• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,448 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

A New Legend Begins

It had been two weeks since the defeat of Darklight and his minions.

The damage to the ship had caused it to crash into a nearby mountainside, but luckily it was such a secluded part of mountain that no one had come around and found it. The crash itself had done even more damage, ripping much of the hulls exterior shielding off and causing the thrusters to be destroyed beyond repair.

The inside of the ship was even worse, with wires sticking out of the roof and walls while the floors were missing sections and had large shards sticking upwards.

Surprisingly the many prisoners that filled the ship's cell block, had survived the crash and were currently crying out.

"Let us out!" Heatwave screamed from his cell.

"It's been weeks since we crashed!" Smokescreen yelled.

"What's the point of keeping us here?" Reflector asked.

Doom Raizer, who had taken charge since Darklight's mysterious disappearance, rushed into the cell block with his sword raised. "QUIET!" He yelled, silencing the prisoners. "Now listen, you are still our prisoners and until master Darklight returns you'll stay where you are."

"Darklight's gone!" Rabbit Fire yelled. "The Rangers destroyed him!"

"You don't know that!" Heart Breaker yelled as she and Cogs stepped besides Doom with a bunch of Shades.

"That's right," Cogs said. "We might not know where he is, but that doesn't mean he's been destroyed."

"And we'll carry on believing that until we get some proof that he's been destroyed," Doom said. "So unless you want to be destroyed and reanimated inside out, SHUT IT!" With that he spun around and began to walk away, until...

"Well aren't you the poster boy of unwavering leadership."

Doom stopped and turned towards the source of the dark brooding voice, which he saw was coming from the metal door leading to the Pit. The metal blocks that had once held it shut had been ripped off in the crash, leaving the door completely unlocked.

Slowly, the door opened with a loud squeaking noise. Once completely open, everyone looked inside to see a pair of deep red eyes shining through the darkness.

"I think its time for a new leader to take control," the voice said as the eyes drew closer. From out of the darkness stepped a figure in black armour, carrying a long broadsword with a crescent moon hilt. He also wore a knight like helmet with a large crack running diagonally down it, between his glowing red eyes.

"You are you?" Doom asked as he stepped towards the figure.

The armoured man simply stood there, before calmly laughing. "You can call me...master."

"Darklight is my only master," Doom said as he raised his sword once again. "Now tell me, who are you and how did you get in there?"

"He looks familiar," Heart said.

"Indeed," Cogs agreed, "but I can't place him."

"Last chance," Doom told the figure, but when he remained silent the monster growled. "FINE!" He charged forward and swung his blade at the armoured man, but he intern raised his own sword a blocked the attack with almost no effort. "WHAT!?" The figure's blade then glowed white, before he pushed Doom's weapon away and dealt a powerful slash to the monster.

Everyone watched as Doom was sent flying backwards, passed Heart and Cogs, before crashing into the wall at the end of the corridor.

"DOOMY!" Heart screamed seeing her beloved be defeated so easily.

They then turned back to the figure, who once again raised his sword and pointed it at them. "Anyone else wanna be a hero?" Before anyone could answer, the figure then let out a cry of pain as he fell onto one knee. "Not now!" He cried as dark blue energy surged around him. "I'm already out of energy!" Suddenly in a flash of light, the armoured man was replaced by a human teenager. He had light grey skin and spiky black hair, while being dressed in all black clothes with a black leather overcoat. He had a long faded scar running down his face, starting just above his left eyebrow and going diagonally and ending at the right check.

The group all gasped seeing who it was.

"Havoc," Heart said.

"I knew I'd seen that monster before," Cogs said. "It's been so long since seeing it that I barely remember."

"So that's his monster form huh?" Doom said as he picked himself up and walked over to them. "I thought he couldn't take that form."

Havoc stood back up and raised his hand to show he was holding something. "You really should have double checked this thing, since the crash causing it to once again become loose. It might have taken me two weeks, but I managed to regain most of my original power."

The three generals growled before Doom once again raised his sword. "You might have regained your powers, but not enough to hold your monster form very long. Without it, you don't stand a chance." He once again charged, sword raised, at Havoc.

The teenage boy smirked, before dropping the control collar as his hand sparked with blue energy that was shot at Doom.

"AAAARRRR!" The monster screamed as he was zapped. When Havoc finally ceased his attack, Doom fell to his knees as Heart and Cogs rushed over to him and helped him from falling.

"I might not have been strong enough to defeat your precious Darklight," Havoc said as he stepped closer to them. "But I still have enough power to take you three out."

Despite how much they hated to admit it, the three of them knew they couldn't stop him.

