Rangers doing battle with the Shades.

"Hmm," she said, "I bet they have a bunch of adoring fans. Why can't I have that kind of attention."

"Have a nice flight!" She then heard the Blue Ranger cry as she sent a Shade flying. It flew through the air and struck the building wall near Trixie, causing the creature to drop the dagger it was holding before it disappeared into a wisp of black smoke.

Trixie continued to watch as the Rangers finished off the last of the Shades and grouped up to face the monster.

"You may have beaten my Shades," Forecast cried, "but I've still got more tricks to hit you with." He changed the ring on his head back to the snow cloud image. "Try this on!" He cried as he unleashed the beam, which struck the sky and created the snow cloud. The frozen water started falling to earth, but once again the Rangers were not phased by it.

"Is this guy for real?" Micro asked.

"I'm afraid so," Sunset said, not sounding impressed.

"Let's show him what a real attack looks like," Flash said as he and the other Rangers took out their Magi-Chargers and placed them in their weapons.


"Power Slash!" Flash and Sandal yelled as they swung their swords through the air.

"Power Blast!" Micro and Sweetie cried as they fired their blasters.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin yelled as he unleashed his lightning attack.

"Phoenix Flame Burst!" Sunset cried as she fired her fireball attack.

The seven attacks flew through the air, before striking Forecast and causing an explosion that sent him flying backwards through the air with a loud cry of pain.

He crashed into the ground with a loud thud, groaning once he had finally come to a stop.

"This just in," Flash said as the Rangers rushed towards him. "You're about to be destroyed."

"Not likely," Forecast replied as he stood back up and changed the symbol on his head to a sun. He then shot another beam into the air, this time it becoming a bright flash of solar light that caused the Rangers to stop in their tracks and shield their eyes. "I'm out of here," Forecast yelled as he rushed off.

Once he was gone, the fake sun disappeared and the Rangers could see. But unfortunately the monster had vanished without a trace.

"Awe man," Soarin cried in annoyance. "He got away."

"Let's get back to the base," Flash told the team.

They all agreed and rushed off, completely unaware that they had been watched.

Trixie came out of her hiding place and tried to see where the Rangers were heading, but the seven multicoloured superheroes were gone before she could get a good look at their direction. "Rats," she said. But in that moment, something caught her eye.

Looking over, she saw the dagger that the Shade had dropped was still on the ground. "Cool," she said as she bent down and picked it up. "Trixie could sell this on the internet and make mint."

"This way!" She suddenly heard. She spun around and saw a woman with a microphone followed by a man carrying a camera, who rushed over to the street and looked around. "The Rangers were here, I know they were." The woman looked around and then spotted Trixie, still holding the dagger. "Excuse me," she said as she walked over to the girl. "Where'd you get that?"

"Oh this," Trixie began to fear she was gonna be arrested. "It's not mine, a monster dropped it."

"A monster?" The woman asked. "You fought a monster?"

"Um," was all Trixie could say.

"Are...are you a Power Ranger?"

Trixie was about to say that she was not, but suddenly a sly grin appeared on her lips. "Why yes," she then said. "I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, am a Power Ranger. I am...the Blue Ranger."

Back at the school, the Rangers arrived in the base with smirks on their faces.

"It's official," Soarin said to the Mane Six and principles. "Havoc is out dangerous monsters, because that one he sent today was a total joke."

"I know," Micro said. "You'd think a monster that can control the weather would be tough to beat, but I didn't even break a sweat."

"You think he's given up?" Sweetie asked.

"I doubt it," Flash said. "But if that monster shows up again, at least we won't have a hard time fighting against it." He then turned to the others and noticed a sombre look on their faces. "What's up."

"You guys need to see this," Twilight said as she spun her computer screen around.

The Rangers looked at it a saw it was a news program, with a female reporter talking to the camera.

"Welcome to an exclusive interview none other then the Blue Ranger," she said.

The Rangers all turned to Lyra in surprise, who in tern held up her hands defensibly. "Don't look at me," she said.

They looked back at the screen, only for their eyes to go wide when they saw the camera pan around to show Trixie.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," Flash said.

"So," the reporter said to Trixie, "why reveal yourself now and not before?"

Trixie just smiled. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has long since contemplated revealing her true identity to the public, but my teammates have been denying her the opportunity. They fail to see how much the public would appreciate knowing who they are."

