• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,455 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

One Last Stand

Up on the Dark Fortress, Legion was sitting in his throne while laughing.

Floating in front of him was a large magic bubble, and inside that bubble were the ten Guardian Elements he had worked so hard to gain. Now, after a thousand years they were his. His laughter would not stop, and why should it. He had finally defeated the Rangers, and all it took was threatening their closest friends.

"Life is good," he told himself.

"I'll say," Heart said. "You've got the Elements, a new and improved body, and the power to conquer any universe you want."

"That's right," Legion said. "And I know which two universes will be the first to fall."

Doom chuckled, knowing what he was getting at. "This one and Equestria?"

"Exactly," Legion replied.

In that moment, Cogs entered the bridge along with several Shades. The Shades were carrying a strange device, which was gray and looked like a flying saucer with legs.

"Awe Cogs," Legion said as he got out of his throne and walked over to him. "What's the Warp Gate Amplifier's condition?"

"Perfect," Cogs replied. "It survived the crash and needs nothing more then a good dusting. The guy who created this thing sure did make it to last."

"Excellent," Legion said.

"What is that thing?" Doom asked as he looked it over.

"The Warp Gate Amplifier," Heart said. "It's what we used to dimension hop before we ran into Chaos."

Cogs nodded. "We found it not long after we were ejected from Equestria. We ran into a multiverse travelling scientist, who was all to happy to show off his invention. Once I knew how it worked, we took care of him and stole the device."

"The only problem was he never told us what he used to infinitely power it," Heart said. "So whenever we arrived in a new universe, we had to find something there that could do the job. Usually, we only ever got one or two uses out of it before needing another power source.

"Until now," Legion said as he moved over to the bubble that the Elements were in. "With their infinite power, the Warp Gate Amplifier can run forever. And that's exactly what's going to happen." He waved his staff and split the bubble into ten separate bubbles, one with each Element inside, and moved them over to Cogs. "Reconstruct the power system so it can use all ten Elements."

"All ten?" Cogs asked. "One would be enough."

"Why do we even need this thing?" Doom asked. "The Dark Fortress is capable of multiversal travel."

"Maybe," Legion said, "but I don't want to go to another universe. I want to bring something to this universe, which will allow me to conquer it."

The three generals suddenly realised what he was planning, causing each of them to chuckle.

"I'll get right on it," Cogs said before leaving the bridge with the device and Elements in toe.

Legion moved over to his throne and sat back down, staring out the window down at the planet bellow. "Soon Rangers, you will know what happens to those who cross me."

Back on earth, the sun was beginning to set on a particularly trying day. The battle with the Entity had left a good portion of the city destroyed, forcing many people to evacuate to another area of town. Many of those people were the families of the students of Canterlot High, whose homes had been destroyed and would now be spending the night in other buildings until more permanent residence could be found.

At Canterlot High, the Rangers and their friends had returned to the school after their face off against the many Entities and Legion.

As they stepped into the building, they saw the place was a mess after the Shade attack, with holes in many of the walls along with glass and other debris littering the floor.

"They really did a number on this place," Sandal said as they walked through the halls.

The non-Rangers did not have to look around to know the damage, as they had been here when it was all caused. "We tried to stop them," Fluttershy said.

"There were just to many," Applejack finished.

Twilight sighed. "Because of that, we got caught and you were forced to give up your Elements."

She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, making her look around and see her brother smiling at her. "This isn't your fault. Only cowards threaten the innocent. They played dirty."

Twilight nodded at what he said, but it did not make her feel any better.

Finally they arrived at the entrance of their base, the Rangers flinching when they saw the large hole where the magic wall should have been.

One by one they stepped into it, only to see the place was just as bad, if not in worse condition then the rest of the school. The lights were flickering on and off, while almost all the computers had been destroyed. Desks and other things were scattered around the floor. It was a disaster zone.

Sunset moved over to the lab, trying to get the last remaining computer back online.

The rest of the team did whatever they could, some beginning to try and clean the place up while others simply found someplace and sat down. Despite what they did, none of them had a smile on their faces.

Finally, Pinkie broke the silence. "So what now?" Everyone looked at her. "What do we do now?"

No one was sure how to answer that. What could they do, now that their Elements were lost and their base was a wreck. Even worse, every single one of their Magi-Chargers had been drained by the last battle. This meant they could not even use their weapons while unmorphed, leaving then absolutely no options.

Slowly, they all turned their heads towards the one they looked to when they did not now what to do.

Flash stood in the centre of the room, looking around at the ones who had stood by his side and were now looking to him for guidance. Now was the time for him to step up as a leader and convince them that they could still defeat Legion, but he was not sure if they could.

Everyone watched as Flash turned back towards the destroyed entrance of the base, then stepped out of it. That was all they needed to see, to know they did not have a plan.

Everyone sighed, as they felt themselves fall deeper into the hopeless pit they were felt themselves in.

Sunset looked down at her computer, which finally switched back on and began showing images from the surviving security cameras. One such image caught her attention, causing her to zoom in on it and see someone she recognised.

Outside the school, Havoc stood there still looking beat up.

When he heard the sound of footsteps, he looked around to see Sunset moving over to him. "So," he said as he looked away, "you gave up your Elements."