"Now," Havoc said as he moved passed him, "why don't you let the rest of our friends out to stretch their legs. Also, bring us some snacks."

The Shades, seeing him as a new command, obeyed Havoc's orders and started opening the cell doors.

"Freedom!" Vacuumon yelled as he leapt out his cell the second it was open.

"Did he say snacks?" Maxine asked as she and Mini looked out their cells.

"That's right," Havoc said. "to celebrate our new freedom and of course...your undying loyalty to me."

The monsters all freeze hearing this.

"Loyalty...to you?" A blue monster which looked like the cross of a man and a shark with red goggles said.

"Why of course," Havoc said. "I know we've all had some...issues in the past."

"Your father destroyed my whole world," Rabbit Fire said.

"And took us all prisoner," Brainwave said.

"I know, I know," Havoc agreed. "As much as I loved my father, I wasn't always on board with his methods."

"Not enough to stop him!" A monster that looked like a mummy wearing a hockey mask and hooded cloak said.

"I'll make you all a promise," Havoc told them all. "If any of you can bring me an Element...I'll let you rule the multiverse, by my side. If you stay, you must plead undying loyalty to me." With that he started walking through the crowd. "But if you'd rather just leave then go ahead, I won't stop you."

The monsters all stared at each other, before the mummy monster stepped up. "I...er...think I'll just go. No offence, right?"

Havoc just gave him a dark smile. "None at all," he said as he stepped aside. "Go on, enjoy your freedom."

"Great," the monster said as he walked off, "well, bye."

However, as the monster began to walk down the corridor, Havoc's hands once again sparked with energy. He then spun around and sent a bolt of lightning out, which struck the monster in the back.

"AAAARRRR!" He screamed before turning to dust.

The monsters all gasped and backed away, as Havoc turned back to them.

"He...would have been the first to betray us...and now we know what happens to traitors." Havoc gave them each a deadly glare. "Don't we."

The monsters all remained silent, not daring to speak up for fear of a similar fate.

Havoc's deadly glare, then turned back to one of joy. "Now my friends," he said as a Shade stepped up pushing a trolley of snacks. He took a cup of drink and raised it high. "To the defeat of the Power Rangers." The monster all cheered at that, as Havoc took a drink.

<Two Days Later>

The city of Canterlot was in a flurry as it was the first day of the school year.

Outside Canterlot High School, students were heading inside to find their homeroom and learn their schedule for the following year.

In the parking lot, a familiar looking sports car rolled into its usual parking spot. From out of the car stepped a teen boy with orange skin and navy blue hair, wearing a red jacket zipped up over a white T-Shirt and blue jeans. Flash Sentry locked his car and moved towards the school, a slight frown on his face as he looked up at his newly shortened hair. However his frown returned to a smile, seeing a pair of teens he knew quite well.

"Ringo, Brawly," he called out as he rushed over to his band mates.

"Yo man," Brawly said as he and Ringo turned to him.

"Sup," Ringo said.

"What's with the hair?" Brawly asked with a smirk.

Flash's frown returned. "My aunt saw my old do and forced me into a chair to cut it. Guess she isn't to rocker hairstyles."

"To bad," Ringo said.

"it's fine," Flash said as the three stepped towards the school. "How was your summer?"

"Good I guess," Brawly said. "Though I heard Canterlot was a the place to be this summer."

"Yeap," Ringo said.

"Wish I could have been here to see those monster attacks," Brawly said as he turned to look at Flash. "Did you get to see them?"

"See who?" Flash asked.

"The Power Rangers, are they really as awesome as we heard?"

"Oh yeah," Flash said, "they're definitely the most awesome people in the universe."

"Wish I could have been here to see it," Brawly said as they entered the school and made their way over to the message board that would show their homerooms.

As they did, Flash suddenly felt himself collide with someone. That someone lost their balance and would have fallen, had Flash's instincts not kicked in and made him grab them around the waist.

Looking down, Flash's eyes connected with a pair violet ones hidden behind a pair of black glasses. "We've got to stop bumping into each other," he said as he helped Twilight Sparkle back to her feet.

"I don't see a problem with it," Twilight said with a smile. "Since you can just catch me every time." They both laughed, while Ringo and Brawly just stared at them in amazement. "By the way, I saw your name one the board when I was looking at mine. We're in the same homeroom. Class two B"

"Sweet," Flash said, "thanks. See you there."

Twilight nodded and walked off, while Flash turned back to his friends. "What?" He asked seeing their confused stares.

"Since when have you to been chummy?" Brawly asked.

Flash just chuckled. "We've been...hanging out, a lot over the summer. We were both on the school support team."