Lyra's eye began to twitch. "I...am...going...to kill her."

"Tell us about the rest of your team," the reporter said.

"Well obviously Trixie cannot tell you their names," she said.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "since she doesn't know them.

"But," Trixie went on, "she can tell you about them. The Red Ranger is nothing but a pretty face, with no leadership skills at all."

"Is that so?" Flash said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yellow, total idiot."

"Idiot!" Micro cried.

"Pink, serious bimbo."

"Oh its on!" Sweetie screamed.

"Green, a major meathead."

"I'm a vegetarian," Sandal told her.

"And the other Rangers, barely worth mentioning."

Soarin and Sunset both frowned at this.

"So what you're saying is you are the one calling all the shots?" The reporter asked.

"Of course," Trixie said. "Honestly I could defeat any monster single handedly, I just let the others help to make them feel important."

The Ranger's faces were all bright red, making the others fear they were gonna explode. Twilight switched off the computer, before Trixie could say anything that could make the situation worse. "This is really bad," she said.

"Oh she is so dead!" Lyra almost screamed.

"Let's all calm down," Celestia said.

"Calm down!" Sweetie cried. "That idiot is pretending to be a Power Ranger just to get some attention."

"We have got to stop her," Micro said.

"How?" Applejack asked them. "Unless ya'h willin to reveal your identity, how ya'h gonna prove she's lying?"

"Lyra could come to school morphed," Pinkie said. "When everyone sees Trixie and the Blue Ranger in the same place, they'll realise she lied."

"That's a great idea Pinkie," Rainbow told her.

"That's a horrible idea," Lyra said. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Rainbow asked.

"Because I can't," Lyra said. "We just have to find a way to make Trixie confess to not being a Ranger."

"Like that's gonna happen," Sandal said.

"That girl would admit to being the queen of England and stick to it," Flash said.

"Well whatever you do," Luna said, "you'll need to do it quick. If Havoc sees this, it could put Trixie in great danger."

"But he's met Lyra and seen her morph," Sunset said. "There's no way he'd fall for this."

Havoc had not seen the news report. He was too focused on berating his underling.

"When you said you could control the weather," he said as he circled Forecast. "I was under the assumption that it could actually be used to create powerful storms and furious blizzards. Not...MAKING IT DRIZZLE ON THE RANGERS!"

The other monsters all laughed at this, glad it was not them getting yelled at, as they watched Forecast squirm.

"I'm sorry master Havoc," he said.

"No," Havoc replied as he sat back in his chair, "I'm sorry. Sorry I ever thought sending a weakling like you would actually pay off."

"I can do better," Forecast said. "This was...all part of my plan."

"Oh really?" Havoc said with a raised eyebrow. "So then tell me, what is your plan exactly?"

"I...um...I only...let the Rangers beat me easy...because I...um....wanted to...make them think I was weak."

"You are weak," Doom said from the sides.

Dust nodded. "For once, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Doom is right. You are weak."

"No I'm not," Forecast said. "But now that the Rangers think I'm weak, they won't fight me seriously. That way, when I unleash my true power, they won't know what hit them."

"Is that so," Havoc said, not believing the monster for a second. "Fine, then you can prove it tomorrow. Go rest up for now."

"Yes sir," Forecast said before spinning on his heel and rushing out the bridge.

"He's gonna get destroyed," Heart said in a deadpan voice.

"Of course he is," Havoc replied as he sat back in his chair. "But hopefully he'll keep the Rangers occupied while I try to think of a better idea."

"Master," Dust said as he pulled Doom towards the teen villain. "I'd be more then happy to keep an eye on Forecast and help him fight the Rangers. Then even if he fails, at least they'll be tired enough for me to destroy them. If you could just," he raised his shackled arm.

"No," Doom said, "I'll go and destroy the Rangers."

Havoc stared at the two, raising at eyebrow. "Tell you what," he said as he raised his arm and fiddled with the device on it. "You can both go," the Residuam Ring shackle disappeared. "This'll be a good way for me to see how far your teamwork has come. You leave with Forecast tomorrow."

"Thanks you master!" They both said before rushing out the room.

"So what are you gonna do if their teamwork hasn't improved?" Heart asked him.

"I don't know," Havoc replied. "I hear those escape rooms are a great way to build teamwork, if nothing else it'll keep them out of my hair for a few hours."

The Next Day.

