• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,449 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

Not So Sweet Dreams

It was just another school day at Canterlot High, but the school was a buzz. Last night, an earthquake had occurred in the city and many of the surrounding areas.

Luckily the city was at the very edge of the quake, so it had only been a light tremor to them.

In the last science class of the day, everyone was so enthusiastic. This was because their newest teacher, Dusk Shadow, had chosen to give a lecture involving earthquakes. Dusk was walking around the side of the class, talking about how earthquakes occurred while the students watched slides that were being projected.

Everyone in class was listening to what he said, all completely hooked on the story he was telling. Even Rainbow was paying attention, a small miracle in its own right.

"And so the tectonic energy begins to build, causing more and more pressure on the plates. Eventually it becomes to much and the linked rocks break, releasing the energy and sending out seismic shock-waves that rock the earth." He clicked a button on his remote and the picture projected changed. "The magnitude of the quake, depends on the amount of tectonic energy that is stored and released. As such-" He did not get to finish, as in that moment the bell rang.

The students all began packing their equipment, as Dusk switched off the projector and switched on the lights.

"For homework, everyone read chapters three though five. I'll be giving a quiz on those subjects in our next lesson."

Everyone nodded and started filing out the classroom, as Flash, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow walked over to him.

"So," Flash said, "enjoying your new career?"

"Indeed I am," Dusk replied as he started packing his brief case. "I can see now why Starswirl chose to teach. It truly is fulfilling."

"I doubt every teacher you meet would say the same thing," Rarity replied to him.

"Well not all teachers are as entertaining as him," Rainbow told her.

"She's right," Twilight agreed. "Your lectures are both informative and entertaining. That's something that takes a lot of skill to pull off."

"The fact you got Rainbow to listen proves that," Flash said. He then yelped in pain as the teen speedster kicked him in the ankle, making him hop in place as everyone laughed.

Dusk chuckled at this, seeing people laughing and enjoying life a great change from what his life was like before. He did not think he would ever get to be happy again, but he was glad to be proven wrong.

Suddenly all their communicators went off, Twilight being the first to respond. "What's up?"

"We're not sure," Luna replied. "You all might want to come see for yourselves."

They all agreed as Twilight cut the call before the five of them rushed towards the base, arriving there not five minutes later. There they saw the rest of their friends gathered around the holotable, which was showing map like images of a forest area. On the map was a red pulsing circle.

"What's going on?" Flash asked.

"We're not sure," Celestia replied. "We started picking up strange readings coming from the sector." She pointed to the circle.

"Isn't that where the earthquake was centred?" Soarin asked.

"It was," Sunset said as she typed away at the computer. "The signal's weak, so we think the tectonic shifts might have uncovered it so we could pick it up."

"What's the signal?" Lyra asked.

"That's the thing," Luna said. "The signal's similar to the telebolt trace we could pick up from Darklight's ship."

"So your saying something used that?" Dusk asked.

"It's possible," Celestia agreed. "The telebolt does leave a distinctive background radiation, that's how we used to track Darklight's monsters. If something used it to come here, then we should be concerned."

Starswirl, who had been staring at the image of the screen intensely, hummed as he did. Then his eyes went wide before he turned to the others. "Celestia, can you bring up an image of how this area would have looked about two hundred and fifty years ago?"

Celestia was confused by this, but nodded and moved over to the computer. She pressed several buttons, causing the image on screen to change. The new image was similar to the last one, but there were a few differences to it.

Starswirl stared at the map and gasped before turning to the Rangers, his face one of serious focus. "You need to get out there right now!"

The Rangers were all confused. "Why?" Sandal asked.

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "what's the problem?"

"No time to explain," Starswirl said. "You need to get there now. Take one of the Zords, hurry!"

Not wanting to argue with the wise old man, the eight Rangers turned towards the door and rushed out. The rest of the gang turned to Starswirl.

"Ya'd better get explaining," Applejack said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah," Pinkie agreed. "What are you wigging out about?"

Starswirl turned back to the holotable. "That area is where I trapped a monster that almost destroyed the entire world. If it gets out, we may face the same issue."

Everyone looked at each other in concern, not liking the sound of what he said.

The area they were heading to was close to the wildlife preserve they had found the Basilisk Zord in.

Since it was the fastest one, the Rangers were riding the Thunderbird Zord to the area and were soon there. When they were above it, they leapt out of the Zord and landed on the ground. They were in a clearing, surrounded by trees.

"This is the spot the readings were suppose to be coming from," Sunset said.

"So where the thing that's emitting the signal?" Soarin asked as he looked around.

Micro pulled out his energy detector and began to scanning the area. "I've got the signal, still weak though."

Flash activated his communicator. "Okay Starswirl, what next?"

"Follow the signal and look for a cave," the wizard's voice replied. "Once you find it, do whatever you can to block it up."

"Alright," Lyra said.

Flash cut the call before he and the others followed Micro, his scanner picking up stronger readings as they kept an eye out for this cave. They stepped into the wooded area, but so far nothing looked out of the ordinary.