"Right," Ringo said with a raised eyebrow.

"And what about the flirting?" Brawly asked.

"What flirting?" Flash asked.

"The flirting you were doing with her just then."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Flash told them. "We're just friends." Before they could say anything else, he walked off to his locker to put his books away.

When Flash arrive at his homeroom, he stepped in and saw Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow and Lyra were also in there. Smiling at them, he walked over and took the empty desk next to Twilight.

"Hey," he said to them, "ready for your last year of school."

"Yeap," Rainbow said, "hopefully this one won't be as...exciting as the last one."

"Tell me about it," Sunset agreed.

"It'll be stressful enough being our senior year," Lyra said. "Without the worry of magical attack."

"Well Darklight's gone," Flash said, "so we don't have to worry about him anymore."

"I hope your right," Twilight said. Before anyone could say anything else, their teacher stepped inside and they were forced to focus on her.

The rest of the school day went on as normal, with the students each learning which class they were in and about what topics they would be learning that year.

By lunch time, the seniors all met up with their friends to eat and talk.

Flash, Micro and Rarity had just entered the cafeteria after chemistry and saw Twilight and Sunset joining the food line.

"Hey," Flash said as they joined, "how's the day been so far."

"Normal," Sunset said with a smile.

"Well let's hope it stays that way at least for a little while," Rarity said.

They all agreed, as they finally got their food and walked over to the table they saw their friends at. They were talking so much, that they did not notice someone stepping infront of them until Sunset crashed into them.

Before any of them could react, the person managed to catch Sunset and her try before they fell to their floor.

"Sorry," Sunset said as she looked up at the person she had bumped, only for her eyes to go wide at the sight of someone she recognised.


Suddenly Sunset felt someone grab her and pull her off the road, just missing the car.

"Are you okay?" Sunset looked up at the voice, only to see a teen with grey skin, black hair and a scar on his face look down at her.

"I'm fine," she replied, "thank you. I'm sorry I made you do that, you could have been hurt."

The teen smiled down at her and smiled. "It's no problem," he said, "just try and be more careful next time."


"Still not looking where you're going I see," the teen joked as he handed her the try.

"It's you," Sunset said. "You're the one who saved me that one time. I never got the chance to properly thank you."

"Don't worry about it," the teen said.

"It's nice to meet you," Twilight said.

"Yeah," Flash said, "we haven't been introduced. I'm Flash and your..."

The teen suddenly looked panicky as his eyes darted around, before landing on the sight of a spoon that a student had just put down.

"Spoon...Table Spoon," He said.

"Well Spoon," Sunset said, "it's nice to properly meet you. Would you like to sit with the us and our friends?"

"That would be lovely," Table Spoon said.

And so they all sat down with the rest of the Rangers and Mane Six, before talking about their day. "So Spoon darling," Rarity said, "tell us about yourself?"

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "like how you got that wicked scar."

"RAINBOW!" Fluttershy scolded her.

"What?" Rainbow asked.

"I got it in a accident," Spoon said, "I...lost, my father to it and got this."

"Oh," Rainbow said, looking embarrassed about asking. "Sorry."

"It was a long time ago," Spoon replied before looking around. "So, what's everyone's plans after school."

"Sunset and I were planning on working on something we've been tinkering with," Twilight said.

"Yeah," Sunset said, "sorry, top secret."

"That's awesome," Spoon said as he turned to the others. "What about the rest of you?"

"I need to get a part for something I've been working on," Micro said.

"Lyra and I are going to see a movie at the mall," Sweetie said.

"I think I'll just hang out," Sandelwood said.

"I'm heading to the forest," Flash said.

"Looking for more clues about your dad?" Twilight asked, to which Flash simply nodded. "Do you want someone to go with you?"

"Nah," Flash said, "I wouldn't want to mess up your plans. I'll be fine on my own."

"Okay," Twilight said.

Spoon was slightly confused by this, but just shrugged it off and returned to his meal while the rest talked about what they were planning to do.

Rainbow's phone then went off. "Hey cool, text from Soarin."

"Soarin?" Spoon asked.

"A friend of ours who goes to Cloudsdale High," Sunset told him.

"He's asking how our first day of school's going," Rainbow said as she texted back.

"Tell him hi from us," Flash said.

They all agreed and once again began chatting until the bell rang for their next period, where they all split up.

"Which class do you have Table?" Sunset asked as they entered the corridor.

"Oh," Table said, "I have...math...chemin....tology. Bye." With that he turned and rushed down the hallway, leaving the others very confused."

"Weird guy," Sandel said.

"True," Micro said, "but no more then Pinkie." The others all nodded at this and went on to their next class.