The school was abuzz with gossip, as almost all the student of Canterlot High were talking about how Trixie was the Blue Ranger.

Since none of them had her for their homeroom or in any classes, the Rangers and Mane Six were forced to wait until lunch to try and talk to her.

"This is getting ridicules," Flash said. "Half the male population are planning to ask her out."

"I heard she's being offered endorsement deals," Rarity said.

"It hasn't even been a full day yet!" Sandal cried.

"What are we gonna do?" Sweetie asked, wallowing into her hands.


They all spun around to see Trixie step into the cafeteria, followed by her band mates, only to be swarmed by the student body.

"That's it," she said as she pulled out a pen and started signing autographs. "No need to shove, I'll get to everyone."

Flash groaned seeing this. "If that's what having your secret identity out in public is like, then I'm glad we decided not to tell anyone."

The others agreed to this, as they continued to watch Trixie be mobbed by her adoring fans.

Eventually, Lyra had had enough and suddenly shot up while banging her hands on the table.

"Oh boy," Sweetie said in concern.

Lyra turned towards the group and pushed through it, grabbing Trixie's attention as she did.

"Well well," she said with a coy smile. "Come to apologies for what you said yesterday."

"No," Lyra said, "I've come to tell you to stop this ridicules scheme. You are not the Blue Ranger."

"Of course I am," Trixie said. "Why would I say I was if I wasn't."

"So you can get a bunch of attention," Lyra said. "And unless you tell everyone the truth, you'll only end up getting yourself in trouble."

"That's just ridicules," Trixie said. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is the Blue Ranger, accept it."

The others could tell Lyra was getting more and more angry, but then they saw her close her eyes and take a deep breath. "Fine," she then said, "then prove it by morphing."

Trixie suddenly looked panicky. "Err...morphing?"

"You know," Lyra said. "That thing all Power Rangers do where they suddenly transform into their suits."

"Right," Trixie said, "morphing."

"Go on then," Lyra said. "Morph. Prove you're a Power Ranger."

Everyone could tell Trixie was sweating, knowing she was busted. But before she had a chance to really sweat, one of the student in the crowd held up his phone.

"Hey, there's another monster attack."

Hearing this, everyone pulled out their phones and went only. There they saw that there really was a monster attack.

"You'd better go Trixie," another student called to her. "The Rangers will need you if their as incompetent as you said they were."

Trixie's face was ghostly white, but quickly turned back to normal. "Yes," she said, "the Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish this evil and protect Canterlot like she has done so many times before." With that she pushed passed the crowd towards the door, hiding her terrified face as she did.

The students were all cheering her on, not noticing that seven other students were gone.

Outside the school, Lyra and the rest of the Rangers had snuck out.

"That idiot's gonna get herself killed," Micro said.

"Unless we beat those monsters before she can get there," Flash told him.

"He's right," Lyra said as she pulled out her Magi-Charger and looked around. Seeing no one watching, she nodded and turned to the others. "It's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others yelled as they activated their Chargers and placed them in their Morphers.


"Energise!" They pointed them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" The seven Rangers pulled the trigger and fired the energy shots, which transformed into their Zord heads and bit down upon them before exploding in a burst of light. Then the light faded, revealing Rangers suited up and ready to save Trixie from herself.

They then each took out another Magi-Charger. "Magicycles, Rev It Up!" They activated the Chargers and threw them.


In a flash of light the Chargers transformed into seven bikes, each a different colour and having the Ranger's Zord heads on them.

"Let's ride!" Lyra said as they leapt onto their bikes and revved them up, before hitting the gas and shooting down the road.

"Apocalyptic Doom!"

"Cotton Swab Kunai!"

The two monsters unleashed their explosive attacks, turning several buildings into rubble. Luckily no one was hurt, but if they kept it up like this then eventually someone would be.

Doom, Dust and Forecast all worked to cause as much mayhem as possible, hoping to draw out the Rangers.

"Any sign of them?" Dust asked as they watched the people they endangered run for their lives.

"Not yet," Doom replied. But no sooner had he said that, that they suddenly heard the sound of several engines drawing closer. "There they are!" He cried when they turned to see the Rangers racing towards them.

"FIRE!" They all cried as their bikes unleashed their laser blasts.

"Rag Grenade!" Dust cried as he used his cleaning weapon to wipe away the oncoming lasers, causing said weapon to glow. He then rung it out before tossing it towards the Rangers.