"See anything?" Dusk asked after about twenty minutes.

"The readings are remaining the same," Micro told him.

Sweetie nodded. "And I don't see any-"

"There!" Soarin cried as he pointed in one direction. The others followed his finger and saw what he did, a small hilly area covered by trees and grass. In the side of the hill was a small opening, with many different sized rocks piled around it.

The Rangers all rushed over to the opening, with Dusk and Sandal kneeling down to take a look at the rocks on the ground.

"These things are old," Sandal told them. "Like really old."

"Agreed," Dusk said as he looked at the entrance, "and by the looks of things they've been here a really long time. They must have been blocking the entrance, but the earthquake caused them to fall."

Micro stepped into the hole, which seemed to slop downwards, and pointed his scanner inside. The readings picked up, indicating one thing. "The single's coming from in there."

"These rocks must have been dampening the signal," Lyra said.

"Like how that wall dampened my Elements readings," Flash said as he picked up a rock. "They must be made of the same material."

Sunset lifted her communicator and opened up a channel. "Alright, we've found the cave. What now?"

"First you need to see if the seal I placed on the inside is still secure, then you need to reseal the entrance."

Alright," Flash said as he dropped the rock, "Dusk, Sunset, Micro and me will check inside. The rest of you start getting the rocks ready to be put back into place."

The others nodded and the two groups got to work, with Flash's stepping into the cave and slowly making their way down the tunnel. It did not go very deep, so it did not take long for them to arrive at the end.

There they came across a large stone wall, which Flash used his phone to illuminate. The wall was covered in different shapes and symbols, but the most noticeable thing was the large crack running down the middle.

Dusk and Sunset took a closer look, both amazed at what they were seeing. "It's ancient Equestrian?" Sunset said.

"Maybe by your standards," Dusk said. "It was a well known dialect when I was there."

"What's it say?" Micro asked them.

Dusk took a second to read it, trying to remember the language after a thousand years. "It's some kind of containment enchantment, but I've never seen one of this calibre."

"Whatever's locked behind there must be really dangerous," Sunset said.

"Which is why we can't let it get out," Flash told them before pointing at the crack. "Is that gonna effect the enchantments power?"

Dusk studied it for a moment. "No, it should be fine. As long as is sustains no more damage."

But in that moment, the earth began to shake around them. The cave's walls began dropping small stones on top of them.

"What the?" Soarin asked outside the cave.

"Another earthquake," Lyra said.

Sweetie screamed into the cave. "GUYS, GET OUT OF THERE!"

"Couldn't agree more," Flash said. "Come on!" He and the others rushed back up the tunnel, as the quake got stronger. They were so focused on getting out, that they did not realise the crack on the wall was growing bigger.

Suddenly more cracks began to appear, followed by something else. A bright light, seeping through the cracks and making them grow quicker.

"I'm free!"

The Rangers finally made it out of the cave, just as the earthquake was beginning to wind down. Eventually the rattling stopped and the Rangers did not have to try and keep their balance.

"Everyone okay?" Flash asked as they got their bearings

"We're good," Soarin said with everyone else agreeing.

"That was unexpected," Sandal said.

Flash's communicator beeped. "You guys alright?" Twilight's concerned voice asked.

"We're good," Flash told her. "A little shaken up, but fine all the same."

"What of the seal?" Starswirl asked.

"It looked fine before the quake," Micro said.

"What about now?"

The team were about to go back in a check again, but as they moved over to the entrance something caught their eye. A bright light, coming from the caves depths, getting bigger by the second.

Realisation hit them and made them all realise it was not getting bigger, it was getting closer.

"Look out!" Flash cried, but it was too late. The light shot passed them, the force of it knocking all eight of them off their feet.

They quickly recovered and jumped back to their feet. "What was that?" Soarin asked.

"I think we're about to find out," Lyra said as she pointed over at where the light had flown.

The light quickly faded, revealing its source to be the cross between a sheep and a human with spiral horns. It wore a pink wonsie. The sheep monster landed on the ground before it began to stretch its body, while also yawning.

"It's good to feel the sun on my horns again," it said with a feminine voice. "I've been locked in that dusty old cave for too long."

The Rangers all shared a confused expression. "This is what Starswirl was worried about?" Soarin asked.

The creature froze when she heard him say that. "Starswirl, you mean you know that kooky wizard who locked me in there for two hundred and fifty years?"

"Yeah," Flash replied, "we do. And if he thought you needed locking up, then so do we." The Rangers pulled out their gear. "It's Morphin Time. Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others yelled as they activated their Chargers and placed them in their Morphers.









"Energise!" They pointed them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" The eight Rangers pulled the trigger and fired the energy shots, which transformed into their Zord heads and bit down upon them before exploding in a burst of light. Then the light faded, revealing Rangers suited up and and each taking a battle stance.

Flash: Power Rangers!


The monster was unimpressed, as her horns began to glow. "Horn Bomber!" From them fired a bunch of energy beams, which flew at the Rangers at high speed.

The eight Rangers pulled out their swords and began slashing the attacks down before Flash, Soarin and Sandal charged at her. They raised their weapons, ready to slash her, but in that moment.

