• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,411 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 24

“Thank you, Silver,” I said as the light blue pegasus with the red mane put the tray down on the table outside her father's cafe, before picking the cup up with her hoof and transferring it over to the table in front of me.

She smiled and picked the tray up with her teeth, transferring it under her right wing. “You're welcome, Page,” she spoke up happily.

That had taken some getting used to. Because really, unless you were a unicorn, your mouth was the only practical way to manipulate objects if you needed to move around at the same time. Well, pegasus had their wings, but they didn't have the dexterity to be used for that kind of thing. Not practically anyway.

“Uhm...” she said after a short moment, sounding a bit unsure. “...You are the Blank Page that wrote 'A New Hope', right?”

I sipped at my tea before I nodded. “Yeah, it's me,” I admitted. “Have you read it?”

She beamed at me. “I did! I just finished it last night, it was great!”

I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. “Glad you liked it.”

“It was rather more violent than most books I read, but it was good. The scene when Sky Walker got back to the farm... it almost had me in tears,” she admitted, scraping her hoof against the stone. “And the part when the island blew up the city...”

“I am working on the sequel,” I told her. “But it's slow work... I wouldn't expect it for another year at least.”

Wonder how she would react to the reveal of Darth Vader's real identity.

It was a honor really, to introduce a new world to that kind of surprise. And to spare them the pain of the prequels. There were to be three books, no more, no less. At least I wouldn't give them the 'original' prequels, 'I hate sand' In-fucking-deed.

“I can't wait!” Silver Leaf exclaimed before she hesitated. “...Could you...?”

Smiling, I nodded my head. “Go get it.”

She squeaked and then rushed off, heading into the back of the cafe. I was not really a fan of this kind of thing, as I didn't like the attention.

But Silver Leaf had been friendly to me since I first set hoof in this cafe and she was always so... cheerful and happy about life in general.

It made me feel better, if just for a little while.

You would almost think I was getting used to live in Equestria. And in a way I was... I more or less knew how things worked and I had a way to make a living now that I liked. Somehow it was easier for me to write now than it ever was before.

I suspected it had something to do with the magical butt tattoo, like it was amplifying my talents... but I was grateful for it, no matter how little I liked the fact that I was in pony form.

But that didn't change the fact that I simply didn't belong here. I missed things... internet, T.V., that I was never going to get to see the continuation of the Marvel movies. I even missed commercials at times.

Okay, that's a lie, I didn't miss those but I did miss hamburgers. Hayburgers simply were not the same thing.

Meat. Fuck, I miss meat... grilled, medium rare steaks. Sausages. Chicken!

But even if cows didn't talk here, I likely could not eat those anymore. This body couldn't handle it... or at least, I wouldn't dare try it.

...Fuck, at this point I would eat a fish! I dislike fish but right now, I would kill for some fucking fishsticks!

Actually, that might still be possible now when I considered it. Gryphons eat fish, I know that much. There is a small gryphon population in the city, they have to get it from somewhere.

I really had to check if ponies could eat fish. Luna would know and likely not freak out too badly about it.

I sipped at my tea. I had to admit that Equestria did have some things over Earth though. The vegetables were of better quality for one thing, and tasted better, though that might simply be because I was an herbivore now.

But even so, I would bet that there was better quality here. I blamed magic and 'special talents' for it.

I looked up as Silver returned, carrying the book in her mouth and putting it on the table with a nervous smile.

Digging into my satchel, I pulled out some ink and a quill before lifting the book up and inspecting the cover. It had a white furred pegasus on the cover, a blue sword of light in his mouth, and an earth pony in a dark vest wielding a crossbow next to him.

Flipping the cover open, I picked the quill up before I wrote, 'To Silver Leaf, for making my days a little brighter. Blank Page' and handed it back. “How's that?”

The pegasus smiled with a small blush. “It's brilliant. Thank you.” She giggled shyly, holding the book to her side with her wing. “I-I should stop bothering you. Thank you again!” She quickly added as she picked the tray back up.

“No problem.”

She headed off back to the counter as another customer entered and I returned to my own tea, my smile quickly slipping as I sipped at it.

I'm starting to think I have a small depression or something. Or I might simply be homesick.

I considered that for a moment before I snorted. Bah!

Next thing you'll know, I'll color my mane black and start listening to Nightwish or something.
Fuck that shit, this is a world with magic and I can use it. Badly, but still!

I may be stuck here, but I can still explore and learn.

Finishing my tea, I shrugged my bag on and headed out, giving Silver a wave on the way. To the library and then the range. I will tame my magic if it's the last thing I ever do.

My horn will be the one to pierce the heavens!