• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,442 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Mind Over Matter

Early one morning, we find Flash, Micro, Sandal, Sunset and Twilight in the base.

Flash was playing his guitar, while the girls were working on a new Magi-Charger. Micro and Sandal were practising their hand to hand combat.

"There," Twilight said as she pulled out the new Charger and handed it to Sunset. "Your new attack Charger is finished."

"Finally," Sunset said as she took it and looked it over. "I can't wait to try this out. I finally get my own special attack."

Micro and Sandal stood opposite one another in the ready position, before they charged at one another. Micro threw punches and kicks at the larger opponent, who in turn dodged and flipped out of the way.

Finally Micro stopped his attack and gave the Green Ranger a confused look. "Sandal, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Sandal asked.

"We're suppose to be practising counter attacks," Micro explained.

"Dodging's a great counter," Sandal said.

Micro, not listening, went on. "The best way to counter a punch is to aim for the wrist to deflect it, unless of course I counter your counter with-"

"Dude," Sandal said. "You can't think out every little detail in a fight. You just gotta take it as it comes."

Micro rolled his eyes and turned to Flash. "Will you tell him that he's being ridicules."

"Actually," Flash said as he put his guitar down, "I agree with Sandal. The world's unpredictable, so having a plan for everything just makes it harder to adapt when you need to."

"Oh please," Micro said.

"Let me show you," Flash said as he got up and walked over to him. "I'm gonna try and punch you, try and stop me." He then spun around and used a leg sweep to knock Micro off hes feet.

The Yellow Ranger fell on his back with a thud, while Sandal, Twilight and Sunset laughed.

"Ow," he said said as he corrected his glasses and looked up at Flash. "That wasn't a punch."

"No," Flash said as he held out his hand, "but you thought it was." He pulled him up to his feet. "Now, would you like to try and counter a spinning drop kick?"

"No," Micro replied, "I'm good."

Meanwhile In the crashed ship, we find Havoc, sitting at a table with Doom and Heart on either side of him.

Standing on the other side of the table was the goggles wearing shark man monster.

Havoc held a up a pile of papers with all the monster's stats on it. "So...Riptide. What makes you think you deserve the chance to try and destroy the Rangers and take their Elements?"

"I'm the fastest thing in water," Riptide said as he clenched his fists and unleashed a pair of curved, bladed, claws from the gauntlets on his arms. "My razors can cut through solid steel. There's nothing those Rangers can do to defeat me."

"So your powers are best at home underwater?" Doom asked.

"Yes," Riptide replied. "So what?"

"The Rangers live in a city," Heart explained. "Unless you intend to wait until they decide to go swimming, you're not going to be much use against them."

"I have to agree with the judges," Havoc said. "Sorry, if the Rangers ever head to the beach I'll call you."

Riptide grumbled as he left the room.

Next they talked to a monster that looked like a cross between a man and a sheep, with large spiral horns on his head. It wore a blue wonsie.

"Dozer?" Havoc spoke to the monster. "It says here you can make people fall asleep or control people in their sleep." He looked at the monster with a raised eyebrow. "Or?"

"I'm only able to use one of those abilities at a time sir," Dozer explained. "My sister and I used to tag team our enemies. One would but them to sleep and the other would control them.

"And where is this sister?" Havoc asked.

"Gone," Dozer explained.

"We had a power failure once," Heart explained. "His sister and several other prisoners got out and tried to escape, but they ran into something else that got loose."

"The Entity?" Havoc guessed.

"We couldn't get to them in time," Heart finished.

Havoc nodded and turned to Dozer. "Putting people to sleep might be useful. I'll be sure to call you if I get an idea involving you.

Dozer nodded and headed out the room, with Cogs entering soon after him.

"Cogs," Havoc said as he threw the papers into the air, "don't we have any monster that can actually stand up to the Rangers? You can't tell me they've already beaten every power monster we have."

"Darklight did decide to send the stronger monsters out against them," Cogs explained. "You can see what happened there."

"Well this has been a disaster," Havoc moaned as he sat back and threw his feet up on the table.

"We do still have one more monster left to audition," Cogs said.

Havoc just sighed, not expecting this monster to be any more impressive then the last one, but nodded anyway. "Send him in."

Cogs nodded and rushed out the room, soon to return followed by what looked like a large green monkey with metal boxing gloves on his fists.

Havoc raised an eyebrow. "And you are?"

"Psychofists the name," the monkey monster explained, "and destroying Rangers is my game."

"So what can you do Psychofist?" Doom asked.

"Let me show you," Psychofist replied as he placed a deck of cards on the table. "Look through the deck and pick a card, but don't show it to me."

Havoc's eyebrow raised even more, but decided to play along and shuffled through the deck until he found a card he liked.