"Wool Guard!" The wool shot off her head, form a cocoon like structure around her. The three Rangers struck the cocoon, but their swords just bounced off it.

"What the?" Flash asked before the cocoon exploded, sending wool at him and the others. Not seeing this coming, the Rangers did not defend themselves and were all sent flying.

The monster laughed seeing this before turning away, looking up at the sky. "Time to make that old coot pay from trapping me." With that, she leapt into the air and disappeared into the sky.

"Where's she going?" Sweetie asked.

"To cause trouble no doubt," Lyra said." Let's call the Thunderbird and Phoenix and go after her."

"Right," the others agreed.

Up in space, the monster had just arrived in the upper atmosphere. She turned towards the earth, as her horns once again began to vibrate.

"Nighty night," she said as the horns unleashed sonic waves that flew towards the planet. "Napping Wave!"

The Rangers were about to call their Zords, when the wave suddenly struck them.

"Let's go...hhhooohhh," Flash yawned along with everyone except Sunset and Dusk.

"You guys okay?" Sunset asked.

"I'm suddenly really sleepy," Sweetie said as she rubbed the area of her visor that her eye would be.

"Same here," Soarin agreed as he stretched his body.

One by one, the Rangers slowly fell to the ground and demorphed. Seconds later they were each snoring gently. Dusk and Sunset rushed to them and shook them, but they did not get any response.

"Guys," Sunset opened the communicator channel, "the others just fell asleep."

"I was afraid of this," Starswirl said. "Everyone's asleep here too, along with half the planet. Twilight detected an energy wave coming from space, but she fell asleep before she could track its origin."

"Is this because of that monster?" Dusk asked.

"It is. Two hundred and fifty years ago it appeared and started putting people to sleep. I realised if it wasn't stopped, the ones afflicted would eventually starve to death."

"What do we do?" Sunset asked.

"For now you need to get the others back here, before Chaos decides to use this opportunity to try and steal your Elements."

"Alright," Dusk said, "we'll fly back in the Phoenix"

Sunset nodded and pulled out her Magi-Charger, activating it and summoning her Zord.

Dusk frowned at this. "Although, he probably already knows what's happening. With only two Rangers awake, we're in serious trouble."

Up in space, Chaos, Havoc and Cogs were watching the image of the monster on their computer screen.

Then the doors to the bridge opened and Dust stepped in, followed by a monster that looked similar to the others except he wore a blue wonsie.

"You wanted to see me master?" The monster asked.

"Yes Dozer," Chaos replied before pointing at the screen. "Look who we found."

Dozer turned to the screen and gasped seeing who one on it. "Slumber! She's alive!"

"I'd sure like to know how?" Havoc said before turning to Cogs. "You said she and several other prisoners were destroyed when the Entity got loose."

"We thought she did," Cogs said. He then thought for a moment, humming. "Then again, we did find the Entity in the telebolt control room. It's possible it followed her in there and she escaped just before it could get her."

"That would explain it," Chaos said. He stood up and looked up at Slumber, humming as he thought. "This might be just the opportunity we've been looking for."

Havoc was confused by this. "But if we go down there, won't we fall under her sleeping spell?"

"No we won't," Chaos replied. "You see son, both Dozer and Slumber share a critical weakness. One I used to defeat them before."

Havoc turned to Dozer, obviously expecting an answer.

Dozer sighed. "Our abilities only work on those who originate from the universe we use it in."

"Exactly," Chaos replied. "Since none of us are from this universe, neither he nor his sister have any control over us."

Havoc smiled at this. "I get it. So what's the plan?"

"The Rangers still have two members who will be unaffected, so we'll deal with them first." He turned to the sheep man monster. "Dozer will head down and call them out, which the fools will obviously recall too. In the mean time, we'll make sure his sister keeps doing what she's doing. Cogs!"

"Yes master Chaos?" Cogs asked.

"Aim the Gigatisor at Slumber and grow her. The bigger she is, the more powerful her sleep waves will be."

"Yes master," Cogs replied as he got to work.

"You'd better get down there Dozer," Chaos tapped his staff and created a portal.

"I'm on it master," Dozer replied before jumping into it.

Back at the base, Sunset and Dusk had finally returned and brought their sleeping friends with them.

However, no matter what they did they could not get any of them to wake up. "Come on," Sunset said as she waved some smelling salts under Twilight's nose. But it was useless, she did not even twitch.

Sunset sighed. "This spell is strong."

Starswirl nodded in agreement. "That monsters abilities haven't weaken, even after two hundred and fifty years in captivate."

Dusk, who had been scanning the atmosphere for Slumber's location, looked up at them. "And it's not just the city, but half the earth's population. The half pointed towards this monster. If we don't do something soon, everyone effected will starve or worse."

Sunset stood up and turned towards Starswirl. "You've fought that monster before. Any idea how we stop it?"

Starswirl sighed and turned away. "If I knew that, I would have done it back when I first battled that monster."