"Look out!" Sunset cried as the rag hit the ground and exploded, forcing them all to leap off their bikes to survive the explosion.

Once they landed, the seven of them pulled out their weapons and charged at the three monsters.

"Haven't seen you two in a while," Flash said as he and Dust clashed swords. "What happened? Finally tie the knot and go on honeymoon."

"Be quiet!" Dust cried as he swiped at the Red Ranger, who leapt back to a safe distance.

"Time to take out the trash!" Flash said, as he pulled out his Legendary Charger and activating it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hidding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

"Broom Blaster!" Dust cried as he fired his rifle, but Flash used his own blaster and managed to counter every shot.

"Nice try," Flash said as he took out some Magi-Chargers and placed them in his blaster.




"Activate!" Flash pulled the trigger, unleashing a blue and pink energy blast. Those blasts then transformed into the heads of the Sea-Serpent and Spinx Zord heads, which flew around him before biting down on his arms. In a flash of light his gauntlets transformed, turning into the two Zords shaped gauntlets. "Red Legend Ranger, Sphinx-Serpent Formation. Ready!"

Flash charged at Dust, who fired his rifle at him, using his Sphinx Shield to block the attacks. He then swung his sword at Dust, who swapped his rifle for his sword, and the two continued to clash.

Meanwhile the others were fighting Doom and Forecast.

"Take this you overgrown porcupine," Soarin cried as he, Sandal and Lyra fought Doom. The Thunder Ranger swinging his sword at the monster, who in tern used his to block.

"I will destroy you!" Doom cried as he pushed Soarin back and tried to cut his head off, only for his sword to be grabbed by Lyra's Serpent Staff.

"Like we haven't heard that before," the Blue Ranger cried as she pushed Doom back. This gave Sandal the chance to slash at the monster.

"And everyone who said it ended up beat," the Green Ranger finished.

Meanwhile Forecast was fighting against Sunset, Micro and Sweetie.

"Take this!" The Monster yelled as he changed the ring on his head to show a storm cloud, before firing a beam into the air and creating said cloud.

"What now?" Micro asked as they looked up at the cloud, before a lightning bolt suddenly flew out of the cloud and struck the ground near him. "Wow!" He said as he and the girls cried as the leapt back, while more lightning began to strike the ground.

"This guy's not kidding around anymore," Sunset said.

"I got this!" Sweetie cried as she raised her shield. A lightning bolt flew down and struck the shield, which was able to block its power but left Sweetie stuck. "Go!"

"RIGHT!" The other two Rangers said as Sunset charged forwards and Micro aimed his blasters at Forecast. "Fire!" He cried as he unloaded on the monster.

"Hey!" Forecast screamed as he began dancing around the blasters, too distracted to notice the Gold Ranger charging at him.

"Blade mode!" She cried as she unfurled the bayonet of her blaster and used it to slash at the monster.

Forecast cried out as he was sent flying, crashing into the ground while the storm cloud disappeared.

Sweetie lowered her shield and sighed in relief before she and the others turned to Forecast. "Let's finish this!"

"I don't think so!" Forecast cried as he switched the image on his head to the sun, before firing his weather beam and once again creating a bright sun. "I'm out of here!" He rushed off to safety, hiding around a corner and panting heavily. "If I don't find a way to beat those Rangers, Havoc will vaporise me."

Meanwhile Flash and Dust continued to do battle, both wielding their sword and shield to block and attack on another.

"You Rangers can be such a nuisance," Dust cried as he leapt away from the Red Ranger and pulled out a familiar waste bin.

"Not that thing again," Flash said.

Dust placed his hand on the lid and opened it, unleashing a powerful burst of light which made the Ranger flinch. The light then faded, allowing Flash to look and what he saw was not pretty.

There, standing before him, were seven Dust busters. Each one was identical, so it was impossible to tell which one was the real on.

"TRY AND BEAT ME NOW RANGER!" The seven said in unison before pulling out their Broom Blasters and firing.

Flash raised his shield to block the attack, before charging forward with his sword ready to strike. He only had one shot, so he had to make it count.

Closer and closer he got to the Dusts, who continued to fire, until he was within striking distance. But which one would he strike?

Suddenly he surprised all the Dusts, by leaping over them and swinging his sword wildly downwards. Doing so, he actually did hit something and heard a loud cracking sound. Suddenly the seven Dusts disappeared, as the waste bin appeared on the end of Flash's sword with a large crack down it.