Meanwhile Table Spoon watched them leave from behind a corner, before his smile became one of an evil smirk. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a walkie talkie. "Doom," he spoke.

"This is Doom," the dark voice replied.

"Here's the plan," Table said.

<Later That Day>

School had just let out and at Cloudsdale we find Soarin heading towards the back field to practise.

He was spinning the ball on his finger when he came around the corner of the school. He also had his phone out, replying to Rainbow's text. Then suddenly...


Soarin's instincts kicked in and he spun around, but before he could do anything he was surrounded by a freezing cold mist.

Back in Canterlot an hour later, Micro had just left the electronic store.

He looked into his bag to make sure he had the parts he needed, smiling as he saw he did. He turned to head home, when suddenly.


Micro was surrounded by the same freezing cold mist that had gotten Soarin.

Later, across town, Lyra and Sweetie were deciding whether or not to get some popcorn for the movie.

"I don't know," Lyra told her best friend.

"Oh come on," Sweetie said.

"We're not fighting monster everyday anymore," Lyra told her. "Without that, we'll never burn off these calories."

"Well I'm getting some," Sweetie told her, "and don't think of taking any of it because you changed your mind." With that, she moved over to the stand.

Lyra just rolled her eyes, until suddenly someone ran passed her in hast. That person was followed by another and another, until a bunch of people started running passed her in a frantic hast.

"What's going on?" She tried to ask, but before anyone could answer, the freezing mist surrounded her.

Meanwhile Sweetie had gotten her popcorn and was looking for Lyra, when she saw the rushing people running away. Not liking the look of it, she moved over to where they were coming from. But when she rounded the corner, she too was engulfed by the mist.

A little while later, Flash was driving in his sports car towards the forest.

He was singing along to one of his favourite songs on the radio, when suddenly a loud popping sound reached his ears and his car became difficult to control. "What the?" He asked as he managed to pull it to a stop and got out, before looking over his front tyres and saw the right one had a something stuck in it.

Flash kneeled down to take a closer look, seeing that it was a large icicle.

"What's going on," Flash asked as he reached out and pull the icicle out. Examining the icicle, Flash felt like he had seen something like this before.

Flash was so focused on the icicles, that he didn't notice someone watching him from a distance and getting closer.

Pulling out his phone, Flash dialled the first useful name in his contacts. Putting it to his ear, he heard it go to voicemail. "Hay Sunset, the strangest thing just happened-" Before he could finish, his sense of danger finally kicked in and made him notice a presence behind him. He spun around and what he saw, made his eyes go wide.

Back at the school, we find Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow and Sandelwood in the secret base.

Rainbow and Sandel were playing battleships, while Twilight and Sunset were working on some kind of device that was the size of an egg.

"That should do it," Sunset said once they had finished.

"Let's give it a try," Twilight said as she picked it up and pressed the button, before throwing it in the air.

The device suddenly hovered midair in the centre of the room, before it emitted a bright flash of light which then seemed to take solid shape. The next thing they knew, an exact copy of Twilight was standing in the room.

"Whoa!" Rainbow and Sandel said as they saw the duplicate.

"Pretty cool huh," Sunset said with a smirk on her face. "Our holo-projectors can make a prefect holographic image of anything we want it to."

"Rad," Sandel said.

"Agreed," Twilight said as she pressed a button on her keyboard and caused the hologram to emit another flash, which quickly died down to show it had changed to Sunset. "Also they're hard light, so they can actually touch things." To show her point, Twilight picked up a pen and tossed it to the hologram, which managed to catch the pen perfectly.

"Nice," Rainbow said before an idea popped into her head, "hey..."

"We're not letting you use it to skip class," Sunset shot her down as she shut the device off and returned it to her hand.

"Awe," Rainbow whined.

Sunset rolled her eyes as she went to put the device in her bag, only to see her phone lit up and showing she had a message. Picking it up, she answered the voicemail and put it to her ear. After a few seconds, her face changed to a concerned one.

"What's up?" Twilight asked when she saw her face.

"I just got a message from Flash," she replied, "but it died half way through his conversation."

The others didn't like the sound of this, before pulling out their phones.

"Micro's not picking up either," Sandel said.

"Same with Soarin," Rainbow said, a scared look on her face.

"Let's relax okay," Twilight told them. "Just because they're not answering, doesn't mean anything. There could be a bunch of reasons why."

"She's right," Sunset said as they all shared a glance at each other. "Wouldn't hurt to be sure right?"

"Right!" They all agreed before Rainbow, Sandel and Sunset rushed towards the exit.

"I'll keep trying to contact the others," Twilight call after them.