Psychofist stared at Havoc, before speaking. "It is the...ace of diamonds."

Havoc was surprised that he was right, but then put the card back and pulled out another one.

"Three of clubs."

Right again. He picked another card.

"Nine of hearts."

Another correct answer. "You can read minds," Havoc said to the monkey monster. "Can't you?"

"That's right," Psychofist said.

"How's that gonna help us?" Doom asked.

"Are you planning to entertain the Rangers in to submission?" Heart asked.

"That was just me showing you what I can do," Psychofist explained. "Now let me show you my battle skills."

In that moment, several Shades filed into the room with a dagger in their hands. They then charged forward, while Psychofist used his metal boxing gloves to block their attacks and then punch them away. With a minute the Shades were all down for the count, while Psychofist didn't have a scratch on him.

To say Havoc was impressed was an understatement. "You can hear what your opponent is thinking, so you always know what's coming and how to defend against it."

"Nothing those Rangers do will even touch me," Psychofist exclaimed. "So, did I pass?"

Havoc did not reply and simply smiled. After several seconds the monkey monster chuckled.

"Great, I'll be in my cell getting ready. Call me when the Rangers are up for the taking." With that he turned and left, leaving Havoc and his generals to discuss their plan for using Psychofist to there advantage.

The final school bell had just rung and many of the students were filing out of the building.

Meanwhile in the secret base we find the Yellow Ranger Micro Chips, who had just enjoyed a free period, using a magic marker to draw lines on a large piece of paper. He was so focused on his work, that he did not noticed five others walk into the room.

"Wotcha doing Micro?"

The techie cried out at the sound of Sandalwood's voice, before pressing his body against the paper to hid it from view.

"Nothing," he replied as he looked over his shoulder to see Flash, Lyra, Sandal, Sweetie and Soarin were there.

The five all raised an eyebrow, before glancing at each other and nodding. Then Sandal knelt down and literally picked Micro up.

"Hey!" Micro yelled as he tried to reach for the paper, but it was already out of reach.

Soarin knelt down and picked the paper up, seeing that it was a bunch of boxes with drawings inside that were connected by different coloured lines. At the top was a title.

"Project Rarity," he read aloud, before he and the others slowly turned to Micro.

"Care to explain now?" Lyra asked.

Micro sighed as Sandal put him down, before her moved over and pulled the paper out of Soarin's hands. "If you must know, I'm working on my master plan."

"Master plan?" Sandal asked.

"Oh my god," Sweetie said with a look of excitement on her face. "Don't you get it? Micro's going to ask Rarity on a date."

The others all went wide eyed, before turning to give Micro a smirk.

"I'm not asking her on a date," Micro rebuttaled, before going bright red. "I'm just going to ask her to hang out with me."

They all smiled as they heard this.

"Oh that's so cute," Sweetie said. "Our little nerd's in love."

Flash moved over to the table Micro had put his plan on. "If you really want Rarity to hang out with you, why don't you just go up to her and say, 'hey Rarity...do you want to hang out with me?'"

"It's not that simple," Micro explained while drawing more lines on his chart. "I need to be ready for every possible response, in order to maximise my chances of success."

Lyra shook her head. "That is both the sweetest and saddest thing I've ever heard."

Micro rolled his eyes before picking up his plan and connecting it to a black board. He then took out a laser pointer and used it to show them his plan. "For instance, if Rarity says she can't because she has homework, then I will suggest an informal study session and provide healthy brain stimulating snacks."

Soarin crossed his arms. "Well what if she says she can't because you're a total nerd."

"Arr," Micro said before pointing to another part of the chart, "that's this thread here. It lists my many non-nerdy qualities, which includes but is not limited to being a Power Rangers. It then lead to this thread, which is a list of activities which highlight my coolness like skateboarding or shark wrestling."

In that moment however, the girl they were talking about happened to walking into the room. "Hello darlings."

Micro let out a surprised cry, before spinning the blackboard around so she couldn't see it. "Hey Rarity," he said nervously. What's up?"

"I wanted to ask if any of you want to hang out at the mall," Rarity explained. "Mr Cranky Doodles math test left me so drained I need to unwind."

"He must be the only teacher who gives tests this early into the year," Sandal said.

"Well this is our senior year," Rarity said. "So, anyone up for some shopping. Everyone else is busy."

Micro used this as his chance. "Well I'm game, what about guys-oh you're all busy, to bad." He turned to Rarity. "Shall we?"

Rarity smiled before nodding. They then turned towards the door and headed out the base, leaving the other to simply smirk at them.

Once they were gone, Flash moved over to the blackboard. "I bet that wasn't on his flow chart," he said, only to spin it around and see a picture of Cranky Doodle along with a test and a shopping bag. "Well I'll be damned."