Sunset frowned at him as she crossed her arms. "And you know this how?"

"If Darklight had been defeated and you still had your Elements, you lot wouldn't have been looking so sour when you came back."

"He's going by Legion now," Sunset told him. "He somehow created a new body for himself, making him much more powerful."

Havoc sighed. "Should have figured as much." He looked back at her. "So you did give your Elements to him?"

"We didn't have a choice," Sunset told him.

"Of course you did. You just chose the wrong one."

"He held our friends hostage. If we didn't do it, he would have killed them."

"Still the wrong choice," Havoc replied. Before he could say anything else, he suddenly felt a rush of wind and something hard smashing into his jaw. With a yell of pain, he fell to the floor as a burning sensation surged through his face. He looked up at Sunset, seeing her staring angrily at him with her fists raised.

"Don't you dare say that!" She cried. "If it had been you, and Legion had offered to let your father live, would you still think it would be the wrong decision."

Havoc glared up at her before placing his hand on his still burning cheek. "So you saved a few people, in exchange for the only things that can beat Legion. Who is likely going to use them to cause countless deaths and destruction, which would most likely include the people you gave him that power to save." He slowly picked himself up, continuing to stare at her. "You know, back when I first took my ship back, I saw a film that has a line that I think fits here. The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few."

Sunset glared at him. "No. Every life is sacred. Sacrificing even one to save many isn't something we have the right to do. We either same everyone, or no one."

Havoc sighed. "Then you've saved no one. Your only hope of surviving this is to leave this universe."

So that's why he was here. And here she was hoping he wanted to help them. With a sigh, she moved over to the statue infront of the school before turning to Havoc. "Here."

Havoc raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"This is the entrance to Equestria," she explained. To show she was not lying, she placed her hand on the stone and showed it went right through it. "Step through this and you'll go to the land of ponies."

Havoc smiled before rushing towards it, only to see Sunset walk away from it. "Where are you going?"

Sunset stopped before turning to him, the setting sun seemed to highlight her body. Her face showed nothing by anger and disappointment. "You might have nothing keeping you here, but I do. I won't abandon my friends."

Havoc frowned. "Then you'll be destroyed. You'll regret that decision when Legion has you at his mercy."

In that moment, Sunset's frown changed to a smile. "No, I won't. Even if it leads to my death, this is something I know I'll never regret." She slowly stepped over to him. "You don't understand that, because you've never done anything you can't regret. But when you have something you can't live without, then you'll fight to protect it, even if it means you'll die." Her face was inches away from his, as she placed a hand on his chest. "Tell me, is your life one with no regrets?"

Havoc did not reply, as he had no way of truly answering her.

Sunset sighed as stepped away. "I thought so." She turned to leave. "At least do me this one favour. When you arrive in Equestria, destroy the portal. I don't want Princess Twilight or her friends coming here to try and help, or Legion finding it and using it to get to Equestria. Tell them everything that's happened, hopefully that'll give them a chance to find a way to stop Legion." With that, the Gold Ranger walked off and returned to the school.

Once she was gone, Havoc turned back to the portal. Slowly, he raised his hand a placed it on the stone, causing the portal to waver and his hand to slowly disappear into it. Before he stepped through it however, he took one final glance back at the school.

"What about the Revolution Rangers?" Soarin asked.

"They might be able to help us get our Elements back," Lyra agreed.

"At the very least they stand more of a chance then us," Sandal said.

"Maybe," Micro said, "but the problem is contacting them."

Celestia nodded. "Most of our equipment was destroyed by Doom and the others, including the stuff we used to contact the Revolution Rangers."

"It would take us weeks to rebuild it all," Luna said.

"Well we don't have weeks," Dusk said. "Legion will most likely do whatever he plans on doing with the Elements soon, possibly even tomorrow."

Rarity sighed as she sat on the floor, not even caring that her clothes were getting dirty. "I can't believe after everything we went through, this is how it ends."

Lyra turned to her. "Who said this is how it ends?"

Rainbow turned to her. "Oh wake up. We lost. Legion has all the power, and all the magic. What do we have?"

"We have each other," Sweetie told her.

"She's right," Lyra said. "We've only lost if we give up."

"Our gracious leader doesn't seem to think that," Sandal said.

Trail sighed as he turned to look at the hole his son had left through. "You can't blame Flash for feeling overwhelmed. It's the end of the world, and everyone's looking to him for a way of stopping it. How would you feel if you were in his position."

Everyone sighed, knowing Trail was right. It was not fair of them to expect so much from him, especially now. Even so, they needed their leader if they wanted to come out of this on top. And where was he?

Flash was standing in the gym, the only room in the entire school that had not been wrecked by the Shade's attack. The teen Ranger was simply standing in there looking around, unsure about what it was he even expected to figure out here.


He looked around and saw Twilight slowly walking into the room. Her look on her face showed she was worried.

"Are you alright?"

Flash did not reply, instead he simply looked away.

Twilight frowned and continued walking to him. "I understand. You feel like you failed, like you let everyone down. Like it was a mistake that you were trusted with this big responsibility."

Flash's head slowly turned towards her, his face showing complete amazement. "How did you know?"

