• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,414 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 40

Day 495.

I have tasted the rainbow and it's amazing. No, seriously, the liquid rainbow they make in Cloudsdale is the most amazing hotsauce in the world.

Most pony food is not that spicy and even that is only moderately spicy. I like things a bit stronger from time to time.

If I'm not crying, it's not spicy!

In bad news though, it's getting cold outside, there is snow scheduled for tomorrow. Almost one and a half years here and that's 'still' odd.

Manually controlled weather.

Now when I think about it though, I have not written in this thing for a month. I really should try to do it more often or I might get out of the habit.

...Anyway, about a month until the next holiday. The winter holiday known as Hearth's Warming Eve. I actually didn't pay attention to most of the holidays last year, I was to busy feeling sorry for myself to feel like celebrating anything.

This time_ I intend to pay attention to all of them. This one is a rather nice one as well, focusing on ponies coming together in friendship and the unification of the tribes(subspecies).

I have no idea if it's an actual history lesson or a myth, but I like the sentiment behind it. Kind of like Christmas back home on Earth.

I'm not a religious person and neither was anyone in my family other than possibly one of my grandmothers. But we still celebrated Christmas and the other holidays like it... simply because it was an excuse to gather the entire family, exchange gifts and eat good food.

Hearth's Warming Eve sounds really similar in that way. Gather your friends, give each other gifts and eat good food.

That's something I can always get behind.

In other, more urgent news, I'm about to head out. Swift graduated to full guard(Private) yesterday and there is a party planned for... five minutes ago. Crap, I'm late.

I'll make this quick then. Not much for parties, but I'm going to this one. It's bound to be more fun, even if most people there will be the people in his training class.

The rest of his training will apparently be on the job, they have the 'boot camp' combined with being paired with an experienced guard after graduation for another year.

Seems to work.

Need to run, write more later if I remember or have something to write.

Page, Signing off in a hurry.



Why does my mouth taste like something curled up and died in it? Possibly a worm from Dune considering how dry it felt.

Forcing my eyes open, I regretted it as I cringed at the light. Fucking hell. I should have known better than to get into a drinking contest with a bunch of soldiers.

Even half drunk, I should have known that was a bad idea.

Wait, this isn't my place?

I froze and then checked behind me before letting out a relived sigh. I was on a couch and not in bed with someone.

Struggling to sit up, I rubbed my head and yawned again. Ouch... fuck, I hate hangovers. That's why I never drink that much.

Now where the hell am I?

The place looked like it was quite nice and it seem like I was in the livingroom, sunlight was streaming through the window behind me illuminating the room.

Paintings, books, a fireplace and a table by the couch. Nice light colors. Not that the place couldn't use a cleaning right now, everything was out of place and there was more than a few bottles sitting around.

A snore tugged at my attention and I looked over the armrest to see a light grey pegasus passed out on the floor, cuddling a bottle.

What was his name again, he was one of Swifts coworkers? Precision Strike or something.

Was it his place?

“Good Morning!” a way too cheerful voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see a blue unicorn trot out of one of the doors to the side, closing it behind her.

“Good Morning.” I managed to answer, “Minuette, right?”

“Got it in one!” she answered with a grin, “Want some breakfast?”

The very idea was slightly nauseating, but I nodded. I knew I would feel better after I got some food and water, “..Yes please. Where am I?”

She giggled, “The bar closed and we needed somewhere to continue the party. Couldn't exactly go to Swift's parents place so we went to mine. Don't you remember?”

“I might have had a drink or five too many.” I groaned, “Sorry about that. Where is Swift anyway?”

She grinned and motioned towards the door she came from with her head as she moved to what I assumed was the kitchen, “My bedroom. Still out like a light.”

Heh. Lucky bastard.

Struggling off the ouch, I was suddenly very happy to have four legs for once as I grabbed a couple of bottles to bring to the trash before following his girlfriend into the kitchen.

Least I could do would be to help with breakfast.

AN// A large thanks to Sebazu for betaing this section.