Micro and Rarity were heading towards the exit, when they noticed Table Spoon walking through the halls.

"Oh hello darling," Rarity said as she saw him. "Micro and I are heading to the mall. Care to join us?"

Micro instantly panicked, having not accounted for Table Spoon in his plan.

"Sorry guys," Table Spoon replied. "I've already got plans. Enjoy yourselves though." With that he walked off and turned to corner, leaving the two alone again.

"Oh well," Rarity said, not noticing Micro's relieved face. "Let's go."

"Right," Micro said as he adjusted his glasses.

The two walked out the school and headed to the bus stop, not realising someone was still watching them.

Havoc looked back around the corner, a smirk on his face. "Perfect. One Ranger on his own, the perfect target for Psychofist." He pulled out his walkie talkie and began relaying instructions to Doom Raizer.

A little while later we find Rarity and Micro Chips walking through the mall, with Micro carrying several bags while Rarity only carried one.

"And my mother always says chivalry is dead," Rarity said as she smiled at the teen who had offered to carry all her bags.

"No problem," Micro said, though his fingers were killing him due to the weight of the heavy bags.

"Why don't we rest of a little," Rarity said, having seen how red his hands were becoming.

"If you say so," Micro said as they found a nearby bench and sat on it.

"Thank you for coming with me," Rarity said to him. "Shopping's not so much fun by ones self."

"Don't mention it," Micro replied. "I didn't have anything special going on anyway."

"Still I know shopping isn't really your forte. You enjoy video games and comics."

"That's not all I think about," Micro told her before scooting closer. "Let me tell you a secret."

"Oh," Rarity said, "what secret?"

They drew closer to each other and Micro whispered in her ear. "I'm actually the Yellow Ranger."

Rarity let out a pretend gasp and placed her hand over her heart. "Oh my, you the Yellow Ranger. Amazing." The two then started laughing at the inside joke, but their enjoyment didn't last very long when the sound of a woman screaming caught their ear.

"That can't be good," Micro said as he got up. In that moment he saw something flying towards him, something big. It was not until it was too late that Micro realised it was a hotdog stand, which someone or something had thrown at him. It flew closer and closer and was about to squash Micro, when a diamond shaped shield suddenly appeared infront of him and deflected the cart. He looked around and smiled at Rarity, who had used her geode to save him. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it darling," Rarity replied as she pressed her communicators distress button. "But where did that thing come from?"

"From me!"

The looked over at where the voice had originated from, only to see Psychofist and a large horde of Shades.

Rarity's eyes went wide. "Is that...a monkey?"

"At this point nothing surprises me," Micro said. "Go get somewhere safe."

"And leave you here to fight on your own," Rarity replied with a pout. "I think not. I can handle the Shades."

Micro smiled at her. "If you say so."

Rarity nodded, before looking around. "By the way, you're clear. Everyone else has already rushed off."

"Right," Micro said as he pull out his gear. "Magi-Charger, ready!" He clicked the device as his Morphin Blaster appeared, before placing it inside and shutting the slot.


"Energise!" Micro spun the barrel before pointing the weapon in the air. "Unleash the Power!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the Zord head, which flew around him and then bit down on him. In a flash he was decked out in his Ranger suit, with his Griffon Shooter already in hand. "Let's do this!" He said as he spun both weapons in hand.

"Shades," Psychofist cried out, "attack!" The cloaked monsters charged forward, brandishing their daggers as they did.

"Fire!" Micro cried out as he unloaded several blasts into the Shades, while Rarity used her geode powers to throw several diamonds at them. The projectiles struck the Shades and knocked them down, while others simply flew around them and encased them in a dome.

After several moment, the Shades were all dealt with and the monkey was all that was left.

"Alright monkey boy," Micro said as he pointed his weapons at it. "Time for you to make like a banana and split."

"I don't think so," Psychofist cried out as he charged forward.

"Careful Micro," Rarity called out to him. "That think could be dangerous."

"That makes two of us," Micro replied as he raised his weapons and fired of a pair of shots. However as they neared the monkey, he raised his metal fists and managed to effortlessly block them. "What?" Micro asked, before firing off several more shots. But once again Psychofist blocked ever single one, before he finally reached Micro and threw one of his metal punches at him.

"Micro!" Rarity cried seeing him be struck and sent flying backwards, before landing with a thud on the ground. "Are you alright."

"I'm fine," Micro said as he picked himself up. "I was just getting a feel for his timing. He won't hit me again."

"You think so?" Psychofist said. "Shall we put that to the test?"

"We shall," Micro said as he charged forward and began firing again. But no matter where he aimed, Psychofist was able to counter him. When Micro got close to him and tried to deal him a kick, the monkey effortlessly dodged and then punched him once again. Micro cried out as he was sent flying through a nearby store window.