A little while later, the three of them arrived at the forest in Sandel's truck.

"Is this it?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset nodded. "Twilight traced the call to this area and Flash said he was coming here."

"FLASH!" Sandel called out.

"We'll cover more ground if we spread out," Sunset told them.

"Got it," Rainbow said before she zoomed off with her super speed, while Sunset and Sandel went in the opposite direction.

"FLASH!" Sandel called out, "where are you bro!"

Guys!" He heard Sunset yell, causing him to rush over to where he had heard her voice. When he saw her he ran up next to her, before following her vision and seeing Flash's car.

However, the sports car he usually saw Flash driving, was now frozen in a block of ice.

"No way," he said.

"A monster did this," Sunset told him.

"But how? Darklight was destroyed." The two Rangers slowly turned towards each other in concern. "Wasn't he?"

Before Sunset could answer, the two of them suddenly felt a presence behind them and spun around.


Before the two could react, they were surrounded by the freezing cold mist and both cried out.

That cry was heard by Rainbow, who quickly turned to where she had heard it and raced over to them at her top speed. "Hang on!" She cried before finally arriving at the location. Once there, her eyes went wide at what she saw.

Sunset and Sandelwood were both frozen in a block of ice, similar to the one that had encased Flash's car. They were both completely petrified, both showing looks of shock and fear.

"Sunset," she whispered, "Sandel."

"Impressive, wouldn't you say?"

Rainbow quickly spun around and saw a familiar looking ice bodied creature, walking towards her.

"I know you," she said with a look of anger on her face. "Your one of Darklight's monsters."

"Blizzard's the name," the monster replied. "Hope you like to chill, because that's all you'll be doing." With that he pointed both his clawed hands at the teen, before unleashing a cloud of freezing cold mist.

Rainbow reacted quickly, using her super speed to move out of the mists direction and re-positioning herself behind the monster. "Let my friends go!"

"Not a chance. They're going to be added to my collection." With that he threw a large snowball at Rainbow, who once again dodge with her speed. "You can't run forever!" He cried as he unleashed dozens of snowballs.

Rainbow continued to dodge, but eventually a snowball struck her leg and caused it to be encased in a layer of ice. "COLD!" She cried as the pain of the ice ran up her leg.

"That should slow you down," Blizzard said as he created a large snowball, which he intended to throw at her to finish her off.

Suddenly however, a red blur swung down from one of the trees. It stuck Blizzard, sending him flying back and causing his snowball to go flying into the air. The red blur landed on the ground, revealing itself to be Flash.

He moved over to where Rainbow was lain, grabbing a rock as he did. "Hold still," he said as he raised the rock and brought it down, shattering the ice around her leg before helping her up.

"Thanks," Rainbow said.

"You'll pay for that!" Blizzard cried as he got up.

"Get us out of here," Flash told Rainbow.

"But the others?"

"We can't help them if we get captured," Flash told her.

Rainbow frowned hearing this, but nodded and grabbed hold of him. The next thing Blizzard knew, the two disappeared in a streak of rainbow.

"Forget them," the monster said before turning back to the two frozen Rangers. "They'll be back for their friends. SHADES!" A bunch of the cloaked monsters came out of the trees, before moving over to the ice blocks. "Take these two and put them with the others.

When the two managed to get back to school, they found all their friends and the principles in the base.

Twilight was working to try and locate the Rangers, while Luna and Fluttershy were checking Flash and Rainbow.

"You'll be fine," Fluttershy assured Rainbow as she finished bandaging her freezer burned leg.

"So are you," Luna told the Red Ranger.

"Good," Flash said as he stood back up and moved over to where Twilight was working. "Any luck?"

Twilight sighed as she shock her head. "No. I can't find them anywhere. Whoever it is that took them, they're able to block our tracking signal. If they had their Elements or communicators, maybe, but since they don't."

Flash sighed. "How could we be so careless?"

"It's not your fault Flash," Rarity said.

"Yeah," Applejack told him, "you didn't know Blizzard survived."

"It might not be just Blizzard," Celestia said. "Many other monsters might have survived the crash."

"You mean Darklight?" Fluttershy asked in fear.

"No," Flash said, "if Darklight had survived, he wouldn't have waited this long to attack again. My best guess is that the prisoners must have taken over and wants the Elements as much as Darklight did."

Twilight nodded at this, agreeing with him. "And whoever they are, they're much smarter then Darklight. They had a plan, a real plan. They knew we wouldn't be expecting them, so they used that to their advantage."

"So what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

"We save our friends."

They all turned around to see Shining Armor enter the base, causing them all to smile.