Twilight smiled. "Because, I know you." She walked around him so that they were now face to face. "And I also know you are completely wrong. You didn't fail, you didn't let everyone down and it was definitely not a mistake for you to be given this responsibility."

Flash did not look convinced and looked down at his feet. "How can you say that. Look what me being in charge did. I was starting to think I really was a good leader, but now-OW!" Flash's hand went to his ear, which Twilight had just flicked, as he glared at her. "What was that for?"

"For being an idiot," Twilight told him. "You aren't just a good leader, you're a great leader. You've lead this team through thick and thin, never steering them wrong once."

"But Legion-"

"Remember what my brother said? Legion was a coward. He knew he couldn't beat you, so he played dirty. He was forced to do that because he was scared of you, because you are a great leader."

Flash's frown did not waver. "But without my Element-"

"Do you remember when you first bonded to your Element?" Twilight interrupted.

Flash gave her an odd look. "Of course."

Twilight smiled. "Back then, you were just as you are now. But that didn't stop you from fighting against Crushclaw, even if you knew you could get hurt. You did what was right, because that's the kind of person you are."

Flash could not help but smile at the praise Twilight was giving him. Did she truly believe that?

"Sure," she continued, "you can be reckless and you often put yourself in more danger then is needed. But you're also brave, loyal, caring and have a spirit that makes those around you want to keep fighting." She placed her had over his heart. "That's what makes you a great leader. It's also what makes you a great Power Ranger, and a great person." Her face then blushed as she looked down at her feet. "I just wish I could have seen that when we first met."

Flash smiled at this. He then placed his finger under her chin and lifted it up, causing her to look up into his eyes. "Thanks."

Twilight mimicked his smile, as Flash removed his finger from under her chin and began to scratch the back of his head.

"Listen," Flash then said, "I know now probably isn't the best time but..."

"But what?" Twilight asked.

Flash took a keep breath, steeling his nerve. "Do you...wanna go to the Fall Formal with me?" He shut his eyes as his entire body tensed up, imagining every single possible response Twilight would likely give him. After what felt like a year, though it was more like a minute, Flash's eye cracked open.

There he saw Twilight smiling at him, with tears in her eyes. "Yes, I'd love to go with you." With that, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

Flash was amazed at this, but quickly recovered and placed his arms around her waist to hug her back.

What the two did not know, was that they had an audience.

Cadance and Shining were watching them from behind the gym's doors, Cadance having to cover her mouth to stop them from hearing her squeal in joy. "Finally," she said, "I was starting to think he wasn't ever gonna ask her."

Shining smirked at this. "That punk better not hurt my sister."

Cadance rolled her eyes before trying to swat him on the arm, only for him to grab her wrist and pull her into a hug. Together, they held each other and watched as Flash and Twilight continued to hug one another. The four of them enjoying a moment of comfort, before they were forced to fight against this great evil.

Up on the roof, we find Starswirl looking up at the sky. He then heard the sound of a door opening and looked around to see Dusk, who walked over to stand by his side and look up at the stars.

"Beautiful aren't they?" Starswirl asked as he returned his gaze to the many twinkling lights.

"Yes," Dusk replied, "they are."

"I remember when I first arrived here. I was amazed that something like this wasn't created by magic."

"Well we'd better get a good look at them," Dusk said. "This might be our last time seeing them."

Starswirl nodded. "I have failed as the Guardian's guide."

Dusk turned to him in shock. "No, you've been a great teacher."

"I allowed the Elements to be lost a thousand years ago, and now I have allowed them to fall into the hands of evil."

"That wasn't your fault," Dusk told him.

"Even so," Starswirl said as he looked up at the sky. "I must do whatever is necessary to retrieve them." He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn to Dusk.

"And you won't be alone."

Starswirl smiled at his apprentice, nodding at him before once again looking up at the stars.

Up in space, Legion, Doom and Heart entered the lab.

There they saw Cogs standing over the Warp Gate Amplifier, which had its top removed, and holding the Element of Courage his a pair of tweezers. "Steady," he said as he slowly lowered the crystal into the last remaining slot. Finally to Element was fitted into it, causing the device to power up and begin humming before Cogs placed the top back on. "Done. Now all that's required is to input the coordinates of the universe we want the portal to connect to."

Legion chuckled. "Excellent. How long until our plans can begin?"

"It'll take some time for it to make a connection to that universe," Cogs told him. "It should be ready by tomorrow morning."

"Good," Legion replied, "then once it's done you three go get some rest. Tomorrow, our revenge on the Rangers begins. Then this entire world will kneel before me."

The three nodded before turning to walk out the lab.

Finally alone, Legion moved over to the Amplifier and patted it. Even through the metal device, he could feel the Elements power pulsing from it. "Rangers, you're mistake of standing against me will finally cost you dearly."

The Next Morning.

We find our heroes asleep in the base. Many of them had wanted to stay up and try to come up with a plan, but the previous days excitement had drained them all and soon enough almost everyone was alseep.