"That had to hurt," Psychofist laughed as he watched Rarity rush over to the store.

"Micro," she said as she knelt down next to him. "Say something."

"Ow!" Micro moaned.

"Oh good," Rarity said as she helped him get back up. "How is this creature beating you?"

"I don't know," Micro replied. "It's like he knows what I'm gonna do before I do it. But that's impossible unless he's...psychic."

"Got it in one poindexter," Psychofist said. "I can hear ever thought you think, meaning you don't stand a chance. Make this easy on yourself and hand over your Element."

"Fat chance you brute!" Rarity yelled as she created a barrier around them.

Psychofist just sighed as he walked over to the shield and start slamming it, causing the crystal structure to start cracking. "Just give up. You can't stop me."

"What about us!"

Before Psychofist could reply, he was suddenly bombarded by a flurry of laser blasts and sent flying away from Rarity and Micro.

The rest of the Rangers rushed over to them as Rarity dropped her force field.

"You guys alright?" Flash asked.

"I am," Rarity said. "But Micro."

"You hurt little buddy?" Sandal asked the Yellow Ranger.

"Just my pride," Micro replied, before flinching and clutching his sides. "And most of my internal organs."

"Let's get you out of here," Lyra said as Sandal helped Rarity hold him up.

"You're not going anywhere," Psychofist cried as he got up.

"Here," Flash threw Lyra a Magi-Charger, which she caught and placed in her blaster.


The Red and Blue Rangers spun the barrels and fired off a pair of flame bursts, which collided and caused a large explosion. When the smoke finally cleared, Psychofist looked around and saw his prey had escaped.

"Darn it!" He cried while smashing his fists together. "This isn't over Rangers."

When Rarity and the Rangers got back to the base, they laid Micro on the table with a pillow to rest.

Twilight and the Principles were also there and when they saw Micro, they all rushed off to get stuff needed to bandage him up.

"You'll be okay," Rarity assured him. "I'll go get you an ice pack." With that she rushed out the room, off to find something for him to use to sooth his injuries.

"How you feeling buddy," Flash asked as they sat down around him.

"Nothing permanent," Micro replied. "I'll be okay."

"Good," Soarin said, before he and the others all broke out laughing. Micro frowned hearing this.

"You got beaten up," Sandal asked, "by a monkey?"

"In front of your girlfriend," Soarin finished, causing them all to laugh harder.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Micro countered. "And that monkey was vicious!"

"Oh yeah," Flash said through his snickers. "I'm sure he went...bananas!" Everyone's dying laughter returned tenfold.

"No no no," Lyra said. "He went ape!"

"A monkey," Sweetie laughed.

"You're all mean," Micro said as he laid back.

In that moment Twilight, Rarity and the principles returned and saw them all laughing. They then moved over to Micro and began working on him.

"Were you all laughing at him because he's hurt?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Soarin replied, before cracking up. "We were laughing at him because he got hurt by a...monkey!"

They all started laughing again, causing the women all to frown.

"I'd like to see you try and fight that creature on your own," Rarity said as she sat down behind Micro's head and applied the ice pack.

"Rarity said that monster had psychic abilities," Twilight said. "It'd be hard for anyone to fight in one on one."

"It can't be that powerful," Sandal replied. "After all, we were able to hit it."

"Only because you took it by surprise," Luna told them. "I doubt that tactic will work a second time."

"If we all attack it at once, that might work," Flash said. "Next time it shows up we'll hit it full force with all seven of us, that way there's no way he can read all our minds. And even if it can, it'll find it hard to counter us all."

"I'll go see if Sunset's done with fencing club," Twilight said as she headed out.

Celestia then patted Micro on the head. "You meanwhile need to rest up. You'll need all your strength in you want to take that monster down."

"Right," Micro said as he got up.

"I don't think you should be moving," Rarity told him.

"I'll be fine," Micro replied as he headed out the base.

Back at the ship, Psychofist had returned to gather more Shades.

When he arrived in the room, he found Havoc waiting for him with crossed arms and a tapping foot.

"I gave you the perfect chance to destroy one of the Rangers and you let it slip by."

"Not my fault," Psychofist said. "I would have had him if that girl hadn't been there. I'll get them next time."

"Except they know about you now," Havoc said. "Meaning they're gonna try and find a way to beat you."

"Beat me, HA! There's nothing they can do to stop me. I'm invincible."

"You'd better be," Havoc warned him. "Now get back out there and find them."

"He doesn't need to find them," Doom said.


"The Rangers have a fatal flaw. They care about the lives of others. All he has to do is put someone in danger and the Rangers will come to him."

Havoc smiled at this, before turning to Psychofist. "Go."

Psychofist nodded and turned to leave.