"How did your first battle with her go?" Dusk asked. "Maybe we can come up with a stratagy to stop her."

"It went badly," Starswirl replied. "While I hunted for the Elements, I came across a village where everyone was asleep. I knew instantly that it was caused by some kind of magic and hunted for its cause, eventually discovering that monster. For some reason, her magic did not effect me."

"Same with the two of us," Sunset said. "What makes us so special?"

"I was unsure at the time," Starswirl said. "But now I believe I understand. What sets us aside from everyone else here, or on earth."

The two thought for a moment before realising. "We're not from this world," Dusk said.

"Exactly," Starswirl replied. "Whether it is just Equestrians or any being from other worlds, I do not know. What I do know, is that we must destroy that monster before it is too late."

In that moment, a siren went off and the three of them moved over to the computer. There they saw a red beam of light hit Slumber, causing her explode. When the smoke cleared, a giant version of her now floated in space.

"Looks like we found her," Dusk said.

"Then let's go get her," Sunset said. "The Phoenix Zord can get up to her."

"Then let's go." But before Dusk and Sunset could react, another siren caught their attention and when they looked at the screen they saw Dozer and some Shades causing havoc in Canterlot.

"Come on out Ranger!" Dozer yelled out. "If you don't, I'll have my Shades attack all these sleeping innocent people."

"Another one?" Starswirl asked.

"Guess we know where the first one came from," Sunset said. "What do we do now?"

The two Rangers turned to Starswirl, looking for an answer. With wizard thought for a moment before nodding. "You'll have to split up. Sunset, you head into space and stop the first one. Dusk, you deal with the second. Hopefully you can hold it off until Sunset can destroy the other, which is sure to wake the others up."

The two nodded and rushed off, leaving the wizard alone. The old man turned to the still sleeping members of his team. "Why do I always cause problems to those around me?" He asked himself as he sat down. His mind flashed back to all the times he had gone up against a great foe, and each time he had never been able to defeat them. All he could ever do was trap them somewhere, hoping that would be the end of it.

"But look how well that turned out," Starswirl said to himself. The Dazzlings, this monster and heck, his first plan for dealing with the Pony of Shadows was to banish it to another dimension. Never had he been able to actually defeat a threat, only ever delaying it's advance until a real hero could come along and defeat it. "Seems that's what I'll have to do again here," he sighed.

Dusk raced through the city on his Magicycle, being careful not to run over anyone who was sleeping on the ground.

Finally he arrived at the area that the monsters were causing mayhem, spotting them and Dozer as they smashed windows and broke down doors. Pulling his bike up to a stop, Dusk leapt off it and rushed towards them.

"This ends now!" He cried as he pulled out his sword and started slashing the Shades down, getting the attention of the monster.

"Only one?" Dozer asked. "Where's the other one?"

"Dealing with the other one of you," Dusk replied. He then blocked a Shade's dagger before slashing it down, then doing the same with the others around him. "Once she's dealt with, my friends will be free."

"Not likely," Dozer said. "My sister's tougher then she looks. Besides, your friend won't even get the chance to fight her."

"What?" Dusk asked.

The Phoenix Zord had just launched and was making its way up to space.

Sunset was in the cockpit, typing in the coordinates that they had last detected Slumber in. "I should be there in a few minutes," she said as she reached the upper atmosphere. But in that moment.


The entire Zord shook, causing Sunset to almost fall off her podium. "What the?" She picked herself up and looked to the screen. But she could not see anything, at first.

Suddenly from out of nowhere, the Dark Fortress appeared infront of her.

"Oh no," Sunset said.

Suddenly the Dark Fortress started to fire lasers at the Zord, forcing it to take evasive maneuvers to dodge them. The lasers were so powerful, that the blast from the explosions sent shock-waves that caused the Zord to shake. Eventually the laser stopped, but the Zord was still in an unsteady flight.

"This is bad," Sunset said as she tried to regain control..

In the Dark Fortress, Chaos and his minions were on high alert as they they battled against the Phoenix Zord.

"Lasers charging," Cogs said from his station. "They'll be back to full power in one minute."

"Target that Zord and fire everything we have," Chaos told them. "We'll destroy it and the Ranger inside, then take the Element from the wreckage."

"Are you even sure it'll survive?" Havoc asked his father.

"The Elements are almost indestructible," Chaos said. "I test that fact on the Element of Darkness. It will survive."

"Then let's destroy that Zord," Dust said.

"Lasers back online," Cogs said. "Locking on.

"FIRE!" Chaos cried. The Dark Fortress firing its attacks and forcing the Zord to once again start dodging.

"Oh no," Starswirl said as he watched Sunset in trouble. He then switched th feed to Dusk. "We have a problem. Sunset's being attacked by the Dark Fortress.

"That's not good," he heard Dusk say as he cut down another Shade.

"Any ideas on how she can beat them?"

"My memories about the Dark Fortress are still a little scattered," the Black Ranger replied. "I'm sorry but she's on her own."

Starswirl frowned.

As Dusk continued to fight off the Shades, Dozer watched him with interest.