"Hey man," Flash told him as he moved over and gave him a firm hand shake. "How'd you know we needed you?"

"Twilight called me," Shining replied.

"When I realised someone might be targeting the Rangers, I informed him and told him to be on guard."

"Which is why I'm here," Shining said. "What's the plan."

"We don't have one yet," Flash told him.

"We need a way to find them," Luna said.

"Isn't it to late for that?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, I saw them frozen in ice. How's anyone suppose to survive that?"

"A normal person wouldn't."

Once again the group turned towards the source of the voice and saw it was the wizard Starswirl.

"But remember, the Rangers are all bonded to an Element. That bond offers certain protections, including freezing to death. But, if we do not act fast they will be destroyed before we can save them."

"I think I know how to get them out of the ice," Twilight said as she moved over to another computer. "Before you defeated Darklight, Sunset and I were working on Magi-Chargers to use against his more common monsters. One of them was a Charger that can unleash a high powered burst of heat, which should melt the ice."

"Perfect," Flash told her, "when can you get it done."

"The programs finished," Twilight told him. "I just need to upload it into a Charger."

Shining smiled. "So once we find them, we can free them with this new Charger?"

"Exactly," Twilight said.

"So how do we find them?" Applejack asked.

"The only thing I can think of," Rarity replied, "is to follow them back to where they're keeping our friends."

"But how do we do that?" Pinkie asked.

As they all thought about it, Rainbow noticed Sunset's bag and suddenly remembered something. "I think I've got an idea."

Back in Canterlot, Blizzard and his Shades were matching through the town.

"This'll get those cowardly Rangers out here," Blizzard said as he began throwing snowballs all over the place.


They turned towards the source of the voice, seeing the Red and Silver Ranger rushing towards them.

"There you are!" Blizzard called out. "Come to join your friends have you?"

"No," Flash said, "we've come to save them."

"You're gonna take us to them," Shining said.

"Oh I'll take you to them," Blizzard replied, "as prisoners!" He unleashed a burst of freezing mist, as Flash and Shining charged head first into the mist. When it cleared, the two Rangers were shown to be trapped mid charge in two blocks of ice. "Easy peasy Ranger freezy," he laughed seeing them. "Take them away." With that, the Shades rushed over and began pushing the ice blocks.

A little while later they arrived at their location, the quarry that Micro and Sandel had found their Elements in, where Flash and Shining were placed alongside the other frozen Rangers.

Blizzard was looking over his captives, when he felt a presence behind him. Turning he saw Havoc, in his armoured form, walking up to him. "As promised master Havoc, eight Power Rangers. Once their destroyed, there'll be nothing to stop you getting the Elements."

"Excellent work," Havoc said as he looked over the eight frozen Rangers, before his gaze landed on Flash and Shining. "These two are morphed, so their Elements are up for grabs." He raised his sword and dealt two powerful slashes to the ice, causing them both to shatter.

Havoc expected to see a pair of decapitated Rangers fall out of the ice, but instead he saw nothing. "What?" He asked as he knelt down and started digging through them, only to find a pair of egg sized devices. "What is this?"


The two turned to the source of the voice, only for the ground to explode around them and send them both flying.

Flash and Shining were standing atop a large rock pile, having followed the monster to the quarry. They then turned towards their frozen teammates, before pulling out a pair of Magi-Chargers that they activated and placed in their Morphin Blasters.


They both fire a trio of shots, which each struck an ice block and super heated it into steam. From the steam the six Rangers leapt out, falling to their knees and gasping for air.

Flash and Shining jumped down from the rock pile, before rushing over to their friends and helping them up. "You okay?" Shining asked.

"Yeah," Micro said.

"I'll never complain about being to hot again," Soarin joked.

"As long as you're all okay," Flash said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bunch of familiar objects. "Looks like we'll be needing these again."

They all smiled as they took their Elements and Magi-Chargers.

"Give me those Elements!"

They all spun around and saw Havoc and Blizzard moving up to them.

"Who's that guy!" Sandel asked.

"I'm Havoc," the monster replied. "Centuries ago, Darklight destroyed my father and stole his ship. Now that he's gone, I'll take my revenge by doing the one thing he never could."

"Taking our Elements," Lyra said.

"Not a chance," Sweetie said.

"We'll see about that," Havoc said.

"Yeah," Flash said as he held up his Charger, "let's. Because it's MORPHIN TIME! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others yelled, before clicking the chargers and placing them inside the Blasters.









"Energise!" They all yelled as they charged up their morphers before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" The eight Zord heads shot out and flew around them, before biting down on them and equipping them in their Ranger suits.