Micro meanwhile, was sitting in the cafeteria with the ice pack still on his head.

"I can't believe it," Micro moaned. "I've beaten monsters both smarter and stronger then that monkey, how could I lose so easily?" Suddenly he felt a presence behind him, which caused him to sigh. "Come to laugh some more?" He asked as he looked around, only for his eyes to go wide at the sight of Starswirl.

"I rarely laugh my boy," he told him.

"What are you doing? If somebody sees you-"

"I cast a perception spell on myself," Starswirl explained. "Only someone who knows me can see me."

"Oh," Micro said, relaxing once again.

"So you were beaten. Even the greatest Guardians have fallen in battle, which is nothing to be ashamed of."

"But I was beaten so easily," Micro said.

"That is because you were fighting while up here," Starswirl pointed at Micro's head.


"You are very intelligent, maybe the most intelligent Guardian of Knowledge there as ever been. But in battle your mind most be clear."

This confused Micro. "But that doesn't make any sense. How am I suppose fight without thinking?"

In that moment Sandal stepped into the cafeteria, before moving over to one of the vending machines.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Starswirl said as he tapped his staff and caused a tennis ball to appear in his hands. He then turned to Sandal and tossed it at him, but before it hit him in the head the Green Ranger's hand shot out and caught the ball.

Micro's eyes went wide seeing this, as Sandal moved over to them with a smile on his face.

"You see," Starswirl said. "Sandalwood's mind is clear, allowing his instincts free reign to kick in when needed."

"Thanks," Sandal said as he tossed the ball back to him and walked off.

Starswirl smirked and, not wanting Sandal to get overconfident, used his staff to trip the teen up and send him hurtling into a nearby table.

Micro smirked seeing this, after the whole laughing at him thing it felt nice to watch that, before turning to Starswirl.

"You must learn to live in the space between your thoughts," the wizard explained as he tossed the ball to Micro. "That is what Sandalwood does."

"Yeah," Micro said, "but Sandal's got a lot more space between his thoughts then I do."

"Hey a jelly bean," they heard Sandal say from the pile of tables.

"Yes," Starswirl replied, "well...Sandalwood has his own obstacles to overcome too."

Micro couldn't help but smirk.

In that moment the cafeteria doors opened and Flash rushed in. "Micro, Sandal."

"Yeah?" Micro asked.

"Yeah?" Sandal asked as he pulled himself out of the tables.

"Monkey butts back," Flash explained to them. "Twilight picked him up on CCTV. He's attacking the town."

"Obviously trying to draw us out," Micro said.

"Then what are we waiting for," Sandal said. "Let's go." With that he rushed out the room, followed by Flash.

"Remember," Micro heard as he left, causing him to turn to Starswirl. "Find the space between spaces." With that he tapped his staff and disappeared, leaving the spectacled Power Ranger on his own.

Many people were running in fear of the Shades, who were being lead by Psychofist to attack the town and draw out the Rangers.

"If this doesn't bring those Rangers out, nothing will." Psychofist turned to a nearby building, before raising his fist and using it to pound the ground. The vibrations from the attack caused the building to begin to crumple. "One more should do it."

"I don't think so!"

Psychofist turned to see the seven unmorphed Rangers rushing towards him.

"Alright Psychofist," Flash called out. "We've had enough of your-"

"Do not say monkeying around," Sunset warned him.

"I wasn't going to," Flash said sheepishly.

"Oh, yes you were" Psychofist said. "Like I told your little friend, I know every thing you think."

"How do we even know he's really psychic?" Soarin asked. "It could all be some mind game to make us think he's psychic."

"You had egg and soldiers for breakfast," Psychofist told him, causing the other Rangers to stare at Soarin.

"Lucky guess," Soarin said.

"Alright," Flash said as he stepped forward. "What am I thinking?"

Psychofist stared at him for several seconds, reading his mind and seeing what he was thinking. Suddenly he started laughing and clutched his stomach. "That's a good one. I've never heard that one before."

"I know right," Flash said with a smirk. "It slays. Guess he is psychic."

"What were you thinking that made him crack up like that?" Lyra asked.

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "let us in on the joke."

"Maybe later," Flash said. "Right now we gotta take this guy down."

"Impossible," Psychofist said. "I told you, I know what your moves are before you make them. I'm unbeatable."

"No one person's unbeatable," Micro said as they took out their gear. "And we're about to prove it. Because it's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"READY!" The others cried as they held out their Chargers. They activated them and placed them in their Morphers, before shutting the slots as they came to life.


"Energise!" They cried as they charged them up, before pointing them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed their Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

Flash: Power Rangers!


"Shades attack!" Psychofist cried as the cloaked monsters charged forward.

"Magitech!" The Rangers cried as their weapons appeared.