"Whoever he's talking to must be in the same place as the other Rangers," he guessed. "That means..." He chuckled as his horns began to glow. "HEY!" He cried, getting Dusk's attention.

The Black Ranger looked around and saw Dozer's glowing horns. Before he could act however, they shot a beam of light and him and struck his helmet.

"Augh!" He cried as he staggered back and held his helmet. "What the?"

Starswirl had also seen the beam hit Dusk, but when it did the screen went blank as lightning shot out the computer.

The wizard was so busy protecting himself from it, that he did not see the lightning hit all his friends. Eventually the lightning surge stopped and Starswirl could get closer to the computer, only to find it had gone completely dead. "Come on," he said as he tried to reboot.

But in that moment, he heard movement and looked up. There he saw Flash and the other Rangers picking themselves up, all holding their heads.

"What happened?" Sweetie asked

"I don't know," Micro said.

"You're awake!" Starswirl cheered as he moved over to them. He also saw the others were still asleep. "But how?"

Everyone turned to him, only to frown or glare at him.

"Chaos!" Flash cried as he and the Rangers pulled out their blasters and pointed them at him.

Starswirl staggered back in surprise. "What?"

Lyra stepped forwards. "I don't know how you found our base, but you're gonna wish you hadn't."

"Rangers," Starswirl said, "it's me. Starswirl."

"You're threats don't scare us," Soarin said.

Starswirl did not understand what was happening to them, until he looked into their eyes and saw the lifelessness in them. They were still asleep, and somehow whatever that monster did made them sleepwalk. They thought he was Chaos.

"Now tell us how you found our base?" Sweetie said.

"Or else," Sandal said.

"Rangers," Starswirl said. Maybe he could talk them out of it.

But in that moment, Flash fired a blast that he barely managed to block with his magic. "We told you, your threats don't scare us."

So much for talking them out of it. They were obviously hearing something completely different to what Starswirl was saying, leaving him only one choice.

"I'm sorry," he said before waving his staff and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

The Rangers lowered their blasters and turned towards the door, the command Dozer had sent them taking effect.

"Back up in space, Sunset and the Phoenix Zord continued to evade the onslaught of laser fire coming from the Dark Fortress. She had tried to outmanoeuvre them and head to Slumbers location, but the space station had been able to keep on her like the plague.

"No choice," she said to herself. "If being defensive won't work, then I'll have to go on the offence. Activate, Phoenix Wing Megazord!"


Now in its robot form, the Megazord turned towards the Dark Fortress.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" Sunset cried, as her mecha's wings ignited before launching multiple fireballs at the space station. But as they got closer to the Dark Fortress, an energy shield appeared around it and deflected the flames. "A force field?"

"Particle Barrier holding," Cogs said.

"Continue diverting thirty percent of our power to the shields," Chaos explained. "Sixty percent of it remains in the weapons. And the last ten percent, into all necessary functions."

"Understood," Cogs replied.

"Locking on target," Havoc said as he started aiming at the Megazord with the ships blasters. "Fire!" They started shooting lasers at her, with the Megazord flying around wildly to dodge them.

Phoenix-Wing then spun around to face them before firing another barrage of fireballs, each hitting the laser and destroying them. Then from out of the explosion, the Megazord shot towards the Dark Fortress.

"Phoenix Fist!" Sunset screamed as he Megazord's right fist ignited before it tried to punch the station, only to once again hit the barrier. The Megazord bounced off the shield, flying back the way it until it eventually stopped. "that shield's to strong," she said.

The Dark Fortress once again started firing, forcing her to dodge them.

"I hope Dusk's having better luck then I am."

Thankfully, the Black Ranger was having better luck.

Though Dozer's blast had confused him and knocked out his communicator, he quickly managed to recover and continued to take the Shades down.

Again and again he slashed at them. "One, two three!" He said as he cut them down, one by one. He then turned to the remaining Shades, who were all huddled together, and knew how he could deal with them. He pointed his sword to the left and began drawing a circle in the air, the image of the moon appearing behind him as he did. "Full-Moon...SLICER!" He spun around and swung his sword through the air, sending the energy blade flying at the Shades. It struck them and exploded, destroying them and leaving Dusk and Dozer alone.

"My Shades!" The sheep man monster cried.

"Just you and me," he said as he pointed Nightfang at him.

Dozer looked petrified, but that quickly disappeared and he began to chuckle. "I wouldn't say that." He nodded behind the Ranger, making spin around see what he meant.

Moving towards him were the other Rangers, all riding their Magicycles towards them.

Dusk smiled. "You're all awake. Sunset must have destroyed the other one."

"Hold on Dusk," Flash cried out. "We're here to help."

He noticed their bike's blasters beginning to charge their blasters, expecting them to fly past him and hit Dozer. They each fired a blast, but strangely the lasers looked like they were heading towards the Black Ranger.

"What!?" Dusk asked when he realised this. The lasers got closer to him, not giving him time to dodge or block, causing him to flinch as he heard the sound of the lasers exploding. But he did not feel any pain.

Opening his eyes he saw he was inside a magic bubble, which had protected him from the blasts. "What the?"