Flash leapt back as the waste bin's lip opened and a black mist shot out, reforming into and weakened Dust Buster. He staggered back as he looked at his Cleaning Weapon. "My Illusionary Wastebin," he growled. "You ruined it."

"Like I was gonna fall for that trick twice," Flash said.

"You're not as dumb as your rocker persona presents you," Dust said. "Doom, we're out of here."

"Fine!" The spiked monster cried as he pushed the Rangers away and leapt over to Dust.

"You're not going anywhere!" Flash told them.

"Oh I think we are," Dust replied before pulling out his Cotton Swab Kunai and throwing them at the Rangers. They struck the ground and caused an explosion, forcing the Rangers back and allowing them time to escape.

"Darn it!" Soarin cried.

"It's fine," Lyra said. "Let's get back to school before anyone notices we're gone."

The others nodded and rushed off.

As soon as they did, Trixie arrived looking around. "Please be gone, please be gone, please be gone," she said. Then she noticed the remains of the battle and realised that it was already over. "Oh thank you god," she said.

"Blue Ranger!"

The teen spun around to see the same news crew from before rushing towards her.

"What happened here?" The newswoman asked.

"Oh well," Trixie tried to come up with something. "The Great and Powerful Trixie defeated the monster of course. It was nothing really. Mere child's play against the almighty power of the Blue Ranger."

The interview continued, with the humans completely unaware that they were being watched.

Forecast had remained behind, not daring return to the ship a failure, but had missed the Rangers leaving and Trixie's arrival. "That's the Blue Ranger?" He asked as he watched the interview. "A...a plan...I actually have a plan."

Back at school, the Rangers returned to their base as the Mane Six were watching Trixie's interview.

Twilight meanwhile, was typing away at her computer. "This upgrade to your visors should stop you guys from being blinded by that monster's sunlight attack.

"Good," Flash said. "Then we can end him."

"She is something else," Rarity said in disbelief as they continued to watch Trixie gloat about herself.

Lyra was sitting at the table groaning as Trixie made a mockery of her Blue Ranger reputation. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder, making her look up to see Starswirl.

"You are upset," he said.

"Wouldn't you be?" Lyra asked. "I can't believe she would lie like this. Next time there's a monster attack, I should just let her try and fight it. Maybe then she'll realise what lying gets her.

"Lyra," Starswirl told her, "what Trixie did was terrible yes, but that does not warrant her being hurt."

Lyra sighed. "I guess you're right."

Starswirl nodded, but in that moment a loud scream caught their ear.

Looking up, Lyra looked to the screen and saw Trixie being grabbed by Forecast.

"You're coming with me Blue Ranger!" The monster cried as he started dragging the girl off.

"Let me go!" Trixie screamed as she tried to escape the monster, but he was to strong. Then the screen went dead.

"This is bad," Micro said.

"I knew something like this would happen," Flash said.

"What do we do?" Sweetie asked.

"Find her."

They all turned to Lyra, who had a serious look on her face.

"We find her and save her," she explained.

"But how?" Sandal asked.

"Easy," Sunset said, "we can track her phone's GPS." She and Twilight started typing away at it, working for a full minute before finally getting something.

"We've got a signal," Twilight explained. "But it's really weak. I think he's taken her underground."

"There's an old subway line in that area," Micro explained. "It's been abandoned for years."

"Perfect hiding spot," Flash said. "Let's go."

The other Rangers nodded and rushed out, ready to save Trixie before it was to late.

Trixie could feel herself slowly beginning to regain consciousness. Looking up, she saw her hands were held above head by metal shackles hooked around a large concrete pillar. Looking around, she saw she was in some kind of dark underground station.

"Arr, finally awake I see."

She looked around to see Forecast step out from behind another pillar. The monster slowly walked over to her, chuckling as he did. "Alright Blue Ranger, you'd better tell be where your Element is. If you don't...um...something...very very bad will happen to you."

"Element?" Trixie asked in confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about. Let me go."

"Not a chance," Forecast told her. "You will tell me what I wish to know, or suffer the consequences."

"I swear I don't know," Trixie cried as she struggled to get out of the shackles. "And I'm not the Blue Ranger. I just said I was. Please let me go."

"Don't try and trick me," Forecast said. "Now answer the question, or else."