"Thunder Sabre!" Soarin yelled as a bolt of lightning formed his sword.

"Duel Morphin Blaster!" Sunset said as she upgraded her weapon.

"Let's go!" Flash ordered as they all charged forward.

The two forces collided and started fighting against one another.

"Take this you freaks!" Lyra cried as she grabbed one of the Shades with her Serpent Staff and spun it around, slamming it into other Shades before tossing it in the air. She then jumped up and used its blade to slice the monster in half. "To easy."

"You'd think they'd learn by now," Micro said as he shot several Shades with his blasters. "No matter what, Shades never win."

"Maybe they can't afford to pay for real henchmen," Sweetie said as she blocked a Shade with her Sphinx Shield. She then pulled out her blaster and fired off several rounds, which took it and the Shades next to it down.

Sandal meanwhile slashed his way through the Shades. "If they payed anything for these creeps, it was a rip off."

"Tell me about it," Soarin said as he slashed several more Shades down.

"Maybe Havoc has a heck of a pension plan." Sunset said as she used her double ended blaster to mow them down. She then unfurled the blade and used it to impale them. "If any survive long enough to use it."

Flash meanwhile had finished off his Shades and was now rushing towards Psychofist. "Time to turn this monkey black and blue!" He cried as he threw a punch with his Dragon Breaker. "Head Smash!"

I don't think so!" Psychofist cried as he threw his own punch. The two attacks met and caused a loud clang, before Flash was suddenly sent flying back and crashing into the ground.

"OW!" He cried as he landed. "Man, this guy's strong."

Back at the base, Twilight, the principles and the rest of the Mane Six were watching the fight.

"Yikes," Rainbow said seeing Flash go down. "That had to hurt."

"The others need ta beat those Shades an take him out together," Applejack said.

"Yeah they do," Twilight said as she opened a channel. "Sunset, try using the new Magi-Charger to thin them out."

"Right," Sunset replied as she pulled out the Magi-Charger, activated it, and placed it inside her Duel Morphin Blaster.


"Phoenix," Sunset aimed the blaster at a group of Shades that the Rangers had rounded up, "Flame Burst!" She pulled the trigger and fired a pair of fireballs at the Shades. The fireballs began to spin around and pick up speed, before colliding and transforming into the shape of a bird made of fire. The firebird soared towards the Shades and struck them, exploding in a barrage of flames. When the explosion ceased, all the Shades were destroyed.

"Alright," Soarin said.

"Now let's go help Flash," Lyra said as they turned to rush towards the Red Ranger.

Said Red Ranger, was having just as much trouble against Psychofist as Micro had. Every move he made, the monkey monster countered.

"Power Slash!" He cried as he spun around and tried to hit him with his Spirit Sabre, but Psychofist simply used his metal fist to deflect it. He then used his other fist and smashed it into Flash's stomach, sending him flying backwards.

"We got yeah," Sandal said as he and Micro caught Flash, while Soarin and Sunset rushed forward with their blades ready.

"Take this!" Soarin yelled as he swung his Thunder Sabre.

"And this!" Sunset cried as she did the same with her Spirit Sabre.

However, the monkey monster used his two fists to block both their attacks and push them away, before dealing them both a punch to the chest and sending them flying back.

"Energise!" Lyra and Sweetie cried as they spun the barrels of their Morphin Blasters and aiming them at Psychofist. "FIRE!" They pulled the trigger and both fired a shot, which flew at him.

However, Psychofist threw a punch at both the blasts and somehow sent them flying back, before striking the Ranger that fired it.

The girls cried out as they fell back.

"Oh no," Sandal said.

"This is bad," Flash said.

"He knows exactly how we're gonna fight," Micro explained. "We need to find a way to counter that or we're done for."

"I got this," Sandal said as he charged forward. "I'll just fight without thinking. For me it's as easy as breathing." He raised his Spirit Sabre and Fenrir Fang, as he reached the monkey monster and began slashing at him.

However, just like with the rest of his team, Psychofist managed to use his metal fists to block the attack. Sandal tried to slash the monkey's body, but he was blocked each and every time by him before finally getting punched in the chest and being sent flying backwards.

"Easy as breathing huh?" Micro asked as he and the others rushed over to him.

Sandal moaned as he picked himself up. "Yeah well...you ever try purposely breathing without thinking about it. It's not as easy as you think."

Psychofist laughed, causing the Rangers to turn to him. "I told you, it's impossible to beat me. Just give up and hand over your Elements."

"Nothing's impossible," Flash said as they all got into a battle stance. "Rush him!" They charged forward, weapons at the ready.

"Take this!" Psychofist cried as he raised his fists and slammed them into the ground, causing a shockwave which struck the Rangers and sent them flying back.

"Whoa!" Micro cried as he and the others smashed into the ground. As he tried to get himself up, he heard Psychofist laughing.