The Black Ranger looked around and saw Starswirl, his staff glowing the same colour as the bubble, stepping out of an alley.

"The Rangers are still under the monsters spell," he explained. "They must think you're an enemy."

"But they called out to me?" Dusk asked. In that moment, the Rangers all shot passed him and raced over to Dozer.

They pulled their bikes to a stop and got off their bikes before stepping over to the monster, who chuckled at this.

"Sorry we're late Dusk," Sandal said.

"You're here now," Dozer said. "That's what matters."

Dusk could not believe this. "They think he's me."

Starswirl moved over to him as he lowered his shield. "That bolt he hit you with sent some kind of control signal to them. It made them begin to sleepwalk and they saw me as Chaos."

Flash stepped forwards. "So what's this, a father son day out."

"It's true what they say," Lyra said. "The family that fights together, is destroyed together."

"They must think you're Havoc," Starswirl said.

"Great," Dusk said.

"Magitech!" The Rangers called out as they activated their weapons.

"Summon Thunder Sabre!" Soarin cried as his sword appeared in a bolt of lightning.

"Let's get them!" Dozer said as he pointed at them.

"RIGHT!" The Rangers yelled as they charged towards their teammates.

"Wait Rangers!" Dusk cried as he did. "We're not you're enemies."

"Wrong Havoc!" Flash cried as he tried punching Dusk with his Dragon Breaker, which Dusk managed to dodge. "You're the ones going down."

"They can't hear you," Starswirl explained as he blocked Soarin's sword with his staff. "The monsters filtering it somehow." He pushed Soarin back, just as Lyra's Serpent Staff grabbed his staff and tried to pull it from his grasp.

"So what do we do!" Dusk asked as he dodged both of Micro and Sweetie's blasters before blocking Flash's punch.

Starswirl managed to free his staff from Lyra's grasp, just as Sandal tried slashing him with his blades. "Hold out until Sunset can destroy that monster, it's our only hope."

"That won't be happening," Dozer told them. "Against the Dark Fortress, your friend is gonna be space dust soon enough."

"You're wrong," Dusk cried as he pushed Flash back. "She will defeat her, I promise you."

Dozer just laughed. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Up in space, Sunset and her Megazord were still having trouble.

The Dark Fortress was still firing wave after wave of laser fire at her, making it impossible for her to head to Slumber's location. Plus the fact that the energy shield surrounding it was still online and protecting it.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" She cried as her Megazord's wings once again ignited and sent fireballs at the lasers, destroying them before they could hit her. She then fired another fireball barrage, this one aimed at the space station, only for them to hit the force field and explode.

Sunset groaned. "Doesn't that ship have any kind of weakness?"

The Dark Fortress once again started firing, forcing her to take evasive maneuvers. She saw she was near the moon and thought about maybe hiding in one of its craters, but that idea was quickly dismissed when she realised Chaos would likely just destroy it to get to her. "Who knows what that would do," she said as she had her mecha fly away from it.

"She's changed direction again," Dust told his master as he watched her move.

"But why?" Havoc asked. "She could have hidden in one of the moon's creators, so why didn't she."

Chaos chuckled. "She's scared of what we might do to it." He turned to Cogs. "This planet is reliant of the moon is it not?"

Cogs nodded. "If it were destroyed, the fragments would fall to earth as asteroids and do untold damage."

Chaos chuckled. "And as a Power Ranger, it's her duty to stop anything like that from happening." He stood up and pointed at the moon. "Target it with the Power Stunner!"

"But that won't damage the moon?" Cogs told him.

"I know," Chaos replied. "NOW DO IT!"

They all nodded and got to work.

Soon enough, Sunset realised they were no longer firing on her. Had they given up?

The Megazord spun around and looked over at the Dark Fortress, only to see it was moving closer to the moon. Then from out of the side, an opening appeared and from it came a large cannon like weapon which was pointed at the moon.

"Oh no," the Gold Ranger whispered as she realised what they were doing. "NO!" The Megazord shot towards them.

She watched as the cannon started to charge up, sparks of electricity shooting out of the end as it did. She doubled her Megazord's speed, pushing it to its limit, as the cannon fired at the moon.

The beam of light blue light shot out of his, heading towards the moon's surface. But before it could hit it, Phoenix Wing got in the way and was struck.

"AAAAARRRRR!" Sunset screamed as the energy flowed through her Megazord, electrocuting her and shorting out the mecha's systems. The blast had also sent the Megazord flying away from the moon before it went completely limp.

Back with Dusk and Starswirl, the two found themselves in big trouble.

With their opponents being their friends, the two could do nothing but defend. This meant that they were getting their behinds handed to them by the six Rangers and Dozer.

Right now the two had just been thrown to the floor, after being blasted by them.

"Man," Soarin said, "you two are seriously off your game today."

"Which is a good thing for us," Sweetie said.

"This'll finish it," Flash cried, as he pulled out his Legendary Charger and activated it. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hiding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms.

However before Flash could change him into his blaster form, Drago looked over at who they were fighting and jumped out of his arms.