None of them felt like sleeping alone and intentional or not, had all grouped together when sleeping. Micro and Sandal were on the floor sleeping back to back, Rarity and Fluttershy sleeping with their heads on the boy's shoulders. Sweetie and Lyra were sleeping on the table, holding each others hand in comfort. Applejack was sleeping against the wall, a sleeping Pinkie's head in her lap. Sunset and Twilight were also sleeping side by side, as well Celestia and Luna. Cadance was sleeping in Shining's arms. Trail and Dusk were sleeping back to back. Even Rainbow seemed to be snuggling against Soarin.

The only one not sleeping was Flash, who instead was leaning against the wall staring at his team. Wanting to live up to the praise Twilight had given him, the Red Ranger was trying to come up with a plan that might allow them to retrieve the Elements.

Suddenly an alarm went off, causing everyone else to awaken with a start. Quickly getting up, they looked over at the computer as it showed something that made their eyes go wide.

The Dark Fortress had flown down from orbit and was now floating above the city.

The people of Canterlot all looked up at the giant space station, which hovered over them and gave of an intimidating aura. Everyone who saw it was instantly worried, as space ships coming her in the past had only ever lead to trouble.

In the centre of town, a portal opening up. Legion and his minions stepped out of the port, the three placing the Warp Gate Amplifier on the ground.

Legion stepped forwards and raised his staff, shooting out a beam that caused a massive projection of himself to appear in the sky. That projection mirrored his movement, allowing everyone in the city to see him. This coupled with a voice enhancement spell, allowed him to speak to the city.

"People of Canterlot, I am Legion. For a thousand years I have worked to gain the ultimate power, the Guardians Elements. The only thing standing in my way, were the heroes you called the Power Rangers. Well now they have been defeated, and the source of their power is now mine. With it I will make them pay for defying me, by destroying your entire stinking city."

He turned to his minions and nodded, as Cogs activated the device.

The ring around the Warp Gate Amplifier began to spin, as it powered up. Eventually it was charged then then fired out a large red beam, which struck the sky and caused a portal to open up. Every second the portal grew bigger and bigger, until finally it was the twice the size of the tallest skyscraper and stopped growing.

Everybody stared at the portal, fearing whatever might step out of it.

Finally their fears were confirmed, as from out of it came a Shadzilla. This was followed by another, and another, and another. Down on the ground, even more Shades appeared at the ready to cause as much damage as they wanted.

Legion and his giant form let out a great below of laughter. "Now watch puny humans, as my new army reduces your pathetic city and everyone in it to dust."

Everyone in the base were all horrified, seeing they city being invaded like never before.

"No," Twilight said.

"We have to do something," Soarin asked.

"Like what?" Applejack asked, "how'd ya'h suppose we fight that many of them without any powers?"

Nobody could reply, unsure of what they could do.

"So that's it?" Rarity asked. "We can't do anything?"

"This can't be the end," Trail said.

Flash just stared at the screen, watching as the Shades and Shadzillas caused untold destruction while chasing after anyone they saw. Eventually it was to much. "No."

Everyone turned to him, only to see him turned towards the exit and walk towards it.

"Flash?" Twilight asked.

"What are you doing?" Sandal asked him.

"What I'm suppose to do," Flash replied as he looked back at them. "Powers or no powers, I'm still a Guardian. It's my job to protect those who can't protect themselves. And right now, that's everyone of the people being attacked."

"But if you go out their, you'll be killed," Fluttershy told him.

"I don't care," Flash said. He looked around at his team and saw them all looking unsure, making him grow angry. "LOOK AT US!" He cried, shocking everyone. "WE'RE PATHETIC! You think if the Elements saw us now, any of the them would have bonded to us. I doubt it, but I'm changing that now."

Pinkie stepped up. "But without your powers-"

"Who cares," Flash said. "I might not have my Element's power, but I still have what it represents inside me." He sighed. "It's true, I'm scared...hell I'm terrified. But if I let that stop me, I'll never be able to live with myself." He turned away from them. "I'm going, you guys do what you want." With that, he rushed out the base and off to fight against the evil that threatened his home.

The rest of the Rangers shared a glance, lasting several long seconds, until they all smiled and nodded before rushing out after their leader.

Twilight turned to the others. "Let's get out there to."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Can't let them have all the fun," Rainbow said

"They need all the help they can git," Applejack said.

Rarity nodded. "We're all in the same boat power wise now."

"I'm ready," Fluttershy said.

"LET'S GO!" Pinkie cried before they all rushed out.

"Let's go to," Celestia told Luna and Cadance. The two nodded and they rushed out, leaving Starswirl.

"Good luck," he said. "All of you."

Canterlot was going to ruins, as the Shade army destroyed anything they crossed. The many Shadzillas that roamed the streets were also causing much damage, destroy the buildings that had luckily been abandoned.

The people of Canterlot ran as the monsters advanced, trying to hide in some of the remaining buildings and praying that the monsters would not find them.

From their position infront of the portal, Legion and his minions laughed seeing the humans run in fear.

"Ahahaha!" Legion cried as he watched this. "I haven't had this much fun in centuries."

"These humans are pathetic," Doom said. "That's what happens when you put your faith in others to protect them. They become so weak that they can do nothing but cower."

"And cower they shall," Heart said with a giggle. "But it will not save them."

Cogs nodded. "Our Shades shall kill them all. The city will fall and then the rest of the world."