"I haven't had this much fun in centuries," the monkey cried out.

Micro pulled himself up to his feet and faced Psychofist, trying to come up with a plan to beat him.

"I'm actually in awe at that complex brain of yours," the monster told him. "So many ideas...to bad I can see them all coming." He then chuckled under his breath. "By the way. Do you really think a nerd like you has a shot with a girl like that, dream on."

Micro tensed up hearing him say that, but then he remembered what Starswirl said. "I can do this," he said as he closed his eyes. "I have to fight without thinking."

Psychofist could see him thinking over his next attack, opening his mental eyes he saw the many ways the Yellow Ranger could attack.

"Don't think," Micro told himself, "just do." Suddenly his eyes opened and he raised his Morphin Blaster, before firing off a round.

Psychofist tried to see where he had aimed, but he couldn't. "What?" He asked before being struck by the attack and crying out.

The others saw this and their eyes went wide.

Micro smiled and without even thinking, he charged forward while pulling out a Magi-Charger. He placed it inside his blaster and pulled the trigger, "Magi-Drill Blade!" The drill gauntlets appeared on his arms, ready to help him slice and dice. Once he reached the monkey monster, he started slashing at it without a thought.

"Impossible," Psychofist cried out as he tried to punch Micro, but the Yellow Ranger suddenly jumped out of the way before dealing him a powerful slash. "It's like he's completely switched off his brain. But that's impossible!"

Seeing their teammate doing so well, the rest of the Rangers wanted in on the fight.

"Let's take this guy down," Flash said as he pulled out a Magi-Charger and activated it. ""Guardian Buster," he threw the charge in the air, "activate!" In a flash of light the Guardian Buster appeared, allowing the Red Ranger to catch it and pull the forend.

"Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Sweetie placed hers into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to pink.


"Magi-Charger!" Soarin called out as he held up his Charger and activated it, before placing it inside his Thunder Sabre.


He shut the slot and electricity surged up the blade, as Soarin swung it around.

Flash aimed the Guardian Buster as the rest of the team, Sunset taking Micro's place, got into position. "Guardian Buster, Sphinx Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Sphinx Zord's head as it flew at Psychofist and Micro.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin cried as he slashed his sword through the air and unleashed a lightning bolt.

Micro sensed the incoming attacks and without thinking, leapt up and out of the way.

Psychofist turned towards the Rangers and saw the attacks coming. Just before it hit him, the Sphinx head changed direction and flew straight up. In a flash of light the head then changed into a large boulder, which came crashing down towards Psychofist as the lightning bolt did the same.

However, Psychofist was ready and managed to use his fists to deflect the lightning bolt upwards. The lightning struck the boulder and caused it to explode, leaving nothing but pebbles to rain down.

Psychofist laughed, but he stopped when he heard Micro's voice. "Magi-Drill!" He turned to see the Yellow Ranger, as he ran towards him with his hands linked together and the drills as one. He leaped forward and spun, "Spiral Attack!" He transformed into a tornado like figure, which flew towards Psychofist.

The monkey monster tried to deflect with his fists, but the spinning drill was to much and caused his metal boxing gloves to crack and then shatter. "AAAARRRR!" He screamed as he was thrown back by the spinning attack, before crashing into the ground with a thud.

Watching the battle on the screen, Havoc had been pleased with how it had been going. However that thought now changed and he turned towards a nearby Shade.

"Fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and struck the red button and causing the red beam to be shot into the sky, bounce of the satellite and be redirected back to earth.

Back on the ground, the Rangers saw the Gigatisor beam come down and strike Psychofist. This caused a explosion and when it faded, a giant Psychofist stepped out.

"I've just entered the heavy weight division!" The giant monkey cried out as he slammed his newly repaired fists together.

"We better call for backup," Flash said as he and the others pulled out their Magi-Chargers. "Summon Zords!" They cried as the activated the Chargers and threw them into the air.


All their Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to their Rangers aid.

"Activate Guardian Megazord," the Flash, Lyra and Sweetie cried out, "Sphinx-Serpent Formation!"

"Activate Thunder-Charge Megazord," Soarin, Micro and Sandal cried out, "Fenrir-Griffon Formation!"

"Activate," Sunset cried, "Phoenix-Wing Megazord!"


The Zords all liked together, forming a trio of Megazords.




The Rangers leapt into their Megazord's cockpits, each taking out a Magi-Charger and placing them in their weapons. "Mega-Drive!" They cried as they were each engulfed in light, which died down to show the body armour.

"Three!" Psychofist cried out seeing them.

"You don't have to be psychic to know what's coming," Sunset cried out as he Megazord charged forward. "Phoenix Fist!"