Meanwhile the Rangers were rushing through the town, trying to locate Trixie's signal.

"You're getting close guys," Twilight told them. "She's about a hundred meters ahead of you."

"Alright," Flash, in his Legendary mode, said. "Any idea on how we get into the subway."

"I'm looking now," they heard Luna say. "All the entrances into the subway system were sealed off years ago, but there should be another way into it."

"So how do we get in?" Lyra asked.

"Give me a-yes! There's a service hatch. It connects the subway to the...oh, the sewers."

The Rangers all groaned at this. "Trixie so owes us for this," Sweetie said.

"Come on," Flash said. "Let's go find a manhole."

They did find one and managed to open it up, before jumping down into the swears.

"Err," Soarin said as he landed in to muddy water.

"This place stinks," Micro said.

"Come on," Lyra said as she stepped forwards. "It's this way."

"HELP!" Trixie screamed at the top of her voice. "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!"

"Man you can scream," Forecast complained as he held his hands over his ears. "But it matters not. You will tell me where your Element is, final warning."

Trixie started panting out of fear, completely terrified at what he was gonna do to her.

Suddenly the two of them head a loud banging noise coming from down the train tube, making Forecast turn away from her and look down the tunnel. But before he could get a good look, a flurry of laser fire flew out the tunnel and struck him.

Trixie watched as the monster was sent flying, before her noses was suddenly assaulted by a horrible smell. Looking down the tunnel, she watched as the Power Rangers rush into the station along with the smell.

"There's Trixie," she heard the Red Ranger say, before Forecast leapt infront of her.

"Stay back," the monster cried. "One more step and your Blue Ranger's a goner."

"News flash Forecast," the Blue Ranger said as she stepped out into view.

"What?" Forecast asked as he looked back at Trixie, before turning back to the Blue Ranger. He did this three or four times. "But how?" he asked as he looked back at Trixie. "I thought you were the Blue Ranger."

"Well she isn't," Lyra told him. "She's just an attention seeking girl who got in over her head."

Trixie looked down in shame.

"Who cares," Forecast said. "I might not have the Blue Ranger captive, but I can still destroy you and take your Elements."

"Not happening," Flash said as the Rangers got in line and took a battle stance.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

Sunset: Element of Forgiveness...Power Ranger, GOLD!

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Lyra: Power Rangers!


"Here's a weather report you're not gonna like," Forecast said as he changed the symbol on his head to show a hail cloud. He then fired off a beam and created a cloud, which began firing large hail stones.

"Let's slice and dice," Lyra said as she and the Rangers pulled out their Spirit Sabres and slashing the hail stones, until they were all destroyed.

"Alright," Forecast said as he changed the symbol to that of a tornado. "Then try this!" He shot another beam, which this time transformed into a large tornado that span towards the Rangers.

"Soarin!" Flash cried as he shot into the air with his wings.

"Right behind you," the Thunder Ranger cried as he did the same.

The two flew up to the top of the storm, before pointing their blasters at the eye and firing. The blaster struck the tornado's core and exploded, knocking the storm out of balance and causing it to dissipate.

"Oh no," Forecast cried. He then switched the symbol on his head to the sun and fired the beam, creating a fake sun.

"Not this time!" He heard Lyra cry as she, Micro, Sweetie, Sandal and Sunset charged towards him. Their upgraded visors protecting them from the light, while each holding their Spirit Sabres. "POWER SLASH!" They all cried as the slashed the air, unleashing five energy blades which each struck the monster and sent him flying as he cried out in pain.

Flash and Soarin landed, while the other Rangers gather around them. "Let's finish this guy!" Flash said as he took out a Magi-Charger. "Magi-Victory Charger, activate!" He clicked the Charger, causing it to flash all five of their colours, before placing it in Drago's mouth.


Soarin and Sunset moved to the side, as the other Rangers got into position. They each began to glow their respective colour that flew through the Rangers and into the Drago Blaster. Flash aimed the weapon at Forecast, as it fully charged.

"Magi-Victory...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed the five blasts, which transformed into their respective Zord heads and flew towards Forecast at high speed, They struck him, exploding and sending the monster flying into the ceiling and smashing straight through it with a scream of pain.

Once he was gone, Lyra rushed over to Trixie. "Hold still," she told the girl before slashing at the shackles and destroying them. Now free, Lyra took Trixie's hand and helped her up.