Legion nodded. "The humans put up a good fight, I can respect that. But in the end, power and power alone is what matters." He moved over to the Warp Gate Amplifier and patted it, watching as the ten Elements energised it. "And now that I have all the power, nothing in the multiverse can stop me."

As the Shades continued to advance, they drew closer to the buildings that many people were hiding in.

Inside one of the buildings, many students of Canterlot High were there with their families. Students like Trixie, Heath and others hid away from the windows, hoping the Shades would not come looking for them.

That hope was quickly diminished, when the doors opened and a group of Shades began to fill into the building. The cloaked monsters saw the people cowering away from them and slowly advanced, their dagger raised in preparation.

The adults hid their children behind them, though they themselves had no way of truly protecting them.


The Shades stopped before turning around, seeing Flash Sentry standing in the doorway not looking happy.

"Get...away from them."

The students of Canterlot High, Flash's band-mates included, all stared at him in shock. What was he thinking?

The Shades did not seem to appreciate being ordered around by a human, so began to move closer to him.

"Flash run!" Trixie told him.

No, Flash had no intention of running. When the first Shade charged at him, he held his ground before dealing the monster a swift punch to the chest.

The people watched as the Shade flew back, dissolving into black mist as it died. Everyone was shocked to see this, while the Shades were enraged and rushed towards him.

Flash remained where he was, fighting back against the monster as the tried to kill him. But he was better then them, dodging or blocking their attacks while dealing his own and destroying the Shades. Eventually the last Shade attacked him and he simply grabbed it by the cloak and threw it out the door, causing it to crash into the ground before fading away.

In the other buildings, a similar situation was occurring.

Lyra was doing cartwheels to dodge the Shades attacks, landing in the middle of the room before round-house kicking the Shades away. She then saw a nearby broom and grabbed it, using it like her staff to take them down.

Micro had found a chain in the building he was in, which he swung around to whip the monster and wrap them up. His aim with this was just as good as with his blasters.

Sweetie had grabbed a dustbin lid and was using it like a shield, blocking the Shades attacks before kicking them away.

Sandal and Soarin were using metal pipes like their swords, clobbering the Shades like they would in any other battle.

Trail and Shining were fighting using their martial arts skills.

Sunset was fighting some Shades on her own, using the fighting skills she had learned from her teammates.

Dusk was fighting off many Shades that surrounded him. Since Nightfang did not need the Elements power, he could use it as much as he liked to cut down the monsters.

Legion and his followers all saw that their army had halted, making them look over at where they had stopped. There they watched as one by one, the powerless Rangers stepped out onto the streets.

They stood in a line, staring down the army of Shades that threatened their home.

Legion laughed. "And here I thought you humans were suppose to be smart." He once again raised his staff to his mouth, amplifying his voice. "Look upon them Canterlot. These are the Rangers who have protected you.

The people staring out the windows of the buildings all murmured at this. They were the Power Rangers?

"No way?" Heath said.

"So way," Trixie said.

Legion continued to laugh. "But look at them now. Reduced to the weaklings you humans truly are. They have no hope of winning, and yet here they stand. Ready to die."

"Wrong Legion," Flash called out to the monster. "We didn't come here to die."

"We came here to live," Lyra continued.

"And protect our home," Micro went on.

"And everyone who lives here," Sweetie finished.

Soarin nodded. "And to do that, we gonna need to beat you."

"So don't tell us we have no hope," Trail continued.

"Because we humans don't believe in having no hope," Shining went on.

Sunset nodded. "As long as we have the will to fight, there'll always be hope."

"We might not have our powers," Dusk said. "But we our still Power Rangers."

Flash stepped forwards. "And as Power Rangers, we'll fight to our very last breath to beat you." He got into a fighting stance. "No matter what you throw at us..."

"WE'LL NEVER STOP FIGHTING!" The ten of them cried before launching themselves at the Shades.

Everyone watched as the ten humans thought with everything they had, trying to keep them and their city safe. But it was ten against ten thousand and no matter how determined they were, those odds were not in their favour.

In that moment, the Mane Six, principles and Cadance arrived on the scene. They watched as the Rangers fought against the grand army before turning to the people hiding away.

"Everyone!" Twilight called out, "we have to fight!"

The people listening stared at her in confusion. What, was she crazy?

"Come on!" Rainbow called out. "You want to live through this right? Well fighting's the only way that's gonna happen."

"Even if we can't win," Applejack told them. "We should at least go down swingin."

"It's better then running away and hiding," Fluttershy cried.

Rarity nodded. "Those monsters think we're weak, but let's show them we're stronger then anything they can put against us."

"Let's save the world!" Pinkie cried.

Everyone was still hesitant, fearing what might happen if they did fight.

Celestia stepped forwards and pointed at the Rangers, who were still fighting hard despite being outnumbered. "Look at them. Those ten have put themselves in danger again and again, to protect us. Now, even though they've lost their powers, they're still fighting."

Luna nodded in agreement with her sister. "If they're willing to do that. Can't you?"

"Please," Cadance cried out, "help them."

The cowering public all shared glances with each other, asking the ones around them what they thought.