"Drago," he asked in confusion, "what are you doing?"

"Of course," Starswirl said as the little Zord jumped into Dusk's arms. "The Zords, whose DNA came from Equestria, are immune to the monster's power."

Drago let out a little roar, asking what the heck was going on. "That monster is controlling them," Dusk explained. "They think we're Chaos and Havoc."

"What did you do to my Zord?" Flash asked him.

Dusk knew there was no point trying to explain, instead looking down at the Zord. "Drago, we have to destroy that monster. It's the only way to free the others."

Drago nodded and turned towards Dozer, leaping at him and began attacking him.

"Hey!" He cried as he tried swatting the little robot away. "Get off me you twerp."

"Drago stop!" Flash said, but before he could move over to him he and the others were stopped by Dusk and Starswirl.

"I'm sorry," Starswirl said before creating another bubble around them. "But you leave us no choice."

"Let us out!" Sandal cried as he banged against the bubble.

"We have to contain them until Drago or Sunset can destroy the monster," Starswirl said.

Dusk nodded before rushing towards Dozer, trying to swipe at him with his sword. "Let's hope she's okay."

Sunset moaned as she regained consciousness.

Slowly picking herself up, she looked around to see her cockpit was in complete darkness. Slowly picking herself up, she looked over at her podium and saw her Megazord was offline. The reboot system was already working its magic, but it would take a while to do so. That was time she did not have.

The Dark Fortress was getting closer to her, ready to finish her off once and for all.

"The Megazord is offline," Dust said. "But it will regain power shortly."

"It matters not," Chaos replied as he sat back down. "This'll be over before then. Activate the Mega Lancer."

Everyone turned to him. "But master," Cogs said. "That'll drain all our power."

"It'll also reduce that Zord to space dust," Chaos said. "Once we regain power, we'll take the Element from the wreckage. Activate it!"

"Yes master," Cogs said.

Sunset was trying to get her Megazord back online, but as she did a sound caught her ear.

Looking over at the screen, she saw the Dark Fortress open yet another section of it.

This time a long cone like device, that folded our of the ship.

"That can't be good."

In the ships bridge, one of the consoles opened up and revealed a joystick like device.

"Havoc," Chaos spoke, "you may have the honours son."

Havoc nodded and moved over to the joystick, taking it in his hand as he started aiming the weapon at the Megazord.

"Mega Lance charging," Cogs said. "Power level at twenty percent...thirty percent...forty percent."

Outside, the Mega Lance began to glow a shade of purple. The light increased by the second, getting brighter and brighter.

"Seventy Percent...eighty percent...ninety percent. Mega Lance power at one hundred percent!"

"FIRE!" Chaos screamed as Havoc pressed the button on the device.

The Mega Lancer fired the beam of energy, which flew at the Megazord.

Inside it, Sunset flinched as it got closer. She had a feeling that the second it made contact, she would be done. Closer and closer it got, until finally it reached the Megazord...and flew passed its shoulder.

Everyone was shocked by this.

"What happened?" Chaos asked as he turned to his son.

Havoc simply stared at the screen. "I missed."

In that second all the lights turned off, the Mega Lance's power drain taking effect

Sunset was just as surprised as the villains were, but quickly go over it when her Megazord's cockpit lit up. The reboot was finished. "Finally," she said as she turned to the Dark Fortress. She watched as all the lights went out, leaving them as lifeless as she had been.

"Now's my chance," she told herself as the Megazord turned to fly away. With no power, the Dark Fortress could not follow.

Pushing her mecha's speed to the limit, she rushed over to the coordinates that Slumber was in. There she found the sheep monster, still firing its sleep beams at the earth.

Slumber also noticed the Megazord and turned towards it. "What's that?" She asked.

"Phoenix Fist!" She cried as she punched the monster in the face, sending it flying backwards.

"HEY!" She screamed as she stabilised herself. "What was that for?"

"For endangering my friends," Sunset replied. "Wildfire Wingbeat!" Phoenix-Wing launched its fireballs at the monster.

"Horn Bomber!" Slumber cried, firing the energy blasts at the fireballs.

The two attacks connected, exploding as they did so. Sunset used this opening and flew into the cloud, coming out the end and punching the monster once again.

"This is no longer fun."

"It's about to get worse," Sunset said. "Phoenix-Wing Megazord, Final Strike!”

The Megazord's wings ignited again, only this time the flames flew up and formed a giant ball of fire just above its head. "Firebird Fury!" The fireball shot forwards towards Slumber, then it morphed into the shape of a giant blazing bird. It drew close to the monster and then spun around her, creating a ring of fire around her which suddenly exploded into a flaming tornado.

After a full minute the flame tornado finally went out, revealing an incredibly burnt Slumber. "This is starting to feel like a bad dream!" Were her last words before being consumed by an explosion.

Sunset sighed in relief as she collapsed. "Did it."

Down on earth, the Rangers were still trapped in the bubble and trying to escape.

They were either blasting and slashing at the bubble, but it remained still. The problem was that Starswirl was beginning to grow weak from using so much magic, meaning they would soon escape.