"Thank you," she said.

"No problem," Lyra told her. "Now let's get you out of here."

The Rangers rushed over to the hole Forecast made and leapt through it onto surface level.

"I'm so sorry," Trixie told the Rangers. "I never should have said I was a Power Ranger. I just got...caught up in all the attention."

"It's fine," Lyra said. "But hopefully now you know that lying about who you are, never leads to anything but trouble."

Trixie nodded.

Everyone was happy she finally understood, but before they could celebrate a red beam of light struck the ground and caused an explosion. From out of the explosion, Forecast stepped out.

"I'm reporting a storm like nothing seen before!" He cried as he stood tall.

The Rangers crowded around Trixie. "Go get to safety miss," Lyra told her.

"Okay," Trixie said before rushing off.

"Summon Zords!" Flash, Micro and Sandal cried as they activated their Magi-Chargers and threw them into the air.




The Zords activated and headed towards their Rangers, who leapt into the cockpit and activated their Mega-Drive.


Forecast changed the image on his head to the storm cloud, before firing the beam of light into the sky.

"That's not good," Sandal said.

"A bolt of lightning from that thing could destroy the city," Sunset said.

"Then we'll stop it," Flash said.

The Megazord charged forward, swiping its Tail Whip through the air to hit Forecast. However, large thunder bolts suddenly shot down and struck the ground around them.

"Look out!" Micro cried as the Megazord barely managed to dodge them.

"If he keeps this up we're done for," Soarin said.

"We need to find a way to stop his weather control," Lyra said.

"Good idea," Flash said. "And I think I know just what to do."

The Megazord picked itself up and charged at the monster, who once again had a flurry of lightning strike around the giant robot. But the Megazord was too focused on his to notice them, as it got close enough to throw the Tail Whip at Forecast.

The scorpion tail wrapped around the monsters neck, keeping him in place and allowing the Megazord to get close.

"Mino-Claw!" The Rangers cried as the Minotaur Zord's horns reached up and grasped the metal ring on Forecast's head, before yanking it off him.

"No!" Forecast cried as the Megazord let him go. "Without that, I'm defenceless." As if to prove his point, the storm cloud disappeared.

"No more unexpected weather changes now," Flash said.

"Then let's wrap up this weather report," Lyra said.

"Right!" The others said, before moving and speak in perfect sync. "Minotaur Zord...Manticore Zord...Final Strike!"

The Megazord once again sent its Tail Whip flying and wrapping around Forecast, before tossing him into the air. It then leapt into the air and used the Minotaur arm to grab the monster and push it towards the ground. It let go just in time to get away from impact, as Forecast struck the ground with great force.

"This storms blown over!" He cried as he smashed into the ground and exploded, while the Megazord landed safely a ways off.

"Guardian Rangers," Lyra called out, "victory is ours."

Havoc sighed as he watched Forecast be destroyed.

"Well that was obviously gonna happen," he said.

"At least you know Dust and Doom can work together now," Heart told him.

"Yes," he replied, "there's that. Though it didn't exactly help them this time."

The Next Day.

Everyone was in the base watching yet another interview staring Trixie, who had just told the world the truth.

"Thank you all for coming," She said to the camera. "The Gre-I told the Rangers I was sorry, but I also owe the City of Canterlot an apology. I'm sorry that I claimed to be a Ranger. It was wrong and I'm sorry. They turned the computer off and all smiled at each other.

"It took a lot of guts to stand up and apologise," Flash said. "I guess Trixie's full of surprises."

"I guess she is," Lyra said.

"What matters now is she is no longer in danger," Celestia said. "Which means we don't have to worry about keeping her out of danger."

"Wonderful," Rarity said, a cloths pin on her nose. "Now can we please do something about the smell you lot picked up in that sewer."

The Rangers all moaned at this.

"I took three showers already," Flash said.

"You might wanna try and fourth one," Rainbow told him.

"Trixie seriously owes us for this," Sweetie said.

Everyone else laughed as they watched the Rangers head off to once again cleanse away the smell or the sewage. Hey, being a superhero was a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering what I meant last time. When I originally came up for the concept of this story, I had Trixie has the Blue Ranger. But at the time I couldn't think of a heroic trait she could represent, so had her on the back burner. But when I selected Sweetie Drops as the Pink Ranger, Lyra became the obvious Blue Ranger.