The eight Rangers took a battle stance.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

Shining: Element of Justice...Power Ranger, SILVER!

Sunset: Element of Forgiveness...Power Ranger, GOLD!

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Flash: Power Rangers!


A massive explosion occurred behind them.

"Shades rise!" Havoc yelled as the cloaked monsters emerged from the shadows. "ATTACK!" They all charged forward.

"Magitech!" The Rangers cried as their weapons appeared.

"Thunder Sabre!" Soarin yelled as a bolt of lightning formed his sword.

"Duel Morphin Blaster!" Sunset said as she upgraded her weapon.

"Let's go," Shining cried as they all charged forward.

"Look," Micro said as he shot down a few of the cloaked monsters. "Shades are still ugly."

"And weak," Flash joked as he punched one away.

"And stinky," Sweetie said as she blocked ones attack before slashing it down.

"Fire!" Sunset cried as shot down a bunch of Shades, before unsheathing the blade and using it to slash down a few more.

Seeing his forces being beaten, Havoc decided enough was enough. "I'll get those Elements myself." He raised is sword and charged forward, attempting to slice Flash in two but the Red Ranger saw it coming and managed to dodge.

"You don't get it," Flash said as the two of them duelled. "No matter how hard you try, you'll never beat us."

"Who said I'm trying at all?" Havoc said, before his sword glowed and he unleashed several slashes to the Red Ranger. Flash was struck several times and sent flying back, crashing into another rock pile and crashing into the ground. "That was me trying," Havoc said as he raised his sword to finish Flash off. But before he could deal the killing blow, he started to flinch in pain. "Not now," he said as she stepped away from Flash. "I'm running out of energy."

"What?" Flash asked as he watched his foe rush off.

Havoc ran passed a rock pile out of sight, just before he was consumed by blue energy and reverted to his human form. "Damn it," he said as he began to walk off. "They can't know who I am."

"Spiral Slash!" Sandel yelled as he used his two weapons to cut several Shades down.

"Serpent Staff!" Lyra cried as she used her weapon to slash down several Shades, before grabbing one and tossing it at the others.

Suddenly a group of Shades lined up and prepared to charge at her, but in that moment Soarin flew in and slashed them all down with a single strike. "Two slow," he told them as he landed.

Shining meanwhile was using his highly tuned fighting skills to knock them all down, using chops, kicks, and punches. "I'm not even breaking a sweat," he said.

Soon almost all the Shades were taken out, leaving only Blizzard to deal with.

"You guys go," Sunset said as she continued to blast and slash at the last few Shades. "I'll handle these clowns."

"Got it!" The rest said as they charged at Blizzard.

"You think you can stop me?" Blizzard asked, before unleashing a burst of freezing mist.

"Not this time," Flash said as he pulled out his blaster and placed the new Magi-Charger in it. "Flame Burst!" He pulled the trigger and shot a fireball, which flew through the mist and struck Blizzard.

"AAARRR!" He cried as he was sent flying back.

"Great shot," Lyra told Flash.

Flash just nodded as he pulled out another Magi-Charger. "Let's end this. Guardian Buster, activate!" He threw the Charger into the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."

Flash placed his Charger in the main compartment and shut it, causing the white streaks along the blaster to turn red.


"Magi-Charger," Soarin cried as he held up his own charger and activated it, before placing it inside his Thunder Sabre.


Electricity surged up the blade as Soarin swung it around.

Shining smashed his right fist into his left palm, as it glowed a silver light. "Power Ranger!"

As Flash aimed the weapon at monster, Lyra and Micro placed their hands on his shoulders and hips while Sandal and Sweetie did so to them. "Guardian Buster, Dragon Blast...FIRE!"

Soarin swung his blade down, unleashing a bolt of lightning. "Thunder Sabre...STRIKE!"

Shining spun around and with all his might he punched the air. "Ultimate Justice...PUNCH!"

The three attacks flew at the monster, who was unable to defend himself and was struck. He cried out as the explosion engulfed him.

The seven Rangers all cheered, as Sunset rushed over to them having beaten the Shades.

Back at the ship, Havoc stormed into the bridge.


Cogs rushed over to him, looking scared at what might happen to him. "Yes master Havoc?"

"Is the Gigatisor back online?"

"Yes," Cogs replied, "I just finished connecting it to the satellite."

"Then FIRE!"

A Shade nodded and rushed over to the big red button, before slamming down on it.

Outside the ship, the mechanical arm extended before firing a red beam into the air. That mean shot into space, where it struck a satellite they had hijacked and bounced back off it towards the ground.

Back with the Rangers, they were all still cheering when the beam came down and struck Blizzard. In an explosion, the ten story monster was revealed.