"Fine," Twilight said, "cower away. We'll just have to help them ourselves." With that, the nine of them rushed towards the battle and entered the fray. Twilight grabbed a long pole from the rubble and used it to strike the head of a Shade near Flash.

The Red Ranger turned to her, the two sharing a smile before standing back to back and fighting the Shades.

The others all started fighting with whatever they could find to use as weapon, standing side by side with the Rangers.

As the people of Canterlot continued to watch them fight, something inside each of them started to awaken. For many months they had been running in fear of these creatures, expecting the Rangers to fight them. But now those Rangers were just as weak as any other human, but still they fight.

Twilight and the other's words began to flow through their heads, until finally some of them snapped.

Trixie and Heath leapt out of the building and rushed towards the battle, followed by Ringo and Brawly. Then more members of Canterlot High rushed out, joining the battle with whatever they could find. This made the older citizens act, not wanting their children to fight alone.

Soon the whole of Canterlot was standing up against their invaders, fighting against the Shades as best they could.

From his point at the portal, Legion watched the token resistance and snarled. "Pathetic humans. Don't they know when they're beaten?"

Doom stepped forwards. "Let's have the Shadzillas crush them all underfoot."

"Good idea," Legion told him. He then raised his staff and unleashed the magic, instructing the giant monsters one what he wanted them to do.

But before the Shadzillas could carry out their instructions-


Everyone, human and monster, spun around to see the Dragon Zord rushing towards the nearest Shadzilla and tackle it to the ground. It was not alone, as the over ten Zords appeared and began doing battle with the giant monsters.

"Alright Drago!" Flash cried, seeing his partner take the Shadzilla down.

"The Zords aren't at full power," Micro said as he whipped another Shade down. "But half is more then enough to take those creeps down."

"So we'll leave them to the Zords," Lyra replied as she thrusted the end of her broom into a Shade.

"Come on guys," Soarin cried. "We have to keep fighting."

"RIGHT!" Everyone cried.

Legion watched as his forces were slowly being taken down, but he was not worried. For every Shade those humans destroyed, two more would step out of the portal. But even so, he did not feel like wasting time.

"Enough of this," he said before raising his staff. From it shot out a bolt of red lightning, which struck the skies and formed a black storm cloud. From this storm cloud shot out many more red lightning bolts, which rained down on the battle field and caused many explosions.

The Shades that were hit were vaporised, while the humans where all sent flying.

"AAAAARRRRRR!" Many cried as they flew through the air. Some of them crashed into the floor, while others hit buildings. Many of them had damaged their clothing, turning what they wore into rags.

Everyone moaned as they picked themselves up, seeing a new wave of Shades advancing towards them.

"We can't give up," Flash moaned as he helped Twilight to her feet.

"Yeah," Shining agreed as Cadance held him up, "not yet."

Legion rolled his eyes before turning to his minions. "Finish this."

They nodded and stepped forwards, through the Shade army to the front. Doom pointed his sword at Flash, "I've been waiting for this."

Flash frowned. "You and me both."

With that the two forces once again charged at one another, but this time it was not so one sided. The injuries everyone had sustained, made it so the human forces were not fighting so well. The fresh Shades were proving much stronger then them, with Doom, Heart and Cogs even more so.

Flash, Soarin and Dusk were fighting Doom, Dusk and Doom locking swords several times with the boys tried to hit him. But Doom was far to strong.

Lyra, Sweetie and Sunset were fighting Heart. Heart swung her heart shaped hook around, managing to disarm Lyra and Sweetie before hitting them and Sunset.

Micro, Sandal, Shining and Trail were fighting Cogs. But without any real weapons, the armoured monster was almost impervious.

The others were fighting against the Shades, but they too were tiring and having trouble facing the monsters. One by one, the people of Canterlot were struck by the Shades, injured and knocked off their feet. Even the Rangers soon succumbed to this and sent flying back.

The same could be said for the Zords, who were almost completely out of power while the Shadzillas kept coming.

Legion laughed at this, seeing his forces take the upper hand. But before he could truly celebrate-


He turned to see a familiar armoured figure rushing towards him, sword in hand.

Havoc leapt at Legion, swinging his sword at him with everything he had. But Legion simply used his staff to block the blade before pushing Havoc back, then unleashed a red bolt of lightning sent Havoc flying back before hitting the ground.

Doom and the other minions rushed towards them. "Master!"

Legion held up his hand, telling them not to get any closer while continuing to stare at Havoc. "So, you came back. What, did you actually think you could defeat me?"

Havoc slowly picked himself up, using his sword to help balance. "I know I can't defeat you. You're too strong."

"Then why fight me?"

Havoc panted heavily, regaining his breath. "Because I don't want to run from you." He finally stood tall. "Even if I leave this world, you'd eventually show up wherever I run to. If that's the life I have to look forward to, then I'd rather it end here and now."

Legion chuckled. "So you've come to pointlessly fight, knowing you can't beat me."

Havoc shook his head. "No, I came because even though I can't beat you. Maybe...just maybe...THEY CAN!" He swung his sword around as it sparked with energy before slashing it through the air, unleashing an energy blade that flew at Legion. But it did not hit him, not even close.

Instead, it flew passed him and hit something else...the Warp Gate Amplifier.