Psychofist cried out as he was punched. "That's my thing!" He cried out as he threw his own punch. However, Phoenix-Wing stepped away and allowed the Guardian Megazord to step up.

"Sphinx Shield!" Sweetie cried out as her Zord held up its shield and blocked the attack.

"Tail Sabre!" Flash and Lyra cried out as they slashed him with their sword.

"Our turn," Micro told Sandal and Soarin, who nodded.

The Thunder-Charge Megazord raised its Fenrir arm, as electrical energy surged out of the Thunderbird and into its arms. "Lightning Fang!" Soarin and Sandal cried before slashing at Psychofist, electrocuting him.

"Electro Blast!" Micro cried as his Zord fired off several electrified blasts.

"I don't need electroshock therapy!" Psychofist cried.

"Maybe not," Micro said. "But you'll be in intensive care after this next move. Let's end this guys!"

"RIGHT!" The others cried as they started performing their finishing moves.

"Dragon Zord...Final Strike!"

"Phoenix-Wing Megazord...Final Strike!”

"Electron...Blast Cutter!"

The three Megazords unleashed their best attacks, which flew at Psychofist and struck him simultaneously. He cried out as he was burnt, shocked and sliced, until finally he couldn't take it anymore.

"You don't need to be psychic, to know what I'm thinking!" The monkey monster cried out as he collapsed and was engulfed by an explosion.

"Guardian Rangers," Micro called out, "victory is ours."

Havoc cried out as he saw his monster be destroyed. "Are you freaking kidding me!"

"Master Havoc please calm down," Cogs called out.

"You calm down!" Havoc cried out as he sat back in his throne. "The problem are these monsters! How do you expect me to defeat the Rangers with such weaklings under my command. I need a monster with both brains and brawn, is that to much to ask?"

In that moment the universe seemed to answer Havoc's prayer, as one of the consoles suddenly started beeping.

The four monsters turned towards it, all with a confused look on their faces.

"What's going on?" Havoc asked as Cogs moved over to the console.

"It seems we're receiving an interdimensional transmission," Cogs explained as he typed away at the machine. "And its not just a stray signal, it's coded to the ship's frequency. Someone's trying to contact us."

"But who?" Doom asked. "How many beings in the multiverse know our ship's frequency?"

"You don't think," Heart said turning to him. "Darklight?"

"No," Cogs replied. "Whoever it is, their using a transmission code I've never seen before."

"Let me see," Havoc said as he got up and moved over to the console. He looked over the frequency and as he did, his eyes went wider and wider. Then he looked up from the console and whispered two words. "Dust Buster."

Back at the base, the Mane Six were helping to bandage up and badly bruised Rangers.

"Hold still," Twilight told Flash as she wrapped the bandage around his chest.

"Ow," Flash replied as she tied it up. "That's tight."

"It needs to be tight," she told him.

"You guys are a bunch of babies," Rainbow said as she bandaged up Soarin's leg.

Soarin flinched at the pain. "Well the next time he shows up, you can fight him."

"Gladly," Rainbow said.

"I don't know Rainbow," Fluttershy said as she bandaged Sandal up. "That monster looked very strong and scary."

"Yeah," Pinkie said as she bandaged Sweetie up. "But luckily Micro went all drill on him.

"Indeed," Starswirl said as he turned to Micro, the only Ranger not being bandaged up. "You managed to clear your mind and fight without thought. I am very proud of you."

"Yeah," Applejack said as she finished tying Lyra's bandage. "That was some moves partner."

"I knew you could do it," Rarity, who was bandaging Sunset's stomach, told him.

"Thanks," Micro said as he scratched the back of his head. "It was nothing really."

"Don't sell yourself short," Luna told him. "What you did was no small feat. It take a lot of mental control and trust in ones instincts. Be proud of this."

"I will," Micro said. "Thanks."

"Well I think that's you done darling," Rarity said as she finished her work on Sunset. "Anything else need bandaging."

"No I'm good," Sunset assured her.

"Well then I better get going," Rarity said. "It's my turn to make the family dinner."

"Hey Rarity," Micro called out before she left. "Do you maybe wanna hang out again this weekend. Our day out didn't turn out so well."

"I'd love to," Rarity said, before her face fell. "But I'll be working at the boutique this weekend."

"Oh," Micro said, before quickly looking around a wall which was hiding his chart from view. "Well...maybe I could stop by. You always say your looking for new models."

Rarity smiled at this. "That would be lovely. I'll see you there." With that, she turned and headed out the room.

As soon as she was gone, Micro jumped for joy. "YES!" He cried out as he turned to the others. "You see that? My flowchart is awesome!"

The others all rolled their eyes, but smiled at his victory all the same.

Author's Note:

I know, the nerd trying to attract the pretty lady is a cliche but damn it some cliches work.