"Did ya'h miss me?" He asked.

"What?" Flash asked as they looked up at him. "Their Gigatisor still works?"

"We can handle this," Sunset said as she pulled out her Magi-Charger.

"Right," Flash agreed as he and Shining did the same.

"Magi-Chargers...ready!" They cried as they activated them, before tossing the Chargers into the air. "Summon Zords!"

The three Chargers flew through the air, before arriving at their Zord's locations and snapping into their mouths.


The three Zords activated, before rushing out of their hiding spots and making their way towards their Rangers.

Seeing them coming, the Rangers all leapt into the Phoenix Zord's cockpit. The three Zords then turned towards each other.


And just like that, the three Zords transformed and linked together to form the humanoid robot that was just as big as Blizzard.


"Let's send this ice pop packing," Flash said.

"RIGHT!" The others agreed as the Megazord charged forwards.

"Time for a cold snap," Blizzard cried as he unleashed a cloud of freezing mist.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" Sunset cried out as the Megazord's wings ignited and unleashed a barrage of fireballs, which flew through the mist and struck Blizzard.

"Mino-Claw!" Shining yelled as the Megazord charged forwards and grabbed the weakened monster around the waist.

"Let me go!" Blizzard cried as he struggled against the Megazord's grip.

"GLADLY!" They all yelled as the Megazord spun around and tossed him into the air.

"Let's end this," Flash said.

The others all nodded, before beginning to move and speak in perfect unison. "ULTIMATE FIREBALL FINISH!"

Their Megazord's Phoenix wings ignited once again, before the flames flew into the Dragon Zord's mouth.

"Three!" They said as they pulled their weapons out of the podiums.

"Two!" They aimed the weapons at the monster.

"ONE!" They pulled the trigger.

"FIRE!" The fireball flew out the Dragon's mouth, creating an flaming arrow which flew at the monster.

"AAAARRRR!" Blizzard screamed as he was consumed by the fire. "I'm melting! What a world!" With that, he succumb to flames and was destroyed.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash chanted as they watched to explosion, "victory is ours!"

Havoc watched his monster be destroyed as he sat in Darklight's old thorn with his legs over the arm and a bag of popcorn in his hands.

"Those Rangers are smarter then I gave them credit for," he said as stuffed the popcorn in his mouth. "It matters not. Unlike that idiot Darklight, I will find a way to defeat them and take their Elements."

"Where have we heard that before," Heart said as she, Doom and Cogs stood by the door.

"What was that?" Havoc asked her off handedly.

"No...nothing master Havoc," Heart then whimpered.

"I'm not keeping you lot around to do nothing," Havoc said without even looking at them. "Make yourselves useful."

"Yes sir," they all said as they left the room.

"Oh," Havoc said as he stuffed another load of popcorn in his mouth. "I...am gonna have some fun."

As the sun began to set, the eight Rangers returned to the base.

"Guys!" Twilight called out as they walked through the door. "You're all okay."

"Thanks to Flash and Shining," Sunset replied with a smile.

"Maybe," Flash said, "but we couldn't have done it without Rainbow's brilliant idea."

"Aww," Rainbow said as she scratched the back of her head. "It was nothing. Twilight and Sunset should really get all the credit. It was their inventions which saved the day."

"You are all to be praised for your efforts this day," Starswirl said as they all gathered around him. Each of you has a part to play, not matter how small it is. And we will need all the help we can get, now that this new threat has arrived."

"He's right," Celestia said as she moved over to where the Elements now rested. "We now have eight of the ten Elements."

"And we know someone found and bonded to the Element of Adventure," Sweetie said. "Because the Manticore Zord is awake."

"Exactly," Soarin said. "We need to find this Orange Ranger."

"And the Element of Darkness," Micro agreed.

"And once we do," Starswirl explained, "I can continue my mission as protector of the Elements."

"But we gotta be careful," Lyra said.

"She's right," Flash agreed. "Whoever this Havoc guy is, he's smart. If it had been Darklight he would have just attacked us out of the blue. This guy knew we'd be off guard and used that to his advantage."

"This battle might be even harder then our last one," Sandel said.

"You guys can do it," Applejack assured them

"Yeah," Pinkie agreed before singing, "because you're the Power Rangers!"

The others all laughed at this, as Starswirl nodded.

"This battle truly will be a testament to everything you've learned. When you succeed, you will each go down in legend as the greatest Guardians to have ever been known.

The Rangers all liked the sound of that.

"Legendary Guardians huh," Flash said with a smile. "Has a nice ring to it."

Author's Note:

So...first chapter. Tell me what you think