The device was supercharged with energy, causing it to spark and wheeze as smoke started coming out the gaps.

"It's overloading!" Cogs cried as he and the other three monsters rushed towards, until-


The Amplifier exploded, pushing the four monsters back and causing the portal to collapse in on itself before disappearing.

From the explosion shot ten particular multicoloured lights, which caused Legion to gasp. "NO!"

The Rangers eyes all went wide seeing them, but they soon got over the shock and smiled before raising their hands.

One by one the Elements suddenly flew through the air, straight into the hands of their chosen Rangers. As soon as the Rangers gasped them, the Elements each unleashed a wave of energy that struck everyone around them.

The humans touched by this wave of energy suddenly felt their wounds disappear and their energy replenished, while the Shades touched by it were vaporised.

"Alright!" Sandal cried as he looked at his Element.

"We're back baby!" Soarin cheered.

Sunset pulled out her Magi-Chargers, smiling when she did. "Our Magi-Chargers are fully charged as well."

The others pulled their out and saw she was right. They were back in action.

Legion slowly turned back to Havoc, a growl escaping his lips. As the teen changed back to his human form, the smirk he gave Legion showed how happy he was to have ruined his plans. "That...was the biggest mistake you ever made, in your whole worthless existence!"

Havoc simply smirked, as he reached up and touched the cheek Sunset had punched. "No. For once, I did something I know I'll never regret."

Legion pointed his staff at Havoc. "Only because you won't live long enough to regret it!" With that, he shot off another more powerful lightning bolt. It flew at Havoc and struck struck him, causing a massive explosion that he was consumed by.


The Rangers and their friends all gasped at this, Sunset's face becoming one of horror. "HAVOC!"

Finally the flames faded and they saw Havoc, his body smoking with energy still sparking off his body. He stood limply, his clothes looking wrecked. Even so, he still had a smile on his face. Slowly, he looked around at the Rangers.

"Do me a favour," he told them before he began to fall to the ground. "Beat...these...creeps."


Havoc lay still on the ground, causing everyone to be horror struck. That horror intensified when they watched his body slowly turn to dust, which was blown away by the wind.

Sunset fell to her knees. "No."

They all heard Legion let out a powerful laughter, making them turn to him.

"That fool. Giving up his own life, and for what?" His laughter intensified.


Legion and everyone else looked around to see the source of that cry, seeing it was Flash Sentry.

The Red Ranger moved to the front of the crowd, a look of anger on his face. "I'll tell you what he gave his life for. He gave it up so we might have a chance to beat you." He pulled out his Spirit Sabre and pointed it at Legion. "And I'm gonna honour his sacrifice...BY DOING JUST THAT!"

Everyone nodded at that, as the other Rangers stepped up and stood by their leader. Once again the ten Rangers were ready to fight, only this time they actually stood a chance.

"Everyone ready?" Flash asked.

"YEAH!" The others replied.

"Good," Flash said, "because-"

"IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" They all cried before holding up their Chargers and pulling out their blasters. "MAGI-CHARGER, READY!" They activated the Chargers and placed them in the weapons.











"ENERGIZE!" They all yelled as they charged up their morphers before pointing them at the Shades. "UNLEASH THE POWER!" They pulled the triggers, firing the ten energy blasts that quickly morphed into the ten Zord heads. Those heads flew at the Shades, plowing through and destroying a good portion of them before flying back towards the Rangers.

They each bit down on their Ranger, exploding in a flash of light that quickly died down and revealed them in their suits. The only thing missing from the ensemble were their helmets.

One by one, the ten Rangers posed as they cried their roll call.












In another flash of light, their helmets appeared on their heads before they spun around faced away from the Shades, towards the people of Canterlot.



In that moment a massive explosion occurred behind them, consuming even more Shades and bringing their army down to a manageable number.

Everyone was in awe at what they had just seen, all except the villains.

Legion raised his staff and opened several portals next to the Shades. From those portals rushed out every single monster the Rangers had ever fought, all looking around and wondering why they had been summon.

"Hear me!" Legion cried. "Any of you who manages to bring me an Element, will stand beside me as I rule the multiverse."

Now that had their attention, causing them to turn towards the Rangers and other humans.

The people of Canterlot stood besides the Rangers, ready to fight. "We'll handle the Shades," Twilight told Flash. "You guys focus on the monsters."

Flash nodded before he and the others pulled out fresh Magi-Chargers, activating and throwing them to their Zords.


The Zords were quickly re-energised and once again began battling the Shadzillas, while the humans began to rush forwards.

The Rangers called upon their weapons and began fighting the monsters, while the others fought against the Shades.

"Head Smash!" Flash cried as he punched Crushclaw, sending him flying into Shellblast and Smokescreen before pulling out his blaster. He unleashed a flurry of laser fire that destroyed the three.

Lyra used his Serpent Staff to slash Warper, then used it to grab Reflector's shield before tossing him into Warper. She then pulled out her Spirit Sabre, which she used to slash the two and destroy them.

Micro was in a fire fight with Rabbit Fire and Heatwave, blasting their attacks with his blasters. Eventually he managed to out shoot them and knock them back, crashing into Boombox. He then performed a Duel Shot, which flew at the three and destroyed them.