Meanwhile, Dusk and Drago were working to destroy Dozer. However, he was doing pretty well defending himself against only one Ranger and Zord.

"Let us out!" Lyra cried as she punched the bubble.

Starswirl would soon be involuntarily doing that in a second, but before he could completely give out something happened. The Rangers all started glowing, the glow then suddenly exploding off their bodies.

Starswirl watched as the Rangers stood completely still, until finally they all fell to their knees and moaned.

"Augh," Flash said, "what happened?"

"Where are we?" Micro asked.

"In some kind of bubble," Sweetie replied as they looked around.

"Rangers?" Starswirl spoke up, making them all look at him.

"Starswirl," Sandal asked, "what are you doing here?"

"You're awake," Starswirl dropped the field and rushed over to them.

"What's going on?" Soarin asked.

"I'll explain later," Starswirl replied before pointing at Dusk, Drago and Dozer. "Right now, we've got a monster to deal with."

The other looked over at them and quickly caught on. "Then let's do this," Flash said. "DRAGO!"

The little Zord saw it's partner and roared happily before leaping into his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

Dusk sliced at Dozer and sent him flying back. He then turned to his friends and rushed over to them, happy to see them all awake. "Good to see you're not trying to kill us anymore."

"What?" Lyra asked.

"Later," Starswirl replied as he turned to Dozer. "Now let's put an end to this. I'll lend you a hand."

The Rangers nodded and Flash and Soarin pulled out their Magi-Chargers.



"Combined!" They placed them together, as the other Rangers gathered around and placed their hands on them. Starswirl raised his staff above their heads.

"Together," the seven of them chanted.

"Protectors of right!" The first five Rangers said.

"Ready to fight!" The two and Starswirl finished.

Flash and Soarin activated the Chargers, causing them both to glow the seven Ranger's colours, before placing Victory into Drago and Maximum into the Morphin Blaster.



Flash aimed the weapon at Dozer, the rest of the team forming a V behind him while Starswirl stood behind him and raised his staff. The staff glowed a bright gray light, while the Rangers glowed their respective colours. The light flew into the weapon, charging it up as Starswirl and the Rangers spoke in unison.

"Victory-Maximum...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed eight energy blasts, one in each of the Ranger's colours along with a gray one, which flew at the sheep monster before transforming into the heads of the seven Zords. The final light transformed into the head of Starswirl's pony form.

Dozer was struck by the nine blasts, unable to defend against it and was consumed by the explosion that followed. "Talk about a horrible nightmare!" He cried before collapsing and being destroyed.

"Awe yeah," Flash said. "Guardian Rangers, victory is ours!"

"YEAH!" The others cheer.

Starswirl sighed in relief, having finally been able to actually put an end to a threat. His joy was short lived, as his legs soon gave out.

"Starswirl!" Dusk cried as he caught him. "Are you alright?"

"Just tired," the wizard replied. "Used to much magic, which really drains you in this world."

"Let's get back to the base so you can rest," Flash said.

The others agreed and began to make their way home.

Up in space, the Dark Fortress had finally regained power but the Megazord had already returned to earth.

To say Chaos was unhappy would be and understatement. "What happened!" He asked his son angrily.

"I don't know," Havoc replied. "There...must have been something wrong with the targeting system."

"Impossible," Cogs told him, "I checked all the weapons before the battle. The targeting system was perfectly fine."

"Well obviously you missed something," Havoc told him. "I had that robot in my sights when I fired."

Chaos turned to Cogs. "Check the system again."

Cogs nodded and got to work, as Havoc turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Chaos asked.

"To my room," Havoc replied. "It's been a long day."

Chaos nodded. "Very well. Good night son."

"Good night," Havoc replied before stepping out. Once he was outside the corridor, he looked down at his hand and remembered back to the battle. Cogs was right, there was nothing wrong with the targeting system. The problem was when he was about to fire, his hand involuntarily twitched and threw the aim off. "What's wrong with me?" He asked himself. His hand had never twitched like that before, so what had happened?

Back at the base, everyone was being filled in.

"Awe man," Rainbow said after hearing Sunset's story. "That sounds awesome. Wish we weren't asleep through it."

"It wasn't awesome to be there," Sunset told her. "I seriously thought it was the end at one point."

"Well you're fine now," Twilight told her. "That's what matters."

"Yeah," Sunset agreed, "you're right." In that moment, she let out a yawn and stretched her body. "After today, I think I need to get some sleep."

Everyone laughed at this.

Starswirl and Dusk were sitting at the table, Starswirl still looking weak.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dusk asked his teacher.

Starswirl nodded. "I am fine. Like I said, using magic in this world is very draining without something to channel it through. This time tomorrow, I'll be back to full power."

Dusk nodded before he too yawned. "I think I could use some rest as well. Got a busy school day tomorrow."

Starswirl nodded. "We'll need all the rest we can get. Chaos is sure to make sure we get as little as possible."

Author's Note:

I feel like this chapter was all over the place. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed it.