• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,415 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

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Chapter 2

Day 40

Maybe I should count myself lucky that I ended up a Unicorn after all. At least I have this 'magic' to make up for the lack of hands.

If you've never had hands, you have no idea how practical those things are. At least as versatile as a unicorn's telekinesis and much more automatic.

Though I admit that it's possible the instinctual use of it will come in time. Right now I have to focus rather hard to even use this pen. But it is getting easier... as embarrassing as it is to join three year old children in their training classes, they do seem to be helping.

But it could be worse. I could have ended up as an 'Earth Pony'. They are stuck with hooves and mouths only. They are tougher and stronger than the other species though... not that that makes up for the handicap in my mind. Then again, all 'subspecies' can somehow manipulate things with their hooves? At least as far as picking stuff up and so on. Don't ask me how it works, but it feels somewhat like using this telekinesis thing.

I guess a pegasus would not have been that bad either. They have wings that they can fly with... quite fast too from what I have seen. I have even spotted some that use their wings as some kind of large and clumsy hands. The feathers seem to be slightly prehensile.

Not sure it would actually make up for the lack of magic horn thingy sticking out of my forehead... not that it's brilliant though. I keep getting it stuck in my bedcovers during the night.

Anyway, I figured I might as well update this thing now that I actually have my own place.

...Maybe I should have lead with that? Hmh.

Still, I now have my own place. Not much, basically a hole in the wall with a bed, small kitchen area, some shelves, a table and a chair. It's actually not that bad, not run down or anything. But then again, this 'is' the capital.

But it's in my budget, I'm getting a small stipend from the government to live on as I don't have an occupation yet.

Speaking of the government... they have royals! Well... a Royal. But why they call Princess Celestia a Princess when she is clearly some kind of Queen if not outright Goddess, I have no idea.

She is... strange. Completely different to everyone else. She has both horn and wings and is much larger than anyone else. She is twice my height and I am of average size... her hairMane and tail are some sort of pale rainbow color and kind of... float around in a wind nobody else notices.

That stupid rumor that she is controlling the sun and the moon is clearly superstition, but she just radiates power and calm.

Even I can tell she is beautiful in a kind of... does elfish ethereal even apply to non humanoids?... way.

I actually met her. Fuck meeting her, I spent a couple of hours talking to her! I understand she wanted to make sure I was not a threat to her subjects and... I'm not. But I was surprised she wanted to see me personally, yet alone Alone.

Then again, at the time I couldn't even lift this stupid pen.... fuck I miss computers. She could likely throw me half way across town or something if she wanted to. Or turn me into a tulip. This magic thing is not just for lifting stuff.

I was really surprised when they let me out of the hospital and set me up with money every month. But.. according to them there was no reason to keep me locked up and they even looked surprised when I asked about it. They just want me to meet with some researchers a couple of times a week to hear more about my world and make sure I'm still healthy.

Well, they are right. I'm not a danger to anyone. It's just... such a very strange thing of doing things. If the hooves and tail didn't tip me off that I was on another world, that sure as hell would have.

Page, Signing off.


Letting out a sigh I put the pen back down on the table and raised my right hoof to rub at my horn as soon as I let go of the 'spell'.

Stupid thing was aching a bit, but much better than last week. Putting my hoof back onto the floor, I moved over to check my icebox.

Refrigerator. It don't feel right to call it either really as it was powered by... fuck if I know. It wasn't electricity anyway.

But it kept stuff I put in it cool and that's all that mattered at this point... or rather it would if I had any actual stuff in it.

Sighing I closed it again and shook my head before making my way over to pick out the small money pouch and putting it onto the table before starting to count it out. One months rent of this place was about a hundred bits.

I would receive about two hundred bits a month in total. From the food I ran out and got last night, the remaining hundred bits 'would' be enough for me to live on, especially as clothes wasn't really a thing here people needed. Especially if I kept to cheaper items and didn't eat out any, then I might even be able to save up some emergency money.

But it was just that... just enough to live on and not any more. I needed to find a job... at least when I finally learn not to get a horrible ache in my horn if I use it for more than twenty minutes at a time. As long as that goes on, I won't even be able to get a job as a waiter or something.

Shaking my head I used my right hoof to scoop most of it back into the pouch and hid it beneath my mattress before focusing on my magic, using it to pick up my cheap cloth satchel and putting the strap over my neck so I could carry it adjusting it over my right shoulder. The six or so bits I left on the table went into the satchel and then I headed for the door.

Time to pick up some food and locate the library. If I'm not working and only have classes during the morning so other than meeting with a couple of interested researchers from time to time, I have nothing better to do.

So I might as well research this place.