Sweetie was fighting Mini, Maxine and Shifter, dodging the size changing beams before getting close. She used her shield to block their claws before slashing them with her sword, sending them flying back. She then pulled out her blaster and spun the barrel before unleashing a blast, which struck the three and destroyed them.

Sandal was facing Blizzard and Terror Card, using his blades to deflect their projectiles before preforming a Spiral Slash on them. The two were practically cut to shreds, being destroyed.

Soarin used a flying slash, electrocuting Riptide, Vacuumon and Gigabyte. The last two monsters unleashed their extendable weapons, but Soarin simply cut them to shreds before dealing a Thunder Sabre Strike one them, destroying them.

Trail was fighting against Forecast and Dozer and Slumber, using both his Spirit Sabre and Morphin Blaster to fight them. The three monsters were no match for him, being slashed and shot into submission. Trail then performed a Manticore Tail Whip, destroying them.

Shining was fighting Psychofist, the two duking it out. Shining proved to fast for the monster, who could not counter even though he could read his mind. Shining managed to punch and kick him several times, forcing the monster back before performing an Ultimate Justice Punch to finish him off.

Sunset was fighting Brainwave and Magnetron, dodging the firsts brain control attacks while using her Duel Morphin Blaster to destroy the seconds magnets. She then slashed them both with her weapons blade before firing off an Phoenix Flame Burst, destroying them both.

Dusk was fighting Rogue and Reaper, countering their blades with his before slashing them away. Before they could recover, he drew a circle in the air and then spun around to perform a Full-Moon Slicer. The attack struck the two, destroying them.

While this had been happening, the people of Canterlot were fighting the Shades off.

The Mane Six and principles were in a group, fighting side by side to take them down.

"Take this!" Rainbow cried as she kicked one down.

"And this!" Applejack yelled as she used a wrestling move to throw another down.

"Why not try this!" Pinkie cried as she body slammed another one to the ground before bouncing on it.

"Or even this!" Fluttershy and Rarity cried as they both punched a Shade together.

Celestia, Luna and Cadance were standing back to back, making sure none of them got jumped on from behind as they fought. Luna grabbed one and tossed it at her sister, who spun around and performed a round-house kick that sent it flying.

Twilight watched it go flying before looking over the remaining Shades, which were now beginning to shorten to a reasonable number. "Come on guys," she told them. "We can't quit now."

"Maybe I can lend some assistance!" Suddenly a burst of magical energy hit several Shades, knocking them down. Everyone turned to see Starswirl walking towards them. "Like the Guardians, I too will fight with everything I have." With that, he charged forwards and started using his staff to knock the Shades down.

Legion continued to watch as his near victory suddenly turned sour. He saw the Rangers finish off their monsters and then turn to them, looking ready to finally end this battle.

Legion turned to his minions. "Hold them off. I'm going to end this once and for all."

The Rangers were rushing towards the lead monsters when they saw Legion open a portal, which they knew he was trying to escape through. They also saw the general monsters step infront of it, preventing them from following

"Flash!" Dusk cried, "we'll deal with these three. You go after Legion."

"Got it!" Flash cried as he stopped and allowed his team to rush at the generals.

Dusk, Sandal and Soarin clashed with Doom. Micro, Trail and Shining fought Cogs. And Lyra, Sweetie and Sunset faced Heart.

While they battled, Flash turned to his Zord and pulled out a Magi-Charger. "Drago!" He cried before tossing the dragon the Charger.

The Zord turned to him and saw the Charger coming, making him open his mouth and allowing the Charger to be inserted. In a flash of light, the massive robot shrank down to its smaller form and flew towards it Ranger.

Flash caught the little Zord and rushed towards the portal, leaping over the fight between his team and the monsters. In a flash of light, he transformed into his Legendary Mode. He unfurled his wings and flew towards the portal, which was quickly closing. "I can make it."

On the Dark Fortress, Legion was on the bridge typing away at the computer.

"Those Rangers think their so great. I'll show them what happens when you cross me. I'll have all the Dark Fortress's weapons rain down on them, then I'll pull the Elements from the dust!" The weapons system targeted the Rangers and began to charge, slowly but it would be worth it.

Finally the console beeped, indicating weapons were fully. Legion chucked before raising his fist to slam the weapon fire button, but before he could-

"HEY!" A flurry of laser fire flew at Legion and struck the console, destroying the weapons systems and saving the Rangers.

Legion spun around and saw Flash, his weapons pointed at him, standing on the opposite side of the bridge.

"You think I'm gonna let you do that, you've got another thing coming."

Legion just chuckled as he picked up his staff. "So here we are. You and me. I can't help but be reminded of the last time we fought mono a mono. The dimension jump malfunction saved you, but you won't be so lucky this time."

"We'll see about that," Flash said. "I'm putting an end to you, once and for all."

Legion laughed. "Don't be stupid." He raised his staff. "As long as this staff exists, I'm invincible!"

Flash chuckled. "Let's test that." With that, he rushed at Legion.

The final battle has begun. Will the Rangers be victorious, or will Legion and his forces prove to powerful?

Author's Note:

Havoc, you will be missed.

So, one final chapter to go as final battle rages. Who will win?